" I I I I I 1 , I I I : ' I A Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION ItATKM: One- Year, cuh to advaico MJa Months, cash In advance (acta Entered at North l'latto, Nebraska. PostofTlce as second class matter. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20. 1909. The credit of countries certainly (lif er. Russia's now bonds drawing 4J per cent intorost arc selliug nt eighty-nine cents, whllo tho two pur cent bonds of tho United States aro soiling above par. This showing ought to bo pleas ing to every resident of this country. Railroad Magnate Hill, in gpenking of business conditions, recently said: "There is no menace in sight, and best of all there is plenty of money in the country. Thero is some increnso in cer tain lines of business, and I look for a healthv revival in all lineB in the spring." That the svmnothv of the people of tho United States goes forth to tho un fortunate of other countries, even though tho assisted pcoplo may not be popular, is shown by the fact that up to Saturday tho Red Cross Socioty had re ceived donations of nourly ono million dollars for tho relief of the earthquoke sufferers in Italy. Tho question raised by Mr. Bolton as to the need of a petition preparatory to tho voting of school bonds, lias been Investigated by Messrs. Boeler and Hnllican. of tho school board, and it is found that such petition is unnecessary Formerly such petition was demanded, but an amendment was made to tliut statute Tiiosk exports, to which tho matter was referred, have decided that benzoate of soda, UBcd as a food preservative, Is not injurious to health. A wel known food concern that has been paying $10,000 per Ibruo for advertise ments in loading periodicals exploiting tho claim thnt benzoate of soda is in jurious, will now feel that their money was not well expended. A dill now ponding in congress pro vides calling into service 250 retired army oinccrs. This, It is cluimcd, In necessary because thoru aro G12 vacan cIcb in tho sorvioo list of officers. Tho bill moots tho hearty approval of many of tho retired officers, who do not' en loy tho monotony of inactivo lifo. Rut why not moro rapidly ndvanco tho off! cers now in service? Tub bill giving to women tho right of suffrage at municipal elections shoul become a law. In fact, women should have tho right to voto at nil elections Hero In North Platto wo hnvo women who havo thousands of dollars invested In property In their own name, and they uro denied tho right of suffrage whl men who do not havo thirty ccntd worth of property enjoy tho right of suffrage It is a square deal for tho women? An Atmospheric Delusion Skep- It is stated that tho people of Ne braska own four thousand automobiles, and it might bo added that one-half of them nro the property of farmers, Not long ago thoro waro soma "doings" down at tho llttlo town of Cozad, and sixty automobiles were lined up on tho streets, nearly all of which wore owned by tho farmors of tho country contig uous to tho town. Tho furmors'of Ne braska havo so much money that they do not hoBitnto to put from SI, GOO to $2,000 in these rapid running machines . i . i Laiiue county, Kentucky, in which Abraham Lnlcolu was born nearly one hundred years ago, wont "dry" Satur day by a voto of four to ono. In speak ing of tho election tho press dispatches say: Church bolls were rung at inter vals during tho day, children marchod with banners and braBS bands furniHhcd music. Prayer meetings wore also hold and the women Borvcd cnlTco at tho voting places. Suroly tho wavo of prohibition is-swooping onward, and tho people who aro behind thu, movb ment are terribly in earnest. Cattlemen Alarmed. Alarmed over tho rapid Increoso of tuberculosis among cuttle and hogB in tho Btnte, tho Nebraska Improved Llvo Stock Breeders' association this morn ing appointed u committee of three, consisting of Messrs, Wilson, Ilender- shot, and McLeod, to investigate condi tions and mulcQ a report. This action wib participated after Dr. Paul Juckiless, of South Omaha, recent ly named by Governor Shallenborger ua Btoto veterinarian, had told of his ox perienco as a government inspector at tho big packing houses. Ho declared that ns high as CO por cent of nemo of tho shipments of cattle hand ops wero directed with tuberculo sis, unu In many shipments from 4 to 5 por cent, and tho inspectors roject tho diseased stock. A resolution wub passed usking tlto legislature to pus u bill demanding a clean bill of health on stock shipped Into Nebraska from othor states. Dr. A. T. Peters said that thirteen head of cattlt atjthtj Btato farm had to bo 'con demned during tho year on tuberculosis. Bee. Copyright, 1003, by American Pra Asso ciation. Wlion Ned Pike, cowboy, rode up to the ranch of Franklin Dolbcxiro on the ovoning of the 10th of October, 1889, ho found trouljlo In tho household. Dol bcaro waa a consumptive who had gono from tho cast with his wlfo nnd two llttlo chlldron to live In Colorado In tho bono of regaining his health. Tho causo of tho troublo wns Jhn'Ncw- oil. mat b uu any ono ever kuuw uuum It. Why Newell was bent on killing Dolbcnro was a secret that neither gnvo out. Anyway ovory ono Hympn- thbied with Dolbcarc, first, because ho was a pleasant, mild mnnncred man; BCcond, because ho was sick, and, third, bocauso ho had tho lovellost wife In tho world nnd two of tho prettiest chil dren. Pike, who had been sent for by Mrs. Dolbonrc, found that lady waiting for Mm In tho living room. Ned," sho said. "Nowell lms written Frank a letter wiying that ho will Bhoot him on sight unlcsH he conscnta to n moro tegular wny of meeting. I got tho letter, opened It nnd haven't Hold nnvthfng to Frank about it. For hcav- on's nako try and get rid of Newell without- lotting Frank know. In his condition ho Isn't nblc to thITik about It, much less stand up nnd fight." "It wouldn't bo fight. It would bo murder," said Pike. "Can't you do something?" Pike took Homo tobacco from his pocket, rolled a cigarette, lighted It, gavo n few thoughtful puffs and snld: "How long Imn Newell been up hero?" "Ho came yesterday." "Ever been In these parts beforo?" "NoUhat I know f." A few1 moro dcltbcrnto puffs. ".TuBt you don't worry, Mrs. Dol bear a, and don't say anything to any fwdy. I'll bco what can bo done." With that ho went out, mounted hla horse and rodo away. Later, after making lmiulrleSvts to where Nowell might be found, ho rodo up to an adobe houso Where ho saw hlH man Hitting on tho porch. "air. Nowell?" ho naked. "Ych?" said tho nthor, with a Blight start nnd placing his hand w'tpro ho could moroe'nslly grasp bin revolver, '"Pvo trot a message for you 'from Franklin Dolbcarc. IIo'll moot you to morrow morning Just beforo sunup." "All right. When? Whcro?" Tou utayln' hero 7" Tea." 1W11, you start from hero with one six Dhootor nt o o clock cxnctiy nnu walk up tho road. On tho way you'll meet your man with another bIx nboot cr. You enn crock away as booh oh you ulco. He'll do tno samo. ib tuat uatjgfactory?" T03: that troltn mo ns well an any way." .tftto fhat ntglrt Plko rodo np to tiro ranch 'and asked Mrs. Dolbcaro for n suit of hor husband'a clothes. Sho gavo him what ho wanted with anxious Inquiry In hor fnco, but asked no quontlons. Plko gavo hor no In formation. Beforo dnyllght tho next morning be had shaved off hts beard and nut on Dolbearo's BUlt. Thon ho drew his Bombrcro over his eyes, look od at tho clock, oxnmlned his revolver and started at n slow paco down tho road. It was n cloudless, crisp autumn morning. Tho nltltudo was 7,000 feet abovo boh level, hnd tho neighboring pcnkB Btood out clear cut against tho slowly lighting sky. Presently the cowboy Hquattcd behind n bush at tho Bldo of the road, waited and watched. Ton minutes later Nowell turned n bond and appeared plainly In olght. riko wnltcd. Nowoll caino on. Bud donly Plko loft tho bush nnd appeared In tho road. Tho moment Nowell saw him he ralBcd bin revolver and tired, but without effect. Then ho fired two moro shots, nnd ns ho saw hla enemy BtlH ndvanco unharmed ho appeared to bo astonished. But at that moment Plko fired n shot. This drow nnothcr from NowelI,maktug four. Pike "fired two Bhola In succession nnd Nowoll fired one. Plko no- had threo shots In his re volvor to . owell'B one. Plko stopped and appeared to bo tnklug a deliberate aim. Ilia enemy, fearing he would this tlmo Buroly bo hit, fired his last allot. Then Plko, who hud been walking slowly. Increased his pace. Newell, throwing nwny his empty revolver, put his hand to hla hip, drow nnothcr and began a rapid fusillade "Tho hound!" muttered Pike be tween hla teeth. It was evident that Nowell had lost his head. It was not surprising that he should. He had fired nearly n dozen shots, any one of which he felt nure when ho fired It would brlug down his man. Yet that man kept advancing, npparontly getting no nearer. But pres ently tho shots began to whistle about Pike's head, though so great wub his onemy'ii ngltntlon that none of them told. Suddenly Plko Htood fit 111, took deliberate aim and iihnt hla man through tho forehead. Whllo Mrs. Dolbcaro was dressing for breakfast sho wns-told that Pike wished to koo her. Throwing on a wrapper, who went to meet him with n pale faeo nnd Inquiring eyes, "It's nil right, MrH, Dolbcaro," ho said. "How? What la It?" "Oh. It wna cany enough. When theso chaps come up hero they don't know anything about our dlstnncen. Thoy don't cnlculato on the thinness of. the atmosphere, When thoy hoc n barn a mile off they think they're go Ing to walk right In at tho door," "But Newell? What or him?" "Oh, ho'n dead! I shot him this Wbrnlng tiotofytpripn'' NtimtAK 1 WniTB. FACT PROVEN, Jtionld ConTlnrc Even tli Moat Ural of I(ri Truth. If thern Is tho sllKhtcst doubt In the minds of any that Dandruff germs do not exist, their belief Is compelled by tho fact that a rnonit innocuiatca wun mo cerms becamo bald In six weoks tlmo. T must ha nnntircnt to any person therefore that tho only prevention or baldness Is tho destruction of tho germ which net Is sucecrsftilly accomplished In ono hundred per cent, or cases uy the application of Newbro'n Horplcldo. Dandruff Is caused uy tno samo germ which causes baldness and can bo pre vented with tho samo remedy Ncwbro s Hcrplcldo. Accept no substitute. "Destroy tno causo you remove tno onoct. Hntil hv lenillnir nrugllstB. Send 10c. In itamps for snmplo to Tho Hcrplcldo Co. Oetrolt, Mich. Tito hIo B0 cents and 11.00. McDonolI & Graves, Special Agents. LADIES! LOOK HERE! We have a nice line of ScrulxBrushos in different styles and sizes from 5c up. Wc also havo a nice line of Galvanized tubs from 70c up. Lamp Chimneys Cc up. We don't talk much about bargains, but wo havo somo nnd when tho Indies I find it out thoy won't last long. Oh yes, wo handlo some Dry Goods, Hnrdwaro, Stationery, Tinware and Notions. The Bee Hivfe Store, G07 Dewey Street. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. TWINEM, Homcopnthic Physician nnd surgeon. Officci McDonald Bank Building. Phono 183. A. J. Ames, St. D. Mario Ames. .1. D DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians' and Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physician nnd Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. I Office 130 Phonea Residence 115 Notice to Dog Owners. All does not tagged or not in com pany with their owner, found on tho strcots, will uo kiiicu. SYL FRIEND, Marshal. The C. F. ladings Co. Rock Springs Lump and Nut Maitland Lump and Nut Hanna Lump and Nut Colorado Lump and Nut Pennsylvania Hard Coal (in Stove and Nut Size) Din s1r ft lit vi rt 1 that you got here. Then you'll get W nnrrv rh. Inrrrncr neenrr- hero lust what you want and need in ment of high grade coal in the ParnC88 10 maK0 you nnKiu.. 1) R. L. C. DROST. ' Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 and 8, McDonald State Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attorneys-at-Law. Office over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 rp C. PATTERSON, JL. Attorney-nt-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. T. F. WATTS, AUCTIONEER. My services are worth all they cost. If you go to a cheap man you wn probably fail to self or be compelled to sell at a sacrifice. The only rea son any auctioneer is cheap is be cause his services aro not worth much. For terms and dates write or wire at my expense. Phono b5U4 Serial No. 0755. w' notice lor jruimtBHU"' Department of tho Intorior, Notlco Is hereby r!vcn that Krsnk : rowers. of North I'latte. Nebraska, wao. on AUKus. i2th, 1W3. mauo nomcsicau i im for cast half southwest imi i l Hpotinn n. Township 11. north.. Haneo 80 west Sixth Principal Meridian, lias tncu notlco of intention to "' " '7 C , in tim Inna HcKlstor and Ho Ncb., on tho 23rd Look Out! and seo that you havo a good, safe and handsome sot of harness nt nil times. You don't need to look far just put our nnmo and stroot number in your address book nnd then seo W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Caskets, Robes, otc. Colls answered promptly- Day Phono 120, Night Phono 482. city. 1 ry us with order. your next Call Phone y. We have it. The C. F. Iddings Co. A. F. FINK. One Hundrcdl Dollars Reward. The above reward will bo paid for tho arrest and conviction of tho nartv or parties who have been brenking into tho school nouses in District ino. b anu destroying property. W. H. SlMANTS, Louis Macey, LOIIEN PUItDY, School Board. DEAL -ESTATE TUP. STP.NS OF THE TIMES nro many, but ours is tho ono that at tracts attontlon. THIS REAL ESTATK Ul iiJU predicts that "the signs of tho timos forecast ,,, "MONEY IN HEAL USTAi w fnr thnsn who invest now. Our prop- ortios, city or country, provo it. Havo you monoy to invost? Put it in real estate, uo you want w this office you can find a quicK nuyer. Consult ua on all real estate deals. Buchanan & Patterson. SOMETHING CHOICE for tho connoisseur in fine tobacco. rolled into n woll-mado cigar. Ib ono of our Forrest Kincr that vou can buv for . rrtt ' , T .t V t nvo cents, xnoy aro tno mosc ucncioua and satisfactory smoke thutyoucan buy for double tno price anywhere, try 6no. It will be a treat. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. YOU OUGHT TO KNOW tho excellence of tho meals that are cooked at Armstrong's if you hnven't already regaled yourself with some of tno delicious dishes tnac aro scrveu hero. If you havon'tpartakon of them, thero Ib a treat awaiting you that you will want to repeat oiten. a meal nt Armstrong s is an oxpertenco that will make you cry liko Oliver Twist for moro. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, Mrs. Jennio Armstrong, Prop. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. t)lr.IUn. wild tuk VUI lu thm lft(0c'. English, Gorman, SpanUh, Portuguesa nd Frinoh. No, FOn Wo 1, FfiTrri, ConROstlom, Inflammatloni 35 3, Worm., Worm I'orcr.or Worm I)leaM..'ja 3. Colic, Crjrlntf mid WaiotulnciJi of IufauU.SS 4. lllnrrlia,of Clill.lrvn ami AilulU ,.,'ja 5. Dvrnturv. HrlplUKS, Bllloiu Collo 2ft 9. Cousin. ColiU. JlronohltU .23 M. Toothache, t'areuclio, NouralRla 35 9. Ilcnd.cho. Blclf HcftilacHe, vertigo 3tJ 10. l)ypopiiln. luaiiCJllon, Weak Stomach 35 13. Croup, Hoarwi Cough, Laryngitis 33 14. Bait niicum, Eruptions, KrytlpelM 23 10, Itlitmmntliin, or IUieumatlo l'Rlm 'J 5 1, l'otur oiul Abuo. Malaria 23 17, rile.. Ullnil or lllccUluK, Eitornal. Internal. 23 Itt. Uphtlinlmln, WoaUor JnnamoJKje !JS 1!, Catarrh, Iufluonsa,CoUl In Head ,., 25 20. Whooiilng Couali,Saujodto Cough.. 'J 3 21. Alliuio,Opiir(vji(xl, DimcuU llrotUlng..,...'J5 17, UlJnoy DUrain, Oranl, Calculi ., .,;...25 sM. ft'crvoin Dolllltv. Vital Woakne 1.00 511. Soro Mouth, KovorBfiroiior Conker...,..,.. 25 Uilnnry Incontlitfiiti', Wcttlnffo.t.....a5 nt. bore Throat, ijuinny ami uipmnena ua !, t'lir.mlo Cone.ntlons, lleinlaclic ,...23 77. Ctlppc, llnyrcuracd Summer ColJs.... 25 , luitM. tllA.cnnt l11f.tH. ntfl thn Tut Jceu Sola by druciiUia, or pout ou icwlit o: price. jijOilioniJlWKKeanrwj. r .laoiro at t lit vii.l!iilvni ttiMltfrV MP.nifTMK CO..Viril I ..lVhi f'il. Notice for Bids- To nil whom It may concern: Bids will bo received by tho county clerk of Lincoln County. Nebraska, for tho grading of 60,000 cubic ynrds of earth roads, more or less, worK to no done with olevntor grndeh For nnu liner d rtono mllo or loss. Bidder to donosit a certilled check of $500.00 with his bid, that ho will enter in to contract if awarded tho contract. Printed blanks furnished by the county clerk. Bida will bo received by the county clerk until 12 m. Feb. 9, 190'J. Dated North P atto. Jan. 9. 1909. 112-4" F. It. Elliott, Co. Clerk. J. P. Kollv. llrst and real name un known, will taku notice, that on tho 21st day of December. 1908, P. H. Sullivan a justice of the penco in nnd for Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an order of altachment for tho sum of $!10.00 in an action pending bo fore him, wherein Ginn t& While a copartnership is- nlaintilf and J. P. Kelly, first nnd renl name unknown, is defendant; that tho property of tho defendant consist- incr of n brass horn made bv Cnrlin nnd Lennox, Indianapolis, Indinna, has been attached under said order. Said causo was continued to tho 17th day of Feb ruary. 19U9, at 1U o ciock a. in. GlNN & Whitk, Plaintiff's. IN THE niSTItlCT POITKT OK LINCOLN COUNTY NKIIUASKA. In tlui mattorof tho application of Kmmn l'ulvor. inianllan or tliu entntu or Lillian 11 Weylmrn. an Incompetent, for luavo to soil runl ostfttn. Outer to Khow cause why license should not Ihsuo toiiuarillan rorsaiuoi real estate. On roailtnir mill tlltnir tho putttlon. tlulv verllli'il.of Kiiunn I'ulver. nunnllan of the oNtatu of Lillian II. Wevburn. an Ineotn Detent, for license to soil tho following real estate to-wll! Northwest uuartor of section 21, Township 14. Hnnui' 10. for tho puriMo of tiaylnir certain debts of the said Lillian II. Veyliiirn, and the cost of her kupikih and niafntenance, and to Invest the remainder In Interest bearing securities, nnd It appearing from said petition tnat Kaiu real estate con sists of imt acres of land In Keith County, Ne braska, from which no income or revenuo has Im'oii derived for more than sovon years: It U thcrcforo ordered, that thenoxt of kin of said Incompetent and all persons Interested In snld estate appear IWoromoat chatnlxirs In the court house In the city of North I'latte, Lincoln. NeurahU a, on tno.utiiuuy or i'uu ruary, lOiiU at two o'clock In the afternoon, to show cause. It any thero be, why license should not bo granted to said Kmma I'ulver, Ktiardlan, to sell said real estate for tho pur ixvsos alxivu set forth. It Is further ordered that n ropy of this onlor shall bo published for three bitccesslvo weoks lu the North I'latte Somt-Weokly Tri bune, a newspaper circulating lu the said County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska and published at North l'latto In said county. Dated at chambers In said Lincoln county this lOtu duj-ot January. 1W0. 11 M.Qiiimes. tno District lourt oi Lincoln City Cleaning and Dye Works W. O. BRIDGES, Proprietor All cluBses of clennintr. dveincr and pressing. All cleaning dono by the 1 rench dry process. A specialty made of all classes of ladies' garments. Give mo a trial and I will guarantee satis faction. Goods cnilcd for and delivered. Works: Ottenstein buildtnir Sixth street opposite ttlKB' lodging house. Phono bJz. NOTICE. Notlco Is horobr irlvon that on tho llth dav of February. WW. a suoclnl election will bo held in tno school District, or tno city of North i'latte, in tno county or Lincoln, in tho Htato of Nobrar.ka. tho tiolllnir ulacoa to bo as follows: For that portion of said Dis trict north of tho track of tho Union raclllc Railroad Cmnnanv. at the IIoso House In the Third Wan! In tho City of North l'latto. Lin coln county. Nebraska; for that portion of saw District south or the tracK or tho union I'aclflc Kallroatl Company and west of Dewoy Ht. and I'libllc Hoad No. o, which Is a contin uation of Dewey Ht., at tho Hose House In tho Second ward of said City of North l'latto: and for that portion of said District south of the track of tho Union Pacific Itallroad Com pany nnd east of said Dowey St. and Public Koad No. t), tho same bom? a continuation of Dewoy m., at tho uoso House in tho First Ward In tho said City of North Platto. At which said election tho following nrono- sltton will bo submitted to tho voters of said School District: "Shall tho School District of tho City of North Platto, In tho County of Lincoln. In tho Statu of Nebraska. Issue Its nogotlablo bonds In tho sum of JIO.OOU.uo, in denominations of if 1.000 each, dated on tho 1st davof .luno. 190U bearlnc Interest at tho rato of four per cent per annum, payahio semi-annually, principal and Interest payablo at tho Fiscal Agency of tho State of Nebraska In tho City of New York, and navable as follows, to-wlt: In twenty yoars from the date thereof, but may lie paid at any tlmo after ton years from tho u ate thereof, nt tno option or tno lioaru or Educntlon or said fchooi District. "Said bonds to bo Issued for tho purposo of orectlnir and turnlshlmr ono eight-room school linlldlnir In tho Second Ward of tho City of North Platte, Nobraska, on Illock 1W In said wnru, anu erecttnir anu iurnisiiinc ono elcht-room school building In thoThlrd ward of the City of North Platto, Nobraska, on Illock vj in saui wnru. "And shall tho Hoard of Education of tho School District of tho City of North l'latto. In the County, m tno Htato or rvourasua, bo au thorized to causo to be lovled and collected n tax annually, In an amount sulllcleut to pay tho Interest and principal of said bonds, as tho samo mature. In addition to tho taxes now authorized to be levied by law, on allth nrotiertv within salu school District.' Tho ballots to lo used at said election shall hnvn nrlnted thereon: "For issuing 3IO.ttW.00 of tho bonds of tho School District of tho City of North Platte. In tho county or Lincoln, in the Htato or nc- iirnnf In istnhllsh claim described, beforo tho colvor at North l'latto, day ot February. ltJOU. . w ..,nwn U aimant names as wiwiess". " v: Ainr iiriiwn.u. M. Vanl'olt, Ed Wilson, all of North Platte. Nobraska. ,,, J1(J J. A,. r.ViVil. HV.inv" NOTIOR OF OUAKDlAN SALE. In tho district court of Lincoln County. No braska. ... ...... ,. In tho matter or tno application ui Hlom. guardian of Namlo Hangtson and .Tq- seph L. Hangtson, minors, for leave to sou real estate. . ... ... . I... --1 ...... .I.n, mtMllfltlt m nn orderof tho Honorable II. M. primes. Judgo of tho District Court of Lincoln County. No braska. mauo on tno an nay oi uuccmuvi, IVOK for sa e of real estato norotnaiier uun- crll)ed. there will be sold at public veniltio to tho highest blduor rorcasn at tno casj ir" door of tho court houso in tho. city of North Platte. In said county on tno mi; nay oi jbii- ..n lMKl n, tlin lintir nr flllll II '. IK K II. UI.. central time, tho following described roal cs- tato: lots 5. 7 and s anu tno cast nan oi uio southwest auartor(EH of SWM) of section 31, In township 13. north, range 28 west of tho sixth principal meridian. In Lincoln County. .Nebraska. Said salo will remain open one nour. Dated this 7th (lay or Decemoor. iwo. IlKNHV IlLOM. Guardian of tho estate ot Namlo llanetson and Joseph L. Hangtson, minors. OltDEH OF HEAltlNG ON PETITION FOB APPOINTMENT OFADMIN1STKA.TUK, State of Nebraska, county of Lincoln, ss. In tho County court ucccmuor win, iwa. In tho matter ot tho ostato of Thomas J. Ltndenmuth. deceased. rn reading and tiling tho petition or Haran Ltndenmuth. nravlng that tho administra tion of said estate may be granted to John U. Llnuenmuth, as administrator. . . Ordered. That January 27, iwv, at o'ciock a. tn., Is assigned for hearing said petition wnen an persons interested in saui manor may appear at a County Court to bo held in and for said Couuty, and show causo why tho prayer of petitioner should not bo granted. This notlco to bo published In tho North Platto Tribune, a legal newspaper published in said county for six successive publications prior to January i, iwv. w. u. r. LI) Ell. J5-8 County Judge. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nubraska, Lincoln County, s.s. in tno uounty court. In the matter of tho Estate of Fred Golso. deceased. To tho creditors, heirs. legatees and others Interested In tho cstatoof l'rcd Oolso. Take notice, that John Gelso has filed In tho county court a roport of his do ings as administrator ot said estate, and it Is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing tho 30th day of January A.I). lU09.befort.tho court tnoiiouror vo'uiocK a. m., at which tlmo any person interested may appear and oxcont to and contest tho Lame. And notlco of this proceeding Is ordered glvon In the North Platto Tribune, a soml-weokly nowspaper, for six tuccesslvo publications prior to January 30th. 1W9. Witness my hand and tho -seal of tho coun tv court at North Platte this Mh dav nf January, A. I). 1009. jya-a W. C. ELDER. County Judgo )lo semi-annually. ""u" iiAmoVtMdV Sct' F lw rabloat tho Fiscal section" townshln ono .raska. In tho City sixhVlncC 'mnl'hl in"0.'10.."0 from' tlm !nt0"l,,J V 1,a,ko. mutation proof .?;. nm ! to establish claim to thu and olxivo dcscrllwrl of at t Yi,T" ;nd Uecolvcr at North Platto. ,n nf M.V Nebraska, on tliti 4th day of March 1UW. ' J8'B ) IN THE DISTRICT COUHT. IN AND FOR THK COUIMTV OF LINCOLN, STATE OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of tho aimllrattnn nf Annn AUonbern, Guardian of tho estatoof Carl E. Allenbern. Benjamin E. Altenbern. Elslo L. Altenbern and David W. Altenbern, minors. uir iicuiisu lu sen real estate. uritor to show causo why said real ostato should not be sold. To Anna Altenbern. tinrsonnl pnnrrlinn mil noxtof kln.t0 8ald minors, and all Dersons interested in said est a to: It appearing to this court 1mm tlm itnin vorlllcd uotltion. on thn 20th div nf rim-nm. l)or, 1108, presonted and lllcd by Anna Alton hern, guardian of tho estates of Carl E. Al tenbern. Benjamin E. Altenbern, Elslo L. Al tonborn aud David W. Altenbern. minors, proying to soil tho following descrtbod roal estate, situate in Lincoln County, Nobraska, V W,V ."o'l'iosouinwesi uuartor of sec tion 31. in township 1.1, north ot range. 33. west of tho Oth P. M. for tho purposo of tho education and maintenance of said minors. mat it is to tno best interests of said minora and necessary that said roal cstatobo sold. It Is herobvlordernd thnt. tlm imv, ni i,i., i said wards and all persons Interested in said ostato. appear before this court on Saturday, A. M. at tho court houso In thn cltr nf Nnrth PlattO. Lincoln CoUntV. NnbrilKlrn thoro to show causo. If anv th urn n urliw II. censo should not bo granted said Anna Al- toiioorn. guaraian to sou said described real estate, for tho purposes abovo sot forth. Ana it is runner ordered that a copy of tills order bo served nnrannnliv n.n Anna Altonbom, Dorsonal guardian and noxt bf kin to said minors at least 11 days prior to said date sot for hearing, and that mmr hereof bo published at least once a week, for threo successive weeks, in the North Plattn bemMYeekly Trlbuno. a newspaper printed and published in said Llneoln County. H. M.GRMES. District Judt braska. for the imrnoso of erecting and furn ishing one eight-room school building on lllo.-lt imi in thn second ward or no Ulty or North Platte. Nebraska, In said District, and erecting and furnishing ono eight-room school building on Block 52. In tho Third Ward, in the imy or north l'latto. within snld District. Said bonds to bo negotiable In form and to liear interest at tno rato or rour per cent per annum, payablo semi-annually. principal and intorest payanio : A erne v of tho Stato of Nebraska of New York, aud which said bonds shall bo due as follows; In twouty years from the (Into thereof, but mnv be paid at aftur ten years from tho datu thereof option or t no iioarii or r.uucaiion or san claimant names as wlinnkioiV V, Til HChool District. Aim lor levying, m i j0in , itoi.mi. ,,riwr " ' ' ' lount sur- wii v..i ;;i; ,ri.r: '"'." u' i"ax- Judgo. Serial No. 01118. n r "35"7 NOTICE FOR PIIBLIOATIONr Department of tho Intorior. U. S. Land Olllce at North Platto. Nob m . .t , . January 1. 1SW9. Notlco Is horobv i?lvnn tl,i r .1 Heist of Maxwell, Neb., who on 6e "S mn' v?l N)r,ftsUa,' ftna Klmw Uaggott. of North J. E. Eva nb. Register. rnllectlng a tax annually. In an amour c lent to nay thu interest and iirincinai or said bonds, as tho same mature, tn addition to tho taxes now tuitnomou to no levied by law, nn all properly within thu said School 1 Hot net." Against issusiug mu.wo.du or tno nonits or tho School District of tho City of North Platte. In thu County or Lincoln, in tho State of Nebraska, for tho lnir nml furnishing ono eight build tig on liiot'K irn in tno M.roni warn of thn Cltv of North I'latte. Nebraska, lit said District: and erecting nnd furnishing one eight-room school building on Illock nz. in tho Third wn Platte. Nebraska iHiniis to uu Interest nt tho rate of four pi milium, navaliln si'inl-nnmiill r. principal tind Interest payable at tho Fiscal Agoncy of thuHtnio or iNoiirasita. 111 inouityor now York, and which sain doiiuh sunn txuiuo as follows! In twenty years from thu datu thereof hut muy bo paid at at any tlmo after ten years from the date tnereor. 01 tno option ot tho Board ot Education of said tCIKni District- Aim against loving ami coi- lfciinir a tax aununiiv tn an amount sur tlclcnt tn nay tho Interest and principal of said bonds, as they mature. In addition to tho taxes authorized to bo lovled by law, on alt property wit tun tnosaia fcuooi District. Those voting in ravor 01 saui proposition 111 .me matter 01 1110 estate of Snunn n shall mark their ballots with an "" after llarshllold. decoased. To thn rr,Mnn.J tho paragraph tieginnitig "rpr" issuing ncirs. legatees and others Interested In thn esiaioor tutsan u. llarshllold. fakp notice, that Uouard Laubner has nied in tho county court a report of hu doings as executnrnf cui.l ...- - "5 ,i".s. f..,V.T..; nrrii.n.,1 H..I ll u. u.n.A u.-i.i ' I 1S tailw 6th day of February, A. 1", !? DUirlPt court at tlm hour nf ,'.,i..i. . 1. 'Or0 1110 ;r. -. - " at wnicii NOTICE OF SET'n.KMPW-n The Stato of Nebraska, I " i.incoin uounty, In tho County Court. PuV S)so ofVVct- decoised"10 To?hol,credi.ao0 , I?llon, Sou,es' gl.t-r.om school Jffll iM?, J'tf'fS'"'. ..'.u'r?' 'atces SottlPS v"u .31KIU OI 4.11011 liTlotlC0' That Charles O, Soules has Hied In tho county court a report of his iin- d ward In tho City of North XnK," as ."".mlnlstrator of said ostato and Jt is rU5 wIt!!ln said District. Said ft 't&vT T V iZ "?In,r H' 1 negotlablo In form and to boar ? ,rt m thu Cuof ll oviiiv ,bo.f.oru. u? tlm ratn nf four nor cent nor K,,,r al lnu "our OI u O CIOCK a. m at which tno rate ot ioiir per ct.ni por tlmo any person Interested mnv n.,lu,. ...; except to aud contest tho samo. And notlco Zl l,!r I'roceeoitig s ordered glvon In tho North Platto Tribune for six Hiiccnsivn llHW 11 lo 1,10 day of Kubrua"y. Witness iny hand and tho seal of thn enuiitv Court at North Platte this 8th day of .Tnnnni-v A. I), 1WU. W. O. Emieh. Couuty .11111. J 12-3 nn G, NOl'ICJB OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nobraska, I. Lincoln County. hs in tno uounty uourt. 8IO.XK).ooofthol)onds of tho School District of tho city of N"rin l'latto. 111 tno county nf Lincoln. 111 tno btato or Monrasxii. Tho.su voting against saui proiKMition. snail mark their ballots with an A" at iwirnL'rnnli leglnnlng Against ilO.Oul.UO nf thn lmnds of tho School District of tho City of North Platto. in thu County of time any person Interested may iml, .! aim rnnt.w, h on... . T r 1 I.Mn I. .1... Ulaft.t nt S'nlii.aL.. ti 'Said election to open at olght o'clock a. in. and continuu open until tix o'cucn p. 111 central time, on sain uato. Dated this Dili day of January, 1000. Ill- imlorof thu llouril of Education rnARK R. Huunt), L'reldont. EnNtSt T. TftAUP. Sccrotary. except to and contest tho same . of th Is proceeding Is ordered glvon In 1 1.2 . North Platto Trlbuno for iff iurocwlvo nui T llcatlons prior to February 6th lit?) 0 ,,ub ' witness my hand and thosoal of tho en :?Tl'ltt" this lltl'd'ayo't W, O. Er.DEh, County Judco, court uar J is-: county Jan- 1