THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. BARE, Publisher TERMS $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PI ATTE NF.URASKA A Boiling Down of (he More Impor tant Events Here and There Foreign. An empty balloon camo down near Contl, and upprohonslon Ih felt for tho three ncronnuts that sailed away In tho nlrflhlp from Paria. The lnteBt Intelligence from Germnn Southwest Afrlcu says the dlscovorleH of diamonds at LuderUz Hay nro more Importunt thnn wna nt Ilrct supposed. DlnmondB hitherto have been picked upon the sandy deHcrt, but nttotnptR to bore for water led to tho finding or blue earth pockets containing diamonds Hlmllar to tho Klmberloy and other South African stones. At l-'rlcdrlchHliafen Count Zeppe lin's airship made a successful (light of twelve hours' duration. It went first to Wnngon, In Wurttombori;, nnd roturnod to Frlcdrichshfifen by n different route. Tho British torpedo destroyer IJlnck wator wns sunk off DungonosB as a result of a collision with tho steamer Hero. Tho crow of 'the Illackwater was saved. Sir Alphonao Huffer, an English nobleman, died suddenly at hotel in San Antonio, Texas. Uy tho bursting of n dyke at Cntan zaro, twenty-two ilshermen were swopt to sea. Eleven of them were drowned. It Is bollovcd nt Palermo that tho names of tho assassins of Josoph Pot roslnl, chief of the Italian bureau of tho Now York dotoetlvo tarco, aro known to tho inspector of tho ministry of tho intorlor sent down from Home, nnd that thoy hnvo been communlcnt ed to Pronilor qiolottl. ClmrloB ID. Mtigoon, former provi sional governor of Cuba during tho Jnst intervention of tho United States, cnblcd to Gonoral ThomaB II. Parry, wbo coinmnndod tbo Amorlcnn troops loft on tho Island after tho with drawal of tho provlBlonnl govommont, congratulating him upon tho buccobs ful termination of tbo military occii' patlon, General. Tho Pnyno tariff bill passed tho houso on tho 0th. Ell Hltcbcock, Bocrotary of tho in terior undor McKlnley and Hoosovolt, died ill Washington. Tho now Cuban minister, Carlos Garcia Voloz waB formally received by Proaldont Taft. There wnu a fo llcltoufl Intorcliungo of friendly groot lngs Fifty thousand pounds ot govern' . mont powder exploded at Wnyno, N J., at tbo Duppnt black powdor mills instantly killing ono workman and seriously injuring Bovornl others. Among tho nominations sent to tho senate woro tho following from civil !to to bo second lieutenants In the coast artillery corps: Robert Elton Guthrlo ot NobrnBka and Goorgo El mor Nlklrk of Iowa. F. Mnrlon Crnwford, tho novelist, dlOd at Sorronto, Italy, Ho was born in 1845. He had been 111 for somo tlmo. Moxlco City wna tho scono ot a do- moiiBtratton for Proaldont Diaz. Governor Shallonborgor's nlgnnturo to Bounto lllo No. 100 afl'orda No braskn tbla year tho novelty ot a non iiartlsan Btato election, Jules Lumbavd, the Inst ot tho three Lumbnrd brothers, all great vocallstB, la dying In Chicago, President Taft will attend the meet ing of tbo Yale corporation on .April 15, A v Inter wheat avorngp ot 82.2 per cent of normal against 1)1.3 a year ago and ryo average of 87.2 agaliiBt 89.1 a your ago were announced In the report ot tho department of agrlcu) turo. A statement ot tho treasury bnl anccB in tbo general fund, exclusive of tbo $150,000,000 gold roBorvo, shows: Available cash balance, $132, 050,020; gold coin and bullion, $41,505,' 502; gold cortlllcntos, $17,707,700, Mr. llryan is left olT tho list ot BponkorB at tho Now York Jefferson day dinner April 13. Tho funoral of ox-Govornor Poynter wns largely attended. His burial took nlnco at Wyuka cemetery. ' Victor Emnnuel, king of Italy, mot nud cordially welcomed ox-Prealdont llooaovelt. Ex-proaldent Roosovolt Bpont a fow hours In Naples, being given n cordial greeting. Tho house rules commltteo lui3 fixed April 10 as tho date for a vote on tho tariff bill. Tho French tariff bill haB boon amended nnd notable concessions inndo to tho United States. Rullronds ot Missouri hnvo been re- istralned from putting u 3-cont fnre. Tbo legislature of MtnuoHotn, with but ono dissenting volco, pnssod re solutions requesting representatives of tho state in both housos ot con gress to use their best efforts to Bee that lumber Is put on tbo free list. Paris newspapers poked fun nt the CONDENSED I mannorlsniH of Mr. Hoosuvelt. Ex-Governor Poyntcr of Nebraska wns stricken by henrt dlaenBO nnd died suddenly In Lincoln Immodlately after making a speech beforo tho governor urging that ho sign tho day light saloon bill. t Tho country's trndo conditions nro Rome bolter, but still irregular. Washington womon expect much of Mrs. William II. Taft an tho llrst lady of the land. The tariff revision, after all, will bo downward, says Senator Aldrich. Treating friends to drinks of whiskey or beer on Sunday is a violation of the law, according to u decision bunded down by tho acting Judge Krloger of Kontucky. Hon. V. J. IJrynn urged tho Tcxna legislature to pass a bank gtinrnntco law. The centenary of tho birth of Niko lai VnsBolllovltch. Gogol, tho KuBsInn novelist, Is being celebrated. Special agents In tbo Held service force of tbo general land olllco for tho Investigation of alleged Innd frauds In tho west woro appointed by tho secretary of the Interior. Mr. Roosevelt was given a kindly welcomo when ho landed nt Gibraltar. Edmund Pennington was elected proaldent of tho Wisconsin Central Railway company. Ex-Governor Poynter, who died sud denly In Lincoln, wbb governor of Nebraska from 1890 to 1901. Tbo Missouri house committee on constitutional nmcndinouts voted to report the statewide prohibition con stitutional amendment without rccom- mondntlnn. Washington. Rev. E. E. Davidson of tho First Chrlstlnn church of Washington, who Is charged with having contracted a common law marrlngo with Miss Laura Dunn Clark, daugbtor of n for mer mayor of this city, nt tho Metro politan hotel, St. LouIb, last Decem ber, has resigned hlu pastorate. Mr. Davidson denies bo entered Into any sort of marriage contract with MIsb Clark. i Tho State collcgo of Washington won the national competition cham pionship for rlflo shooting, with 22 caliber cartridges, among tbo col leges and unlvorsltlcB on their In door ranges in tho contest last week, that institution making tbo highest scoro 910. PrcBldont Tnft has won n Blgnnl victory for tbo Phlllpplno IslandB In tho nccoptnneo by tho Bonnto com mittee on llnnnco of tbo provision ot tho Pnyno bill for tho freo admission of 300,000 gross tons annually of Flit- Pino sugar. In honor of Tokutnro Sakkal, com missioner general, and Hikojlro Wnca, commissioner of tho Toklo exposition, who aro In this country In tho Inter est ot tho Japanese world's fnlr, a din nor was given nt tho Whlto house. Tho fght for freo lumber wns lost In tho houBo by tho norvo-wrocklng vote of 174 to 170. Rut this 1b not final nnd tho ndvocntos of freo lumber nro confident thoy will win later. Tho Wyoming Btock growers' nsso elation, representing practically all tho cattlo-growcra of tho state, adopt ed a resolution protesting to congress ngalnat tbo removal of tho tariff on hides. Tho resolution nssorts thnt in vlow of tho high tariff on manufnc turod leather goods, tho plnclng of hides on tho freo list is an unjust dls crimination ngnlnst tbo cattlo-growors. Wrangling, confusion, captious oh jcctlons, personalities nnd langungo bordering on vituperation, mnrked tho llrst dny's discussion of tho Payno tariff amendment in tho houso of rep roBontntlveB. Tho llxlng ot rnton for tho now tariff bill was begun by tho sennto commit' too on llnnnco. Night sessions will be hold by tho commltteo henceforth. A decision has boon rendorod by Commissioner Dennett of tho goneral land olllco against tho Red Lands ir rlgatlon & Powor company, n Colorado corporation, In a euso Involving four toon desert land entries nproxltnutlng 4,300 acres In tho Moutroso land dls trlct of that state. Personal. Threo of the colonels on Gov. Shnl- lonborgor'B Btnff hnvo resigned Blnco ho signed tho dnyllgt snloon bill. Chairman Pnyno snyB department stores nro misrepresenting his bill. Mr. Urynn nnd wlfo aro In ToxaB to spend nemo days on their farm. Dr. Cbarlea W. Eliot, tho retiring president of Harvard university, has dotlultely nnd finally decided that ho cannot accept tbo tender of tbo am bassadorship to Great Ilrltaln. v President Taft sont In tho nnmo of Judge Rlchnrd 13. Stone of Prescott tu bo govornor of Arizona. Mr. RooBCVelt and King Victor Em- mnnuol met nt Mosslmi, Italy. William Allen Whlto, editor of tho Emporia Gaxotto, Is bojng boomed for tbo republlcnn nomination for lieuten ant govornor ot Kansas. Judgo O. E. Uooo, defaulting clerk In tho Kentucky Btato auditor's olllco wns Bontoncod to eight yonra addl tlonnl In prison. This makes his to tnl sontonco thirteen years. Tho Mexican minister to Russia has requested tho government to send a circular to Russian manufacturers nsk lng for bids on new railroad construc tion In Mexico. President Tnft sont to tho sonato tho nomination of Judgo Richard E. Sloan of Prescott ns govornor of Ari zona, vlco KIbboy, whoso term ex pired. , Several persons claiming to bo tho kidnaped Charley Ross hnvo bobbed up In vnrlous partB of tho country. Mrs. Herbort Ellsworth Gatoa, proal dont of tho Nebraska Stato Socloty ot .United States Daughters of 1812, has boon appointed an ofllccr of tho nn tlonnl cabinet. Tho president of Nicaragua Is tbo latest iiBplrnnt for a brush with tho United States and other nations. A LARGE REDUCTION HOUSE CUTS DOWN PAYNE BILL $20,0u0,0G0. MANY CHANGES ARE EFFECTED Lonato Finance Committee Will Have to Provide Means for Making Up Difference. Washington. Tho estimates of tho rovonuo which tno rnyno inrire um will produce for the government hnvo boon reduced nearly $20,000,000 through the amendments made to tho inoasuro beforo it was passed by tho house, nnd the senate finance commlt teo will have to provide menus for milking up this dlffcrcnco If tbo original estimates nro to bo met. Tho striking out of Bovoral countervailing duty clauses on which no estimates were mado probably will lessen tho bill's productivonesB another $20,000, 000. Tho nmondmont taking off tho 8- cent duty on a subtracted $7,000,000 from the estimated revenues. Tho striking out of tbo countorvnillng duty on coffeo nnd tho maximum duty pro vision for n rate ot 20 per cent ml valorom on coffeo coming from coun tries -which do not glvo tho United Stntca tho benefit of their most fa vored nntlon clause, disposes of what probably would bo $15,000,000 in duties. Taking out tho countervailing pro viso for lumber nnd for potrolouni, two amondmentB mndo by tho house, moans n lost opportunity to increase tho revenues by soveral million dol lars, It Is estimated, Uy repealing tho manufacturers' license tax for farm era desiring to bcII tho loaf tobacco which thoy ralso, tho houso has with drawn considerable rovonuo undor tbo lnternnl rovonuo law. A slight in croaso in revenue may bo provided by tbo Incroasod tax on Turkish filler to bacco, pineapples and barley nnd bar loy malt. Tho Bonnto llnnnco commltteo ma terially reduced many of tho schedules of tho DIngley bill nB it paBsod tho houso, but In order to lncrcaso tho rovonuo producing power of tho Pnyno bill tho commltteo will hnvo to tako dlffcront nctlon with regard to tho latter measure Tbo fifty or more nmondmcuts, nil of which woro offered by tho ways nnd meaim committee, hnvo added a fow moro changes to tbo Pnyno bill as compared to tho prcBont tnriff law. In 1807 tho sonato commltteo placed a duty ot yh conts per pound on hldos, which wua later changed to 15 per cent nd valorem, as It now stands. Tho Pnyno bill, an It passed tho house, llko tbo DIngley bill when it wont to tho Bonnto, places hides on tho freo list. Undor tho DIngley lnw, hides ( have produced n rovenuo exceeding $3,000,000 annually. CREEK INDIANS COMPLAIN. Mulltla Arrect Full-Bloods Not Con nected with Crazy Snake. Washington, D. C Word wns re ceived by Commissioner ot Indian At fnlrs Loupp from Eufnulln Harjo, tho bead man or tho Four Nations coun cil, Baying that tho state militia, in Ub attempt to capture mourners of tho Crnzy Snako band who partici pated In tbo recont outbreuks, wero arresting fullblood Indlnns In no way connected with tho Snakes or their troubles, nnd nsklng that tbo federal govommont provent tho further nr. rest ot Innocent Crooka nnd domnnd tbo release ot those already In cus tody. Instructions hnvo been Issued directing Agont Kolsoy ot Oklahoma to protect Innocent Indians. ARMY IN ITS FULL STRENGTH. Recruited Up to Maximum First Time In Eleven Years. Now York. For tho llrst tlmo since tho Spanish war tho United StnteB army Is recruited up to Its full strength. This fact was made public boro with tho posting of nn ordoi; signed by the adjutant genornl of tho army, In which all recruiting Is ordorcd temporarily discontinued, oxcept In tho enso of tlme-oxplred mon, to whom tbo prlvllogo of re-en- llstment Is given. Liberal Party Meeting, Atlnntn, Ga. A call for n meeting of tho nnttonnl cxoeutlvo committee nnd stnto committees of tho liberal party at St. Louis, Juno 20, was Issued by Charles J. Mooro, chulrmnn of tho nutlonnl oxecutlvo commltteo ot tho party. Tho mooting, It wns announced, will bo to dovlso vnys nnd moans for bettor orgnnlzatlon and conducting tho orgnnlzatlon for tho. next four I years. No Agreement Reached. Philadelphia. Despite many confer ences, conditions with regard to wngea In tho nnthrnclto coal Holds of Ponnsylvnnln remain unchanged up to this tlmo. President Greets People. Washington. President Tnft at tended Eastor sorvlcea at St. John's Episcopal church, of which Mrs. Taft Is a luombor, Afterwards ho was compolled to hold an Informal recop- tlon on tho stops ot tho church. Rate Hearing Postponed. Jefferson City, Mo. thu hearing of tho Injunction suit ngalnat tho eigh teen Missouri railroads to provent tho threatened Inoronso of passengor rates to tbroo conts a mllo hns boon deferred for several days. DISPOSES OF BILLS ALL IN GOVERNOR'3 HANDS ALLY ACTED UPON. FIN- TWO GENERAL BILLS VETOED A New System of Fees In District Clerk Offices Throughout Nebraska Now In Effect. Tho last of the bills In his hands wore dl8p6scd of by Governor Shnl lenherger hint week. Hcsldo tbo two gcnoral bills which ho vetoed, ho signed eight remaining, vetoing out of tho maintenance appropriation bill items totaling $73,000. TIicbo included two dupllcnto appro priations for experiment stations In the western portion, of tho Btnto which aro provided for In special ap propriation bills already signed. Tbo principal veto mado was that of two Items providing n total appropriation of $40,000 for tbo proposed Btnto his torical society building at Lincoln. Tho total appropriations for tho coining blcnnlum will amount to $3, 907,023.14, an Increnso over tboso of tho pnst blennluni of about $400,000. This Is less than tho estimated ox- ponscB of tho Btnto as tabulated by tbo stato auditor by $1,300,000, nnd is within the estimated receipts of the stnto for tbo blennluni by nt least $2,500,000. Tho estimated receipts hnvo been placed nt $0,054,000 In round mini bors, and tho present legislature has ouactcd laws which will bring In rovenuo to tbo stnto in various amounts to totnl nt least $250,000. Tho King bill for lovylng an occu pation against corporations will bring in upwards of $150,000. Tho additional bank examinations required undor the bnnklng law vyill double tho fees from that Bourco. Tho now oil Inspection bill lncrcnses those fees. Another largo sourco of rovenuo Is contained in tho bill creating n stato flro com mission, which provides for n tax of ono-hnlf of 1 per cent on tho gross premiums of flro InBuranco companies. Putting tho clerk ot tho supremo court and tho Tlbbots bill, providing for nn Increased too from foreign cor porntlons which maintain resident ugentB, bring In still moro revenue. Of tho IncrcnscB Bhown In tbo np proprlations this year tho necessary additional salaries for judges of tho supremo court, tho nddltlonnl amount given tho university nnd tho monoy expended In normal schools and for nddltlonnl equipment nt tho present normals, together with tho extra ap proprlations for nld to wenk school districts and normal training in high schools, mnko up moro than tho in crenso over two years ago. In vbtolng tho $40,000 provision for n stnto historical society building tho governor said: t'l think thero nro two good reasons for not signing it. Ono is that tho stato Is much moro In need of a now cnpltol than of such n building ns tho ono contemplated. Tho other Is that I do not consider It good business to attempt tbo construction of n $G00,- 000 building with small appropriations llko $25,000. Tho presont capitol. am Informed, cost between $300,000 nnd $400,000, nnd the historical build ing Is designed to cost nearly twice as much. In my opinion It would be hotter to put tbo money into a wing ot a new cnpltol." Signs Pure Food Law. After consulting with tho attomoy general as to Its provisions, tho govcr nor finally Blgncd houso roll 480, which nmends tho presont puro food law In tho matter of stnmplng net weights. Tho governor had hoped that an opinion of tho supremo court would bo hnnded down In tho Swift case with reference to tho branding provision of tho law ot two years ago, but this mny not come for nnother two weeks. Tho ehlof point Involved In thnt case from tho stnrlpolnt of tho puck ors wna tho question ns to whether their bnnia, wrapped In papers, could properly bo designated pneknges. If tho decision hinges on this point alono, lltle light would bo thrown upon tho mooted question with reference to tho law Itself, Tho govornor Is not at all satisfied with tbo provisions ot tho now lnw. Ho snld that so far aB ho could see thoy wcro Just nbout aa ambiguous as tbo statute for which thoy aro substituted First Municipal Bonds for'State. Stato Treasurer llrlan contracted for his llrst municipal bonds jib nn in vestment for tho pormnnent school fund. Tho bonds wero Issued by tho city of Albion for tho orcetlon of a city hall and for tbo construction of an electric light system nnd amount ed to $18,000. Thoy will net tbo Btato 416 por cent Interest. Tho bonds ar optional at tbo ond of tbo yonr. Thoy aro considered a good Investment for state monoy. Chosen Secretary. 13. O. Simmons waB choson sccro- tary of tho Stato Hoard of Irrigation by tbo bonrd, composed of Govornor Shnllenberger, Land Commissioner Cowlcs and Attorney Goneral Thomp son. Ho rocelved tho votes of Gov. Shallonborgor nnd Attornoy Genornl Thompson, whllo Mr. Cowlcs voted for Adna Dobson, who for oiglit years has hold tho position. Mr, Simmons formerly lived in Central City, where twenty-five years ago hu was principal of tho public schools, no also served us county surveyor of Merrick county, FEE8 IN DISTRICT COURT. New Order of Arrangements Will Greatly 8lmpllfy Matters. A now systom of fees In tbo district dorks offlco went into effect Wednes day, overy county In Nobraskn being nffected by tho bill which was signed by the governor. The new order of affairs will greatly simplify mnttcrs nnd will enable the county commis sioners through comptroller or nuditor to know each day what and where tho clork's ofllco Btanda. The fees hero- after charged litigants will 'bo na fol lows: Docketing cause, $2.50. Filing, petition, answer, cross-peti tion, petition In Intervention, Inter pleader, Indictment or information, $2.50. Filing amended or substituted plead ing, demurrer, motion, nffldnvlt, tran script for nppcnl, reply or other paper not otherwise provided for (except praecipes, depositions, mandates, re- colpts for fees, exhibits In foreclosure cnBcs and flies from lower courts In appeal cases), each 50 cents. Entering names In general Index and doing nil necessary Indexing, each nnmo 25 cents. Isaulng, llllng and entering return of summons, subpoena, order of at tachment, order of replevin, notice, ci tation, commission, warrant, writ, cnplns, order of nrrest, or other mcsno or final process not otherwise provided for, $1. Issuing order of Injunction, man damus, restraining order or other or der of court, 300 words or less, $1. And lor 100 words or part thereof additional, 10 cents. Taking, filing nnd recording bond, undertaking of recognizance, Includ ing Justification of sureties, $1. Issuing execution or vend! entering return nnd filing jmpers return nnd filing papers returned by sheriff, $2. Isaulng order of sale, entering re turn nnd filing papers returned by sheriff, $5. Impaneling Jury, administering oaths, filing instructions nnd excep tions thereto, Jury nnd witness lists and verdict to bo paid by tho plaintiff before Jury is impaneled, $3. Filing, docketing nnd indexing transcript of Judgment, for Hon from other court, $1. Tnklng acknowledgment of deed or other Instrument, 60 cents. Taking affidavit, administering oath, certificate or seal not otbcrwlso pro vided for, each 25 cents. Making completo record for each 100 words, 10 cents. Jinking transcript or copy of re cords, filings or any other papers for first 100 words, 25 cents. Each lOO.words addltionnl, 10 cents. Provided' that no feo Bhnll bo charged for services rendered in nuy habeas corpus caso and that all rules, orders, procedlngs, findings, judgments and decrees of the court, nnd nil verdicts nnd spoclnl findings of tho Jury, mnndnto nnd orders from tho supremo court and from tho fed eral courts Bhnll bo entered upon tho Journal of tho court, indexed and noted upon tho docket, with charge, nlso sheriff's returns. Endorsed Daylight Saloon. Lincoln typographical union, provl oua to tho governor's signing of tho. bill, ndopted tho following: "Lincoln typographical union No. 200, organized for tho purposo of fos tering fellowship nnd brotherhood nnd Bhleld from aggression nnd temptation tho Isolated toller; to aid tho destitute and unfortunnto; to dovolop and stlm ulate, by association nnd soclnl uplift, sobriety nnd those kindred Instincts of humanity, which most highly adorn truo manhood; to defend tho weak befriend tbo friendless and encourage belter citizenship and in nil charity lnculcnto lessonB of morality nnd sobriety nmong mon; applauds any stops toward tho curbing of tho drink hnblt. and especially endorses tho provision of sennto fllo No. 2G3. Whero- nB--Our motto for humanity 'eight hours for work, eight hours for rest and eight hours for tho material ben eflt of tho soul and body,' Is, nppllc ablo ovon to tbo drink habit and we npplaud tho effort of tho Nebraska loclslaturo toward tho eight hour day." Changes In Sleeping Quartera. Because of tho passago of tho puro bakery law Introduced In tho legls laturo by Senator Randnll a lot of poopIq probably will have to rear rango their sleeping quarters in this state. Section 7 of tho bill rends as follows: "No person or persons shall bo allowed to llvo or sleep m any room of n bakery shop, kitchen, din lng room, confectionery, creamery choMo factory or place where food Is prepared, used or sold.' Signed by Governor. Against tho protests of delegations ot Fremont peoplo who fought tbo bill to a finish, Governor Shallon bergor signed tbo mcasuro providing for tho purchnso by tho stato of tho Wnyno Normal school and appropriate lng $90,000 with which to pay for it Fremont sent n delegation to urge tho govornor not to sign tho measuro Wayno wna equally active in insist' lng that ho approvo it. Mutual Hall Case. A now turn In tho receivership caso of tho Mutual Hall Insurnnco society has dovelopcd In tho nnswers of number of defondnnt policy holders. who claim that tho alleged fraud of tho officers of tho Bocloty Invnlidat ed tno whole nttomptod orgnnlzatlon ot tho society, consequently that thero nevor wns nny offoctlvo orgnnlzntlon and that tho policy holders cannot bo hold Hablo for tho dobts of tho or ganlzntlon. Tbla clnlm Is mndo by nlno Thurston county policy holdors who nro among thu 400 defendants. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF NEW8 NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. A druggist nt Hordvlllo got n flno of $150 for "blind pigging." For the first tlmo In eleven years Kearney hns gono dry. Evnngellsts have invaded Humboldt for a series of meetings. The wintor wheat outlook In tho vi cinity of Table Rock la said to bo fine. James McDowell dropped dead nt his home in Falls City. He wns 81 yenrs old. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ross of Richardson county celebrated fifty years of wed ded life. Omaha's city election occurs Mny 4th. Tho present mayor (democrat) Is a candidate for re-election, Presbyterians of Poncn will rebuild their burned-down church, destroyed Fobruary 13. Tho next annual camp-meeting ot tho Nebraska AdventlstB will bo held In Hastings In August. Tho Wnhoo ofllco is selling so mnny postage stamps that It expects to got a Bccond class rating July 1st. Stanton county hns mndo n start on Ub county fair for 1909, having named tho days upon which it will bo held. Cupid was unusually lazy In Jeffer son county during March, only eleven licenses being lBSued for tho entire month. Now tnnt burning of rubbish accum ulation of tho winter has commenced, fatalities begin to come in. Ono child thus far has been fatally burned. For signing tho dayllgt saloon bill, Gov. Shnllenberger Is being roasted in some quarters and lauded in others. It's nbout a stand-off. Thero wero wnrm fights in many towns in Nebraska at tho lato elec tions over tho liquor question. Vic tories wero nbout oven. July 1st tho daylight saloon bill be comes operative. And think of the sweltering nlglita with not a drop ot beer to drink after 8 p. m. W. L. Pnyno of Lansing, Mich., wns burned to death and W. P. Eelder and F. L. Miller, Btockmen, wero Injured In a wreck on the Union Pacific nt Fremont. Tom Reynolds was nrreatcd In Plnttsmouth nnd taken to Glenwood, In., a few miles distant, to fnco tho charge of assaulting a young girl. May ho get slnchod good nnd hard. Southwest Nebraska teachers had n fine meeting nt McCook, with nn en rollment tho last day of 555. Mnny ablo papors and discussions wero In evidence. The hny barn of tho Union Pacific at Grand Island, with a capacity of 200 tons, caught flro from n switch engine nnd was totally destroyed, to gother with, 150 tons of prairlo hay. Tho first purchnso of municipal bonds by the state was mado April 3, when State Treasurer Brian bought heating nnd lighting nnd city hall bonds of tho city of Albion, nggregat- lng tho sum of .$18,000. York hns no snloons, but n "window peeper seoma to be steadily doing business there. As ho continues to oludo capture, the only thing for tho girls to do Is to "pull down tho blinds." Tho Fremont board of education voted to mnko tho minimum salary for teachers In tho high school $75 per month. This means a ralso at oneo for threo members of tbo fac ulty. Automobiles nro getting so num erous in Nebraska that farmers with fractious teams aro kept busy dodg ing them. Runnways are of frequent occurence and damage suits galoro will bo In tho courts in duo time. A very substantial building boom Is now undor way at Albion, somo of tho larger operations being a city hnll, a city gas plant, n tolophono exchange, tho remodollng on nn extensive scale of tbo First Nutlonnl bank building and the largo and modem residence of Robert Hutchison. While n burglar was cpncealed In n closet ndjolning ,tho room, nn employe of tho Updike elevator nt Arlington sat for nearly an hour in tho ofllco. When tho latter left, tbo burglar re sumed operations, breaking open tho snfe, securing a quantity of stnmps nnd a revolvor. R. F. Crosby, a piano tuner, was ar rested In Goring, the charge being mnllclouB injury. Tho piano owned by Rev. D. A. Youtzy wns tuned by Crosby and bo wns paid tho stipulat ed price for tbo job, but for somo reason ho demanded nn nddltlonnl fee of which wns promptly refused. Un dor Bomo pretenso he got nccess to tho piano and unstrung it. It cost him $14 to square matters wttli the court. Tho board of education of Grand Island adopted rules for tho oxamlnn tlon nnd elimination from tho public schols of nil pupils and teachers af flicted with tuberculosis, Tho teacher Is to report all cases to tho medlcnl examiner. Miss Kiitharlno Rogers, n Norfolk school teacher, flagged a train with an umbrella nnd saved a horse's llfo. Tho horso's foot waB caught In a frog on tho track. Miss Rogers ran dovyi tho track waving her umbrella at thu oncoming train, which stopped long onough for tho horso to bo extrlcnted by meanB of n pickax.