The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 02, 1909, Image 4

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    Watch Our
for New Goods.
Jeweler and Optician.
Wo Want .Your Repair Work.
Over Flint National. I'liono US
Machinist Otto Abraham resigned
hia position at the shops Wednesday and
will go to Sterling, Col., to accept a
position with tho sugar factory.
MIsb Susan Cuneman, who had been
tho guest of her sister, Mro. Frank L.
Hopkins for several months, left yes
terday for her homo in South Dakota.
Tho Catholic social at tho homo of
Mrs. Gullliaume Wednesday evening
was largely attended, and the escall
oped oysters and other refreshments
were nicely served. Tho receipts were
thirty-seven dollars.
For SaleAlfalfa hay, bright and
clean. J. C. Hupfor, WcBt 12th St.
A. It. Adamson is engaged in obtain
ing data for a Herios of articles on tho
early history of North Platto and the
pioneer Bottlers. Ho may decide to have
tho sketches publiBhod in book form.
Honov Bncs for Salo. Inquire at
1011 W Gth St.
Saml. Johnson, who was brought
down from tho Garflold tablo tho early
part of tho week, was given n healing
boforo tho board of insanity Wednesday
and adjudged a fit subject for tho stato
hospital nt Inglosido.
For Ront Six room homo, first door
east of Commercial Hotel. Inquiro at
405 W. 3rd St.
W. F. Roso was thrown from his
wagon Tuesday evening whilo crossing
tho south rivor bridgo and sustained
dislocated shoulder and a bad cut on
tho forehead. Tho team becamo frlgh
toned by tho polo dropping from the
neck yoko. Mr. Roso was rendorod
unconscious and remained in that con
dition for an hour or two.
Hata remodeled or trimmed over very
reasonable at Mrs. G. S. Huffman.
Union Pacific passenger train No. 3,
westbound was wrecked near Castle
Rock-, Utah, at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday
morning, a. j. bownan, nreman, nnu
u. J. uoruon, baggageman, were
killed. Nono of tho passongors wero
injured. Tho wreck wasicaused by
landslido which carried n largo boulder
on tho track. Tho baggage car. mail
car and three pnssengor coachon at
onco took fire and woro burned. The
rear coaches wero uncoupled and saved
Up Before The Bar.
N. H. Brown, nn attornoy, of Pitts-
field, Vt., writes: "Wo have used Dr,
King's Now Life Pills for yearB and
find them such a good family medicine
wo wouldn't be without thorn." For
chills, constipation, billiousnnsu or sick
headucho, they work wonders. 25c at
Stone's Drug Store.
Inplo complete the Outfitting o
LU the young man and young
lady about to be confirmed we
are showing some very hand
some and dainty Footwear.
Per the Young Man wo havo Higl
or Low Cut ShocB in luco or liutto:
stylo, of Patent Colt and Kid loathors
$1.00 (o $3.00
For the Younn Woman wo have
High Cut Shoos from choico and dressy
loathors. in laco or button stvlo. Beau
tiful creations in Oxfords. Tfcs, Pumps
and Slippers. Black, whlto and colored
1.1.1 t,... .,.,,1 ..,i,iti
$1.25 to $3.50
Sol Hodes,
The Shoery.
! I healthful and nutri
jlS tious when raised with
I The only baking powder made 1
I from Royal Grape ewCS P
I Cream of Tartar &tr
I Mad, from
Tho D. of H. Bocial will meet Tuos-
day, with Mrs. J. F. Pillion.
Mrs. Harry Porter laft last night
for a visit with friends in Holdrcge.
R. N. Lamb, the North side grocer, in
suffering from sovcro stomach trouble.
For flalo A National G hole Rane.
$25.00. Geo. M. Graham.
Mrs. P. W. Sitton returned last night
from her visit in Omnha and Chicago.
Ed Park, Union Pacific foreman at
sterling, Col., is spending today in
Wanted Pupils in Music. Inquire
f Miss Church, 404 west Fourth street.
Hog receipts at South Omaha yoster-
ay woro light and tho bulk sold for
Jako Miller, of Garfield, has bcn in
town for eevoral dayB transacting busi
ness and visiting friends.
Wanted puro bred whlto Plymouth
rock cockerel.
Auqrcsa u. Aiaccy,
North Platto.
Two machinists wero given employ
ment in tho shops yesterday, taking
tho places of two who had quit.
Deputy Sheriff Lowell will return
this' ovoning from Inglesido, where ho
accompanied young Johnson to tho state
Your fumituro needs varnishing and
repairing boforo houso cleaning. Sco
P. M. SoronBon, shop 107 E. Gth St,
For Sale Your choico of two sixty-
six foot lots on west Fourth street, one
a corner, other inaido. Inquiro of Andy
Mrs. Frank Cokcr and daughter Miss
Helen visited frionds in town yesterday,
roturning to their home' in Sutherland
this morning.
If you want tho beat qunlity in
cannod goods; got the Kamo brand at
tho Tramp Grocery.
Tho pooph of Keith county have or
ganized n county fair association 1 and
will havo an exhibit of ngrlctttlural
products this fall.
Mrs. A. F. David, who had been a
guest of Mr. und Mrs. Clifford Shep
pard for a week, returned to hor homo
in Omaha Tuesday,
Wanted A good woman cook nt tho
EntcrprlBo Bakery and Restaurant.
Cyrus Fox is down from Garfield today
with several loads of corn and barley
For tho former ho received 574 cents
and tho latter GG cents.
Mrs. A. C. Luto has sold six thous
and acres of hay and grazing land in
tho North Platto valley northwest of
Paxton to S. J. Silascn.
Bishop Graves will make an ofilcla
visitation to tho Church of Our Saviour
Easter Sunday and confirm a class p,ro-
Honted by Rev. Mr. Chapman.
Tho Methodist aid society has ho
cured tho Dixie Boys quintetto for tho
evening of April 14th, it is said to bo
an excellent musical company.
Diamonds novor decreaso in valuo.
Wo havo a fino line at tho right prices.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Mrs. James Flynn will leave tonight
for Denver for a brief visit with Mrs.
Anna Bnrkor, whoso health baa been
very poor for several months past.
Several of tho churches havo mado
arrangements for tho propor obser
vance of . Palm Sunday, April Gth.
Special music will bo rendered by tho
For Sulo South half of northeast
quarter Section 14, Two. 14, R. 32. 80
acres undor Paxton and Hershuy ditch.
Writo L. L. Brown, Evunston, Wyo.
Look thern over you wont
need glasses to see the good
qualities of our Shoes.
Smart, clean-cut styles
new spring models that mean
a correct finishing touch to
your appearance, to say noth
ing of the long wear and con
sequent satisfaction.
Ginn & White Gets Contract.
Bids for the heating plant for the
new Presbyterian church woro opened
yesterday and tho contract awarded to
Ginn & Whito of this city, Thcro were
sovcral bidders from out of town.
New Bank Officers.
An olection of officers of the HcrBhey
bank was held yesterday with tho fol-
owing result: president, Peter Jepson;
vice-president, L. P. Jepsen; enshior,
Earl Brownfield. J. W. Abbott, the
ate cashier, will give all his lime to
tho real cstato and insurance business.
Tho Mossrs. Jepsen recently purchased
a controlling interest in the bank.
New Addition at Hershey.
Hershoy is certainly growing right
along. Tho Gamble Land Compnny has
sold all its lots and must survoy more
to supply the demand it has. Tho prices
obtained by them on residence lots arc
from flO.OO to $75.00, on payments as
low ns $5.00 down.
D. C. Patteroon of Omaha, secre
tary of tho company, is coming out
next Monday to Kurvey an addition to
the town. It is fluid that their 500 acre
tract on which Hershey is located, will
be offered in tracts of from ten to
twenty acres, at from $70.00 to $125.00
per aero."
Lutheran Church.
Palm Sunday sorvico will bo held at
10 30 and 8 oclock. At tho morning
sorvico there will bo tho rit
of Confirmation and tho Bop
tism of children. Tho evening sub
ject will bo "The Day of PalmB." Spec
ial music will be rendered.
Services will be held every evening
during Holy Week commencing at 8 o
clock. The threo hours sorvico Good
Friday will bo held jointly with the
Episcopal friends nt our church.
Tho public is inVited to worship with
us. John F. Skuieiit, Pastor.
New Automobiles.
inreo new touring cars will soon ar
rive in North Pintle, tho purchasers
being R, A. Garman, Henry Hansen
and J. W. Payne. Tho cars aro of tho
Oakland make, forty horBo power, and
posscsa features not found in other
carB that mako them very desirable.
This make was Bolected by tho three
gent'omon, while in Omaha this week,
after they had examined u number of
different cars, Mr. Payno and Mr.
Hansen will uso thoir cars for pleasure,
whilo Mr, Garman will place his as part
of tho equipment of his livery stable.
Mr. uarman nna taKcn tne agency
for tho sale of this mako of cars, and
when it arrives ho will bo pleased to
show its merltH to thoso contemplating
tho purchaso or an automobile.
Complete lino of Garden seeds, both
uuilc uuu package.
Rush Mrkcantile Co.
Whore the Inhabltanto Duild Ships In
oido Extinct Volcanoes.
Snlia, In the West Indies, Is one of
tho most extraordinary places In tho
world. By ourtosy It la enllod nn Is
land, but It Is really nothing more than
the HUininlt of an extinct volcano stlok
lug up out of Uio KOU.
InMdo the (.Tutor live the only Inlmb
ItaulH of Halm. They llvo there because
there Is nowhere else for them to live,
the outside slopes nelug nearly as
stoop as tho Hides of a house.
Tho place belongs to Holland, and
tho people ifro all Dutch. Nevertheless
they speak English as their native
tongue. They call their crater town
Bottom because It Is situated on tho
top of a mountain.
Although surrounded on all sides by
the sea, they often spend weeks with
out seeing It, for that Involves a long
ellmb up to the rlni of the crater. Ntlll
less frenuently do they loueh salt
water, because to do so they must, In
addition, i limb downward for n ills
tanee f 1.WM) feet by n precipitous
rock hewn with Known as "the lad
It K howover. In rutfnri to their sta
pie Industry that lhe Dutch people.
who spe.Hi HnRllsh niul who lite aloft
lu i vol'iiit" In a summit -ty called
Bottom rc;i; h the cxtroine of topsy
turvoydnui. One intuit Imagine them
making balloons or kites or. lu fact,
anything but what they do make,
which Is fillips not ocean going liners,
but gooiU serviceable schooners and
luggers, whose repute Is great all over
tho Windward Islands. The ulitps
when (InUbod havo to be hauled up
to the ilin of the crater and then
lowered over a prcolpleo Into tho noa
All the Latest Creations in
Spring Millinery.
of this week.
I want every lady in North Platte
to see my display this season.
Miss Louisa Matthies in charge of
trimming department.
To the Voters of the Second Ward.
Most of .you nro nware that I am n
enndidate for re-otectlon ns councilman
from the Second ward.
I do not nBpiro politically and never
held a political office until two ytars
ago when I was prevailed upon by a
great many citizens of both parties to
accept tho nomination on the republi
can ticket.
I have been criticized by some of the
would-be boosters" because I did not
favor levying a higher tax. I believe in
economy in city affairs and did not
favor a big levy for the reason that the
increased valuation placed on all city
property last year would havo made our
taxes higher and I consider them high
enough already, and on account of the
increased valuation a lower levy raised
as much money as tho high levy did the
year before and it was not necessary
to tax tho people any heavier.
The Water Co. and its suppor
ters are against my re-election because
I have been nominated again by the
republican convention, also by petition.
I did not favor giving them tho 20
year franchise they wanted. I opposed
this for the principal reason that if
granted it nlso meant high taxes to
pay hydrant rental, hejldcs high water
rates, and it gave tho Compny the
right to place a meter on any or all con
sumers and to charge a high rate, with
a minimum charge of $1.00 per month,
all of which I did not consider for tho
best interests of North Platto.
If elected I will do what I think is
fair with tho Water Co. to settle the
wator question nnd at tho samo time
guard tho interests of the city.
If you think I am doing my duty
ahk your nupport and that vou eo to
thn polls and cast your voto for me.
If re-elected I will continue for two
years moro the thankless job at $4.10
por month and do what I think is for
tho best interests of North Platte.
Yours very truly,
E. R. Goodman,
To Begin Work in a Few Days.
Tho Union Pacific is making prepar
ations to push the-working of making
tho grado for the new railroad fram
Kearney to North Platto with character
istic energy. Men and tools aro being
shipped In and tho work will bo under
way in a few days. Thursday a carload
of Italian laborers . wero shinned in
from Omaha and will be employed on
the grade.
Besides this double track from North
Platte to Kearney, the Union Pacific is
making other and groater plans for
moro oxtenslvn improvements. The
rumor has been practical verified that a
double lino will bo mado east from
Cheyenne. Kearney Hub.
Boosting the Y. M. C. A.
Elsewhere White & Leskoy announeo
a plan ot boosting the x. M. (J. A.
a unanclal way uy ollerlng to turn over
to tho association n certain percentage
of their receipts. This plan will result
in quite a Bum of money being turned
nto the Y. M. C. A. treasury.
Formal Opening.
Sol Hodes nnnouncOs the formal on-
cning of his now bIioo storo in tho Fol
ey block next Saturday, April 3d, from
threo to tour o ciock p. m., and cordial
ly Invites tho attendance of the public
I'd Rather Die, Doctor,
than have my feet cut off," said M. I
Bingham, of Pnncevllle, III., "but you
will uio lrom gangrene (which had eat
en nway eight toes) if you don't said
all doitors. Instead he used Bucklcn's
Arnica Salvo till wholly cured. Its
cures of eczoma, lever sores, boils.
burns nnu piles natnunu tho world. :25c
at Stone's drug store.
about a bIioo appeal to customers gen
erally, but the taso nnd preference of
nil must bo considered in introducing
now styles.
may bo summed up in Style, Strength,
Beauty and Comfort. Our shoes com
bine all these good points, particularly
without which nothing counts. Let ua
lit you to u nt.
Small, the Big Shoe Man
521 Dewey Street.
Let this STAR shine for you that you may be happy,
prosperous and well dressed at a SMALL COST.
The Star Clothing House.
"Put a Little
All XUU.1
Lend a Cheerful, Clean and Pure at
mosphere to the home. Make old,
worn Floors, Furniture, Bric-a-Brac
and Interior Woodwork of every
description look
10 Rich and Beautiful Colors. Easy to Apply
Made by
First Door North of
Ladies' Jacket
Style 2714 Is mado from fino qual
ity striped covert cloth, trimmed with
strapping, buttons and soutache braid,
colors light tans and grey.
Price $10.00 '
Dirt, Dirt,
Plonty of dirt in any quantity needed,
win nil lota in cemetery and take care
of samo. Will furnish monuments,
grave stones, copings and all.
Wo will also deliver ICE to all dosir
ing it. Phono 413.
m20-Smo J. D. W. LINCOLN.
new and attractive
CO., Agents,
First National Bank.
Cream Wanted.
We buy cream for tho David Cole
Creamery Co., of Omaha; and pay tho
highest market price. Deliveries ac
cepted at any time. Prompt remit
tance every week.
The Tramp Guoceky.
For Sale Cheap.
Six room dwelling with ono and one
half lot on west Gth Streot. Inquiro
of Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency,
1 & 2 McDonald Block, North Platte,
Estrayed One dark red and whito
heifer no horns; one light brindlo cow
with horns. A reward is offered for
information leading to their recovery.
Address J. N. Carlile, North Platte.
Look Well Dressed
All The Time.
Look at any well dressed
man and you will see that it's
the Fit and the Good Shape
of his clothes that gives them
style and makes him stand out
in a group of men.
All tailors realize that thev
must put enough style into
their clothes to make them
pass muster while they are
But where is the tailor who
can make clothes that will
keep that good shape and
You know that most clothes
soon wrinkle and bag and
sag. Damp weather makes
the trouble, because most
clothes shrink a trifle on your
back; not much, but just
enough to ruin the style.
We sell Royal Tailoring.
And the Royal Tailors of Chi
cago and New York use a
shrinking process that takes
out every particle out of the
cloth before it is tailored.
Come in and see our 500 patterns.