The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, May 04, 1909, Image 7

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"Vanishing Fleets," a story of "what
nilKlit Imve linpponml," opens In Wash
ington with tho iTnltod States unil Japan
?,e?.r. PUJ' IHIIIT, aocretnry of tho"
HrltlMi embassy, mid Miss Norma Hob
erU. chief nldo of Inventor Roberta, nro
Introduced as lover. Jnpnn declares war
and take tlm Philippines. Guy Hllllor
marts for Kiwlantl. Normn Itobcits
leaves AVnshlnKton for the Florida coast.
Hawaii Is captured by tho Japs. All ports
nre closed. Tokyo learns of mlsslnR Jap
anese fleet and whole world becomes con
vinced that United States has powerful
war HRency. Knglnnd decides to send
n fleet to American waters as a, Canadian
protection aualnst what the Urltlsli sun
jioso In u terrlblii submarine flotilla. Hll
ller Is sent with a nteMsiiRp. Kleet mys
teriously disappears. The kaiser Is mlBS
Intr. KinK Iftlwnnl of KtiRland Is con
fronted by Admiral Uevlns of tho United
Hlntes. The DroaiinntiKlit, blsKest of Knr
lonil'H warships. Is discovered nt nn lm
pnssablo point In tho Thames. Tho story
now Koes back to a time many months
beforo tho war breaks out. and Inventor
Hoherts visits tho president and cabinet,
telling or and exhibiting n metal produc
tion. This overcomes friction when elec
trified nnd Is to he nppllod to vessels to
Increase speed to over CO miles nn hour
A city for the manufneturo of tho mys
terious discovery Is built on tho const of
Florida. Dr. Roberts' tlrst attempt to elec
trify plates proves a failure. In a second
effort Norma Is knocked unconscious, but
the mystery of trno Invitation Is solved,
making tho most lmpnrtnnt discovery of
centuries. Itobcrts evolves n great Hying
machine, rendering warships useless.
Tho cabinet Is taken for a visit and .plans
for a radloplano war against Japanese
nro started,
CHAPTER XVII. Continued.
Tho president In a rovcrlo found
himself contemplating them. Here, ho
thought, was tho personification of
that anomaly tho American working
man: Ofttlmos turbulent, frequently
dissatisfied, sometimes waging war
faro with employer nnd capital nnd
cursing political parties; but when
country and homo woro endangered,
courageous as a Hon guarding whelps,
reckless of life, and unheeding wounds,
. plunging to tho front In a frenzy, nnd
asking no reward savo tho satisfaction
of seizing tho Invader by tho throat
and throttling him to tho denth. "God
savo tho enemy who underestimates
tho temper and patriotism of the
American workmen!" ho muttered as
ho returned to the long motionless
lino of radloplancs.
Tho ray of light, broad, steady and
clear, was still there, and as the visi
tors entered Its borders tho quick,
sharp blast of a whistle In .tho rear, as
,lf by prcconcertod signal, caused every
wheel to come to nn abrupt stop.
From the buildings and quarters men
camo runulng to tho sceno and sur
rounded tho guests, who were grouped
togolhor in tho fan of whlto nnd Im
mediately In front of tho monster
which had given them passage. That
they were not to dopnrt without some
further attention wns obvious. "Old
mil" Roberts made tho moaning of
tho cnll plain when ho addressed his
friend In the old term of Intimacy.
"Paul, we have left to you tho honor
of christening tho first radloplano ever
built. Sho Isn't named yet. Tho boys
hero wanted to call her tho Roberts;
but I forbade them. I guess you know
who I wanted to call her after," ho
said, laying his hand on tho presi
dent's arm and looking up Into his
face; "but then I wasn't suro you
would like that, so wo have compro
mised by leaving It to you."
Tho president hnd in his hand a
piece of carpenter's chalk which ho
had Idly picked up from ono of tho
floors ho had traversed. He stood
turning It over between his long rough
flnger.8 which bore evidences of hard
physical labor In eurly youth, and
looked affectionately down Into tho In
ventor's eyes. Ho turned from him
nnd looked at thoso around him. In
tho edges of tho light nnd stretching
back Into the darkness behind ho could
discern tho faces of tho workmen, tho
reflection giving them a singularly
pallid look and making them seem Ilka
visages dismembered, their bodies be.
lng absorbed Into tho blackness of tho
background. They expected n spooch;
but he felt n paucity of words when he
thought of their endeavors and
achievements. Ho started to address
them, but choked with tho fullness of
Ills henrt. Without such work as they
had given, what would bo tho condi
tion of tho nation to-night?
"Men," ho said, using' tho strongest
of appellations, "no words of mine enn
add to the honors you merit, nor de
tract from what you have done. Duty
well performed requires no praise;
but as president of tho United States
I jhnnk you. I am tho ono who Is
honored In being privileged to call you
Ho faltered, and In tho strong light
upon him they could see tho muscles
of his face twitching with repression.
Ho turned from them as If to hide his
emotion, nnd took a few steps which
brought him to tho sldo of tho radio
plane. His long arm reached out, and
slowly and In sllenco ho chalked upon
its metal side In big whlto letters,
Tho men of tho plant stood quietly
until tho significance of his act
dawned upon them, and then burst
Into a frenzy of cheers, forgot tho dig-
In Silence He Chalked Upon Its Metal Side In Big White Lettera-
nlty of his position, and crowded
round him, talking as man to man.
Norma tried to mako her protests
heard; but they wero unavailing. Tho
men wero elated, and her father was
With little delay tho party boarded
tho craft, tho president being tho Inst
to say good-by. Tho big motnl door
was closed, and tho Norma roso Into
the air on Its return journey, while
I ho men stood with lints off and
watched It disappear before returning
to their work.
Tho radloplano wns making its last
flighty before tho war, becauso It was
deemed that all risk of discovery
should be obviated, even though other
methods of transportation wero com
paratively snallllko.
And so tho montliB went on with ac
tivity at the key, placidity In tho ad
ministration, and preparations for an
onslaught on Japan. As tho work or
construction advancod, Norma found
respite to make occasional brief visits
to Washington, whoro her tlmo was
monopolized by Hllllor, who did not
dream of his forthcoming trip to Lon
don; but "Old Ulll" Roberts camo no
more to tho capital.
Now bogan that series of orders
which subjected tho men at tho head
of tho government to their greatest
trial. Work was stopped on all forti
fications, beginning with thoso in tho
Philippines. It was accoptod by tho
public as a foolish curtailment of ex
pense. Heforo this hnd ceased to
rankle In tho public mind construction
ceased In nearly all tho navy yards;
but tho clamor then nroso to such a
pitch that outwardly it was resumed,
being done for appearance's sako only
and to prevent a revolution.
So dnngorous was tho pitch of In
dignation that some of tho president's
advisers quailed beforo tho show of
wrath, and feared that an array of
Americans might march on Washing
ton. They besought tho presldont to
niter his plans nnd mako broadcast an
nouncement of tho stato of defense;
but ho, his Amorlcanlsm exceeded only
by his humnnltarlanlsm, stood stead
fast. His answor wns characteristic:
"If our secret, becomes known,
there will be no war, nnd war Is a ne
cessity for our purpose. In our hnnds
has been given by a mlraclo tho most
deadly engine over conceived, and wo
should bo delinquent In our duty If we
failed to use It as a means for con
trolling and thereby ending wars for
all tlmo. Lot us bear with fortltudo
whatever reproaches may bo heaped
upon us, for wo nro tho Instruments of
Rod, and tho trial will last only n lit
tle longer. Lot no man Bpeak!"
His oyoB flamed with Inspiration,
and, llko a prophet of old, ho led his
followers In his own footsteps. In
thoso trying times ho wns very near to
tho God In whom ho believed, and
only tho walls of his room know how
often ho appealed for light and guid
ance, trembling In spiritual agony,
and, llko tho martyrs of all ages, cru
cified by his follows.
Events began to move with light
ning llko rapidity as May approached.
Secret orders had been given to all
tho principal ships in Pacific waters to
withdraw Into neutral harbors, It be
ing tho wish of tho men who were
playing the stern game that all pos
sible Iosb of life through accidental
meetings might bo obviated. Pacific
commorco wlthdrow from tho western
seas, bellovlng Itself unprotected and
tho administration mad. From all
sources of Information enme tho cer
tain reports that Japan was about to
attack. Her communications became
dally more insolent; but were Invari
ably treated with suavo contempt.
And then camo a day which brought
tho most portentous news.
Tho first was a messago from the
koy thnt Dr. Roberts had broken
down. It wns from Urockton, who
mndo a pitiful appeal to tho secretary
of tho navy to find Norma and cither
glvo permission for her to be brought
bnck by a radloplano, or to have her
sent at onco by special trHln to Mi
ami. Innsmuch as she, being tho solo
sharer of her father's secret, was now
tho only one who could be depended
upon for tho metamorphosis of tho
plates. Tho message added that the
lnvontor was not In a serious condi
tion, but that overwork, overstudy
and overstrain had so taken toll that
tho Burgeons declared ho was coming
down with brain fever nnd thnt his
very llfo depended on his taking an
soluto rest.
To haznrd another trip of a radlo
plano was out of tho question, becauso
tho administration was nwaro that
spies wero still In tho capital. The
president himself sent messengers to
find tho girl on whom so much de
pended, only to learn at a lato hour
that sho had not yet reached Washing
ton, but was pxpected to arrive that
night. Ho preferred to communicate
his tidings to her In porson, and there
fore left word that sho should call at
tho Whlto Houso tho following morn
ing. In tho meantlmq advance prepa
rations wero mndo for her conveyance
to tho island, together with tho grim
old fighting admiral, Ilevins, who was
now to assumo command of tho nerlal
forces of America, and thoso officers
who from time to tlmo had been cnlled
homo from various ships.
And then, whon night fell and tho
president's cup Boomed full, enmo tho
swift and unexpected nnnouncoment
that tho Japaneso had fallen upon tho
Philippines. War was on, and tho long
expected gauntlet lay In tho lists,
whllo tho nation heaved and rocked
In turmoil, qulvorod with Insult, and
cried aloud for vengeance.
When Norma appeared at tho Whlto
House alio was told of her father's
condition by tho president himself,
who waa plainly harassed to tho limit
by anxiety.
"You can go at onco," he said; "but
whnt then? Aro there any who enn
work tho radloplancB?"
"Yes, by nightly flights wo havo
trained crows for nil nnd moro than
wo have built."
"Hut thoro should bo some export
guiding mind who knows tho secret of
tho craft."
"Father had Intended to accompany
them nud himself direct tho leading
radloplano In enso of attack."
The president throw up his hand In
a gesture of hopolossnoss. The tlmo
for attack was fast approaching, nnd
could not bo postponed on nccount of
the Inventor's IIIhobs. Normn, who
had been standing bosldo a window,
confronted tho worried head of tho
"You forget." sho r-nld, "thnt I havo
youth, strength, will nnd knowledge
Neither my fnther's nor my country's
cause shall suffer."
Ho walked across tho room, tower
ing nbovo her In ungainly strength,
took both her hands In his nud looked
deeply Into her eyes. , "You mean "
"That If my father Is too 111 to go, I
myself will fight tho Jnpnnose. I my
self will glvo what expert ndvlco la
needed, and win demonstrate to tho
others whnt must bo dono In battle."
Inflamed by tho thought of what was
dependent upon her, prldo In her fn
ther, nnd AmerlcnnlBm, sho waa ready
to accopt tho responsibility, oven
though It might cost her life.
They stood In sllonce, holding ench
other's hands. Ho stooped over her,
his pad eyes filled with an ndmlratlon
which wns akin to vcncrntlon, nnd
kissed her.
"Joan of Arc! Joan of Arc!" ho
whispered, and said no more.
She had been told that a train
awaited. Together they walked to tho
door of tho prealdont's study through
tho halls, and to tho outer portnl. Un
heeding thoso who were near, ho
caught her hand nnd hold It to IiIb
brenst, looking onco moro Into her
"God bless nnd keep you, my child!"
ho said, nnd abruptly turned bnck to
his seclusion, his head dropped for
ward between his mnsslvo shoulders
nnd his arms swinging loosely nt his
Tho day was not yet done, nnd be
fore the next hnd dawned camo the
announcement that tho Hawaiian is
lands hnd also been surrendered to
Iho foe. Tho coterlo of men within
tho secret held their meeting and con
gratulated each other thnt orders had
been obeyed, no dofonso made, nnd
loss of llfo obvlnted. Hut tho public
must bo pacified. Tho swift convening
or congreaB. Its nuthorlzatlon of tho
administration to net, nnd the appeas
ing notice lo tho public that a well
deflnod policy wns bolng pursued, fol
lowed ono after tho other, but still
woro not understood.
Night nnd day now tho president
and his associates tolled and planned.
Roport ufter report enmo to them, un
til they knew thnt tho hour to net had
como. Tho spell of seeming lethargy
was at nn end, nnd with unprece
dented Bwlftncss tho cordon was
thrown round tho nation, Its ports
closed, and its communication shut
off savo through channels of tho secret
service, which wnB Intensely active.
Tlmo was computed to tho mlnuto,
nnd when tho fleot of conquest sailed
from Japan tho very latitude and
longitude of tho point whoro It wni
to bo met were communicated to the
headquarters In Florida, where had
been Renewed energy.
Hence It wns thnt, as darkness onco
moro mantled that Isolated spot, a
strango scono wnB witnessed. It was
tho doparturo of that Invincible
squadron of tho air for tho sceno of
battle. Night after night they had
maneuvered, till those who manned
them woro masters of their craft and
of tho now form of BlgnalB which wero
to bo used In caso of omorgency. Evory
detnll was completo, every possible
precaution was taken to avert acci
dent. (TO nn CONTINUED.)
A Very Odd Clock.
An extraordinary addition has been
made to tho exhibition of Inventions
now being held In Ilerlln. A shoe
maker named Wegnor, living In Stras
burg, has sent In n clock of tho grand
father shapo, nearly six feet high,
made entirely of straw. Tho wheels,
pointers, caso and every detail nro
exclusively of straw. Wcgncr has
taken 1C yoars to construct this
strango ploco of mechanism. It
keeps perfect tlmo, but under tho most
favorable circumstances cannot laat
longer thnn two years.
A Noble Lover.
"Darling," said tho American heir
ess, "It is not true, Is It, that you want
to mnrry mo for my money?"
"No, dearest," answered tl o duke
do Raggos et Pntchez, "but I don't
hold It against you." Daltlmoro Anie
In no yonr slncd the development of
Western Canada began has Bprlng
brought a brighter oittjook. than It
brings this year. In no .preceding
spring has there been greater ns3ur
nnco of advancing, dovejonniont and
prosperity. Tho movement of Immi
gration has nlrcndy assumed largo pro
portions, nnd is as desirable In char
acter ns It is satisfactory In volume;
from across the Atlantic, sturdy, Indus
trious and thrifty nowedmcra aro ar
riving In largo numbors, honiOBcckors
from Ontario nnd tho other older
Provinces nro coming In a stendy
stream, and from across tho Interna
tional boundary n movement Is al
ready In full flow, which, It Is confi
dently predicted, will bent tho records
of nil previous years; special settlors'
trains are crossing tho lino, loaded
with effects, actual material wealth
being thus brought Into the country nt
tho rata of millions of dollnrs' worth
Tho ntovomcnt Is bo unprecedented
ly largo that extra Dominion Immigra
tion officials havo had to bo provided
nt both North Portal and nt Emerson,
and It Is estimated that tho total num
ber or now settlors from tho United
States this- yoar will' bo 70,000, ut
least, and may run well up townril
100,000. Lnst year's totnl of now Bot
tlers from tho South v;ns G3.723; tints
tho nrea that will bo placed In wheat
and other grnlns thin year will greatly
exceed thnt of last year. Sottlorsarc
luaklng oxtraordlnnry crforts to get on
their lands nnd begin seeding opera
tions. Tho prlco of wheat now, nwny
nbovo tho dollar mark, Is Incentive
enough, nnd when ono has in view tho
splendid results thnt tho pnst few
years havo shown, It Is not to be won
dered nt that tho present will bo tho
banner year for Immigration Ho Can
ada. Ask your nearest Canadian Gov
ernment Agent for rates of transporta
tion, and ho will nlso vou Illus
trated pamphlets,
Impending Strife.
"I want to buy n clarionet," said tho
mnn with a steely look In his eye.
"Ah," said tho dcnlor In musicnl
wnrcs, "hero Is n porfoct Instrument,
absolutely truo In tone."
"I don't want It. I want ono that'll
produco nothing but blue notes. There's
a mnn next door who Is studying the
trombone. I'm going to piny thoclnr
lonot In sclf-dofeiiBe."
There will bo disappointment with
tho music of heaven unless mother's
songs are sung thcro.
Positively cured by
theso Lltllo Pills.
STliey nlso relievo Dlv
ITTLE treHfroinI)yl''PHln,In-
I lfpn dlccKtloiinndTooIIcurty
I V r k Kntlntr. A perfect rem-
nil A "ty fur DlKzlnch, Kau-
urn, DrowHlnvKM, Hud
TnHte In t lie Month, Coat
ed Tneur, Tnln In the
Hide, TOltriD I.IVKU.
Theyregulato tlie llowcls. Turcly Vccctuble.
' -
Gonuino Must Bear
FaO'Similo Signature
This Trade-mark
Eliminates All
in the purchase of
alnt materials,
t ii an absolute
guarantee of rmr
tty and quality.
For your own
protection, tee
that it is on the side of
every keg of white lead
you i my.
1(02 Trinity Bulldinc. YorV
Your Health Worth?
You start sickness by mistreating nnture
nnd It generally show9 first In the bowels,
and liver. A ioc box (week ' treatment)
of CASCARRTS will help nature help
you. They will do more using them
regularly as you need them than nny
medicine on Earth. Get a box today:
tuke a CASCAUET tonight. Better in
the morning. It's the result that mokes
millions take them. 881
CASCARRTS ioc a xx for a vreeU'i
treatment, all dniRgliua. Jllpgest teller
in the world. Million boxes a mouth.
"iMlSIThompson's Eye Water
W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 18-1909.
Cured by LydiaE.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Taw Paw, Mich. "I Buffered torrl-
including inflam
mation and conges
Hon, for several
years. My doctor
said thero wns no
liopo for mo but an
operation. I began
taking Lydla E.
IMukham'o Vegeta
blo Compound, nnd
I can now say I am
a well woman."
Emma DitAiunt.
Another Oncrallon Avoided.
Chicago, HI. "I want -women to
know what that wonderful medicine,
Lydla E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com
pound, 1ms dono for mo. Two of tho
best doctors in Chicago said I would
dlo if I did not lmvo an oporation. and
I novor thought of seeing n well day
again. Ihndnsinall tumor nnd female
troubles bo that I nuffercd dav and
night. A friond recommended Lydia
J2. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound,
nnd It mado mo a woll woman." Mrs.
Alven'a SmtLrao, 11 Lnngdon St.,
Chicago, 111.
Lydln E. Pinkliam's Vcgctablo Com
pound, mado from roots and herbs,
has proved to bo tho most successful
romedy for curing tho worst fovnis of
lomaio ins, including displacements,
1 inllammation, fibroid tumors, irregu
i laritloa, periodic pains, backache, bear
i ing-down feeling, ilatuloncy, lndlges
' tion, andncrvous prostration. It costs
! but a trlllo to try it, nnd tho result
has been worth millions to many
I EUff orlng women.
ff you Buffer from Kim, FbIIIiiit Blckiu-fw,
Spnsmmir lmvo clillilrrii or frlcndH thnt no n
my New I)lw.-ocry wlil relcvn thoiiMiiid ti, you
lii'O anlicil to do In hcnfl for a I'Mill llnttlo ut
Dr. Muy'n Kpllrpllcl.lo Cure.
It 1ms cured t Iiiiumi imIh where every t hint? else,
failed. Went freo with dlreettoim. Express
I'reimlil. Ouiti-iiuteed by iluy .Miilh'iil,.
oratory, under tho Kntlmml Vood mid rna
Aut, .hum iVllh, HKX). Gtmrimty No. lsr.l.
riciiuo Klva ACIK ntid full uddreiix.
M8 Prnrl Street. New York City.
320 Acres of&WT
Fifty bushels per
aero have been
grown. General
In nnv rtthrr nart rl?
CjMjSM thcconHnentUndtr
possible to secure a honiesteail of 160 acret
free, and additional 160 acres at $3 per acre.
The development of the emintrv hna mndit
mnrveloim itrlden. It la n revelation, n rec
ord of cntiqiiett by settlement that li rrinark
nblt." rMtf from cormpoiidence of ' Nihurul
tJttor, iuw vlsllcj CvuJa In Aiijiiit Uit.
The grnln crop of 1908 will net many
farmers $20.00 to $23.00 per ucrc. Gruln
rnlslni. mixed fanning and tlulrylng uro
the principal industries. Climate is excel
lent; social conditions the best; railway ad
vantages unequalledjechools, churches and
markets close at hand. Land may also be
purchased from rail way and land companies.
I'or "Lnt Het Went" immphletii, map and
Information na to how to necure loweat rail
way ratea, apply to Superintendent ol Imml
oration, Ottawa, Canada, or the uuthoriicd
Canadian Government Agent)
101 Niw lotk Life Dalldln. Omtbi. Netnili,
THE TFFTH P1'0 mccU any dentifrice
B Bib II lab I II in clearuing, whitening and
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TUC UnilTU Pxtlne uied at a mouth-.
I n& mUU I tl W4,h diiinfecU the mouth
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which collect in the mouth, coining icro throat,
bad teeth, bad breath, grippe, and much ikkneii.
THF FVFQ when inflamed, tired, echo
I lib Klbw and bum, may be inttantly
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flATJlDE9U PMtino will de!roy the germa
I Anrilil ,hal cau,0 catarrh, lieai the in
Oammation and itop the discharge. It is a two
remedy for uterine catarrh.
Putin e is a harmleu vet noweiful
cermicide.dituifetfant and deodorizer. I
kjicu in paining it uetuoys oooraanu
leaves the body antueptically clean.
Used by More Than Two Million Men
mam tm
PivPKElWt 1
ClraniM and UiuillVi th hilr,
i-rnmoiip jaiuiltni gruvm.
Hovr Talla to Jtmtore Oray
Hair to !) Youthful Color.