DIXON, Jeweler and Optician. e SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of l'lrst National Hank Mrs. Ed Ileinzlo nnd children left Inst night for a visit in Denver. Her8hey Welch went to Omaha on business last night, after having spent the early part of tho week in Sidney. Remember Saturday is tho last day of tho sale nt Wilcox Department Store. Geo. Field, P. A. White and F. R. Ginn have been in Omaha for several days combining business with pleasure. J. B. Samuels, who formerly owned a ranch south of Sutherland, is in town today, having arrived from Iowa last evening. Chris Paulsen has returned to an Omaha hospital to receive treatment for tho trouble ho has been experienc ing on his neck. The ladies of tho Baptist church will hold nn exchange at Howo & Maloney's store tomorrow. Pies, cakes, bread, ate, will be on sale. Tho discount sale at Wilcox Depart ment store closes Saturday night. Pr. C. D. Stannard leaves Sunday for Casey, Iowa, where ho will open a dental office. Mrs. Stnnard will fol low as soon as the doctor gets located. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Stebbins Tuesday, Januaay 12th, at 3 o'clock. A fine program and interest ing time for those who will be there, has been prepared. Thos. E. Jeffors, Chas. Sandall and C. F. Temple will reprosont the North Platte fire department at tho state fire men's convention to bo hold at Norfolk January 10th, 20th and 21st. Miss Edith Patterson goes to Sidney Sunday where on Tuesday sho will be bridesmaid at tho wedding of a young lady who was a member of tho same "frat" at the state university. X i.i- DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Donlisl Office over tho McDonald State Bank. C. A. Howo left this morning for his homestead north of Oshkosh. Mrs. Henry Gilfoyl is visiting in Omaha, leaving for that city yesterday. For Rent Room in modern house. Inquire at 404 West Fourth street. t Miss Lydia Malmsten loft for Lex ington this morning after a two weeks visit with North Platto friends. Mrs. Emma Turjiio and two children, who had been visiting relutivcs in lown returned to Golden, Col., this morning. Commence tho Now Year right by insuring your property with Bratt & Goodman, the leading insurace agents. For Sale Magic Eye Glass Cleaner, by Mis Harriet Boyerlc, Dressmaking. Over McCabe's drug store. At tho mfifitini of fho TTninnnnnl guild yesterday afternoon Mrs. John uay was elected president. Mrs. Ira. h. Bare secretary and Mrs. W. J. Stuart directress of the work. Have you got your Dust Pan? See Birge. Tickets for tho fourth number of tho lecture course, The Elma B. Smith Co. are on sale this wek and may bo re served nt the box office of tho Theatre Monday morning, January 11th. There will be no preaching services at tho ProshvtcrJan nhnrph nnvr. Run- day. Sabbath school nnd Christian Endeavor as usual. Thero will be preaching however on the 17th, 21th, and 31st. Secretary. Tho Union Pacific has RPnfc n nnmW of civil engineers out into the extreme western part of this stnto and into Wvominc This ia nnntlipr "ntmi" indicating that tho Union Pacific will build tho North Platte-Medicino Bow cut-off this year. Saturdny is the last day.you can save 20 per cent on your purchase. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. In the county court this morning Tim RafTertv was nlaced under $200 bonds to keep tho peace, tho complainant being Clarence Crawley, The men had a dis pute over some corn, and Crawley says Raffcrty threatened him with both a knife nnd gun. Tho parties live in Medi cine precinct. Tho Coterio Club wns pleasantly en tertained Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Win. Steeall. In the card frames which constituted tho nmusement feature, the first prize was won by Mrs. Earl Davis and tho second by Mrs. Maggie Hull. Enjoyable refresh ments were served at the close. Ruth White in "Tho Burgomaster.' Don't Get A Divorce. A western j'udge granted a divorce on uccount of ill temper and bad breath. Dr. King's New Life Pills would have prevented it. They cure Constipation, causing bad breath and Liver Trouble tho ill-temper, dispel colds, banish headaches, conquer chills. 25c at Stone's drug store. Overburdened With Memory. "Your son tells mo that ho Is going to take lessons to cultivate his memory." "I hope not," answered Farmer Corn tossel. "Ho can remember overy fool tune that was ever whistled." Wash ington Star. Quite Light. Marlc-I think Chollio Is n delightful dancer. He's so light on his feet! Lil lian When you're better acquainted with Cliolllo you'll discover that he's light at both ends! Town and Country. An ncre In Middlesex Is worth a prin cipality in Utopia. Macaulay. FOOTWEAR FOR ROUGH WEATHER. Overshoes Rubbers Over Gaiters Leggings Men's High Cut Shoes Boys' High Cut Shoes Ladies' High CutS hoes Coupons for beautiful decorated plaques with each purchase. SMALL, The Big Shoe Man. 521 Dewey Street. F. L. Rork, who had been visiting his wlfo in Missouri sinco bourn Christmas, returned homo last night. Henry Wnltemath will fill his ico houses from the Frazicr lake. The work of harvesting tho crop began today. A Bpocial collection will be taken at St. Patrick's church tomorrow for the earthquake sufferers in Sicily nnd Cal abria. E. R. Goodman went to Oshkosh to day to adjust a fire loss which ono of Bratt & Goodman's companies had suf fered. It is announced from Cheycnno that the Union Pacific will again nut on its car of instruction for tho education of its employes in tho handling of nir brakes, in signals, nnd tho heating and lighting of coaches. It is expected that tho annual passes to tho Union Pacific employes will be issued next week. Tho older employes will receive transportation good over the entire system, others on tho Wy oming nnd Nebraska divisions, nnd still others on the division in which thoy.nro employed, tho transportation being based on tho length of tho ser vice. The State Journal enthusiastically re marks that "ono may now walk from Virginia to tho Mississippi river, taking a southwestern direction without touch ing an inch of territory where liquor may legally bo sold in saloons." The comment was inspired by tho fact that North Carolina, Alabama and Missis sippi have, since January 1st been added to tho states in which it is illegal to sell liquor in saloons. "Popularity'' is surely tho sign of "The Burgomaster". Never in the history of this comic opera success has it proved so popular as the present season. Manufacturers all over the country are recognizing the sterling worth of tho word "Burgomaster", and salted peanuts, cigar, whiskey, chocolates, bon bons, neckwear and shoes aro all named after "Tho Burgo master. " Manager Stamp has secured this musical irem for Thursday ovenintr of next week. At tho regular mectine of the Board of Education last Monday an invitation waa extended to Dr. Uuiirley to give nn address before the teachers of the citv on school sanitation. Dr. Quiglcy lias consented and tho date has been set for Tuesday, Jan. 12th, nt 5 p. m. All per sons interested in sanitation and hy giene nro welcome to nttend. special emphasis will be given to tho matter of cleaning buildings and apartments, nnd jnnitors and others having charge of this important work will bo interested and helped. At n joint session of the house and 3enato yesterday Ashton C. Shallen berger, democrat, was inaugurated governor of Nebraska. George L. Sheldon, rot'ring governor, in a mes sage reTiewed tho legislation of the last two years. The inaugural ball and J reception tooK place last evening. Governor Sheldon, in his mcssano. suc- gpsted a law for "sterilization of con firmed criminals and the criminlly in sane us a protection to society. Ho also suggested a rigid county'option law. On Wednesday of next week, Janu ary 13th, the' fourth "umber of the Lecture Cotirso will bo given in tho Keith opera house. This is tho Elmn B. Smith Co. of Chicago. Thero aro four people in tho company and they arc nil artists. Miss Smith herself is an impersonator; that is she is one of those ridiculous mimics which wo en joy hearing as long as they do not ! ! n 1 . . 1 i 1 1 mimic us. ane inmates cnuuren, mrus, animals, etc., in nnirresistablo manner. We cannot mnko it strong enough by using words but must ask you to como and hear hor. Tho tuberculosis exhibit nt the Ma sonic hall closed Wednesday evenintr. and Mr. Cosper will take the exhibit to Kansas uity today. Tho attendance throughout tho week wns not as largo as the subject and tho complete ness of the exhibit deserved, this to some extent being due to luck of 'in terest because of the infrequency of tuberculosis in our mist. Tuesday and Wednesday practically all tho pupils in tho high school building nbove tho fifth grade were present. Those of our citi zens who viewed the exhibit were much interested, nnd it is probable that as a result many will profit by what they learned. Week's Break Up a Cold Tablets. Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. Since the announcement that tho fa mous "Ronoy's Boys" are to give a concert in this' city on Janunry 19th, there ha b been unusual interest shown in tho personnel of tho lnds who hnvo astonished critical audiences in the largest cities with their artistic render ing of classical music. Tho boys seldom have more than a rudimentary know ledge of music when they aro placed under Mr. Honey's instruction. They aro chosen for their natural gifts of voice, car, temporament nnd sympath etic succcptibility to emotions inspired by tho words and music. Unremitting and exacting rehearsals do tho rest. They are taught to understand tho dra matic meaning of their songs, and gain ' . a. 1 1 ! 1 1 n .1 1 inieincni, conception 01 mem py ex planation and illustration. Tho boys appear here under tho auspices of tho sautes- uuuu. Arthur Hale, chairman of tho car ef ficiency committee of tho Amoricnn railway association, told tho members of tho traffic club at Chicago that he did not liko to "knock" tho prosperity irospnl, but more than 200,000 idlo iroigm cars am not speii prosperity. Tho number, ho said, wns almost ex actly what it was last year at this time. Mr. Halo declared ho hoped tho railroads would have a car shortage bv the latter part ot r.xrj. ue was unable to report much progress in his efforts to get the railroads to pool their freight cars. Ilo insisted, however, that a car pool was bound to como, hb it wns tho only economical manner of handling ireignt car equipment, and would re duce the sharpness of future car short ages. Brave Fire Laddies often receive severo burnB, putting out urea, men use micKiun', Arnica bnlvo and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For burns, scalds, wounds, cuts and bruises it is earth's greatest healor. Quickly cures skin eruptions, old sores, Dona, nieers, leions; Dost pile cure rrfade. Relief is instant. 25 cents at Ston.0'8 drug store. I January Clearing Sale At The Leader beginning Monday, .Jan. nth &nd closing Jan. 22d. Twenty Per Cent Discount On every dollars worth of goods bought in our store. This applies to everything except Queen Quality and Red Cross Shoes rCI VCIll LI&UUUIIL Ull mX dies' Cloaks and Furs. Our spring line of Laces and Embroideries, Insertings, French Ginghams, Prints of all descriptions, Percales and Muslin Underwear are all in and a dis count ot twenty per cent will also be given on these goods. This discount applies for cash only. As this sale only continues for ten days we' would suggest that the buyers visit our store as early as possible. THE LEADER, JULIUS PIZER, Prop. i The Burgomaster Haijry Hormsen accompanied by Fraulein Ru"t)i Whito will bo welcomed back to town nt tho Keith theatre next Thursday surrounded by a company which is promised to be of superior ex cellence. These stars will bo seen in a big production of Pixley & Ludera' musical masterpiece, "The Burgomas ter". Mr. Hermson will be seen us Peter Stuyvesant, tho jolly old ono legged Governor of New Amstordam who is buried while trying to cscapo hostile Indians and who is dug up 200 years iaor in tne Ulty wail square in New York, nnd Miss White, as Willie, tho gay youth who takes him uround town. The music of "Tho Burgomas ter" is what has made it tho greatest musicnl comedy success of the times. It is a high quality, but popular and perhaps no two songs have been more widely whistled and sung than "Tho Tale of tho Kangaroo" and "I Love You". The story of the play is as fol lows: Peter Stuyvesant, Governor of New Amsterdam, wishes to bo released and sent back to Holland. Tho Indians and tho English aro pressing him; tlloy ask for concession which he is unable to give; ho and his secretary Doodle Von Kull, prepare a keg of drugged linuor for tho Indians, but drinking too freely of it themselves, thoy fall asleep. Two hundred yenrs later they wake up while workmen nro digging a trench in tho Citv Hall Snuaro. New York. Their experience in tho motropolitnn.city can be imagined, rney meet a gnucu youui, Willie, who shows them tho town; a crook who fleeces them, a theosophist, who claims tho Burgomaster as her former husband and scores of other tvnes. Tho cntiro costuming and sccn- ory for tho present production of "The Burgomaster have been mauo espec ially for this big revival and entirely different from all former presentations. THE SO E-Z DUST PAN FREE I KZ OLD WAY NEW WAV Wo will present you abso lutely free with your noxt or der for ono ton of coal ono of theso So E-Z Dust Pans. Something entirely now. No moro backaches. Lot us havo your order now, an our iupply of Dust Pans is limited. Wo handlo tho best coal mined. W. W. BIRGE. For Rent. An ideal rooming houso with bath, close in. Just what you want. 8 room houso suitablo for two fam- lies $17.50 per month. other trood houses closo in at reason able rent. See Buatt & Goodman. A Fable. Once Upon a Tlmo thero was a Young Man who met Two NIco Girls, wiio were Constantly Together. Now, ho was an Astute Young' Mnn, nnd ho desired to say Something Pretty and Agreeable to the Lad I cm.- but his Know that If ho paid a Compliment to One of them, No Matter which, tho Other would bo Hurt. So he Thought Hnpldly for a mo meut, nnd then he Bald: "Ah, I know Why you Two Girls nro Always Together!" "Why?" nsked the Two Girls. "Bocauso Everybody says that A Handsome Girl AhvayH Chooses n Homely Ono as a Companion, So That Her Beauty may bo Enhanced by I he Contrast." After Such a Itumark, either Both Girls would bo Angry with him or Do lighted. And what Do you think Happened? The Two Girls Blushed and said he was A Flatterer and went their way Together, each Happy for Herself and , Sorry for tho Other. London Answers. "U January 14 Return Engagement of Ruth White and Harry Hermsen Barb wire for sale at Hershey's, corner ith and Locust St Phone i5, EKEITH THEATREE OIIAB. A. STAMl't Mttnatror ,1N The Burgo master With over half a hundred people and a 60-ft. Car of Scenery. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Seat oh sale at Clinton's, The C. F. Iddings Co. COAL Rock Springs Lump and Nut Maitland Lump and Nut Hanna Lump and Nut Colorado Lump and Nut Pennsylvania Hard Coal (in Stovo and Nut Sizo) Blacksmithing Coal We carry the largest assort ment of high grade coal in the, city. Try us with your next order. Call Phone 7. We have it. The C. F. Iddings Co. This Space Belongs to LAMB and his Mules A combination of LOW PRICES and GOOD DE LIVERY that is hard to beat.