The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1909, Image 8

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    Semi - Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year, cash In advance 11.26
Months, cash In advance 65 eta
Entorod at North I'latto. Nebraska, Postcfllco
as second class matter.
FRIDAY, MARCH 19. 1909.
Temperance Lecture.
Mrs. Marie Kcough, a loyal Catholic
with wido influence in the church, and
a former mombor of tlio hoard of ed
ucation of tlio city of Chicago, will
deliver a temperanco lecture at tho
Keith Theatro next Sunday evening,
March 21st. Mrs. Kcough comas to
this city recommended an ono ot' the
most oloqucnt and logical lecturers on
.ho platform. Her addresses abound in
witticism which attract and hold hor
audience. Possessed of a strong per
sonality, winsome presonco and a zealous
spirit, she ought to tax tho capacity of
tho theatre. Admission freo and every
body invited.
Baptist Church.
Another good day was had last Sun
day. Tho morning congregation was
tho largest in tho present poBtoratc. At
this service ono young lady camo for
ward, was converted and united with
tho church. Tho prayer and conference
mooting this week saw fifty
two porsonB present again nnd was
full of interest, Tho subject for next
Sunday morning will be "Friends not
Servants." All of tho services of the
day will bo observed except tho ovon
ing preaching. That meeting will bo
ndjourncd to moot in tho union temper
ance acrvlco at tho Keith theanre. Us
ual wolcomo is oxtonded.
Will Build Line to Ogalalla.
Tho North Platto Tolpophone Com
pany has ordered material for a metal
ic telephone lino botwecn North Platto
and Ognlalla, and construction work
will begin na soon aB tho material ar
rives. It is also tho intention of tho
company later on to construct a lino
north from Ogalalla to Keystone, thenco
west to Lowollen and Oshkosh, thereby
glvfng tho residents of those sections
direct telephono connections with
North Platto.
Tho company will nlso rebuild Hb lino
between North Platte and Sutherland,
and it will bo part of tho through lino
to Ogalalla.
Manager Warner wont over tho
routo this week, secured tho estimates
and immediately ordered the material.
Accidents are too Frequent.
In an address boforo tho Western
Railway Club at Chicago Tuosday night,
Genl. Supt. Park, of tho Union Pacific
"Ah railroad mon, wo must admit
that tho long lint of fatal accidents and
injuries to passengers and employes is
a blow on our escutcheon which must
bo wiped out.
"It is u fact that not u fow railroad
accidents are whitewashed to tho ex
tent that tho oflklula try to doceivo
thomaelvoa. Railroad mon must analyze
tho prosont conditions In accordanco
with tho growing sontimont that acci
dents aro of too frequent occurroncc,
and unlcsD prevented to a greater do
greo than now oxlsto, tho strong arm
of tho government must ntorvono."
Real Estate Transfers.
Mary J. Randolph to Union Realty
& Trust Co., undivided one-half of tho
south half of lota 1 and 2. block,
90, city $550.00.
Jamea Pattorflon to A. F. Hlnnk
enburg wcBt half southwest quartor
section 31-14-29, S1.C00.
James McGovorn to Thcodoro Lowo
south half northwest and lota 3 and !
aoctlon 4-14-30, ?77G.00.
J. A. Johnaoon to O. N. Madden
HouthoaBt quartor of tho southeast
quartor and lot 6 section 8-14-32,
Elton Averill to Lavinu VanWinklo
Bouthwost quarter section 28-11-31 $700.
Joseph Littlo to Frank Blovlns the
northoast quartor section 21-10-29,
M. D. Pass to D. S. , Scoflo'd tho
southeast quartor section 12-29-34,
J. M. Wood to C. L. Dillon north
half southwest and south half north
west section 31-9-32, $3,200.
Puckarue Island.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Hostntter departed
for tholr homo at Koarnoy tho latter
part of last wook aftor a two weeks'
visit here.
Mr. Hosier has moved to and taken
possession of tho farm south of Max
woll purchased of Robt. Lewis,
Henry Discoo who is suffering from
blood poison is still in a dangerous con
dition. Boyd McGuiro wont to Gothonburg
Wednesday morning to attend tho mas
querade danco at that placo that night.
Mrs. Harry Graham received tho sad
nows of the death of her littlo four
year old sister at Ingham last Sunday
morniiig. Death had' been caused by
tho littlo ono playing around tho stovo
In such a manner that hor clothos
caught fire and being alono sho was
burned so badly boforo holp could got
What are Your Groceries
Look over your pass book
paying-. It pays to pay cash.
Granulated Sugar, 18 pounds $1.00
Tulip Patent Flour, per sack ,0. 1.35 '
Gothenburg Patent Flour, per sack . 1.35
Gothenburg O. K. Flour, per sack 1.30
3-lb pal Swift's Silver Leaf lard. . .40
5-lb pail Swift's Silver Leaf lard.. .05
B in pail Swift'B Premium lard 70
Pcrrio Viaus Maple Syrup per gal. 1.25
Corn Syrup 10-lb pail 40
Lewis Lyo per box 08
Diamond C Soap, 8 bars 25
Pearl Whito Soap, 7 bars 25
Gold Dust, 41b pkg 22
Paddle Bluing 10c size 07
Paddlo Bluing 6c size.. 04
Kingsfords Silver Gloss Starch
per pkg 08
KingBfords Corn Starch per pkg.. .08
Best Gloss Starch per pkg 05
Best Corn Starch per pkg 05
Sapolio por pkg 9c, 3 for 25
Ammonia perbottlo 09
Seeded Raisins 12-oz pkg 08
lG-oz Seeded Basins, per pkg... 10
Currants 12-oz pkg.. 10
Bulk Raisins, Iargc,pcr lb 08
Cocoanut, tho best, J-lb pkg ' .15
Cox's Gclatlno 13c, 2 pkgs 25
Knox Gelntino 13c, 2 pkgs 25
Royal Baking Powder 1-lbcnn 45
Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1-lb can .45
10-oz can K. C. Baking Powder 08
15-oz con K. C. Baking Powder., . . .13
Cash counts. Buying groceries or any other kind of
troods on time costs vou treater interest tlmn .mv lmnU ?n ri,
- 3 - - j i ait biiw
country would charge you. Then it saves that dispute about
. x re 1 i.i t . -
your account, n you aon t believe it give it a trial.
Wilcox Department Store.
'to her that she died tho following
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott of Her
shey aro visiting friendB nnd relatives
Is this vicinity this week and attended
tho masquorado ball at Brady
Wednesday night.
Tho remains of Chas. Powoll who
died at his homo at Billings, Montana,
recontly woro received hero Wednes
day of last week and wero laid to rest
tho following aftornoon. Tho Wood
men of this vicinity and tho Odd Fol
lows of Loxington took chargo of tho
services and acted a brotherly part.
Sympathy is oxtonded to tho bereaved
wifo and fivo chlldron, ono boy and two
girls being with tho mothor whilo tho
two oldor glrU ure married.
Miss Lola Stroud is tho gucsc of hor
grandparents J. D. Drako's this week.
Mias Tressa Woodbury dopartod Tuos
day for hor homo in South Dakota.
Carl Carlson loft Monday for Colo
rado. Frionds of Chas. Goldsborry will bo
plaasod to learn that he arrived in Cal
ifornia and has improved in health to
such an extent as to warrant him to
purchaso forty acres of good land thoro
and sottlo down permanently nnd will
sond for his family soon.
Fred Burns, of Ingham, is up this
week closing a deal with his undo
Frank Drako by which ho will farm tho
hitter's placo this coming Boason.
Kills Would-Bc Slayer.
A merciless murderer Is Appendicitis
with many victims. But Dr. King.a
Now LIfo Pills kill it by prevention. They
gently stlmulato stomach, liver and
bowels, rrovonting that clogging that
invites appendicit is, curing Constipation
BilliouBncss, Chills, Malaria. Headache
and Indigestion. 25c at Stones Drug
Tho prohibition editor who inadver.
tontly printed a pound cako calling for
a glass of whisky as ono of tho ingre
dients having explained his blunder to
angry readers of his own persuasion,
may now turn his attontion to tho
thirsty and allitorativo peoplo who bo
siego him with tho quory, Why wasto
whisky7 Brooklyn Eaglo.
On what is called tho "raco question
at tho bouUi" President Taft makes a
radical departuro from the policy of
every ono of his republican predeces
sors, from Grant to Roosevelt, Mb
inclusive Ho announces that Indianola,
Miss,, shall bo treated precisoly liko
Zanesville, O., nnd that thoro shall bo
motcd out to Charleston, S. ft, exoctly
what Milwaukee, Wis., shall recoivo.
This is tho beginning of good under
standing and a now departure. Wash
ington Post.
Near Death In Big Pond.
It was a thrilling exporlenco to Mrs.
Ida Soper to faco death. "For yoars a
sovero lung troublo gave mo intonso
suffering,'' sho writes, "and soveral
times nearly caused my death. All reme
dies faiU-d and doctorH said I was in
curable Then Dr. King's Now Dis
covery brought quick relief and a euro
so permanent that I havo not boon
troubled in twelvo years." Mrs. Sopor
lives in. Big Pond, Pa. It works wondorn
in Coughs and Colds, Soro Lungs Hem
orrhages, LnGrippe, Asthma, Croup,
Whooping Cough and all Bronchial
affections. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottlo
freo. Guaranteed by Stono's drug
and see the difference you are
25-oz K. C. Baking Powder 20
5-lb can K C Baking Powder 80
Pumpkin, per doz $1.10, per can., .10
Hominy, per doz $1.10, per can... .10
Kraut, per doz $1.10, per can 10
Sliced peaches (in heavy syup)
per can 20
Standard Corn,pcr case 1.C0 per can .08
Standard Tomatoes, por case 2.25,
per can io
Soaked Peas, per case 1.40,per can .00
Fresh Peasper doz 1.10, per can.. .10
Covo Oysters largo can, 8 oz 15
Covo Oysters small can, 4 oz 08
Sugar Curod Bacon, per lb ,1G
Salt, best grade, per 100 lb 75
Soda Crackers wooden boxes
per pound 06
Oyster crackers wooden boxes
per pound 0G
Full Cream Cheese per lb.. , 20
Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 18c per
pkg, 2 for 25
Grapo Nuts, por pkg 13c, 2 for . .. .25
Mothers' Oats, largo size, per pkg .25
Duko'B Mixturo tobacco 10-oz pkg .35
Horse Shoo Tobacco per pound 45
Yankeo Girl Tobacco 18 oz plug.. .35
Kerosene oil per gallon 15
may exist only In your mlnd'B eyo at
pruHoni, uui wo win ncip to mnko it a
reality, and will do nil in a real estate
agent's power to assist you in buying a
uu ratlin.
aro ready for your Inspection, and wo
strongly ndviso buvintr nt nneo hnfnrn
tho spring boom begins. Terms to suit
Buchanan & Patterson.
Real Estate and Insurance.
tho blanket for your horso cold or ovon
chilly or wet days might cost you the
horso or n votorinr.ry's bill. Don't for
get, cither, that wo enrry a fine lino of
horso blankets nnd .other equine equip
ment, durable, attractivo und reason
ably priced. Harness continues to bo
our main line, but wo havo, too, about
everything olso you need for horso out
A. F. FINK. '
Ily vlrttioof nu order of salo Issued from
tho district court, of Lincoln county. Nebras
ka, upon a decree of foreclosure rendered In
said court wherein Martin !L. McOullough U
Plaintiff nnd Minerva A. Chase et al aro
defendants, and to mo directed, I will on the
2111. (by of Aurll 1WJ, nt 1 o'clock i, m.
at the east front door of tlio court house fu
North Platto. Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell
at public, auction to tlio highest bidder for
cash, io satisfy said decree, Interest and
costs, the followtiii: described property, to-wlt !
Wo' t half of nor heast inmrter and east half
of northwest ouartor of Section I", Townshtn
0, Range S3. West of I' . M
Dated at North I'latte. Nob., March 111, 1909.
mll'-O Sheriff.
lly virtue of an older of salo Issued from
tho district court of Lincoln county. Nobras
ka, upon adocreoof foreclosure rendered In
Maid court wherein William Paddoet et nl aro
Plaintiffs and Tho South I'latto I-oan and
Trust Company Is defendant, and to tmi di
rected, 1 will on tho aith day of April ivoo. at
1 o'clock it. in., at the east front door of Mm
court house In North I'latto, Lincoln County,
Neb. sell at public auction to tho highest bid
der fori cash, to satisfy tald decree. Interest
ana costs, the roiiowingciescriiH-u property.,
towlti Southeast M. of Hretlon 8. Tnurnvliln U.
itaniro 3-J.
Dated North l'Intte. Neb., March 10, 1000.
nilO-0 Sheriff.
CHAP. II. STAMP, Manager
Fashionable Comedy Event
of the Year.
Saturday MnvnL 9 fill.
Evening, Midi Ml UU1.
MR. JOHN CORT Presents
in the Biggest Success of
His Remarkable Career
"The Substitute,"
A Comedy by B. M. Dix and
E. G. Sutherland
"Bettor than 'Tho Mon on tho Box'"
Minneapolis Tribune
Seal Sale begins March 1 8th .
Prices $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c
We Believe
In good advertising. But
we believe mostly in good
With SOme Stores Itn "mnnll Hin nnrl
littlo done." Easier to make claims
man to substantiate there's tho rea
son. But isn't it more profitable for
you to form a co-partnership with BUch
merchandise as ours? Wc handle a fino
line of perfumes, toilet water, faco
powder, and all toilet articles. Wo also
nanuio a nice line ot hardware, tinware,
granite waro and notions of all kinds.
50D Dewoy Street.
The C. F. Iddings Co.
Rock Springs Lump and Nut
Maitland Lump and Nut
Hanna Lump and Nut
Colorado Lump and Nut
Pennsylvania Hard Coal
(In Stovo nnd Nut Sizo)
Blacksmithing Coal
We carry the larcrest assort
rrient of high grade coal in the
:... Ti.
nty. ny us wiin your next
Call Phone 7. We have it.
The C. F. Iddings Co.
A full lino of Caskets. Robes, etc.
Calls answered promptly.
Day Phono 12G, Night Phono 482.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
A Ssecialty
Shop 107 East Fifth.
smoke tho1 Forest King cigar. Taste
is not a matter of social position-tho
clerk appreciates a good smoko as well
as tho merchant.
No better nt tho pricothan tho Forest
King cigar. Prico C cents.
tl. Homeopathic Physicmn
and Surgeon.
Ofllcct McDonald Bank Building.
Phono 183.
A. J. Amos. M. I). Marlo-Amcs. .1. V-
Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Over Stono Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
. Phones j. Office 130
, i nones JKcaWenco 115
,R. L. C. DROST,
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 and 8. McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phono 148.
Office over Schatz Clothing
Store. Phono 48
Offlco: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
II. R. REESE, Prop.
Ladies' and Gents' Clothes Cleaned with
French Dry Cleaner.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Goods called
for and delivered. Over Mrs. Huff
man's Millinery Store.
Phono 450.
Merchant Tailor.
Tnvitafl vnnr inanontinn nf Vi!o fin.
lino of samples of goods for Spring and
Summer Suits, Overcoats and Trou
sers, which will be made to order in a
most up-to-dato and satisfactory man
ner. Shop over Schatz & Clabaugh's
Harrington & Tobin,
Wholesale Hay
and Grain. . . .
Parties desiring to settle their
accounts may do so by calling
at our office. Room 5, Keith
1 heatre building.
Mv services aro worth nil t Vipv rnnf
If you go to a cheap man you will
probably fail to sell or bo comnolled
to sell at a sacrifice. The only rea
son any auctioneer is cheap is be
cause his services aro not worth
much, tor terms and dates writo
or wire at my expense, Phone E5Q4
Notice Is horeby fflven that on tho DOtU day or
January. 1WU, J K. Crow. J. I.. Shuck, Ocorno
A. Walker. OoorKO II. Slnulo and Arthur Con
nor associated thorasolvcs together as a body
cornprato, undor tho name and stylo of Tho
Houth Hide Mutual Telephono Company. Tho
tirlnflnnl n nun tt nt .t .1... i t .
or said company shall bo In tho city of North
Dl.Mll T Itinnln ........ L J ( mi
ural naturoof tho business to bo transacted
ttlinll lui , .......... ....... ...... . i ...
...... u n. wijiimi, i iu,uiiihuio aim main
tain a main telephone lino In Lincoln county,
iiuuiuiHB, iruin miicny 01 norm riauototlio
southeast cornorof Section 10, Township 11,
uuuKu.iu. logemer witri lateral and branch
lines and extensions of tho main lino, and for
auuii yurpusu may own, lease, son and convey
such roal estate as may bo necessary or Incl-
of said business, and to do and perform such
umui uum uiiu limits as may oo incident and
necessary to the main noworsof tho corpora
tion 'I'll.. n.w...1 ... I I -..1.-1 i. ' .
orUed Is sS.OoO.oo, divided Into shares of SlU.oo
i. .Vi ',J' 'W.' BU1U. uiHia' hiuck noi loss man
f 1100.00 shall bo subscribed and fully paid up.
lllnll Hm fiTfttifnl.i.. v .1... ' . i .
T.ho dato of tho commencement of tho corpor
ation Nt. nil luith.i ltt fln nf H. . H ,iu.i
and tho dato of Its termination shall bo tho
Vi i Tr. iiiu iiiKiirnianiouut
of Indebtedness or liability to which tlio eor-
tJiuiiun in Bl any llllio IU SUOjeCt ltfiOH Htiall
"tockXCe two"tnlr(l!i of lts Pod up capital
ThoalTalrs of said corporation aro to bo
managed by a Iward of five directors, to
gether with a President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer, together with such
other and subordinate managers, agents and
sorvants as said oltlcers may appoint and hire,
blgned March 8th, uww.
.1. lv. Ouow.
.1. L. HllUCK.
Okohok A. Wai.kkh,
. ,. , aKOlKIE II. SS(M,K.
mV'i AllTHUlt CO.NNOll
Serial No. 012820.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
S. Land Otllco at North I'latto. Nob.
. fliarcn Btn, ioo..
of North I'latto, Nebraska, who. on July 1st
', . . """ii-sicaii emry no. iwia, portal
No. 01 to, .for south half northoast Quarter
and lota 1 and i!. Section 4, Township 12, north,
Hango 32 west of tho Sixth l'rlnclpa
tnakp llnal llvo year proof to establish claim
.y luu lauu muro uuscriooo. ooioro me
Itcglstor and Kocolvor at North I'latte.
Neb., on tho Btli day of May, llWtl.
Claimant names as witnesses: Charley
of Dickons, Nob., and William Carman of
Wallace, Nob.
my-o J, K. KVAN8, Register.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on about November 1st.
1908,on section 15, range 32, by
tho undersigned who thero resides, ono
white nnd black hoifor nbnnt. t.wn vnnr a
Old branded J on loft hln. nnd unrlnp
crop on both ears. Tho ownar must
can, provo property, pay charges and
tako animal awuv or it will ha IInnnafl
of according to law.
V. t, AlCNEEL.
Tho Stato of Nebraska. I .
Lincoln Countr. fss
In tho County Court.
In tho matter of tho estate of I.owls
KcUcy", deceased- To tho creditors, heirs,
legatees and others Interested In tho
cstnto of Lewis Kollcy.
Tako notice, that John E. Evans has
filed In tho county court a report of his
doings as admlntstratorof said cstato and It Is
ordered that tho same stand for hearing tho
20th day of .March, A. D. K09, boforo tho
court at tho hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at which
tlmo any person Interested may appear and
except to and contest tlio samo. And notlco
of this proceeding Is ordered given In tho
North I'latto Tribune, a soml-weokly nows
papor for six successlvo publications prior
to March 20th, lMAi.
Witness my hand and tho seal of tho county
court at North I'latto this '20th day of Febr
uary A. I). 1W0.
1 23-0 W. C. EuiEit. County Judgo.
Pcrlal No. OlSSfl.
II. E. No. 10181,
United States Land Ofllce.
At North I'latto. Nebraska February 20, 1000,
Notlco Is hereby given that Ocorgo Moran,
of North I'latte, Nebraska, who. on October
loth. m, mado homestead entry No. lulOl, for
southeast quarter Section 34. Township 10 N.,
Itango 20 . flth 1'rlnclpal Mcrldlan, has filed
notlco of Intention to mako flnal Ave roar
proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo
described, boforo tho register and recelvor, at
North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho 10th day ot
April. 1000.
Claimant names as witnesses! w. II Combs
and Garfield Qutherlcssof North I'latte, No
braska and James Oooloy and E. W. Wright
of Myrtle, Nob.
f23-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Department of tho Interior,
United States Land Ofllce.
North I'latto. Nebraska.
. Feby. 4, 1009.
A suflrclont contest affidavit having boon
filed In this ofllce by Charles T. breach, con
testant, against homestead entry No. 23176
mado Juno 10, 1007, for byiH of soot!on 17,
township O.rango 32, by Qeorgo W. Craig con
testee. In which It Is alleged that said Ocorgo
W. Craig has novcr established his rcsl,.?ccc
on said land; that he has never cultlvato . or
Improved any portion o tho samo, and that
ho has wholly ab' ndoneu said ianu for moro
than six months and ono day last past! that
aid absenco from land was not duo to his
employment In tho army, navy or marlno
corps if tho United States. Said parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond and
ofTcr evldcnco touching said alienation at 10
o'clock a. m, on April fr. 1009 before the
Register and Recelvor at tho United States
Land Ofllco In North I'latto. Nebraska.
Tho said contestant having, In a proper
aflldavlt, filed Feby 4. HW. sot forth facts
which show that after duo dtllgenco personal
sorvlco of this notlco can not bo mado. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notlco
bo given by duo and nropor publication.
rO-0 j. k. Evans. Register.
In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska, February 0th, 1000.
In the inattci of the cstato of Fred Oolso,
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho credltorsof
said deceased will meet tho Administrator
of said cstato, boforo tho. County Judge of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tho 8th day of
March, 1000. and on tho 8th day of September,
1000, at 0 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur
pose of presenting thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho Administrator to
sottlo said cstato. from tho 8th day of Sep
tember. 100S. This notlco will bo published In
the North I'latto Tribune, for eight publica
tions successively prior to tho Uth day of
March, lttW.
. W. O. ELDER.
fO-S County Judge.
Stato of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, ss,
In tho County Court March 1st, 100.
In tho matter of tho estato of Thomas
Hanrahan. deceased.
"n roadlng and filing tho petition of Mario
A. Thompson, praying that tho administra
tion of said cstato may bo granted to hor as
Ordered, That March 23, 1009, at 2 o'clock
p. m Is assigned for hearing said petition
when all persons Interested In said mattor
may appear at a County Court to bo hold in
and for said County, and show causo why
tho prayer of petitioner should not bo
granted. This order to bo published for
six successive publications In tho North
I'latto Trlbuno.prior to March 23d. 1009.
. W. O. Eldeu.
n2-0 County Judgo.
Stato of Nebraska. (,
Lincoln County, IM
Tn tho County Court, March 8th. 1009.
In tho mattor of tho estato of Eliza
McGovorn. deceased.
On roadlng and llllng tho petition of Mao
Weeks praying that tho administration of
said estato may bo granted to Hubert A.
Donolson, as administrator.
Ordered. That March 31st, 1900. at 9
o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said
petition, when all persons Interested In said
matter may appear at a county court to bo
held In and for said county, and show causo
why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not
he granted. This order of hearing to bo pub
lished in tho North Platto Tribune for six
successlvo publications prior to March 31st.
m0-3 W. O. Et.UKit. County Judgo.
Sheriff's Snle.
ny vlrtun of on order of salo Issued from
tho district court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska. uion a decreo of foreclosure ren
dered In said court whoroln Martin L. Mc
UulloHgh, Is plaintiff and Lucy M. Ilaldwln
Is defendant, and to mo directed,
twill IN llin lOtli ilnl, nt A iibII llimi .
...... u,. ,u v. i j ui .ll, Wl', UI,
ono o'clock!), m.. at tho oast front door of tho
court hpuso In North I'latto. Lincoln County.
lyiurasKu.soimi punuc auction to tlio Highest
est and osts. Mm fnllmvlni? ilpcrlii,.,l i,rn.
orty. to-wlt: Southwest quarter (wW)
section eighteen (18). township llfteen (15) N..
rango thirty-two (32), W. 0 p. m. In Lincoln
county. Nebraska.
Ilntnl Nnrth l"lntln Vol, ..), Mn.l.
1th. 1W9.
mo-6 I. L. Mii.TOKiiEitQEn. Sheriff.
Stato of Nebraska, i
Lincoln county. I "
In tho county court March 10th, 1009.
In tho mattor ot the estate ot Stuart
Mitchell, Deceased.
On reading and filing tho rtotltlnn nf n.
Janot Petrlkon Mitchell, praying that tho
instrument filed on tlio luth day of .March.
1000, and purporting to be a true copy of tho
probate In Northumbcrlalii county, stato of
Pennsylvania, of tho last will and testament
of the sld deceased, my bo proved, approved
probated, allowed and recorded as thn lust
will and testament of tho said .Htnnrt. Mlt-
chell, deceased, In this county of Lincoln,
Ordered, That April 7th. 1009, at 0 o'clock
a in,. Is assigned for hearing said petition
when all persons Interested In said mattor
may appear at a county court to bo held In
and for hald county, and show causo wbv thn
prayer of petitioner should not lie granted.
This notlco to bo published for six successlvo
publications In tho North Platto Tribune
prior to April 7th. 1000.
v. u. r.LDEK. county Judgo.
Associated Land Company, a corporation.
and W. W. Ryan. Ilrst and real namo un
known, defendants:
Will take notlcn that on tlin Rtli rim. nf
March, 1WW, Frank Stanley, plaintiff heroin,
filed his amended petition In tho District
Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, nirfllrmt.
iald defendants, the object and prayer nt
wmi'ii uru iiiivi.' reciiun iJ, Lownsnip JU,
Range 32, In Lincoln county, Nebraska, sold
for tho paymont of a certain Judgment, which
plaintiff recovered against tho defendant,
tho Associated Land Company, In the lis
trlct Court of Douglas county, Nobriiska. on
tho 12th day of Decoitber. 1008, which Judg
ment Is for the sum of $960 00 nnil itwiu ,,f
suit: and for a decree, adjudging that the do-
loiHiant. w n . ityan, ursi aim real namo un
known, holds tho title to tho above described
laud in trust-for tho defendant, Associated
Land Company, and that said real cstato Is In
fact the nronmy of tho Assoc-lateii i.mui
Comnany. and for general enullatiln rnlinf mi
costs of suit.
Vou aru reiulrod to answer said amended
petition on or beforo tho 10th day of April,
Dated, March Hh. 1009.
ra-l FRANK STANLEY, Plaintiff,