THE StMUWtEKlY TR1BUNI IRA L. BARE, Publisher TEH MS $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Increasing Insanity. OoiKllUoiiH local to Massachusetts wero rocontly cited by llio state board of lunacy hi explanation of tho in creased uttmbor of pntlonts In tlio in ' bmio asylums of thin Hlalc, says tho lloaton Herald. Thoy cannot apply In Now York, but a similar Increase In In Banlty cases In reported by tho nuthorl tlco of that etnto. Tho number of now cases last yoar was GOO greater than In tho year provlous, and tho lunacy commlBHlon reports tlint "nil tho hos pltnla nro overcrowded and rapidly be coming moro so." "Wo can't build hos pitals fast enough to take caro of tho apalllng Increase," nays ono of tho fituto ofllclalB. The Increniso is duo, In tho opinion of this official, to tho mod ern method of living and tho character istic BolMndulgcuco of tho race. "Thoro Ik a general lapso from the old stand ards of morality and responsibility," bo says, "children of tho growing gen eration seeming to havo no idea of order. Tho avorago boy of today, if ho sees a sign of no Hpltting on tho sidewalk, will walk up and spit undor It. This shows a danguroun intellec tual condition." Tho relation of law Iobbiiobb to monlnl deterioration is not always realized. Hut lawlessness on tho pnrt of tho individual Indicates a lack or aclf-rostralnt and nn Inability for oelf-govornmeut. If statute lawn aro disregarded, moral ami physical laws will not receive greater respoct. Hclf-gratlflcatlon oxcubcb ono form of lawlessness nn woll as another. It tends to fill the lusano asylums as well uu tho jails. , When Amorlca, with Uu 80,000,000 pcoplo, found its national expenses amounting to a billion dollars a yenr, thoro was a gasp of wonder anl anxi ety at tho extravagance It Boomed to imply. Great llrltnln, which Iibb only half ub many pooplo h Oils country, is rnpldly approaching a two-hundred-million-pound budget. TIiIb -year a deficit of many million pounds Is an ticipated. Modern governments aro expensive machines, and as thoro Is a growing disposition among pooplo all over tho world to rcqulro their govern montH to ongngo In an Increasing num ber of activities, bllllon-dollar con grosses and twn-huudrod-mllllon-pound budgotn aro not high-water mark; tho lido 1b utlll lining. Tho doclared purpose of tho Cuban national lottery bill Is to incronso tho national rovunuos. This In frank, any way, says tho lloaton Herald. Tho ob tonslblo object of lottorlos generally Is to give tho participants u chanco to win moro Hum thoy invost, tho real ob ject, of coui-bo, bolug to mako money for tho projectors by indulging tho gambling spirit of tho pooplo. Thoro is no lack of that sort of thing in Cuba. Turning tho lottory wbool nnd cock lighting aro tho favorito Cuban sports, and thoy aro about as Ineradt- cahlo ns prlzo fighting nnd horso racing aro with us. St. Potcrsburg papom, following tho recent fotiremont of II) Russian ndinlr als, express tho hopq that this will bo only tho beginning of a clean swoop of all thoso naval officials who, moro than Uen. Kuropatkln and tho army oillcora, aro regarded nn responsible for tlio torrlblo defeats in tho Japaucsu war. tho Novoo Vromya hcaru that ,ln addl tlou to tho 13 admirals already cash lered from the Russian navy, eight mpro will shortly bo dismissed from tho service. In nil, says that paper 117 higher olllcors In tho naval service will bo dismissed. Fow of tho youngor generation rea llzo that it wan not until nftor tho cjvll war that a transcontinental railroad was bnllt, and It became possible to go by rail from Now York to San Fran- cIbco. Provloualy tho Journey was dlf llcult, but not quite so long or bo hnz ardous as that which a Gorman llou tenant Ib making by automobile from Dar-cB-Sabiani In Gorman KnBt Africa to Swakopmuudo In Gorman Southwest Africa. Ho started in August, 1007, and In Dccembor of last year had reached Johunnosburg. Dy a now treaty, on bohalf of tho United Stntcu with tho roproBontatlvos of Colombia and Panuma, Colombia recognizes tho Independence of Pann ma, which ngrcua to pay to Colombia its proportionate sharo of tho national debt, tho money to bo furnished by tho United Stutea. Tho trcuty also doflnoB tho boundary lino and provides. for tin Vtabllshmont of commercial uud dlplo intlo relations butwuou Colombia am Panama. When tho bodloa of Mr, Cheney, tlx Amorlcan consul, and" his wlfo, wh wero killed at Mcsulua, woro brough to Now York, 4,000 Italians Termed th funeral procession which innrcho from tho steamer through tho city. 1 wan a touching and graceful tribute and a token of tho sympathy botweo thin country and Italy. A Clovuhuid man wub arrested l Toronto, charged with using a hntchc on his wifo. lie claims It wub uxedci tal. OTE8 for women," Tho poor who could havo boon npprohended ut tering thoso words 100 years ago In England would have been ostra cized by society by men and women alike. Hut scan the situation to-day and you will find that wu BUffragotteH havo nearly won our b a 1 1 1 e. Perhaps it Hoems far from victory to Americans who havo boon following tho Btrugglo which we havo been conduct ing la our own wny, but let mo say right hero that "votes lor women" Is n my mind u certainty within a do cade. Tho Idea has been driven home among tho men who aro tho ruling powers of Croat Britain and they can not help but soo tho bounty of our arguments, This opening of a vista of light in tlio stubborn minds of tho men who construct English law Is to tho Biiffragettos u certain Indication that If tho fight Is carried on In tho next fow years with tho Biuno vigorous measures which havo markod the pursuit of votos by tho feminine Brit tsn of tlio past few years, our cause Is won. It is nu enlightened ago. The wom an who iipurus tho thought of partici pating in tho political activities of her country has not yet reached a piano, according to my bollof, whore sho can possibly approclato tho bcuollts to bo dorlved from tho llttlo ballot. Why do woman dlsllko politics? 1 answer sim ply bocnuso thoy bollovo tho political Bldo of a country's life 'Is tho degraded ono. Thoy connect politics and votes with drinking, grnft and other evils, which, I may say, beset tho safety of political government to-day. And lot mo ask tho woman who doos not bcllovo that sho should vote: Would, not tho Introduction of tho femlnlno Into government affairs servo to cleanse them of tho stigma which Ib too often attachod? To my mind that would bo tho result. I havo said that I would deal Im partially In this article and bo I nm giving "tho other hand" of tho ques tion, Men have opposed equal rights because thoy any that the Influence which a woman of ovll Intentions could throw Into a political light would disrupt organization. I answer: There is now much evil In the manner In which our mule citizens nro carrying out their policies and It Is a cortalnty that the purifying Influences of woman would bo felt In national questions. "nut woman has not tho training for a political careor," boiiio of my Hkoptlcal friends may declare. True, sho has not hud tho training which has boon accorded to tho men, but' just now Bho Is not looking for political olllco for she Is nftor her primary rlghttho ballot. Then after that Is won th-i political training will natural ly follow with tho Interest which tho woman must take In the affairs of tho country, which bIio will necessarily help In deciding. 1 do not Biipposo that enlightened rentiers win warn mo 10 ugam go over thut throad-baro motto, which arises to tho upporntost part or tho brain of man whonovor ho is arguing ngalnst equal-rights, viz., that "woman's placo Is In hor home." Ot courso woman's place Is In her homo. So Is a mans, but that does aot provont olthor from participating In tho decision ot who sha'.. govern tho rights upon which that homo is built. Think It over, Does it? It bofoll mo to bo a member of tho llttlo bnnd of women who, when thoy L , I poor who could havo of tho hoiiBo of commons in February, WymiWfyi U'jyjffMfM mVmf'mWV If I 1)00,1 iMlrohondcd nt- wero dragged into the worst excuso Wmm!ZWwk imSfKLmlM ' I W I terlug thoso words 100 for a court of justice and sentenced to mzSn& ''ffiil,,!? 'S&.MMStSk hhizZmi ILmMJFI ' I years ago In England ono month in tlio worusnop uecnusc 1 1 IPM MmBt.mFMaM' rft, , WW-Mk iXW HW I SFySE3feS5& wiTi -"rr T f Til mr f "MmiiMiiMtrmT m 'trwi t 1 ii in ii hi n Hi i m mm nn L vW - TsirH i III 1 1 I' I I i M il TV0 Wu iwwiniii iwhii i mump -SlSmi , Kma; mm rwi nn nTrn : " " zsmm i w" w 1 t: Y- , iin done tho causo, for wo woro tho mar tyrs of our division of -tlio great band of women which Is lighting for tho ballot In Unglnnd. True, tho mnglstrato was good enough to glvo us places in "Jail" which wero better than thoso to which tho ordinary drunkard of the dens of Choapsldo Is sontencod, but tho caro which wo rocolved was not such that our lives In tho confinement of tho juir" wns by any means comfortable. Ono of our number wus a member of tho British nobility and the grievous wrong which wo bollovo wus Inflicted upon her station will not be forgotton by our suffniKo band for many years ct wo refused to allow onrselvon froedom. Men have laughed at our methods of going about tho acquirement of our right to the ballot. A mnlo friend of mine said to mo: "Why do not yon women go nftor tho suffrngo right peaceably without tho attempt nt making your point folt by tho uao of bruto strength?" Think ot It. sisters and brothers "bruto Btrongth." Ho called our efforts tho utilization of "bruto strength." 1 laughed outright when ho choso to term our fight under (tint u-ji'-n Perhnps bo galnod his Idea from u.u fact that our vigorous prosecution of the tight has boon styled "rioting" by the sensational press. Hut In my mind It cannot bo called that for to my knowledgo nono of tho women camo to blows with their enemies In this light. it sconis to mo that what "bruto Btrongth" has been used was on tho other side. Brains havo been naed to a greater extent ihan you Anioricans may Imag-1 lno. It waB u cunning mind among our leaders who thought out tho plan to talk to tho momboiB of parliament by having two of tho womon chnln them selves to tho guard la tho balcony. Just that llttlo Incident gavo England tho Idea that tho fight wns a deter mined ono. Modern advertising methods woro used to circulate general knowledge of tho March demonstration and certain ly If wo belloved that tho power of brawn Is. needed to win this strugglo wo would not havo gouo about It In that manner. Wo could havo hired hoodlums to mako a fur moro stnrtllng argument in lino with tho uao of brute atrength." Another manner ot unique advertis ing was tho airship eplsodo, which un fortunately ended disastrously. The craft, upon tho aldo of which wns pinned a great banner bearing tho Blogan. "VOTES FOR WOMEN," trav eled In tho direction oppo3lto to that for which It had boon steered, but tho moral effect upon tho public was good. Though It Is not generally known thoro aro great minds behind this cam paign and through them oventual suc cess Is sure. Every day now moves aro planned and tho mombors of par liament who nro opposed to our creed mtio Know wnero to iook next ror nn outcropping of tho emblem which bears our llttlo legend: "equal suf frage." Malo mombors of British nobility aro to bo figured upon if tho aelllsh would dofont us, and that Is why I say I be llovo I havo good reason to nrguo that within a decado our fight will bo won OUT OF THE Prince Victor Dulcep Singh's Ghost Story and Its Confirmation. "On Saturday, October 21, 1S93, I was In Berlin with Lord Carnarvon. Wo wont to tho theater togothor and roturnod at midnight," quotes a writ er In the Strand Magazlno. "I went to bod nt onco, leaving, as I always do, a bright light burning In tho room (elec tric light). As I lay in bod, 1 found myself gazing at nn oleograph which hung on tho wall opposite my bed. 1 saw distinctly tho faco of my father, tho .Maharajah of Dulcep Singh, look ing at mo, as It wore, out of tho pic ture; not liko a portrait of him, but hlB real bond. Tho head about filled the picture framo. I continued look ing and still saw my fatbor gazing at mo with an Intent expression. Though not in tho least alarmed, I was so puz zled that I got out of bod to sco what tho picture really was. It was an Aro there not In England among tho malo population minds of far lessor caliber tbnn those of tho womon who believe thoy should voto? There Is no doubt of It. Yet wo, who havo a greater grasp of tho polltlcal'sldo of life In his majesty's domain, aro de nied tho privilege Is our condltlou not liko that which you Americans fought back- In 177C: taxation without representation? From rending tho cablo news from America in the dally newspaper here In London I lenrn that soverul states of our former colonies have bestowed upon their women tho right to cast ballots In rendering decisions as to state and city officers. If tho offspring of England shall havo bo far prog ressed as to rccognlzo that tho femi nine branch of tho human raco do serves a "say" In tho affairs of men, Is It not tlmo for tho mother country to cast from her back tho black cloak of unequal suffrage? There !i a suffrage lesson In Amer ica and well may England profit by it. The thought that voting Is unworn nnly Is as obsolete an tho old stage coach system, to my mind, and aonio day tlio oyes of our country will bo opened to that fact. Wo women havo simply formed ourselves Into a band of lenders and wo hopo soon to sti our way clear to tho voting booth. Our strugglo commenced In humblo llttlo mass meetings on tho street. Tho success of tho3o rcsolvod Itself Into tho doslro to do grcator things nnd to-dny you Americans who rend tlio newspapers aro viewing a light which is Hearing tho mountain top of victory. ORDINARY oleograph of a girl holding a roso and leaning out of a balcony, an arch forming tho background. Tlio girl's face wus qulto small, whereas my father's head was tho size of life, and filled tho frame." Prince Dulcep Singh adds that his father had long' boon out of health, but not alarmingly so, On the noxt morning (Sunday) ho told Lord Car narvon. In tho evening Lord Carna rvon handod him two tolosrnms. The Prince nt onco said: "My fatbor Is dead." It was bo. Ho had an apoploctlc seizure on tho previous Saturday evening at about nine, nnd nuvor recovered. Ho had often said ho would try and appear to hia ton at death If thoy wero apart. Prince Duleop Singh Is not subject to hallucinations, and had only ono sim ilar experience as a school boy. Lord Carnnrvon confirms the ac count. Tho Mararajah died on Sun day, Oclober 22, 189a. LITTLE KNOWLEDGE Of Painting Requirements Will Save Much Expense. When ono sees tho surfaco of a bouse or other building scaling, or peeling, or spotted or bllstored, 01 , showing other symptoms of paint "dls i case," It Is evident that a poor palntor baa been on tho Job, and that poor paint wan tised or possibly that a. good painter had been dominated by a property-owner who know nothing; ubout paint It is an easy matter to bo informed on paint and painting. A complete painting guldo, Including a book of color Bchome8, cither for exterior or I interior specifications for all kinds of painting, and an instrument for detecting adulteration In paint ma terial, with directions for using it,, may bo bad freo by writing National Lead Company, 1902 Trinity llldg.. New York City, nnd asking for Houso. owner's Painting Outfit No. 49. Then, CA'cry houseownor should mako it a point to get only well known rellablo brands in buying his mntcrials. Puro whito load Is espe cially important, or the paint will not provo patlnfactory. Tho famous "Dutch Hoy Painter" trademark of National Lead Company, tho largest makers of puro whlto load, Is an ab soluto guarantco of tho purity und quality of tho whte lead cold under it. That trademark is a safeguard against paint trouble. TIRED OF THE REPETITION. Plausible Argument Advanced by Youthful Tactician. Dorothy, aged eight yearn, was very fond of going to church, and when a Bovero cold mado It unwise for her to bo allowed to attend services ono Sunday morning alio wa3 disconso late. "Fraullno will read tho Bible to you," her father assured her. "I dcu't want to hear tho niblo read. I want to say my prayers," ob jected tho child. "God will hear your prayers just tho same If you say them at homo as If you wero In church," sho was told. "Hut I don't know any without tho prayer-book," argued Dorothy. "Why, you know 'Now I lay mo down to Bleep,' " papa said. "But God has heard that so often," sho remonstrated. Harper's Weekly. YEARS OF FREEDOM. No Kidney Trouble at All Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. .1. B. Johnson, 710 Wee St.. Co lumbia, Mo., says: "I was in misery with kidney trouble, and finally bad to un dergo an operation. I did not rally well, and began to suffer smothering spells an it dropsy. My leftside was badly swollen and tho action of tho kidneys much disor dered. My doctors said I would havo to bo tapped, but I began using Doan'B Kidney Pills In stead, and tho swelling Bub3lded and tho kldnoys began to act properlj. Now my health is lino." (Statement mado Aug. 1, 190G, and confirmed by Mrs. Johnson Nov. 1G, 1908.) Sold by all dealers. GO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. WHOLE TEAM. Ida Yes: that In Mrs. Pelkigh. I let husband Is a famous coach. May That's a good combination. Sho'a a regular nag. His Practical Mind. A border farmer, whoso practical mind noared above a tasto for things beautiful, bad the good or bad fortune to marry a wofo who brought with hor a wooden substitute for ono of hor nether limbs, says Ixmdon Tit-Bits. On being remonstrntod with on tho exer cls eof his cholco, John thus nnswerod: "Hech, sir, It's maybe no' a vena bonnlo thing to marry a woman T &. wooden leg; but, man, she'll bo awful usefu' at settln' time, when I'm puttln' doon my cabbages, noeps and tattles. Sho can gang on In front an' maU' a nolo wP her stump, whllo I eomo ahlnt an' put In the seed." How's Tills? Wo oner Ono Hundrnl Dollara llevanl for any run ot CtotarrU that uinuut be curwf liy lUU'i Catarrh Curu. F. J. ClinSUY CO.. Toledo, O. Wft the utidcrslnuil, Imvn Known 1". J. Chmey for tho list It yran, ami believe litm rrtectly Imn orablp In fill biislipm trntiKietkM'ii nnd tln.irirl.illy ablo to carry out any obllratlnna niAdw by bu arm, Wai-wno. Mnkan A Makvi.v. Wbolraale Dnnclilf. Tolrtln. O. Ilall'n Catarrh Cure U taken Intrrnaliy. nrllns dln-ctly ution tho blood and (nUtoin urfacm nt llw ytii. TretlmonlaUi wnt (rto. J'rlw 75 ctnu r bottK Sold by nil Hrui!tM. Taiie Hill's l'amlly 1'llla (or conitltiatloo. Qualifications, "I'm afraid you'ro not tall etiough for a nnr30," said tho mistress Inter viewing an applicant. "Oh. yos, ma'am," replied the girl. "It's all tho bettor that I'm short: tho children don't drop bo far when they fall." Stops Coldc In an Hour. Ynti will bo plml to know lino'ri Plcacuit iiibh'ta (laxative) will tttp in an hour a rnld that could not l o warded off by any. IliiiiS obo. They will nbvityo break' up n cold ahiio-t immediately. DntsKit-t'. und dealers i-ell them at 2." cttt. a Ikix. Orwtor F. Woodward, Lo Boy, N Y. Sample free. A man ought to know a great deal to acqulro a knowledge of mcnslty of bis ignorance- tbo 1m