The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1909, Image 5

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Will McGrath returned to Qmaha
Tuesday after u visit with North Platte
Tom Haley has resumed business nfter
a siege of chiekon pox, a disease that
seems to bo no respector of person.
For Sale-Lot C, block 13; under
good cultivation; no filling required.
Inquire at 403 South Willow.
Mr. and Mrs. Dutlcr Buchanan, who
went to Lexington to attend the Kear
ney presbytery, nro now visiting rela
tives in Aurora, whom they will re
main for n week.
Don't be fooled. There is but one
American Fence handled in North
Platte, and that is handled by
Wilcox Department Stoke.
Tho next term of district court for
this county will convene June 1st. As
the docket was cleared at tho last
term a'nd few now casea are being filed,
it is probable that tho docket for tho
Juno term will be rather light.
At tho meeting of tho Kearney pres
bytery Tuesday the pastoral relation of
Hev. George Williams with the church
at Lexington was dissolved, and Rev.
Williams will hold his initial service in
North Platte tho first Sunday in May.
Extra engineers, both east and west,
are having rather nli picking, one re
marking yestorday that his earnings
aro only fifty or sixty dollars per month.
This, however, is the quint season on
tho Union Pacific, and better things
may bo expected soon.
Lost about two weeks ago between
Garman's barn and the Doolittle farm
red plaid nutomobile capo. Phone D 75
or leave at this office.
Mr. McCoy, of Lowellen, one of tho
substantial citizens of tho North Platte
valley, transacted business in town
yesterday. Mr. McCoy is a heavy land
owner, and also owns tho hotel at Lew
ellen, a hostelry that would be a credit
to a much larger place.
The machine for tho Keith theatre
picture show arrived yesterday and the
first show will be given Monday even
ing April 2Gth, and will bo n benoHt for
the Lowell band. The machine is of
the latest Edison pattern and is
warranted to produce n very clear pic
ture It. V. Cox will havo charge of
the machine.
For Sale.
Tho Doolittlo property on West 2nd
St., 3 blocks from court Iioubo. Six
room cottage, outbuildings, ccmont
walks, electric light, city water, nice
largo shade trees and blue grass lawn.
Price cut from $2500.00 to $2100.00.
Buchanan & Pattkkson.
EE! fiaa
APRIL 19th, 20th, 21st and 22d.
18 Pounds of Sugar for $1.
Cream Flour, per sack $1.20
Gold Crown flour, per sack 1.40
St. Louis flour, per sack 1.45
Purity flour por sack 1.50
Flour will be higher, buy all you can
use in the next few weeks. G per cent
off in ten sack lots.
Tea and Coffee.-
20ct Good Cheer Coffee. . . .7 lbs for 1.05
25ct Frontier Coffeo, 5 lbs 1.00
7 lbs Snap Coffee 1.00
50ct Red Cross Tea, 1 lb package.. 40cts
25ct package Nebin Tea 20cfs
Canned Fruit and Vegetables
25ct Bartlett pears, 5 cans 05cts
25ct black and white cherries 5 cans Oficts
20ct apricots, 4 cans 55cts
20ct plums, 4 cans 55cts
50ct gal can peeled peaches per can 40cts
GOct gal can Bartlett pears per can 40cU
45ct gal can apricots, per can 35cts
35ct gal can apples, per can SOcts
12Jct can tomatoes, 10 cts per can, per
dozen 1.15
lOct can corn, 8 ctB por can, per dozen
12ict can peas, 10 cts por con, per doz
en 1.15
2 cans table peaches for . 25cts
Largo cans pumpkins, fquash, sauer
kraut and hominy lOcts
Largo cans sweet potatoes, 2 cans 25cts
15ct Red Kidney Beans, 2 caiiB....25cts
15ct succotash, 2 cans 25cts
15 ct can Lima beans, 2 cans. . . . . ,25cts
Dried Fruit.
15ct faniy drUd peaches 51bs SOcts
20ct fancy dried arricots, 4 lba....50cts
20et fancy dried Bartlett pears 41bs.50cts
20ct fancy pitted plurnn, 4 lbs 50cts
15ct fancy nectarines, 4 lbs 50cts
Largest fancy prunes, 5 lbs 50cts
Largest loose raisins, 3 lbs 25cts
A. E. Timmcrman and R. C, Ilenn
ing, of this city, wero rcgestercd at
Omaha hotels Tuesday.
The funeral of tho late James
Chambers was held from tho residence
nt cloven o'clock this forenoon.
For Sale House and lot on West
Sixth street, four blocks from Dowoy.
Also cottage on same street for rent.
Sec O. E. Elder.
The soloists with the Hallowoll
orchestra nra Buena Atkinson vocalUt,
Uhl Ward, harpist and T. W. Coatcs,
clarinetist. Hear thamntthe Keith next
Tuesday evening.
P. II. Sullivan, J. M. Kannie, T. M.
Collagen and Syl Friend have been
elected delegate to the state grand lodge
of the A. O. U. W. which meets in Lin
coin in May.
Mrs. W. M. Cunningham entertained
the bridge club Tuesday nfternoon in
favor ot Mrs. James Ware, who left
that night with her son Paxton for
Blair, after a residenco of ten years on
tho Pawnee ranch.
In making a note of the petition for
the parole of Clarence McMurray The
Tribune was a little slow, for ho was
granted tho parole tho early part of
hist week and is now at his home
south of Brady.
Wc write insurance ul the lowest
possible rates for tho strongest com
panics. Why not get the best?
Temi'i,e Rrai, Estate & Insurance
1 and 2 McDonald Block. Agency.
In the polico court yesterday fore
noon, Audloy Heather was fined $5.00
and conta for disorderly conduct whilo
drunk. In a mo'ci in which ho figured
he received two discolored eyes. H. E.
Guyer was also up beforo his honor on
tho charge of drunkenness. Having no
funds, he was discharged and told to
hike to his homo in the north hills.
An Atchison man is now in corres
pondence with local parties relative to
opening a wholesale grocery house in
this city, and it is probable that he will
come hero to investigate conditions
This gentleman is an experienced
grocer, and for several years was buyer
for one of Omaha's largest wholesale
houses. With tho completion of the
North River branch to Northport quite
nn extensive field for a North Platte
wholosalo house will bo opened.
Up Before The Bar.
N. II. Brown, nn attorney, of Pitts
field, Vt.t writes: "Wo have used Dr.
King's New Life Pills for years and
find them such a good family medicine
we wouldn't bo without them." For
chills, constipntion, billiousnoss or sick
headache, they work wonders. 25c at
Stone's Drug Store.
Soda Crackers, Cookies, Etc-
20 lb box Soda Crackers per lb Gets
20 lb box best oyster crackers per lb Gets
20 lb boxes best Ginger snap
lor lb G cts
5 ct box Soda Crackers G for 25 cts
10 ct box Sod Crackers 3 for.... 25 cts
All kinds Cookies 2 lb 25 a to
Fish and Oysters.
Largo Salt Mackerel 2 for 25 cts
Smoked Salmon 2 lbs 25 cts
G Smoked Bloaters 25 cts
G cans Oil Sardines 25 cts
3 large cans Mustard Sardines.. .25 cts
3 small cans Cove Oysters 25 cts
3 large cans cove oysters 50cts
Family White Fish 70 ctskit
Soap and Wash Powders.
8 bars D. C. soap 25cti .... $3. 25 por box
7 bars White Russian soap 25 cts
$3.25 por box
8 bara Swift Pride soap 25 cts
$3.10 por box
Pearl White Soap 7 bars 25 cts
4 lb box Gold Dust 20 cts
G boxes Rub-no-more powder 35 ctB
G boxes Penrlin? 25 cts
Smoke Bacon by piece 15 cts lb
Picnic Hams .11 cts lb
Mixed Nuts 3 lbs 50 cts
Pure Sugar Catullus 25 eta
25 ct can K. C. Baking Powdur
per can 20 cts
25 ct can Calumet Baking Powder
per can 20 cts
25 ct can Royal Baking Powder
per can 20 cts
3 pkga yeast foam 10 cts
Gum, all kinds, 4 packages 10 cts
Matches, 3 boxes 10 cts
2 gal pail syrup 80 cts
Red Onions, per bushol $1.25
Sandhill potatoes, per bushel 75c
3 3 lb sacks tablo salt 0c
100 lb sack best grade stock salt. . . .70c
Rock Salt, 100 lbs 75c
Larger quantity, less money.
An attractive and sanitary soda
fountain has been ndded to the equip
ment of tho Vienna, and horcaftcr
patrons of thnt food disponsory will
havo choice of a long Hit of drinks that
do not intoxicate.
C. T. Wholan and son Kenneth re
turned Wednoday from Omaha.
Evelyn Daily who accompanied tho.-n
and had an operation for nn abnormal
growth in tho left nostril, will remain
in Omaha for a few days.
For Sale My six room houso on west
Fourth street. Inquire at promises or
see. Ttios Orton.
The Cheyenne Tribune says: Opar
ating ofilcials of the Wyoming division
nro expecting a couple of new type of
engines shortly, of the articulated
pattern, with seventy-ono foot boilers
and tvo sets of engines, capabla of
drawing twenty-fivo hundred tons of
freight, tho present maximum limit
being eighteen hundred tons. Tho new
locomotives will bo servod by two
Seed Sneltz For Sale
at 50c por bushel. Inquire of Bratt &
Buchanan Patterson's
Now is the time to buy either for home or investment.
A good five room cottage, with laundry and outbuildings, rents for
$14.00 per month, located on Mnple street near Sixth. Price $1250.00.
The Trexler property. A nice fivo room cottage, outbuildings, shade
trcoB.bluo grass lawn, comcnt walk, inside and out and nlcogardn, located
on west Eighth street. Price $1850.00.
A good new four room cottage, electric lights, wator and sower con
nections and toilet, cement walks, located five blocks from Central
school. Price $1700.00.
A new six room cottage with bath and toilet, outbuildings, shad"
trees and blue grass located in west end. Price $2250.00.
A handsome cottage within five blocks of court house in west end,
six rooms, barn, shade trees, blue grass. Price $2300.00.
A nice cottage southeast of town, fivo rooms, toilet, barn and out
buildings. Price $2500.00.
A nico cottage five rooms, outbuildings, electric lights, blue grass
and shado trees and two lota on west Sixth street. Price $2400.00.
A fine large two story dwelling, with bath, toilet, outbuildings, all
new, shade trees, blue grass, 4 blocks southwest of court house. This
is a big snap at $3300.00.
Tho Senter property on west Fifth street. New two story eight
room dwelling and outbuildings and full GG foot lot. Price only $3500.00.
The Crydermnn property on west Fifth street. New two atory
dwelling, with bath, toilet, outbuildings nnd nico lawn. Will make pric0
below cost for quick sale.
Tho Hershey property on west Fifth street. Tho finest home in the
city. We are prepared to name a very low price on this property, a
great deal less than its nctual worth. J
Why pay rent when you can buy any of tho above properties for less
than actual worth by making one-third payment in cash and paying tho
balance in small monthly payments.
For those who may wish to build now houses wo offer tho following
snaps in vacant lots.
A nico 44 foot lot on west S'xth street, with cement wnlk $200.00.
A full GG foot lot on weBt Sixth street for 400.00.
A full GG foot lot on west Sixth street for 500.00.
A full GG foot corner lot west Sixth streot for G50.00.
A full GG foot lot on west Fifth street , 750.00.
A choico business lot Front street, corner GGxl32 1500.00.
33x132 on corer of Locust and Front struet 2500.00.
88x132 southeast corner of block 103 5000.00.
A choicely located business housn and lot 22x124 on Dewey
street G00O.O0.
Each one of these properties is a bargain and will
make the purchaser good money.
Phone 139
(Shakespeare's Hirthday.)
Engagement of the Eminent Actor,
In a Brilliant Scenic Production of
The Winter's Tale
Thirty people in the cast, including a chorus and
ballet. Unquestionably the Event of the Season.
j& Curlain a! 0:15. Positively no one scaled durina on acl S
gtf Prices: $1.50, $1.00. 75c and 50c. &
Discount Sale.
Backward spring weather and an
overstock of goods i responsible for a
twenty per cent discount salo that will
bo inaugurated at The Leader beginn
ing Monday. This opportunity to pur
chase seasonable goods will no doubt
be readily taken advantago of by thoso
who dwsiro reliablo mo-chandise nt
one-fifth less then rcgulnr selling
prices. Full parteculars of the sale wil
bo found on tho eighth pago of this
Thirty five ladies wero present Tucn-
day afternoon nt tho celebration of
Grandnui Casey's eighty-eighth birth
day, and the latter was delighted with
this expression of kindness. Sho ro
ceived a number of letters of congrat
ulation, and was tho rocipiont of sov
oral handsome bouquets. Enjoyable re
freshments wore served, among which
wns a caKc with clghty-eigtit candles.
Cream Wanted.
Wo buy cream for the David Colo
Creamery Co., of Omnhn, and pay tho
l.I.-l L 1 .1! V.
ingiiuni. uiurKUk price, ivunveries lie
cepted at any time. Prompt remit
tanco every wek.
The Tiuvmr GnoorrnY.
Friday, April 23d. 1
Notice to Citizens.
Notice is horcby given that nil por
sons must at onco begin removing rofuso
matter from yards and nlloya. Failure
to do this will result in tho work being
done by tho city nt the expenso of tho
lot owner.
By ordor of the Board of Health.
You can af-Kord a Fore
because they will a f-Ford you
greater pleasure. Ford sandv
or muddy roads, and leave
you from $300 to $400 that
you will pay for other makes.
Five passenger touring car
f. o. b. Detroit.
Sutherland Auto Co.,
A. B. YATES, Sec'y.,
Sutherland, Nebraska.
Do You Want to
Make Money?
Thr milif wnv imii nnti irnf tnnnf
"...j ij j u villi fiw IIIWBV
tirnfff niit nf rnfutnrv hniru (
your fiirni tint! let thorn Rather up tho
wuftto for you. In fencing tho only
WilV ti Ritoml vnnv mnnnu la in ttt 4li
beat That in American. Eighty par
cem 01 an me woven lenco mno nnu
Htllfl ill tllO TItliliuI Rtiitna la Atmf!n...
that should prove tho quality. Car just
in in.
is what vou will find Urn Pnmut If imr
cigar every time. If you had a Rood
flinnn. II- ..IV ...LI. .. 1; L Tri 11 iui lb UIL Willi II I'UIC'NL JYlllg,
If VOU havo hnd n nnnr mrnl vnn'll fnr ;
got all your disappointment if you moko'
a Forest Klnc iiftnr it Thintr tlmf'a
n biff clnim for n cigar? Well, mako tho
experiment and you'll lay we nro right.
Tho Forest King otdy costs fivo cents
Our IirOIlll. CllklH II ml ("Vintinn
always satisfied, and they becomo reg-
uiur customers, wo use tno best ma
terials, and employ tho most clennly
Try our 25-cent mcnls-bcst in town
for tho price.
MrB. Jennio Armstrong, Prop.
Baker Perfect Barb Wire
iinted, per
hundred . .
.$3.1 5
Wilcox Department Store
Pcrcfieron Stallion.
Marmont weighs 1800 pounds, dark
bay, Btnr in face.
Will mako the senson at tho owner's
farm ono milo enst of tho Nichols
school house.
Terms-$ir.00 to insure livo colt, or
$10.00 to insuro maro with colt.
Whan maros aro disposed of or re
moved fromtho county servico fee
becomes duo at onco.
Homoonntbtc PhvnlrSin
anu ourgeon.
Offlccj McDonald Dank MulMtnjr.
Phono 183.
Vn.'". '
A. J. Amos. M, I). Mario Amos. I.
xJ Physicinna nnd Surgeons.
Office: Over Stono Drug Co.
Phones: Ofiko 273, Residence 273
HEO. 15. DENT,
X Physician and Surgeon.
Ofllce: Over McDonald Dnnk.
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 and 8. McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phono M8.
i ' AttorneyH-ut-Lnw.
Offico over Schatz Clothing
Store. Phono 48
Ofllce: Cor. Front & Dowoy Sts.
A full lino of Caskets. Robes, etc.
Calls answered promptly.
Day Phono 120, Night Phono 482.
The C. F. Iddings Co.
Rock Springs Lump and Nut
Maitland Lump and Nut
Hanna Lump and Nut
Colorado Lump and Nut
Pennsylvania Hard Coal
(In Stovo nnd Nut Slzo)
Blacksmithing Coal
We carry the largest assort
ment of high grade coal in the
city. Try us with vonr next
Call Phone 7. We have it.
The C. F. Iddings Co.
My services aro worth nllthoy cost.
If you go to a cheap man you will
probably fail to soil or bo compolled
to soil nt a Bacrifico. Tho only rea
son any auctioneer is cheap is be
cause his services nro not worth
much. For -terms and dates writo
or wiro at my expense. Phono E5q4.
Harrington & Tobin,
Wholesale Hay
and Grain. . . .
5arties desiring to settle their
accounts may do so by calling
at our office. Room 5, Keith
Theatre building.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
II. R. REESE, Prop.
Ladies' and Gents' Clothes Cleaned with
French Dry Cleaner.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Goods called
for and delivered. Over Mrs. Huff
man's Millinery Store.
Phono 450.
Merchant Tailor,
Invites your inspection of his fine,
lino of samples of goods for Spring nnd
Summer Suits, Overcoats nnd Trou
sers, which will bo mado to ordor in a
most up-to-date and satisfactory man
nay. Shop ovor Schatz & Clnbaugh'a