The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 09, 1909, Image 5

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    ( Interesting Shoe News I
ii .
Ladies' Comfort Shoes
Men and Boys Tan and Green-
Late Spring Styles
in Tan, Oxbloocl5
button or lace,' Pat
ent Leather, Veloiir
Oaif, Yici Kid and
Glazed Kangaroo.
E Z Cushion Shoe
for Comfort."
$3.50 $4 $4.50 $5
Nature Shaped Shoes for the Little Folks
Let the little one's feet grow as nature intended and
they will have strong- feet and no corns or bunions.
A Scuffer for Little Folks
oy2 to s $i.go sy to 12 $1.75
Foot F.orm Shoes, button or lace
5 to 8.41.25 8 to 11. 41.50 liy to 2.41.75
The duck season is here and we have Pure Gum
Hip Rubber Boots for you.
Do ndt get cold feet, but wear a pair of Fleece
Lined Rubber Boot Socks. Price 10 Cents.
Nurses' -Nulifiers, flexible sole
and rubber heel
Ladies' Bunion Shoe, made on a special last (J J A
to give comfort, flexible sole, rubber heel 0l)U
New Spring Styles in Ladies' Patent Colt
Oxblood and Kid Shoes.
The selection of shoes is a
matter of one's comfort for
months to come. We can
fit you properly with a com
fortable shoe.
$3.00 $3.50 $-1.00
We have a new line of Soft Sole Shoes and Sandals
for the babies that will have to be seen to be appreciated?
It doesn't pay to buy a cheap Shoe for the boy. They
give their Shpes harder wear than a man does and ,the
best is none too good. We take particular pains in fit
ting boys' Shoes and they give better service.
Sizes 24 to 5 range in
price from
Elk Outing Shoes
Elk upper and Elk sole will
wear like iron and are very
comfortable. If you have tired
feet try a pair.
Boys' Sizes, IP
2V to
Men's Sizes
6 to 11 ... .
$2.25 $3
We sell the best brands of Shoe Polishes in Oxblood,
Tan and Black. Preservo for Patent Leather Shoes will
prevent cracking.
We have added a Shoe Repair Department
to Oar Store.
A Happy Sole gets through
this world easier than a
down trodden one and car-'
v riftR frond will nlnnrr thi wav.
o 1 j -
If you feel that your 4 'sole"
is getting worn with endeav
ors to carry your burdens
send it to us and we will add new life to it. The cost is
very moderate and the benefit is very apparent.
All shoe mending promptly and efficiently
attended to. -
We Gairry t In Best Shoes Made for Wdmen and Girls at $2.00 and $2.25.
Decorated Dresden China Plaques
giyen as Premiums
A Boy's Watch Free tcl"0i.r,Boys'
..$2.00 lU $2.50
9 to
Need Re-Setting?
They should have frequent attention, as the prongs
are likely to wear away and there is danger of
losing a valuable stone.
We Do Our Own Diamond Setting,
Carry in stock a fine line of Diamond Mountings
for ladies' and gentlemen's wear.
Leave your Diamond with us for re-mounting and
repair and you can have them the same day. No
danger of their being lost in transit.
O I X o
U. P. Watch Inspector.
DR. 0. 11. CRESSLCR,
Graduate Dentist.
Ofllco over tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
Mrs. H. T. Pritchard is entertaining
tho Mothern' Club this afternoon.
Tho Wednesday Musicalo will meet
this week with Mra. Robt. Finney.
J. J. Halligan went to Scotta Bluffs
last evening to attend the cessions of
district court.
A special meeting of Palestine Com
tnandery K. .T. will bo hold tomorrow
evening with work in the temple de
gree ,
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
Flint National Dank
Mian T.nman RTinmnn Mr Via Vinrl ViOAn
rthe gueBt of her brother W. E. Shuman
and wife, returned to her homo in Lex
ington Sunday.
W. W. Kinding arrived from Schuy
ler yesterday and will succeed C. II.
Wyman as night baggagoman. Mr.
Wyman will movo to a farm near Brule.
For Rent Eight room houso with
modern improvements. Inquire of
E. A. Cary.
Efforts aro boing mado to put on a
wrestling match betwocn j "Farmer"
Burns and some other celebrity equally
well known.
Among those who contemplate. build-
Death of Mrs. Whalcn.
Mrs. Chaa. T. Whalen died at hor
homo on wost Fourth atreot Sunday
morning nt 2:30 from Bright'a disease,
which developed a numcber of months
ago. Tho diseaBO reached an acute
staga several weeks ago, and Mrs.
Whelan was taken to a Denver hospi
tal for treatment. It wob found how
ever, that tho udvanced stage of the
disease precluded any bono of recovery,
and after remaining there for two
weeks sho was brought homo, and for
the last ten days her condition had
been such as to indicato dissolution ut
any time. Tho early part of tho week
brothers, sisters and other relatives
living at a diBtanco were summoned and
remained continuously at tho homo, as
did the resident relatives. Thoso pres
ent from out of town were Mr. and
Mrs. Will JeffcrH, of Ogden, Mr, and
Mrs. W. L. Cary, of Omaha, and Mrs.
Maggio Fisher, Anthony JefFers and
Miss Celia Quirk, of Green River, Wyo.
Though in a comatoso condition the
major part of the time for a week pro
ceding death, she was conscious just
beforo tho ond came and realizing that
tho spirit was soon to take flight, bade
thu assembled relatives good byo.
Mrs. Whelan. who had rcachod tho
Temperance Lecture.
J. II. Wortendyko, of Riverside, Cat. ,
will bo in North Platto, Friday, March
12, and give a lecture on ono of tho
groatest issues of tho times. Ho is ono
of tho greatost and most interesting of
spoakerfl. Men, old and young, como
and hear him. He will interest you.
He spoke in Sidney to great crowds,
many not being able to get in tho room.
Como early bo ub to get a seat at tho
Unitarian hall Friday evening at eight
o'clock. Men and women como. Seats
ing residences this season aro Roy Bun
noil, Albert Durbin and Mr. Kain tho , Ilge of thirty-nine years, came to North
traveling man.
Wanted First class woman cook.
Inquire at tho Enterprise Bakery.
Mrs. Elmer Baker and Miss Antoin
Frank Henderson, a commercial
traveler ot Council Bluffs, was the
guest Sunday of his uncle, Jas. Hender
The Lutheran aid society will moot
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. E. T,
Tramp. Devotional service will begin
at 3:30.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. w. H. McDonald.
Mra. W. P. Hendorjon, of Shenan
doah, Icwa, in a guest of her brother-in-law
Jamos Henderson, while enrouto
to Portland, Oregon.
- Chas. Pass and Chus. Tigho were in
Sidney Sunday receiving applications
for membership in the Knights of Co
lumbus. A class of tho order will be
initiated in April.
Platto with her parents in 1875, and
; had oinco been a continuous resident.
In May, 1899, sho was united in mar
1 riago to Mr. Whelan, and to thia union
' a son. Kenneth, now acred six. was
etteLanjgraf loft this morning for their ; b'o funernl wn fao ho,d from
homo in Ogden, going via Denver, in Patrick 'a church tomorrow morning at
which city they will visjt for n few 9:30. High mass will bo said by tho
days. ; officiating priest.
The contract for J. W. Vanderhoof 'b
cottago in tho Trusteo'8 nddition was
let yesterday to contractor Rector.
The houso will have fivo rooms, bathl
and cellar and will cost about $1,700.
John Quinn and family, of Perry,
Iowa, aro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Quinn, and will remain for a
week or ao. Mr. Quinn is an engineer
on tho Milwaukee road.
Horshoy Welch informs us , that ho
Will bo a candidate for ro-olection ao
city engineer. His work during the
past year, so far ub wo havo been ablo
to loam, has been very satisfactory.
For Sale,
100 head of cows, steers and heifers
Can be seen at tho former Sturges
ranch 8 miles northwest of North
Platte. ALEX BnowN.
Widely known by reaBon of hor long
residence), endeared to all friends by
hor kindliness, sunsliino and sociability,
admired for her sincero devotion to hus
band and son nnd commended for her
dovout allecriunco to hor church, tho
passing away of Mrs. Whelan is
mourned bv friends and reirretted bv
acquaintances. IWith tho companionship
oi ono wnoso aim was to live lor ner
to give hor every possible pleasure
ner mo was sweet, tho iuturo bright;
und yet in her last consciousness when
sho knew thu summons had cornc, sho
accepted tho will of her maker with
resignation and in tho night of death
to uso the words of one eloquent
"hono saw a star and list'ning faith
could near tho rustle of a wine" And
thus sho passed to tho boyond, leaving
to take up tho broken thread of life as
best he can one whoso devotion was to
hor absolute und whoso hopo of her re
coveryor at least of prolonged life
died only when the spirit of his loved
one took its flight.
Garfield Items-
Married, nt North Platte on March
2nd, by Judgo Elder, Edward Fox and
Miss Clara Helmcamp. Mr. Fox is one
of Garfield's prosperous young farmers
and his brido la a young lady of sterling
qualities. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will make
their home at Mr. Fox's parents for a
couple of months or until they can
build a house on thoir farm.
II. P. Stevens, of Maxwell, made
thia community a flying visit last Wed
nesday and whilo hero purchased about
luty head ot thoroughbrod hogs of Uui
Mr. Hunter will move from Mr.
Campbell's farm to thu Tnllcn Tnblo as
soon as thoir children get well.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Goodenow wore
Gandy visitors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Smith and
children, of Callaway, camo up last
Thursday, called here by tho illness of
Mr. Smlth'B mother.
Mrs. Omar Meyers, while at Mr.
Richmond's Saturday night fell and
misplaced her kneo cap and hurt her
head, so that sho was unconscious
about an hour.
T. C. Gill and his son-in-law Geo.
home of Mr. Gill's daughter, Mra. D.
this vicinity tho latter part of last woek.
seth Uirn and wlfo left last week
for Elwood, whore they will make thoir
Jim Henry went to Callaway Satur
day and roturncd Sunday. t
Mrs. A. J. Smith is danKoroualv- ill
at this writing with n complication of
diseasos. Dr. McLcay was out to boo
her every day last woek, and on Friday
held a consultation with Dr. Robinson
of Arnold.
Henry Harvov. Iko Smith, and A. L,
Aublo, were Maxwoll visitors Tuesday.
A crowd of, young people and some
older ones serenaded Mr, and Mrs. Fox.
Mr. Milos, who has boon on the Sant
Bowman placo tho past year, moved
Tuesday to the Gill farm.
Miss Helmcamp closed a term of
school in Logan coanty last week.
Have Your Easter
Suits Tailored Jo Order
in Chicago or New York.
Wo have just recoived r lotter from
Prcsldont Vohon of Tho Royal Tailors,
Chicago and Now York, that you ought
to road carefully before purchasing your
Easter suit.
The President writes:
"What is it about a man that makea
you instantly recognize whether or not
he is well dressed?
I'll tell you. It's tho "cut" of his
clothes. r
Only a clever tailor knows how to
properly drapo tho figure Such tailors
aro all in tho largo citioa and if thoy do
a Bmall businoss, thoy aro extremely
high priced.
My head dosignorfl in Neir York and
Chicago aro two of tho highest prlcod
and xlaverflat men in tVi oniinr .n,l
my businoss is so Byotomatized that
every garment tailored in my two es
tablishments is cut under thoir personal
If I did a Bmall business, I would have
to chnrcn $7fi to Sinn fnn m lnfV....
yet tho cloth and tho tailoring would be
uxucuy ino same as l now ubo In my
$25 to $40 suits. I tailor a thousand
suits to tho small tailor's ten.
Of course tho best tailoring in tho
world is UBoleafl if it in
adulterated with cotton. That's why I
test with chemicals, every pieco of cloth
I USO and wllV I Clin miarantnn nil nfimr
COO Bprlng and summer patterns to bo
1.1 1 tit ' -m m
viTury inruau pure wool. xos, my
tailoring is guaranteed not to Bhrink,
but to hold its good "cut" and style un
til worn out.
Now hore's my proposition. I will
agree to make and ship within six full
working days tho swollest suit of clothes
any customor of yours ever wore.
Attached to thia suit will be a Guarantee
Card which says, "This suit is guaran
teed to fit you porfectiy; if you are not
pleased in overy respect, I ask you not
to accept it, not to pay ono cent."
1 1 .
That is tho President's proposition
to you and we stand back of it. Como
in and let us show you tho 600 All Pure
Wool Royal Spring Patterns. We stand
ready with tapo lino and willingness to
show you.
Department Store.