The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1908, Image 5

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Assures you of the very largest variety to choose from and the choice of our
stock to present your friends with.
Our Holiday Stock
Is in a large measure now on display and we invite you to call and see the many
varied things we. are showing suitable for Christmas Gifts.
Goods Selected Now we will Lay Aside Until Christmas.
Many are now selecting their gifts. We hope to have the pleasure of showing you
1 L-VT Yri Tt
m I dixonH
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rcrSKJtVJrSlTt StrnV? StTrtTTC wriuf 'ySrySf cCCSVtSiTrfSVrFSn
fj VnJ lru.r l-if (j ww ww wO ww ww ww ww ww ww wW ww ww ww wW ww '
Graduate Dcnlisl
Ofllco over tho McDonald
" Stato Bank.
One of those beautiful colored pic
tures at the opera house tonight.
A good largo chicken plo supper will
bo served by the Baptist women Thurs
day evening.
Edgar Chapman, an extra conductor
of the Third district, has been visiting
friends in Ogden for a week past.
Tho Methodist aid society will moot
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. W. C. Ritner.
T. C. Patterson returned Sunday
from Omaha, leaving Mrs. Patterson
to continue her visit in that city a few
days longer.
Attorney J. J. Halligan left yester
day for Scotts Bluff to attond tho
session of district court, being em
ployed as counsel in several cases.
The vaudeville act at tho opera house
this week is ono of the best so far
shown. The Friedland Bros, do a musi
cal act that is simply great.
9-15 Bale Ties at $1,122 Ior bundle.
Ginn & White.
The Boys Cadet Band will have
chargo of tho opera houso picturo sow
noxfPriday night and will sharo in tho
proceeds. Those little fellowB are work-
t I J 1 1.1 1 1 1
lllg utiru Hu auuuiu uu unuuuiiuivu mm
helped by all. V
T -
To Loan.
Private 8 per cent money on clear in
come proporty.
Buatt & Goodman.
Advnnco announcements of "Little
Johnny Jones," which will appenr in
this city tho lattor part of this month,
havo been received at this offlco. The
company carries eighty people, and the
production is ono of tho great hits of
tho stage.
Weather forecast: Fair and continued
cold tonight, Wednesday fair with ris
ing temperature. Maximum tcmpera
turo yesterday 35, ono year ago 54;
minimum this morning 8, ono year ago
2G. Tho precipitation of tho past three
days has amounted to thirtj -six ono
hundredths of an inch. Tho snowfall
last n'ght was equal to two one hun
dredths of an inch of rain.
Gentlemen's gifts are in abundance
at our store this season. Don't worry
over what to give him. Como and lot
us suggest from our varied stock.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Agent Stroup, of tho Payne Co., re
ports tho sale of the west Otton farm
to Passenger Conductor Hamilton, who
runs between this city and Omaha.
Also tho transfer of tho former Bob
Douglas farm from Dr. McCabo to a
Mr. Buskirk. Ono year ago this farm
sold for $20 per acre, now for $40. Mr.
Stroup recently sold tho 800 acre
Jacobs ranch near Lo Moyno to a Fill
more county man for $30,000.
We will have a complete lino of up-
to-date Christmas goods consisting of
Skates, Sleds, Express Wagons, Car
ving Sets. Chafing Dishes, Silver Knives
nnd Forks. A full lino of Rochester
Silver Plated Ware and a complete line
of Aluminum Ware. Wo can supply
tho wants from tho least to tho full
grown. Wokkman & DEimYDEimY.
The Only Way
to be happy is to insuro your property
with Bratt & Goodoian.
Tho offering nt Tho Keith next Fri
day evening will bo Porco R. Benton'a
new comedy success "Three Years in
Arkansaw," a story of the homely side
of life as Been in the hills of Arkansas.
Tho play abounds with a subtle wit and
humor peculiar to the natives of thoso
hills in which tho scenes of tho play
arc laid, and has a story of moro than
ordinary heart interest. Every at
tention has been given to all thoso
minor details which go so far to make
or mnr a production, neither oxponBe
or pains being spared in staging tho
story, for which special sots havo been
prepared for every act.
If you have a loved one or a friend
that you intend to give a nice, usoful
Christmas present, call at our store
and examine our furniture.
6B ? 7 ,
1 - T
Lowmc-iw wti that uctn uoi-m itoun tStairml
Scone from Act 1 of "Tho Farmer's
Daughter," which will bo presented nt
Tho Keith next Thursday evening.
. '
A.t 3.30 P. IVL Sharp.
gvi Having bought the sample stock of Jewelry of a St.
LgD, Joe house at 25 cents on the dollar, we will place the
entire stock on auction Saturday, Dec. 5th, 2:30 P. M.
We will also place on auction the entiro remaining
stock of Schatz & Olabaugh's Clothing which we bought
some time ago. Remember goods will be sold at one bid
as well as two.
CHAS. TYRNELL, Auctioneer.
Renders having items for this column will
plcnso call phono 3i)3.
The Wednesday Musicale will moot
this week with Mrs. Robert Finney.
The Girls' Friendly Society will hold
n meeting nt tho guild houso this oven
ing. Tho GOO Club will bo entertained next
Tuesday evening by Mrs. Goo. B.
Mrs. W. F. Cody will entertnln the
Mothers' Club nt her homo tomorrow
Tho Indian Club will meet nt the
homo of Mrs. Thomas Hcnly Wednes
day afternoon.
Tho meeting of tho N. T. E. club
announced for tomorrow evening has
been postponed.
Thero will bo a social mooting of tho
Episcopal guild nt tho homo of Mrs.
J. S. Honglnnd Thursday nftcrnoon.
Mrs. C. F; Chnpumn nnd Mrs. H. M.
Grimes nro entertaining tho membora
of tho Ulrthdny Club nt tho homo of
tho former thi3 afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Elliott enter
tained forty relatives nnd friends nt
dlnnor on Thanksgiving day. That was
certainly quite a gathering, but tho
host nnd hostess wero equal to tho
occasion nnd served n Buniptuous dinner.
The teachers of tho city schools, in
cluding Supt. Tout nnd Principnl
Uingcr, wero guests of Mrs. Winifred
Delnney Saturday evening. Card games
were among tho entertaining features,
and the evening proved n most pleasant
one. Refreshments woro served nt tho
A pleasant function occurred nt tho
homo of Mrs. Winifred Delnnoy Fridny
evening when sho entertained about
thirty young people in honor of tho
birth anniversary of her brother, Josse
Berry. Card games wero tho enter
taining features of tho evening, Bup
plomcntcd with enjoyable refreshments
nt tho close.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Garlow enter
tained fourteen friends Snturdny even
irg at a chafing dish supper in fnvor
of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Novllle and
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo, Erhnrd. It wns
seven years ago Saturday that Mr.
Erhard first met his wife, the meeting
occurring at tho Cody ranch. Tho ta
ble was profusely decorated inchrysan
thomums and ferns and the place cards
wero dainty hand-painted bridal de
signs. Mrs. Georgo Erhnrd presided
'at the chafing dishes. Tho early part
of tho altogether pleasant ovoning wns
devoted to cards.
Tho members of tho Cotorioclub woro
tho guosts of Mr. and Mro. Will Yost
and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Snydor
Fridny evening at tho homo of tho
former. Card games wero tho enter
taining features, tho. first prizes being
won by Will Weisgcrbor nnd Mrs..
Harry S. Johnson, tho Bocond nnd third
by Mrs. Herman LoDioyt and Mrs.
Win. Stegall. At oloven o'clock tho
guests woro invited to tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Snyder where n sumptuous
Huppor was served. Tho tnblo decor
ations were cut (lowers and chrysanthe
mums. Tho remainder of tho evening
was devoted to music.
Bargains in City Property.
Benutifully located eight room cot
tage, strictly modern, Bhnde. and only
two blocks from postoilico, ?30J0.
Ono ot tho finest residences on Dowov
strcot, just complete, two lots, $3,000.
Six room cottage with corner lot,
I'ivo room cottngo, $t,BUU.
Good four room houso with barn and
two lots; snap at $1,100.
Tho beautiful Crydorman homo on
West 0th st., partly furnished. $5000.
At the last meeting of tho local lodge
of Order of Railway Conductors tho
following officers woro elected: S. C.
Mecomber, Chiof Conductor; Richard
Williams, Asst. Chief Conductor; E. G.
Weston, Secretary nnd Treasurer. Win.
O'Connell, Senior Conductor; C. R,
Breternitz, Juuior Conductor.
In the Only I'onallilr War of llnvlnft
An KfTcctlve Cure.
If you seo a woman or a man with lux
uriant elossy hair, you may bo euro nei
ther lias dandruff to amount to anything-.
In noarly ovory caso whero women and
men havo thin brittle hair, they owe It
to dandruff, Thoro nro hundreds of prep
arations that "claim" to euro dandruff,
but not ono but Nowbro'n Horpleldo tolli
von that dandruff Is tho result of a gerri
burrowing Into tho wain, and that por
unnont euro of dandruff and Its conne-
nuent falllmr and bnldnoiw, enn only bo
had by killing tho tjorm; nnd thoro Ih' no
othor preparation that will dontroy that
Kerin hut Nowbro'n llrrpidda. "limtroy
wio cause, nnd you nnnnvn Ihft effect.
Hold by leading druggist. Snnd K)c. In
mumps ror nnmplo tu Tho TIerplcldo Co.
DririAt Mir
Two hIzcb CO contH nnd $1.00.
McDnnoll & Gnu en. Special Agents,
Notice to The Public.
All parties are warned against throw
ing ashes in tho street ditches. No
objections to depositing thorn in middle
ol street or in alloys.
W. B. Sai.isiiuiiv,
Street Commissioner.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00
(Not considering quick assets nnd cash resources)
E. F. Secbcrgcr, , C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
Positively the Last Week
in Your City,
The .World's Acknowledged Queen of
Palmistry and Clairvoyancy.
Hundreds in this city have tested her mar
velous power and pronounced her to be the
most wonderful and gifted clairvoyant and
palmist ever in the city. But owing to her
inability to wait upon many who have been
turned away, she has concluded to remain
another week and give all an opportunity.
This positively ends her stay in the city and
those who have not consulted her and wish
to should do so at once. Such an oppor
tunity may never present itself agatn.
Mrs. Abraham's Rooming House, over 51 1 Dcwcy
Slrcef, Room Number 5.
Hours Oi30 a m lo 10 p m loadings 50 Cents
Five Hundred Dollars
Buys tho northeast quartor of section
iu, xwp. ii, uango ;n. No terms.
Will mail deed to any bank desired.
S. E. Donahue, 1'. O. UoxC52, Seattle,
01IA8. A. STAMP. Mannuor
One Crazy Night,
Years in
A Real Comedy
The Yap Quartette
The Zink Mine
The Arkansaw
New Specialties ....
Prices 25c, 50c and 75c
Seats on Sale at Clinton's
Just Exactly Right.
If you don't nobody will. It Is vour
business to keep out of nil tho troublo
you can and you can and will kcop out
of livor nnd bowel troublo If you tnko
Dr. KiiiR's Now Llfo Pills. Thoy keep
billiousnoss, malaria nnd jnundico out
of your system, 26c, at Stono's drufj
of your noRllgcnco in securing a flro
Insurance policy mny como in tho shape
of a flro at any time.
tho bettor for you. You know it, and
this is only to remind you thnt tho
knowledge will do you no good unless
you act upon it. Let us writo you a
policy today and havo It ovor with.
You'll feel bettor and sloop easier.
Tho very best companies and lowest
Good Pure Bred Male
Poland China Pigs. . .
S.J. Koch,IIershey,Neb
How is your Digestion.
Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th
Ave., ban Francisco, recommends
remeuy lor stomach troublo. Sho sayB:
"Gratitudo for tho wonderful effect of
Electric Hitters in a caso of ncuto in
digestion, prompts this testimonial. I
am fully convinced that for stomach
and liver troubles Electric Hitters is tho
host remedy on tho market to-day."
This great tonic nnd alterntivo medi
cine invigorates tho system, purflcatho
blond and is especially helpful in all
formB of female weakness. 50c. at
Stone's drug store.
Notice U liorohy elvun that at one o'clock
on Kattinlay, tlioiM ilay of January, at
tho KhsI front door of tlm court houso In tho
city of North 1'lattn. Noli., I will soil atpublla
auction to thi) lilidiont anil blihlur tliu
south half ("Ml and thu north wont quarter of
section thlrty-llvu(55.) township thirteen (ID.)
north, rarmu thlrty-onu (31,) wrst ot tho Otli
1). in. In Lincoln Oounty.Nubraaka.
Tortus of Raid salo aro to bo one-third
cash. Imlanco onu-lmlf in ono year and
oiiii-liair In two yoarH from date o( salo
with Intorost at six xtr cont nor annum.
Haiti sulo Is rnadu by vlrtuo ot an'ordorot
tho District court ot Lincoln county, Nob.,
ontcrudon tho iWth (lay of Novombor, 1WH,
In a caso wherein Klburt O. Uoarhart Is
plalntllT and Jonnlo A- Furlos, Arthur I.,
(loarharl, John II. Ooarhart and Watson H.
(luarhart aio defendants, brouifhtlto partition,
tho abovo described laud and salt! sale 1
held pursuant to said order.
Lesteii WJtLKEit, Roforoo,