i THF. . J "Mother's Pattern" ! I Tableware Is one of the richest and heaviest of the Gorham u Silver Co's production. It is graceful in design and perfectly plain, which insures it being easily kept brightly polished. We are showing it in: Knives and Forks Honey Spoons Dessert Spoons Cream Dippers i Table Spoons Gravy Dippers Tea Spoons Bon-Bon Spoons And all other pieces necessary to set the table tastefully. t t Displayed in our show windows. Let us quote you our prices. - DIXON, o t t t t t e t t U. P. Watch Inspector. THE JEWELER. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisl. Office over the McDonald Stnto Bnnk. J. C. Thomns, of Cuba, 111., is the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. G. Boeler. Tom Yonda went to Omaha Sundtry night to take furthor treatment for his injured eye. Genuine Early Ohio seed potatoes pure strain, ninety cents per bushel. Rush Mercantile Co. Perry Carson returned this morning from Omaha, to which city ho jour neyed Sunday night. Miss Celia Gorham, who had been the guest of Miss Mabel Jeffers for a few days, returned to Grand Island yester day. There are other canned goods, but none quite so fino in quality ns the Kamo brand sold at tho Tramp grocery. Ex-president Roosevelt landed at Naples yest.erday afternoon and was given a royal reception by the residents of that city. For Rent Five room house on west Eight street. Inquire of Ed Walker. About fifteen thousand tons of stor age coal is now on the ground nt this terminal and the nrnount is being rapidly increased. See our spring display of genuine Alligator Hand Bags; direct from Florida. Dixon, The Jeweler. -1 Twenty-five cars of sand wore taken from the bottom of the ice lake east of town last week and shipped to points between Kearney and Sidney. The North Platte friends of Mrs. C. W. Drew, nee Fannie VonGoo'tz, of Omaha, will be interested in knowing that she became the mother of a son on April 1st. For Sale Your choico of two sixty six foot lots on west Fourth street, one n corner, other inside. Inquire of Andy Liddell. The Lusk family, living in tho Third ward, became involved in a free-for-all last night which resulted in two of them being gathered in by Night Po liceman Grayble. They had a hearing in tho police court today and were each fined $5 and costs. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists I'lrst Door Noitli of First National Dank r. pi ror oaie. One Pe-cheron Stallion ton years old' weight 1,700, two coming two year old black Perchcron stallions. These ani mala are of excellent quality, and will sell or trade under good guarantee very cheap. Address A. E. Maulatt, m 30-G Maxwell, Neb. The Christian Endeavor social nt the Prusbyterain parsonage (Union Depot) Thursdny evening. Everyone invited. Tho little black bootblack will shine your shoes at the Union Depot Thurs day night. Diamonds never dccreaso in value. We have a fino line at the right prices. Dixon, The Jeweler. Judge nnd Mrs. J. S. Hoagland ex pect to leave the latter part of this week for a month's stay at Excelsior Springs. If you want tho best quality in ctnncd goods,' get the Kamo brand at the Tramp Grocery. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. April 5, 1909. Board met pursuant to adjournment, psesent Kocken and Walter, commiss ioners, and county clerk. Ray C. Langford, county treasurer; you aVe hereby authorized to refund to VV. H. Simants the sum bf $27.00 on account of error in assessment on the southeast quartor and south half north east qunrter nnd east half southwest quarter section 30-9-29. Claims were allowed ns follows: John Gordon, road work Dist 27 18.00 A. W. Johnson, road work, Dist 15, 25.00 Julius Morgansen, road work Dist 27 18.00 Fred Johnson, road work Dist 28 9.00 Bond of L. L. Veddor, road overseer .Dist. 2G, approved.. Claims were allowed ns follows: Sophia Anderson, care of poor, 27.00. Sundry persons for sundry services 20G.25. A. P. Kelly, printing, 187.35. Resignation of N. W. Fought as overseer district 27, accepted and Otto Toops appointed as overseer in said dis trict 27. The following claims were allowed! II. E. Anderson, road work Dist. 21, 100.00. Sundry persons for sundry services, 25.85. A. Abercrombio 4.85 P. G. Meyer, services, 27.00. I. L. Miltonburger, snlary, 100.00. J. D, W. Lincoln, services, 5.00. C. A. Lowell, services, 58.00 L. Walker, poormaster, 50.00 J. R. Ritner, bridge work. 128.G5 J. R. Ritner, road work, 30.00 Road 314 is this day allowed as re- 3 nested in petition granted. The board eems said road for thn public good and to bo sixty-six feet wide. County clerk directed to refund to G. W. Deiner the $10.00 deposited. (fS'onXy Baking Powdv ffcffl made from Roval Grape ggk VLt jitf Cream of Tartar llk Kellcy Bound Over. John P. Kellcy, former manager of U. S. Grocery Co., was bound over to the district court by Judge Elder yes terday afternoon on tho charge of grand lar-.oncy. Unablo to furnish tho $500 bond, ho was remanded to jail. The crimo with which Kelly is charged is tho theft of n cash register valued at $200, which disappeared about .the time tho grocery company went into involuntary bankruptcy. Later the register was found in a barn, nnd evidence was secured that indica ted that Kelly, with the assistance of others, had removed tho register at midnight nnd secreted it In tho barn. However, at tho bankruptcy proceed- ngs Kelly tcfttifleod that he knew nothing about tho disappearance of tho register, and following his evidence n warrant wus issued from tho federal court charging him with projury ns u witness. He wns lator apprehended nt Cheyenne, taken to Omaha and bound over to the January, 1910, term of tho federal court. His father came out from tho cast and gave n cash bond of $1,000 to keep his son from spending tho intervening timo in jail. In tho meantime a wnrrant charging Kelly with tho theft of the register was issued, but no special effort to find dm was mado. Kelly, however, ar rived in town the latter part of last week, nnd his arrested and preliminary lcnring followed. For Salo Absolutely puro Maple syrup, mado from tho sap of tho Rock Maplo tree. Guaranteed to givo entire satisfaction. $1.00 por gnllon in not ess that six gallon orders, f. o. b. Hud son, Ohio. Refflrenco: Hudson Na tional Bank. II. E. Lek, Hudson. O. Ex-Governor Poynter Dies. Ex-Governor W. A. Poynter of Nebraska dropped dead in tho office of Governor Shnllenbergcr yesterday following a talk in favor of the S o'clock closing law for saloons. The former governor had talked briefly and then stopped back into the crowd and Mrs. Frances B. Hcald had started her tnlk in favor of tho meas ure. Suddenly the ex-governor began to breathe hard and then gradually collapsed, those close to him catching him as he fell. Still breathing ho was "carried across the corridor to the office of tho adjutant general, where ho died immediately, living probably five minutes from the time ho was stricken. Drs, Birkman and Carr, 'who were present at the hearing, waited upon the stricken man, but could do nothing for him. Men. Our Eastor Clothes are ready to put on. No disappointments, 'lhey aro tho nowest and most up4o-dato cloth ing in town, becaus thnt's what wo bought. Schatz & Cladaugii. No Action on Closing Bill. Following tho tragic death of ex- Governor Poynter in his office yesterday morning, Governor Shallenborger closed the office to the large crowds that were in Lincoln for and against tho daylight saloon bill and admitted only special committees selected from these delegations to speak for thorn. Tho governor will probably take Some ac tion on the bill either today or to morrow. Just received! Somo genuio Maplo syrup from H. D. Bowon, a former res- dent of this county, made by himself on his farm at Middlcflcld, Ohio, and shipped direct to us. Rush Mercantile Co. District Declamatory Contest. Tho Westo-n Nebraska District Con test will be held in tho Keith theatre in this city on Saturday evening, April 17th. Thero will be nbout a dozen schools represented in tho contest and the one receiving tho highoHt marking will represent tho district in tho stato contest. Tho names of the contestants to gether with tho subjects, will be pub- iBhed next week. For Sale-South half of northeast quarter Section 14, Two. 14, R. 32, 80 acres under l'axton ana llersncy ditch. Writo L. L. Brown, Evnnstori, Wyo. Go and seo Brown's Registered Stallion offered for sale nt the North Sido Bnru. Our Windows are Dressed For Easter, How about Your Feet. We can show you some good effects in ladies' shoes, oxfords and pumps. Prices range from $1.50 to $4.00. Small, the Big Shoe Man 521 Dewey Street. Stock Men Can Save Themselves an endless amount of riding- and much valuable time and horse flesh by invest ing a few dollars in a pair of BINOCULAR FIELD GLASSES. These are the sort of glasses that thearmy and navy officers use to make their long1 dis tance observations with and from a high point objects many miles distant can be seen as clearly as if close at hand. Let us show how well they will do the work. Each pair guaranteed. DIXON, The Jeweler. Spring Chicks ! Start th'cm right by keeping them healthy and free from vermin by using Lees Poultry Remedies They never fail if used rightly. Lee's Germozone,. Lee's Chick Food, Lee's Chick Grower, Lee's Insect Powder, Lee's Lice Killer. For sale by Schiller. & .Co., 1st door north First Natl Bank. Lincoln on Proof. I snp;j,'est to lilm (.JiuIkc Douglusi that it will not avail him nt all that ho swells himself up, takes on dignity and culls neoplo liars. If yon have over studied geometry you re niemlipr that by a course of reasoning Kiultl proves flint all tho iinnles In h triangle are equal to two right angles. Euclid lias shown, you how to worl; It out. Now, If you undertake to (lis provo that proposition and to show that It Is orroneous would you prove It to bo false by culling Euclid a liar? Ho Understood. "Now. Johnny, do you understand thoroughly why I nm going to whip you?" "Yps'iii. You're In a bad humor this morning, and you'vo got to lick sonui 0110 before you feel untitled." London Tit-lUts. It Depended. Chappy Would you marry a woman who had sued another innii for breach of promise? Sappy It would depend largely on how much the Jury had awnrded her. Club Follow. IIopo, like tho gllmmorlng tnper light, adorns and clieern tho way fa GOOD POINTS about a shoo appeal to customers tjen orally, but the taso and preferenco of all must he considered in introducing new styles. , THE HAPPIEST COMBINATION may bo summed up in Style, Strength, Beauty and Comfort. Our shoes com- bino all these good points, particularly FOOT COMFORT, without which nothing counts. Let ub fit you to n fit. Buchanan & Patterson. I SPRING STYLES This cool weather is just a -inbreathing spell for Spring to gather strength. Get away with your new Spring Suit before the other fel- J lows pick out the smartest and & best fabrics. ifr Select your Suit, while you have the choice of the greatest variety of exclusive patterns that 0 will be shown this season. 0 The most attractive Suits are the first to go". Get a good start select your Suit today.- $ Seo the new fabrics in BIucb, TanB, Grays, nnd Greens! Seo tho new 'pin stripes the handsomely cut Coats with i broad collar nnd lapols tho concaVo shoul dors tho splendid tailoring tho caso and &. graceful hang of tho Trousers. X Suits at $12.50, $15, $1S, $20 to $25. . CowniaM 1909, The Home of Nuppcnhomet Chicago We guarantee every garment. wc sell, for the reason that we r will sell no garments we can hot J guarantee. You're safe here. f Weingand & McDonald. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital -Surplus Fund Stockholders' Liability $100,000.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00 (Not considering quick assets and cash resources) DIRECTORS E. F. Secberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. Spring and Summer Necessities. Hardware, Lawnmowers, Garden Tools, Wash Machines, Grindstones, Grass Catchers, Knives. Refrcgerators, Glasses, Pictures, Furniture, Picture Frames, (made to order.) Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings, Curtains, Draperies, Couch Covers, Window Shades. Plumbing and Heating. GINN& WHITE. A SWELL SMOKE is what you will find tho Forest Kinp cigar every timo. If you had u good dinner" top it olf with a Forest King. If you have had u poor meal you'll forj get all your disappointmsnt if you stnoko a Forest King nfter it. -Think that'B a big clnim for a cigar? Well, make tho experiment and you'll say wo aro right. Tho Forest King only costs five cents anyway. J. F. SCHMALZR1ED. BUY A "FORD" You can af-Ford a Ford because they will af-Ford you greater pleasure, Ford sandy or muddy roads, and leave you from $300 to $400 that you will pay for other makes. Five passenger touring car $850.00 1 f. o. b. Detroit. Sutherland Auto Co., A. B. YATES, Sec'y., Sutherland, Nebraska. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Jllrtttl.M wllk ruh 11.1 la ril. Li "('.. EnoHsh, German, Spanish, Portuguese and French. No. Fon rrloo 1. I'evera, Congeatlona, Innaminatloni........"S a. Wonna, Worm l'otrr, or Worm DItooaa..U5 3, Colic, Crying and Wakefulness of Infants. 2 5 4. Diarrhea, of Chtlilrcn and AdulU MH B. Dyaentery, Orlplngs, Illlloua Collo 2S 7. Cough., Colds, Uronchltl 2S 8. Toulliacho, i'accucho, Neuralgia..,,...,. ...25 . Headache, filclc Headache, Vertigo 25 10. Ilyniiuptla, Indigestion, WealcHtoraacb.....35 l.'l. Croup. Hoarao Cough, Laryngitis, ; 33 I I. Knit lllieum,12rujtlons, Eryalpelos 25 15, Itliriinmtlim.or Ilhoumatlo l'alns 'J 5 10. I'tivrr nnJ Amir, Malaria.. ,,,,.25 17. IMIrs, Illlnd or Weeding, External, Interoal.25 1H. Ophllinluiln, Weaker Inflamed Eyos. 25 ll. Catarrh, Influenza, Cold la Ildad 25 20. Whooplim Uoiiali, Spasmodic Cough 33 21. Aalhiua,Opprosid,Diaioult Ireathlcff,.!j5 27. Itldnny Dlacasn, Oravol, Calculi 25 2H. AYrvoii Debility, Vital Weuknos.1. 1,00 20, Horn .Mouth, Kevcr Bores or Canker 25 ttO, Drlunry Incontinence, Wetting IJod.,...2S 31. Horn Throat, Quinsy and Dlphthorla 23 Chronic Congestions, Iloadacho 25 77. Crlppe, Hay fever and Summer Colds.. ..25 A small hottlu of I'lrnsant Pellets, fits tho rest pocket, Bold by drugglsts,or sent ou rooelpt otprioe, Modlcal Hook; sent fry), j ' ' .j-.nUHl'lIllKVa' H011KO. MEDICINE OO,. Oowef Oohlsinltli. Real Estate ami Insurance.