NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. Items of Interest Taken From Here and There Over the State. A cnso of smallpox was last week reported near Wood River. Hans Jensen, aged 1G, wan shot and instantly killed by his hunting mate, Walter Brandenburg, near Plnlnvlow whllo shooting ducks. MIbb Mnrlo Douglas and lien Wind ham will represent Plattsmouth In tho East Central Nebraska oratorlal con test to ho held at South Omaha on tho evening of March 31. Tho new Stato Dank o Cook at Cook, Johnson county, Is now ready for business, having jUBt opened In Us new building with n coriiploto now equipment. Preparations are being made by the Mannerchor der Cemethllchkolt of Hastings for tho annual snngcrfest of tho NobniBka sangerbund, which will bo )old thero next September. In the district court at Kearney Carl S. Carson wbb sentenced to ono year In tho stato penitentiary for stealing hogs. Joo Holding was also sentenced for a llko period for tho anmo crime. Iloy Bonfer, aged 19 years, is con fined in the county Jail at Plattsmouth awaiting tho arrival of an officer to tako him hack to Deadwood, S. D., whoro ho is wanted for a statutory offense. Miss Margaret Poery has been elected to fill tho vacancy fin tho Bloomlugton High school, caused by tho resignation of MIsr Lorranco, who was forced by falling eyesight to glvo up her work. At Tckamah tho Jury that went out to deliberate on a verdict In tho caso of Nicholas Farrons, who was charged with tho death of Lestor Ball at Do catur last Dccembor could not agree and wore discharged. Whllo hunting ducks from a boat In tho river near Peru, Joseph Sharp was drowned and John Sheet of Peru and Rich Aglmor of Auburn had nar row escapes from the samo fato. Tho boat overturned. Sovoral of tho hunters from Toka mah went to Lyons to kill a fow ducks on tho Logan, but returned without firing a Bhot Aftor that thrco of tho boys went out east of Tokaham a fow hours and bagged 102. Gus ChlldB, "Doc" Trlbbets, Jerome Trlbbcts and Georgo Gamble, four of tho men arrested nt Beatrlco pleaded guilty to tho chargo of gambling and woro fined $20 and $25 respectively and costs. Tho Solck & Co. general merchan dising storo nt Huntloy was entered by burglars. Thrco boyp, all about tho ago of 10 years, did tho work and will bo glvon terms in tho stato re form Bchool. Sheriff Fischer of Otoo county re turned ifrom Council Bluffs with Geo Clark and Frank Dickson, charged with robbing tho storo of L. F. Tcldo of Berlin. Part of tho stolen goods was found on tho men and they pleaded guilty. Tho Cass county mortgage record for February shows that thero wero eight farm mortgages illcd, amount ing to $53,000; roloased, nine, amount, $29,555; city mortgages filed, seven, nmount, ?3,G72; released, four, amount, $2,3G8. Tho Board of Homo Trustees of tho Odd Fellows decided to accept the proposition of York for tho location of tho Odd Fellow's homo at that city. Thoy purchased a tract of 1G0 acres of land overlooking tho city and the valloy of tho Blue river for tho sum of $30,000, of which $10,000 was donnted by tho business men of that town. Thero is an eleven-room houso on tho land with flno outbuildings and shnde trees. Salesmon representing mail order express liquor houses soliciting por sonnl orders from consignees In York aro given a warm reception. Owing to tho many arrests a number never stop In York, but paBs on through. City Englnoor Watson has boon In structed by tho supervising nrchltcct of tho Treasury department to estab lish tho grades of the slto for tho gov ernment building in FaJrbury, so that ,planB for tho samo can bo mndo and ,tho contract for building awarded as soon as possible. Jcsso Blount of Stromsburg, died ,from tuberculosis of tho Blomach nftor an Illness of about two months. Mr. Blount was 22 years old and loaves a widow, havlug boon married only about a year. Ho was In tho em ploye of tho Council Bluffs Remedy company, and it is supposed thnt ho contracted tho disease from dissect ing dead cholera stricken hogs, which ho frequently carved up for tho pur poso of domonstrntlng tho benefits of tho romedy which ho sold. A wook recently closed was a record breaker at tho county clerk's ofllco In Falrbury In point of number of Instruments filed for record. Tho filings for tho week nmountqd to 185. Of thoso 118 woro warranty deeds and mortgages. Tho halanco wero quit claim deeds, releases, cemetery deeds, otc. Thero was a total of slxty-threo deds recorded, representing n valua tion of deeds tiled of n48,170, and the farm mortgagoB $181,525, making a total representation of cash transac tions for tho week of $729,795. Tho estate of N. A. Duff of Otoo county has paid Into tho county treas ury $3,393.90 as Its tax under tho in heiltanco tnx law. If tho stockmen of Custer county will follow government Instructions, It is probable tho quarantlno that has existed for somo time, may bo lifted In tho near future. Tho Ossonkup murdor trial, which recently closed at Plattsmouth, was ono of tho longost cases over tried in tho county. More thnn 100 witnesses woro examined and much of tho testi mony being of nn export character made It hard to follow. compare with the hospitality of Madl- quaint utmosphero of tho early century. Becky Hk. i tt f Bon'H, the elegunco of JohnQulncy Adams', tho Sharp, perhaps, temporarily deluded tho same I HHMHVji I SsXsv JPP & f-WM W 11 II S V tt M If ft r' d HI V J14 MJ pertinently still, how does It measure with tho record of tho Roosevelt regime? Tlieso aro to-day queries" of absorbing inter est, and nowhere has this phase of a now ad ministration quite tho significance that It has at Washington. Diplomats, and back of them the governments for which they Btand, aro as much Interested in tho personality of tho ris ing American powers ns their own country men. Mrs. Tnft is neither the soft green of tho soul of Burke's Ideal feminine, nor Is sho Nn poleon's abhorrence, Intellect In petticoats. Sho is that rarer thing, a well-balanced woman. The Tories, said Wellington, whon Victoria ascended tho English throne, could hopo for little headway undor n fonialo sovereign, bo cause ho had no small talk and Pitt had no manners. Mrs. Tnft Is a woman whom ono might well imagine making allowances for both shortages, provided there wero such com pensatlons along other lines as Wellington and Pitt possessed. Given such n foundation in character, with youth, good health and ambition and tho pe culiar advantages her llfo bus nlrcady given her, few women have gone Into tho White Houso so well equipped to meet tho exactions of tho position of "first lady of tho lnnd." Her roglme, moreover, has not thnt negative quality which circumstances have Infused Into the so cial ut'mosphoro of some provlous administra tions. Sho has tastes nnd enthusiasms which will glvo character to tho soclul llfo at Wash ington, of which tho Whlto Houso Is tho contor, for tho next four years. Music, which has nourished at Washington under Whlto Houso patronage during tho seven years of Mr. nnd Mrs. Roosevelt's residence there, hns oven more emphatic encouragement under tho soclnl sway of a woman who was ono of the founders or Cincinnati's famous musical organization, tho Symphony orchestra. Not only 1b sho n patroness of music, but Is a muslclnn. Sho kept up hor hours of dally practice regularly until within recent years, when tho frequent changes In her llfo and Its many added duties mndo tho continuance im possible. Though she does not regard herself as suffi ciently In prnctlco to perform for a critical audience, sho has by no means lost hor skill nnd frequently plays for her husbnnd and children during their evenings nt homo. Theso aro moro than might bo supposed, for Mrs. Tnft is ono of tho women who stays usually nt home unless hor husband can go out with hor. Other avonuos through which "her artistic taste fluds an outlet aro hor lovo of pictures and hor appreciation of wood carving. Charles Tnft's art collection Iiob no more appreclatlvo friend than his slstcr-In-law. Sho Is enthusias tic about every treasuro ho ndds to It, and en joys fow things more than pointing out Its beauties to otherB. Faces nnd figures appeal moro to hor than landscapes, and a recently ncqulred Rembrandt has given hor keen pleas ure. Sho 1ms mndo a study of wood carving, and has tho nucleus of a collection containing somo oxcollont specimens, Sho Is a connois seur of tho crnft, and knows tho lino points In tho work of various schools and mnsterB. Sho Is a book lovor, and has been a studont all hor llfo, first bucauso sho grow up In a homo wliP'o bookB camo down from tho sholves nnd mndo tho worlds thoy contain part of tho domestic environment. Elizabeth Bennett and hor sisters, with their heart nffnlrs and all tho Incidental character delineations, stepped from a worn copy of "Prldo anil Prejudice," bringing into tho Herron homo In Cincinnati, with Its CHARLIE TAFT own kith nnd kin. Henry Esmond embodied their idenl of chivalry, and Thackeray's whole world of characters woro famil iar figures on tho horizon of their imagination. Mrs. Taft is loyal to her old literary friends, and still dips into their society. Georgb Eliot is ono of the favorites of her later years. Sho is a general reader, tho nowspnpors coming in for a daily share of her time. To any subject In which Mr. Tuft Is In terested or of which lie Ib making a study sho al so gives her attention. Ab few men of tho period have had occasion to look up Information on such n variety of subjects nB tho president-elect, Mrs. Tnft bus mudo herself a stu dent of wldo range. It has Intensified tho sonso of comradeship existing between them, and is per haps but another oxprcB slon of tho sentiment which tnkes hor walking over tho golf course with her husband, though sho docs not play. At Hot Springs Inst, summer sho made tho tour of tho course with Mr. Taft every day, a strenuous va k, as every ono knows who ban climbed tho b Us and descended tho dales of tho golf In closuro at thnt resort. Mrs. Tnft has brains, and uses thorn, with out boing in any hciibo aggressive or pedantic. She talks well, nnd looks well when she 1b talk ing. Her smile has tho charm of Intelligence, that quick flash of recognition, distinct from tho frozen, nutomntlc Binllo peculiar to many women in official llfo, on whom Boclal duties mnko many domnnds, oven to that of contln-" uously "looking pleasant." Sho hns n gonorous mouth nnd hnndsomo teeth, a Btrolght nose, woll proportioned to her othor features, a broad forehead, abovo which hor brown hair 1h arranged In a soft pompadour. In her knowledge of langungcs Mrs. Taft has an advnntago over ninny of hor prodccesBors. During tholr last winter as mopiborB of tho cabinet clrclo, Mr. and Mrs, Tnft wero In mourning for Mr. Tnft's mother, and thoy took no part In formnl social occasions. Thoy have many friends In many Innds. Mrs. Tnft, how over, llko many women who have grown up In a largo family of girls among whom tho tlo of kinship Is strong, hns fow Intlmnto friends. Sho plays a scientific gnmo of whlBt, and has gravitated horo toward tho womon who tako tho game seriously, Of theso Miss Cannon, daughter of tho speaker of tho houso of repre sentatives, is ono who Is frequently with Mrs. Tnft. They drive together, ono of Mrs. Tnft's favorite diversions, and nro often together nt concerts. Mrs. Ilnllle Ermlnio Rives Wheeler, wlfo of tlio secretary of tho Amorlcan ombaHBy nt Tokyo, Ib nnothor of Mrs. Taft'B frlendB. Sho spent, sovornl months recently in this country, and during part of tho tlmo was tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tnft. Their friendship goes buck to dnys of travel In tho UBt, when, they saw many things togother nnd discovered a symputhy In tho point of view. Gen. and Mrs. Corbln nnd Gen. and Mrs. Edwards nro prominent In tho bocIuI en tourage of tho next Whlto Houso regime. Gen. Corbln comes from Ohio. Mrs. Cor bln was Miss Edith Patten of Wnshlngton, formerly of California. Their friendship with Mr. and Mrs. Tnft Is of long standing. Thoy woro all In tho Philippines to gothor. Gen. nnd Mrs. Cor bln have rcccntlycomplotcd n handsomo country homo at Chovy Chase, WoBhlng ton's most fnshlonnblo sub urb. Gen. and Mrs. Edwards nro cIobo neighbors of tho Whlto Houso. Their friend ship With tho TnftH has al so a far-reaching and Inter esting background. With Gon. EdwnrdB thoy havo rcmlnlsconcoBln common of mnny lands. Tho chief of stnff of tho army and Mrs. Boll and Gon. nnd MrB, Gar llugton, with their pretty .lmiuhter Sally, ono of tho nrmy clrclo at Washington, are all prominent figures nt tho White House. Mrs. Gnrlltig cm nnd Miss Garllngton woro members of tho little party who heard tho reBUlt of tho nom -nntlng convention at Chicago last Juno with Mrs. Taft In tho office of tho secrotnry of war. In addition to the sons and dnughtor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Tnft, there aro plenty of young peoplo nt tho Whlto Houso from tlmo to time, repre senting vnrlouB brnnches of tho fnmlly. Tho country became familiar with tho nnuios of Mr. Tnft's nieces and nephowB at tho tlmo of tho convention In June, when thoy woro on hnnd to cheer for "Unclo Will." Of Mrs. Tnft's five sisters, four are married, as aro alBo hor two brothers, and nil havo families. Mrs. Tnft's slstors nro Mrs. Parsons of Co lumbus, O.; Mrs. Charles Anderson of Cincin nati, who has throo charming daughters who nro grnduntcH of Bryn Mawr, whoro Miss Holon Taft Is now a student; Mrs. Louis Mooro of Clnclnnntl, who hns ono little Bon, and Mrs. Thomns Lnugblln of PIltBhnrg, who hns two small children. Hor brothers, William Her ron, who marrlod Miss Janoy lisby of Cincin nati, and John llorron, who marrlod Mlsa Goorglo Aldrich, both hnvo young chlldron. Much of tho domestic mnchlnory of tho Whlto Houso goes on nutomutlcally, with little variation from ono administration to nnothor. Mrs. Taft is a good housokcopor. In tho homo maintained until last Juno sho had four serv ants, olio a Filipino boy brought from tho lulnnilti. The houso was tastefully furnished, many souvenirs of travels giving It nn Interest ing background. Mrs, Tnft's room wns decor ated In blue, hor favorite color. In muttora of dress Mrs. Taft has quiet tastes, Sho docs much of hur own choosing nnd shopping, nnd patronlzoB local Bhops. For evening sho weurs whlto frequently, though pink Is porhaps the color for which sho hns greater partiality. At a reception at the Whlto Houso one afternoon lutil .May, the last formal function she attend- MMHELEfl TAFT ed there us wlfo of tho secretary of war, sho woro a doml-tolletto of black lace over whlto, with a black and whlto hnt. Sho prefers hatB to toques. Tho question hhs already come up as a mat tor of speculation In official circles of Wash ington Hoclcty us to whuthor MIbs Helen Taft will finish her collogo courso or bo n Whlto Houso dobutnnto within tho next two yoara. Tho question midoubttdly will be loft to her own Inclination to suttlo. Ono nftornoon InBt Juno, whon tho oyca of tho nation woro on Chicago, thoro omorged from ono of tho big, BiibBtuntlnl brick houses In K stroot, Wnshlngton, a llttlo group of figures, Including a womnn who led tho way as they turned Into Slxtconth Btrcot nnd wnlked southward toward tho Whlto House. Sho swung along with u stop an olastlc us that of tho hoy and girl nccompanylug her. Thoy talked and laughed as thoy wont, and tholr voices, nil pitched to tho same pleasant con tralto tone, bespoko their kiushlp. Porhaps thoy notod through tho groon vista of Lafayotto park tho gllstonlng columns of tho north portico of tho Whlto House. Tho plcturo was n familiar ono to all of them. That to tho woman It stood for tho momont ns tho concrete presentment of fato toward which hor stops had turned 22 yoara boforo almost to tho day, who shall Buy? Hor clear, bluogray eyes looked as unbllnkingly nt tho reality us thoy had at tho vision. Though in no sense undor tho spoil of thnt faculty which Thurlow Weed ycarB ngo declared had bowll derod many men wIiobo oyeB woro turned in that direction, sho was too frank to feign an iudlfferouco to tho alluring possibility of a residence within its walls. Sho had u can didate at Chicago that day, and if the quostton wero put squurely to her sho wub ready un hesitatingly to avow him. Tho woman nnd children made nltogothor an IncoiiBplcuouB llttlo group as thoy crossod Pennsylvania avenuo nnd ontored tho big trlplo dopartmont building on tho corner of Sovon teonth Htreet. Tho watchman at the door of the war department and tho meusongers in tho corrldoiB rocognlzed thorn, howovor, ns they mndo tholr way toward tho ofllco of tho secrotnry, returning tho grinning salutations that greeted them on all sides. MrB. Taft woro a whlto linen suit. A flowor ladon hnt shaded her faco, which retains all Its girlhood contours. Tho door closed upon them, nnd It wns llvo o'clock boforo thoy re appeared. Was It tho samo party, or had that hlBtory-maklng afternoon wrought somo subtle change? Mrs. Taft, wlfo of tho secre tary of war, was now Mrs. Tnft, wlfo of a presidential nominee. Her step was lighter, hor cyoB brighter. Happy? Surely. Hor can dldato had won tho first approaches to ulti mate victory. They went us thoy had como, on foot, stop ping In tho Btroot to buy an "oxtra," for tho pleasure of npproachlng tho good news from another nnglo. . ' The wlfo of a man already ono of tho most conspicuous figures In public llfo In America, Mrs. Tnft became from thnt momont a national figure. Tho Novomhor victory of tho Republi can party hut concentrated the attention which hnd boon upon her for llvo months as tho wlfo of Its nomlnoo. Thoro wero no longor favo rites In tho field. Comparisons wero out of or der. Tho names of tho president-elect and his family became household words throughout tho land.