I BMC S(Cl(D3Lv VACCINATION AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS IN CATTLE i itltl (I ..... People Talked About Good Results from Use of Bovovacclnc, tho Discovery of Von Bohrlng, German Bacteriologist By H. L. Russell and dosrom nov in aid or tmrcilouj cMmy C. Hoffman, Wisconsin Agricultural College. mm mi X RELIEVED OF BUSINESS CARES Carnegio fund. In order that his wonderful discoveries may bo moro gonerally distributed and Incidentally that his work of discovery may not bo hampored by busi ness worries, tho bruins and genius of Durbank, tho ".plant wizard," have Been capitalized for several million dollars. Tho men who have secured the solo right to distribute to tho world the plant discoveries of tho Santa Rosa naturalist are llartland Law and his brother, Herbert 13. Law, well known millionaires of San Francisco, and Oscar 13. Dinner, a wealthy eastern capitalist. There is no limit to tho rights which tho men hnvo secured except one or two small contracts which Uurbank Is now tilling. Working alone, Uurbank has not had time to glvo Iho results of all of his experiments to the public, but now a systematic effort will bo made to dis tribute both his past and future products to nil tho world. One of tho first things undertaken by tho new company will bo the fuller development of tho spineless cactus, which promises to transform desert wastes into grazing lands for cattle. In this connection It Is announced that Uurbank lias de veloped a cactus capable of producing saccharlno matter which will yield both sugar nnd alcohol. LIko most men of genius Uurbank Is decidedly averse to the worries nnd routine of business affairs, nnd he welcomes tho Incorporation as tho best means of ridding him of this handicap to his experiments. The company will bo called "Tho Luther Uurbank's Products, Incorporated." Mr. nurbank, when asked regarding tho formation of tho new company, made tho following statement: "It is n fact that Herbert Law and his brother and Oscar 13. Dinner have secured tho solo rights to tho handling of my products, with tho excep tion of a few varieties I have already sold, i am glad to bo rid of tho business end. It will give mo so much more time for the development of more fruits nnd flowers." NEW COLORADO EXECUTIVE arguments for the unlocking of tho prison doors. As a result, ho Is being bombarded with letters, some praising him for bis stand and others denounc ing him with bitterness for his lack of human sympathy and chnrity. As congressman-nt-largo, beforo bis election as govornor, Shnfroth as tonished tho politicians by deliberately nnd voluntarily resigning his ofllce be cause ho found that some of his followers In a hot campaign had indulged In tricks that wero common in politics but not exactly up to the moral code any where else. "I want no ofllce that Is tainted with fraud," ho declared, when he learned, nfter being seated In Washington, of somo things that had helrd him witi. Fraudulent votes had been cast and counted, although ho had no hand in it. After his voluntary retirement his fellow Democrats at home scored him as a "quitter" whllo tho Republicans sneered nt his "pretensions of virtue." Full appreciation came lator, howevor, and ho waB elected governor last fall by a heavy majority, succeeding a Republican. OWNS BIG AFRICAN RANCH On Ju-.Ia ranch, 20,000 acres of land 23 miles from tho seat of government of Urltlsh East Africa, Mm McMillans uro ex perimenting In tho domestication of wild animals, nn experiment that Is be ing watched with great Interest by zoologists and naturalists everywhere. Hero Roosovolt Is to romaln for several weeks discussing with his host the llnnl plans for his plungo Into tho wilderness. LIko tho president, McMillan did lila first hunting In the American west. He Is HO years old. WORKING TO ful that to retire from Its position trouble may bo ahead. Sir John hns been in the diplomatic service In China in some capacity or other ovor since his gradua tion p.t Dublin 37 years ago, with tho exception of a fow years at Korea, Luther Uurbank, whoso achievements! In tho lilnut world nrc to be capitalized by a company that will undertake on a largo scale to Introduce IiIb Improved plants, vegetables, fruits and flow ors, Is the foremost living specialist In his line, lie has originated tho Uurbank potato, several varieties of Btonelcsa plums and prunes, vari ous now fruits, flowers, grasses, grains and vegetables, and tho splnolesH cactus, which promises to transform tho deserts of tho far west nnd nouthwest Into fruitful dwelling places for man. Mr. Uurbank wus born In Lancaster, Mass., In 1849 and has lived in Santa Uosn, nl since 1876. All his experiments and discoveries hnve occurred on his California farm, where for eovcral years ho has been supported by tho Gov. John P. Shafroth, tho now executive of Colorado, has stirred up a state-wide avnlancho of comment, good and bad, by his announce ment that ho will depart widely from tho ways of his predecessor In tho matter of pardon granting. Tho former governor wnB n Mothodlst preacher, Rev. Harry M. Uuchtol, and ho found hlniHoir unable to turn n deaf ear, apparently, to tho pleas of tho pardon-seekers. Men nnd wom en were rolensed from tho penitentiary In a stream by his orders. ,Now Shafroth announces that while he Ib on the job It Ib going to bo a pretty heavy task to drag a pardon out of his olllce. He bus start ed to prove his promlBo by dumping a wagon load of petitions nnd nflldavits Into the waste basket and declining to grant audiences to hear W. N. McMIHnn, from whoso African estnto Former President Roosovolt Is to make his start Into tho Interior wilds of tho dark continent In quest for white elephants and other big game, Is u nephew of tho late Senator James McMil lan of Dotrolt, and tho son of tho late William McMillan, whoso estnto holds the largest Inter est in the Amorlcnn Cnr & Foundry Co. Mr. McMillan's legal residence Is In St. Louis, but being a millionaire with tho ability to satisfy his craving for adventure In tho untamed sec tions of tho globe, ho is ns much at home in Africa, India and a dozen other parts, as ho is In tho United' States, As a hunter of big gnmo, ho is a notablo figure and Mrs. McMillan, his wife, has killed her Hon as well. AVERT CLASH Sir John N. Jordan, Urltlsh minister to China, Is one of the llttlo group of diplomats nt Pekln who are just now bonding every effort to wnrd off tho small funnel-shaped cloud, no Inrgor than a man's hand, which may turn out to be a wnr tornado. Russia, operating a railroad lino In Manchu ria under a lease granted by tho Chinese govern ment, claims tho right thorcundor to lovy cer tain taxes. Upon the failure of tho Chinese mer chants to pay, their stores nnd warehouses aro closed by the Russian ofllclals and placed under the Russian seal. Hero aro tho Ingredients of n flno International mlx-up. Tho Urltlsh and American representatives havo lodged protests against tho attitude of Russia and they aro fear unless the Russian government sees fit TrtCfLDREtf 4LEP iY HOUR OF DOORS ff7FR 77LT (SCHOOL JZOOrt Open air treatment for tuberculosis has extended to tho public schools, nt least this Is so In Uoston, which city Is believed to be tho first In this coun try to establish such open air schools This experiment Is being carried on jointly through the winter by the Uob- ton Association for tho Relief nnd Control of Tuberculosis, which organ ized it, nnd the Roston school board. Dcsldes furnishing tho teacher, tho board haB recently Issued 200 street car tlckctB. Theso aro for tho children who aro too poor to pay car fare, nnd for those who live u long dlstunco from tho school. Tho principal reason for starting tho school, says Walter 13. KruesI, secre tary of tho Boston Association for tho Relief nnd Control of Tuberculosis, wns that thero wero many tuberculous children and nowhere to send them. Tho association hasn't money enough to take enro of all tho children In tho public schools who nro affected. , The school board has signified Its willingness to mako nu appropriation to Increase tho size of tho school whon assured of tho permanent success of tho scheme, nnd so great has been tho improvement In tho children in this school that the matter has passed be yond tho experimental stage. Mr. KruesI would llko to seo tho en tire building, of which now only tho roof and tho dining hall In the base ment are occupied, made over Into an open-air school, accommodating 2G0 pupils. This could easily bo dono If tho library which Is maintained In the building at present were abolished. Tho progress mado by the pupllB in this open-nlr school Is tho same as that mado by normal scholars in the same grade in tho public schools, but If those snmo children wero compelled to remain In tho ordlnnry school they would not progress at all. Since this school was started, lottors havo como from Clovolnnd, Cincinnati and Columbus, from men Interested In tho oxpcrlment, tho principal ex pression from those Interested being surprise that no ouo had thought of Btartlng an open air public Bchool be fore. v Thero have been for a number of yenrs open air schools for the children of tho rich, private schools, and tho ono which wns established In nn aban doned schoolhouBO In Providence, R. 1., Inst fall, tho first of Its kind In Amer ica which is not, howovor, a public school another at Glen Gardner, N. J., whllo In California Ib located tho Marlonfeld school for boys. Dr. Jnmcs J. Mlnot made a report to tho school board in which ho stated that thoro wero 2,000 children who needed outdoor schooling, moro than 250 of whom should hnvo special nour ishment and special attention to hy giene nnd should bo allowed tho maxi mum of fresh air. ".Mayor Hlbbard will bo romomhercd for ono thing," declared Mr. KruesI, "and thnt Is becnuso ho rocomniendod to tho schoolhouso commission the ad visability of providing a froBh nlr room for tuberculous children to be built In tho new Abraham Lincoln school, and in tho architect's plans this provision has been made, nlthough tho plans havo not yet been submitted to tho schoolhouso commission." The superintendent of public schools, Strntton D. Urooks, heartily Indorses tho oxporlmont, but bolloves tho children affected by tuberculosis Bhould bo divided Into three elassos, as follows' First, thoso so 111 that their disease Is Infectious, Such children shouldn't bo allowed In tho school room any more Minn a child with diphtheria or menslcfi, or any similar disease. Sec ondly, thoso who nro weak, and In suet a condition thnt their diseases ma; become dangorous to other pu plls; and thirdly, thoso who are slightly affected, who might never have been In that condition If they had not been confined In stuffy rooniH. This Inst class of children will bo the ones directly benefited by hnvlng nn open air room built In ovory school house. Miss Holon M. Mend is tho tonchor of this Interesting class of fresh nlr laiuwiMjiiTia Olr SCHOLAR V A COLD WATiFR BAG boys nnd girls, and tnkes an Individual interest In the llttlo pupils. Tho wind was hlowlntr nt tho ruin of 10 miles an hour when tho visitor recently climbed the four flights of Btalrs lending to tho nlry schoolroom, whoso sides or whlto canvas flapped In the wind llko wings or boiiio strange bird. This alight protection Is to pro vent the copy books nnd papors on which tho children write their lessons rrom being whirled away ovor tho roors and scattered broadcast nbout Franklin park. Thoro is an Inside school room which Is reserved ror tho worst dnvs. hut It has never boon pressed Into servlco nonvitiistnndlng tho Tact that ono or two blizzards hnvo raged hero this winter. Tho children themsolves pre fer the outdoor room. Possibly It seems less llko tho typical lesson room to them. 13ach hoy and each girl is provided with a heavy blue ulBtor. Tho glrlB wear gray and pink hoodB tied secure ly undor their chins. Tho boys have skull caps, which thoy pull snugly down over their ears. Tho most In teresting nrtlcloB or their attlro aro tho brown cloth bnga Into which thoy crawl, hooking thorn around their wnlsts. Theso bags look most complicated with their ropes, strnps nnd buckles, but tho children havo so mastorcd tho nrt of getting In nnd out of them that It tnkes only until tho teacher counts four for them to dlscnrd thorn. For tho benefit of tho visitors Miss Mend nskod tho chlldron various ques tions nnd thoy gnvo tholr Ideas of tho school In enthusiastic roplles. Tho children aro given n breakfast upon their nrrlvnl nt 8:15. It consists of fruit, bread and butter nnd hot cocon. While ono section of tho clnss Is nttondlng to work In tho kitchen, tho other section Is studying In tho clnss room. At 11 comes a recess of 20 minutes, followed by luncheon, con sisting or some hot meat dlah with vegotnbles, a dessert or nuts and homo mado candy. Then back to tho school room whoro, on different d'ays, Bkotch., lug, cutting, painting nnd manunl work ure tnuglit. Not all tho time Ib devoted to study. Tho children piny games In groups, and It docs ono good to hoar their hap py laughter and to watch tholr cheeks flush and tholr eyes grow bright! Again, boforo thoy depart for tholr homes, thoy aro given a light lunch, consisting of hot milk nnd all tho bread nnd butter they wnnt. Thoy nlso nro given all tho milk thoy will drink, but at night this Is always giv en to thorn hot. Thoro nro many more application!! for school attendunco than can bo nc copied, for ench case is being careful ly studied and a record kept of tho progress of each child In order that tho vnluo of this oxporlmont may bo ascertained. Magpies Eat Live Pigs, Portland. Oro. Iko Ely. farmer of Hover, Wnsh., Ib battling with a flock of magpies to keep tho birds from do vourlng his pigs. His Bty of 100 pork ers has boon repeatedly attacked dur ing tho past fow days by tho birds, mado bolder by himgor. Decnuso of deep snow they cannot got tholr usual food. Thoy swoop down on the pigs and peck their ears, which had been notched by tho ownor and still showed blood. Tho birds havo kept tho ears of nil hogs bleeding over since, nnI Kly declares that In somo cases half tho ears aro gone. Tho boasts aro do ronsolosB and Kly hns so far boon un able to keep tho birds away. Ho does not dnro uso poison for fenr tho hogj will cat it. He Was Willing. "Young mnn," said tho stem parent, "I hnvo been greatly annoyed by your extravagant habits, Hereafter l shall expect you to pay your own bills." "All right, fnthor," rejoined tho vouth, "I don't expect you to run about Booking my tnllor, hattor, Bhoo maker and tho rcBt or tho bunch. Just J hand mo a good-sized check each month nnd I'll attend to tho minor de tails myseir." r IM.li,lKltw,ii,(... , MlihlMi,,,! .,.!....... (M 'BOv.OVACClrMTION WMf. Outfit for the Appll In combating tuberculosis of do mesticated anlinalH, two methods nro open for consideration; 1. Destruction of tho ciiBiial organ ism, tho tuborclo bacillus, by eliminat ing tho already diseased animals nnd disinfecting tho Infected promises. 2. Possible methods or producing Immunity in susceptible nnlmala by rendering them rcalatnnt to tho tuber cle organism. Tho first method Ib easily attnlnnblo by the dotectlon of tho presenco of tho dlscnso by moans of tho tuberculin test nnd tho subsequent separation of affected animals. In this way tho con tinued spread of this scourge can bo entirely prevented. Ab no known mothod of euro exists for tho dlscnso In cattlo, nnlmala onco Infected must b Isolated from healthy stock to pre vent furthor Bprcnd of contagion. To romovo all further danger from tho dlsonse, thorough disinfection of tho quarters occupied by tho tuberculous animals Is Imperative With certain other dlsonscs, meth ods of vaccination hnvo nlrt'tuly boon porfectcd, tho olllcloncy or which la bo great nu to prnctlcnlly control such maladies. Diphtheria nutttoxln, vac cination against smallpox, tho Pasteur treatment ror rubles nnd anthrax aro potent Illustrations or tho efficiency or Immunizing tho bodies or susceptl bio hosts ugnln.H the ravages or thoso human nnd animal plagues. Numerous nttompts have been made by scientific Investigation to devlso ByBtoniB or vncclnatlon against tuber culosis that will rondor Btiscoptlblo animals resistant to Invasion. Within rocont years sovoral Investigators hnvo announced various methods ror this purpose. in 1902, Von nohrlng, tho promlnont Gcrmnn bacteriologist, announced tho discovery of n aubstnnco cnlled bovo vaccina with which ho claimed cnlvoB could bo immunized against natural Infection rrom tuberculosis. Coming rrom tho dlscoveror or dlplHhcrin anti toxin, which romudy so revolutionized tho methods or handling this disease or childhood, bovovaccluo was hailed with high hopes. Von Uehrlng'a ox perlmcntB, then reported, Boomed to Indlcnto that u succossrul mothod or rendering cattle resistant had nt Inst been round. In a series or lectures given In CasBol In 11)03, ho mado tho following swooping statement: "Tho entire suppression of bovlno tuborcu losls Is now only a question of con scientious nnd properly conducted pro tective Inoculations, and, of courso, also n matter or time." For the Starting Celory growing on u .connnorclal scale has received most attention in tho "muck-bed" areas or Michigan and Now York, whom thousands or ncroa aro devoted to this crop, California nnd Florida hnvo taken up tho indus try nnd during tho winter and spring months provide northorn cities with largo nniountH of celory. Thero Is, however, no renson why local grow ers should not hold their own mar kets from .Juno to January against tho Importations from tho south. To eecun an early crop tho best s cation of Oovovacclne. A year later ho published n brlof preliminary report or tho results ho had obtained to that ditto. Theso wero extremely fnvoruhlo, nnd wero, on the whole, apparently substanti ated by reports from othor Investiga tors. Uy means of his method of vac cination, ho was nblo to ralso perfectly healthy animals oven when tho lnttcr wero continually exposed 'to a tuber culous environment. Tho true ofll cloncy of tho vncclno could not bo de termined nt tho time, ror tho animals had not attained maturity, so thnt tho duration or tho Immunity caused by tho vncclno could not bo ascertained. Nevertheless tho results secured woro exceedingly promising. Tho principle involved in tho pro duction or bovovaccluo Is radically dlfforent rrom thnt usod In tho prepar ation of tuberculin. Tuborculln Is a gorm-rrco oxtrnct or cultures or tu bercle bacilli, whllo bovovacclno con sists or a wonkoned culluro or living tuborclo bacilli or human origin. Tho human typo Is used becuuso or its greater adaptability Tor vncclno pur poses than" tho bovlno type. Thu commercial product, is specially pro pared as follows: Artor a sufficiently weakened culturo hns boon obtained, It la grown upon a suitable medium, then cnrofully dried so as not to do stroy Its activity, and finally pulver Ized. It la then accurately weighed out into containers and sealed. Most rellablo results arc claimed ror animals vaccinated as calves be tween three weokB nnd threo months or ngo. Young atock up to two yearn or ngo may bo troatcd, provided thoy uro freo from tuberculosis. Mnturo anlmala (two yoarB or older), however, cannot bo successfully treated. Tho vaccinating process consists of two in jections mado throe months apart. Tho first and weaker vncclno coutnlns ono so-called immunizing unit, oqutvalont to .001 grams or dry tuborclo bacilli; tho second vncclno consists or flvo Buch units. For Inoculation purposes tho powder is thoroughly mixed in a sterile mortar with n sterile ouo per cent, common salt solution, or which two cubic contlmetors nro imod ror each Immunizing unit. Artor u thorough emulsion Is mndo, tho mntorlnl Ib then ready ror Inject ing Into tho animal. Far this purpose tho neck over tho lert Jugular voir. Is shaved, washed with a disinfectant and tho Injection mado directly Into tho vein. To do this tho noodle or the syringe Is hold nlmost parallel to tho Jugular vein, thou with a quick down wnrd movement forced through tho wall of tho latter. of Early Celery plan for tho amateur grower Is to fill with lino soil threo Inches deep. This soil should bo pressed down and thu soods scattered either In towb or broadcast. Cover tho seeds by sprink ling through a flno slove n small quantity of leaf mold or sand. Tho window or a moderately warm room with frequent sprinkling will provide tho conditions necessnly for germlnn ton. Whon tho seedlnga appear after two or threo weeks turn tho boxes dnlly to keop tho growth even. Tho illustration shows the form of box. usod for Bturtlng tho. plnnta.