auto Illitprlctil Sccicty fnvvp.wrpv-irnTinrmr vwap N0JIT1I PLATTE, NKHRASKA, UEORMBEIt 4, l!M). NO. 00 X li 1J11 JL JL I.' VUltii.ll AJJiXlltr NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. Gua Huffman loft Wednesday for a few days visit with friends at Bloom ing ton, Neb. Tuesday was a banner day for ticket sates at tho depot, the total for the twenty-four hours amounting to $058. Wo hundlo nil kinds of Milwaukee Sausages, tho best manufactured. Como and see what we havo. TtiAMP, The Grocer. Deputy Sheriff Lowell returned InBt night from Lincoln where ho escorted Charles Hunter, who will serve a three years sentence in the penitqntiary for forgery. Cadet band benefit at the opera houso picture show tonight. Fine pictures and good vaudcvillo stunt. Attend and thus givo the boys needed financial encouragement. Beginning December 1st tho shop forco went on an eight-hour day. This reduction is not relished by employes, as tho checks have been nono too largo to meet tho expense of winter living. Rinckcr'B Book Store is agent for the Victor and Edison Phonograph and rec ords. Will duplicato any prices in the United States. A two hundred ton compound engine of the mogul typo passed through Wed nesday to do servico on the Moffat road. This is tho first of several engines of that class that has been ordered for that road. For Rent My 8 room house on west Third street. Address Paul Goss, 333 No. 29th St'., Lincoln, or see J. II. Ritner. Leslio Hoaglnnd, a young man well known in North Platte, has resigned the cashiership of the Farmer's Bank, of Gandy. Wo havo not learned what Mr. Hoagland expects to do do in the futuro. Those indebted desiring to settle will find us at the old stand for the next 30 days. Harrington & Tobin. E. R. Smith recently made a trip from Gandy to North Platto in his gas oline wagon in one hour and fifty-fivo minutes. Considering tho nature of the country traveled, tho run -was a re markably fast one. Deputy United States Marshal Sam mops camo up from Kearney Wednes day and committed J. H. Edmisten to tho county jail for a term of three months, following hia recent sentence by tho federal court at Omaha. Tho normal temperature for Decem ber i3 twenty-eight degrees, tho aver ago precipitation is forty-nine ono hun dredths of an inch, and tho coldest De cember day in thirty-four years was on tho fourteenth of the month in 1901 when the temperature registered thirty below zero. Wo don't overdraw it when we say wo have tho finest and biggest lino of Quecnswaro and Decorated China in town, and the prices are lower than ever before. Como In and inspect our stock. You will be pleasedi Tit amp, the Grocer. Register Evans, of the United States land office, recently received an inquiry as to whether thero is in this district a tract of land suitable for a government rifle range. Thero is not, however, a suitable tract still remaining in the eovornmont's possession that is suf ficiently near a railroad. With eggs selling at thirty cents a dozen and tho winter just setting in, it looks as though "ham and" will be procurable in mid-winter only by men who havo phethoric pocket-books. The barons who bought eggs last summer at ten cents a dozen ond stored them, are certainly making a nico thing out of their investment. waiter Scott, better known as "Death Valloy Scotty", passed through Tuesday onroute to New York to in tercst capitalists in ono of his mining schemes. Scott is tho fellow who squandered a millon in a few months, and during that tlmo croatcd a sensa t'on in New York. He says he has sowed his wild oats. We will havo a complete lino of up-to-date Christmas coods consisting of Skates, Sleds, Express Wagons, Car ying Sets, Chafing Dishes, Silver Knives nnd Forks. A full lino of Rochester Silver Plated Waro and a complete lino of Aluminum Ware. Wo can supply the wants from tho least to tho full grown. Woiikman & DRRiivnEimy, Fiftv-one carloads of sugar beets wore shipped from Sutherland this sea son. This represents only part of tho crop raised in that section, as shipment were mado from sidetracks more con veniont to tho beet Holds. The grow era aro roported to bo well satisfied with the returns, and a much larger acreage will probably be planted next year. D. B. Carlisle, who lives three .-niles west of tho experimental farm, will soli his stock and fnrm machinery nt public auction on December 17th. Ho expectB to rcmovo to Oklahoma. A mask ball, under tho management ofM. VanBrocklln and C. C. Cooper will bo'given attho Chas. Gcrkcn barn in Mcdicino precinct on Christmas night. A basket supper will bo servod. ' Roy Mccomber was fined five dollars and costs in tho pollen court Wednes day morning on tho chargo of indulging in n fistic encounter th" evening before and of which he seemed to bo the insti gator. A good sized audience was present Wednesday evening at tho Cutter Mack entertainment, tho third numbor of tho high school lecturo course. Both men proved to be excellent in their re spective lines. Prof. Leonhart, tho piano tuner, is in town and will remain In this vicinity for a couple of weeks. Mr. Leonhart is nlso in a position to sell you n good piano at a less price than you can so cure from any other dealer. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover and son, of Jacksonville, 111., arc tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Dill. Mr. Hoover, who is a brother of Mrs. Dill, is a machin ist by vocation, nnd thirty-nine years ago worked in tho Omaha shops. Tho Burko-Votaw-Murray Commis sion Co., of Denver, havo shipped fif teen hundred head of sheep to tho lo cal stock yards whore they will bo fed corn and hoy for sixty or ninety days, and then forwarded to market. Herman LeDioyt expects to move in to his new houso on the corner of Sixth and Willow tho latter part of next week. This residence is one of tho finest in town and will certainly make Mr. LeDioyt and his family n comfort- abla home. Usually the appronch of Christmas is productivo of hymeneal ventures, but this season seems to be proving an, ex ception. So far as known, only two weddings will transpiro between now and January 1st in which North Platto people are directly interested. Tho 'Pay no Investment Co. escorted half dozen or more prospective land buyers to Lcwelion Wednesday. Among the number was John Mullen, traveling passenger agent for tho Northwestorn, who invested in a tract of land in that section. Don't overlook an Eastman kodak when looking for Christmas gifts. They will bo appreciated by any ono to whom they aro given. Walter Ellis, a well known actor and theatrical director, is in town and has mado arrangements with 'the Modern Woodmen and Royal Neighbors to put on a play in about two weeks. Mr. El- is promises tho people of North Platto an excellent production. Chafing Dishes, Leather Goods, Hair Combs, Fountain Pens, Cut Glass, Watches, Diamonds and the finest lino of jewelry ever displayed in our city. Call early and get tho best selection. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. Edward Mahoney, traveling passen ger agent for tho Milwaukeo, W. D. Clifton, traveling freight agent for tho TTnion Pacific nnd John Mellon, traffic embassador for tho Northwestorn, wero in town Wednesday. Wo acknowlcdgo a pleasant call from the two first men tioned. Rev. F. C. Taylor, of Central City, Neb., will deliver an address nt tho Episcopal church this evening on Alas ka. Mr. Taylor, who is a very cntain ing speaker, was for n number of years n missionary in Alaska. A very cordial invitation is extended to every ono to attend this servico.' Diamonds for Christmas aro n snfo investment, ns well as an always ac ceptablq gilt. Wo aro offering this season some exceptional values in fine diamonds. Let us show you wo can savo you money. dixon, Iho Jeweler. Business at tho county offices, or at least such as would provo of interest to our readers, has been quiet this week. At tne eerie s omce tow transiers ot real estate havo been recorded, in Judgo Elder's court the principal busi ness hns been probate mattors, no now cases have been filed in tho district court, and in the treasurer's office the issuance of personal tax receipts hns been about tho only business transacted Usually tho court houso is productive of a good many news items for tho ro porters, a i. . . a. l. . i but not so this week. Bargains in City- Property. Beautifully located eiirht room cot tago. strictly modem, shade, and only two nlocka from postoffico, $3000. Ono ot tho finest residences on Dowoy street, just complete, two lots, $3,600, Six room cottago with corner lot, $2,800. Five room cottage. $1,800. Good four room houso with barn and two lots; snap at $1,100. Tho beautiful Uryderman homo on West 0th St., partly furnished. $5000. O. H, Thoelecke. Personal Mention. Dick Schleas, of Omaha, is n guest at the Sam Richards residence. S. P. Dolatour, of Deuel county, was in town yesterday transacting business. Sam Richards will roturn tonight from a business trip to Omaha and Chicago. Mrs. Will Jcffcrs, of Ogdcn, is visit ing hor parents, having arrived Tuoa- day night, John Burkn, of Denver, was in town yesterday, having brought down two cars of sheep from Colorado. Vom Langford, who has been em ployed in tho east for a couple of years paBt, is in town visiting his mother and sisters. 0. W. Gamble, of Wayno, arrived in town yesterday and will remain for a fow daya looking after his real estate interests. Rev. Powell, lato of Sutherland, was In town Wednesday enrouto to West Point, Neb., whore he will accept tho pastorate of n Lutheran church. Judgo S. B. Syder, of the superior court at Council Bluffs, was in town this week and closed a deal with O. H. Thoolecko for a tract of Keith county land. Mrs. Wm. Eves camo down from Horshoy Wednesday and left tho samo day for u visit with hor son George at Stockton, Cal., going via Denver and Los Angeles. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Park, of Sterling, Colo., visited relatives in town Wcd-- esday while enrouto homo from Oma ha, where they spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Park's purents. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Strcitz nnd son Ferdinand leave tho early part of next week for Washington D. C, where they will visit their daughter Ruth nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Alex Stewart for six or eight weeks. Rev. J. F. Seibort went to Omahn Wednesday night to attend tho fiftieth anniversary of tho founding of tho first Lutheran church in Nebraska. Mr. Soibert will deliver an address on that occasion, having been assigned tho subject of "Fifty Years of Lutherism n Nebraska," Society Notes Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Weingand en tertained tho members of the Lutheran choir, thoir husbands and closo friends, together with tho pastor nnd his wife about twenty Tuesday evening. Var ious games wero introduced for the amusement of the guests, and refresh ments, which wero much enjoyed, were served at tho close. The affair proved most agrcenblo ono. Miss Snruh Richards was tho recip ient of u surpriso party Wednesday evening on tho occasion of her thir teenth birth anniversary, eighteen or twenty of her young friends composing the invading party. Tho evening was dovotcd to various amusements and every ono had a jolly tlmo. Enjoyablo refreshments were served. Railroad Notes. Elmer Owens is oil duty on account of a carbuncle on his left arm. Wm. Hylnnd, a veteran conductor nn tho mountian districts of the Union Pacific, died qt his homo in Laramie Monday. Twolvo cars of lumber for tho now ice houses havo been received nnd un loaded, and a half dozen more cars aro expected in a few days. M"ssrs. Dean, Guthorless, Hupfer and Guynan, who spent a day or two this week hunting geeso nt Oshkosh, found tho fowl rather scarce nt that particular timo. Ralph Starkey nnd Geo. Winkowitch left this morning for Lewelln whero they will hunt geese for a fow days Starkey wus up in that section a few days ago and bagged nino in ono day. Tho Union Pacific is storing n consid erable qunntity of coal at this point. Owing to tho rush of traffic last sum mer tho customnry stocK ot coal wns not stored at this terminal, and a sur plus is now being unloaded for uso in caso of a snow blockado on tho moun tain districts. Foreman Murphy, of .the Union Puci fic bridge and building department, is a firm boliovor in tho good results of ad vertising. Ho requested tho writer to insert a few lines stating that carpen ters and laborers couiu secure wortc on tho new ice house, nnd since then ho has been overwhelmed with applicants Freight traffic on tho Union Pacific 1b reported to bo fairly uctivo for thi season of tho year and tho crews arc making good mileage. It is Bald that the company has secured a big tranr portation contract that will help out business very much during tho next onth. City Council Proceedings. Council, Chamber, Dec. 2,1908. Council met in adjourned session with all members present, except Mayor McCabe, who was out of tho city. Tho monthly roport of tho city treas urer was read, which showed a balnnco in the treasury of $3,277.33 November 30th, 1908. A demand from tho county for tho refund of sower taxes pnid on tho jail property was roferred to tho city at torney. Tho back part of tho Mrs. ;Ellen Murphy property was selected on which to place tho First ward hoso ousc, in place of where it is now, ns Mr. Burncy has purchased tho lot whero it now stands nnd desires its re moval. The street commlttco was instructed to order ten moropspor baskets for tho business part of the city. The water works ordinance that is now boforo tho council, the samo being ntroduced last mooting by Attorney J. G. Booler, was road tho second tlmo. An electric light was ordered placed on tho comer of Seventh and Locust street. Tho electric light company was lso ordorcd to place tho nrc light that now on: the railway crossing on Locust street, and on tho west side of tlio pole, tho polo being on tho west sido of tho crossing causing a largo shadow on tho crossing, on tho east sido of tho polo so as to eliminuto this shadow. Upon motion city attorney was in truded to draw nn ordinance amend ing the lunch wngon ordinance so ns to rend $00.00 per year, paynblo quarterly nstcad of $100.00 per year payablo semi-annually. This was done as it was found that tho $G0 00 per year is tho customary chargo in other towns f this size. All claims against tho city, oxcept one, wero allowed. Tho following city firemen woro .grandad certificates of sorvico, ns thoj had sorved tho required fivo years in tho firo department; Thos. Golden, Ralph Smith, Charles J. Pass, Albort Stageman nnd James Golden. Harrington & Tobin have ai; office in the Keith Theatre. All desiring to sell Hay and Grain will find us there. Room 5, Telephone 250. Loudon Stock Sold. Tho Loudon Btock of groceries, in the room south of tho postoffico, was sold public auction Tuesday afternoon by usteo Davis to Perry nnd Frank Bu- chunan for $1,800. It is tho intention f tho Buchanan brothers to. restock the store nnd conduct an up-to dato grocory. uotli havo had experience in this lino of business nnd wo predict for them a successful business career. The store will bo re-opened for busiucss us soon as tho now stock is received and shelved. For Sale. Puro bred Duroc-Jersey boars. Good hone and Bhape. Also puro bred Barred Plymouth Rock nnd Buff Orpington Cockerels. Will tnko grain in trndo. Call on or address Blankenburg BroB., North Platto, Neb. FOR SALE. At the Experimental Sub-Station. Somo choice Duroc-Jorsov Boars nt $15 each. Twenty-five head of yearlinir steers and heifers; nearly all of theso are Abcrdecn-Angua grades. lirome grass seed of tho crop of 1908 nt 10 cents per pound. Kherson oats lor seed nt uu centH nor bushel, There is no more winter whont for snlo. W. P. Snvduii. Sunt. ESTRAY NOTICE. Taken up on my promises situnted on tho north uast quarter of section .'M, township lb, north of rnngo au, Lincoln county, Nebraska, tho following de scribed nnimal to wit: Ono Jlirht red bull about 18 months old, weight nbout 500 pounds, no brand visible. Said es tray was taken up about tho middlo of June, 1908. Mauiucb IJiikhn. Seven Years of Proof. "I havo had so von years of proof that Dr. King's Now Discovery is tho best medicine to tako for coughs and colds and for every diseased condition of throat, chest or lungs," Bays W. V. Henry, Panuma, Mo. Tho world has had thirty-eight years of proof thatDr, lungs wow Discovery is tho best rem edy for coughs and colds, la grippo, nsthmu, hay fover, bronchitis, hemo rrhage of the lungs, und tho early stages of consumption. Its timely uso always prevents tho development of pneumonia fold under guarantee at Stono'H drug store. GOc. and $1.00. Trial bottlo free Barb wire for sale at Ucrshey's, corner Fith and Locust St. Phone 15 ENOUGH SAID! A NEW HOSIERY FOR MEN. MADE WITH TOFand Which Means four times the wear: A wny has been discovered to mnko n sock so It won't wenr out at tho too and heel boforo tho rest of tho sock wears out. Think of tho darning thin is going to save. Imagine n lino lisle sock thnt will far outwear any heavy weight hosiery you havo ever used, nnd then como nnd buy n trial pair of these, wear them nnd como back and thank us for "putting you wise." TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. GRAHAM 8 CO. Mutual Building and Loan Association OF NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ORGANIZED 1887. ASSETS - Office 622 In ordor to supply funds for loan applications npproved nnd allowed by its board of directors, this association will issuo a limltod amount of its paid up stock, in any amount from $100.00 to $5,000.00. This paid up stock drawB dividends nt tho rato of six percent por annum, payablo Mnrch 1st and Sept. 1st of each year, and may bo withdrawn at any timo upon thirty days' notice All of tho assots of tho association boing invested in first mortgagos on improved real cstato in tho City of North Platto and tho association being operated under tho supervision of tho Stnte Bnnking Board, there enn bo no safer investment. T. C. PATTERSON, President; SAMUEL GOOZEE, Secretary; E. S., DAVIS, Asst. Secretary. Do You Enow The comforts of a hot water bottle? Come in and let us explain their many uses. We order direct from the factory, insuring you new goods and at lowest price. Two-quart Hot HCn Water Bottle Jl" Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. . First door north of First Nat'l Bnnk. WHEN YOU PUT MONEY IN A CARRIAGE you wnnt to know that your money isn't waBted. Wo givo u written guar unteo to every purchaser. Thero is no enjoyment that can cqunl n rido in ono of our matchless carriages. Wo can supply you with any stylo, all built with that careful nttcntion which in con struction and finish add bo much to personal comfort. A. M. Lock. Estray Notice. Tukcn up, seven calves, two heifers and fivo steers, fivo nnd one-half miles cast of Hcrshoy, ten nnd ono (juurtcr miles west of North Platte. Parties owning samo can havo them by nroV' ing property, paying cost of notico and their keeping. uallah wills. Five Hundred Dollars Buys tho northeast quarter of section 1U. Two. li, uango ill. Mo terms. Will mail doed to any bank desired, S. E. Donahuo, P. O. Box 052, Seattle, Wash. THE irnnron HEEL I 1 $2S9,8S6.05 Dewey Street. NOTICE. To tho persons who havo mado applica tion ior county uounty on coyotes. As thostnto legislature convenes soon and it has tho power to nnnronrinto money for tho payment of otato bountv on coyotes etc., Your nttontion is called to this mat ter that you may fllo claim with tho Secretary of Stnto for bounty if you wish to do so. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk. Notice to Tho Public. All parties aro warned ngninst throw ing ashes in tho streot ditches. No objections to depositing thorn in middlo of street or in alloys. w. B. SALisnuuY, Streot Commissioner. A RARE BARGAIN If Taken Soon. An eight aero lot adjoining tho town of Sutherland and nbout forty rods from tho town school. Four room houso and now barn on Innd. Four acres In 20-your-old locust grove, would cut $500 worth of postBj 2J acres in alfalfa; four acres fenced with hog tight wiro, und other improvements. Will tako $2,800. Address Box 24, Sutherland, Neb. For Sale. Fino Imported Pcrchoron and Shim Stallions for sale, or to trade for other stock. All young nnd suro breedrs. Address Will G. Gnlnway. McCool. Nob. LADIES' CLOAKS " AND SUITS. Tho Indies of North Platto and vici nity aro fuBt learning that they can bo well dressed and that thoir clothing will havo that stylish look if bought from our Ready to Wear Department. They aro finding that thisclasB of goods bought cost no mora than if bought olsowhero, whilo wo givo thorn far hotter values in workmanship and stylo and all thoso littlo touchos that every woman rculizes muko her appear better dressed than her neighbor. Tho timo to buy winter suits and cloaks is in tho fall when you can get somo benefit from wearing them. Our lino is still comploto. Wilcox Department Store