EARLY SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS Assures you of the very largest variety to choose from and the choice of our stock to present your friends with. Our Holiday Stock Is in a large measure now on display and we invite you to call and see the many varied things we are showing suitable for Christmas Gifts. Goods Selected Now we will Lay Aside Until Christmas. Many are now selecting their gifts. We hope to have the pleasure of showing you I DIXON W THE JEWELER. I UJ - -- W IAS VAS W VAV V-W WM VAS ' DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisl Ofllco ove tho McDonald Stnto Bank. Minor Hinman left last night on n business mission to Omaha. Julius Hahler Is transacting business in Omaha today, leaving for that city Inst night. Our full line of Christmas goods arc now on display, consisting of hundreds of articles suitable for gifts. Lost On Dewey stroot a whito wool muffler or chest protector. . Finder plcaso leave at this ofllco or at 801 west Fifth street. Lylo Smith and Harry Hoy loft last night-for Davenport, Iown, where the latter will take a course in osteopathy or some school of like practice. W. C. Blackmoro, tho Sutherland druggist, spent yesterday in, town. Mr. Black more and family will leave for Southern California about January 1st. A Bnjall audienco was present at "Tho Farmer's Daughter" last evening, but tho general verdict is that the patron age was fully as great as tho play de served; in other words it was pretty tiresome. Gentlemen's gifts are in abundance at our store this season. Don't worry over what to give him. Come and let us suggest from our varied stock. DIXON, Tho Jeweler. Tho Rev. Gcorgo F. Williams, of Lexington, will spend next Sabbath with the Prcsbyterian3 and will preach in tho. morning at 10:30 and evening at 7:80. He is one of the strongest preachers in tho Kearney Presbytery. All members and the public are invited to be present. Paul Arnold, who quit school several weeks ago in order to assist his father or. tho farm south of Maxwell, returned this weok and re-entered the Senior class. Paul is one of tho Bolid boys both mentally and physically of the class and tho entire student body is glad to have him return. Weather forecast: Generally fair to night and Saturday; warmor. Maxi mum temperature yesterday 4G, one year ago 4G; minimum this morning 1G, ono year ago 14. Tho five-act comedy-drama "Tho Modern Woodman" will be presented at the Keith Theatre December lGth Under tho auspices of the local lodgo of tho M. W. A. Arthur Yates, of Sutherland, is doing business in town today. Ho recently sold his hotel at that placo and is now engaged in the real cstato business. As Art is a hustler, he will probably make a successful land agent. If you have a loved one or a friend that you intend to givo a nice, usoful Christmas present, call at our store and cxamino our furniture. Workman & DuunYnEnuv. Tho average citizen who has visited our stores will conclude that tho mer chants have made a special effort this year to pleaso tho Christmas shopper. Not only are the stocks largo but tho goods displayed are as suitable for gift giving as they are handsome, Charley Reynolds, who is attending Gem City Business College at Quincy, 111., will bo homo December 19th to spend tho holiday vacation. Charley was a member ot tho college toot ball team this season nnd assisted in mak ing that team tho champions of the city of Quincy. . Get Names Mixed. In an item on tho first page it is stated that Roy Mccomber was ar rested and fined for indulging in u fight nnd that ho was the instigator. The names wore mixed; a fellow named Holden being tho one arrested and fined. No complaint was filed against Mecombor, as it was ascertained that he was not tho oggressor, but simply defended himself against Holden, who attempted to slash him with a knife. Attractions at The Keith. 6th Three years in Ar- December kanuas. December 14th Devil's Auction. December lGth A Modern Woodman. December 19th A Breezy Time. December 23 Rocky Mountain Ex press. December 2Gth Little Johnnio Jones. DrPRIC eREHM Baking Powder A grape cream of tartar powder. Makes pure, healthful, delicious foodo No alum, no lime phosphate. There is an infallible test by which every housewife may detect the unhealth ful alum baking powders The label will tell Study tlie label. If it docs not say cream of tartar the baking powder is made from alum and must be avoided. Railroad Notes. Tho ico harvest at Laramie will bo gin in n few days and shipments to this city for passenger servlco will probnbly bo made. George Freiberg, of tho car repair gang, left Wednesday night for Den ver, to which place ho was transferred at his request. At tho regular meeting of tho Platte River Lodgo No. 29, B. of R. T. yester day afternoon, the following officers were elected: Master, N. Christensen; Secretary, LeRoy Mecombor; Financier, W. H. LoDoy t; delegate to grand lodge, Chns. Bogue; alternate delegate, W. H. LcDoyt. An accident that all railway men dread, and that fortunately is rare, occured on the Union Pacific yesterday near Boslor when ono of the big driving rods on castbound froight ongino No. 240 broke, and tho ponderous bar of stool, with ono end loose, hammered tho cab and tho side of tho engine into scrap in no timo. In the cab at the timo of tho accident was engineer John Heffron, Fireman Foster nnd Brake man McMills, but all escaped injury, although the cab was demolished about their ears. Choyenno Tribune. Tho Russian Joke Teller. Story telllnjt ami JoiUIni; have al ways been cnmitcd the favorite tunuso- nicnts of Fcmllmrlmrle pwplo. To the first we owe tho "Arahlnn Nights" nnd to the second the downs, who were formerly tho nnnenthiKo of all great houses. In Russia the paid oker still nourishes, ami the pcoplo par so much an hour to listen to his Jokes nnd witticisms. He provides himself with two or three hundred tickets, and, mounting a sort of ros trum, ho announces that ho Is going to regale his nudleuco with cholco tid bits of mirth provoking lore. He be gins selling tlelcets nt n penny each, nud when ho has sold enough to wnr- rant his beginning he turns himself loose, nnd tho nudleuco remains spell bound by his humorous stories for an hour or two. A recent traveler who saw a number of theso Jokers In St. Petersburg Bays, "I listened to them several times, and. although I could not understand one word tho Joker snld, I was sure from the way tho an dlcvnco greeted his storlea with roam of laughter that tho Jokes were nbovo tho overage." "Three Years in Arkansaw." Thrco Years in Arkansaw, which comes to Tho Keith tomorrow evening, is boyond a doubt tho acme of perfection in tho lino of comedy drama. It has all the good points of tho old plays of its kind. The author, Porco R. Benton, has dug up in the magnificent hills and valleys of tho great stato of Arkansas the rarest gems of popular wit, senti ment and quaintness evor discovered and strung them in a chain of scenes, each one u peach, not a lemon in tho whole string. The scones of tho play are laid in the Ozark Mountains, where tho pure ozone wafts its gentlest breezes, tho mountains are more rugged tho glades and valleys the grepest and tho slopes are hidden in bowers of vines and blooming flowers. There the girls nro more buxom, the boys leaner, lankier and more awkward than their cousins elsewhere, and the sun shines brighter, the roses bloom longer, and the mountain pink views with the bloom of youth and health which mantles every cheek. Myrtle News. Vnnco Neale spent Thanksgiving at hnmn Mrs. James Hudson and Miss Clark wore North Platto visitors Saturday. A. J . Nealo and son Cliff marketed hogs in Maxwell Tuesday. Miss Allen resumed school duties Monday after n Thanksgiving vacation which sho spent at her home. A number of farmeY3 ara through husking corn. Agnes Bakowcll and Edith Armour spont Thanksgiving at home, returning Sunday. Communion services will bo held nt the Magnuson school houso Sunday, uecemuer bth. All members are urged to bo present. E. C. Allison and Travis Jensen are painting tho school houso in Dist. 54. Rov. Hill and family, Geo. Ray nnd I. N. Reynolds and Miss Alta Roynolds Joo Bay and Lesllo Hoagland at" Thanksgiving turkoy with L. I Mitchell and wife. Tho ladies of tho Dorp congregation met nt tho homo of Mrs. L. C. Mitchell and organized a ladles aid society to meet at tho every two weeks on Thurs day afternoon. Tho next meeting will 'bo held at tho homo of Mrs. Geo. Bay All ladies cordially invited to attend. Adam, Evo and Soma Apple, now many apples did Adam nnd Eve ent? Some say ISvc 8 nud Adam 2, a total of 1 0. Others say Eve 8 and Adam 8 also; total, 1 0. Hut If Ero 8 and Adam 2, tho total will bo 0 0. Now, . If Evo 1 and Adam 8 12 tho total would be 80 3. Then If Eve 8 1 1st and Adam 812 the totnl would be 1,023. Or, again, Evo 8 1 t Adam, Adam 812-12 oblige Eve, total 8 2, Ono. Though wo nil- mlt Evu 8 1 4 Adam, Adam, If ho 8 1 8 1 1 2 keep Evo company; totnl, 8,182, 05 . All wrong. Eve. when she 81812 tunny aud probably fell sorry for It, and Adam, In order to relievo her grief, 8 1 2; therefore Adam If ho 8 1 8 124 0-fy isvos depressed spirit; hence both ate 8l,80,:8(M apples. Knuxns City Independent. MnrrlaQo Customs In Savage Africa. The charge which Is sometimes brought against white men of "marry lug for money" cannot be used against their Bex In Africa, for there it Is the other way about, husbands hnvlng to purchnse their wives. When a limn has n wife bestowed upon him as an act of charity ho feels that she Is not properly his own, and she, if she will, can treat him with contempt. This custom of wife purchase, although It Is to be decried as tending to lower marriage to tho level of a couuuerclnl contract, Is an Incentive to young men to work. Lazy youths cannot com- peto with energetic ones In the matri monial market, ns they are despised by tho young women nud rejected by their parents as being unworthy of their daughters. Wide World Mngnzlno. Sea Roses. Tho'ecn-rosu Is a leathery looking creature which attaches Itself, to n 8touo'"rit "fllo bottom of the SOU' In its' Infancy nnd ultimately attains a size about threo inches In length and an iueh 'nnd a half in breadth. When quiet and feeding under water Its top opens nnd blossoms Into tho Hoinblnnee of a largo pink rose, with potnls fully nn Inch long, a really handsomo ob ject. Ah noon as It Is disturbed, how ever, It shuts Itself resolutely Into Its leather pod, Southern Spoon Corn Dread. Pour two eupfuls boiling water over n cupful comment; cook five minutes. utlrrhiR continually; add a tablespoon- nil butter, two eggs well beaten, a cup ful milk, a teiiHpoonful salt; bent thor oughly, pour Into a well greased bak ing dish nud bake thirty-five minutes In hot oven. Serve from the dish In which It is baked.-Whnt to Eat. CHILDREN'S Fur Top Slippers 11 H-7l - mi e THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, i of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital - $100,000.00 Surplus Fund - - - 20,000.00 Stockholders' Liability - 100,000.00 Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00 (Not considering quick assets nnd cash resources) DIRECTORS" E. F. Sccberger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara. 3j OPERA HOUSE PICTURE SHOW. ft I Benefit Boys' Cadet Band. f wv . i - - mm i . 0 i omgiu. ALL NEW PICTUB.ES. Good Musical Act by Freidlander Bros. New Illustrated Songs jjtf ADMISSION 10 AND 15 CENTS. 5ri isf ttZj Dcst the world Affords "For fifteen yenrs I havo watched tho working of JJucklen's Arnica Snlvo; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it wbb ap plied. It has saved us many n doctor bill," says A. V. Hardy, of East Wil ton, Maino. 25c. at Stono's drug storei One Crazy Night, SATURDAYDEC. 5th. THE SEASON'S BEST BET, Three Years in Arkansaw -a EVERY LITTLE TOT dreads to step out of their for Those indebted desiring to settle wil find us at the old stand for the next 30 days. Harrington &Tobin. t rm m ocf in fh t tn rMi i r re Hill 111 IIWvIV lit Wil tlllA 1111 tneir little ieet get so cold on tne noor. t nac is wny we hope that Santa Claus will take each and every one of them a pair of our fine fur topped slippers, which wil keep them as Snug as a Bug in a Rug. You will be greatly pleas inir tne cnuuren it vou see that they have a pair. Size 5 to 8 90c Size 82 to 1 1 . . $1.00 Size 12 to 2 ... . $1.15 8MADL The Big Shoe Man. 521 Dewey Street. E-ICEITH THEATRE: OUAB. A.. STAMlVMauaifOr FOR II - Uiristmas Presents For Men. Go to Senate & Clabaugh's and get the latest in our line. Stock new and up-to-date. Everything for Men. Scha tz & Clahaugh, Clothiers and Gents' Furnishers. 520 Dowey Street. A Real Comedy s The Yap Quartette The Zinlc Mine The Arkansaw Wedding New Specialties .... Prices 2 Seats on 5c, 50c and 75c Sale at Clinton's MUTUAL FRIENDS when thoy want to trent each other to cigars will find none finer thonthosowo tjiako. Our fivo centers are as good us tho ten ccntora of many other makes, while our ten centers nro at the head end of all cigars. And besides when you smoko North Platto mado cigars you are patronizing homo industries and I assisting to build up a greator North Platto. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. You Can't Get Along Without good harness. When your harness breaks you will realize this. It is bettor to realize it boforo and get good harness boforo you buy. Then you will avoid accidents and won risk snoiliner your horao. Wo sell a light dependable harness for $16.00. iwcry harness wo soil Is rcliublo in ma teriul and make. A. F. FINK. A SUDDEN REMINDER of your ncgligenco in securing a firo insuranco policy may como in the ehapo of u firo at any timo. THE SOONER YOU INSURE tho bettor for you, You know it, and this is only to remind you that tho knowledge will do you no good unless you act upon it. Let us writo you a policy today and havo it ovor with. You'll fcol bettor and sloop ensior. The vory best companies and lowest rates. Buchanan & Patterson.