THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. DARE, Publisher TERMS: $1.23 IN' ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA AS TOLD IN A LINE A BOILING DOWN OF THE NEW8 OF THE DAY. MENTIONED JNJMALL SPACE The Duty Reader Can Absorb In a Few Moments a Good Deal of Information. Foreign. Twenty-two donth Bontcnccfl passed upon political prlHoncrH wcro con firmed at Bt. Petersburg by tho bu premo mllltury court. Fifteen of theso wore conylctod of an attempt to eacapo from tho Irkutsk prison when a prison gunrd wns killed. Prlnco von Buelow's coalition of tho consorvatlvo-llboral and radical par ties apparently reached n fatal crisis overi tho schtmo of financial roform. In tho relchstug Horr von Normann, tho c'ousorvntlvo leader of tho (loot', Informed tho loader of tho natlonnl llborals, Hen BasBormann, that tho conservatives woro roform without considering whore they would got a majority. King Victor Emutanuel reopened tho Italian parliament with tho cus tomary ceremonies. Tho king nnd qucou, accompanied by the royal princes, drove from tho qulrlnrtl to tho sonato building, where they woro enthusiastically grcotod by 400 depu ties and 300 sonators. There Is no likelihood of Emporor William and Theodore Roosovelt mooting' In tho Mediterranean In April, as Mr. Roosevelt, on board the steamer Admiral, will bo In tho neigh borhood of Aden, at tho southern end of tho Red soa, when Emperor Wil liam goes on board tho Imperial yacht Hohonzollorn at Venice. In view of tho nsHortlons made In tho British houso of commons thnt Germany In tho spring of 1012 would have Bovonteon wnrshlps, all of thorn' of tho big gun typo, tho navy depart ment nuthorlzos tho statement that In .tho autumn of 1012 Gormany will havo thirteen such vcssols, Tlio govornmont of Greece Id still probing into tho situation growing out of, the recent riot upon Its subjects at .flouh Omaha. Minister Cora Molns mfcwat Washington has sont u personal roprosentntlvo of tho kingdom to Omahu. General. Georgo B, Cortolyou, ox-sccretary of tho treasury, Was 'oloctcd preBldont of tho Consolidated Gat? company of Now York. Denial was made that tho oil para graph In tho tariff hill waB lntonded to aid the Standard, Near Honrlottn, Okla., twenty dep uty sheriffs and n hundred nogroos engaged In a pitched battle. AuBtrla scorns bont on having a brush with Sorvla. Tho sonato will bo ready to roport a tariff bill ab boou as the houso acts on tho Pnyno measure. At Oaxaca, Mox., tho rocont earth quako cracked tho walls of tho ceme tery, and oxposed tho bod I oh of tunny victims of tho cholera opldemlo of 1851. The Missouri house pushed tho 2 cent mlloago rato hook bill to en grossment. Tho tnoasuro rcfiulrcs railroads to soil mlloago hookB good for COO, 1,000 and 2,000 miles nt n rato of 2 cents a mllo. President Tnft accepted an invita tion to attend tho Mockleuburg cele bration nt Charlotto, N. Q. Gov, Dlckorson of Novada lutB signed tho Tnllman banking act, tho mining inspector bill, tho anti-gam bllng bill and tho Juvonllo court bill. E. II. Hnrrlman has gono to Pnso Robles to tnko tho hatha at tho hot springs. Ho Is bothered with rhoum uIIbiu. Thoro Is n movomont on foot to consolidate tho cltlos of St. Paul and Minneapolis as ono motropollo. Tho Illinois loglslaturo Is still vol lng without TOBult In tho senatorial contest. Portlnnd, Ore, Iibb n scheme for placing nil saloons under one owner uhlp. Tho death Is announced at Berlin of Prof. Alfred Messell, tho well known Gorman nrchltect, (nged CO ycarB. Mrs. Plotro Lonlllard, Jr., wlfo of tho tobacco mngnntc, tired of tho so ciety swirl, Bitlclded In Washington br nsnhyxlntlon. Major Francis P. Fremont, Fifth United Stntos Infantry, boii of tho "Pnthllndor," Ib to ho dlBinlBHod from .tho army nB a result of IiIh conviction bv court-mnrtlal in Cuba on tho charno of insubordination. Much Ib now doing In a political way in Nebraska, In view of tho noar nnnroach of city and town elections. Col. William Lamb, agod 7a, soldlor, lawvor. ed tor. merchant and pollti clan, died at Norfolk, Va, Ho was best known b tho "Hero or Fort Fishor." Tfonsovolt unve notlco boforo lonv lng for South Africa thnt it would bo absolutely usoloss for nnyono to wrlto to him during hlB absence United Statos Senator Dixon of Montana declares positively that tho Flathead reservation will bo oponed for settlement tho Inttor part of July or tho first of August this year. Mmo. Holeno Modjoska Is reported KB gradually growing wonkor. A balloon Journey from tho Pacific to Atlantic oceans, across tho United States, has been practically assured for tho noar future. Charles Stlutson Is dena as a result of hazing hy follow students nt tho White school In Indlnnnpolls. Executive nnd legal representatives of railroads operating In Missouri will Immediately take steps to attack at law tho 2-cont passongor fare lawn of Illinois nnd Iowa, Battling Nelson, tho llghtwolght pu gilistic chnmplon of tho world, will fight Jimmy Brltt in Australia sonio tlmo noxt fall. Rates from Buffalo to Now York on grnln for export have boon cut from 5& to 4 cents per bushels. This re duction follows a protest made by tho Now York Prodttco exchange. Tho growing tendency toward big- gor and more formldnbln navies shown by the leading nations of Eu rope, and now by tho United States, was denounced by Andrew Cnrnegk at the International peaco festival. Street car holdup men have again commenced operations In Omaha. Territorial onicors of Now Mexico havo been ordered to stay nwny from Washington unless thoy have busi ness there. If congress deslros the decennial census tauou next year, Director North of the census buronit wunts $1 1, 000,000 to defray expenses. Tho Coopors, fnther and son, on trial in Nnshvillc, Tctin., for killing Senator Cnrmack, were found guilty and sentenced to twenty years In tho penitentiary. Col. Fred I,. Jolt 7:, tho Kansas negro editor, was declared Insane by tho probate Judge of Shawnee county. Former Representative James E. Watson of Indiana, who lost his light for the governorship, hnH boon offored and has declined the governorship of Porto Rico and tho ministership to Cuba. Five people were killed and a score more woro Injured nnd many wero overcome by an explosion of gas In tho Snnnysldo mines nt Evansvllle, Ind. Chief Engineer Horscholl Main of tho navy, retired, died in Washington, aged' C:i years. Waohlngton. Sovoral Important changos affecting tho porsonnol of tho lntorlor depart ment wero announced by Secretary Balllnger. Josoph R. Webster of Ne braska was appointed nn assistant at torney lp tho ofllco of tho secretary at n salary of $2,750. Fred H. Bar clay of Wyoming was promoted to bo assistant attorney In tho ofllco of tho assistant attorney gonornl nt $2,500 por annum. Tho plan for tho consolidation ol work In tho various navy yards form ulated by former Secretary Nowborry will bo uphold by tho prcsont admin istration at least until It has been thoroughly tested by oxporlonco, Tho last romalnlng voatlgo of tho Roosevelt ordor tnklng marines off tho battleships and cruisers of tho United Stntcs navy was owopt away when President Tnft, after tho mat- tor had been considered nt a cabinet mooting, directed that an order bo issued restoring tho murines to oxnet- ly tho samo duties thoy had per formed prior to tholr being ordored aBlioro. Tho now bank guaranty law of Kansas was tho subject of n confor- onco at tho Whlto houso today when Senators Curtis and Brlstow of that stato called upon Prosldont Tnft. Tho attorney gcnornl Iiob asked Wndo II. Ellis of Ohio to contlnuo In his present position of assistant to tho attomoy gonornl, and It waB of ficially announced thnt ho had agreed to do no. Cuba will produco about 1,400,000 tons of Hiignr this soason wcathor. ac cording to Consul Gonornl Rogors nt Havana. Ho Ib Inclined to dlscrodlt tho low oBtlmntoB of probable yield lit tho crop, dcspltq tho fact that rains In tho eastern half of tho Island havo glvon tho bollof that tho sugar pro duction would bo curtallod. Formor Governor Hill of Maine, act ing chairman of tho Republican na tlonnl committee, announced at tho Whlto Houso that tho headquarters of tho committee In Washington would ho abnndonod nftor this mouth and contlnuod In Chicago with Secre tary Hnyward. In the distribution of committee asslgnmonts among tho senators tho woat gels a mensuro of recognition -which nobody dreamed would go to it, and a good deal of tho credit is given to Senator iJtFollotto and Bur kett. Porconal. Ex-Presldont CaBtro of Vonozuola Is on hla way to Bordeaux to sail for South America. John Nowton Drummond, million- nlro tobacco manufacturer, died at his homo In Alton, 111., of n sorlca of apoplexy strokes. It Ib likely that Prosldont Tnft will bo asked to arbitrate In tho coal min ora' dllllcultlcs. Tho Nobraska delegation In con gress Ib In a stow over tho demand for free lumber from tholr constltu outs, Congressman Klnknld will urgo tho rotentlou of duty on hides. Wostorn senators are elated over committee assignments. . Wllllo Whlltn, tho kidnaped Sharon, Pn boy was restored unharmed to his fathor at Cloveland. Director North wants $14,000,000 to tnko tho noxt consus. Roosavolt expects to be gono about flftoen months. Chairman Payno Bpolto four hours In explanation of his tariff bill. W, J. Bryan wna 49 yearn old March 19; Lincoln democrats tonderod hint a banquet. FIGHT IIH INDIANS CHIEF CRAZY SNAKE AND FOL- LOWERS MAKING TROUBLE. BLOODY BUTTLE 15 EXPECTED Leader of the Aborigines to Be Inter cepted in His Efforts to Reach Tiger Mountains. Oklahoma City, Okla. In a pitched hattlo at Hickory Ground nt C o'clock Saturday evening between n posso of ilvo officers nnd twonty Crook Indians of tho Snake clan, Officers Edwnrd Raum and Herman Odom of Chccotnh were killed. Frunk Jones and Wil liam Carr, other members of tho posse, escaped without Injury und fled to tho settlements, whero tho news of tho bnttlo was telephoned to Sheriff Odom of Mcllntosh county. Oklnhoma City, Okla. Chief Crazy Snuko and 100 followers rotrented before five companies of Oklahoma mllltla Into Sunday night, thus defer ring nn expected battle until Mondny. Hastily setting lire to his topees nnd tents, tho Indian lendor with his mixed company of redskins and ne groes fled front their blazing camp as the troops advanced. Thoy took up n strong position between the North Canadian rlvor nnd Deep Fork creek, nbout seventeen miles east of Henry ctta, Colonel Hoffman, In command of tho state troops, considered It unwlso to push tho pursuit nnd engage tho Indians In tho darkness. Accordingly ho bivouacked his troops for the night. Early In this morning, reinforced by 41 company of cowboys from nround Lnwton, Okln., nil crack shots, ho will lead his forces against tho Indians. Crazy Snako ami his bruvoB will bo offered a chance to surrender. If they rofuso tho bnttlo will bo on. Colonel Hoffman sent out numerous scouts to wntch tho movements of tho, ehomy nnd to glvo tho alarm If thoy attempted tw fleo under cover of dnrkncsB. Tho cotnmnndor planned to allow his weary troops rest on tho field during tho night unless tho In dians nttcmpted to escapo to a stronger position. Tho mlllttn officers bollovo Crazy Snako wants to reach tho Tiger mountains with his followers beforo engaging In n general light. That tho old chief Is striving to stir tho Creeks to nn uprising and strlko for what ho conceives to bo liberty wns evident from tho smoko of throo sig nal fires on adjacent hills Just before sundown. Old-tlmo frontlorsmon who Insist thoy know what such thlngB mean dcclnro this Is a sign which al ways ushers In Indian trouble No body Is wild enough to say tho old chief will got anywhere- In his fnnnt leal dream of ovorturnlng tho govern ment, but certain It Is thnt ho lo try ing and Just as certain that ho will bo ruthlessly crushed If ho resists. Major Charles E. Barrett, In chargo of tho cothntlssnry, received hurry or ders by courier to send supplies nnd additional ammunition to tho soldiers nt tho camp. From this It Is Inferred thnt tho officers expect a long chase boforo a fight. Six mon havo been killed nnd a dozon wounded sinco tho troublo be gan Thursday. This Is tho official re port, and It Is bclloved many tnoro of tho nogroos and Indians woro killed. Dr. I. M. Wallace of Dustln, Okla., who wont to tho Hickory Hills with tho troopors, declared moro than twonty negroes woro killed Thursday and Saturday, and woro glvon rudo burial without coffins In tho vicinity whero tho soldiers camped Sunday. THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS. Lower House Will Continue to De bate Payne Bill. Washington Tho activities of con gross during tho prcsont week will bo confined nltnoat exclusively to tho consideration of tho tariff. Tho houso will proceed with the consider ntlon of tho Payno bill In gonornl de bate, and tho hour of tho dally sit tings will bo oxtonded, tho Bosslons beginning nt 1 o'clock In tho morn lng and ondlng nt night at 11:30 with an Intermission for dlnnor botweon 0 nnd 8 o'clock. Tho Bonnto will not bo In position to tnko tin tho bill un til It Is pnssod by tho houso, hut tho sonnto commltteo on llnnuco wjll con tlnuo consideration of tho various schedules of tho monsure. Thinks Salary Too Much. Washington. Roprosontntlvo Ed wards (Ga.) Is tired of drawing $7,500 for ltlB sorvlcos as a member of con gross. Ho Is willing to hold tho Job for $5,000 a year. Acordlngly ho in troduced a bill to reduco tho snlary of members from $7,500 to $5,000. Governor Cosgrove Dead. Paso Roblos, Cnl. Govomor Sam- uol G. Cosgrovo of Washington dlod hero suddenly of might's disease. Dr. Canfiold Critically III. Now York. Dr. Jnnies. H. Canfiold librarian of Columbia university, for mor ohnncollor of tho University of Nebraska and at times connected with sovoral other wostorn unlvorsl tlos, Is lit St, Luko's hospital hero In a serious condition, suffering front norvous Bhook and npoploxy, tho results, It Is said, of n street car 110 cldont n fow daya ago. Ho Buffered n slight Btroko of apoploxy after tho accident and Inst Wednesday morn lug was takon to St. Luke's, whor ho suftorod nn othor stroke. BE IN EFFECT GOVERNOR AFFIXE6 HI8 SIGNA TURE TO THE BANK BILL. OPERATIVE IN A FEW MONTHS Companion to the Depositors' Guar anty BUI Accepted as It Comes from the House. The chairmen of tho enrolling nnd engrossing committees of tho senate und houso, Frank J, Henry nnd W. Z. Taylor, submitted the enrolled bank bill to Governor Shnllenberger for his approval. In doing so those members of the leglslnture nddreased the exec utive on the theory of tho bill nnd ex pressing to htm tholr appreciation of what ho had done to mnkc tho guar anty bill a good one. Governor Shnllenborger utlswcred brlofly and Informally as follows: "I appreciate fully tho honor that Is inluo In being given the prlvllego of sign ing the bill. It has been a great pleasure to see this promise of tho democratic party being cnrrled out to complete fulfilment. It is not tho work of ono man, nnd does not rop- rouent tho sagacity of any ono man In the stnle. Rather the bill Is the re sult of the wisdom and Judgment of many men. I havo gono over its pro visions, carefully, nnd urn glad to sign It. First, however, I wnnt to go over the sections. The bill Is bnscd on tho broad prlnelplo that tho profit and prosperity of banks are derived from the depositors, and tho banker who puts nsldo n portion of hla profits to secure snfoty for tho depositor will be amply repaid by tho Increased con fidence tho public- will feel in his institution. It Is merely tho principle of Insurance carried Into tho bnnklng business. I shall be glad to sign tho bill, gentlemen of tho leglslnture, when first I have gone over Its sec tions." Later on tho governor signed tho bill, and In n few months it will go Into effect. Tho companion to tho depositors' guaranty bnnklng bill was passed by tho sonato ns it enmo from tho house. Tho voto was unanimous, thoro being thirty-one votes for it nnd two mom hers nbsonL This bill provides tho mothod of re-chnrtering national banks which deslro to glvo up their national chartora In ordor to avail thomselvcs of tho benoflt of tho guar anty law. It also provides that when- over by net of congress or hy ordor of tho nttorney general national banks shall bo permitted to participate in tho state guaranty laws, national banks mny pay their assessment nnd participate on the samo footing as stato banks. Tho sonato has ordered 2,000 copies of tho now banking law printed for general distribution. The Banking Bill. Over tho protests of W. J. Taylor of Custer county, who denounced tho mensuro as having been amended to suit tho national bankers, und as not being tho law promised tho peoplo of Nobraska by tho democratic party, tho house concurred In tho senate nmendmonts to tho banking bill. Mr. Tnylor objected to tho reduction mndo by tho sonnto In tho Initial lovy against tho banks to creato tho guar anty fund from ono-half of 1 per cent to one-fourth of 1 por cent. Ho ob jected to tho action of tho sonato in striking from tho bill tho umondmcnt adopted by the houso providing thnt stockholders in n bank must own othor property of cqunl value, and he objected to tho decrease In tho re servo to bo hold In tho banks from 20 to ID por cent. County Option Killed. Tho county option bill wns taken up by tho houso, which had dodged consideration of the mensuro for a long time. Dobato was limited to half an hour becnuso it was well known that each member had his mind mndo up on tho matter tmd de bato was but wasted time. The bill was voted on nnd defeated In com mltteo by n voto of 53, no nogntlvo voto being takon. When tho house roso from commltteo of the wholo tho result wns emphasized on roll call by a voto of 52 to 39, nine members be ing absent or not voting. Of these nine n majority aro supposed to bo opposed to county option. Thus tho question was defeated. Physical Valuation Bill. Tho sonato refused to concur In house umoudmonts to the physical valuation bill nnd unless the house changes Its position on this bill thcrq promises to be a deadlock of goodly proportions. A conforonco committee consisting of Scnntors OIIIh, Miller and Tnnnor wns appointed on tho hill nnd as tho lattor two named men nro tho sponsors for tho two charter bills which tho houso mutilated and as Sen ntor Ollts Is Introducer of tho physlcnl valuation bill, tho outlook Is not good. To Adjourn April 1. An ngreoiuont has been renchod up on tho date for final adjournment of tho legislature, both houses having ratified tho roport of tho conforonco committee on Friday fixing Thursday, April 1, as tho time. Tho outlook nt tho prosont time Is that tho fiction sanctified by generations of precedent of stopping tho clock on tho final day nnd running ovor two or threo dnys later may bo dlsponsed with this year. Thero Ib no telling, however, what contingency may arlso to prolong the sosalon. SIN THE HOUSE CONCURS. The 8enate Amended Bank Bill Is Accepted. Tho bank bill as amended In tho enato was concurred In by the houso and goos now to tho governor for his signature. Of that tho bill is assured for In conference the governor said that although the bill was not entirely to his liking he was willing to take it as tho best that could bo dono under tho circumstances. Tnylor of Custer nppenred as the chief champion against udoptlns the senate amendments to tho guarantee bill. Opposed to him wore nil tho house members of tho banking com mltteo which framed tho bill. Taylor had tho solid following of tho repub licans save four who voted against tho motion made by Taylor not to con cur in the senate amendments on threo sections. With them went nine teen democrats who believed as Tay lor did that the amendments he point ed out wenkened the measure. The voto on not concurring In the threo sections ns nmended by the sonnto stood 43 to 53 and they woro ndopt ed as sent from tho sennte. Tho bill ns it goos to tho governor makes no chnnges In tho composition of tho banking board front what It was arranged by tho commltteo. The board Is Btlll to bo composed of threo 1:1cm bors, tho governor, tho nttorney gen eral and the auditor. The governor Ib to hnvo practically all tho power of direction nnd nppolntment. He Is ronlly to bo the bourd per so. This was dono because the democrats would not trust the two republicans who must of necessity bo members of tho bonrd. The entire board Is to hava control of what banks mny bo desig nated as depositories of that portion of tho reserve of banks not roqulred to bo maintained as actual cash on hand. Banks In towns of 0110 hundred or less may bo formed with only $10, 000 capital stock, banks in towns of 100 to 500 enn have not loss than $15, 000 capital stock, In towns 500 to 1.000 not less than $20,000, In towns of 1,000 to 2,000 not less than $25,000 capital, In cities of 2,000 to 5.000 not less than $35,00, in cities of 5,000 to 25,000 not less than $50,000 capital, and in cIiIcb of 25,00 to moro popula tion not less than $100,000 capital stock. All this must be paid up. This is less drastic than tho orlsinnl bill, but is more stringent than tho prosont banking law, A majority of directors in any bank must rcsldo In tho county whero Bitch bank Is located or In counties adjacent thoreto. Each di rector must own stock In an amount not Iobs than $3,000 if tho bank has a $50,u00 capital and not less than 4 per cent If n Bntallor bank. Tho di rectors may not borrow tnoro than 20 por cent ench of the amount of tho capital stock, and tho nggregate loans to directors shall not exceed 50 per cent of the total capital. Each stockholder must bo liable In tho sum of his stock and that much moro for the debts of tho corpora tions. This Is the present law and Is tho requirement of tho Institution. A stockholder need not prove before In corporation that ho owns ns much property outside banking Btock ns he holdB that commodity. Indeed he need not own any othor property than Ills bank stock. Ho must, however, provo that ho Is a person of integrity nnd financial standing to tho satisfaction of tho board before any charter may bo issued. Tho assessments may not exceed one-fourth of 1 per cent for each six months until July 1, 1911, un less thoro Is an emergency call nnd nf tor that dato only one-twentieth of one per cent each six months. Final Adjournment Not Fixed. After tho sennto committee on final adjournment reported March 30 as tho dato agreed upon, somo of tho senators decided tho day was too early, and although the roport had been adopted, the Bonnto reconsid ered its action and loft tho matter undecided. Tho houso concurred In tho roport. Orthopedic Hospital for Omaha. Senator Ransom presented a propo sition to tho BCttato flnanco commltteo for the appropriation of $15,000 to buy a slto for nn orthopedic hospital Tor Omaha to bo a part of tho Stato University School of Medicine ostnb llshod thero. Ho told tho commltteo ho had a pledge of a gift for tho con strucllon of the hospltnl that would not be less than $50,000, tho same to bo avallnblo as soon as tho slto was secured. Ready for Governor. Among measures now ready for Blgitaturo aro: Depositors guaranty bnnklng bill. Publicity of campaign contributions bill. Anti-lntlmidnllon bill. Reciprocal law amendments bill. Elective precinct assessors bills. Bill permitting natlonnl banks to re-chnrtor undor Btnto laws or tnko advantage of tho stato guaranty law. Physical valuation bill. Omnhn homo rule charter hill. All theso bills havo either been pnssed by both houses or aro so far advanced that tholr Immediate pas sago is assured. Important Bills Acted Upon. Tho houso concurred In ilio sonnto nmendmenta to tho Skeen bills for tho election of precinct assessors. Tho hills provldo those officials shall bo elected overy two years, beginning with noxt fall, and shull In cities number ono for ench 4,000 population. County assessors tiro loft ttnehnngod. County bonrds aro to dlvldo a county into districts for nsscsEinent. Undor n soparato bill provision will bo mndo for nssossment of ronl estato overy two years Instoud of overy four ytars but this has not yot gone through. NEBRASKA! BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SUBJECTS TOUCHED OPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. Tho "wots" nnd "drys" nro lining up nil nlong tho Nebraska line. Tho city of Lincoln has won Its dol lar gnti suit. High water In Sheridan county de stroyed a number of bridges. Work on the new opera houso nt Beatrice will be started April 1. Fire nt McCook destroyed Gannls general merchandise store. A new bnnk Is scheduled for Redi Cloud with a capital stock of. $25,000 paid up. Wm. Nightengale, Omaha, aged 25. quit by the carbolic route. He had of lato been much addicted to drink. John Roby of Hnll county shot nt a, cat. killing the same, but the bullet sped on and likewise took tho llfo of a colt. Mrs. M. M. Falk, n resident of West Beatrice, gave birth to triplets, all boys. They weigh 8, 7 and 0 pounds, respectively. Stolln, tho (i-yenr-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Richie of Mitchell, waB run over and lnstnntly killed by a car In the switch yards. Miss Rachel Falrchlld has been re elected superintendent of tho schoolrt nt Spencer, with substnntlnl Increase In snlary. Mr. Klngsburry, tho well-known, horseman of Auburn, has moved to Nobraska City with his largo string of fast horses and will trnln them on the now track at the city park. Work has been begun on tho laying of tho brick of the first story of tho postolllce building nt Grand Island, the foundation nnd basement being complete. The man held In Valentino for inur--dor, named Storey, appeared before tho county Judge and waived prelimi nary and wna bound over to district court without ball. Herbort, the 12-ycar-old son of Geo. Helmlck, living two miles south of Stella, shot himself In the foot with a 22-callber rifle with which ho wan playing. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. VanLoer arrived In Tecumseh from Sheridan, Wr. with the romnlns of their 4-year-old son, where he was drowned In at tempting to secure his hat when It was blown Into the stream. Tho Grand Island Banking company, one of the oldest us also one of tho strongest stato banks in Nobraska, has decided to nationalize. It has n capital of $100,000, a surplus of $50, 000, and deposits of nearly $700,000. All things are ready for tho county convention of Sunday school workers of Custer county, to begin on April 21 and to run until tho evening of tho 22d. The session will be held In tho Presbyterian church In Broken Bow. Alva A. Randall, son of A. P. Ran dall of Clay Contet died nt their farm home six tulles southeast of Clay Center, as a result of ajt Injury re ceived by being thrown from a horso In December. Deceased was 29 years of age. An EI Reno (Okln.) paper Is author ity for the statonient thnt a number of well-known Nobraskans have lo cated In that city and expect to do business on a largo scale. They havo organized the Conservative Loan com pany. Ben Grandstaff, hauling hay for S. P. Alderman, near Bassett, with u four-horse pony team, Ijas tho record of hauling tho largest load of hay in that vicinity. Ho had a load weigh ing 11,570 pounds. Tho not hay weighed 9.C70 pounds. Mr. nnd Mrs, David Brlon of Ewlng celebrated their sixtieth wedding nn nlvorsary, all of tholr children being present to help celebrate tho day. They wero married in Pennsylvania and came to Nobraska thirty yeara ago. Mrs. Peter Sanders of Grand Island. the wife of a painter, old-tlmo resi dents of tho city, committed suicide by shooting herself in the mouth. Mrs. Sanders hns been in poor health for several years and despondency wns the cnuse of tho act. Peru claims tho oldest notary pub lic in point of service of any Nebras ka city or town. Mr. D. C. Colo of thnt plnco recolved his first commis sion four years beforo Nebraska was made a state and ho has kept It lit force continuously since thnt time. A Jury lit district court of Washing ton county rendered a verdict in favor of Flossie Plotorff, a girl or 14 years, against William Wilson, a merchant or Arlington, for $10,000 nnd costs. The girl was driving a horso on hor way to school, when Wilson attempt ed to pass her with his automohllo on a high and narrow grade. Tho horso scared and threw her out, injuring her. Victor Lang, a well known Beatrice man, who recently disposed of his business, and wns preparing to take a trip to his old homo In Austria when ho discovered that ho was not nn American citizen. Ho wns prepar ing to make out an nppllcatlon for passports. Unfair discrimination against the country elevators in favor of tho tor mlnnl elovntor companies Is nllegcd In tho cuso of H. Gund & Co. of Blue IIIU against tho Burlington. This l$J the complaint heurd by Speclnl Exam lner Brown of tho Interstate com merce commission. 1 x 'St V