The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 19, 1909, Image 6

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher
A Boiling Down of (he More Impor
tant Events Here and There
Tho Standard Oil company was do
nlod a rehearing In tho Missouri
Thirty or moro Uvoh wcro lost In
tho tornado at Ilrlnklcy, Ark. Tho
property loss In $1,000,000.
Tho now tariff hill lu Bald to cut
tho lumhor duty In two.
Houso lniurgcnta may forco a dead
lock on apoakcr to socuro concessions
on rules.
Turkish subjects havo petitioned for
tho removal of Consul Kalslm Hoy,
who Ih nccuBcd of grafting.
Tho Itoosovolt party Ih to bo well
supplied with inodlclncn and surglcnl
InBtrumonts for tho African trip.
Tho Iowa Bupremo court In a deci
sion held that tho puro food law np
piled to original packages and not to
retail quantities taken out of largo
Tho ongagomont was announced In
rorls of Muriel Whlto, daughter of
Henry White, tho American ambas
sador, to Count Horman Schorr
Thoss, nn olhcor of tho royal Prus
Blan culrttBulors.
In nccordanco with a custom of
many years, tho anniversary ot tho
birth of Edwin Forrest was obsorved
with memorial exorcises hold at tho
homo of aged actors nt Holtnesburg.
After having been Identified by Mrs.
Arthur McKlnnoy as tho no?ro who
nttackod hor, Anderson 12111b was
taken from tho Rockwall (Tex.) coun
ty Jail and burned at tho stake.
Georgo T. Oliver of Pennsylvania
succeeds P. C. Knox ns U. S. senator
from Pennsylvania. Ho in a news
paper publlshor.
"Wage reductions nro predicted
among tho Iron and stool workers nt
Youngstown, Ohio.
Popo Plus la 111 with tho grlppo at
At "Washington Lieutenant Com
pandor James II. Hold, United Statos
navy, leaped from a second Btory win
dow of tho naval hospital and was
seriously If not fatally Injured.
Ex-Vlco-Proaldont Fairbanks goes
back to tho prnctlco ot law.
NogrocB of Montgomery, Ala., will
present Sonator Fornker with a flno
Tho coming extra sosslon of con
gress can transact any business that
may bo brought up.
Tho United Statos Stool corporation
ha's bought Islo Iloytllo In Lako Su
perior. Prosldont Taft will probably attend
tho Grand Army rotiutou lu Salt Lako.
Prosldont Taft had a Hood of call
crB on tho first dny of his adminis
tration. By a decision rendered by tho Ne
braska supremo court Bishop Bonn
Cu.n ot tho Cnthollc dloccHo of Lin
coln triumphs In his tyn years' light
with Futhor William Murphy, a prlost
Btntlonod nt Soward, Nob., for pos
session of St. Vincent's church.
Two strong bIiocIcb ot oarthqunko
woro folt In Ecuador.
Tho congratulations nnd good
wishes of Cuba woro rocolvod by
President Taft from President Go
moz, Vlco-Prosldont Zayas and a,
numbor of promtnont Cuban ofllclala
nnd politicians.
R. Mead Shmnway was hanged In
tho ponitontlary nt Lincoln, tho su
promo court having rotusod to oritor
tnln a motion for a furthor stay of
Thoro is strong- sentiment .nmong
congrossmon for changing tho data of
Inauguration dny.
Elihu Root will bo tho republican
leader of Now "orh, according to ox
published IntorVlow credited to ox
Sonator T. C. Piatt.
In January Inst thoro was a falling
oft .of nbout $50,000,000 In tho total
valuo ot tho country's cxportB, ns
compnrod with thoso of January, 1908.
Senators CummliiB and Dolllvor
will urgo tho nppolntinont of Major
S. II. M, Iloyors of Des Moines ns
minister to Switzerland.
Ex-Prcsldont Itoosovolt announced
tor tho first tlmo that ho will sail
from New York for Africa on March
23, at noon.
President Taft Is in favor of nn In
horltnnco tax,
A whlto 'possum, captured in Co
mancho county, Toxns, wns forwardod
by oxproBB to Prosldont Taft.
Tho relations of Iceland with Don
mark havo rocontly bocomo greatly
A soml-oillclnl noto lssuod nt Berlin
points out tho Impossibility of Aus-trla-Hungary
nccoptlng Intervention
by tho powora in connection with hor
negotiations with Sorvla In tho mnt
tor of tho proposod commercial and
railroad ngroomonts botweon tho two
countries. ,
Speaker Cannon doclnrod hlmsolf In
favor ot cbnnglng tho dnto of tho
presidential 'innugurntlon from March
4 to May 1.
Tho Inaugural address of Prosldont
Tatt published in Toklo ovoked np
proclatlvo commonts for tho statos
manlike views on.bodlod in it.
Tho selection of Oscar Strau3 for tho
Japanoso mission causes surprise lu
Passengers who havo nrrlvod nt
Bordeaux' on tho Afrlqiio from Sono
gal, a French colonial dependency In
West Africa, roport that Colonol
Qouraud's column recently Buffered n
defeat In that district nftor soveral'
sharp ongagemonts In which' they lost
Tho lower houso of tho AilBtrlan
Parliament, which closed in disorder
February 5, after a scene of extraor
dinary turbulcnco arising from tho old
nntngonlsm botweon tho Germans and
tho Czechs, reopened March 10 with
ovcry promlso of a continuance of the
Tho country has received tho pass
ago of tho Income tax bill by tho
French Chamber of Deputlos with
mingled feelings of rago nnd triumph.
Tho commercial, money and property
classes generally think It a piece ot
Definite returns from tho genornl
elections held throughout Italy for n
now chamber of deputies confirm tho
previous reports that tho prosont
ministry hns boon given a largo ma
ojrlty. Lord Guthnlo of Eiigland, who
granted a dlvorco to John Alexander
Stirling from his wire, who was an
American actress, has allowed Mrs.
Stirling tho expenses ot her action.
Ho hns decided also thnt Lard North
land, nnmed by Mr. Stirling as co
respondent, should puy tho cost of
tho husband's notion.
While tho Information Is., unofficial,
It Is understood to bo almost definitely
settled that formor Secrotary Straus
of tho department of commorco and
labor will bo appointed nmbasBador
to Japan from tho United States.
Owing to continued disturbed con
ditions In Nicaragua and President
Zolnyn's failure to mako surlous
efforts looking to tho settlement of
tho Emory claim, tho Stnto depart
ment has withdrawn tho American
chnrgo at Maguay.
Tho following postofllcos will bo
como domestic money order offices on
April 1: In Nobraskn, Agnto, Burgo,
Contor Point, Cumro, Hnrlan, Hollln
gon, Hull, Krnmor, Lako, Loshara,
Mondvlllo, Nowboro, Sanborn, Sodan,
Sunnysldo. In Iowa, Claywork, Crans
ton, Grldloy, Hanford, Hnnloy, Irving,
Jubllco, Ladoga, Lorah, Met., Olof,
At tho republican caucus Roprosou
tatlvo Dwlght of tho thlrtloth Now
York district probably will bo oloctcd
republican whip ot tho Sixty-first con
gress. RoproBontntivo Burko of Penn
sylvania, who has boon assistant
"whip" for his party during tho Six
tieth congress probably will consent
to sorvo for another torm In tho ca
pacity, It is unlawful for railroads to so
adjust tholr rate schedules ns to forco
commodities Into n pnrtlcular city or
port, according to a decision of tho In-ter-Btnto
commorco commission. Tho
caso wua that of tho chambor of com-,
merco of Milwaukoo against tho Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific and tho
Chicago, Milwaukoo and St. Paul
railways. Tho commtttoo hold thnt
tho Joint through rato on corn, rye
nnd oats from tho wost nnd north
west ought not to oxccod such rato to
Much speculation Is rlfo ns to
which way Spuakor Cannon will shoot
In Boloctlng committees.
It Is stntod thnt Nebraska's dele'
gatlon will go Bolldly ngaliiBt Cannon
and tho prosont houso management.
Tho pnssago of a now consus bill
during tho spoclnl uosslqn, to take tho
plnco of tho moasuro vetoed by presi
dent Roosovolt previous to Ills retire
ment from ofllco, 1b confidently pro
dlctod by Its frlonds In congress.
Maximum and minimum rntcs of
duty nro provided In tho tariff bill
which will bo Introduced In tho houso
by Chairman Payne, ot tho ways and
menus commlttoo, whon tho spoclnl
bossIou convenes, A paragraph will
bo Incltidod In each soparato schodulo
providing for tho minimum dutlos on
urttclos uudor thnt schodulo.
By order of tho interior dopnrtmont
nbout threo million ncros ot land lu
tho countloB along tho enBtorn border
of Wyoming nro to bo thrown opon to
homesteaders who nro to bo allowed
to tako olthor 1G0 or 320 acres. Tho
land can not bo Irrigated nnd will be
of ubo, thoroforo, for dry farming
only. Thoso who tnko tho full 320
acres entries must mnko nu attempt
to cultivate tho land.
Tho notorious Mrs. Stnltloback died
In tho Kansas ponitontlary.
President Taft doclluod to tako sldos
for or against tho Koubo Insurgents.
Colonol Cooper was unmercifully
Bcorod by tho nttornoy for tho prose
cution In tho Cnrmack caso.
Ex-Prcsldont RoobovoU Ib enjoying
simple Ufa nt Oyster Day.
Prosldont Taft will insist on Sunday
being a day of rest.
Tho dismissal of Yuan Shi Kul li
declared to havo boon justified.
According to tho prosont intentions
of ox-Prcsldent Roosovolt, his enttra
family, with tho exception of Mrs
Longworth and Thoodoro, Jr., will
sepnd most ot tho tlmo In Ituly while
Mr. Roosovolt 1b away.
Secrotary Dickinson as a domocrat,
dofondod his course lu nccoptlng a
cabinet portfolio,
Thoro Ih koou rlvnlry for placos on
tho houso ways and menus commlt
too, with threo vacancies to fill,
Nebraska contains 8,000 colored
Sarah Orno Jowott, tho authoress,
In critically ill In Boston.
Rules Fight In Doubt, and on This De
pends Handling of the Tariff
Washington, D, C. Both houses of
congross will meet in extraordinary
session at noon Monday, with Vice
President Sherman presiding In tho
Honnto, and for the tlmo Clerk Mc
Dowell olljclntlng In tho house. This
will bo tho hoglnnlng of tho Sixty
first congross nnd tho first act of Im
portance In tho houso will bo the or
ganization of that body for business.
Tho sennto Is already organized, so
that outsldo of tho moro routlno tho
business of tho first day will bo con
fined to tho i presentation of tho cre
dentials of Senator Stephenson of
Wisconsin. Tho cortlflcnto ot tho
governor of Wisconsin will bo handed
In by Sonator Burrows, chairman ot
tho sonntc committee on privileges
nnd elections. It hns been suggested
that Mr. Stophenson's colleague, Sen
ator LnFollotte,' would opposo tho
Beating of Mr. Stephenson, but If
thoro was over such Intention on his
part It apparently has boon aban
doned, nnd thoro Is llttlo doubt thnt
Mr. Stephenson will bo permitted to
resumo his sont. Later in tho wook
tho sonato will begin tho reorganiza
tion ot its standing committees, nnd
until this work Ih accomplished llttlo
business will bo undertaken.
Tho houso mny bo expected to moro
than mako up for tho sennto deficien
cies In activities. With a fight on
tho rules In prospect, In nddltlon to
tho oloctlon of spenkor and other of
ficers, to suy nothing of tho usual bi
ennial lottery for scuts, Monday bids
fair to bo a much crowded day nt tho
Houthorn ond of tho capltol.
Tho action of tho republican cau
cus makes certain tho re-election of
Spcakor Cannon nnd of tho other
houso ofllcorH, but there Is still doubt
In tho mlndB of some as to Just what
may bo dono with reforonco to tho
rules, If tho "Insurgents" and tholr
domocrntle allies should win, tho
program for tho Introduction nnd
commlttoo consideration of tho tariff
mny bo dlfforont from what It should
bo If tho "stnndpattors" should pro
vail. J Speaker Cannon's frlonds nro
victorious In tho mattor of rules, tho
president's message on tho tariff will
bo rocolvod Tuesday and lmmedlntoly
followlnk Its reading tho ropubllcan
mombors of tho cammlttco on ways
and means will Introduco tholr bill
lor uio revision of tho tariff
schedules. Tho sponkor will then
appoint a commlttoo on ways and
means nnd tho bill will bo referred
to thnt committee
It Is understood that If tho selec
tion of tho committee Is left to tho
speaker ho will dcslgnntp nil tho old
mombors of tho commlttoo who woro
re-olo,ctod to congress. This would
leavo but one vncancy, that caused
by tho rctlromont of Mr. Bonynse of
Colorado, and It Is intimated that
Representative Mondoll of Wyoming
will bo chosen for thnt position. Tho
democratic mombors of tho commit
too would bo nppolntcd nt tho snmo
tlmo, and tho prosont purpose Is to
havo tho commlttoo roport tho bill
back to tho houso after ono or two
Illinois Man Nominated for Speaker
for Another Term.
Washington. Nobrnska republicans
woro nbscnt during tho caucus Satur
day night ot tholr party, to select of
tlcors for tho SIxly-llrst congress, rtub
hard, of lown, wns nlso among the
mlslng, Cannon was ro-clocted ns n
cnndldato for speaker for tho Sixty
first congross and tho old ofllcors of
tho houso wero selected without oppo
sition. Dnlzoll was authorized to ro
port on rulos of tho Slxtloth congress
for ndoptlon ns tho rulos of tho Sixty
llrst congross, nnd tho cnucus named
Cnnnon for Bponkor, Dnlzoll nnd Smith
of lown, ns tho mnjorlty nioinbers ot
tho commltteo on rules, Smith or Iowa,
taking tho plnco of Shormun elected
to tho vIco-prcHldoncy.
Died Whllo Bryan Spoke.
Ann Arbor, Mich. Whllo William
Jennings Bryan wns dollvorlng his
lecturo on "Tho Prlnco ot Pcuco" In
University hnll horo Sunday night
Mrs. C. S.. Grimes, Gfi years old, a ros
Idont of this city, who wns seated In
tho bnlcony, foil dead from heart dis
ease. Tragedy In Cheyenne.
Choyonno, Wyo. Posoy Rynn, n
ranchmnn of Fort Laramie, Bhot and
killed his wlfo nnd dnughtor whllo tho
women woro eating dinner in a ros.
taurant. Mrs, Ryan brought her
daughter to Choyonno Inst week nnd
commenced suit for dlvorco rrom
Russian Eye Is on Persia.
St. Petersburg. Tho situation in
St. Potoraburg. Tho government Js
St. Poteiraburg. Tho govornmont Is
sondlng a division of cossncks to To
horun, nnd it hns ordered tho consuls
at Resht and ABtrnbnd to summon
Casplnn wnrshlpB In tho event of out
breaks threatening tho Interests of
Russln. Tho Novoo Vroyma publishes
a Tehornn d'apntcb saying 1 10 situ
ntlon Is critical, that an Insurrection
Is imminent and that only a strong
military dotachment can provent tho
sacking ot Tehorau.
Constitutional Amendment to Change
Taxation System, Down and Out
Other Matters of Interest.
Falling to rccolve tho majority
necessary to carry a proposed consti
tutional amondmont, the bill of Sen
ators Miller and Ollis designed to
change the wholo system of stnto tax
ation was dofeatcd In tho senate, the
voto being 17 to 10 In favor of It. A
three-fifths majority, or twenty votes,
wns necossnry,
Tho bill proposed tho submission to
tho peoplo of nn amendment to tho
constitution, and that taxos should be
uniform on tho Bnme subjects, within
the territorial limits of, tho nuthorl
ties lovylng tho tnx, In place of tho
present system of taxation on valua
tion. This would havo allowed tho state
fund to be raised from taxing rail
roads and state wide corporations
alono, whllo tho counties might haye
lovled on valuo. It wns opposed by
tho Douglas county senators on tho
grounds that It would take from
Omnha taxes which Justly belonged
to her.
Closed Season for Quail.
A bill providing for a closed season
for quail nnd shortening other gnmo
soasons was recommended for pass
ago by tho sennto committee of tho
whole. It wns first Introduced by
Senator Banning of Cass county and
Inter amended to shut out quail shoot
ing nltogethcr. Tho bill permits tho
shooting of squirrels In October and
November, delays tho opening of tho
Benson on chicken nnd grouse from
September 15 to October 1 nnd closes,
tho season on ducks April 5 Instead of
April 10. Snipe Hhooting Is extended
until May 1.
Valuation Bill Amended.
S. F. 133, tho Ellis physical valua
tion bill, was finally amended so thn
tho senate will fall to rocognlzo It,
and then tho houso ordered tho clerk
to prepare tho bill with tho amend
monts put In tho stock yards and
street car companies under tho opor
ntlons of tho measure nnd also pro
vided that tho Railway commlsslor
should find tho valuation of steam
rnllronds first and complete this worl
boforo beginning on any other cor
poration. Passes the Gates Bill.
Tho Gates bill, providing for tho re
pcnl of tho law prohibiting saloons
within two miles and a half of nn army
post, was passed by tho sonato by a
voto of 17 to 15, Senator Majors being
absent. Tho bill has already beon
passed by Jho houso, and will now go
to tho governor.
Fish Hatchery Looked After.
Tho Gates bill appropriating $5,000
for the fish hatchery at South Bend
for special Improvements wns passed
In tho houso after a vigorous attack
had been mndo on It by Kolloy,
In tho houso, seconded by Leldlgh
who did not go so far ns Kolloy. Tho
latter only wanted to reduce tho
$3,000 to $2,000 whllo Kelloy wnnted
to cut It all out. ,
The Appropriation Bill.
Tho houso finished Its discussion of
tho current oxpouso appropriation bill
nnd recommended It for passago nftor
a dobato which at times bordered on
the aonsntlonul. Tho larger appropri
ations, howover, woro loft: Intact, save
In tho Item providing $1,500 for an Ico
and cold storngo plnnt at tho Norfolk
asylum. An Item of $75,000 for nor
mnl training In high schools wa3 ndd
od to the bill on motion of Kt-nry of
Holt, who wns nbly seconded by Not
tlcton of Cloy and othors. Tho flnnnco
commltteo had loft tho Item entirely
out of tho bill, but It had nn amend
ment providing for $50,000 for thla
purpose. Tho committee of tho wholo
rnlsod this to $75,000.
President Taft Answers.
Tho following tologrnm wns ro
colvod from President Taft In re
sponse to tho tologrnm of congratula
tion sent by tho two houses on tho
dny of tho Innuguratlon. It reads as
"Tho Whlto Houso, s Washington,
March 0, 1909.
"I greatly upprcclnto tho messngo
of congratulation and good wishes
from tho houso nnd sennto of tho
Btato of Nobrnska convoyed by your
tologrnm of March 4. Will you plenso
express to tho entire membership of
both bodies my cordial thanks, nnd
nssuro thorn thnt I vnluo tholr friend
ly sentiments?
Very sincerely yours,
"Speaker of tho Houso,
"President ot tho Senate."
No Money to Teach Agriculture.
Tho houso refusod to npproprlnte
$120,000 for tho teaching of agricul
ture In tho high schools, though Not
tleton of Clay, Tnylor ot CuBtor and
Rupor of Pawneo and othors fought
hard to get tho bill, which had been
Introduced by Fognrty and Snyder,
rocommonded for third rending. Tho
bill had Its onnctlng clnuso struck
off, nnd Rnpor secured a reconsidera
tion of this bo tho mensuro could bo
discussed, but the house wns In no
mood to npproprlato monoy for the
tonchlng of agriculture in schools.
Ai Amended the Bill Passes the Lower
By a voto of 72 to 23, the houso of
representatives passed the Bryan
guaranty bank bill, a8 finally amend
ed a few days ago In tho commltteo of
tho whole.
The vote was not n party ono, a
number of thp republicans voting for
tho measure and several democrats
against it.
The bill as passed does not enrry
nn imprisonment penalty for di
rectors who ovor-bornw It provides
for tho raising of 1 per cent of Uio
totnl deposits In tho banks tnklng nd
vnntngo of tho law, during the first
year, or until July 1, 1910. Half ot
this is payable January 1, 1910, and
halt the following July. After that,
ono-tenth of 1 per cent-will be raised
yearly, half being pnynble each Jan
unry and July.
Other provisions of tho bill fix tho
amount of capital necessary accord
ing to tho bIzo of tho towns, glvo the
entlro banking board power to namo
tho depositories for the fund nnd
provldo for tho regular Inspection of
nil banks.
Insurance Bill Postponed.
One of Senator Bartos' Insurance
bills wus indefinitely postponed on
rcccommendatlon of tho Judiclnry
commlttoo of tho senate by a voto of
17 to 14, Senator Bartos fighting Its
postponement. Tho bill provided n
heavy flno for nny Insurnnco com
pnny or agent who spread falso re
ports about any other Insurance com
pany. Senator Bartos cited tho fact
that in tho liny companies nlono on
Hfo Insurnnco policies in Nebraska,
$20,000,000 in policies was allowed to
lapso last year, and ho assorted that
it was duo to these falso statements.
Wilson ott Guaranty Bill.
Victor Wilson, who contributed
probably tho greater portion of tho
gunranty bill has this to say of tho
mcasuro: "But altogether It waB ad
mitted that tho bill docs thnt which
tho promlso wns given thnt It would
do It guarantees nbsolutoly to every
man, womnn and child who has a dol
lar deposited in one ot tho banks
chartered under tho Nebraska laws,
that neither dishonesty or lnck of
management on tho part of bankers,
nor tho terrors of a financial crisis
shall doprivo them from having that
monoy returned to them. It makes
tholr money In tho bank moro securo
than In tho old Bock or tho tea pot or
cigar box."
Chance for Saloons at Crook.
Tho Gates bill, repealing tho law
prohlbltng tho oporatlon of a saloon
within two nnd a half miles of Fort
Crook, waB recommended to pass by
tho Bcnnto in committee of tho whole.
Nlnetoen senntors voted for tho bill
on viva voce vote., no roll call being
taken. Efforts woro mndo by Sena
tor Ransom to amend tho bill to somo
cxtont but ho was not successful In
County Option Defeated.
Tho question of supplementing the
prosont locnl option provision of tho
Slocum law with a system of option
by cotmtles was definitely disposed of
In tho sonato when that body In com
mittee of tho wholo by a voto of 17
to 16, ordered tho bill Indefinitely
postponed. Tho. action of tho senato
does not necessarily end tho county
option agitation of tho session, as n
second bill is still pending on tho
houso general file. Just ns It wns
known for days that a majority of tho
sonato was arrayed against tho bill,
It Is known absolutely in tho houso
thnt tho bill there cannot muster
moro than forty-ono or forty-two
vots. It Is likely, howover, that
action will bo forced on tho bill for
tho purposo ot getting tho mombors
definitely on record on tho proposi
tion. Anti-Treat Bill Again.
Tho Groves nntl-trust treat bill re
fused to stay doad after having onco
boon killed, nnd tho house had to re
peat tho pporntlon of execution. Tho
bill wns defentcd on third rending by
n voto of 44 to 49. Tho attempt to
rostoro llfo to it enmo with a motion
by Humphrey of Lancnstor to rccon
Bldcr tho notion. Tho motion wns
A Ranson Bill Recalled.
On motion of Sonntor Rnnsom
himself, one of his bills which hns
nlrendy passed the sonato was ro
called from tho houso, for amendment.-
Tho bill ns Introduced, pro
vided for tho Investment of stnto
school funds In tho bonds of metro
politan cities. In tho commltteo It
wins amended to lncludo bonds of
cities, vlllnges nnd Irrigation nnd
drnlnngo districts. Sonator Kllng
brought up tho mn'ttor, saying thnt
nftor Investigating, ho was sorry thnt
bo had voted ns ho did, becauso he
found thnt bonds ot Irrigation nnd
drnlnngo districts woro often way bo
low par, nnd did not think tbo school
fund should bo invested in thorn, Son
ator Ransom ngreod and tho bill wns
recalled for discussion.
Senate Sifting Commltee,
Tho sonato commltteo on commit
tees mot nnd nppolntcd tho following
mombors of tho sifting commltteo:
Dlora of York, chnlrman; Ollls of
Valley, Tlbbots of Adams, Volpp of
Dodge, Tannor of Douglas, Buck of
Otoo and Miller ot LnncnBtcr,
Sifting Committees.
Sifting committees havo been np
polntcd in both houses, nnd thoy will
got busy In weeding out mnny Intro
ducod mensuros of minor Imioranco
that might consumo valuable time.
Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit
ical and Other Mattero Given
Due Consideration.
A woman's club has been organized
at Dunbar.
Articles of incorporation for a now
bank at Floronco havo been filed.
Bruce Reamer, u deserter from tho
regular army, wns arrested at Nebras
ka City.
B, F. Hutching, living in tho castorn
part of Gage county, was found dead
in bed by his wife,
Irrlgntors nround Scott's Bluff havo
declared against tho Raymond bill
now In the state legislature.
Henry A. Schrooder, a blind resl
dent ot Ponca, dropped dead whllo
riding In a wngon with his nephew.
W. R. Adair has been elected pres
ident of tho City Nntlonnl bnnk at
Kearney to succeed tho Into George
Mrs. Clara C. Coloman of Beatrice
hns sued Albert Looper for- $10,000,
charging ho sold liquor to hor hus
band. Tho vlllago of Hampton, Hamilton
county, Is suffering from an epidemic
of smallpox. Tho town has been
Tho Imploment houso of Jacob
Schurk, at Blue Hill, was totally de
stroyed by fire. Tho building nnd
stock wcro valued at $8,000.
Tho civic federation of Hastings re
organized aftor two years of exlstonco
nnd hns changed Its by-laws to permit
participation In political campaigns.
O. K. Turner, who was run down
by a Missouri Pacific train in tho rail
road yards at Omaha, and killed, re
sided In Fremont until ilvo years ago.
Fruit growers near Arlington aro
rojolclng over tho cold weather, ns It
has set back tho buds and tho crop
Is safo for tho present.
H. B. Troxel, until recently a resi
dent of Beatrice, died at his homo nt
Lincoln of paralysis from a blood clot
on tho brain caused by being kicked
by a horso several weoks ago.
A. Burrows, a prominent farmer
living near Ashland, lost a $2,500 au
tomobile nnd $1,500 worth of grain
nnd stock by tho burning of his barn.
At tho monthly competitive drill ot
Company C held In Beatrice, Jamea
A. Shultz won tho Colby gold medal
aftor fifty minutes of drill in which ho
did not mako an error.
Tho public schools woro dismissed
nt Nehawka ono nfternoon recently
to glvo tho pupils nn opportunity to
witness tho dlschnrgo of a big "dirt
blast" nt tho' quarries.
Tho city council has passed reso
lutions submitting to a direct voto ot
tho people of Ashlnnd nt tho spring
olectlon tho question of Issuing Baloon
licenses for tho coming year.
Congressman and Mrs. Pollard had
expected to start frflm Washington
for their homo at Nohawaka lmme
dlntoly nfter Inauguration, but will bo
detained probably two weekB.
Extensive preparations aro being
made for tho annual meotlng of tho
Southeastern Nebraska Educational
nssoclatlon, which will bo hold in
Beatrice March 31 and April 1 and 2.
Jurgan Rclmors, of Syracuso was
seriously Injured whllo taking n bar
rel Into his cellnr, tho barrel slipping
nnd rolling over him, breaking his
collar bono and seriously Injuring his
By tho narrow margin of ono voto
Unstlngs won In tho contest with
Lead, S. D., for tho next biennial dis
trict convention of tho Woodmen of
tho World, for tho states ot Kansas,
Nebraska, and South Dnkota.
Tho parsonngo adjoining tho Sov
onth Day Bnptlst church, a few miles
northwest of Humboldt, was de
stroyed by fire, which It is sup
posed camo from sparks settling on
tho roof.
Mrs. Georgo Ahlschwede of Hebron
hnd ono limb nmputnted below tho
kneo In a Lincoln hospital. Treating
a corn caused Infection resulting lu
gangrene nnd nn Immedlato amputa
tion was necessary to snvo hor life.
Two men representing themselves
to bo Union Pacific surveyors drovo
from Ashland to Lincoln through a
storm. By many it Ib though thoy aro
right-of-wny men going ovor tho pro
posed Omnhn-LIncoln cut-oft of tho
Union Pacific.
J. S. Starrett, who was killed dur
Ing tho tornndo at Bringloy, Ark., waB
stato mnnnger for Arkansas of tho
Nebraska Brldgo Supply & Lumber
Co. of Omnhn. Ho leaves a wlfo, ono
dnughtor nnd two sons, all of whom
oscaped from tho fury ot tho storm.
Stanley D. Long of Huntley, a mnll
clerk from Omaha to Fremont, Buf
fered severe Injuries on hip and Bldo
In tho Omnha yards whllo on duty
with threo other clerks, as a rosult ot
tho mall car being switched Into nn
other englno with great speed.
Tho Ico In tho Elkhorn broko and
moved down Btream carrying with it
tho comont dum at. tho Nellgh mills.
Tho dam was complotod last summer
and was supposed to bo strong enough
to resist nny pressure of flood or Ico
that might bo thrown against It.
A 3-yoar-old child ot John FItzslm
mons of Vordol was burned to death
in his farm houso.
Prof. J. M. Pllo, president and
founder of tho Nebraska Normal
college of Wayno nnd ono of tho
ablost and host known educntors of
tho west, dlod at his homo in that
plnco Inst week.