The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 16, 1909, Image 4

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    A Word About Clocks
Wo hnvcn't spoken about Clocks for
a long time nnd nil tho while wo have
ono of the rarest assortments we havo
over asked tho pcopla to look nt.
There are a great number of sorts of
Clocks, and wo think wo must havo
just about all of them.
Ono of tho sort that won't let you
oversleep in the morning costs $1.25.
Will last for years, too.
Those pretty littlo gold nITnirs arc
especially suitable for presents. We
havo n lot of dainty designs in them.
They cost from $1.50 up.
Kitchen Clocksfive or en years
accuratn running in them, for $3 or
Marble Clocks and Regulators cost
moro monoy, of course, and are worth
it. If you'vo n Clock need, see us.
Jeweler and Optician.
Wo want your repair work.
i , w
Over First National. 1'liono US
Harry Dixon returned this morning
from a business trip to Omaha.
Tho W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
W. T. Banks on Tuosday nftornoon.
ID. W. Peale has sold to C. A. Mooro
lots 4, 5 and G, block 20, town lot com
pany's addition for $500.
New Oxfords from tho best mukars.
Wicox Department Stoke,
For Sulo IIoubo and lot No, 820 west
Sixth street. Also three lots on South
Pine. Inquire of John States, 220 east
Second street.
Do not fail to sco tho big bargains in
flowers at Miss Whittakcrs on Monday
and Tuesday.
Weather forecast: Partly cloudy to
night and tomorrow. Maximum tem
peraturo yesterday CI, ono year ago
GO; minimum this morning 35, ono year
ago 38.
If you want a suit that will not
shrink or got out of shape, buy the B
& K. clothes at Tho Hub Clothing Dept.
Tho Sunshino society lias 'caied tho
Crystal Theatre Friday evening, April
23d and Suturday afternoon. April 21th.
The funds thus derived will bo used in
furnishing tho rest rooms. Tho Satur
day afternoon show Is given for tho
bonofit of farmers who may be in town.
For Rent.
Nice now hIx room cottago south
west of court Iioubo.
Good six room cottage, barn, out
buildings and 2 acres of hind in culti
vation about fivo blocks south of 1st.
ward school.
BucnANAN & Pattehson.
Lewis Peyton, of Sutherland, is visit
ing friends and transacting business in
town today.
Now electric signs havo been ordered
for the Keith theatre and for tho elec
tric light company's office.
Hoys and Children's Clothing, the
best at moderato prices, at Tho Hub
Clothing Dept.
Miss Whittakar is offering great bar
gains in fiswers on Monday and Tues
day, tho 19th and 20th.
Governor Shailenborgcr issued a pro
clamation yesterday naming April 22d
as Arbor Day.
A toltgram received in town at 10:30
this forenoon announced a very disas
trous firo in tho business district in
Grand Island.
Miss Whittaker is oflforing great bar
gains in flowers on Monday and Tues
day, tiie 10th and 20th.
Word received in town the early part
of tho week announced the death at
Fslrbury of tho infant child of Dr. and
Mrs. H. C. rock.
Tho annual meeting of tho Episcopal
parish will be held at the church next
Monday evening. It is hoped that n
largo numbor of tho parislioncrs wil
bo present.
The lady skatorial export opened a
three nights' engagement at the rink
last evening. Thoso who witnessed
tho performance pronounced tho feats
The Iirandigeo and Kincaid clothing
for men nnd ynung men at Tho Hub
Clothing Dept.
A tnnrriago license was issued yester
day to Lee II. Cowman aged eighteen
and Snlomo Lusk aged sixteen. Tho
pcrmiision of the parents was given.
Hoys Play Suits and Rompers at
Wilcox Department Stoiie".
Chun. E. McLain and Anna Lintz,
both giving Denver as their placo of
residence, wore united in marriago by
Itev. Mr. Porter yesterday.
For Sale Six room Iioubo at 402 W.
Third; nice lawn, plenty shade, barn
and outbuildings. Inquire of R. A.
Garman at Star Livery Darn.
A powerful arc light of n now
pattern has been placou in front of tho
room occupied by Nowton nnd Hodcs.
It is so strong that tho street arc near
by looks as though it was partially
Romcmber, every 25 cent cash ur
chnso untitles you to n ticket on the
clock in our window, which would bo an
ornament in any homo.
A local saloon man announces that
when tho daylight saloon law goes into
effect ho will install a soft drink foun
tain nnd servo customors with non-intoxicants
after 8 p. m. The revenue
thus dorived will help out on tho rent
meot us face to faco nud bo convinced
tht wo have it.
Clothiers and GentB' Furnishers.
North Platte People Interested
Tho Lincoln correspondent of tho
Omaha Hoc says in today's paper: The
Stato Railway commission will tomor
row, or shortly thereaftor, request
County Attorney English, of Douglas
county to begin a prosecution against
tho Union Pacific Railroad company for
giving passes to tho wives of two of
its local surgeons located at North
Platte, The physicians are Dr. N. Mc
Cnbe and Dr. V. Lucas.
Everybody is Happy,
to know that thero is a place for a good
housewife to save time and money
when house cleaning comes to select a
carpet, a rug or portieres in chenille,
rope nnd tapestry. Lnco curtains in nil
the newest trwshcH nnd patterns in
white, Egyptian nnd two toned. We
havo seventy different patterns to
select from. O.ur lino of rugs in velvet,
mnquctte, body brussels and tapestry
will surpriso you. Every pattern- is this
spring's creation. Sizes from 9x11 to
12x15 feet. Wo guaranlco Chicago and
New York prices, you must see, our im
menso lino to appreciate it. Yours for
business. The Huh Clotiiino Dept.
We will pay 17Jc per dozen for eggs
in trade. Rush Mercantile Co.
Rev. J. W. Hill, of Gandy, is in town
today enrouto home from tho meeting
of tho Kearney Presbytery.
Keg Nail $2.90 base at
Wilcox Department Store.
General Manager Mohler, of tho
Union Pacific, pasted through tho early
part of tho week enrouto to Ogden on
his annual spring inspection.
Miss Whittaker is offering great bar
gains in flowers on Monday nnd Tues
day, the 19th nnd 20th.
The Catholic ladies will givo tho first
Ico cream social of the season at the
homo of Mrs. Tottenhoff on East 3rd
street Wednesday afternoon and even
ing, April 2lst. Thev will also serve
cofreo to thoso who do not enjoy ice
cream. Also their customary lunch in
tho evening.
Wm Perfectly 'ilnld Whea lie Started
to Uo Ncwbro'M llerptclde
Frodorlck Manuell, Mnryland block,
Butte, Montana, bought a bottlo of Now
bro's Herplclde. April 6, '09, and began to
ubc It for ontlro baldness. Tho hair fol
licles In his scalp woro not dead nnd In
20 days ho had hnlr alt over his head.
On July 2 ho writes, "and today my hair
ts as thick nnd luxuriant nny ono
could wish." Nowbro's Ilorplcldo works
on nn old principle and with a now d'a
covery destroy tho cauo nnd you ro
movo tho effect. Herplcldo destroys tho
norm that causes dandruff, falling hair,
and finally baldness, so that with tho
causo gnuq tho effect cannot remain.
Btops fnlllntr hair nt onco nnd n now
Krowth stnrts. Sold by londlnff
drucrclsts. Send 10c. In stamps for r.nmplo
to Tho Herplcldo Co.. DoroIt: Mich.
McDonoll & Graves, Special Agents.
Myrtle News.
C P. Cnmpboll closed a term of
school in Dist. C3 Friday. Ada and
Leslie Mooro attended the full seven
months without being absent nor tardy
during tho term.
Dr. Amea of North Platto made a
professional visit to tho Iverson resi
dence Tuesday. Jack Nelson having
been tho victim of a severe case of la
Countv Surveyor Myers nnd son of
North Platte were out in this vicinity
surveying th Sam Gambrel homestead.
Ellis Hums took in n load to North
Platto for Geo. Giltner and brought out
a load for Emory London, tho last of
the week.
Emory London intends putting up a
cement residence this spring.
There was a dance nt tho Burns hall
Friday night.
Henry Phillips made a trip to North
Platto Fridny, returning Saturday.
W. S. Ross, Chns. Gnmbrel ana Ellis
UuniB each received n consignment of
trees last week and in a few years will
probably havo fine groves.
Another car of poles for the Circlo
Hill Telephone companv was received
this week, nnd practically all tho poles
for n distance of twenty-four miles
have been set. Tho company is now
considering tho advisability of extend
ing the line through to Tryon, which is
sev'n miles further than was!origini
nnlly intended. The wire for tho lino
will nrrive in day or two and will be
strung nt the earliest possible time.
For Sale.
Household goods of nil descriptions.
Apply nt tho J. B. Jeter residenco, G01
west Fifth street.
Your Home
is not complete without a
Peninsular Range
Come in and let us show you
why they are not just as good
but the best.
Wilcox Department Store
Most makers of young men's suits
forget that the wearer is still growing.
t&Wr SIncority
Ijjgiy Clothes
are cut so full that they
fit as well at the end
as at the start of ser
vice. Made with snap
and ginger. They never
lose shape because
cloth ahd canvas arc
both reshrunk by the
London Process and
ar jjboi
This label means that
the garments will
never sag or stretch at
collar or breast. This
is the place to buy
them and get what
you pay for. TRY US
The Star Clothing House.
Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do thewWork
Prot.W. M. Hayes, Ass't. Secty. of Agriculture of the United States says about Stock Foodi
"These balanced rations are often found by analysis to consist of the tailings of mills, elevators and
breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of
the largest Stock Food Companies is said to use fine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up the
weight of his product, instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ration containing high
fattening qualities and acting as a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with
ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa bay and other common food stuffs, $5.00 to $2S.OO per ton, a high
percentage of refuse, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to
the health of his stock."
Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horso nnd Cattlo Tablets for
horses, cMtle, sheep, swine and fowls proper dose in tablets. Nix in feed or salt. They contain
no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran. Ask for and try once Skldoo Condition Tablots or
Skldoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, Heave, Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink
Eye, Colic, White Plague Preventic. or Blister Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavin Remedy, or Barb
Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Capital Stock $300,000.00,
Watortown, S. D U. S. A.
Oil J
The Florida Fruit Lands Company
It is one thing to ADVERTISE
It is Another Thing to DELIVER THE GOODS That You Advertise.
Intelligent, discerning, live wire people in over thirty states, pur6hasers of our former offerings, Bear Witness that each
individual gets value received for the amount ho invests with us. Our smaller tracts 10 acres of reclaimed, Ever
glade land, will each and everyone be
to its owner, Conclusive evidence at hand to prove this assertion.
In addition to the farm, each purchaser is given a
business or residence lot in the town to be established
on this land.
There is practically no limit to the variety of crops
that can be raised on this land. The soil being- very
rich and fertile, is a veritable mine of agricultural wealth
and the yield and production of fruits, vegetables in
fact, almost any kind of crop known to the modern
farmer can hardly be excelled.
It is said that one good investment beats a life
time of labor, Here is your opportunity. Put your
monthly savings where you will have something worth
while at the end of the year.
What are you going to do? Wait until it is too
late, or call at our office in the Odd Fellows building,
North Platte, Nebraska, and purchase soon. Come in
we will be pleased to talk the proposition over with
you, and I am sure we can convince you that it is the
best thing you ever had a chance to buy in your life for
the mpney.
M Odd Fellows
9 wrrfwr
Payable $10.00 a Month
The Richest Land not Under Cultivation Today
Is that portion of Southern Florida near the southeast
coast, north and west of the city of Miami, and the
climate, resources and advantages for settlement of this
region is claimed by the most noted experts to be the
richest tract of land to be fouud in the United States,
and some have gone so far as to say in the world.
With a charming climate and at the very doors of the
world's best markets, with water transportation, noth
ing like it can be found on this continent today.
We now offer for sale a tract of 180,000 Acres of
this fine land. This magnificent property, large enough
for Twelve Thousand Farms and Homes, is being
practically Given Away to 12,000 persons who apply
for farms before they are all sold.
Do Not Make the Fatal Mistake of waiting that
thousands have made on our former sales, to their
Our wise selection of lands, our extensive adver
tising, colonizing and co-operative feature mean certain
success to all who join our happy throng. .
itate Agent,
North Platte,