: Do . . . Your DIAMONDS i Need Re- I Setting? I They should have frequent attention, as the prongs are likely to wear away and there is danger of losing a valuable stone. I We Do Our Own Diamond Setting, Carry in stock a fine line of Diamond Mountings for ladies' and gentlemen's wear. Leave your Diamond with us for re-mounting and repair and you can have them the same day. No danger of their being lost in transit. t DIXON, U. P. Watch Inspector. THE JEWELER. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisl. Office over tho McDonald State Bank. If you have old millinery to bo mado over take it to Miss Whittakor. Mrs. C. J. Woodhurat of Ft. Collins, Col. , is the guest of relatives in town. Supt. Ware. Master Mechanic Likert and Trainmaster Connoll are in town to day. An evening of amusement awaitB you at The Crystal this evening. Julius Krutchnitta, the general di rector of the Harriman lines, passed east this morning. .For Rent Eight room house with modern improvements. Inquire of E. A. Cory. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Scharmnnn and son leavo tonight for a visit with friends in Omaha. H. B. Allen, of Cozad, is spending a few days with his sister who is coach ing tho high school play and contest. Lost On February 27th between Myrtle and North Platte, a suit case. Finder leuvo at this office and receive reward. Weather forocaBt: Rain or snow to night or tomorrow. Maximum temper aturo yesterday 66, one year ago 44; minimum this morning 28, one year ago 22. The Ideal Shirt in tho latest spring fabrics. The Hun Clothing Dept. The ladies or tho Episcopal guild have boErn soliciting for tho carload of old papers, magazines and books whichs thev hoDe to secure. It will require about twenty tons to fill the car. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First. Poor North of First National Hank For Sale. 10.1 head of cows, steers and heifers. Can be seen at tho former Sturges ranch 8 miles northwest of North Platte. ALEX HROWN. John Bratt is transacting business in Omaha today. For Sale Four room house. 510 east Fifth. L. W. Walker bus returned from a business trip to Omaha. Genl. Supt. Park will pass through on No. 9 this ovening enroute toOgden. Everything new in the way of Mil linery at the Wilcox Dent store. The Lutheran bible clas3,mot yester day afternoon with Mrs. Neils Rasmus sen. For Rent Furnished rooms? Mrs. W. S. Leon, 320 So. Dewey. John Duggan is visiting friends in Cheyenne, having left for that city last night. A. P. Anderson and II. C. Rhine, liv ing south of Maxwell, were in town yestordny transacting business at tho court house. Eugene Combs will purchase four or five hundred head of cattle and pusture them on tho former Payne ranch on tho south side. Room to rent in modern house, Inquire at 404 west Fourth. Members of tho Coterie Club were guests of Mrs. Maggie Hall Wednes day and a delightful afternoon resulted. Tho first prize was won by Mrs. Earl Davis and tho second by Mrs. Harry Johnson. The ususal enjoyable re freshments were served. Democrats Endorse Republican Ticket. At tho democratic mass meeting at the court house last ovening, which was attended by fifty or soventy-fivo members of that party, the tickot named by the republican mass meeting oxecpting the councilmen was en dorsed. This action occurred after a rather spirited debate, Dr. McCnbc and others favoring such action on tho ground that it removed politics from city affairs, and A. F. Streitz, W. II. McDonald and others opposing. A mo tion to endorso prevailed. An informal ballot for mayor was tr.kon, which wnB practically unanimous for A . F. Streitz. That gentloman, however, declined tho honor, and it was then that tho debate on endorsement occurred. For councilmen P. H. Sullivan was nominated in the First ward, Alex Moston in Second and Mr. Hcrming hausen in tho Third. J, B. McDonald was elected chair man of the city committee and W. R. Mnloncy secretary. Tho members of the committee aro: First ward W. R. Malonoy, Second ward Edgar Schiller and Geo. T. Field, Third ward Thos. Jeirers. Railroad officials, those of the Union Pacific included, refuse to take any but a pessimistic view of business condi tions. They admit that business is some better than a year ago, but continually quote 1907 as tho year for comparison. Very few business men, howover, ex pect to see in a number of years to come, n volume of business ns largo as in 1907, which, was ono of those "bum per" years that como only onco in awhile. "Tho Substitute", which will be pre sented nt Tho Keith tomorrow ovening by Max Tigman and his splendid com pany, is a now idea in comedy, now in theme and new in treatment. It not only keeps tho audience in constant hi larity but also has touches of human interest that make the heart beat fast er and rouses genuine enthusiasm. The scenic part has not been overlooked. Contrary to expectations, no preach ing will be held at the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning nnd ovening. A telegram has been re ceived from Rev. Kerns stating that ho cannot be here. A good attendance, however, is urged for the Sabbath school. For Sale Residence Property. Nino room house, good lawn, sidewalks, fences, good barn and other out build ings. All new. Splendid home. In quire of L. C. Swan or cull at 7:20 W. 2nd St. Wanted to Buy. UVU UUOI1UIO IkllUIDUII UlOj outun illllW cows, brood sows nnd chickens. Ad dress or phono D. A. Ooourich. on the Wallace ranch, K. l u North i'latto. I What Grade of Canned Fruit Do You Use? . We have every kind from the cheap grades to the finest quality packed. The price de pends on the quality of the fruit and the weight of the syrup. Here are a few of our regular prices by the can. If you want to buy by the dozen come in and we will name you quantity prices. ftnAPES. 2 POUND SIZE Hlvorniflo. nor can 15c Mt. Hamilton, per can 20c PLUMS, 2i POUND SIZE TVnnon. nor can 121c Mt. Hamilton, 18c, 2 cans for 35c J. M. per can 20c Advo, per can -25c PINE APPLE r!nhf 1-lh cans, nor can 10c Cube, 2-lb cans, per can ..15c J. M. Sliced, 2-lb cans, per can 25c J. M. Grated, 2-lb cans, per can.... 25c Advo, 1-lb grated, per can 15c Arlvn. li-lb sliced, ner can 20c Advo, 21-lb sliced, per can 35c CucMtai . l-ib si cea inc. s cans ..,..om PEACHES 24 POUND SIZE Moiave, halves, per can 15c Mt. Hamilton, hulves, per can 20c Mt. Hnmilton. sliced, ner can 20c J. M. sliced, per can .25c ( Advo. sliced, ner can 30c Advo, halves, per can 30c APRICOTS 21 POUND SIZE Riverside per can Mje Mt. Hamilton per can Uc J. M. Apricots per can Advo Apricots, per can 30c PEARS 21 POUND SIZE. Teepeo per can 12&c Mt. Hamilton per can ju? J. M. Pears per can .-Jc Advo, per can 30c Wilcox Department Store Denies Report. Gro. II. Likert, whojs in town today, denies the report that ho has retigned the position of assistant master me chanic of tho Nebraska division. Ho has been considering an offer which has been mado him, but lias not ac cepted. John Loncrgan's New Position. John D. Lonergan, n former ma chinist employed in the local shops and for many yeurs n resident of North Platto, has been appointed representa tive chairman of all machinists of the Rock Island lines. Tho appointment was made recently at Chicago, nnd though there wero many applicants, he won out on tho voto. At present ho is making a tour through Kansas and Texas interviewing tho union men with regard to the prevailing conditions. Omaha Team Wants Game. Stntion Agent Billiard received a telegram yesterday asking that ho see if arrangements could bo mado for a ball gamo on April 28th between the Omaha leaguo team nnd local players. Tho Omahas open tho season in Den ver April 29th, and enroute want to play with several Nebraska teams. Baso ball in North Platto is, howevor, rather badly disorganized, and there is now no enclosed grounds. Tho matter of nrranging for n gnmo with tho Oma ha teams will, howevor, bo considered. For Sale. Gontlemnn'B wheel in good repair, cheap. Inquire 503 W 2nd St. Declamatory Contest. Tho annual high school declamatory contest of tho local high Bchool will bo held nt tho Koith theatre on Friday and Saturday evenings of next wcok. Thero will bo nbout twenty contestants and the winners in tho three classes will represent the North Platto Bchools in the Western Nebrnska contest to bo held in this city tho second week in April. Tho program for tho first ovening next week will bo thoso in tho oratori cal class, and tho second evening thoso in the dramatic and humorouB classes. The program will bo interspersed with musical numbers, nnd it may bo that tho male chorus recently organized may make its initial appearance. For Sale Cheap. Six room dwelling with ono nnd one half lot on west Gth Street. Inquire of. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency, 1 & 2 McDonald Block, North Platto, Nebr. Graham & Co. I ii IT I II 4 C Announce The readiness of many new Spring Styles in Men's and Women's Shoes. Pretty designs and combina tions in black, and the most popular colors to be worn this season, direct from the best factories, lo- I cated in the center of the shoemalcing industry,to us. I Women's New Oxfords $1.50 to $4.00 I Men's New Oxfords . $3.50 to $5.00 Tho L. O. T. M. social at tho Elder residonco Wednesday afternoon was largely attended and proved n decided success. The houso was decorated in green nnd white, nnd tho color scheme was carried out in tho lunch served. Various games wore introduced to amuso tho guests. Tho bible school at 10 a. m. and preaching at 11 n. m. will bo tho only services held in tho Christian church next Sunday. Tho evening service will be dismissed on account of tho tcmperanco lecture. The pastor will preach in ovening at tho Watt school house. L. C. Swan, Pastor. Cream Wanted. Wo buy cream for tho David Colo Creamery Co., of Omaha, nnd pay tho highest market price. Deliveries ac cepted nt nny time. Prompt remit tance overy weak. The Thamp GnocEnY. Myrtle News. Mr. Ensign has closed his school at th'o Red Brick houso. Ray Roynolds went to Mnxwell Tues day to get his wifo and babies, who have been visiting nt homo for some timo. Mr. Blovins has placed a phono j in his houso. Mr. and Mrs. John Santo aro having dontal word dono in North Platto. Leona Hudson is convalescing after n scigo of diphtheria. Tho school at Banner has boon closed for a timo, Miss Clark being quaran tined at James Hudson's. She has boon quito sick. Mr. Rokhard and family left Tuesday for their now homo nt btrntton. Tho good wishes of n host of frionds go with thorn. Will Marquots left Wednesday for a visit nt Bertrund, Neb. Mr. Hines moved Wednesday to R. Douglas' farm. Jo B iscuit uyers Max Figman, who will npponr in "Tho Substitute" at Tho Keith Satur day ovening, March 20th. Wanted" COO head of cattlo to pasture or by tho yeor; 50 brood mares for four years on snaro. Good water, dipping vnt, and dehorning and branding chutes on ranch. M. II. Davis, Hershey, Neb. Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages V Buying soda crackers that are not Uneeda Biscuit is buying by guess-work and trusting to luck. To be sure of good luck and good baking, buy no soda crackers but eeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY