CAUGHT. rrllX FOK RHtlUlYlATISrrt Tho following Is a never falling rem edy for rheumatism, nnd If followed up It will effect a comploto euro of tho very worst cases: "Mix ono-half pint of good whlskoy with ono ounco of Torls Compound nnd add ono ounco Syrup Sarsapitrilln Compound. Tnko In tnblespoonful dosea boforo each meal and at bedtlmo." Tho Ingro- dlonts can bo procured at any drug storo and easily mixed at homo. 4 "I'll glvo you a penny It you can spoil fish." "Cod." "That ain't llsh." "What is It, then?" A New Omaha Author. Tho winter senson nlways produces an actlvo demand for llttlo story books whoso authors filmed to Inter est and Instruct tho children. Sovoral Nobraska writers have essayed tho task of producing such books and 'their efforts have mot with uncom mon success. Ono of these Is Mrs. -Anna Tnggnrt Clark of Omaha who has Just received from tho printer a charming llttlo story styled "Tho Leg acy of Llttlo Blessing." Without wasto of words and In good English, Mrs. Clark produced a chronlcfo of tho dally llfo of a family of children, re citing their JoyB and sorrows, their triumphs and vicissitudes portraying tho lordly traits of character of tho llttlo ones of tho family and especially of Llttlo Ulosslng. Dark clouds now and then put In an appearanco to lrlvo out tho domestic aunshlno only for a time, yet there Is a lingo of tragedy In the wandering away of Llt tlo Blessing, who mysteriously disap peared, every effort to find her prov ing abortive. Tho consequent gloom in tho household Is told effectively, giving evidenco of literary skill upon tho part of the author. Tho Irropa rablo loss of tho dear ono led ut length to a quest among charltablo In stitutions orphanages, for a bright llttlo girl whose presonco in tho house "hold might, perchance, enablo tho heartsick mother to bear up undor her wolght of woo. Obviously it was a jnost difficult self-Imposed taBk, and tho disconsolate father and mother (Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood) despnlred of find ing a child at all acceptable. Finally the matron of tho institute told them of a little girl In the invalid's room, and with some reluctance, tho visitors went up to see her. Only a glance re vealed tho Identity of Llttlo Blessing. Tho meeting Is most dramatically por trayed. As Is usual In children's story books, everything ended happily. Tho moral of Mrs. Clark's excellent llttlo story in tho invaluable work of rescu ing homeless children which has been carried on at tho Child Saving Insti tute (which, by the way, is barely men tioned); tho author has intlmato knowledge of tho grand work being done, since her husband, Dr. A. "W. Clark, has been superintendent of tho institute, for ninny years. But the ref erence to tho institute is only inciden tal. Tho book is a child's story, pos sessing tho charm of human interest, recited with unusual clearness nnd powor. Price, 2G cents a copy; 50 or more copies, 25 cents each. Folly. Him I don't see how you can bring yourself to kiss thnt dog. Her And I suppose the dog don't sco how I can bring myself to kiss you. We'ro a foolish sox. aron't wo? Omaha Directory bv mnll nt cut prices. Send for freo cntnlosruo. Myers-dillon oruq oo., omaha. mebr. TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas SI., OMAHA, NEB. Reliable Dentistry at Moderate Price. M. Spiesberger & Son Co. The Best In the West OMAHA, NEB. BBLLBARO TABLES POOL TABLES LOWEST PRICES. EASY PAYMENT8. You cannot afford to experiment with untried goods sold by commission agents. Catalogues free. Tho Brunswick -Bnlko-Collondor Company 407-9 So. 10th St.. Dipt. 2. OMAHA. NEB. I POSITIVELY CURE W ,x-t ri I RUPTURE Ibaveatrsatunntforino cureot Ilupturo watch li safe acd li convenient to take, as no time l lost, J am lb inventor of tbl system and tho only phyilolan who boldt United States latent trade-mark for Rupture cure which bee retored thousands to health In tbe put to Tear, all other are ImlteUon. jbaT nothing for ale, a my specialty ta the Cu rl 08 of Ruriture. and If a person b doubU. Just put the raonerina bank and pay when eatl.fled. Ho other . doctor til do tola. When Ukln my treatment pet. lents must come to my office. Ueferenceei V. S. HeVI Bank, Omaha. Write ortall, FRANTZ H. WRAY, M. D, COO Deo BUlldlns, OMAHA "Vanlslilnft Fleets," a story of "what might have happened," opens tn "Wash ington with tho United States and Japan on the verse of war. Ouy Illlller, sec rotary of the Ilrltlsli embassy, and Miss Norma Roberts, chief ulda of Invontor Roberts, are Introduced as lovers. Tho government Is much criticised because of Its Inclc of preparation for strife. At tho most Inopportune moment Japan declares war. Japan takes tho Philip pines without loss of a man. The en tire country Is In a stato of turmoil be cause of tho government's Indifference: Quy Illlller sturts for England with secret message and Is compelled to leave Norma Roberts, who with military otneers also leaves Washington on mys terious expedition for an Isolated point on tho Florida coast. Hawaii Is captured by the -Japs. Country, In turmoil, demands ttxnlanatlon of policy from government. All ports arc closed, Illlller going to Eng land on last boat. England learns that lap fleet Is fast npproachlng western ?oast of America. Illlller decides to ro lurn to America by any means. Slego, Japanese spy, discovers oecrot prepara tions for war. He follows auto carrying presidential cabinet. Ho unearths source of great mystery nnd flees, murmuring: "tho gods savo Nippon." CHAPTER VI. Continued. In constant terror until his nerves beenmo shreds to torment him, alert by night nnd day, ho traversed tho continent, and at last entered the patoway of tho northwest, whoro so many of his countrymen had resided prior to tho outbreak of hostilities, but whoro now ho might claim nclthor friends nor sympathizers. Hero indeed was a No Man's Land whero nono ex tended a welcome. From then on ho must depend entirely on his own re sources, and ho understood perfectly woll that ho was ncarlng a hard finish of a long race. He lost no timo In making a start. Under the pretext of going to a camp whero no was to cook no in duced a launch that was starting out toward the mouth of Pugct sound to tako him aboard as a passenger and land him at its journey's end a short distance from Port Townsend. Ho was dropped off late In tho evening at a tiny landing, and later saw tho lit tlo boat speed back toward Seattle. Ho was without food savo such as had been given him, and tightened tho bolt beneath his Chinese garb in an tlclimtlon of a hard trip. Unused to tho roughor life, ho mado painful progress, and nothing savo his des peration enabled him to traverse tho primitive- strip between him and tho city. Footsore and dependent, ho forged doggedly ahoad, until at last by sheer will power alono ho galnod the outskirts of tho port. Its woodon wharf was deserted, and ninny of tho houses wore closed and vacant, tho fear of Japaneso sholls and govern mont weakness having driven tho moro prosperous inhabitants away. Thoroughly worn out, ho waited un til night fell, then crawled Into a coal shed and Blept as only the worn and weary can sleep. Ho rose refreshed and jubilant because ho had gained thus far without accident, hunger bo lng his only Immediate discomfort. From his depleted storo cloth ho ex tracted tho smallest coin, bont on seeking food boforo tho city was awake. Ho mado his way down tho hillsido to tho business section with out attracting attention, and entered tho doorway of a grocery storo, whoro a sleopy-looklng youth was sweeping away tho previous day's wasto. In broken English ho mado known his wants, nnd then, finding tho salesman apparently frlondly and stupid, lost some of his native caution nnd began to ask questions regarding tho watch kept along tho frontier. At his first query tho boy looked at him slyly; but after a moment's hesitation fell In nnd nnswored everything readily, as surlng him, however, that it would bo difficult for any living thing to got past tho Boldiors who kept watch and ward over tho boundary lino. Elated by tho apparent ease with which ho had secured provisions, ho again retreated toward tho edge of the city, mentally formulating plans for stealing a boat when night camo, and by this means to make his way to Vnn couvor, whero ho would bo on British soil. Had ho looked back ho would havo seen that tho boy, broom In hand, watched him with an assump tion of moro Idle Interest for a mo mentonly, then hurriedly throw off his apron, banged the door Bhut and ran as fast as his legs would carry him to a big building farther down tho street. It was whero tho officials of tho port hold forth. The alarm had been given! Selgo rested in a thlckot at thp edgo of a forest and partook of leisurely brcaicrast, iaugtnng moan while at tho dullness of tho Amcri enns and tho boy In particular. Ho regretted tho loss of his handkorchiof, which ho feared must havo been dropped in tho grocery storo, but smiled at tho thought of being within so fow miles of a rofugo where othors might bo bought and whoro ho could find eaBO and comfort. From back of him a deep hollowing Two of the Men on the Beach Knelt Down and Aimed Their Rifles. sound camo faintly through tho trees, I and ho wondered what tho unusual nolso could bo. Ho roso to his foot, still holding n remnant of food in Ills hand, and waited for a repetition of tho noise, which, homo on tho breeze, was heard moro Bharply. Only once before had ho over known that same sullen bay, and thon It wbb when as a visitor in a southern village ho had seen a pack of hounds followed by oxcltcd men pass him in quest of a negro criminal, His memory harked back to that time, and his hair raised itself In terror. He throw nway his food and dn3hed madly into tho woods, seeking to oscapo that menacing un dertono wlilch his consciousness told him could havo but ono quarry. Ho know In an InBtant that tho boy had betrayed him, and that ho, Count Selgo, a nobleman of Japan and de scendant of tho Samurai, was being hunted by dogs llko n wild beast of tho woods. For a few minutes ho ran In a panic, taking no heed of direction, and bent only on gaining Unto to think, and put ting spaco ootween mm unu ihb pur suers. A tanglo of undergrowth com pelled him to stop and seek for ave nues through the wilderness. Ho ran down what seemed nn old deserted road; but on neither side could ho And a placo favoring a change of course. Ho was doubling back along tho side of a trlangl6, nnd was so cloao at ono timo to tho hounds that ho momen tarily expected them to break cover, drop the scent afforded by tho hand kerchief and cut across to whoro ho was. Ho could oven distinguish tho shoutB of tho men behind, continually encouraging tho auimals in the chaso, and heard ono exclaim: "It's tho Jap, all right, or ho wouldn't havo lit out so quick!" His teeth camo together with a click at this confirmation of his suspicions, and now ho realized that whorovor an officer of tho law was posted warning had boon given of his coming. Ho sworo that ho would yet oscapo, and urged himself in tho name of his country to rush ahoad; and thus for many minutes tho fate of Japan rested on a raco between bloodhounds and n fugitive who toro headlong through tho undorgrowth, cnroless of thorns which reached out and scarred his faco, ripped tho falso quouo from his short cropped bristling hair and rent his clolhlng. Onco, blinded with perspiration, ho plunged Into what appeared to bo a pathway; but foil through a tanglo at tho end, to find himself boBldo a way side spring. Ho gulpod thrco or four swallowB of water and rotraced his stops, cursing fata for tho loss of time, nnd ran with renewed onorgy down tho roadway. A Hash of re flected light smote him In tho oyes, and ho saw that ho had reached the water's edge. At his feet stretched only tossing waves, and llko a Btug-'at bay ho was drlvon to the open. Tho end seemed vory near now; for back of him tho harsh clamorlngs broko out Into n triumphal walling noto telling thoso behind that tho quar ry had been sighted. Tho hounds woro coming on tho run, and round tho bond of tho road emerged an excited but grimly determined lot of men of that stamp which makes n frontier, sot jawed, lean visaged, and running with tho long, loping stride of thoso accustomed to sustained violent ex ertlon. Scigo, distracted and desperate, took a few steps In either direction, uncertain which way to turn, and then dlscovorcd but a short dtstnnco below a boat In which lay a pair of oars. It was the only way to gain moment's respite from thoso groat brutes which, with bolllos low to tho ground, with lolling Jaws and flaming eyes, whoso red ho could discern, woro closing in on him. Ho mado throo or four frantic leaps and throw himself into tho craft, shoving it oft almost as tho anlmuls woro upon him, and then with maniacal onorgy throw tho oars Into tho locks and bent him solf doublo pulling against them. Even thou at tho last ho experienced ono brief moment of exultation ns ho heard tho swish of parted waters against tho bow and Bnw tho spaco widening between him and tho beach on which Btood his hauled pursuors Ho saw tho men halt on tho Bhtnglo and heard them shouting .to him; but ncvor ceased pulling, hoping nnd half bolloving that ho could put himself beyond range. It was Selgo ngainst them all now, and ho bogun to glow with triumph, not knowing tho char actor of thoso men of tho west who still gavo him a chanco for his llfo Drunk with excitement, ho shouted back a taunt In Ills own tongue. Two of tho mon on tho bouch knolt down and aimed their riilcs calmly and steadily at that moving target which was drawing away. Thoy woro as cool as they would havo been If covering a grazing deer in tho hills Tho rising buii mado of tho Japaneso a fair mark, lighting up oven at that dl8tanco his unoorlng faco. Tlioro woro two quick puffs of smoko, which roso simultaneously into tho air and floated nway In llttlo wisps, two short sharp reports, and Soigo sprang to his feet, dropped his hold on tho oars, and clutched his breast In agony, whirled round In his wildly bobbing craft, and thon slowly pitched forward and ovor Into tho wators of tho sound, his days of effort terminated in defeat and his mission at an end. CHAPTER VII. The Mloalnn Fleet. Japan, grown nrrogant through easy success and conlldent of tho suprom acy of hor navy, cast asldo tho cloak of Bocrecy and boldy announced her Intention to attack tho seaport cities of tho western coast of Amorlca. No word had como from Selgo to bid her pause. Tho most formidable armnda that over sailed tho seas, attondod by lighters that woro to provldo coal, and accompanied by transports convoying an army of mon, Btonmcd away to tho land of oasy conquest. In tho hope of striking terror Into tho hearts of thoso thoy would Bubduo, tho Japaneso an nounced tholr purposo, and gavo a Bomowhnt exaggerated account of tho forces bolng Bent. Tho newspapers of tho world teemed with stories of tho sailing of this monster Hoot, told how all Japan had shouted "Danzall" dcscrlbod tho (tower gnrlnndcd maids who sang gay songs, nnd pictured tho romnrknblo modesty and vnlor of tho admirals In commnnd. In soma quarters of tho gloho groat sympathy was expressed for tho United Stntes, which apparently had no chnnce whatever In such an un equal contest, nnd was foredoomed to cnlnmlty and dissolution. Tho wlso- nores of European powers roso as a unit nnd told how for moro than CO vnnra If linil lmnn rnnnntmllv unllltcd I out thut tho ovor-soa colossus was facing destruction through neglect ot her navy. Monarchical adherents saw deopor into mo causo or n nation s obliteration, assorting that tho proof had again boon given to tho world that a republican form of govornmcnt was ono which, by Its vory lack of cohoslon and unwloldlncss, could not exist. ' Other advanced thlnkors, who looked far into, tho future, began a dis cussion us to tho final outcome, what partition would bd mado of tho con- quored torritory, and whether Japan would hold It as a colony for hor own surplus population under a regulation colonial subornation. English wrltors oxnrcssod irravo doubts as to Jaimn'a nlillHv in nnniliiff pnlnnlnti finronqnfill. ly, and woro rather of tho opinion that ,...i.i . nnf tho country should bo given to Great Britain, whoso romarkablo buccoss In India and olsowhoro had mado hor tho fountalnhcnd In this branch of gov ernment. Now mnpB of tho world woro published In tho moat progressive periodicals, and souvenir buttons woro sold In tho streets of Tokyo depicting a vory valiant llttlo Jnpanoso soldier Kicuing uncio anm into uio sen unu manyensos or lomnio ins, bucii na m tnkliiL' nnsRcsslon of his lnnd. All tho (lnmmntion. ulceration, displacements. world bowed down to do honor to tho I'll 1 1 1 ItKiiifn m e-iii " n tut ntnnv agiirosslvo nowors roKietted that thoy icoling, indigestion, dizziness, and nor ag(,rosaivo powers rogicueu u at uioy VQm proatnftlon Jt C03ta t,ut a triflo mm not. uuuii mo 1 uuuiik iiuBBuuBiuu in inu minim ouuuo, which tuoir statesmen somotimos spoko of ns bolng a nlco llttlo country and capablo undor reasonablo rulo of becoming qulto a placo, Tho nntlon under discussion re mnlncd In tho, same astounding coudl tion of sllcnco nnd Inaction. At first it had seemed thnt a clash along tho Canadian border was inevitable. Tho massing of such grcut bodies of troops in such a position appeared almost a threut, and Great liritatn In tho llrst Instance began hurriedly concontrnt lni fnvnofi nr unlntn wlinrn thov would ho avallnblo In case of attack; but us uny uiiur tuiy imiiauu wuu no iur- ward movo nnd no action savo that of preventing tho passago of any person or the transmission of any communi cation alarm gavo way to howlldor- mont. Canadian secret service mon who succeeded in entering tho camps of tho soldlors soon roturnod to roport that apparently tho troops know no moro 01 1110 reason lor tueir ucing Bta- tlonod there than did tho world at largo. In tho mcantlmo thero gathered into the Bounds, buys and harbors of for olgn ports American vossols of war, which camo to anchor and remained. On board thoso ships woro tho most disconsolate body of ofllcers and men that woro ovor collected In hulls. Tho last orders any of them had received had boon mado so posltivo, so plain nnd unoqulvocul, that thoy had no chnlco otlior thnn to obey. Thoy had been commanded to gain theso neutral berths and under no circumstances to lcavo them. Thoy woro not ovon nor mlttcd to assumo tho Blato color Which botokenB war on tho waters, and ., . , , 1.11 1 . , therefore retained their dross of Im- mncuiato white. Thoy, too, seomoU under tho ban, and, llko war dogs In lensh, strained Impotcntly for action, Nor wns thoro an ofllcer in all thoso ldlo and scattered ships who did not wIbIi himself on tho wnvea of tho Pa cific, across which tho onomy'a iloot was now forging. Tho timo ndvancod until tho Jnpan oso warships woro duo to arrlvo at Honolulu, whoro thoy woro to roport, coal and propnro for tho final Btrugglo. Tho cablo between Hawaii and Japan, now In possosslon of tho mikado a operators, continued Its daily roporta of moBt favorablo woathor; but still no squadron hovo in night. (TO I1K CONTINUED.) Canadian Farmer a Hard Worker. Tho Cnnadlan fnrmor works from 12 to 10 hours por day in tho busy cca- sou, Vain Longings. First I3arn Stormer I say, friend Hamlot! Second Ditto Yes, friend Shylock. First I3nrn Stormer Wouldn't It bo great if wo could only cat all tuo roastB wo got? Importance of Knowing Positively. Kvcrv one should know noxitivclv what causes dandruff, gray, or falling hair so that you can remedy it. bend ten cents for famous book "Hair Science nnd Care" by Prof. Frederic Ooujon. Address Du Murier & Cie., 723 Lexington Ave, Now York. When a young mnn tolls a girl that ho'U lovo hor forovor and ovor no doubt ho boltovos ho la tolling the truth all tho time. MORE PINKBAM CURES Ijj.j a i j t i ig AUUCU tUUIC JL,Ksl UUC Q jjg atllOUS KemedV. L Camdon, N.J. 'ltiawlthplca3uro lndl,co' Othora to avail thomsolvoa o'f ..ll."" 'LUI thlHvnltmliln nintll. clno, LydlaE.Pinlc ham's Vogotablo Compound. I Buf fered from torrlblo lieadnchcrj, pain in my back nnd right Bido, was tired and norvous, nnd bo wcnklcould hardly Btnnd. Lydin E. Pinklmm's Vogota blo Compound ro- Btoreumo to health. nwl tiuwln tn. '.nil Itlrn o i nvxf ttftfcmt-i nnd it shall rtlwnvfl hnvo mv rtralso." Mrs. AV. P. Valkntine. 002 Lincoln Avcnuo. Camdon. K. J. GanllllOr. MO. " I WHS ft CTOat Sllf- fer from a fomalo dlBoaBO. Tbodoo- tor said I would hnvo to go to tho hospital for nn operation, but LydlnE. PJnkham's VoKOtablo Compound com pletely cured mo in threo months." MltB. a. A. WILLIAMS, 11. JJ. JSO. 14, Hot lit), uarumor mo. Becnuso your enso is a difficult ono, "Boto Kffer wiB lyI L Ua e. Plnkhnm'a Vcgotoblo Compound a trial. It Btiroly haa cured nuroiu tumors, irregularities, ponouio rains, bnekneno. that bcarinir-down to try it, and tho result ia worth mil- uona to many Buiioring women. SICK HEADACHE CARTEKS Positively cured by thoso Llttlo Pills. They nlso relieve Din troAnfrora Dytipcnaln, In digestion mill Too Hearty Kfitliifr. A perfect rem edy fur DltzlncHH, Nun Hen, DrowHlncRH, II nd Taste In tho Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, I'aln in tho PiTTLE IVER PILLS. Side, TOltriD UVKIt. Thoy rccrulato tho llowelu. Purely Vviretablu. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PltlCE, Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. 45 to 50 Bu. of Wheat Per Acre have btcn grown on (arm lands in WESTERN CANADA Much leu would be satisfactory. The gen eral average is above twenty builieli. "Allare loud In their prniiei of the great crope and that won derful count ry.M-ir- trMt from corresponJtncc NMIonal EJlloritl Association of August, iWJ. It ii now possible to secure a homestead o( 160 acres Iree and another IbUactes at 9i,W per acre. Hundreds have naid the cost of their farms (if Pu!:c '4na then hod a balance ol romSIU UU ao mm one, crop. wnc,ur,ey oats, flax all do well. Mixed (aiming is a great ,uccej, Bnd da; ; ,,, p0fltabe. Excel- eiU climate, snlendid schools ond churches, rail ways bring most every district within easy reach ol mailcet. Railway and land companies hovo lan1 "f Mlc ttl ,ow Pnce Btul on eaiV ,erm, Last Deit West" pamphlets and maps sent free. I'or these and Information ns to how to secure lowest rallwny rates, apply to Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada, or the authorised Canadian Govern ment Aijenti W. V. BENNETT, 801 New "York Lite Building-, Omaha. Nebraska. BILLIONS GRASS HUM Costs COs 00c ptr ocr tor seed. HH I hi n.t wnmlBrru I u raaa of the ccntu nr. Tlelitlnirlrom I ii to 10 toil of hay per acre anil Iota ut ltur lie. I Islitxi. ltlliiilrtrrowi,trrowM,iruws! Cutlttouajrl amuns weeKiiuoossror lue mower attain, aitji Noon, (irowaand ltourlihes everywhere, on every 1 Itanntn Amerluu Chvapaeillrti lusuriaotaetliel bottom lands ot Kfrypt. Ulir wxl ctttaloir tree or I end Oo tn stamps and receive wimple of thlsl wonilerrul Krass.alnoof Hpelts, Uio cereal wondVr.l Iliarioy ,USI,l lorerB, wrvp,evm.em, .auutwiwi I "if free. Oreondl40 and wevrltl add a eamplol carta seed uoreuy never soon ujr you ueiore. I ISALZEn SEED CO,, BoxYV. La Crosse. Wis. CARTERS WlTTtE PILLS. ill