The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1909, Image 6

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    Mow He Escaped.
CopyrlKht, 1000, by American Press Asso
ciation.) "That brand of cmiiimmI tomatoes,"
snld grocer to 11 customer, "I cnn
recommend, for I've wold them for
"What so Interests you In that
brand? You're always trying to sell
them to me, when you know I prefer
another kind. Do you make more on
"No. There Is a very different ex
planation. Cnmo In hero and I'll tell
And, lending the way to his private
olllce, ho told tho following story:
"One day some years ago a young
woman came In here to buy some
canned goods. I waited on I10T mys. lf.
Those tomatoes were new In the mar
ket then, and I had been offered In
ducements to push them. The girl
didn't appear to know what she want
cd and was a hit Mustered, but tin-re
Bcomcd to bo something about the
label on the tomatoes that attracted
her attention. It covered the can from
top to bottom, and on It was a colored
picture of several ripe tomatoes -Indeed,
the same label that Is used to
day. I sold her a can and a can of
peas, both of which she seemed to
select under the Inlluence of. the labels.
She took them away with her.
"The next day she brought them
hnck, telling me that she wished mo to
uiilii tl 1 with Homo other arth-les
she Intended to purchase. She thru
selected a lot of canned goods-marmalade,
peaches, Jelly and the like
direct Iiil' me to iiack all In one box.
They were to bo sent to her Invalid
brother. In care of n certain person at
a town near tho center of tho state.
Rlio until all chnri!CH and left me to
ship the box when I liked.
"I took an especial Interest In th
girl from the first. She was so pret
ty, so sad, and before she went away
gave me an appealing look which I In
terpreted to mean that she wanted me
to be sure that her brother received
the delicacies In good order. I super
intended the packing myself, and, no
tlclng that the can of peas Indicated
fermentation, I put It aside and got
another. The rest of the goods seemed
to be all right, and I shipped them.
"I left the can of peas In the pack
Ing room till tho next day, when I tool;
It un to nut It away. It had stood all
night near a sink, and some one had
spilled some water over It. I felt the
label slip away and noticed that some
thing had been wrapped tightly under
it. Setting It down on a sheir, I saw
that a lot of small thin saws had been
Holdered around the can.
"You may Imagine my astonishment
My llrst Impulse was to call some one
to see my find; but. suddenly roull'lnt'
that the position In which I was placed
reuulrcd thought before action, I took
the can up to tho top lloor where I
could examine It alone. The saws
were highly tempered and would ctii
rlcht through Iron. Upon reflection 1
HurmlHcd that (he girl had taken title
and thu can of tomatoes home with
her that the Hies might be fixed be
ncath the labels. The tomatoes had
been shipped and would doubtless gi
to some prisoner who would use the
biiwh about them. to cut himself out.
The girl had surreptitiously used our
firm, believing that any goods comlnc
from us would not be suspected.
"Here was a situation. Suppose tin
eaws wore discovered by the author!
ties, I had a line prospect of tuklnu
tho place of the prisoner. 1 resolvet.
to telegraph at once to tho prison olll
clals a warning that would protect
mo from intentional complicity. 1 hid
the can with the saws still on It and,
going to the olllce, was writing the
telegram, when, feeling that some om
was looking over my shoulder. 1 turned
and saw the girl who had trapped me.
I had written enough of the telegram
for her to see that her game was up
"There was no one else in the olllce
I stepped to tho door, closed .and
locked It. Kor an hour I listened to a
story with Infinite complications which
portrayed the landing of an Innocent
young man, tho ghTa brother, In Jail
for a crlmo of embezzlement Into
which he had been trapped by the real
"The girl, overanxious as to the ship
incut or the goods, had called ostensi
bly for (he purchase of some articles
for horself, but really to ask If the box
had been sent. Seeing me In the olllce
writing, sho had slipped In and, look
Ing over my shoulder, learned the situ-
ntlon. Having told her story, she con
" 'I know It has been very wrong of
me to use you In this fashion, but'
'"Do you realize,' I asked, 'that If
the sawH are discovered I inn the risk
of going to prison myself'
"'I did not think of that. 1 wilt con
fess to have done It all myself.'
"I shook my head.
' 'What are you going to do?
"I sat for some minutes deliberating.
Neither of us spoke. There was t lie
usual going on of business outside that
could he seen through a glass parti
tion, but within the little Indosure all
was silent as the tomb. Presently 1
reached for a box of matches, scratch
cd one, took up my half finished tele
gram and burned It.
"Can yon Imagine tho look tho girl
gave me? No; you can't. Nor can any
artist paint It. 1 saw it but once. 1
have Mien looks like It since from the
Baino woman, but they wore as moon
light fo sunlight.
"The sawn found their way through
tho prison cool;, an accomplice, to the
prisoner. Ho escaped and has never
been seen slnco In America. Ills sister
Is my wife.
"Now you know why I am Interested
In that brand of tomatoes,"
A Mother-in-law's
Copyright. lrt. by T. C. McCluro.)
When .Tames It'iit- 11 married he In
vited his mothei-iu-biw to lite wit
him and his wife. Mln acf-epted. Doth
promised to refrain from 'butting In.
When the first horn enme a hundred
new complications arose. As n young
husband he had never before had an
Infant In his arms and had never real
ly seen above a dozen of the nuisance
at close range, but ho felt that he need
cd no advice from grandma. In-ti
he set out with spoon and castor oil to
doctor the kid for a dozen things at
onco the utother-ln-law had to make a
few remarks she Just had to.
There were occasions when the fa
titer would carry the s(ualllnr young
ster about head up, head down, over
his shoulder and under his arm ai d
pay no heed to the protests of his
wife or the looks of the mother-in-law.
There were other occasions when be
would fling It into the lap
the lap of the old
lady and expect
her to walk the floor
wltli It for half the nigh' In return
Bhe would visit the druggist next day.
walking Into the store with an Iron
Jaw. but somehow she could never ask
for nrsonlc or strychnine. I lie words
always stuck, and slie ended olr i.
asking for soda water with sarsapa
rllla sirup. There were happy hours
however. There were hours when tin
mother-in-law and son-in-law sat down
and told each other that It surely must
Imvn been the work of Providence In
lirliiL' them together. They nlnio-d
held hands over It. They Tolt a ju
pride In realizing that they were Pi
nnlv irmtlier-ln-lii w nild soll-lll-Iaw on
(Tie faco of t lie wide earth that eve
lived In the same house nnd loved eacli
A crisis must eventually come In the
happiest family. One came In tins
It came one day after the mother-in
lnw lilid eurr oil In a ton of coal ami
beaten two carpets. On the same cinv
tln mm-In-law bad discovered that the
old lady was In tho habit or coniiii
downstairs at midnight and cookln-j
herself a late supper. There were in
wiii-iIh over either circumstance. On
tlu fiiiiinii-v. t hev sat and mulled ai
each other and purred like two kittens,
She was Informed thnt but tor hi
presence in the house lire woum mm
belli little or not dug for the man be
fore her. and she reciprocated by say
Ing that she never knew what that
eomnlacencv ami contentment meant
until slio made her home with htm
It was a feeling hour. The fountain-
of the deep were br ikon up. and
neither felt ashamed of the tenr.i in
their eyes nor their iilvcrlng lips
Next morning both were missing. On
a stand In 1 1 In bedroom and on tlx
bureau In her bedroom the dlstiwtei
wife found epistles. The one from the
husband read:
"I Invited my mother-in-law to pass
the rest of her days with me and con
tribute to our happiness. I had always
held to the theory that the wife's
mother, particularly If she had an Iron
Jaw and a mind of her own. could reii
dor the little woodbine cottage of hoi
son-in-law a paradise oil earth. Men
argued with me In vain. When tin
opportunity (nine I died It. Then
was to be 110 butting In 011 the other
side. It was to be one long. Iiapp
day. It has been. I go to my reward
simply because I can't send her t
hers. Hvor t hue her llrst week In th
said woodbine I have never for an
hour hern 1 lear of thoughts of inur
dor. They have always been thoughts
of murdering a mother-in-law. In Im
agination I have given her nine dlf
feront poisons; five times I have dis
membered her with the ax: eight times
have I stolen upstairs at midnight t
choke her to death with my strong
fingers. I have hired chauffeurs b
try to run over her. and 1 hno re
moved the steps from the cellar stairs
In hopea to precipitate her to the o
mom and break her back.
"In conclusion lot me say." the stale
meat went on, "as she refuses to die
for 1110 I have decided to die for her
We have grown to be too happy. The
deadly monotony has come, and 1
haven't the strength to endure It. M
cold body will bo found lunging In th
wood shed. I.ove to you and the kid
and any number of best regards to tin
dear old lady. I know she will uioun
The letter of the mother was equally
"When you read this, niydeardaugh
tor," she began, "tho body or your
mother will be found at tho bottom
Oray's mill pond. I have been think
lug of taking this step for a long time
I have been too happy with my son-In
law. That happiness has begun !
pall. Think of having a sou In law
and yet be bound by tho most solemn
promise not to call him a brute, a vll
lain and a wretch a dozen times a day
Think of how 1 have had to keep m
hands off him when I fairly ached t
wash them In his blood! Think of tin
sleepless hours l have spent In 1 f ,
pllug and mangling and uitirdcrlnj
him In Imagination! I believe t It-it '
could live with my son-ln-Iaw and feel
that I was living In tho suburbs i
.heaven Itself. It has been a grand mii
cess, but only up to a eer! tin t' !
The element of murder has been la
ing. lie ha.-i never 1 Iven me a Mew 1
kill him oft'. I die bemuse he won't
Know lie win mourn uie, hut I inn
go. 1 shall make all calculations: 1.
meet him In another clime, where I
ran perhapx get at him with a siU-k r
fuovo woiti m- 110 can throw me over
tfio kitchen range and out of the win
1ow. If asked point blank If the nioth-
cr-In-law experiment Is a success
hedge. Qualify It. Throw out a hint
or two that It la too full of happiness,
Attorney Genoral Wickorham's ad
mission that he received a professional
fee of $200,000 for services lasting over
two years proves President Taf t'a wis
dom in getting so high-priced n man at
such u low salary as the office pays.
I'd Rather Die, Doctor,
than have- my feet cut off," said M. IV
Uingrmm, or I'rincevllle, III., "but you
will die from gangrene (which had eat
en nwny eight toes) if you "don't said
all dostors. Instead he used Hucklen's
Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its
cures of eczema, lever sores, uoils,
burns and piles astound the world. 25c
nt Stonu'n drug store.
Spring Chicks!
Start them riht by keeping
them healthy and free from
vermin by tisinjr
Lee s Poultry Remedies
never fail
if used
Lee's Germozone,
Lee's Chick Food,
Lee's Chick Grower,
Lee's Insect Powder,
Lee's Lice Killer.
For sale by
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl Hank.
give all your attention to the horses
The carriage will take care of itself if
it is ono of ours. Most any old carri
age will do for slow horses and smooth
roads. It is when you have a frightened
team and a jolting road that our car
riagos stand out so strorglv. Hotter
got ono so that if you do haven run
awny you'll have a enrringo that will
stand the test,
A. M. Lock.
Than the Natural Grain
Can cnslly lx) obtained on doors, old floors
mid woodwork by using C'lu Naiiu-1 1II10
vnrnlsh mndo in nil colnrsj and our new
patent Ktiilulng pioccm.
Kasy work for tho iinmteiir. No technical
training necessary
Mado by The Ohio Varnish Company
Cluvctuad, O,
Stone Drug Co.
is none too good for our harness re
quirementsnor is tho host tanned
leather to he found in the market. Wo
are solicitous as to turning out- high
class horse goods and our c nstnntlv in
creasing orders and sales speak well of
our ability to fill (111 our promise of AI
Harness ana nurse, eioimug.
Plenty of dirt in nny qunntity needed.
Will fill lots in cemetery and tako caro
of same. Will furniuli monuments,
grave stones, copings and all.
Wo will also uoiiver k;e to nil desir
ing it. I'liono s!48.
A Better Finish
Dirt, Dirt,
Words To Freeze The Soul.
"Your son has consumption. His case
is hopeless. inose appalling worus
were upoken to Geo. E. Blevens, n
leading merchant of Sprindfleld, N. C.
by two expert doctors one a lung
pccialist. Then was shown the won-
erful newer of Dr. King's New Dis
covery. "After three weeks' use,"
writes Mr. Blevins, "he was as well as
ever. I would not take all the money
in the world for what it did for my
boy " Infnllable for coughs and colds,
its tho safest, surest cure of desperate
lung diseases on earth. 50c nnd $1.00
Stone's Drug Co. guarantees satisfac
tion. I rial bottle free.
Statu of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, ss.
In the County Court Anrll Kill. 1P01.
li. the mailer of the estate of Lena
Peterson, deceased
11 reading and llllnir the petition or umls
cterson. liravlm! that t 10 adm nisirn
inn of said estate may bu granted to him as
Onlerei I. T bat J av nth. nv. ai z o'c ock
11. m.. is assigned ror hearing sain pennon
when aH persons Interested In said matter
may appear at a County Court to Ito held In
snd fur said County, and show cause why
lie nraver or belli loner should not lie
granted. This notice to lie published for
Ix successive publications 111 11111 .ortn
Matte Tribune, prior to May rtb, WW.
w. u.
al.VO County .lutlge.
Notice Ishereby given that tho undersigned
bate organised themselves as a corporation
under the name and stylo or North nattc
(ins anil Klee.trm Company, with the tirlncl
on piarn or imsuiess 111 ine city or isortn
I'latte. Lincoln County. Nebraska, and tho
general nature o, the business to bu trans
acted is to own. ncaiiire, construct, maintain,
oti In and operate buildings, machinery anil
plants tor the purpose of generating and sup
nliing electricity and gas for Illuminating.
.eating ami manufacturing purposes to other
orooratlons. inlvuto or municipal, and to
Individuals, and to generate and use electric
ity and gas ror power, beating and lighting
anil all oilier lawful purposes and dispose of
lliesame to other corporations, private, and
municipal, and individuals and to do and
perform all things which may Im reiiulsltu or
necessary ror carrying on me said nuslness.
The amount oft lie can tat stock s S.'.VIOOU.
divided Into .'Ml shares of the par value of
WMt each, lo bo fully paid un within one
year from thu organization or this corpora
lion in cash or In ptoperty of the full value
of :)J w. or partly In cash and the hal
ance In property or the run value o' such
balance and the highest, amount of Indebted
iiess shall not exceed the sum of HVt.kHi.0o
The alialrs or the corporation shall be con
duced by a ltoaid of Directors composed of
live members, who shall elect a President
vlce-nresldent. secretary, treasurer and such
other oineors as may no axed ny tno by-laws.
I'llANK K. Mt'l.l A III)
IlAllllV Dl.XON
Ai.t'itni) It. Com mi Mis
To Henry Kleemoyur. and Iv'leemoyor his
wife, ill sl name unknown. Casper Meemoy
er. and hleemeier his wire, llrst name tin
known, 1 rod Ivleeuieyer. and Meemoyur his
wife, first nium) iiuknouti. .1. ity Meemoyer,
Henry Miller. Lizzie Dulan. Mary .tones,
Louis Miller. Kred Miller. William Miller,
Sim Dulan. Jones, husband of Mary .loues,
llrst name unknown. I' red I-.chtenkamp. Wit
Ham Kchtenkamp, Henry Kchtenkamp, .lol
ly Smith. lCd Smith. Laura Osmeyer and Oh
meyer her husband, llrst name unknown
Ktty Lutkluhohlerand William Lutklnholde
You and each of you are hereby notified
that tho undersigned platntll) Wllheliiilnn
ltlene. Hied her petition against you and
commenced un action In tho District Court
of Lincoln County, auhrasku. tho object and
prayer of which aro to obtain a decreo in
partition of tho following described premise
situated In Lincoln County, Nebraska, as
follows, the northwest quarter of section
thirty- ve and the southeast ouarter of sec
Hon twenty-four. In Town tun (10) Itaiigo
"hlrty-threo Ci:l) west of tho sixth principal
You ore reiiut'ed to answer said petition on
or ncroro ruesctay, tno nrstnayor .luno ivw,
or said petition will ho taken as true and the
proper legal orders will bo taken In partition
or sain premises as prayed in said petition.
Dated this l'Jtli day of April limn.
W11 lin.MiNA Kii i-h. IMalntllT.
Ily I-'. V. livid), her attorney.
To Klehord Lynn. Mary Lynn, O. V Duf
un. II 1. st and roll name unknown, James W
rsnuon. s.. 11. 11 ackwe II. rst and full name
unknown, and Skandla I'low Co.. a corpora
Yon and each of yon will herewith take
notice IliBl cnarle.s II. Walter llled his pell
Ion In Ihedlstilct court of Lincoln county
Nebraska, on the tit It day of April. IW.
against each of yon as defendants and alo
against the .NeliriisUn Mortgage Company.
i-orporsitlon. and lttchiird II. Stock, the oh
Ject und prayer of said petition being to fore
close a certain real estate mortgage executed
hy the defendants Iflchard I. vim and Marv
Lynn, Ids wife, to Frank Lamlreth, to secure
the payment of Two Hundred Dollars (fi(Kl) to
tie paid on .inner.', nwwlth Interest at six
percent per annum, payable annually, w deli
said mortgage conveyed to the said Frank
Lamlreth the southeast quarter is lis ) of sec
(Ion twelve n.). township tea (III), . . range
ihirty-rour cw w , em p 111 , that said mort
gage provided that a failure to pay Interest
or taxes when due. the whole principal sum
ami Interest should hecome (hie and nay
able; that said mortgage was duly assigned
1 iv said I rani; i.amireth to Klchard II Sleek
by Klchard II Steck. to one. L. Kldwell and
by L. Kldwell to tho plaintiff Charles W
alter; that no interest has been paid upon
said mortgage from the datooftho same to
Hie present tlmo and that 110110 of tho union
dants have ever paid tho taxes upon said
land. I'lainntr prays tor an accounting as
10 the amount duo 011 his mortgage; that the
same he declared a llrst lien on tlm said land
that the said mortgage bo foreclosed and the
said land sold to satisfy the amount duo
plalntltr on tils said mortgage. Interest and
costs, that die durendaiits to said action he
barred and foreclosed of all Interest In or to
Malil premises
You are required to answer this petition on
or nerore me 'itii nay or May. nw. II. Uai.tkii, I'lalnUlT.
Ily Wm.Siiuman. Ills Atty. alii 4
Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer
To all persons interested :-
Notice is herohy given that on April
uin, rjuy, more was nieil with the city
council 01 iMortn natter, Nebraska.
petition praying that a lateral sewer
district he formed from tho following
described blocks, to-wit: Wost liulf of
blocks !1, G, 11 and 11 and the east half
of blocks I, fi, 12 and 13. nil in Miller'
Addition to tho city of Nortli Platte,
Lincoln county, Nebraska. Said lateral
sewer to bo constructed of ten-inch
sewer pipe with proper flush tanks,
manholes and appliances, commencing
at center line of Sycamore street in
tersects tho main sewer on wost "A"
street: Extending thence southerly in
the center lino of said street, through
the abovo described property to tho
lino north of west "E" street line. Thnt
tho council has set said matter for
bearing on tho 4th day of May, 1909,
at 8:00 o'clock p. m., official time, at
the olllco of tho mayor nnd city council
in tho court house of said city. All
parties interested nro hereby notified
to be present at tho nbovo nnmed time
nnd place, and show cause, if any, why
said lateral district should not be
formed as prayed, and special assess
ments thereafter levied as provided by
law, upon tho renl estate consitituting
said district, for tho construction and
maintenance of the same.
Dated April 12th, 1909.
Nicholas McCaije, Mnyor,4
In the matter of tho estatoof Mary Phitllps.
In tlm i'(itintr court or Lincoln counts-. Ne
braska. March sail, lW.i.
Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will incut the Administrator ot
said estate, before the (Anility Judge ot Lin
coln count)', Nebraska, at tlm county court
room, in said count-, on thc3um day or April.
nw. ami on uie win day or oetoticr, ww, at u
o'clock a. in. each day. for the 1111 r nose of lire-
seating their claims for examination, adjust
ment ami allowance, fix months are allowed
fur creditor to present their claims, and one
year for the Administrator to settle, said es
tate, rrom tlie win nay or March, iiw. Tins
notice to Ik) published In the North Platto
Tribune for H successive publications prior to
April sum, iiw.
tntW-s County .Indue.
Ctf. No. SKI.
To Louis Stoekdaloi You aro hereby
notified that on .November &th. ivwi. L. A.
Wight purchased at otih lc sale, for taxes for
tho year IIHtflho following dcscrllsul tract of
land, to-wlt: The west or section 11. town
shin 11. north, range .'CI. west. In Lincoln Coun
ty. Nebraska, said land was taxed In the name
of I)ii s siockda n- 1 ho t me of ndemtit on
w 11 exp re after July 13th. WW. and or or to
August w, ii m, wttuti tax deed will lie applied
Dated Darch 30th. IIw.
L. A Winter.
Ily virtue of an order of sale lssi.pd from
tho district court or Lincoln county, rsohras1
ka. utsin a decrpo of foreclosure rendered In
said court wherein Martin I. McCullough is
Pla ntllr and Minerva A. Chase et al are
defendants, and tome directed. 1 will on the
24ti. dar of April lltAi. at 1 o'clock it. in.
at the east rroni ooor or tho court house in
fiorth I'lat c. Lincoln county. Nebraska, sell
at public auction to tho highest bidder for
cash, to satisfy said decreo, Interest and
costs. the follow ng described property, to-wlt
We t half ot no. beast quarter and east half
of northwest quarter of Section 17, Township
v. icango w. west or 0 r .M
Dated at north riatle. zseh., Match I", HW
I. L.
mlU-t) Sheriff.
Serial No.0182H.
Notice for Publication.
Department of thu Interior.
F. S. Land Olllco at North I'latte. Neb
March nth. 1 now.
Notice Is herein- elvcn that. Alwln 'nolcr
of North I'latte. Nebraska, who, on July 1st
1WB, made homestead entry o. IKI73, Serial
No. IJlKH. for south half northeast ouarter
and lots 1 and section 4. Towns i d n. north
uango .v west or the sixth rrinclpal
Meridian, has I led notice of Intention 10
make tlnal live year proof to establish claim
to tho land above described. I m fore the
Keglstcr and Kccelvcr at North I'latto.
Noli., on tno sin day or May. luoy.
Claimant names as witnesses! nimrlev
Meyer. William FaJka and Joseph Evcrlanch
of Dickens. Nub., and William Garmau ot
Wallace, Nub.
inn-it .1. rc. kvans, Keglster.
Serial No. Otfttll.
Notice for Publication.
Depart mentof the Interior.
V. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob.
March 'M. WW.
Notice Is herein' given that Leslie II. Sims
of Wolllleet. Nebraska, who on January 20.
H'Oil. mado Homestead Kntrr No. l'.lMO. Serlnl
no. uis&'.i ror ss-i sw. noH sww, sw" soM
section "s. township 11 north, rango :w. west
Hh principal meridian, has llled notice 01 his
Intention to make final live year proof, to es
tablish claim to tlie land above described, be.
foro tho register and receivorat North I'latte,
Neliraska, on tho soventecth day of May
Claimant names as witnesses: Albert Nick
les and .loo ICoester. of Wellllcet. N'nhrnskn
and James Itlblet and Alexander MucDonald
or North I'latte. Nebraska.
m!3-(l J. K. Evans. Register.
Serial No. Oiat).
11. K. No. num.
United States Land Oilier.
At North I'latte. Nebraska February 20, IW.),
woiice is nerooy given mat ueorgo Morau
of North I'latte. Nebraska, who. on October
10th, HKw. mado homestead entry No. until, for
southeast, quarter section in. Township Jll N.
Itango 2 V., Uth Principal .Meridian, lias lllei
nonce ot intention 10 maue una I avo year
proof, to establish claim to tho land above
descrllK'd, boforo the register and receiver, at
.ortn riaiio. iourasia. on mo luth day of
April, itou.
Claimant names as witnesses: W. II Combs
anuuariieid uumeriess or North I'latte. Ne
braska ami James Cooloy and E. V. Wright
01 )ia rue, 4eo.
J. K. Evans. Ueglstcr.
ft l .'1 .! A K I ADMIN IS I It ATI ON .
State of Neliraska, Lincoln County, ss
In tho county court April lid, Mint.
In tho matter of thu estate of Bridget
iiiaiuuey, deceased.
On reading and filing tho petition of O. E
Elder, praying for a summary admlnlstra
11011 01 said estate.
Ordered. That April Hh. ItHffl. at
o'clock a. m , Is assigned for hearing said
petition, when all persons interested in said
matter may appear at a county court to he
neid in and ror said county, and show cans
why the prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted. 1 his notice to ho published for six
successive putilicallons lit tho North I'latte
rriouno prior 10 April oin. lwow.
afl-3 County Judge.
Department of the Interior.
United Stales Land Olllce.
North Platte. Nebraska.
April r. I WW,
A sulllclent contest allltlavlt having been
tiled in mis oinco ny 1 harles r. ltreach. con
test ant. against homestead entry No. 23170
mailt! .111110 iu, W'ii. lor the swm of section 17
townstUPi'.rangoH'.', liy (leorgo W. Craig con
teslee. In which It Is alleged that (leorgo
vt.i'raig nas never established his resl .
on said lanii; mat ne lias never cultivate . or
Improved any portion o tho same, and thai
ho has wholly ah ndoned said tan. for more
man six mourns and one day lust past; that
aid alleged absence was not duo lo his
employment in mo army, navy or inarlni
corps , f the rutted Stales during any war
in wiiicii mo 1 mien Mates has neon engaged
taw parties are hereiiy untitled to appear, re
spend and offer evidence touchlngsald allcua
Ion at lOo'elock a m. on June 4, WW before tin
itegister ami neceiver at tho united State
1. aim utiieo in North riatte, Nebraska.
1 no sain contestant Having, in a proper
allldavlt. tiled Anrll 5. WW. set forth rncls
which show that after due diligence personal
service of this nollco can not lie made. It is
nereoy ordered ami directed mat such nolle
oe given py duo and proper publication.
ail-H .1 Iv. Evans. Register.
Iii the maltei oi the estate of Thomas Han
rauau deceased.
In the County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. March With. 1WU.
Notice Is hureby given, that the creditors of
said deceased win meet tho Administratrix
of said estate, I hi foro the County Judge of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho conntv
court room In said county, on ttio :u)t li day of
April, iwr.1 anu on mo aisi nay or octoher,
iw.'. ni i' o ciooH a m. eacn nay. ror me pur
IKise 01 presenting their claims ror evnmlna
lion, adjustment and allowance. iiionib
are allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for tho Administratrix to
settle said estate, from tho 1st day of March,
WW. This nollco to lie published in the North
I'latte Tribune, for night successive publica
tions prior to April 3oth, lno'J.
mSO-S County Judge.
Boad No. 317.
To all whom it may concom:
The following section lines havo been
established as a public road by the
county commissioners, as they deem
this road for the public good.
Commencing at the southwest corner
of section 32, township 15, rango 32
and running thenco two miles north on
section line between sections 31 and 82,
sections 29 and 30, thence west onomile
on section line between sections 19 and
30, all in town 15, rango 32; connecting
thereat with road No, -17. All claims
for damatra must bo filed in th county
clerk's olllce on or before June 9, 1909,
or such road will bo established without
reference thereto.
Unted North Platte Nob.. Aur. 7.
Notice is hereby irlven thnt on the 2Jfcl day
of March. IP0. w. It. Kills. Henry V. Hansen,
Kmanitel llutiartl. 1 ran it 1,. .Macomoer ami
hi lm Moeensen associated thomseives to
gether as a liody certiorate, under tho namo
and stylo of Circle Hill Telephone Company.
I'ho principal place or transacting 1110 ousi-
ness of said company shall lie at tho hills
school house, located on Section l Township
la, north, or Itunge west in Lincoln county,
Nebraska. The general nature of tho busi
ness to Is- transacted shall ho to construct,
own, operate and maintain 11 main telephone
lino in Lincoln ami .uwiiersuu ouiuies. Lo-
hraska, extending rrom me norm limits or
the city of North i'latte. to a selected iiolnt
In Section HI, Township 17. north, of Itango
31, west ofthenth l M.. together with lateral
and branch lines, ami extensions or mo mam
line, and for such purpose may own, lease,
sell and convey such real estate as may ho
necessatyor incident to me prontamo ami
proper conducting of said business; and to do
and perform audi other acts and tilings as
may be Incident and necessary to the main
IKJwersoi the coriioration. 1 no amouuioi
tho capital slock authorized Is ?:.',0U)UU di
vided Into shares of iM.Wl each, of which
capital stock not less than i shares shall bo
sttlwcrlbed at the organization of said cor-
iKira lon three-lirths or winch shall no paid
In nt the time of subscribing. The date of tho
commencement of the corporation shall bo
the Isttla.v of April, iiw, and tho dato of lis
termination shall no the 1st nay or April, ilia,
The hlgtesl amount of Indebtedness or liabili
ties to which the corporation Is at any tlmo to
subject Itself, shall not exceed the sum of
JTHJO eo The affairs of said coriKiratlon aro to
bo managed by a lioard of three directors,
together with a l'resldent, leo-Presldent.
Secretary and Treasurer, together with such
other and subordinate managers, agents and
servants as said olllcers muy apiKJlhl and
Signed March -Tib. WW.
W. II.
llHNIIVl' ItANStt.V,
Fiiank L.,
Probate Notice.
In thu matter of the estate of Ernest
Tellt., deceased.
In the county court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, March soth. lw.i.
Notice Is hereby given, that tlie creditors
of the said deceased will meet the Executrix
of said estate, before tho County Judge
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county
court room In said county, 011 thouuth day of
April, lllv. and on the illst (lav of Ooto tier.
WW. at H o'clock a- in. each day. for the titir-
posoof presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for the Executrix
to settle said estate from the 2Uih (lav
of February. IW1W. This notice to lie published
in tno Norm riaito Tribune, ror e g it suc
cessive publications prior to April XOth, llHV.t.
m:tu-3 W. C. ELDER, County Judge.
Serial No 01IHJS.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob.
March 21. imi
Notlco Is hereby given that W llllam Doebke.
ofNoith Platte. Neb., who on Nov. loth. 1003
made Homestead Entry No- 10770. Serial No.
(I1WJH. north half northwest quarter, north
halt northeast quarter, section HI, township
15 north, rango l west of tho sixth
principal meridian, has filed notlco of
Intention to make final live year proof,
to establish claim to tlie land above described
before thu Register and Receiver at North
Platto.Nebrasku. 011 the 2t.stday of May, WW.
Claimant names as witnesses; Hugh daunt,
James llechan. oeorge Macomhcr and Dennis
Mcuuups, an or North riatto Neb.
J. E. Evans. Register.
Ily virtue of an older of sale Issued from
the district court of Lincoln county. Nebras
ka, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered fit
said court wherein William Paddoetet al aro
plaintiffs and Tho South Platto Loan and
Trust Company is defendant, and to mo di
rected, I will on tho i!lth day of April 1WW. at
1 o'clock p. m.. at the east front door of tho
court house In North Platte. Lincoln County.
Neb. sell at public auction to the highest bid
der fori cash, to satisfy said decree. Interests
and costs, tho following described property,
towlt: Southeast H, of Section S, Township V,
Rango 3'.
Dated North Platte. Nob.. March 10, ifJCfl.
I. L. Mii.TONncunHii,
mlP-ll Sheriff.
State of Nebraska,
Lincoln County, fss
In tho County Court, April 1st. lOOi.
In tho matter of tho estate of Louisa
Ilund, deceased.
On reading and tiling tho petition of Fred
Hand, praying that the administration of
said estate may bo granted lo him us
Ordered. That May .'Id. lflOH, at 0
o'clock a. m., Is assigned for hearing said
petition, when all persons Interested in said
matter may appear at a county court lo bo
held in and for said county, and show cause
why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not
be granted. 'Ulils notice to be published for
six successive publications hi the Noitli
I'latte Tribune prior to May :id, IDOli.
a!-3 W. C. Ei.dkii. Judge.
In thu matter of thu estate of Samuel ''unk
houser, deceased.
In tho eouiily court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, March 31st, I WW.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate, before tho County Judge of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county
court room, hi said county, on thu tth day of
May. WO'.i. ami on the Ith day of November.
UHi!'. at I' o'clock a. m. each day. for the pur
pose of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowancu. Six months
are allowed for creditors to presint their
claims, mid one yeor for the administrator to
settle said estate from tho 17th day of Febru
ary. lliW. This notice to bo published for
iiPf M1,',Pt''s',lvo publications. In the North
Platto Tribune, prior to May 4 tit. limy.
ja'1;8 W C. Ei.pku. County Judco.
Ncbras" l9lrlct Co1"1 of Lincoln County,
,,I'V"0 WA '''kott. Plalntltr. vs. Eramus
II. Picket'. Caroline Hoy I and William P 1 u
mer. Defendants.
Notlcoof Sale In Partition,
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of
a decree and order In the District Court of
Lincoln County. Nebraska, mado In thealKivu
entitled action uikiii tho aotli day of Febru
ary. ll'O'.) the undersigned reforeo duly ap
po nted In said cause ami after taking tho
oath prescribed by law and given bund In tho
sum and manner and with sureties as pro
vided by law. and approved by tho Court and
V11 1" ,M,v "rimes. Judge of said Court. 1
Malnard E. Crosby, the said refereo. will of
fer at public auction at the east front door
of tho Court Douse In the County f Lincoln.
Sta o of Nebraska, to the highest bhldei f r
cash the following described property which
was ordered to be sold by said decieo by said
court, lo-wit:
Lots one (1). two (2) and three GI In block
twenty-three (2:ti ,u. oiIbIiwI town of
Maxwell. Lincoln County. Nebraska Said
sale will be held and said propoity sol I as
afotesutd at 2 o'clock p. m.. Central Standard
tlmo on .Saturday, the sth day of Mav iikVi
and said sale will bo held op,.,1, forTVierloil
of 0110 hour from and after tho said tlmo of
.' o'clock p. m ..on said date
Dated this 2nd day of April. IW
Mainaup e. Ciiosiiv.
, Refereo.
v .?,.,T.U'K,or ISt'Oltl'ORATlON
Notice Is hereby given that on tho S.'i,d day
ofJuntiary. Iiw. Articles of Incorporation
were llled In thuollleo of the Cot ty O u?k of
Lincoln County Nebraska. Incorporating tlio
llershey Telephone Company.
lheplaceof transacting the business of
said corporation shall ho In tho village of
llershey. Lincoln County. Nebraska Tho
guiieral naniroof the business 10 i,0 trans
acted by sold corporation Is tho owning,
conducting and operating of a general tole
pliouo exchange and telephone loll Hues
with tho power to acqulrouny Rues In exis
tence and to establish and build now and
cu liiecilngl hies, and to acquire such roal es-
sS!sa',if;;,'rci,ssiiry for u,
The authorized capital stock of said cor
poration Is the sum of Five Thousand "mm
Dollars ami that said corporation liegan busl
nesson t 10 1st day of l-Vbruary. im ."aid
coriioration la to cotitlnuo for a period of
Fifty (So) years from said In day of FebrS
avy. IWJ. Tho highest amount of Indebted
WIS t0,r ,JT,l,leh 8a,.(1 corporation ilia'l bo
liable shall bo iwo-thlrds of i'lOOO.OO
I he business of said corporation shall bo
conducted by a txiaidof Directors, not ex
ceeding I ivo (11). in number to Iw si-leeteil
by tho stockholders. The olllcers of said
corporation shall Ihi a presldtnt. vlei- presi.
dent, secretary and treasurer and such other
feKff" Bs b"a11 " nm"orl"'J "
Merslrey Tulephono Co, by
Cwmty CTuric.
FiirVWClH" 31. yULD,
mW3mo D. TTi L-INUUUn.