The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 12, 1909, Image 1

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he JJortlt
mi-litolg (Sitae
NO. 14
e" i . r . . X"X.
The section house nt Orulo burned
Wednesday, tho foreman losing a good
part of his furniture.
Mrs. Isaac Tillman spent sovernl days
withfrionds in town prior to leaving for
her now home ncarOgalalta.
C. II. Powell, a well known resident
of Maxwell, died tho early part of tho
week, tho funoral being held yestorday.
Gus Hamer was up from Buchanan
precinct yestorday. He is feoding a
bunch of cattle and fifty head of hogB.
T. J. Yonda, who has hecn suffering
from un injured eye, hopes to bo able
to return to work next week. Tho
wound has healed, but tho eyo is still
somewhat weak.
D. Buckholtz, of Buchanan precinct,
brother-in-law of August Hamer, left
yesterday for a visit with friends in
Grand Island. Ho will soon leave for
a visit in Germany.
The party of hunters chaperoned by
Dr. Ames roturncd from Oshkosh Tues
day night. They had fair success in
killing ducks, but geese were found to
be somewhat scarce.
A boy named Riggs, who had been
sent to tho reform school from this
city, made his escape from that insti
tution Wednesday night. Riggs was
soon to have been paroled.
At tho meeting of Y. M. C. A. mem
bers Tuesday evening C. 0. Weingand,
J. R. White, E. W. Mann and C, W
Baskins were elected directors to fill
expired terms and vacancies.
When the ground hog retired to his
burrow on February 2d, ho had in his
mind these snow storms wo are having
in March. Yet we are glad to have the,
snow it is seldom this country gets an
over abundanco of it.
N. L. Newman, a former North
Platto resident, but for several years
living at Rock Island, 111., will remove
to Denver next week. Ho is in poor
health and tho physician ordered a
change of climate.
More than the usual number of farm
era have left Lincoln county this spring,
but their places have been taken by
new comers. In the country south of
'Maxwell and Brady tho changes in the
ownorship of farms have been many.
The Tri-County telephone company
received 450 poles last week and tho
work of setting them begun yesterday,
the start being made at Loudon's farm
in Myrtlo precinct. From the Hall place
to the central office im this city tho
wire will be strung on the Bell com
pany poles.
The bill which carries with it an ap
propriation .( $25,000 for the North
Platto experimental sub-station, passed
tho house Tuesday. Originally it was
intended to ask for $35,000, of which ;
$10,000 was to bo used in establishing a
dairy farm, but the legislators talked
economy so strongly that it was do-1
cided to ask for but $25,000. This
amount is for two years expenses.
Your bpnng b
N find a style that was made especially for you. Popular and faddish
gj greens, rich browns'and conservativejjlacks.
$ Smart novelties for the young fellows shape 'em as you like.
H Dignified styles for elderly men.
Ik The GORDON name in the hat is your quality insurance.
jfjj GORDON HKTS S3.00
tj Wilcox
Mrs. Marion Carrier, of the Birdwood
county, has been visitingf rionds In tow n
this week.
County Judgo Dano,of Ogalalla, spent
Wednesday in town transacting busi
ness and visiting friends.
Mrs. Al Tift was taken to an Omaha
hospital Wednesday whero oho will
submit to an operation for appendicitis.
"A Knight for n Day" company ar
rived from Choyenno this morning and
will present that musical production at
tho Keith this evening.
Picard Bothers havo the contract for
building a $2,000 house for Fred Wen
deborn on Ninth street on tho lot ad
joining his residence.
- J. C. Fogg, of the Sutherland section,
londcd his personal property at this
station Wednesday nnd left for Smith
county, Kan., whero he has purchased
a farm.
Judge Hoagland attended a meeting
of the Board of Home Trusteos at
Fremont Tuesday. The board solected
a tract of 100 acres of land near York
for tho proposed Odd Follows home for
which they pay $30,000, of which $10,000
is contributed by the people of York.
Last Tuesday Julius Pizcr sold
to A. E. Timmerman the property on
Front steet occupied by the steam
laundry and tho barber shop Tho
consideration was $3,000 cash and land
in Sarpy county worth about $3,000,
making tho total consideration $G.000
Seven years ago Mr. Pizer purchased
the property for $1,150, and during the
seven years received $2,500 in rent.
That looks as though Mr. Pizer had
made some " easy money."
Go and see Brown's Registered
Stallion ofTored for sale at the North
Side Brn.
" AKnight for a Day," the big musi
cal show which is to be initially revealed
in this city at the Keith this Friday
evening is n two acts, The first of
these is luid at Evanston, III., in tho
vicinity of a seminary for young ladies.
The second represents a sceno upon an
estate in Corsica, for which an exotic
pictorical background has been given to
set off tho sartorial displny in which
tho famous "America Beauty Chorus"
is very much in evidence. There are
two clevor bits of spectacular astonish
ment in tho play in which electrical
devices play an important part. ,
Joseph Newman died nt the homo of
his daughter, Mrs Shw, in tho Third
ward Monday. Funoral services were
conducted by Rev. Favoright Tuesday
afternoon, and tho same night the
remains were taken to Center Point,
Iowa, for burial. Joseph Newman was
born in Indiana in 18-12, moved to Iowa
in 1864, was married to Amanda Mc
Donald in 18G5. Seven children have
been born to this couple, threo havo
died, and one daughter and three sons
remain to mourn tho loss of the father.
He had lived in Nebraska twenty years
and for moro than that number of years
had been a christian and when possible
identified with the Baptist work. He
was a great sufferer and just on the
day boforohis sixty-seventh birthday
ho passed to his reward.
The Hat that Makes
Three Dollars do
the Work of $5.00.
The new spring shapes and color
inrrs in thf frlfl-rnfrl flr-rlr Hnf Yu
' ... .a w. v v . i. v. Mwaa .uh
in and among them you will
Department Store
Chautauqua Attractions.
The board'of directors of tho North
Platto Chautauqua havo practically en
gaged all tho talent for tho nine-day
program, and includes tho following:
Congressman J. Adam Beade, of Min
nesota; Prof. Ott, of tho Ott School of
Oratory, Chicago; Father McCorry, of
the Paullst Brotherhood, Dayton, O.;
Dr, Fox, of Chicago, for two days;
Judgo Estcllo and Dean Bccchcr, of
Omaha; Scnor Lala, a Filipino, who
givcB an illustrated lecture; Sterling
Jubiiee Singers for threo doys; Ralph
Parlett, humorist; also a cartoonist, a
magician and magic lantern entertain
rrot. linrry Maxwell, a teacher in a
Chicago school of music, will be hero
two' days in advance and remain
throughout thos Chautauqua. Ho will
havo charge of tho cljnrus work at the
morning sessions and will bo tho pro
gram manager.
uev. rorter anu Mr. Kinger aro or
ganizing a malo chorus that will fur
nish music at the sessions.
Lowell's band has been engaged for
the nino days. ,.
May Build Elevator.
If present plans mature, a grain ele
vator will be built this summer on east
Front Btreet. Trackage arrangementa
with tho Union Pacific havo practically
been secured, and it is probablo the
contract for the construction will be let
in tho near future. The building of this
elevator will tend to increase North
Platte's importance as a grain center.
New Block Assured.
Tho sale of tho Pjzor lot on Front
street to A. E. Timmerman assures the
erection of a new business building on
that street. Mr. Timmerman sayB that
just at present ho cannot divulge his
plans, but will do so in a fow days,
Just received at Rinckcr's Book
Storo,l,000 copyrighted popular novels
ranging in price from ten cents to $1.35,
Mrs. W. S. Dolson was hostess at an
afternoon party on Wednesday when
she entertained twenty or moro ladies
in a vory enjoyable manner. Tho affair
.was complimentary to Mrs. I. C.
Halderman, of Chicago, who is a guest
at the F. H. Thompson home, and
proved a most delightful one. The after
noon was spent in social conversation
and at the close a lunch was served
supplemented by an "Address" by the
lord and mastpr of the houso.
Near Death In Big Pond.
It was a thrilling experience to Mrs.
Ida Soper to face death. "For years a
severe lung trouble gave roe intense
suffering," she writes, "and several
times .nearly caused my death. All reme
dies failed and doctors said I was in
curable. Then Dr. King's Now Dis
covery brought quick relief and a cure
so permanent that I have not been
troubled in twclvo years." MrB. Sopor
lives in Big Pond, Pa. It workB wonders
in Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs Hem
orrhages, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup,
Whooping Cough and all Bronchial
affections. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle
free. Guaranteed by Stone's drug
- iwM
a 17 V
Here. I
"i.W tin
wfff 1 1
xW- a.
Yes We Handle The Royal
Tailor Clothes Advertised
in The Magazines.
You have been reading: a
good deal of late about the
famous Royal Tailors of Chi
cago and New York, the cbn
cern that brings the tailoring
of B rod way, New York, to
your door, the concern that
makes it possible for you to
have all your clothes made by
the best tailors in the world for
less than you have been pay
ing for ready-made clothes.
Real Estate Transfers.
H. L. Gaunt to L. B. Dick lots 4 and
5, block G, city $400.00.
Margaret Michael to Frank Michael,
section 3-15-30, $12,800.
Mary J. Davis to Leonard M. Charring
east half southeast quarter and west
half southeast quarter section 31-9-27,
W. T. Banks, to Thomas Cox lot 8 of
Banks addition, $1,800.
John Burgland to Frank Colo north
west quarter section 1-13-2G, $950.00.
, 1
Married by Judge Elder
Geo. L. Anderson, of Tryon, Neb.,
and Miss Minnie A. Winters, of Lex
ington, were united in marriage by
Judge Elder Tuesday.
Robert It. Grout, of Atwood, Kan.,
came to town Wednesday and met by
appointment Miss Edna E. Lloyd of
McPherson, and the two wero united in
niarriagp by Judgo Elder. The couple
met in Kansas a few months ago, and
it seems to have been a cbbo of love at
first sight, and tho acquaintance then
formed resulted in a consummation of
their affection. Tho brido i a pretty,
potito girl, and tho groom a successful
KansnB farmer.
Candidates Still Wanted.
Up to dato neither the ropuplicans
nor tho democrats havo been able to
And a man who will consent to bo a
candidate for mayor, and next week,
when the muss conventions of tho two
parties aro held it will bo a case of pick
up whocvor you can who will accept.
It is not often an ofllco goes begging,
but of lato there has boon so much tur
moil, over a satisfactory solution of the
water problem that favv men havo tho
courago to jump into tho fight. And
then again the emoluments of tho office
aro meagre anu Instead of attached
honor, there seems to bo attached
Transcontinental Race.
A transcontinental automobile race
from New York to Seattle for the
coming summer is nn increasing proba
bility, and if it is held tho contesting
motor cars will probably puss through
this city on their long grind from ocean
to oceun. It b the plan to have the
contest start Juno 1st simultaneously
with the opening of tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
exposition at Seattle with tho
pressing of nn electric button ,y Presi
dent Taft in Washington. A pathfinder
will probably start out within a fort
night and will go over tho entire trip
giving special attontion to the moro
difficult part of tho run between the
Mississippi and the Pacific.
Democrat's Attention!
A masii meeting of the democratic
electora of North Platto, in hereby
caueu to meet at tno court houso on
Thursday ovoninir. Mnmli IB mna nt
oight 0 clock for tho purposo of placing
in nomination f'nnillfliifna fnv Vvll.i.
ing city offices to bo voted for at uu
election to bo hold April 0, 1909:
Mavor. .citv clorlf ell
engineer, police judge, threo councif-
iiivu, two rnemucra or tno ooaru of
J. B. McDonald, Chairman,
Wm. Mai.onky, Sec'y.
For Sale Cheap.
. Six room dwelling with ono nnd onn
half lot on weat 6th Streot. Inquire
01 lumpiu new r.8iaio a ins. Agency
1 & 2 McDonald Block, North Platto!
We can take your measure
for Royal Tailor clothes. We
can show you 500 beautiful
Royal Spring, Royal patterns
All Pure Wool and let you
pick your Easter suit or 'over
coat from this big collection.
The feature in Royal Tailor
clothes you cannot buy for
love or money in any other
clothes. With a Royal suit or
overcoat you get a legal guar
antee waranting the garment
to be All Pure Wool without
Department Store.
Miss Tillic Blankcnburg spent yes
terday in Gothenburg.
Geo. M. Graham has been transact
ing business in Omaha for several dayu
Mr, and Mrs. W. Ross loft this week
for a month's visit with relatives in
Tho Dcgroe of Honor Social will meet
with Mrs. Fred Westonfold on Tues
day afternoon.
liny Wolborn, who has been visiting
at points in Texas for the past two
months, will return homo next week.
Mr. and Mrs. C, J. Perkins were
called to Wisconsin the early paJt of
tho week by tho doath ofMr. Perkins'
John Keating, general baggago agent
at Denver, camo down Tuesday night
to attend tho funeral of Mrs. C. T.
Carl Brodbcck has returned from n
month's visit at Galveston and . other
Texas points. Ho reports a very en
joyable trip. 1
Dr. II. C. Brock recived a tolegram
Tuesday announcing tho death of a 'sis
ter at Fairbury. Ho loft for that placo
Tuesday night.
C. L. Patterson, of Denver, came
down Tuesday night and remained un
til last night, visiting his daughter
Mabel and other relatives and' friends.
Dr. and MrB. V. Lucas went to Oma
ha Wednesday night, taking with them
their adopted daughter Florine, who
will undergo an operation for appendi
Julius Pizer, left Wednesday for
Chicago nnd other wholesale centers
for tho purpose tt purchasing late;
novelties for The Lcador. Ho will be
absent about two weeks.
Tho funeral of tholate MrB.C. T. Whe-
lan at St. Patrick's church Wednesday
morning was largely attended. Aa the
remainB wero borno into tho church
members of tho Sodality formod a line
on both sides of tho atmroach. each
wearing a funoral badge. In his address
tho Rev. Fathor Carroll, spoke of tho
worth of tho deceased, and nppcalcd
at length to his hearers to bo live ut all
times that they bo ready for tho final
summons. As tho cortego receded from
tho church "Calvarv" wrm sunir Uv
Gus Chamberlain, of Denver. Manv
beautiful floral tributes were sent to
tho house preceding tho funeral.
The Lurid Glow Of Doom
1 m 1 1 , I
wub nuun in uiu ruu lucu, nanus anu
bndv of thn liftl arm nf IT M Ailnmo t
01 iiunneiia, ra. 111s awiui plight from
M ft ti.L T. VT m . . ' 1
cusumu nuu, ior nve years, ueiieu all
reineuies snu uainou the boBt doctors,
who said tlin nnkrinnil Mnnrl liail nfr....
ted his lungs end nothing could save
nun. --uut, writoo ins mother, "seven
bottlos of Electric Bitters completely
curud him." IW Km
Salt Rhuem, Sores and all Blood Disor-
uors anu unuomatlsm Kloctric Bitters
is aupromo. Only 50c. Guaranteed by
Stone's Drug Storo.
"For Every Living Thing on the Farm"
Free; n 500 pago book on the treat
ment nnd caro of Every Living Thing
on tho Farm;" horses, cattle, sheep,
dogs, hogs and poultry, by Humphrey's
Veterinary Specifics; also a Btablo
Cnilfh fnr rfliwlir lAfnvnntn f n linnrv nn
Frcq by mail on application. Addroisv
Humphrey's Homeo. Med. Co., Cornorl
William & Ann Stst, Now York. J
a thread of cotton in it; war
ranting the garment to fit and
satisfy you absolutely, and
more, to Hold Its good Fit
and Style until Completely
Worn Out.
And the snap, the dash, the
clever style effects the Royal
Tailors put into their suits at
$25 to $40, would cost you,
S75 to $85 it you had a New
York local tailor make your
suit. Come and see for yourself.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express our thanks to
friends and neighbors for kindly acts
and appreciated assistance during tho
illness and following tho death of our
loved husband and father.
Mrs. J. G. Federhoof and Children.
For Sale.
A fow choice brood mares in foal.
Inquire of R.L. Douglas, North Platta.
Cream Wasted.
Wo buy cream for the David Cole
Crenmery Co.", of Omaha, and pay tho
highest market prieo. Deliveries ac
cepted at any time. Prompt remit
tance every week.
The Tramp Grocery.
For Sale
Two Angus Bulls, one 2-year old,
puro bred but not registered; ono 4-year
old, eligible to registry. Price $75.00
Experimental Substation,
W. P. Snyder, Supt.
Notice to Mortgage Haiders.
All holders of notes and mortgages
which havo been satisfied, should seo
that they have been properly released
on the county clerk's records prior to
April 1st, otherwise they will De sub
ject to assessment.
O. A. Bacon, County Assessor.
One Haadred DeUin Reward.
Tho above reward will be paid for
the arrest and conviction, of tfl party
or parties who have bees brvakisj; into
the school houses in District No. 5 and
destroyirg propertT.
W. H. Sdlaxts,
Louis Mxcsz,
Loser Puitjt,
Scbcdl Board.
Back acho? Feeling
.tired? Not as spry as you.
used to bof uetting oiun
Keep your.healtn gooa
inu you necu not icm
tld ngo.
Manv men tnlstak)
Kidney Troublo for signr
if advancing age. 101
iro not so old as you thinl
ou are. Disordered Kid
toys make you feel I oh
mfnrn vour time. Nval' .
I Kidnoy Pills will tone ui
ind invigorate your kiu
oys; they banish you
backache and start yoi
ight toward good hcaltl
3rico 50c
Schiller & Co.
Family DrmrirlHtu