WE SEMUWtEKLY IRIBUU IRA L. BARE, Publisher THIIMS 1.26 IN ADVANCK NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA The Value of Publicity. ThlH Is tho ngo of advertising. Not only do the merchants nnd tho manu facturers advertise their wares, but municipalities and states and entire RoctloiiB of country havo enlisted under tho banners of publicity and exploita tion, maintaining press agents and en gaging tho potency of printers' ink. Dlxlo land has gono into tho field in contralizcd form. A largo building la to bo erectod in Washington, to bo used in part as a clubhouse for south erners nnd in part as headquarters for a systematic propaganda of tho advan tages of tho south. Tho Bchomo Is of unquestionable value, remarks tho St. Joseph Now8-Prcss, and thero is no doubt about tho results. Thero Is also noted a rovlvnl of tho project ontor taincd Bomo years ago of erecting a great states' building lit Washington, to bo maintained Jointly, and to bo used as a sort of permanent nxposltlon of tho products and advantages of tho various stntcs. Tho original plans pro vided for exhibition rooms for each state, post offices for each stato, whero visitors from that stato could got their mall; Information bureaus for such visitors, a species of headquartors for tho transient and pormnncnt pcoplo In Washington from tho suvorul states. It wns a comprehensive nffalr and yet ono Involving but comparatively little expenditure on tho part of each state. They nro finding that In addition to Alaska's possibilities in tho way of mineral and agricultural production certain nnimala may bo nccllmnted and domesticated thoro. Ernest Thompson Soton suggests that a portion of Alas ka bo set asldo ns n range for tho woolly yak, tho animals to bo Imported from Tibet, their naturnl habitat. Tho yak is n hardy boast, valuable for car rying burdens and ns a milk and butter producer, whllo tho llosh Is oxcellont for food. In 1891 ltov. Dr. Sholdon Jackson, tho I'nltod 8tatos educational agent for tho torrltory, Introduced 10 head of reindeer Into Alaska. Thcso dcor, as ,1b well known, nro highly uso ful as draught nnlmals and for othor purposos similar to thoso for which thu yak may bo used. So successful was Dr. Jackson's plan that at tho latest accounts tho Imported reindeer had In creased to moro than 10,000. A great deal can bo done in a country sup posed to bo prndtlcally of no account, romarkB tho Troy Times, provldod tho right couroo iB'tnkon, In accordance with their rogular an nual custom, tho merchant tailors, In national convention, havo ngnln con sidered tho problem of rellovlng tho evening dress outfit of gontlomon of its somber and funereal uspoct. Their notions nro purely nosthotlc, of course, nnd tho suggested changes havo In vlow tho showing of moro whlto. Among tho specific recommendations nro a broader vlow o tho whito wulBt coat, a pockot in tho coat for tho dis play of tho mlgo of a whlto handker chief, a whlto Bilk fob and whlto silk stockings shown nbovo tho low cut pumps It Is a rathor entrancing pic ture, remarks tho Boston Hornld, but it may reasonably bo doubted If It ef fects tho banishment of tho old pattorn of tho shiny Bwnllowtull and tho sup plemcntary habiliments that havo ,dono yeoman's sorvlco for I lo, thoso many yenrs. Their status Is as Iminu tnblo as tho laws of tho Modoa and Persians. Italian thrift, which naB long been known, was brought prominently to no tlco by tho great oarttiquako and tho generous contributions from tho poor est of Italian laborers In this country. Tho amount of money uont by money orders from this country to Italy an boon steadily Increasing for 20 years. In 1900 It reached tho enormous total of sixteen nnd a quartor million dol lure. A Now York banker In relations with Italians says that of 100 laborers earning 14 cents an hour at railroad grading or similar work, 95 will savo from 2G to $27 n month, after paying for food, shanty-rent und clothing. Tho desire to bo clean will not bo daunted nowadays. Tho story comos from an npartmcnt-houso district In Now York that on Sunday tho friends of tho tenants visit them in hordes to uso tholr bathtubs. Tho chnrgo Is two cents for a tine hot "wash," and ilvo cento If towels aro provldod, Hadlum has now boon marked down to ?5,2G7,99 an ounco and thrifty house wives Bhould now lay In their spring Bupply. In tho magnificent pnlaco, noar Purls, whoro lived tho lato VIctorlon Sardou, playwright, was n huge chest that contained numborloss little boxos, duly labelod. In those cardboard roceptaclos' woro notos Jottod down at any tlmo, in auy pluco; nowspapor cut tings, epigrams and uphorlsms of his own a chest of Ideas and plots. Qns onglnes aro rapidly' ropluclng tho steam onglno In smaller factories. They give twlco as much powor for the tame quantity of fuol. A Pin for a Clew By an Ex-Operative of the Secret Service Capt. Dickson Illustrates a De tective's "Nose for Details." HAT do I consider tho most Imnortunt WI thing to notice when I first Investigating a 1 crlmo? Capt. Dickson, a retired secret Borv Ico officer, had re peated tho words of my question. After soino moments of thought, he replied: "Well, from my own experience, It has become a fixed conviction with mo thnt no crlmo is over committed whoro tho criminal Tails to leave bo hind somo clow that, If It Is only found nnd Its worth appreciated, will In variably lead to tho dotoctlon of tho culprit. '1 havo a enso In mind, a post-office robbery. It hnppencd when I was con nected with that department, before 1 was transferred to tho broader Hold of tho secret service. I will never forget tho vlllngo whoro It occurred. It was n town of soino .100 or 400 souls in tho Qreon mountains. It hnd only ono hotel, and In tho threo wcckH that I was dotulncd there, I almost de stroyed my digestion endeavoring to support life on Its nbomlnnblo fare. I bcllevo that I felt a keener satisfac tion In tho royal meal I secured at Boston, on my return to Washington, than I did In capturing tho author of tho robbery. v"Tho post-ofllco safe had been tapped for a large quantity of stamps, about I)00 In money and a brand now money-order book. This Inst Item gavo Importance to tho enso, because u book of money-order blunks In tho hands of a clovor crook can cause the govornniont moro troublo than a ses sion of congress. "Tho snfo was a crudo Iron affair which was fnstenod by means of a clumsy brass key. Tho key was too largo and too hoavy to bo lugged about, and nftor tho Bafo was locked It was hid away in a coiner of tho cash- drawer. A peculiar circumstance of tho robbery was that tho safo had been found locked nnd tho key was In Its placo of concoalment. Tho cul prits hnd possessed tin Intlmato knowlcdgo of tho habits of tho post mastor and his nsslstanf, Miss Lundy, a young lady of lino appearance and charming personality. "Mnson, tho postniostor, had n theory that two tramps had committed thu theft lie nnld that two suspicious characters had como Into tho oflico tho aftornoon boforo tho robhory nnd had bought 11 vo two-cont Btnmps. Ho con sidered this a suspicious circumstance, as ho said that persona of tholr typo always bought Btntnpod envelopes no moro than thoy needed at tho tlmo and that thoy always mallod their let tors boforo leaving tho ofllce, address lug thorn with tho dilapidated pen maintained by tho postmaster at nil country olllces for victims who have no alternative than to uso It. At tho back of tho building, n window-glass had boou broken out, and Mason esno- dally directed my attention to It, as ho Bald It must havo boon by this moans that tho robbors gained en trance to tho building. - All of tho doors had boon securely locked. I mado a mlnuto examination of tho premlsos, and tho only thing I found wnB n Btnall stool pin with a green glass hond. It wns In a crack of tho lloor Immediately In front of tho rilled safo. Without attracting attention, I secured tho pin nnd stuck It beneath tho lupol of my coat. I thought it might provo of value. It did. It was tho koy to thu situation. "My examination showed that tho robbors had entered tho post-olllco through tho frout door, nnd that the brolion window wub moroly a blind, or olso It had boon brokon by accident. I didn't tnlo much stock In this last theory, but put thu window down as a dellbornto effort to muddy the wntor. Thoro woro two doorB. a front nnd a bnck uuc Tho roar ono was kept lockod and tho koy to It hung on n nail In tho olllco. Only Mason nnd MIsb Lundy hud koys to tho front door. "It was not so easy to traco Mason and tho young lady on. thnt evening. After Bonio considerable work I learned that neither of them had been at homo tho enrly.part of that par ticular ovonlng. No ono know where thoy had been nor what thoy had done during this period. Mason had left his homo und Miss Lundy hor bourdlng house early after supper on that night on tho protoxt of taking a walk. Muson hod returned somotlmo nftur midnight. Tho hour of Miss Lundy's return wub uncertain. "Alroudy soroly puzzled ovor tho ovl donco which was accumulating, ono morning, upon arising, I was moro than ovor mystified by finding n ullp of puper under tho door of my room. In a sprawling, unnatural hand, four words woro Written upon It Mason robbed tho unto. "When I vlsltod tho poBtofllco, I no tlccd thnt Mnson was pule and hug gurd and ho was us nervous us n euged loopard. ,"Vhen I wont to tho hotel at noon, I found a tiny noto on the table in my room. It wus a dainty, perfumed bit of paper, Just tho kind that refined young lndlos oinploy In tholr polite correspondence, 1 Jumped to tho con clusion that it must bo a further rues- sago of the same character as tho morning's note. It wus, but thero was a decided conflict In tho news It con tained. In a cramped, disguised writ ing, evidently a woman's, woro five wordB: MIhh Lumly Ix the robber. "Frnnkly, 1 didn't know what to think. Suspicion nnd thcso mysteri ous notes pointed, to tho postmaster and his handsnmo assistant. Tho let ters woro wrltton by different persons, nnd It was easy to Imagine that Ma son and tho young lady had robbed the safe nnd .that ouch of them had been seen by u different person as they left tho building; that thcso per- IlQNEM GVAfK sons were a woman and a man nnd that thoy hod taken tho pains to advise- mo of what thoy had scon by means of tho bripf, unsigned notes. "Tho situation puzzled mo muro than ever nnd I didn't full asleep until lato that night, having tossed away many restless hours upon tho instru ment of torturo which did servleo for a bed lu tho stuffy room ot tho ho tol. Involuntarily, next morning, I ns soon us my ejus opened. It wns thero, a third note, on tho same pa por, In tho sumo hand and of tho sumo purport as that of tho morning boforo. Tho only change wus In tho wording of it. Why don't you urrent Mnson? Ho robbed thu noxtntlleo. Ask him if hu didn't break thu wluOowgliihs, Jlo won't deny it. "I worried through tho morning somehow, novor trusting myself to show mi nt tho post-olllco. At noon I wub forced to go buck to tho hotel, as It wus tho only pluco of public enter tnlnment In the village. 1 headed straight for my room, expecting to Unci a fourth noto on the table. 1 wus not disappointed, for thoro It wus, as big us life, the exact counterpart ot tho day before: MIhs Lumly In thu robber. "Moro than over puzzled, I strolled over to tho postofllco after lunch. Mu son wus there und alouo. Miss Lun dy hud not returned from her dinner. Tho postmaster's fuco wus piteous to bohold. Ho shrunk from mo ns I grout ed him und put Ills hands over his fnco. His hands shook 'llko a man's with tho pnlsy. Boforo I could llnd n seat ho arose and went Into his pri vate olllco, bockonlng mo to follow. "I sontcd myself and watched with patience while ho strode buck and forth across tho limited space of tho oflico. Suddenly ho stopped squarely boforo me, und bracing himself with a painful effort, blurted out u Jumblo of words, cqnfcsslng that ho had robbed tho safo. I wub struck all of a heap, bul novor for an Instant did 1 bolluvo hi . Thoro was something about tho very languago or his Inco herent confession und his manner In making it that told mo that Mason was not the thlof. "'What moro do you want? Mnson br -nthed. 'I did It, I tell you. und I shall bo convicted of It. I can't ro storo the stumps nnd tho money-order book because I havo destroyed thorn, but hero is tho money, every penny of it.' "He throw a roll or bills in my lap and continued: " 'My confession Is sufficient to con vict upon. I will repeat It In court and I want you to arrest mo and got me away from hero Just us soon as yon can.' "Just at this juncture tho depot agent entered tho olllco with a tele gram for mo. It was a elphor mes sage from tho dopnrtment. Taking out my code book, I translated It In a moment nnd tho contents of It, in tho light of Mason's confession, was noth ing less than unnerving. "Without a word I wroto tho mes sago out und passed it over to Muson: Money ordors being pttsed Waco and other Texas towns. "'What does It mean?' ho cried. "Before I could answer hliu, Miss Lundy came Into tho olllco. With a woman's Intuition, she saw that some thing wns wrong. A look ot terror, which omoto mo to tho henrt, swept over hor fnco. She sprang forward nnd stepped between Mnson nnd mo, who stood staring ut each othor llko wooden Imnges. " 'Oh, Capt Dickson,' sho sobbed, 'don't you lollovo him. Ho didn't have a thing to do with it. I did it myself. Tho money Is lu my trunk. I havo burued tho stumps and tho monoy-or-dor book.' '"Sho didn't do it, Capt Dickson,' ranted Mason llko a man demented. 'Sho knows nothing about it. I alone am guilty und sho Is merely trying to suvo mo from prison; sho Is my uf llnuccd bride.' "'Hold on there,' I cautioned, 'you aro a pair of sontltuontnl young Inno cents, and whllo I am willing to glvo you my Mossing, nlthpugh It Is a bit out of my lino, I am not going to bo llovo a word either of you say about this robbory and don't either of you dure to breutho a word of such absurd nonsense to nny ono clso. I know thnt neither of you robliod tho sure nnd you couldn't convinco mo or It If you talked a thouBuud yours and produced the charred remains of thnt money-order book ItBOlf. Dry your eyes, MIbs Lundy; shako yourself together, Ma son, und let's got down to serious tnlk and clear this thing up. Sco hero,' I continued, producing tho four notes thnt hud boon left nt my room, 'honor bright, now, you wroto thcso notes, didn't you?' "I didn't stay to hear moro but boat out ot tho oflico us If tho furies were at my back Instead of two lovors hap py beyond expression In tho knowl edge that their doubts were unfounded und that thero was happiness still re maining for them. I wusn't going to tnko chances on their bolng disturbed, so I took possession on the porch bo foro tho post-olllco door to head off 'any persons who might feel Inclined to In trude upon their privacy. "After some time they called to io. Between tho two of them they ex plained everything. They hnd long boon lovers and. with tho aversion that lovers havo for tho cluttering ot vil lage gossips' merciless tongues, thoy had succeeded In keeping their attach ment a secret. Thoy had been en gaged for somo time, and It was their custom to meet at the homo of a kind ly old widow lady of an ovonlng, Bho alone knowing of their engagement On tho night of tho robbery thoy "had spent the evening together nt tho wid ow's. "She and Mason had loft tho wid ow's about ton o'clock and Mason had loft her at tho gate. After leaving hor, Mason had taken a long stroll and, about midnight, hod passed tho post ofllco In returning to his home. As ho approached tho building ho hnd boou a lady leaving It, closing nnd locking the door nftor her. "Next morning, when ho opened tho flufo ho discovered tho robbery His suspicion of Miss Lundy hnd then come upon him. "It was a pretty tangle. Tho lovers hud straightened it out to tholr own .satisfaction and, while I knew that neither of them had any guilty knowl edge of the deod, I was far from being satisfied and felt thnt my work hud Just begun. "With my suspicion of Mason sot at rest, I could conlldo moro fully in him, so 1 sot out with two clows, the wom an lsItor that Mnson had seen and tho pin with tho glasB head. Thore woro many women In tho vlllago that llttcd tho description In a, general way and that was a hard clow to follow, so 1 foil bnck upou tho pin. Thoro wero none of the kind for sulo In Uio village nor bad thoro ovor been, so I knew that the pin must bo an Imported ono. This wns somo progress, but I wns fitlll far from shoro. "I don't know thnt I would over have run the thief to earth if it hadn't chanced that I met a lady ono after noon who woro n flower pinned -upon her broast. A glance showed mo that tho pin which hold It was tho twin brother to tho ono I had found. Tho lady, I learned, had boon In tho vll lago somo four or flvo months, teach ing a dancing school with great suc cess. No ono know whero sho enmo from. "It was an easy matter to clear up tho robbory after this. Sho was an old timer In criminal deeds and as slick a crook as over woro petticoats. Sho had easily learned tho caroloBS methods of tho post-olllco and, when sho deemed tho occasion rlpo, had se lected a skoloton'koy from hor stock and pulled off tho robbory, a neat Job oxcept for Mason's untimely nppenr unco upon tho scene. Sho hnd most of tho stumps In hor possession, but sho hud sent tho money-order book to hor husband, who wns then operat ing In tho profitable Mold of tho south west. "How about tho lovorr, did you say? They woro married In duo tlmo und I had tho pleasuro of officiating ns host man." (Copyright. 190ft, by W. Q. Chapman.) (Copyright in Great Britain.) Somo tropical dalslos measure a foot lu circumference. BACKACHE 18 KIDNEYACHE. Usually There Are Other Troubles to Prove It. I I'am in me uuuii la jiuiu m wiu nm- neys, In most cases, and it points U tho need of a spe cial remedy to re lievo and euro ?ho congestion or in flammation of the kldncys that, in in terfering with their work and enuring that pain that makes you say: "Oh, my back." Thompson Wat kins, professional nurse, 420 N. 23d St., Parsons, Kans., 8a vs: "For somo tlmo I was an- ' noyml with sharp twingou across th small of my back and irregular pas sages of tho kidney Becretlons. Since using Donn's Kldnoy Pills I am free I from these, troubles." Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box. Foster-Mllbarn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Look here, Fldo, if you can't bo a better Iiorso than this I shnll havo to dlschargo you an' get nu automobile!" COVERED WITH HIVES. Child a Mass of Dreadful Sore, Itch ing, Irritating Hamor for 2 Months Little Strfferer In Terrible- Plight. Disease Cured by Cutlcura. "My six year old daughter had the dreadful disease called hives for two months. Sho hecamo affected by play ing with children who had it. By scrntching sho caused largo son s which were irritating. Her body wns a complcto soro but it was worso on her arms and back. Wo employed a physician who left medicine but it did not help her nnd I tried sovoral reme dies but without avnlL Seeing the Cutlcura Remedies advertised, I thought I would try them. I gave her a hot bath' dally with Cutlcura Soap und anointed her body with Cutlcura Ointment. The. first trcntment re lieved the Itching and In n short lime tho disease disappeared. Mrs. George L. Frldhotr, Warren, Mich., Juno :.0 and July II!, 1U0S." Potter Drutf A Cbcm. Corp., Polo I'nps., Dos! on. Fiery Courtesy. In a Canadian town a few days a.o a dry goods firm was burned otit Iri tho morning. In the afternoon a com peting firm Inserted tho following ad vertisement in a local paper: "We desire to extend our sympathy to our respected competitors In their loss by fire and to express thOhopo thut their affairs may soon bo so ad justed as to cnablo them to continue business without undue loss of time." Sheer white goods, In fact, any fine wash goods when new, owo much of their nttrucMvcncsB to tho way thoy are luundored, this being dono lu a manner to enhance their textile beau ty. Homo lauudorlng would bo equal ly satisfactory If proper attention was glvon to Btnrchlng, the first essential being good Starch, which has sufllclent strength to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Dcflanco Starch and you will be pleasantly surprised at th improved uppeuranco of your work. Footrest for Invalid. In mnklng a gift for an elderly per Bon or Invalid tho comfort of a foot stool or fcotrcst should not be over looked. A carpet romnant is excellent for this purpose, or the sound parte of a' wornout rug or carps' mav bo utilized. Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of fiASTORIA II Hllfn nml Burn l-nnmilv fni. Infants und children, and seo that It BearB tho Signaturo In Uso For Over :iO Yearn. Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought. Something at Least. Wife What would you men have had If God had not mado us? Husband (quietly) Ono moro rib. Widow. t Tlipwnndrt of country people know thnt in time of fudden mishap or accident Hnmhns inrd Od i the lwst witMii tuto for tho family doctor. That in why it is to often found upon the shelf. Ho who la false to duty breaks a thread In tho loom, and will llnd thf flaw when; ho tuny havo forgotten the cause II. Ward Bcechor. Ilc!, Wmk, Wcitry, AVntery Kjrr Try aiuitno In Your Kyes. At Drugubu' Women would havo no uso for mir rors thnt would enable them to sco themsolvcs us others sco them. ... riTHKU IN O TO 1 t DA YN. Utolldaynor uiimcy rufunUua. toy. " Nino men out of a possible ton wenr a sad look aftor thoy have boon mar ried a ear. Lewis Single Binder straight Co. You pay 10c for l-ipirs not eo good. Your deal er or Lcwm Factory, Peoria, 111. A man's, Idea of values depend on whether ho-wants to buy or selL FIDO DULY WARNED. (alloyed by Murlno Kyo llemedy. Omi nounded by Experienced l'hyxh-ians. ioa rprniK to Pure Food and Dnu; Laws, iln- rlno Doemit Hinnrt! Knntlmu li'vi. Kiln