r t WATCHES. 1 Our stock of watches speaks eloquently of good things, and there are many people whose hap py experiences confirm the reliability and worth of them. Our success as watch sellers has not been merely fortuitous, but is the result of the unwav ering integrity and knowl edge gained by long, years of study. Every watch we sell is a guar anteed time keeper. Thus you have more reason to consider this store as a"n object wor thy your seeking. DIXON, The Jeweler I Union Pacific Watch Inspector. Chns. Tcmplo went up to Koyatono this morning to do somo ronl estate business. Leo Tobin left this morning for Hid, Colo., on somo matters connected with his hay business. 0. H. Tholccko yesterday purchased from W. W. Ryan of Kansas. Bection 25-16-32 in Lincoln county. W. H. Merrick and Paul Roberts of Maxwoll, came up Inst night ,to at tend tho evoning session of tho Chau tauqua. Now lino of Trunks. Suit Cases and Grips at the right price. The Hub Clothing DErr. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wonder, of Om nha, were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. IE. CloURO several days tho early part of this week. Senor Lola, tho Philipino author and lecturor, who will spoak at the Chautau qua this evening arrived on No. 11 this morning and will remain in tho city for u fow days. E. A. Timmerman has obtained per mission from the council to move the presont building into tho street and will at once begin the erection of a brick building"on tho corner of Front and Pino streets. Victor double faced records and Edison four minuto records. We have attachments for machines for four minuto records. Rinckek's Book Storo Wm. Beatty and family, of Brady, wore among those who attended tho Chautauqua yesterday. And like every body elso Mr. Boatty was enthusiastic over tho good things tho Chautauqua offers, and exprossed the hope that it would bo mado a permanent feature. Tho report of tho condition of the Union Pacific depot as reported by City Physician Quigley and published elso where, ought to cnuso the Union Pacific officials sit up and notice. The re port of Dr. Quigley is in no sense overdrawn. To the Public. The rumor that tho Burke-Murray-Votaw Live Stock Commission Co., of Denver, Col., are furnishing capital for tho purchase of live stock in this vicinity is not correct, This company wishos the public to know that thoy do not do this for any one in any com munity. This statement is fully sub stantiated by tho company. BimKE-MURIUY-VOTAW Live Stock Commission Co., Denver, Col. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists Klrst !)oor North of Mrst National Hank Chautauqua Program. Tho Chautauqua nrocram for this afternoon and evening is especially eood. At tho afternoon sossion tho usual band and chorus concerts will bo given, the Columbia Tonnessean Juhileo Singers will appear and Adrian M. Newens will givo n monologuo recital. Mr. Newens has visited North Platte before and those who heard him will romernbor that ho was especially good. This evening tho program will in clude the band and vocal concerts. Beloctions by tho Jubilco singers and on illustrated lecture by Senor Lala, a native Filipino, whose subjoct will be "The Philippines and Their Peonle." This will mako one of the most inter esting programs of tho assembly. C. W. Basking left this morning to spend a few days with friends at Grand Island, Clifford Shepherd, formerly druggist at McDonoll & Graves' ii visitinir frisnds in tho city today. T. T. Kelihor arrived this morning from Cheyonno for a few days visit with friends and relatives. C. T. Wholan left this mornintr on No. 11 for tho west, yhero he will iunu 10 some uusiness attalrs. Mr. and Mrr. Frank Redmond left last night for a months' visit at Los Angeles, San Francisco and the Soattlo exposition. Snacinl cut nrirn on nil ftnrro Kfonn 9x12 feet to 12x15 feot. The Hun Clothing Dept. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Houghtelling living 9 miles southwest of town, died yesterday and will be buried this afternoon. Ex-Stato Supt. Fowler, of Lincoln, arrived from Denver this morning and will spond the day visiting tho Junior Normal and County Inntituto. In addition to the published list of articles, offered for Bale at tho Wyman dairy sale next Wednesday, thero will bo Bold a DeLavnl Separator. Ed Olcson, of Sioux City, whs is to come hero as n shoomakor for Graham & Co., has boen detained on account of sickness, but writes that ho will arrive Monday. Tho postofilco department 1ms au thorized the establishment of an addi tional rural route out of Brady. This route will run southed and supply fif ty families. In several sections of tho stuto tho harvest of small grain is retarded by lack of farm hands. Tramps passing through the country try the work for a day and thon quit. Sheriff Miltonbergcr roturned last night from Omaha where ho attended the sheriff's convention. As ho promised he secured tho next convention for North Platto nnd it will bo held about Christmas timo. North Platte received 3G out of the 45 votes. The second gamo of ball botweon ho North Platto and Koarney teams, played yesterday afternoon, was ona of the ragged order, tho only features boing n doublo play by each of the teams and tho heavy slugging by the locals, securing seventeen hits, threo of which were two baggers, and two threo baggers. At the end of tho ninth inning North Platto had scored fourteen times and Konrnoy six. Throe North Platte players helped out Kear noy Armstrong, Pass and Swopo, tho two former being tho bnttery for tho visitors. Manager Greon ought to sug gest to visiting teams that if they can not bring a full team thoy had bettor not come. Notice. Parties caught Fishing, Hunting or tresspassing on tho Birdwood ranch, or any of tho Wallace land will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law. T. F. Watts Mgr. I MALL'S UMMER HOE UGGESTIONS Cool Oxfords for Hot Days. !or Women The new Bronze Oxford $350 Strap Pumps $3.50 1 This pump is made to fit, does not gap at ankle, or rub the heel, and we have this pump in all sizes I and widths. Tan8oan.dx:ic.iKd $1.75 - $2.50 White Canvas Oxfords, (t 4 A A Regular price $1.50, for $1 ,UU Get one of our Decorated China Plates. It will not cost you a cent. SMALL,1 The Big Shoe Man. Fecdsrs, ranchmen nnd contractor will do well boforo buying thoir feed to call on tho North Plntte Mill nnd Grain Co. and get their prices on feed. Uur feed is mado from the best rrrnhi grown nnd is thorouchlv cleaned from chaff nnd dust boforo being ground, which is an item to bo considered when buying feed. Let us ficrure with you on your feed supplies. Nohth Platte Mill & Grain Co. J. W. Abbott, tho Hershov real es- tato agont, reports tho snle of tho west naif of the northwest quarter of acction 21-14-32, to John E. Wnro for a consid eration of $0,000 or $75 per aero. This farm is located in Nichols precinct nnd tho former owner was W. O. Thnmn- Bon, now of Lucerne, Col. Alfntfn. f!nnr Mlltnf ntwl nil Mn.ta --- , w . . . . w ii.fiiuv Mil., 1 1 1 nuiug field ntlll rrnrilnn nnnila nt- llnrotinir'a 5th & Locust Sts. Bob Cnry has been Bclectod as tho roprescntativb of tho New York Athletic Association in the races to bo held at Seattle, and if his injured leg- the straining of a tendon pormits, ho will accent. At nrcsent ho is nt Trnvers Island trying to got his leg in shnpo. Tnilnrnil Wnuli Suits nml QL-Uta In ivMwaa Miaivu lt!V4 Wltll tU III Linen and English Rep. About all colors. THE HUH CLOTHING L'EPT. The county commissioners wero in session Tuesday and Wednesdny, but as no returns had been recolvod from tho stato board of equalization, and tho levy could not bo made, tho board ad journed Wednesday until July 12th. Tho county instituto beinrr held this week in connection with the morning session of tho Chuutaunua is being vorv well nttended. Over forty teachers besides thoso in tho Junior Normal are in nttendnnco. Wanted Partv to cut nnd stack hnv on 2-10 acres. Inquire of or address H. Hansen, North Platte. Word has besi received in town an nouncing tho birth of a twelve pound baby girl on July 7th to Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Park, formerly of this city, but now living in Sterling, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stuart will leave next woek for Dea Moines. Iown. to attend the commencement exercises of Highland Park Collccro from 'which their son Frank will graduate from the' civil engineering course. TTnlllnr nf ttnlrnt (UtlO to nntiMn.t tn tho clock at Schatz and Clabnugh's. Dr. Arthur Emerson, onrunizor of tho stnto society for tho prevent of tu berculosis, will be here tomorrow and will speak at tho Chautauqua tent in in the forenoon Tho funeral of tho lato Chris Hnvor- land, who died Monday evening, was held from tho Lutheran churdh yoster day afternoon, Rov. Mr. Seibert officiating. About 200 Men's Suits worth from $10.00 to $15.00 per suit nt $7.C0 and 9 r nn . iu.uu per suit. THE HUH CLOTHING DEPT. John LeMasters will take possession of tho lower floor of his new building Monday. Tho machinery will no pluced in position tomorrow afternoon. Lost About threo weoks ngo, a gold brooch with "D. Thatcher" en graved on inside. Findor please, return to this office and receive reward. The Townsend Gun Club ball teum of Omaha arrived this morning nnd will play tho local team this afternoon nnd tomorrow nfternoon. Judge Elder hns issued the following marriage license: Chns. Goodwin, aged 25, Loxington, Edith M. Moore, aged 19, Lexington. Ed. Lntimor, of Wellfleet, director- of school district No, 40, transacted business at the county superintendent's office yosterday. Henry Frels, of Sutherland, director of school district No. 17, wns a visitor at tho county superintendent's oflico yostenlny. Wanted Man to break two horsos to drive. Inquire at this office. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. McCarter, of Lexington, wro tho guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mooro Mitchell, over tho Fourth of July. O'Fnllons School, District No. 33, nt their annual mooting voted to build an additional school room und hiro n third toacher- John Brodorick. of Dickens, camo oyer yesterday to mnko n final proof on ins nomesieau. Mrs. E. A. Dick in snnnrliiifr n four days as tho guost of hor daughter Mrs. ivmerc onnw. Mrs. Joseph Levan, of Salt Lake, is tho guost of her sister, Mrs. Julius Pizer. John Bailev enmo tin from firnnrl Tu. land yesterday to umpire tho gamo of UUll, Miss Zetta Reynold, of Sholton, is visiting Mrs. Scott Roynolds for u fow days. Others Fail-Lcola Succeeds. Special this week your last clinnco to consult Madam Leoln, tho gifted palmist and lifo reader, giving nnnles of friends and rolatives; adviso on all matters; tolls Htartllng truths; what 8ho sees and tells comoa truo; no guess" work: no questions nsked reads your lifo like mi open book from cradle to grave; skeptics and unboliovers in vited. Tho Traveler's Lodging House G10J Dewey street. Chas. Hupfcr, formerly of this city, hns sold his retnll cigar store at Ogdon nnd will go into tho wholesale manufac ture of candy, ice cream nnd confec tions in that city. Duroc-Jcrsey Pigs. Tho Expcrinmontnl Substation offers for sale pure bred Duroc-Jcrsoy pigs at tho following prices: Boars $15,00, Sows $10.00. Theso aro pigs of the best breeding type. Tho nbovo prices hold good until July 30. W. P. Snvdeii, Sup't. j 30 Notice. Nolleo Is lwroby kIvoii tlinton tlio SOtli Any of July, IWfl. n sieolftl olcotton will bo hold In tho School District of tlio City of North l'latto In thu County of Lincoln, In tho Stnto of iNolirasl.-n, tho lKilllmr tilsrc to ho as follows! Por that nortlon of said Dis trict north of tlnUrnek of the Union raclllc Kallroml Coninany nt tho Iloso llmiso In tho Third Ward In tho City of North l'latto, Lin coln county, Nebraska: for that lKirtion of nald district south of tho track of tho I'nlon I'acllle Hallrond Company ami west of Dowoy St. nnd I'ubllc Kond No. ft. which Is a contin uation of Do wo j- St, at tho Iloso Houso In tho Second Ward of said City of North l'lattoi and for thnt portion of said District south of tho track of tlio I'nlon TacKlc Hallroad Com pany nnd oast of xalil Dowoy st and I'ubllc lioail No. 0, thosamo bolmr a continuation of Dower St. at the iloso House In tho Tlrst Ward In the said City of North Platto. At which said election tho following propo sition will bo submitted to tho voters of said School District; "Shall tho School District of tho City of North Platto. in tho County of Lincoln, In tho Stato of Nebraska, Issue Its uceutlablo bonds In tho sum of Si0.ix.io, In denomination) of f 1,000 each, dated on tho 2d dayjof Aueust, 180D. boarlnir Interest nt tho rato of llvo ixir cent por annum, payabln seml-nnuunlly, principal and Interest payable at tho Fiscal Aconcy of the Stato of Nebraska In tho City of Now York, and payaMo as follows, to-wlt: In twenty years from the dalo thereof, but may bo paid at any time after ton years from tho (Into thereof, nt tho tuition of tho Hoard of Education of said School District. "Said bolids to Im Issued for tlio purpose of erecting nnd forulHhliii: ono eight-room school bulldlnc in tho Second ward of tho City of North Platto, Nebraska, on lllock 1W In said ward, and erecting and rurnt.ililngonn eight-room school bultrilng In tho Third ward of tho City of North Platto. Ncbraskn, on Block 02 In said ward, "And Nhall tho Hoard of Education of tho School District of tho City of North Platto In tho County of Lincoln, In thoSlatoof Nebras ka, bo authorised to catiso to In) levied and collectod n tax annually, In an amount sulll dent to pay tho Interest and principal of said bonds, as the snuio mature. l:i addition to the taxes now authorl.ed to ho levied by law, on all tho property within said School District." Tho ballots to he used at said election shall, havo printed thereon: "Kor lssuliur SIU.iiOO.00 of tint Iwnds of tho School District of tho City of North Platto. In tho County of Lincoln, In tho stato of Ne braska, for the purpose of orectlrur and fur nishing oilo eltfht-room school bulldlnc on lllock iM In tho Second Ward of tho OUy of Forth Platto. Nebraska, In said District, nnd ercctltit; nnd furnlfchlm; nm eJeht-room school hulldliur ou lllock W, In tho Third Ward. In tho City of North l'latto. wltJiln said District Pahl-bonds to m pcKollnhlQ tu form, and to bar Interest at the rato of flvo per cent per auuuui, payablo mmil-annnally. principal titid Interest payable at tho Fiscal AKoncy of tho Stato of Kobrnskn, In tho City of Now York, and which said lionds shall bo duo as follows: In twenty yoars from tho dato thereof, but may bo paid at any time after ten years from thn dato thereof at tho option of tho Hoard of Education of nald School District. Ami for lovylnir and collectlni; a tax annually, in an amount suf Helen t, to pay the Interest and principal of said bonds, as thu same mature. In addition to tho taxes now authorized to bo lorled by law, on all proporty within tho said School District." "AKalnst lssuliur $10,000 of tho bonds of tho school District of 'tho City of North Platto In tho County of Lincoln. , in tho Stato of Nebraska, for tho purposo of oroct Inc and furnlsliltik' ono eight-room school bulldlnc on lllock 151 In tho Second Ward of the City of North l'latto, Nebraska. In said District; and erectlni; and furutshhii; ono olcht-room school bulldlnir on lllock W, In tho Third Wurd In tho City of North l'latto, Nebraska, within said District. Said bonds to bo uecotlablo In form and to boar '"torest at tho rato of llvo per cont per . mum. payablo semi-annually, principal a .d Interest pavabln at tho Fiscal Aconcy of "n Stato of Nebrnska. in tho Cltv of New rk. and whlcli sahi bonds shall bo. duo as follows: In twenty years from tho dato thereof but may bo paid at nny timo after ten years from thu ilato tliprenf. nt. the option of tho Hoard of Education of said school District. And ncalnsl lovyluc and col lecting a tax annually. In an amount suf llclent to pay the Interest and principal of said bonds as thoy mature. In addition to tho taxes authorised to Lm levied by law, on all property within said School District." Those voting in favor of said proposition shall mark thulr ballots with an "A" after the paragraph beginning "For" Issuing the ?I0, (KiU.OOuf tho bonds of tho School District, nf tho City of North Platto. In tho County of Lincoln. In the Stato of Nebrasko. Those voting against sa d nronos It on. sliall nark their ballots with mi "V" nflnr tlm tinriiLrrnnh heirlniilnir "Ai?nlnut." Uvulm JI0.0iw.ii0 of tho bonds of tho School District of the city of North l'latto. In tho County of Lincoln in inornate oi aoiirasKa. Said election to oiion at eight o'clock a. m.. and continue open until six o'clock n. in.. central limo, on said date. Daii d this 7lhda.v of July. IW.L lly order of the Hoard of Education. Fkank E. Ili'M.Aiin, President, A. F. StiiUT., SceroNiry. Statement of the Condition OK T1IK MHir&JAL B1IBLDBNG & LOAN ASSOCIATION, of N.-rth l'latto. Nebraska, on the 30th any or juiic, iwj. ASSISTS. First mortgage loans t:ioi lim m stock loans t iim u) caHii UWI! uciiinpjciii iiuerosi, premiums ami tllwihl rl. nn I till nu Expenses and taxos paid 1 ohi 7a Total ,'Ikj oislli i-iAiiiiiirii;j. Capital stock nald un twin ffis r.' Keservo fund :i Don oo uutuviucii proillM 8 000 W Premiums unearned l in si Advance liayinuritH a H78 W) For Sale. Boarding houso, 10 rooms, dinning room and kitchen, on 0th street, op posite McGerr's grocery storo, 41 foot lot. Next to Dewey strcot. This is tho best location for a business block in North Platto. Also lots 10, 11 nnd 12, block 17, North Platto T. L. Co's addition, a southeast corner adjoining tho Cody residence on tho west. Inquire of Fuedeuick Kade. Jack Service. The Experimental Substation has shinned in u fine Jack wltlch is holmr Btood for Borvico to n limitod number oi eeiccceu mnrefl nt a very rcnBOilnblO price. Total. ..$110 013 W ICECHII'TS AND EXI'ENDITUKES FOIt . Till'. lliAll UNIJINIJ JUNE ISO, 1U00, IlKCKlPTti iiaianro on Hand July 1, 1903 172 23 'lies... H7 hki do iiiieresi, jiruiiiiuiiiH, aim lines. . .. 2:1 an :ti 1,0.11m repaid 27 OsO 02 Miscellaneous 1'eon 207 75 J axes ami insurance woo Total io m so KXl'KNDlTUIIUH. Loans of) 700 00 Expenses .., 310 .18 stock redeemed 30 702 72 Taxes arm Insuranco (O ( uasn on nana o o) To.ti1.1 JIGSNWSO fiaio or ,e uasua, iJncolu county, ss. I, Samuel (loozue, secretary of tho alsive liaiinsl Association, do siiloninle swenp tlinl. tht foregoing htatomoiit of the condition of Mild Association U into and correct to tho nem vi mi lujummiKo aim Doner. , ,, , t "II' 'I .1111... i. fill i Ul U J i SuIwtIImmI and sworn to liofocu mo tlitslith din a r lul ii 11 1 it I UUJ III (J l(i, , Ji"Ui', UMiiK IIuciunan. Notary Public, Vioroit Vo.NOoirrz. Ioiin F. Claiiavuh, H)rtvt(rh. LirHihit W.tiiKKii i Keep Cool Sir! WHEN you're rendy to lay asids your vest, it's a sure sign that the "Good Old Sum mer Time" is near. PREPARE FOR IT! Look to your bodily comfort and peace of mind by providing yourself with one of our cooling Summer Suits, These Suits are right np to our usual high standard and they show every style kink that is now on. i,jia m AW tjnrwtiflrTt 1 Choice new fabrics, erect lapels, non sagging' fronrs, Trousers that refuse to bag r every detail is just right and the Suits are very handsome without being priced too high. $15, $16.50, $20 to $2 Cool Hats, Cool Shirts, Cool Underwear, Cool Hosiery and Cool Toggery of all sorts, in stylos that are different. " Just make note of the fact and you'll find that the best things to wear always hail from here. weingand & Mcdonald GOOD CLOTUES MERCHANTS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. , Capital Surplus Fund Stockholders' Liability $100,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $225,000.00 (Not considering quick nasotB nnd catm resources) DIRECTORS , E. F. Seebergcr, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. bpnng and oummer Necessities. Hardware, " Lawnmowers, Garden Tools, Wash Machines, Grindstones, Grass Catchers,' Knives Refregerators, Glasses, "Pictures, Furniture, Picture Frames, (made lo order.) Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings, Curtains, Draperies, Couch Covers, Window Shades. Plumbing and Heating. GINN & WHITE. r Distilled Water Ice. The Lexington Artificial Ice Works has established an agency in North Platte with Joseph Spies as agent, and are prepared to furnish in unlimited quantities this Distilled Water Ice. ,'rhe price is fifty-five cents per ioo pounds. Will also furnish patrons with Distilled Water. E-RU-SA CURES PILES OR $50.00 PAID. Tho ONLY uon-nnreotlc nnd lawful Pile Cure, bicniiso tho U 9. Dluwn eatovy eaya every ingredicntof E-RU-SA is "SuiUblo for tho purpose for wBIeh It Is sold" (Pilon) und tho enmo uuthorlty condomna thu injuvloui nnreotfe (dopB) pilo medlclnen. Only rolinblov up-to-'dnto riruprKlsts noil E-RU-SA In North Platto: Schlllor & Co, Stono Driur Co , nnd McDonnell & Graves.