The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 13, 1909, Image 5

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    THF t
j "Mother's Pattern"!
Is one of the richest and heaviest of the Gorham
Silver Co's production. It is graceful in design
and perfectly plain, which insures it being easily
kept brightly polished. We are showing it in:
Knives and Forks Honey Spoons
Dessert Spoons Cream Dippers
Table Spoons Gravy Dippers
Tea Spoons Bon-Bon Spoons
And all other pieces necessary to set the table
Displayed in our show windows. Let us quote
you our prices.
U. P. Watch Inspector.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00
(Not considering quick aBscts nml cash resources)
E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Office over the McDonald
Stato- Bank.
Prescription Druggists
I'lrst Door North or
First National Hank
See Gladys Vann at the Crystal this
The Rebekah Kensington, which was
to have been held Friday, has been )
indefinitely postponed.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply at Episcopal rectory.
Tho government offers a reward of
$50 for the arrest of Dick Monnghan,
a formor North Platte boy who de
serted from the coast artillory corps at
Fort Dade, Florida, March 19th last.
Dick is twenty-one years of age and
left here when but a boy.
The vaudeville feature at the Crystal
this week is Gladys Vann, singer and
mono'oquist, two stunts in which sho
is an adept. Miss Vann was formerly
with the Murray & Mack company in
"Around tho Town."
Go and see Brown's Registered
Stallion offered for sale at the North
Side Brn.
Dickey Brothers havo just completed
installing an ice cream making plant
'with n capacity of 500 gallons in ten
hours. The apparatus is of the latest
pattern, rnd though the cream is
frozen rapidly it is very smooth. It
enables tho packing to be done with
but littlo handling, thus insuring moro
perfect sanitation. The firm expects to
engage in cream making on a whole
sale scale, and have already established
agencies in adjoining towns.
For Sale South half of northeast
quarter Section 14, Twp. 14, R. 32, 80
acres under Paxton and Hershey ditch.
Write L. L. Brown, Evanston, Wyo.
For Rent.
Town herd pasture, houses, stores
and unfurnished rooms.
B ii att & Goodman.
give all your attention to tho horses.
Tho.carriago will takocare of itself if
it is one of ours. Most any old carri
age will do for slow horses and smooth
roads. It is when you have a frightened
team and a jolting' road that our car
riages stand out bo strongly. Better
get one 10 that if you do have a run
away you'll havo a carriage that will
stand the test,
A. M Lock.
The Firemen's Ball.
The firemen's twenty-second annual
ball Inst cvoning was attended by n
very 'argo crowd; not only wcro tho j
galleries crowded beyond tho seating j
capacity with spectators, but tho floor i
was filled with as many as could dance
with convenience. Tho ball opened
with a concert by Hart's orchestra,
soveral selections being well rendared, 1
and this was followed by the grand
march led by Thos. E. Jeffors, chief of
tho department. Tho twenty-six num
bers on the program were danced with
n zeal that indicated thorough enjoy
ment by tho participants, and it was
about 330 when tho final danco ended.
Through tho efforts of J. J. Baden
and Ed Paul an innovation in electrical
display was made possible, consisting
of Intermittent lights from wires strung
across tho ends and dropping from tho
center of tho hull, red and green bulbs
being used. This guvo a very pretty
nirect. A strong "spot light" was al
so used on tho stage, which was focused
at tho will of tho operator.
Tho attendants "vero largely repre
sentative young people of tho city, and
tho affair throughout was conducted as
nicely us the most critical could desire,
and so smoothly a to reflect credit up
on tho boys forming the soveral com
mittees. It was, as one young lady
said, "as nicoly conducted as any bnll
bIio hud attended in North Platte" and
sho had attended many.
For Quick Sale.
$1,C00.00 buys a nice 5 room house,
all novvly painted, in nice neigborhood.
Easy terms. ThiB is a bargain.
$2,900.00 luys a now 8-room house,
with barn, cement walks, lawn, etc.,
in tho west end. Can bo sold $900 cash,
balanco time to suit. If looking for
something good and cheap, this is it.
$2,300.00 will purchoso a pretty G
room cottage on west Fourth street.
Let us show this then you will want
it. Terms easy.
$1,990.00 buys n nice homo nnd barn
and outbuildings, cement walk, two
good lots, lawn; shade, electric lights.
This will suit you.
$2,000.00 takes a new G-room house
with bath, etc. A pretty homo with
two nice lots.
$750.00 buys a 4-room houso and good
lot. Alwnys rented. This is a good
Call and let us show you these prop
erties. Can be sold on reasonable pay
ment down and balanco same as rent.
Biiatt & Goodman.
e Dress The Best Dressers.
Mrs. .leannetto Adamson and daugh
ter Miss Elizabeth left this morning for
a visit with Mrs. C. F. Jennings, nee
Jbnnic Adamson, in St. Louis. They
will probably make a protracted visit in
that city.
The newly elected officers of the
B. P. O. Elks wero installed last night,
as is the custom of the lodge, tho re
tiring exalted ruler, M. Keith Neville,
was presented with a hnndsomo B. P.
O. E. jewel.
If you want the best quality in
canned goods, got the Kamo brand at
tho Tramp Grocery.
The secretary of tho Sunsnino Society
requests donations for tho rest roomB.
Any one having an articlo of furniture
such as a rocker, couch, or sanitary
couch, wash bowl and pitcher and sev
eral towels or anything that would add
to tho comfort of tho room, please
phone to 53 or 550, and thoy will call
for same.
Manager Stamp, of tho Keith theatre,
who will soon install j moving picturo
show, will give Lowell's bund a benefit
tho opening night. The band is en
deavoring to securo funds with which
to purchase uniforms and new music,
and wo feel sure that this proposed
benefit will attract tho attendance of
an audience that will pack the theatre.
Tho band needs nw music for the
concerts to bo given during tho summer
and as these concerts nro freo to all,
everybody ought to bo willing to ''chip
in" and raise the funds needed. Tho
local band is one of tho best in tho
state, and it should receivo more en
couragement from our citizens.
For Sale.
Eggt for setting from nuro bred bar
red Plymouth Rock and Buff Orpington
cnicKens. inquire oi or address uiank
enburg Bros., North Platto, Neb.
Lutheran Supper.
Tho Lutheran ladies will serve supper
at tho parish house next Tuesday even
ing, tho menu to include roast beef and
i i i .. i ii i
gravy, iiiusiiuu puiuiues, com nam
cabbago salad, pickles, cako and coffee,
A salo of aprons will bo held in con
nection with tho sunner. This nntrnn
ago of tho public is respectfully
Seed Speltz For Sale
at 50c por bushel. Inquire of Bratt &
For Sale.
My residence property on west Sixth
uiroofc at a Bucnnco.
Public Notice.
During the past few weeks a tragedv
on right and justice has been enacted
and who is accountable? Judge ye. It
will bo remembered that we had Borne?
thing to say on tho subject some tirpa
ago and at that time the board of
health inserted the following in both
papers, The Tribune and Th s Tolegrph:
"Sec. G. Art. 7, Chap. 55, Revised
Statutes of Nebraska 1903, grants
authority to the Nebraska state board
of health to make rules relativo to the
control of contngiouB, infectious and
epidemic diseases and a fine of from
ten ($10) to one hundred ($100) dollars
is imposed upon anyone convicted of
failing, neglecting or reiusmg to en
force such rules. The ordinances of our
local city government are in harmony
with the state board's regulations."
"In narticular tho rules require that
that diphtheria (membraneous croup)
scarlet fever, scarletina or scarlet
rash, bo quarantined for (35) thirty
five days. Local boards of health are
required to act accordingly and the
board of health of tho city of North
Platto will carry out its instructions
without variation or favor."
Now for examples of how it has been
carried out:
Mrs. Baegett s homo was quarantined
five weeks for diphtheria.
Miss Blake's homo was quarantined
five weeks for diphtheria.
Mrs. Kosbau's houso was quaran
tined five weeks for scarlet fever.
Another nhvsician was sunnosed to
havo seven or eight cases of diphtheria
and here is how tho law was adminis
tered in his first three cases.
Mrs. W. T. Wilcox 8 homo quaran
tined twenty-two days for diphtheria.
Jesse Edward's homo quarantined for
two weeks for diphtheria.
Mr. Walker quarantined eighteen
days for diphtheria.
Any variation orlavornerei wiry out
the local board of health look on and
never question? Surely thoy must havo
thought that tncy wore supposed cases,
but whv thev wero so critical when
your humblo servant had one enso of
true diphtheria, and so composed in the
presence of soven or oighf. To mo it
certainly is a problem. It looks too
much like discrimination.
It certainly is high time that people
havo equal rights In these matters be
fore tho law, and when money and in
fluence and tho ring do not figur;
when tho poor nnd tho rich will
have things in common in the intorfst
of health and tho prevention of dis
ease. For after all "ono touch of na
turo has made us all kin", and withi.ut
doubt wo nro our brother's keeper, and
ouirht to remember tho injunction "to
do as wo arc donoby". Therefore if it
wero right to quarantine tho three
former cases five weeks it was a ling
rant injustice to tho formor and to the
community to allow tho throe lat
ter out poonor than tho timo specified
hy law; except that it was not dipn
thoria. Respectfully Yours.
J . S. Twinem, M . D.
E dress the Best Dressed Men in this
locality, but wc do not sell "Freak
We avoid all monstrosities in the way of
crazy patches and fripperies.
We appeal to men who appreciate good
Clothes Clothes that are stylish, handsome
and correct.
The best Tailors known to the
trade build our garments and
build them correctly.
Here you'll find the sort of Clothes a well
dressed Man should wear and will wear.
Suits $15 up.
Overcoats $15 up.
Shower Coats $17.50 up.
Trousers $3.00 up.
Correct Hats and choice Haberdashery,
chosen from the best Maker's I3est.
Weingand & McDonald
The House of Good Clothes.
Ladies' Jacket
Spring and Summer Necessities.
Hardware, Lawnmowers,
Garden Tools, Wash Machines,
Grindstones, Grass Catchers, Knives.
Refregerators, Glasses,
Pictures, Furniture,
Picture Frames, (made to order.) ,
Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings,
Curtains, Draperies, ' , ,
Couch Covers, Window Shades. ,
Plumbing and Heating.
What are Your Groceries
Costing You?
Look over your pass bpok and see the difference you are
paying1. It pays to pay cash.
Stylo 2714 Is made from fine- qual
ity striped covert cloth, trimmed with
strapping, buttons nnd soutache braid,
colors light tans and grey.
Price $10.00
muet us face to face aud ho convinced
tht we have it.
Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers.
Cream Wanted.
Wo buy cream for tho David Cole
Creamery Co., of Omaha, and pay tho
highest market price. Deliveries ac
cepted at any tlmo. Prompt remit-
tancw orterjr wk.
Tire TnAwr QnucEtrr.
is none too irood for our harness
(iuiromeptHnor is tho host tnnnor!
leather to be found in tho market. Wo
aro solicitous as to turning out high
class horso iroods and our crnstantlv in.
creasing orders and sales speak well of
our auiiuy to iiuiiii our promlsa of Al
wurnuBH aim norso ciounng,
Cane Granulated Sugar, 17 pounds . .$1.00
Tulip Patent Flour, per sack 1.45
Gothenburg Patent Flour, per sack. 1.45
Gothenburg O. K. Flour, per sack , . 1.40
3-lb pa'l Swift'H Silver Loaf lard..
Mb pail Swift'H SilvorLeaf lard.;
Mo pall Swift's Premium lard....
Perrio Viaus Maple Syrup pot gal.
Corn Syrup 10-lh pail
Lewis Lyo per box
Diamond C Soap, 8 bars
Pearl White Soap, 7 bars
Gold Dust, 41b pkg
Paddlo Bluing 10c sizo
Paddle Bluing Cc sizo
Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch
per pkg
Kingsfords Corn Starch por pkg..
Best Gloss Starch per pkg
Best Corn Starch per pkg
Sanolio per pkg 9c, 3 for
Ammonia per bottle
Seeded Raisins 12-oz pkg
lG-oz Seeded Basins, per pkg
Cut rants 12-oz pkg
Bulk Raisins, large,por lb
Cocoanut, the best, J-lb pkg
Cox'b Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs
Knox Gelatine 13c, 2 pkga
Royal Baking Powdor 1-lb can ....
Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1-lb can
10-oz can K. C Baking Powder....
15-oz can K. C. Baking Powder. . . .
' .25
25-oz K. C. Baking Powder
5-lb can K C Baking Powdor
Pumpkin, por doz $1.10, per con..
Hominy, per doz $1.10, per canJ..
Kraut, per doz $1.10, per can.. ,..
Sliced peaches (in heavy syrup)'
por can...
Standard Corn.per case 1.60 por can
Standard Tomatoes, per caso 2.25,
per can
Soaked Peas, per case 1.40,per can
Fresh Peas, per doz 1.10, per can..
Cove Oysters largo can, 8 oz
Covn Oysters small can, 4 oz
Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb
Salt, best grade, per 100 lb
Soda Crackers wooden boxes
per pound
Oyster crackers wooden boxes .
per pound
Full Cream Cheese per lb
Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 13c per
pkg, 2 for
Grapo Nuts, per pkg 13c, 2 for ...
Mothers' Oats, largo sizo, per pkg
Duko's Mixturo tobacco 16-oz pkg
Horso Shoo Tobacco per pound ....
Yankeo Girl Tobacco 18 oz plug..
Kerosono oil per gallon
Cash counts. Buying1 groceries or any other kind of
goods on time costs you greater interest than any bank in the
country would charge you. Then it saves that dispute about
your account. If you don't believe it give it a trial.
Wilcox Department Store.