SUto HlMorlcnl Scckly TNVENTY-FIFTII YEAR. NOJtTJI PLATTE, NEBRASKA, APRIL (5, WOO. NO. 21 EASTER GIFTS and EASTER WEDDINGS. Year by year the Easter gift becomes increas- j :.i.. i - ii affection, while Easter weddings succeeds the 0 solemn Lenten season as day4succeeds to night. $ For wedding and for Easter gifts, therefore, fitting preparation has been made by us of num- berless appropriate articles ranging from the daintiest of trifles to the most elaborate of special pieces. Let us show a few of $ est of the new. DIXON, V, g TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. E. R. Plumor visited friends in Brady yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Gibba left last night for 8t. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Samuelson leaVo tonight for their future homo in Seat tle. C. L. Patterson came down from Den ver Saturday morning and spent the day in town. L. R. Ginther, who had been spend ing a few days in town, went to Chap pell Sunday. T. T. Keliher who had boen in town for several days, returned to Cheyenne Sundny evening. J. W. Payne arrived from Omaha Saturday with his forty horBe power Overland car, a chaffeur making th trip with him. Judge Grimes, Reporter Cary and. Attorney Halligon went to Kimball Sun day, where a term of district court will be hold. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Horshoy, who recently sold their stock farm near Olathe, Ks., will remain in that town until tho children finish school in June and will then go to California. Mr. Robertson, who purchased the Conroy place at Pallas has shipped in his personal property and the family will arive from Oconto this wck, mak ing the trip in their automobile. On April 8th, 9th and 10th Mrs. W. H. Turpie and Miss Mary Guilliaume will hold a sale of hand painted plates at Howe & Maloney's store. Theso plates will bo sold at one dollar each. At tho Sunday morning service at the Lutheran church a class of eight were confirmed in the pretence of a congregatipn that filled tho seating capacity of the church. Following tho Bervice tho class presented Rev. Seibort with a handsomo bible. See our' display of diamonds this week. Dixon, The Jeweler. Tho Twonty-second annual ball of tho North Platte fire department will bo held at the skating rink next Monday evening. Ao it is tho first danco follow ing the Lenten season, it will undoubt edly be largely patronized. Tho commit tee in charge are confident that tho ball will prove a pleasant event to every par ticipant, at least they have made tho arrangements with that end in view, A Better Finish Than, the Natural Grain CnlienMly lo obtnlnril cm liori,oll floor mid wuxhvork l'l' nsiiiK Cut Nniiitl tins varnUIi mmlo In nil colors; niul our new patent KriilniiiK pim-ras. I'mhy work for tho nnmtctir. No teclinicul training necessary Made by The Ohio Varnish Company Cleveland, O. Stone Drug Co. i r ii t- i 0 our choice articles. New- The Jeweler. The Presbyterian aid- society will meet Thursday aftornoon with Mrs. G. W. McDowall. Seventy Knights of Columbus in a body attended mass at St. Patrick's church Sunday morning. Mrs. James Flynn returnod from Denver Sunday night. Mrs. Barker, whom she went to tec, is somewhat im proved. A meeting of the Lincoln County Medical association will be held at tho office of Dr. N. McCabe Thursday eve ning of this week. Mrs. Maggie Hall, who had been spending a couplo of week3 with the Hilliker family in Denvor, returned home Sunday night. Tho Mack Cigar Co, did tnot rent rooms over McCabo's drug store as in tended, but has leased tho room vsouth of the Star Bottling Workti on Locust street. C. C. Hanson has sold to Axtel Grandjcan tho southeast quarter and the north hnlf of the southeast quarter and southwest quarter of southeast section 22-13-31, 280 acres, for $5,800. Mr. and Mrs. ' Sanford Hartman leave the early part of next week for a visit with relatives at Glenns Fallls, N. Y., and will also visit' Washington, New York nnd other eastern cities. They will be absent about thirty days. For Sale Six room house at 402 W. Third; nice lawn, plenty shade, barn and outbuildings. Inquire of R. A. Garman at Star Livery Bam. Mr. Burrjhnm, who was to succeed John Gillings as clerk at tho U. S. land office,' writes that he does not care to accept tho position. It is probable that Miss Tillic Blankenburg will bo appointed to succeed Mr. Gillings. "Tho Professor's Melody," which was recently presented at The Keith by high school students, will bo pre sented at Maxwell by the same cast next Saturday evening under tho aus pices of the young people's christian society. Ladies, our now line of Barettes are different from those other stores carry. Let us show you. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. F. Lawrenco Walker, manager of tho Chas. B. Hanford Co., which ap pears hero April 23d, spent Friday in town making arrangements for that attraction. It is a coincident that tho appoaroncc of tho Shakesperian actor in North Platto occurs on tho birth an niversary of tho immortal Shakespeare Mr. Hanford and campany will present "The Winter's Tale," and is sup ported by u company of about thirty, including Miss Drofnah. Tho board of directors of the Chau tauqua Association report that every thing connected with tho coming ses sion is progressing sotisfactorily. With the program complete, the tent accom modations secured, and the sharehold era promptly paying the first paymont on their stock, everything lookB bright and the only thing needed to mako tho session a comploto success will bo tho proper patronago of the public. This, it is beliovjd, will bo given. Saloon men in North Platto don't like the idea of having to closo their places of businSB at 8 p. m. as pro vided by the law passed Friday, yet they will, if tho governor signs tho bill, tako matters philosophically and do the boat they can under tho reduced receipts which will necessarily follow early closing. At least two of tho lo cal saloon mon believe that Btate wide prohibition is 'only two years oil", and that they might as well begin to look up other business vocations, W. V. Hoagland leaves tonight on a business trip to Omaha. Dr. Bent, a physician of Hayes Cen ter, was in town Friday and purchased a runabout automobile of Salisbury & Hinman. C. II. Hostwick who has made his home in or near North Platte for sev eral years, moved last wek to n farm near Paxton. Frank Conroy, who lately sold tho former Murphy ranch at Pallas, loft Saturday for Lomax, whore ho has purchased a farm. M. V. Gray has laid the foundation for a new residence in Millor's addition that will cost complute about five thousand dollars. A wrostling contost between Oscar Wansem of St. Louis and Carl Madson, state champion of Minnesota, is an nounced for tomorrow evening at tho" skating rink. Remember, every 25 cent cash pur chase entitles you to a ticket on tho clock in our window, which would bo an ornament in any home. Sciiatz & Clahaugh. Tho county commissioners convened in session yesterday and spent tho day in auditing and allowing claims and looking up road matters. They will remain in session several days. N. E. Workman, who has boon suf fering from inflammatory rheumatism is reported to be improving, nnd hopes to bo ablo to ho at his placo of business in a few days. Mrs. James Ware, son Paxton and daughter Margaret were up from tho Pawnco ranch yestorday. They ox- pect .to removo to Blair in tho near future, probably some timo next, week. Increased business has called for in creased room at tho Pnss greenhouse, and the foundation is being laid for a sixty-foot addition. We are glad to sec the people appreciate tho efforts of Messrs. Pass to supply them with a good quality of flowers. The Dixie Quintette, which will ap pear at tho Keith theutrn April 14th, come high'y recommended as vo? calists and artists on string instru ments. Tho program includes all the old melodies that nre so popular and which one never wearies of hearing. Tha board of lientlh has concluded that cleaning uptime has arrived and elsewhere publishes a notice to prop erty owners. Really such n notice should not bo necessary, for ovcry man should tako sufficient pride in his premises to willingly removo tho refuse which accumulates during the winter months. Look over your pass book paying. It pays to pay cash. What are Your Groceries Cane Granulated Sugar, 17 pounds $1.00 Tulip Patent Flour, per sack 1.45 Gothenburg Patent Flour, per sack 1.45 Gothenburg O. K. Flour, per sack 1.40 3-lb pa'l Swift's Silver Leaf lard. . .40 ! 5-lb pail Swift's Silver Leaf lard. . .05 5-lb pail Swift's Premium lard.... " .70 Perrio Viaus Maple Syrup per gal. 1.25 Corn Syrup 10-lb pail 40 Lewis Lye per box 08 Diamond C Sou), 8 bars 25 Pearl Whito Soup, 7 bars..'. 25 Gold Dust, 41b pkg 22 Paddle Bluing 10c Bizo 07 Paddle Bluing 5c aizo 04 Kingsfor'ls Silver Gloss Starch per pkg 08 Kingsfords Corn Starch per pkg.. .08 Best Gloss Starch per pkg 05 Best Corn Starch per pkg 05 Sapolio per pkg 9c, 3 for 25 Ammonia per bottle 09 Seeded Raisins 12-oz pkg 08 10-oz Seeded Rasins, per pkg.... 10 Cuirants 12-oz pkg '. . .10 Bulk Raisins, largo.per lb, .i 08 Cocoanut, the best, J-lb pkg' 15 Cox's Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs 25 Knox Gelatine 13c, 2 pkgs 25 Royal Baking Powder 1-lbcan 45 Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1-lb can .45 10-oz can K. C. Baking Powder 08 16-ozcanK. C. Baking Powder 13 lash counts, nuying groceries or any other kind of goods on time costs you greater interest than any bank in the country would charge you. Then it saves that dispute about your account, it you don t believe it give it a trial. Wilcox Department Store, Mrs. Wni. Eves, of Hershoy, has re cently returned from a visit with her son Georgo and family at Stockton, Cal. Chas. W. Raskins, who has been suf fering with sciatica rheumatism for several weeks, has gono to Excelsior Springs to try tho efficacy of the water. James Bclton is planning to erect n two story cement addition to the build ing occupied by Howo & Maloney. That firm is crowded for room and will use the new addition for storage purposes, J. Q. Wilcox has purchased tho J. B. Jeter rcsidenco on west Fifth street for a consideration of $6,000. Mr. Jeter nnd family expect to remove to California following tho closo of school. Having made a new lease with tho government for the postofilcoroom, tho Odd Follows will now proceed to ro paoer and repaint tho room, un im provement that has been needed for some time. John LoMastcrs has let tho contract to John Hinman for tho erection of his two story building on Sixth street and work will begin at onco. The building will be nf cement block with pressed brick front. A class of twelve men wcro initiated into the Rcbekah dogroo lodgo Friday evening, and tho attendance of mem bers was greater than tho seating ca pacity of tho hall. Following tho cere monies refreshments were served. Tho Rebekah lodge has a membership that nearly reaches tho 200 mark 189 to bo oxact. Tho servico at tho Episcopal church next Sunday morning will bo of more then usual interest because of tho presence of Bishop Graves, who will hold confirmation service. Tho evening will be devoted to a missionary ser vice by tho Sunday school. Mrs. Wm Edwards and daughter, who had been visiting North Platte friends, returned to Grand Island Sun day night. It was Mrs. Edwards' in tention to purchaso tho M. B. Cryder man property on Sixth stroot but satisfactory arrangements could not ba made. MY. and Mrs. A. B. Yatoai of Suth erland, spent Sunday In town with rol ativos. Mr. Yatos is secretary of tho Sutherland Auto Co., which is hand ling tho B'ord cars. He says that so far tho company has sold nine of tho cars. Tho four-passenger pattorn of these cars cost $850 at tho Detroit fac tory. For Rent. New seven room house with bath, six blocks from banks, Second ward. In quire at 723 West Gth St. Con Walker. and see the difference you are 25-oz K. C. Baking Powder 5-lb can K C Baking Powdor Pumpkin, per doz $1.10, per can.. Hominy, per doz $1.10, per can... Kraut, per doz $1.10, per can Sliced peaches (in heavy syrup) per can Standard Corn,per caso 1.00 per can Standard Tomatoes, per case 2.25, per can Soaked Peas, per caso 1.40,per con Fresh Peas, per doz 1.10, per can.. Covo Oysters largo can, 8 oz Covn Oysters small can, 4 oz Sugar Cured Bacon, per lb Salt, best grade, per 100 lb Soda Crackers wooden boxes per pound Oyster crackers wooden boxes per pound Full Cream Cheeso per lb Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 13c per pkg, 2 for Grape Nuts.-por pkg 13c, 2 for . . . Mothers' Oats, lorgo size, per pkg Duke's Mixturo tobacco 10-oz pkg Horse Shoo Tobacco per pound Yankeo Girl Tobacco 18 oz plug. . Kerosene oil per gnllon .20 .80 .10 .10 .10 .20 .08 .10 .00 .10 .15 .08 .10 .75 .00 .00 .20 .25 .25 .25 .35 .45 .35 .15 vKv'WvV( VERY BODY will be wanting Qxfords and Tics during the next few months and We suggest that you make an early selection while the lines of widths and sizes are full and there is such a choice va riety of styles from which to make your selection MEN'S SHOES. Oxfords, Tics and Pumps in new d'! Spring Models, black or tan.. WOMEN'S SHOES. Oxfords in tie or button style. Rib bon Ties, new ankle strap P(umps Our low cut shoes are correctly made and, il we do the fitting, there will be no slipping at the heel or gaping. SOL HODES, The Shoer. FOLEY BLOCK, DEWEY STREET. RAILROAD NOTES. The "Katy" road has issued a bullet in to tho effect that nny employa who gets his check cashed at a saloon will bo discharged. Tho Chcytnno Tribuno, state that a forco or men is now engaged In remov ing tho snow from tho gravel pits at Buford and it is expected that that they will bo reoponed about April 20th. Tho ballast for tho double track from Wat ion's Ranch to North Platte will bo taken from tho Buford pits. On train No. 3, which was wrecked at Castlo Rock, Wyo., last Wednesday wore Asst. Supt. W. M. JcfTori. J. Q. Mathews of tho board of examiners and H. C. Blickonsderfer, but for tunately none of thorn woro injured in any way. Supt. Whitnoy personally thanked theso thrco mon, so well known in North Platte, who took chargo of tho rescue work and literally drovo tho passengers out of tho thrco coaches which subsequently burned. After years of experimenting with sparks arresters tho Union Pacific Rail road company has finally solved tho problom in tho form of the Lignito Bonnol, better known as tho "Morry Widow Stack," which entirely olimi natos tho throwing bf sparks and firo from the stacks on locomotives burn ing the Hanha No. 2 coal (being al most Boml- lignite.) Tho invention has beqn on tost for tho past sixty days on several locomotives, and is considered by railroad exports a comploto succoss. Tho bonnet is tho invention of Master Mechanic Niland and Foroman Mc Cabe of tho Cheyonno shops. Bulletins have boen posted by tho Union Pacific calling attention of train men" to tho marking of defectivo air brakes on cars, and requiring all to bo marked plainly, with the oxact pUc'o whero the brakes wero discovered to bo out of order. It is also ordered that where a slow, signal ahull bo placed shull be at least n quartor of a milo frwn tho track whoro work is being done, Theso are but two of tho recent regulations that tho U. P. managmont it insisting upon for tho protection of its proterty and tho lifo and limb of its passengers. For Sale. I have just listed two of the best 80 acre tracts botween tho rivers six miles from North Platto, both well improved with permanent water right fully naid up. Good terms. Theso homes should soil nt onco to homo people Call und seo mo. u. is. HLDisn. Cream Wanted. Wo buy cream for tho David Colo dreamery (;o., of Omaha, and pay tho niKiiuHb uiurKUb price, uonvorioB uc cepted at any timo. Prompt remit tance every week. The Tramp Grocery. to to North Platto feels somewhat alighted becauso it failed to get a representative on tho stato normal board. Frisnds of J. J . Halligan urged tha powors that bo that ho bo appointed a member of tho board, but as usual western Nebras ka, which Boldom gots recognition, waB turned down. Notice to Citizens. Notico is hereby givon that all per sons must at once begin removing refuse matter from yards and alloys. Failure to do this will result in tho work boing done by tho city nt the expense of the lot owner. By order of tho Board op Health. Junior Suits For MISSES and SMALL WOMEN Slylo 2275 made from dull green shade of fancv suiting. Collar trimmed with ribbed Bilk, cuffs and collar trimmed with fancy metal buttons and gilt soutache braid. Skirt is mado in latest stylo. Price $18.00 Wilcox Department Store