The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 13, 1909, Image 7

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    Mother of pearl ornaments should
bo cleaned with a paste of whiting
and cold water. Soap discolors them.
Wisdom from the Past.
1 am llkowlse convinced that no man
can do me a real injury, because no
man can force mo to nilsbchnvo my
Belf. Marcus Aurelius.
Reporter's 8esmlngly Superfluous
Question as to Happenings at
Cabinet Meetings.
PostmaBtcr General Meyer ia of a
serious turn of mind, but bo has a bit
of humor In his makeup, nevertheless.
Being looked upon ns tho shrowdcat
politician In tho president's cabinet, ho
Is tho objective point for nowspaper
corrcspondnnts on cabinet days.
Last week as Mr. Meyer emerged
from tho Whlto Houso a nowspaper
man asked: '
"Mr. Postmaster General, can't you
give us soma news nbout the cabinet
"l'liero really Is nothing to sny," ro
piled tho cablnot ofllccr. "Wo dis
cussed nothing of especial Impor
tance." "Do you mean to say you did not
discuss politics?" tho newspaper man
Tho postmaster gcnoral burst Into
laughter. When he recovered his us
ual serenity he said:
"Do you Bupposo wo wero all muz
zled?" A JOB FOR TWO.
"Whnt you fellers got In that box?"
"U'b all right, ofllccr. We're takin'
home Mamlo Casey's hat wot sho wore
at do lawn party last night!"
Here's a Good One.
A friend of inlno told mo of a curi
ous experience. Ho was carefully
stalking a big bull elephant In a largo
herd, when tbey got his wind, and a
big cow elephant charged him. Ho
Jumped behind a largo treo ns tho
elephant reached him, and, bolng un
able to stop herself In time, the ele
phant drovo her tusks with such force
into tho trco that they snapped off
close to "her head. Tho elephant was
stunned for a moment, but luckily
turned and gnlloped after tho fast re
treating herd, leaving him tho posses
sor of some 80 pounds of ivory, valued
at about $250. Circle Mngazlno.
Laundry work at homo would bo
much more satisfactory if tho right
Starch wero used. In order to got tho
desired stiffness, it is usually neces
sary to uso so much starch that tho
beauty and fineness of tho fabric Is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness, which not only destroys tho
nppearanco, but also affects tho wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can bo entirely overcomo by using
Defiance Starch, as It can bo applied
much moro thinly because of its great
er strength thnn other makes.
No Romance About It.
Tho stricken mnn constantly moaned
tho name of tho young woman who
had Jilted him.
"Tell her," ho said to tho medical
man, "that her cruelty killed me. Toll
her I nm dying from a broken heart."
The medical man shook his head.
"Aw, go on," he said. "That would
bo shamelessly unprofessional. Your
heart's nil right. It's your liver that's
tho trouble."
Starch, liko everything else, is bo
lng constantly improved, tho patent
Starches put on tho market 25 yerrs
ago nro very different and inferior to
thoso of tho present day. In tho lat
est discovery Deflanco Starchall
injurious chemicals nro omitted, whilo
tho addition of another ingredient, in
vented by us, gives to tho Starch a
Btrength and smoothness nover ap
proached by other brands. ,
Placing the Bother.
"They say we nro not to bo bothered
by tho big hats much longer."
But, really, wo don't care how much
much longer they are It's tho height
nnd width that bother us. Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Nebraska Directory
M. Spiesbergcr & Son Co.
The Beit In the Weit OMAHA, NEB.
1517 Douglas St OMAHA, NEB.
Reliable DentUtrrat Moderate Price.
Dam Hay Tools are thq Best
lusthtonliavliiRtlicm. Aalryourlooaldraler.or
Kl tu ' Mlr' price, Cath or lime ijr.
inent. Ilrntnl. rtnt ai'l'llcs. Mflfhfp
auyttnrre ittr inti rwiiiiHiiiuiu.tuij
Wii WrlitfofWfliriHQlnii'liwr
H.l'.bMa I .,(27 ttowlaia nidi ..Oiaths,
Th. Roof with th. lUadi ProUc,eJ
Hail and fi'r Routine
A.l, .Aiit4.rllei or
A ,i$-en I
Capital Deserted by
WASHINGTON. Washington Is so
cially a "deserted vlllago" these
days. Drawn shades and boarded
front doors are tho features of all tho
uptown streets and nro so general
that they make nn open door or hab
itable looking houso nppfcnr like nn
oasis In a desert; nnd tho modish
looking women whom one meets In F
street In tho shopping hours of the
morning seem like visitors from some
planet where tho rulo "all play and
no work" applies, at lcn'st to tho foml
nlno part of Us population.
Quito a colony has established Itself
at Chevy Chaso proper, with tho
Chovy Chaso club within easy dis
tance. Miss, Eleanor Terry, Miss Louise
Foraker and Miss Anna Cockroll arc
much in evidence theso summer after
Lieut, 0. S. Grant to
grandson of tho famoiiB general
nnd former president, Is nbout to be
como tho Janitor of tho greatest office
building In tho world. Cnpt. John 11.
Poole, corps of engineers, has been
rolievcd of the duties of military nldo
to President Taft and superintendent
of the state, war nnd navy building In
Washington, and it Is expected that
Lieut. Grant will take his place both
places, as they go together.
is 7z?i '-ft n.
"What Is Your totem?" Society's Latest
WTHAT is your totem?" Is the lnt
Vf est question In Washington
8wnggordom, and If you cannot answer
offhand tho Inference Is you have been
dead to the world of fashion for at
least two weeks.
Npwndays, In lieu of tho familiar
monogram and the banal crest and
tho erstwhile much coveted coat-of-arms,
society dames and dnmsclB, tak
ing tho cue from tho aboriginal na
tives of tho country, go out to tho
Holds and, selecting whntover buf or
bird or beast strikes their fancy,
promptly pre-empt It as their "totbm."
The pendulum has swung tho afier
wuy, and society with n golden alo
has elected to becomo America of
the Americans. If, for Instance, a but
terfly Is chosen ns tho totem, eien
milady proceeds to havo It embciod
on her noto paper and to have It
embroidered on her dainty laco
trlmmod llngorlo. Dollcatoly cut out
of silver, tho emblem Is affixed to her
handbag, and to her card case, Willo
a whir of wings Hashes across tho glit
tering surfaco of her toilet sllvor.
Artists of renown aro employed to
Doors of Famous Old Hotel Are Closed
THE Metropolitan hotol, for moro
than n century southern headquar
ters at tho national capital, with a
history ulraost as long ns that of tho
city Itself, haB closed Its doors for
want of a new tenant. Tho Inst pro
prietors did not ask for a renewal of
their leaso because of the loss In
traffic caused by tho demolition of tho
old Pennsylvania rullroad station,
nnd tho diversion of transients to
points nearer tho now Union torminnl.
Ah tho Indian Queen Tavern, tho
traffic center of tho old stage-coach
days, tho hotol began Its career at tho
tlmo of tho administration of Thomas
Jefferson. From tho courtyard In
front of tho old building tho Bnltlmoro
nnd Philadelphia coaches stnrted each
morning, nnd thrlco n weok a coach
left for tho old National road lino to
Frederick, Cumberland am Pittsburg.
In ante-bellum days tho servants
wero all slaves and one of tho pecu
liar customs was tho method of sum
moning guests to dlnnor. A negro
boy wns sent forth at mealtimes with
a hugo gong which ho pounded for
tu mlaitco as ho paraded.
Society for Summer
noons and always collect a crowd for
ten aftor tennis. Mrs. Nlcholns Long
worth will remain with Roprosontn
tlvo Longworth until congress ad
Journs and then will join her sister-in-law,
Countess do Chnmbrun, at Hamil
ton, Mass.
Drig, Gen. Clnrenco It. Edwards,
U. S. A., and Lloutonnnt Commnnder
Clclnnd Davis, U. S. N., are keeping
bachelor hall in tho general's home,
while Mrs. Edwards nnd her younc
daughter will remain in Niagara FallB
w'lth Mrs. Porter until it Is tlmo for
thin to go to Lenox.
All tho embassies nro closed nnd
their occupants nro scattered far nnd
wide, only an occasional belated sec
retary being seen nttcndlng to his Inst
duties before hastening to join his
chief. Mr. Do Thai of tho Itussan cm
bnssy has returned from his leave of
absenco and will join tho chnrgo
d'affaires, Princo Nicholas Kovdnchoff,
at Mnnchcstcr-by-tho-Sen. Tho nm
bassador, Uaron Rosen, Is In Europo,
and Dame Rumor has It that ho will
bo transferred to another post Bar
oness Rosen and their daughter, Dar
oness Elizabeth Rosen, aro with him.
Be Busy "Janitor"
. Llout. Grant married not long ago
tho daughter of Senator Root of New
York. SInco that tlmo he has been
stationed lty Boston in tho engineer
department. Under tho InW n member
of tho engineer corps must superin
tend tho Mate, war nnd navy building.
This Is, without exaggeration, tho
largest ofllco building in the world It
extends from Pennsylvania nvenuo to
tho Oval nnd from Executlvo nvenuo
almost all over town. Branches ot
tho enormous building can be found
on almost any street within a mile.
The stnto, war and navy building
in Itself Is enough caro for an or
dinary man, but thero aro also tho an
nexes, which nro arranged without
any consideration for tho convenlenco
of the superintendent.
paint tho totem on tho sides of tho
Bwaggerest runabouts In town, "n"nd"
the Idea Is so terribly swell that
everybody feels a thrilling sense ot
prldo nnd elation when nsked, "What's
your bug?"
Mrs. Perry Belmont's delicately por
fumod notes from Paris aro surmount
ed by n great, big, buzzing bco of gold,
his quivering wings poised for fllgltt.
Miss Mnthlldo'Townsond's totem looks
like n giant mosquito, whilo Mr. nnd
Mrs. Thomns F. Walsh havo for their
totem n bird built on hieroglyphic
lines. Tho. bird, which looks much
llko a young robin with bill tightly
closed and neck considerably longor
than tho usual, perched on tho WalBh
noto paper, and also on tho Walsh
cards of Invitation, is sometimes dull
blue, sometimes gray on gray papers,
null again it comes in glowing gold,
and yet again In gleaming silver.
Just outside the ontrnnco to tho
Walsh mansion tho bird shows up In
tho form of n clipped treo of dwarf
box. Tho Walsh totem has addi
tional significance when-lt Is remem
bered that tho Wnlsiu millions wero
dug out of tho famous Camp Bird
mine, near Auray, Coif
Mrs. Taft on her stationery uses tho
crest of tho United States tho spread
eagle, surrounded by n galaxy of thir
teen stnrs and a Blmllnr dlo Is used
by tho secretary of stato on stationery
used for officlnl occasions.
Tho present structuro wns built In
tho COs. Just why and how tho hotol
beenmo so gront a favorlto with tho
Southerners has never been explnlned,
but for tho Inst sovonty years It has
been tho meeting placo for politicians
of tho southlund. It has cafcred to
that trado almost exclusively and
enjoyed the patronngo of practically
half tho southern congressional dele
gation. Its. brond, low colled lobby filled
with broad hatted frock coated men
was far moro suggestive of Memphis
or New Orleans than of tho northern
cities. Tho bar was always famous
for Its Juleps, toddles aud'shorry cob
blers. "Bob" Calahan, tho rotlrlng proprle
tor, found" rocontly among tho ar
chives of tho houso n bill mado out
for ono of the guests of tho early
days ono Dougherty. Mr. Cnllahnn
called nttentlon to tho fact thr.t In
1S15 tho Jumping of a board blil wns
as popular a pastime with a certain
class of customers aa It In In tho
twentieth century. Mr. Dougherty
had run up a bill of $497.75, mostly
for toddles and Julops. It shows n
slnglo credit of $G0. Tho proprietor
of tho Indian Quoon had tho unsettled
bill framed. Tho prlco of a toddy
in 1815 was two for n quarter.
Charles Dickens stopped at tho In
dlan Quaen nn his flrst'Amerlcan tour
nnd mentions tho hotel In Martin
Save the Babies
INFANT MORTALITY is something frightfiil. Wo can hardly realize thai 'of
all tho dhildron horn in civilized countries, twentytwo per cent,, or nearly
one-quarter, dio loforo they reaoh ono year; IMrtyBoven por cent,, or moro
than one-third, heforo tho aro five, and one-half before they aro fifteen I
We do not hesitate to say that a timely uso of Oastoria would savo a ma-)
jority of theso preoioua livos. Neither do wo hesitate to say that many of theso
infantile deaths aro oooasionod by tho uso of narootio preparations". Drops, tinoturea
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints oontain moro or less opium, or
morphino. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity
they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, siokness, death. Oastoria
operates oxaotly tho reverse, but you must see that it bears tho signature of
Ohas. H. Hetohor. Oastoria causosjjho .blood Jto circulate, properly, opens tho.
pores of tho skin and allays fever..
ALmttnt. i nri -..., ,
slraHatlng tticFbotfantlRcduIa-
Promotes DigcsllonOicerto
ncss undResLContiiiundUvr
OpiunuMorphlne nor Mineral.'
Impltn Sua"
Ancrfecl Rcmedv for OonsIlM-
lion , Sour StoraacIbDlarrrm
ncss arulLoss of Sleep.
IkcSMc Signature of
Guaranteed under the k-'bodoij
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Less Precarious Also.
Scott So Hawson has becomo a
preacher. Lnst tlmo I saw him ho was
In doubt whether to bo that or a law
yor. , I wonder what decldod him.
Mott Ho probnbly rccnlled tho say
ing that It Is easier to preach than
to practice Boston Transcript.
Shake Into Your 8hoo
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for your feet.
It cures painful, swollen, smarting, sweat
ing feet. Makeu new sliocs easy. Sold by
all Druggists and Shoo Stores. 25c. Don't
accept any substitute. Samplo FREE. AC
droas Allen S. Olmsted, LcRoy, N. V.
Evo donned tho fig leaves.
"My grnduntlon drcsa from tho
school of experience," sho said.
Herewith tho program continued.
Tho best senson of tho year for n
girl to marry Is in tho fall. U'b nn
easy, matter to tench n mnn to build
fires when tho honeymoon is on.
A household onco impplied with Ham
linn Wizard Oil in seldom nllo;ved to bo
without It. In copo of midden miidiap or
accident Wizard Oil tnkes tho place of
tho family doctor. Aro you supplied?
Men owo their resolution, nnd most
of their BiiccesH, to tho opposition thoy
moot with. Unnan.
Mm. Window' Soothing Sjrrnn.
For children terttilnir, notcm the Rutin, reduce In
Stniinatloa, &lUj palu, curei wind cullo. r3 a bottlo.
It Is always tho open season for
killing time with somo people
I'EitnY davis' I'AiNicir.r.nit ,
draws tho twin and Inllumnintlnn irom liro-tttnirs
Hint InwctliUc. HixiUD'aanil ulliiyKtlinnwfullUli
IniroX luowjulto bltei, Vic, Sic una 60u huttlo.
Tho umbrella dealer has a lot put
by for a rnlny day.
Lewis' Single Hinder cigar. Orifiinnl In Tin
Foil Smoker l'licknpc. Take no subxtitutc.
Thoro is moro or less moonshine In
tho astrology buslnqsB.
UflUTpn Choice fnrm lands In Iowa or
imuiuu xehrniikn In oxehaniro for a Call
fnriila I txluut rlul Hlock. TIiIb Hlock will Ntulid
htrlcteat InvrkllKntlou and Innd iniiMt be llrnt.
rlnkH. AddrcyH JAtllH KIN'CIIHLOI'.
; Angeles, Cul,, It. r. V, liux SS2.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
Sr. 'A. F. Peeler, of St, Louis, Mo., cays: "I havo prescribed your CastorlA
tn many cases and havo always found It an cfllclont and upoody remody."
Dr. H. Down, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I havo prescribed your Cos
torla In my practlco for many ycara with great satisfaction to myself anat
twncfit to my patients."
Dr. Edward Parrlsh, of Brooklyn, N. Y., eaya: "I havo uned your CatK
torla In my own household with good results, and havo advised several
patients to uso It for its mild loxatlvo offoct and froedom from harm."
Dr. J. D. Elliott, of Jcw Yorlc City, says: "Having during tho past six
years prescribed your Castorla for infantile stomach disorders, I most
heartily commend Its uso Tho formula contains nothing dolotorioua
to tho most dclicato of children."
Dr. C. G. Spracuo, of Onfaha, Nob., says: "Your CaBtorla Is nn ideal
modlclno for children, and I frequently proscrlbo It. Whilo I do not adva
cato tho indiscriminate uso of proprietary raodlelncg, yot Castorla is an.
exception for conditions which orlso in tho caro of children."
Dr. J. A. Tarkcr, cf Ilansaa City, Mo., cays: "Your Castorla holds tha
esteem ot tho medical profession in a manner hold by no othor proprie
tary preparation. IS 13 a euro and rollablo modlclno for Infants and chil
dren. In fact, it is tho universal household romody fbr infantlio ailments."
Dr. H. F. Merrill, of Augusta, Mo., says: "Castorla is ono of tho very,
finest and most rcmarlcablo romodlcs for Infanta and children. In my
opinion your Castorla has saved thousands from an early gravo. I can.
furnish hundreds of testimonials from this locality as to. Its efficiency
and merits."
Dr. Norman M. Gcer, of Clovoland, Ohio, says: "During tho last twolva
years I havo frequently recommended your Castorla as ono of tho best
preparations of tho kind, bolng safo in tho hands of parents and very ef
fectivo in rcllovtng children's disorders, whilo tho caso with, which, such)
a pleasant preparation can bo administered Is a great advantage,'1
Soars tho
The Kind Tou Have Always Bought
In bs For Over 30 Years.
tmc oiNTtuit oommnv. tr MurniAy rrntrr, niwvoiihoitv.
Positively cured by
thoso Llttlo Fills.
They nlno rrlleve DU
tress from Dy ipepslu, In
dlRf stlon ami Too Ilcnrty
KntlriK. A perfect rem
edy for DlzilncRH, Nau
fira, Rrownlnean, 11 ail
Taste In tlio Mouth, Coat
ed TotiKUe, rain In tho
Hide, TOltriD MVEU.
They remilato tho Uawels. X'urely Vegetable.
Gonulno Must Bear
FaC'Simllo Signature
If you don't cet tho rlcnnmt
nnd caKicHt havn you've ever '
had, if for any reabou at nil i
you're not lttrr mitUllcil
with tho "HIUll'.fHIAVIt"
than liny rnior you'vo ever i
hud, wend It huek to uh and 1
wt-'ll (tend your money buck
to you.
Complete Itazor malted pont
paid on receipt uf ijuartur or
Shrp'Siiavr Razor Go.
70 Duano St., New York City
For Any Face or Any Beard
I,auill .. Citr
not 1 1 or Hp
over will not nod
(tnrantt'il rlfro
tltK. lif.ll J.l.r,
vrttnt trtptiidtit
i'tk. Il,r.ld.4,i.trt
llll K.lbt..ii.,
A 25c Mil
Signature of
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 28-1909.
THF TFFTH Pxl'ne xcel ny d ntifrico
' "in clesniing, whitening and
removing Uttar from the teeth, beu'dei dciltoying
tEJZL " "Sm
PUP UflllTL Paxtine uted at a mouth
Ind RlUUIIi waihduinfecUtheraoutli
and throat, puilfie. the breath, and kill, the sermi
which collect in the mouth, causing tore throat
Lad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much n'ckncM.
THF FYFQ w'ien m"med lired, echo
I nb Um I CO and burn, my be uutnnUjr
tolicved and ttiengthened by Putine.
ATADRU fuUno will dettroy the germi
B f-inr&n that cauie catarrh, heal tho in.
Oammation and .top the ditcharge. It U a tun
remedy for uterine catarrh.
n ... . i t r
i uudc a narmicu yet powctiui
Bermicide.diiinfeaant and deodorizer. (
Uied m batlungitdeitroyi odor, and
leaves the body antuepucally clean.
rortSALE ATDnUQ8TOnC8,0Oe.
in the dumps
from over-eating, drinking
bad liver and constipation get
many a one, but there's n way out
Cascarcts relieve and cure
quickly. Take one to-night and
feel evet so much better in the
CaacarctR lOo box woelc's treat
ment. All clruircNts. Illsrcest seller
iu tlio world-million boxos a month.
Olmtm uil tiMutirU. tho htlc
PruuMtdj ft luxDrl&nt novth.
Unror Fall! to noitore Urny
Malr to Ito youthful OolorT
Cun, Kilp dlMK-t h hilt JUiub
1 wwl'j?iTulo I Thompson's Eye Watsr