mi Point IS If your eyes are evincing the slightest kind of trouble: have this attended to at once. By doing so you might be able tn rninprltr f-li rn(irt wt thr -w ij ww. . - wearing of glasses for but a limited period, the glasses aiding Nature materially in having the eyes assume the former good condition. Of course go to a goodooptician. Our reputation is our stock in trade. CLINTON, The Jeweler, We want your repair work. DR. BROCK, DENTIST, Over First Nntlnnnl Bonk. I'honc 148 3 C. E. IIofFhlnc, of Cheyenne, spent Wcdnc8(lny in town visiting friends nnd rclntivcs. Otto Weil is having his ico house filled with ico cut from Lamplugh's lake. It is fifteen Inches thick. Mrs. 0. H. FrnBnr. wlio was threat ened with spinal meningitis, has about recovered tier usual Health. W. J. Crusen has gone to Ravcnnn to assist Rev. A. J. Clifton in a scries of revival meetings. Rev, .Clifton was formerly pastor of the Methodist church ot tins city. At tho nicotine of tho Buffalo Bill Gun Club last Friday Albert Muldoon was reelected president and A. D. Mc Doticll secretary. Tho Tribuno failed Tuesday to eive Wm. Coleman, the Third ward meat market man, tho credit of having erected a neat residence in tho Third ward, Mr. Van Nattu was tho contract or. Mrs. Julius Pizcr and son Joo went to Denver Wednesday to bo present at tho marriago of her sister. Miss Emma Ginsberg, which occurs Sunday. Tin on her return homo Mrs. Pizor will be accompanied by her mother, who will mako Nort)v,Platta)ier home. Tho Bee Hive Store, Cunningham & Goltry,proprictors, opened for business Wednesday in tho room south of John son'B Uacket Store. H. D. Wcstenfeldt, who has been a sufferer from rhoumtttism for some limn urltl Innvn Knnilnv for Hot Snrintrs j to take treatment. Wanted All kinds Second Hand I Goods nt New Second Hand Store, Corner Cth and Locust. i Frank Boycr, who had been em 1 ployed on the Brady Vendicator, re turned to town Wednesday. Wo un derstand Trottor & Swancutt have sold the paper to a Council Bluffs man. Peter Gurvin and John Hemsing, of Adams. Minn., nro guests at the Qual- ley ranch northwest of town, arriving Tuesday nnd stopping here enroute to Denver. Mr. Gurvin is an uncle of Mr. Qualloy. The H. C. Langdon property on west Fourth stroet was Bold this week to Thos. Hcaloy for n consideration $2,700, tho sale being mado by Bratt & Good man. Mr. Hcaley mudo tho purchase as an Investment. Tho prico is con sidered very reasonable. Amonir the imnrovementa mado dur- intr 1008 and not listed in tho report in Tuesday's issue, was tho garage on east Fifth Btreet and tho addition to the Strfitz block. Tho former cost $3,800 nnd tho latter about $3,000. The city council Tuesday evening turned down the demand of the county commissioners that tiie city refund the sower tax paid on the jail. The county claims that tho levy of thiB tax which amounts to $233 is illegal and unreason able. Another party of land seekers were taken up tho North Platte River branch by the Pnyno investment Co. Wcdnes dnv. Wn understand thin comnanv hue closed out nbout all tho land fn the North Plnttc valley that had been listed with them. Many of the tracti sold will bo occupied by tho purchasers. C. H. Walters came over from Wnl lace Wednesday night nnd yesterday afternoon wns sworn in nnd took his Heat nB county commissioner from the Third district. Mr. Wnlters is a promi ncnt business man of Wallace, and wc predict thnt ho will prove n valuable member of tho board of commissioners, For Sale Hard Coal Base Burner in good condition. L. A. CAUY. Tho weather this week has been somowhat wintry. Wednesday morn ing tho temperature dropped to seven below zero, nnd during tho day about two inches of snow fell. Yesterday morning it registered eight below, but during the day thero wnB a rising tem perature. Tho fellows who wero ask ing for wenthor that would mako the blood tingle, are now satisfied. Perry Carson returned Wednesday from a business trip to Omaha. SauerKrau Supper. The Rebekahs will serve auDDer next C. J. Gambrel, of Myrtlo, brought in Tuesday evening at tho Odd Fellow's four hoira Tuesday which ho sold for . hnll from five to seven o'clock. This S88.92. ! excellent menu will bo served: Sauer I l a. t. . I U-J rn,1..fnr riort Ctl tnn hn ! ' BBl- l' """' "v"l muoiicu Council Bluffs to visit his Extra gone to parents. County Sunt. Ebright spent several days in tho county this week visiting schools. Sol Hodes has gone to Lexington to assist at a special sale given by Banks & Richards. Arthur Yates, now engaged in the clothing business at Sutherland, spent Tuesday in town. Misses Kate and Mnymo Weinberger, who had been v sitine Omaha friends forjscvcral weeks, returned home yes terday. Usual services nt the Christian church next Sunday. Bible school at 10 a. m., preaching nt 11 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. A welcome for all who will come. F. Raymond Schrocder, of Eustis, nnd Miss Flo Strowbridgc, of Brady, wero married at the latter place Sun day by Rev. Gcorgo Scarr. Bert Owens and Miss Evelyn Elter, both civincr their address as Sidney. weio united in marriago in this city by Rev. C. F. Chapman Tuesday alter noon. F. II. Garlow returned Wednesday South Omaha, whoro ho potatoes, escalloped corn, pickles, doughnuts and eolfec. For Rent. Six room house with bath, electric lights, lawn, Bhado trees and every thing in first-class shape. Location 214 South Dewey St. Inquire of E. N. OOIER. Big Land Sale. Deeds for two hie real estate trans fers were filed in tho county clerk's offico yesterday. Ono convoyed from J. M. Judkins to the Union Rcaly & Trust Uo. section 31-KwU. for a con sideration of seven thousand dollars. The other deed conveyed from A. M. Welch to W. H. Becker the northwest quarter of section 29 and the northeast nuarter oi section .ju-14-ai. lor a con sideration of $12,000, and later Becker Bold the same tract to 1 . A. Star, of Lancaster county foe $14,000. Have you got your Dust Pan? See Bire. Farmers. Attention! The nnnual Farmer's Institute will l.i ,7. 7 XZ rZJli meet at Maxwell Feburary 1st and 2nd, keted two cars qf sheep, receiving . h..r.,. fnfi,i nm. $4.85. He is feeding several carloads moro at the Uody ranch. Armstrong's telegraph gang, ton in number, thnt had been constructing lines along tho Julcsburg branch, were laid off Wednesday on account of the severe weather. The men returned to Omaha that night. Have vou cot your Dust Pan? See Birge. The JeiTersons nnd their excellent companyjircsented "Tho Rivals" Tues day ovening to a good-sized imdienco, and there was general satixfaction with the manner in which the classical comedy was presented. William Jef ferson, nB "Bob Acres" proved a worthy successor to his father, and his support wns cxcollent. Tho ico hnrvest on tho Union Pacific lako cast of town began yesterday and the result of the day's labor was twontv cars. The Jans who nre doinir most of the work declined to begin work early in tho morning on the plea that It was too cold. Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. Delatour, of Oshkosh. havo boon spending a few davH in town with friends. Mr. Dela tour, when n youngster, lived in North Platte, but of late years has resided nt Oshkosh, where ho is now engaged in real estate business. Like all others ho is very enthusiastic over the future of tho North Platto valley. Balm of Gilcad-The best Cough Syrup. Schiller as Co., Family Druggists. In connection with tho tuberculosis exhibit at Masonic hall Wednesday evening. M. Salcetti, who recontly re- tumid from Italv. crave an nddreBa on the conditions fn Sicily prior to tho earthquake. Ho told, in'an interesting manner, of tho customs or the people. thoir conditions nnd surroundings. At the close a free-will offering was taken for tho stricken people. nnd an interesting and profitable time is being plnnncd. the program, which will be published in full later, will oc cupy two full days and will bo full of interest for both young and old, male and female. The sneakers will be men and women r 1 " . . oi wiuu liuurmuuun unu experience. nnd will discuss live questions, applica ble to our conditions. It is hoped that every family within possible reach of Maxwell will plan to attend as many sessions ns possible. Watch, these columns lor program and premium list. s. a. keynolds, President. Great Interest Displayed. Despite tho cold weather of this week, great interest has been displayed in the revival meetings at Unitarian hall, and there has been a largo atten dance each evening. Up to 'ast oven ing twenty had taken a definite stand for tho right way of living. Five have been received for membership and will be baotized Sunday and it is expected thnt others will bo received tonicht. Tho meeting will bo held at the usual hour tomorrow evening. Revivalist Shannon is proving his power as a soul- reaching speaker, and his "straight shots strike tho center". The preach er is ably assisted in the service by tho singer Mr. Ross. You are cordially in- vitod to attend these meetings. Poultry Wanted. Farmers who have chickens for sale should boo us. Highest market price paid in casti. j. l. stingley, North Platte Meat Market. ONE-THIRD emi-Annua if ONE-THIRD OFF r6 CLEARING SALE. 9JL )J3 per cent off on Men's Clothing, For a few days only we will give one-third off on Men's Suits and Overcoats. Just stop and think of buying any Overcoat or Suit in the house at one-third off. Everything else goes at one-fourth off during this sale. Guess this will hold even for some time. Y. M C. A. Notes. Twenty more members havo been se cured since last published, making a total ot oixty-iour since the coming of tho secretary. The number of expired applications are decreasing aiowiy. And still there ia quite a bunch of them yet. If you haven't renewed your ticket now is tho time to do it. kceD the ball a rolling, we wont to get 500 members by the end of my first year, you ought to bo one of them, come up to the association and get a ticket. Only $5.00 a year, less than 2 cents a day. Just a month today since I came to your town, and I very heartily thank tho peoplo of North Platte for their hospitality and co-operation in the as sociation work and tho way that some of them nre getting interested in the work by not only renewing their ticket but by assisting the secretary to solicit now members, and thnt is just what makos n crood association, wide awake members, thoso who do not hesitate to lond their assistance. bECRETARY. Suits and Overcoats go at $20.00 25.00 Suits and Overcoats goat '.$16.65 20.00 Suits and Overcoats . ' goat $13.35 18.00 Suits and Overcoats goat $12.00 15.00 Suits and Overcoats - go ; $10,00 When you buy goods at this sale you know you are not buying any old shelf-worn or carried-ovor stock, as every one knows our stock is both clean and now, having boon in tho house only sixty days. The Sale is now going on. Come early and get a first choice. Schatz & ClabsiUgh, Clothiers. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital .... $100,000.00 Surplus Fund - - - 20,000.00 Stockholders' Liability - 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00 (Not considering quick assets and cash resources) DIRECTORS' E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara. Where the Shoe Pinches. Why do you insure your house, and furniture, and stable, against fire? Because if you don't, and they burn up, the loss will fall on you. Why do you neglect. to insure your life? Because if you die and you will die some day the loss will not fall on you but on somebody else your wife or daughter, or aged mother, or invalid sister or some other defenceless dependent. You haven't viewed the question in this way? Then think it over, and drop a card to the undersigned. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCEjSOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES "STRONGEST IN THE WORLD" PAUL MORTON, II. D. NECLY, Manager, President Omaha, Neb. W. H. McDonald, Local Representative, Norlh-Plallc, Nebraska. yl Y Y kT 4 LflLL, WIN ... , Workman & Derryberryf FOR Furniture Hardware Buggies Wagons Harness Windmills Tanks Feed Grinders Stoves Ranges Oil Heaters Lincoln Paint Varnishes Brushes Oil Glass Putty A Horrible Hold-Up. "About ton years airo. mv brother was "held up in his work, health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless consumption" writes W. R. i Litpscomb, or Washington, N. (J. "He took all kinds of remedies and treat ment from several doctors, but found no help till ho used Dr. Kimrs New Discovery nnd he was wholly cured by Bix bottles. He is n well man today. it's quicK to mitovo nnd tho surest cure lor wean or soro lungs, hemorrhages, coughs and colds, bronchitis, latrrinne. asthma and all bronchial nilections. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle f reo. Guaran teed by Stone Drug Go. One Hundred Dollars Reward. Tho above reward will be naid for tho arrest and conviction of tho party or parties who have been breaking into the school houses In District No. 0 and destroying property. W. 11. SIMANTS, Louis Macey, LOItEN I'URDY. School Board. Square Treatment Everybody likes to be treated courteous ly and to get a "Square Deal." ...... . . Wo mako u specialty of both at this store. Wo are anxioiiB for your pntronago and just as anx ious to please you. If anything Is over wrong with tho goods sent out from this store wo want- to know it nnd will bo just as glad to mako it right as you could bo to havo it mado right. Wo will deliver all orders amounting to one dollar or over. ONE-THIRD OFF THIRD Qpp I The Bee Hive Store, 507 Dewey Street, North Platte, Nebraska. Mutual Building and Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ORGANIZED 1887. ASSETS $289,S86.05 Office 622 Dewey Street. In order to supply funds for loan applications approved and allowed by its board of directors, this association will issue a limited amount of its paid up stock, in any amount from $100.00 to $5,000.00. This paid up stock draws dividends at tho rato of six per cont per annum, payable March lBt and Sept. lBt of each year, nnd may bo withdrawn any time upon thirty days' notice. All of tho assets of tho association being invested in first nrtfrafrnu on improved real estate in tho City of North Platte and tho aRnnclntinn being operated under tbo supervision of tho State Banking Ronrd, Micro enn be no Bafer investment. T. C. PATTERSON, President; SAMUEL G00ZEE, Secretary. E. S. DAVIS, Asst. Secretary. WWM1WI Good Fitting Harness, well made and reliable, gives as much comfort and enjoy ment to horse as to owner. We make stylish harness of the best quality; harness you can depend on. We have light and heavy harness, single and double, and all kinds of horse goods. Ai F. FINK,