' 1 111 1 ...-ii..-- ii ii i I i ii ii. i , , i r CASTQRIA Tor Infanta and Children, The Kind You Have ROBERT u ILLltiTmTOWdYRAYMLTm coprnicftr tot ar A.c.tCiiic uca, CHAPTER I. Wave-Tossed and Castaway. HK beginning wns nt Capo Town, when Hlnko nnd Winthropo boarded the steamer ns fellow pnsBengers with Lady Hayrosc nnd her party. This wns a week nfter Winthropo had arrived on the trnrap steamer from India, nnd her ladyship had ex plained to Miss Leslie that It was fts well for her, not to ho too hasty In ncceptlng his attentions. To be sure, he wns nn Englishman, his dress nnd manners wore Irrcpronchable, and he wns In the prlmo of ripened youth. Yet Lady Huyrosc was too conscien tious a chnperon to bo fully satisfied with her countryman's bare nssertlon that he was engaged on n diplomatic mission requiring rctlcenco regarding his Idontlty. She did not see why this should prevent him from confiding In her. Notwithstanding this, Winthropo enmo aboard ship virtually as n mem ber of her ladyship's party. Ho wns so quick, so thoughtful of her comfort, nnd paid so much more attention to her than to Miss Leslie, that her lady ship had decided to tolerate him, even before Blako became a factor in the situation. From the moment ho crossed the gangway tho American engineer en tered upon n dally routine of drinking nnd gambling, varied only by attempts to strike up nn off-hand acquaintance with Mies Leslie. This wns Win thropo's opportunity, and his clover frustration of what Lady Hayrose termed "that low bounder's Impu dence" sorved to Install him in the good graces of her ladyship as weir as in the favor of tho Amerlcnn heiress. Such, at least, was what Winthropo Intimated to tho persistant engineer with a superciliousness of tone nnd manner that would have stung even a Uritlsh lackey to resentment. To I31ako It wns supremely galling. He could not rejoin In kind, and tho slightest attempt nt physical retort would have meant Irons nnd confine ment. It wns a Ilrlti3h ship. Hehlnd Winthropo wns Lady Hayrose; behind her ladyship, ns n matter of course, was all the despotic authority of tho cnptaln. In tho circumstances, It was not surprising thnt tho American drank heavier nfter each successive goading. Meantime tho ship, having touched at Port Natal, steamed on up tho east coast, Into the Mozambique chan nel. On tho dny of tho cyclone, Wake had withdrawn Into his stateroom with n number of bottles, nnd throughout that fearful afternoon was blissfully unconscious of tho danger. Even when the steamer went on tho reef, ho was only partially roused by the shock. Ho took a long pull from a quart flask of whisky, placed the flask with great care In his hip pocket, and lurched out through tho open door way. There ho reeled headlong ngainst tho mate, who had rushed below with threo of the crow to bring up Miss Leslie. Tho mate cursed him vir ulently, nnd In tho snmo breath or dered two of the men to fetch him up on deck. Tho sea wns breaking over tho Fteamer In torrents; but between waves filako wns dragged across to tho side nnd Hung over into tho bot tom of tho one remaining boat. Ho served as a cushion to break the fall of Miss Lcsllo, who was tossed In nfter him. At tho snmo time, Win thropo, frantic with fear, scrambled Into tho bows nnd cut loose. Ono of the sailors leaped, but fell short and went down within arm's length of Miss Leslie. Sho and Winthropo saw the steam er slip from tho reef nnd sink bnck Into deep water, carrying down in tho vortox tho mate and tho few remain ing sailors. After that all was chaos to them. They were driven ushoro bo fore tho terrific gusts of tho cyclone, blinded by tho stinging spoondrlft to nil else but the hell of breakers nnd cornl reefs In whoso midst they swirled so dizzily. And through It nil Hlnko lay huddled on tho bottom bonrds gurgling blithely of spicy zephyrs nnd swaying hammocks. There enmo tho seemingly flnnl mo mont when tho boat went spinning Etern over prow. Half-sobered, Hlako opened his eyes nnd stared solemnly nbout him. Ho wns given littlo time to take his bear ings. A smother of broken surf camo seething up from ono of tho great breakers, to roll him over and scrape him a littlo farther up tho muddy shoro. Thero tho flood deposited him for a moment, until It could gather forco to sweep bnck nnd drag him down ngntn toward tho roaring sea thnt had cast him up. Hlako objected not to tho danger of being drowned, but to Interference with his repose. He had reached the obstinnto stage. Ho grunted n protont. Again tho flood scothod up tho shore, nnd rolled him nwny from tho dnnger. This was too much! He sot his Jaw, Sleeping the Sleep of tho turned over, nnd staggered to his feet. Instnntly one of tho terrific wlnd-blnstB struck his broad back and sent him spinning for yards. Ho brought up In a shallow pool, bcsldo a hummock. Under tho leo of tho knoll lay Win thropo and Miss Leslie. Though con scious, both wcro 'draggled nnd bruised nnd benten to exhaustion. They were together becnuso they had como nshoro together. When tho boat cap sized, Miss Lcsllo had been flung ngnlnst tho Englishman, nnd they had held fast to each other with tho des porato clutch of drowning persons. Neither of them ever recalled how they gained tho shelter of tho hum mock. Blake, sitting waist-deep In tho pool, blinked nt them benignly with his palo blue eyes, and produced tho quart flask, still a third full of whUky. "I shay, fren's," ho observed, "ha' ono on me. Won' cos' you shent notta re' shent!" "You fuddled lout!" shouted Win thropo. "Come out of that pool." "Wassamn'cr pool? Pool's nllrl'!" Tho Englishman squinted through tho driving scud at tho Intoxicated man with an nnxlous frown. In all probability ho felt no commiseration for tho American; but it was no light matter to bo Hung up barehanded on tho most unhenlthful nnd savago stretch of tho Mozambique coast, and Hlako might bo nblo to help them out of their predicament. To leave him In tho pool was therefore not to bo thought of. So soon ns he had drained his bottle, ho would Ho down, nnd thnt would bo tho end of him. As any attempt to move him forcibly wns out of the question, tho situation demanded that Winthropo Justify his Intimations of diplomatic training. After consid ering tho problem for several minutes, ho met It In a way thnt proved ho was nt least not lacking In shrewdness and tact. "See here, HInke," ho called, in an other lull between tho shrieking gusts, "the lady is fatigued. You're too much of a gentleman to ask her to come over there." It required soma moments for this to penetrnto Hlako's fuddled brnln. After a futile attempt to gain his foet, ho crawled out of tho pool pn nil fours, nnd, with tears in his eyes, pressed his flask upon Miss Leslie. Sho shrank nway from him, shuddorlng, and drew herself up in a huddlo of flnccld limbs nnd limp garments, Winthropo, how ever, not only accepted tho flask, but como near to draining It. Hlako squinted nt tho diminished contents, hesitated, and cast a glance of maudlin gnllantry at Miss Lcsllo. Sho lay colled, closer than boforo, In a draggled heap. Her posture sug gested sleep. Hlako stared at her, tho flask extended wavorlngly boforo him. Then he brought It to his Hps, nnd drained out tho Inst drop. "Tlmo turn In," ho mumbled, nnd sprawled full length In the brackish ooze. Immediately ho fell Into a drunken stupor. Winthropo, Invigorated by tho liquor, rose to his knees, and peered nround It wns Impossible, to faco tho scud and spoondrlft from tho furious sea; but to leewnrd ho caught a glimpse of a marsh flooded with salt water, its Just and the Drunkard. reedy vegetation beaten flat by the storm. He himself was beaten down by a terrific gust. Panting nnd trembling, ho waited for tho wind to lull, In hope that he might obtain n clearer view of his surroundlngSj Be fore he- ngnin dared rlso to his feet, darkness swept down with tropical' buddonness and blurred out everything;. Tho effect of tho whisky soon passed, nnd Winthropo huddled be tween his companions, drenched and exhnustcd. Though ho could hear Miss Leslie moaning, ho was too miscrnblo himself to inquire whether ho could do anything for her. Presently ho became awaro that tho wind was falling. Tho center of tho cyclone had passed before tho ship struck, and they were now In tho out ermost circle of the vast whirlwind. With tho consciousness of this change for tho better, Wlnthropo's fear-racked nerves relaxed and ho fell Into a heavy sleep. CHAPTER II. Worse Than Wilderness. WAIL from Miss Leslie roused tho Englishman out of a dream In which ho hnd been swimming for life across a sen of boiling oil. Ho sat up and gazed nbout him, half-dazed. Tho cyclono hnd been followed by a dead calm, and tho sun, nlrendy well above the hori zon, was blnzlng upon them over tho glassy surfaces of tho dying swells "with fierce heat. Winthropo felt nbout for his hat. It hnd been blown off when, at tho stri king of tho steamer, ho had rushed up on deck. As ho remembered, he straightened, and looked nt his com panions, Hlako lay snoring whero ho hnd first outstretched himself, sleeping tho sleep of tho just and of tho drunkard. Tho girl, howover, was already awake. Sho sut with her hnnds clasped In her lap, whllo tho tears rolled slowly down her cheeks. "My ah dear Miss Genevieve, whnt Is tho matter?" exclaimed Win thropo. M "Matter? Do you ask, when wo nro hero on this wretched coast, and may not get away for weeks? Oh, 1 did so count on the London season tills year! Lady Hayroso promised that I should bo nmong thoso presented." "Well, I ah fnncy, Lady Hayroso will do no moro presenting unless it may bo to tho heavenly choir, you know." "Why, whnt do you mean, Mr. Winthropo? You told mo thnt sho and tho mnlds had been put In the largest boat" "My dear Miss Genevieve, you must remember thnt I nm a diplomat. It wns all quite sulllclently harrowing, I assuro you. They wore, Indeed, put Into tho largest boat Heastly mud dle! Whllo they waited for tho mato to fetch you, tho boat was crushed alongside, nnd nil in It drowned." "Drowned! drowned! Oh, dear Lady Hayroso I And eho'd traveled so much oh, oh, It Is horrible! Why did sho persuade mo to visit tho Capo? It was only to bo with her And then IPStlllllll for us to start off for India, when w might have sailed Btrnlght to England I Oh, it Is horrible! horrible! And ny mnld, and nil It cannot bo possible!" "Pray, do not exclto yourself, my dear Miss Genevieve. Their troubles nro nil over. Er Gnwd has taken them to Him, you know," "Hut tho pity of It! To bo drowned so far from home!" "Ah, If that's all you'ro worrying about! I must say I'd Hko to know how wo'Il get n snnck for breakfast. I'm hungry ns a or groom." "Entlng! How can you think of eating, Mr. Winthropo nnd all tho others drowned? This sun Is becom ing dreadfully hot. It Is unbonrablo! Can you not put up some kind of nn awning?" "Woll, now, I must say, I was never much of n hand at such things, nnd really I can't Imagine whnt ono could rig up. Thero might hnvo been a bit of snll In the bont. but ono can't sco n Blgn of It. I fancy It was smashed." Miss Lcsllo ventured a glanco nt Hlnko. Though still lying ns ho had sprawled In his drunkenness, there wns n comforting suggestion of power In his broad shoulders nnd squnro Jaw. "Is he still In thut condition?" "Must have slept It off by this time, and thoro's no moro In tho llnsk," an swered Winthropo. Reaching over with his foot, ho pushed against Hlnke's bnck. "Huh! All right," grunted tho sleeper, nnd snt up, nB hnd Winthropo, half dazed. Then ho stnrcd nround him, and roso to Ills feet. "Woll, what in hell! Say, this is damn cheerful!" "I fnncy wo arc In a nnsty fix. Hut I say, my man, thero Is a woman pres ent, nnd your language, you know " Hlnko turned nnd flxed tho English man with a cold stare. "Look here, you bloomln' Hid," ho snld, "there's Just ono thing you'ro going to understand, right hero nnd now. I'm not your mnn, qnd wo'ro not going to hnvo nny of that kind of blat ter. Any fool can seo wo'ro In ' a tight hole, and we're like to keep com pany for a while probably long ns wo last." "Whnt ah may I ask, do you mean by that?" . . i Blake laughed, harshly, and... pointed from tho reef-strewn sea to the vast stretches qf desolato marsh. Far In land, across miles of brackish lagoons and reedy mud-flats, could bo seen groups of scrubby,. half-leafless trees; ten or twelve miles to tho soutliwnrd a rocky headland Jutted out Into tho wntcr; otherwlso trero was nothing In sight but sea nnd nwnmp. If it could not properly bo termed a son-view, it wns nt least a very wet landscape. "Fine prospect" remarked Hlako, dryly. "We'll bo In luck if tho fever don't get the last of us lnsldo a month; and as fcr you two, you'd havo ns much show of iastlng a month ns a toad with a rattlesnake, If It wasn't for Tom Blak( Hint's my nnme Tom Hlnkc and ns long ns this shindy la3ts, you'ro welcomo to cnll mo Tom or Hlnko, whichever suits. Hut un- dorstand, we're not going to hnvo nny more of your bloody, bloomln' English condescension. Aboard ship you had the drop on me, nnd could pllo on deg till tho cows enmo home. Hero I'm Hlnko nnd you'ro Win thropo." "Believe mo, Mr. HInke, I qulto ap preclato the ah situation. And now, I fnncy thnt, instead of wasting time" "It's nbout tlmo you Introduced mo to tho lndy," Interrupted Blnko, and ho stared at them half defiantly, yet with a twinkle in his eyes. Miss Leslie flushed. Winthropo swore softly, nnd bit his Hp. Abonrd ship, backed by Lady Hayroso and tho captain, ho had goaded thq American nt plcasuro. Now, however, tho sit uation wns reversed, noth title and nuthorlty hnd been swept awny by tho storm, nnd ho wns left to shift for himsolf against tho mnn who hnd every reason to hato him for his over bearing Insolence. Worso still, both ho nnd Miss Lesllo wero now depen dent upon tho Amerlcnn, In nil prob ability for life itsolf. It was a bitter pill and hard to swallow. Blako was not slow to observe tho Englishman's hesitancy. Ho grinned. "Every dog has his dny, nnd I guess this is mine," ho said. "Tnko your time, If It comes hard. I can Imaglno It's a pretty stiff doso for your ludshlp. But why in why In frozen hades an Amerlcnn lady should object to an In troduction to a countryman wIio'b go ing to do his level best to savo her pretty little self from tho hyonns well, it beats mo." Winthropo flushed redder than tho girl. - "Miss Leslie, Mr. Blakq," ho mur mured, hoping to put un end to tho sltuntlon. But yet Blako persisted. Ho bowed, oponly exultant. "You see, miss," ho snld, "I know tho correct thing quite as milch iib your swells. 1 know nil along you wero Jenny Leslie. I ran a survey for your dear papa when ho was mnnlpiilntlng tho Q. T. railroad, and ho did mo out of my pay." (TO BE CONTINUED.) 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