SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE IRA L. BARE, Publisher niltrtnr riAtv'M nf iUn Mapa Imnnr. taut bvcnls Here and I here I Congress. II II 1 1 1. 1 11 1 1 1 I I M Mil KIlllIlllLLlIILL 1 (J lll'lll If III lhl VI" I lllllll It'llUl in 111 !' in i i ii a iiirii'ii i ' n 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 j i 1 1 n lii 1 I I. I.. ... 1 .1 I 1 A . I .1 a. k ...lit 1.. II I III III I'HIIIIMII Will IHlttT I (Will I. i l-ll I I tt .llltMllIu nfer tho reassembling of con . It 1b tho presidents Intention the request of Senator Drawn nriirv in ii mi l hi in . iii.. ii tin iiumi on tho llflt to receive mucii pub- M..1I-. ....1.11. 1 - .1 11 HI.HMni nmr i nine ii 1 1 iiini u uuuiui uin;u tho War department officials ro- tr n in 1 1 i nr niunrirfinim ni i in . k t a r . l . , fnt.. nn ii lfrinii pimii nn in iii'i'iiiiiinu il r hnllnvnri tho HiH'f'Inl HOHtflnu nr unn jui 1 1; v imiii n mu iui ut bo called immediately after tho revenue foaturo of the tariff bill . . . . . . t UD ItlUlU UllllUlllL M yuivuin mini tho protective or other phnsoB tariff rovlHion question. It Ih ....... .1 l 1 ...Mil...... n i liTitFinv in riir iinriuiHn in i im luun uii tuu.i'n in ii ii u in iiiu iiiii panned tho Iiouho of represcntn- ThoBo ohnnges woro mado nniiv in inn worn in tr or id iiiii. than In tho rnton of duty. uencrai. A. W. Clnrk, Binorlntcndont of Saving Instluto, Omaha, linH ro- . . . i iin.. onf lmnanvolt in nttnml a con- ,.ul I r- h i nil if nYiinnnnnn in nun iinui in inrnnv win nnnnm nun rn iiiuku . i i. . ...... i . .. H III 1 W IimillVIWl I Mill. IIIII If INN III Italy and Blclly by oarthquako pi lnitmria. wnmii worn rnnnrind n tho Hoa with their 28.000 lnhab . urn mifo. Tho enrhtriuako nhnek 1... 1 1,1 I,.. t.,.Ms 11 IIIHU III Mil iWUI 11NU lillL UilVtJ WJUHI1UWI1 tho Kenatorlal Hold In Ohio, ti i inrrv i in in ?sm n n v 1111 ih ii tivuiiioitu nviuiui iiiuiinn iin in iuniL-i in ijiii) ixii.iiuin. ui. trt.ivliln urnli llili Inti In wa Imnn tun Ivo January lKt In North Caro- Alabatna and MIhbIuhIppL orill I 'linrlixi II. Hull I Til If nil army, retired, ana win parly, Included his two daughters , rn in im nti inn a Piiiiinirnm tt t ii ti r ii n nuii ir tr ftMitiinin lit ii ...fii i . 1 I . 1 I I A . . 1 i ITIII'V ill I'l ill 111111 1I1T1 Willi HI III 11 l prill I fiinii nr iinntimntiin (lentb llHt In tho onrthouako In nni iiniv mnv rnnrn 1 fill 1111 i nnn. )Io Horror aro rocoruod. rocoptlon at tho White IIomho brilliant affair. Hiilt of Count Honl do Catttot- M 1 .1 . . 1.1.. t i t I . . i in iiiv ui" in iiniir iiiui iiiii-. iiii'iii. - il.l a fl.f A. .... Pnll,l n XTrt.... St. ini r n im in. hthl iinmiiHinnimi . . ii k United Stntort, died at Beatrice, Qoorgo 13. Howard of NobniHka inn v iijiii 1'iiiin iiuiL nn ui i inn 11.. A I II ii iiimi:. Taft clulm will bo allowed or- iimi ni iiiiu iinni nnnnfMinii i i on reached by ProRldunt-oloet mi Hnnrninrv 1 1 liciiriinif number or dead In two dt Italian cKIoh reaches 110,000. T I 1. 1 .. .1 m i. it. . nwn . ih nnnii. Merpont Morgan aont $10,000 for uuui ui iiiv "hi i 1 1 1 j nil i u niuiui u ifinri i ii n r vfiKi 1 1 nil h 1 1 m i'm been looted at MobhIuu. The branch of tho Uanlc of Italy bud nnn nn nnnnu I llinrn iitwl nllint had largo amountH. ilmtwii tt tinmitinti t nnnlnnnvu I li..l A . . It ll.lyl. A ttlV . M lllll. will of the Into Chum Snoeklpu, . tl I... . , . i). il'iivuu iiiu mmri'Hi in inn 10 i;ie winow. ai ncr uoatu 1110 ty Ih to ho divided amoiiR throe children, 1)8 Ml lllim will 1)0 WIIIHIIIIWII flM day of tho year. A largo number of convention of agricultural mid Rlmllar bodies nro to be hold In Lincoln, Neb., In January. Tho Kantern Illinois road ban The proposed Irish purchase land law has been abandouod becaimo tlio British Parllnnicnl had no titno to consider It. ICruptlon of Mount Etna ban added to the terror cntmod by oarthquako In poutliprn Italy. An oarthquako at VIirIiiIii City, Mont., put tho electric llfiht plant out o.' conimlBslon. Tho fool and mouth dlKeaso nmonK Now York cattle l thought lo bo com pletely radicated.' nsked Hhlppors to cooporato In main tattling a popular tariff. I'resldont Hoosovelt nays the family home Ih the best placo to care for dependent children. Mr. ltoonovelt Ih not opposed to In creased salary for pioBldonts. The New York produce and tho Now York cotton exchanges will bo the first ones Investigated by tho commission appointed by Governor Hughes to Inquire Into tho conduct of the Now York exchanges. President Hoosevelt has Issued n statomont In which ho says ho can not now Interfere In tho matter of the sentence of the labor leaders becauno tho case Is not through tho courts. Prospects aro good for a resump tion of friendly relations between the United Statoff and Venozuoln, dent of the, Mutual Reserve Ufo In Ntirnnco company, Is dead from Inhal ing gas In his homo In Now York. Five members of tho Smith family landed la tho board of aldermen of Somorvlllc, Mass., last election day. .lamos Corrlgnn, who has boon In financial struggle with John D. Rocke feller for years, dlod Saturday, follow ing an operation for appendicitis. President Cnstro knows nothing of tho conditions In his home country. China wants tho legation nt Wash ington raised lo an embassy. Tho president may return to his first plan of reforming tho navy. The order of Mayor McClellan of Now York closing moving picture machines was temporarily suspended by Justice flaynor of tho suprome court. Twelve members of tho lower house of congress have gone to Panama to familiarize themselves with tho dig ging of the big caunl. A now Pompoll has boon unearthed on tho plains of Arizona. It is by far the most Important of tho nrchaelolo gleal dlscoverlos that have yet been made In tho United States, and prom ises to enable scientists to throw some light on tho remarkable peoples who at one tlmo, In a romoto antiqui ty, Inhabited tho far southwest. Many arrests havo been mado of Pittsburg councilman for grafting and more aro to follow. Washington. Tho location In this city of ntatucd of John Paul Jones and Commodore John Harry, both of whom aro herald ed as tho "father of tho American navy" by their rospoctlvo admirers, will prove a difficult task for tho spo clal commission charged with that duty. Oormany's black, while and red Hag will lly for several days from i local htitol, which temporarily Is tho homo of tho now Gorman 'ambassador to tho United States, Count Joahonne Ilolu rich von Hornstorff, who arrived In this city from Now York last week. He was accompanied by his' wlfo and daughter and by several servants. United Stntos consuls in China re port that imports nro largoiy in fluenced by tho fluctuatlona In tho price of Hllvor. Tho resignation of President Now man of tbo'Now York Central Is taken to Indicate Ilarrlmau has secured con trol of that system, Honor RnrWos, tho Guatemalan min ister of foreign affairs, who was seriously Injured In nn automobile ac cident near tho Virginia end of tho highway bridge, called at tho Whlto HoiiRo and will snll for homo Decem ber no. The Chinese desire to havo their dlplomatilo representatives hero rnlsod to tho Importance of an embassy. Friendly relations aro resumed be tween tho United Stntos and Vene zuela. Presldent-oloct Taft will spouil only about a week In Pannma. Ways and means committee hi work lug on maximum and minimum tariff Rchoduleii and will hold dally sessions until tho now bill Is finished. Roprc sontatlve Clayton says tho position of democuts must not be ono of negation. "The boBt way to caro for dopend out children Is tho family home," says Piesldent Roosevelt la a lottor made public calling u conference to bo held In this city on January 25 next for the dlt-cusslon of the problom of caring for dopoudont children. With approxi mately 150,000 youngsters comlnit within that classification In the United StntoH tho question has awak oned tho interest of many leaders in thought thtoushout the country. The piosldont sunt bis letter to about ono hundred prominent men. Personal., Abraham Ruef, tho Sun Francisco grafter, was sentenced to fourtoen yearn in tin penitentiary. Mayor Uahlnmn of Onmahn an nounces ho will bo a candidate for re election. Andrew Carnegie believes the Joint stool; system wherein the laborer sharos In tho profits of tho employer is tho solution of tho labor problem in tho world. Docembe'r '-'8. President Roosevelt's youngest daughter, Kthel, made her formal bow to society. A State Clnptot of tho Daughters of 181'J wan organized at Omaha. ' Presldont-elect Taft will dollvor a message to tho wholo south at a baiuuot at Atlanta January 1C, E RETURNS TO ROME FROM THE EARTHQUAKE DISTRICT. A CONTINUANCE OF SHOCKS Guards Having Difficulty In Protect Ing Survivors and Treasury In Ruined Buildings. Rome. Having done all Unit it was possible to do In tho districts laid waste by the oarthquako the king and queen of Italy are returning to Rome. They litivo passed the last tour days among the ruins of Sicily nnd Cala bria, the king directing tho work ol rescue and relief and tho queen inln Isiorlng to tho Injured. There is a feeling of relief !u Italy that their majesties aro coming home, Tho American ambassador, Lloyd C, (Jrlscom, bah' appointed a commit tee of Americans to which where In trusted the work of utilizing .tho money received from tho United States to tho host, advantngo of tho earthquake sufferers. Doth at Mos8inn and Reggio the guards aro having difficulty lif pro tecting tho survivors and the vnst treasuro In tho ruined buildings from tho bands of thieves that aro swarm ing everywhere. It Is reported that six Russian sailors havo been shot by looters at Messina and that sixteen criminals havo been killed at tho same placo within tho Inst twenty four hours. Six hundred persons en gaged In pfllaglng have been arrest ed. In an engagement at Rogglo be tween tho police nnd bandits two of tho police wero killed. Roportn still rench here of tho con tinuance of enrth shocks, some suf ficient to do further great damage. According to these roports now shocks yosterday nt Pellaro precipi tated the entire population Into tho sea, Including both the dead nnd liv ing victims of the first quake. Premier Olollttl received a long despatch from King Victor Hmnia nuel, dated Messlnn, saying that he would leave for Jtomo. As to the con ditions In the oarthquako district, tho king said: "I visited tho Calabria coast, south of Reggio. I found Pollario literally destroyed, but- Motlto seemb slightly damaged, "It has stopped raining. At Mess! na tho municipal archives wore' burned. Troops nro arriving nnd by llttlo by llttlo order Is bolng restored nnd tho public services re-cstnbllshod. "As 1 luivo seen tho worst damagod points nnd havo nrranged for tho work of rescuo and ns tho wounded requiring nttontlon aro diminishing In number. 1 shall leavo 'for Romo. With mo como minister of Marino jUlrnbcllo nnd ox-mlnlster of Public Instruction Oralando. "I ngaln recommend to you tho Isolated villages on the v Calabrlan coast," Sunday, Tho king nnd queen ar rived In this city tonight, coming by motor enr from Naples. Tholr onrly arrival was unexpected. Tho queen looked tired ond depressed, but tho king was energetic as usual. FLEET REACHES SUEZ. American Battleohlpo Arrive Two Days Ahead of Time. Suez Tho United States Atlnntlc ImtloBhJp fleet, completing two days ahead of its Hchodulo tho next to tho longest run of its world-girdling cruise, arrived horo Sunday morning from Co lombo, a dlstunco of 3,-HO knots, from which place tho fleet sailed on Decem ber 20. Tho loss of a seaman from tho battleship Illinois, who fell over board nnd was drowned, nu previously reported, was tho only accident to mar tho voyage from Colombo. The Illi nois remained on tho scono to search for tho sailor and Is a llttlo bohlnd tho fleet. The stately array of battle shins nn Imnresslvo sight. Tho weather was splendid and the buy was crowded with cruit, tho occupants of which gavo an enthusiastic welcome to the ships. Army Tournament. Toledo, Ohio That tho annual tour nament of tho United Stntes army, de partment or tho great lakes, will be held in Toledo In June or July wns an nounced by Conoral Frodorlck I). (Irani Sunday. Flvo thousand troops will take part. Deep Watorwny Fight. Springfield, 111. Tho deop waterway project, involving tho expenditure of ?2(),000,000, will bo ono of tho most Im portant mailers in nimii boforo the Illinois general usHombly, which moots next Wodnosdny. Hot Fight Ahead. Sacrnmonto That United States Senator (leorgo C. Perkins will be ro olectod by the California stato logls laturo, which convenos next Tuesday, Ih considered practically certain by tho members of both houses who havo arrlvod at tho state capital. FLEET TO AID ITALY. President Formally Tenders Use of Battleships to Stricken Nation. Washington President Roosevelt nn nonnced that ho has sent two supply ships with $300,000 worth of supplies to Italy, that ho will aak cougresa for additional aid and that ho has offered the tiRo of tho bnttloship (loot to Italy. Tho anuouueemont Is mado In a tele gram made public at the Whlto House which ho sent to Patrick McdowaH. chairman of tho American Italian gen oral rellof committed. Now York nil v. II STATE CAPITAL MATTERS OF INTEREST TO ALL CITIZENS. REPORT OF HEALTH INSPECTOR Gives Record of Busy Year, Telling of Many Trips Made and Much Business Transacted. State Health Report. Dr. W. H. Wilson, Inspector for tho stnto board of health, has filed an an nunl report for tho year ending No vombor 21, 1908, containing an Item ized list of expenditures nnd trips mado to various parts of tho state. Ho made sixty-three trips, Borne of thorn to tho cxtremo northwestern nnd western parts of the state. Ho Bpcnt 12(50.30 for railroad fare. Tho total oxpenso, Including his snlary or $1,800 n year, was $2,17-1.38. An appropriation of $10,000 wns mado by tho last legislature for tho Htato board of health. Of that amount $li,'l00 was? appropriated by the board for the expense of collecting vital statistics, ofllco fumlturo and travel ing expenses of ono Inspector. In ad dition to tho slxty-thrcc trips nindc, a largo number of contagious dlBoaso disputes wero settled by telephone und by letter. In his report Dr. Wilson says': "Manv calls have como In from over Uio Htnte for aBBlstanco in tho matter of Improving sanitary conditions, Im nnru wnter. etc. Moat of such calls had to bo declined from lack of funds for traveling expenses, oIbo from lack of Jurisdiction in such cases. How over, advisory letters wero sent out In each Instance and In this way fro rmniitlv imnroved the situation. In my ojilnlon, if the powers of tho board wero enlarged and tho oxpenso fund moro llbornl, tho Inspector might ma terially assist In bettering the Hani tary and health conditions of tho state." nr. Wilson hollovoH tho Ktato board of health ought to have Jurisdiction under the control of local boards of honlth, Forty-four of tho sixty-threo culm wore for tho Investigation of small pox cases, Statement of Bryan Volunteers. Members of the Hrynn Volunteers nro receiving a pamphlet containing a complete financial statement of tho officers of tho organization. Tho statomont bIiowb n complete list of tho membership who lin" uald all or n part of tho $10 pledged, nmmgea by counties. There is also an Item ized list of expenditures. Tho statomont shows that a totnl of $12,030.15 was collected by tho organization, $11, -ICS having been paid by members and $GG0.15 having been received from miscellaneous sources which aro shown. A total or $11,421.80 has been paid out,' In addition thcro aro outBtnndlng bills for nearly $225. Tho bcoks show a balance of $014,35, but tho actual balance on hand Is $559.35. This Is cxplnlnod by tho fact that In tho cxcltcmont of tho state convention $45 more wns booked than waH received and a similar mis take,' amounting to $10, was mado at tho Denver convention. Senator Volpp Has a Bill. Frod Volpji, sonntor from the Tenth district, has prepared n bill for tho "organization and control of hanks nnd tho protection of doposltors." Mr. Volpp has sent, out copies of tho pro posed bill and ho will offer It at tho first session of the senate. Discussing the proposed measure its author gavo tho following features as in his opinion of special Importanco: "Tho law follows tho general lines of our presont law, thus avoiding con fusion. "Tho changes that have been mado nro In tho direction of moro rigid reg ulation nnd control. "The bill provides for payment to doposltors of failed banks within thirty days. "Tho bill provides for 'depositors' protective fund' and nowhere Is tho word 'guaranteed' used. "There is very little question of tho constitutionality of tho various meas ures. Wo force no bank, at ate or na tional, Into tho protective systom, and wo keop none in longer than thoy wish to remain. "I bollovo that a thorough Inspection nnd a rigid control of tho bnnks under tho plan I outline will provont fail ures and that It mny be ninny years boforo tho protective fund Is over cnlled on for a dollar." Three Guards Disciplined. Warden Reenter had a enso of In subordination nt the state penitou tlary and as a result throe guards woro discharged. Thoy woro, Thomas Kokloy, Michael McNoal nnd Captain Morgan, According to Warden Iiootn or, the three men concluded tho days' of tho wnrden wore numbered nnd proposed to havo things their own way. The Convention Sensor. Lincoln's convention season will be gin early In tho yoar. Tho first ono to tnko place will be the Lancaster county good roads convention on Jan uary I. ThiB mooting Is to bo prac tically a state affair, as many mem bers of tho loglslnturo, officials of dif ferent counties, automobile donlera and owners will bo present. Janunry 13, 11 and 15, as tho dates hnvo been previously fixed, the Nebrasku Inde pendent Telephone association will held Its annual session In Lincoln. 1 Then follow others in February. NEW 8 TATE NORMAL SCHOOL. Wayne College Offers to Sell Out fop $100,000. Tho Nebraska normal collogo or Wayno offers to sell to Uio stato build ings and property valued at $150,000 for uso as a stato normal school for a consideration of $100,000 in hand paid. Tho proposition wll bo presented to tho coming legislature. In tho past when plnns for a now state normal school havo been before tho leglBla turo many of the strongest hearted members of that body took to tho woods. In tho present session Sena tor Tom Majors, tho founder of tho Porn stnto normal nnd friends of the Kearney stnto normal aro oxpectcd to Btand tho brunt of tho fight. Mr. Majors wants un appropriation for a new building nt tho Peru normal and friends of tho Kearney school also want n now building. Tho Kearney men will show that Governor Shel don cub their Institution out of nn ap propriation two years ago, by his veto power and that thoy need nnd de mand a new building now. Tho friends of tho Peru normal will present good nnd sufficient reasons why a now building should bo built at that stato. Institution. On tho other side thc northeastern part of tho stato will try to convlnco tho legislature that It la greatly In need of a ntato normal school, ono not conductod for prlvnto gain. Alliance Wants Better Coal Rate. The Commercial club or Alliance has appealed to tho Interstate Com merce commission to compel tho Bur lington railroad to ceaso discrimin ating agninBt that city In the mntter of coal rates from Sheridan, Wyo. In, its showing tho Commercial club sets' up that the rate from Shoridnn to Al liance, 333 mllea, on lump coal is $3 a ton nnd other coal $2.50; from. Sheridan to Dcadwood, 330 miles, on, tho rata is $2,25 on lump nnd $2 on, other coal, from Sheridan to Omaha. 740 miles, on lump tho rnto is $3 and on other coal $2.50. Trouble Over Treasurer's Bond. Tho fight between bonding com panies for tho privilege of Blgnlngi Stato Treasurer L. O. Brain's ono million dollar official bond may bo- pomo so florco that tho treasurer will be obliged to make a canvass among- his friends for n personnl bond. The latter course will take some tlmo and trouble, but It will save tho stnto a. premium of $5,000 which is paid ovory two years .for a guaranty company' bond. . - ' Charters for CItle9. City attorneys from Bocond-clnss cities woro hero to talk over amend ments In tho charters of theso cities. These were C. 13. Abbott ot Fremont, W. F. Button ot Hastings, A. H. Kidd of Beatrice nnd T. H. Pollock ot Plnttsmouth. Thoy will probably hold n sories of conferences boforo It Is. tlmo to tako up tho chartor for theso cities nnd arrlvo at an agreement which will bo satisfactory to all. Omaha Telephones Reduced. Omaha gets a Now Yc;r's present jl from the Nebraska Tolophono com pany In tho sliapo of n reduction in rates. Residenco 'phonos nro re duced 50 cents a month, while tho dis count Is reducod from $1 to 50 conts. Reductions of $C a year nro also made on two pnrty lino telephones. Bryan to Join the Eagles. William J. xiryan will bo Initiated into tho Order ot Eagles hero this week and tho local aorie promises to havo u big tlmo over tho event. Col. John J. Ryder, president of the Eagles, telephoned Invitations to all of tho grand officers nnd ho expects somo of them to nttend. A banquet will fol low the Initiation. Deputy Treasurer Resigns. Honry Lehr, doputy stnto treasurer, has resigned. His resignation Is to tako effect January 7. Stato Treasur er L. O. Brian has appointed his son, Frank Brain, nged 22, to tho vnenncy. Young Mr. Bruin has been omployod in tho treasurer's ofllco for ono year. E Silllck Gets a Pardon. E Jesse C. Silllck of Omaha Is a free man. Governor Sheldon issued n par don to Silllck. Whllo n convict In tho stato prison ho escaied somo years ago two months boforo tho expiration of his time. Since his escape ho has Berved soveral years in tho army andi has an honorable discharge. Pardon Asked for Pumphrey. Miss Anna Pan of Omaha has a sweotheart confined In tho pcnlten tlary and she has asked Governor! Sheldon to pardon him. Tho man In tho case is Charles Pumphrey, con fined for life for Uio .murder or in Chlnamnn In Omnha. State Press Association. At a meeting of tho executive com mitteo of the Nebraska Stato Press as soclation it was doclded to hold the next mooting- of tho association nt Grand Island. Fobruary 22, 13 nnd 24. Tho program has been only partially mnpped out. Capitol Building Dangerous. Stato School Suporintondont Mc Brien notified Commissioner of Lands and Buildings Eaton that ho regarded tho east wing of tho stnto capltol building criminally dnngorous, nnd thnt It would bo n monnco to sofoty to per mit tho coming inaugural ball to bo hold In the hnll of tho houso of repre sentatives, which Is located in tho east wing, The board of public lands nad buildings accordingly will not permit tho ball to bo held thore and it will probably bo In tho sennte hall or somo other safo placo ASi IN BRIEF NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTIONS. ALL SVBJEGTS10UCHED UPON Religious, Social, Agricultural, Polit ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. Ex-Sonator Millard of Omaha has purchased a $G5,000 residence. Reports have reached Miller from the outside that a bank was robbed nt that place, but these reports are wrong. There has been no bank rob bery there. Central City Is preparing to make a, strong bid for tho proposed Odd Fel lows homo which Is to bo located, iiomowhoro in tho state soon nftcr thei first of Fobrunry. Over $0,000 has been rnlscd In the $8,000 fund for the purchnso of an abandoned convent property nt Hast ings for a girls' academy, which the Dominican sisters propose to estnbllsh If tho property is deeded to thorn. As n result or tho wholesale bur glaries In Fremont, the police are rounding up "undeslrnblo" citizens,, and deporting them, under penalties of vagrancy charges upon their being;' seen again in tho city. Farmers should all have telephones. Write to us and learn how to get the best service for tho least money. Nebraska Telophone Company, 18th nnd Douglas streets, Omaha. "Use. tho Bell." Governor Sheldon has commuted the sentence of J. D. Adklns of Omaha from flvo years to three years, slv months and eighteen days, which re leases him December 31. Adklns wns. sentenced for statutory assault. He Is G4 years old. m Prof. George Carrlngtoii, county superintendent of public instruction of Nemaha county who wns a candi date before tho primaries for the office of stato superintendent, has tendered his resignation, to take effect on tho first of January, and will movo to Lincoln. While out hunting about one mllc north of Plattsmouth W. D. Messcr smith heard tho report of a gun nnd soon after saw a large gray wolf, which ono of tho other hunters had partially filled with shot, Jumped the fence, and make a straight lino for him. "Posy" fired nnd the wild ani mal feel dead. O. W. Brandt, a brnkemnn on a southbound Burlington freight, was killed near tho coal chute in tho Bur lington yards at Oakland while coupl ing cars. Tho first attempt to couplo the train failed and In adjusting tho couplings for a second attempt in somo way Brandt was caught between them, tho coupling penetrating his abdomen, mangling him torribly. On complaint filed by Miss Blanche Udey, Bert Hnynes was arrested on tho chargo of assault. Both parties nro well known-In Ncllgh. Tho prelim inary hearing was held before County Judgo Nelson and whon all tho ovl donco had been heard, tho judgo bound tho young man over to tho dis trict court in tho sum of $500. John Innermnn, from a ranch south of Johnstown, wns in Alnsworth to get somo mcdlclno fbr his horses. Ho sayB thoro Is a disease among tho horses In his neighborhood rcsombl Ing swamp fever, which is a puzzlo to nil. A horse will bo walking nlong apparontly all right, nnd shortly, tho cars will commence to droop and In a few hours tho nnlmal is dead. A housobronkor entered tho homo of Frank Mooro nt Millor, betrnylnu his presenco by a light, nnd was dis covered by Mooro as ho returned homo at a lato hour. Citizens sur rounded tho houso to prevent escape and tho sheriff wns telephoned for. On his arrival it was discovered that tho thief had outwitted tho watchers nnd escnped. No booty wns secured. Dr. IC Koonz, a woll known dentist ot Alliance, was arrested at. Bridge port on a complaint charging him with nssnult upon a young woman pationt. Tho ehnrgos nro of a most revolting character. The victim Is In n critical condition. Tho offenso was commit ted in tho dentist's operating room in a public rooming houso. It Ib charged tlmt tho young woman wns drugged The stnte railway commission will havo a gonornl round up with tele phone ofilcors from all ovor tho stato on Jnnuary 15 for tho purpose of gathoung a lot of mlscollnneous In formation with roferenco to some of tho dotnlls of tho tolophono bUBlness, the service rondored by them, meth ods of classification of subscribers and systom of accounting. Socrotnry of Stale Junkln has ro reived a lottor from tho Union Pa cific railroad regarding thnt $50,000 fco supposed to bo duo tho stnto from tho railroad on account of tho ndop tlon nnd nmendments to the articles of Incorporation of tho road, which undor tho law must bo filed with Uio sccrotary. The railroad hns tho mat tor undor consideration and Its dcn. slon In tho matter will bo known shortly. City Clerk Brnttou nnd City Attor ney Button of Hastings, are preparing a measure for submission to the legis lature providing for registration of voters in Hastings and other cities of from 7,000 to 25.000 population after tho manner of that now provided for Lincoln and Omaha. Henry Llnenbrlnk, a young man re siding wost of Callnway, thinks that ho has broken nil corn husking records In tho stato for this season, During b'.x continuous days of husk ing Mr. Llnenbrlnk nvornged just 105 bushels per day. or husked (!30 bushels in tho six days.