The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1908, Image 4

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    The Greatest Holiday Store in the City
Shows the Largest and Best Selection of
Practical Gifts for Christmas
This is a modern, up-to-date Christmas display in an up-to-date store. The new
things to give for Christmas are all shown here. They are spread attractively be
fore you to make selections easy.
If you are looking for the best your Christmas money will buy, you should
trade at this store. Your Christmas money will buy better gifts, buy more gifts and
last longer than any place else. Come to our store, do your Christmas buying at
your leisure, when store is not crowded.
No. 511 DEWEY
Jeweler and Optician
Make your selcctibns now and have them laid aside. Spend a -few moments
in our store when down town.
Miss Mabol Pattorsou returned Sun
day night from Donvor, whoro sho
spont Thanksgiving and tho days fol
lowing with hor pnronts.
District Foreman Bcory, who had boon
Topoka' for a voek jib n witness in a
damago suit against tho Union Pacific,
roturncd homo Sunday night.
Chafing Dlshoa, Leather Goods, Hair
Combs, Fountain Pono, Cut Glass,
Watches, Diamonds and tho finest lino
of jewelry ovor displayed In our city.
Call early and get tho bust soloction.
Dixon, Tho Jowolor.
Harry Lamplugh is completing at
tho Lamplugh lulco n cement block ico
house with n capacity of throo thous
and tons., Tho building of this houso
insures a. supply of ico for tho pooplo of
North Platto next summer. Tho Ico on
tho lako is now about flvo inches thick
and Mr. Lamplugh anticipates an oarly
Mr. and Mrs. Lorn Dailoy loft Satur
day night for a few days' visit with
Mr. Bailoy'a parents at Cozad.
For Ront Houso nt 509 West Second
street. Fivo rooms. $10.00 per month.
Inquire of Fred Wendoborn, G02 West
9th street.
Tho Payno Investment Co. chartered
a special train on tho North River
branch this morning and took out a
party of prospective land buyers.
Tho witnesses of tho state in tho
Mungcr hearing failed' to appear in
court Friday and upon ufildavit of tho
county attorney, tho caso was contin
uod for ono month.
Mr. Taylor, a returned missionary
from Alaska, in which torritory ho
spont five years, will address tho wo
man's auxiliary at tho Episcopal church
next Friday evening. All persons in
torestcd in an address of this naturo
uro invited to nttend.
baking Powder.
Theonly baking powder made from
Royal Grape, Cream of Tartar, the
officially" approved ingredient for
a wholesome, high-class powder
Tbtre Is greater deception In the ealo ol baklnc powders than ever before.
Closely observe lbs label and be certain of uclllaj Koyal.
Phone 148
Mrs. John Bnrnell wont to Ingleside, j
Neb., last night to visit her husbnnd.
Miss Maymo Johnson, of Brady, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S.
Georgo T. Field is transacting busi
ness in Omaha, having left for that city
Sunday night.
B. L. Robinson left Inst night for
Beatrice, having been called there by
tho illness of his sister-in-law.
Mrs. Tim Hanifln has returned from
Hastings, where she was called by tho
sickness and death of a brother.
B. 0. Franzcn, who had been visiting
In this section for a few days, returned
last night to his homo at Wheatland,
Pearl desk and manicure novelties
aro very much in voguo this season.
Wo havo selected a superb lino for tho
holidays. Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Tho Mi d-weck service nt tho Baptist
church this wo ek will begin at 7:30 nnd
dismiss at 8:45. Tho ordinance of bap
tism will bo administered at this service
For Duildintr & Loan money, sco
Temple Real Estate and Insurance
J. C. Fogg, foreman of tho Gould &
Pederscn ranch north of Pnxton, was
in town this morning onrouto homo
from South Omaha, where ho marketed
seven cars of cuttlo last week.
Engine 1508, one of tho two which
figured in tho Borio wreck, paused
through to the Omaha shops yesterday.
But little remains of tho cngino other
than tho boiler.
For Insurance. Seo Templo Real Es-
tnto and Insurance Agency.
Considerable moisturo fell Sunday,
rain and wet snow falling for several
hours. Thcro was a decided drop in the
temperature last evening and this morn
ing was tho coldest of tho season.
Tho Methodists of Kearney dedicated
their new $38,000 church Sunday, Bis
hog Mclntyro presiding. Three ser
vices wero hold, nnd during tho day
$20,000 wero subscribed. Tho fact that
so large a sum was given Is pretty good
ovidence that prosperity abounds in
Sco tho fino lino of Christmas chinn
at Riucker's book storo.
Letters addressed to Santa Claus
sent by juveniles aro already being
dropped into tho postofllco boxes.
Hero's hoping that Santa Claus may
rcceivo them all and all tho requests be
granted. Tho implicit confidence
I which the child reposes in Santa Claus
should not bo dashed oarlicr than possi
Diamonds for Christmas aro a safe
investment, as well as an always ac
ccptablo gift. Wo aro offering this
season some exceptional values in fino
diamonds. Lot us show you wo can save
you money. dixon, lho Jeweler,
Union Pacific Pays Taxes.
Tho Union - Pacific without protest
paid its 1908 personal taxes yesterday,
tho amount of which was $50,792.38.
This is tho tax on the main line as well
as tho O'Fallon branch. Over fifty
thousand dollars; that's a big sum. Lin
coln county would have hard sledding
wero it not for tho taxes paid by the
Union Pacific and tho Burlington.
Bratt & Goodman
rent houses, stores, arms, hay, alfalfa
and grazing land, make collections, buy
and soil real estate. Sco them.
North Platte Not Recognized
Governor Sheldon announced tho ap
pointment of four supreme judge3 yes
terday afternoon but failed to recog
nize either of tho two North Platto
applicants Judge Grimes nnd Judge
Hoagland. Tho appointees are Root
nnd Fawcett. two of tho lato supreme
court commissioners, W. B. Rose,
deputy attorney genera', nnd J. J.
Sullivan, of Columbus.
Tho republicans of tho "sandhills"
of wostern Nebraska are gooU fellows
for "voting hor straight," but when
it comes to recoivine appointments
they are always overlooked.
5 and 10 Acre Tracts
$100 Per Acre.
Adjoins City Limits. Ten
blocks southeast of Court
House. Roy B. Tabor,
By Wm. E. Shuman,
His Attorney.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express our heartfelt
thanks to friends and neighbors, and to
tho W. R. C. and to all other societies,
for tho assistance given during the last
illness and funeral of our mother, Mrs.
Sarah King.
Signed: Mrs. J. S. Morsch, C. A.
King and Edwin King.
City and School Taxes Low.
Some of our citizens are inclined to
think that tho city taxes In North
Platto aro high, yet they aro but
littlo over half as high as thoso
of Beatrice, York, Kearnoy and Grand
Island. Tho following table shows tho
city and school tax of eight of the
arger towns of the state, North Platto
standing at tho head as tho lowest in
taxation, tho figures being for tho year
North Platto 16.5
Bcatrico 30.5
Norfolk 29.62
York 30.
Fremont 30.
Hastings... 24.
Kearney 30.
Grand Island 30.5
you want to know that your money
isn't wasted. We givo a written guar
antee to every purchaser. Thero is no
enjoyment that can equal n ride in ono
of our matchless carriages. Wo can
supply you with any style, all built with
that careful attention which in con
struction nnd finish add so much to
personal comfort.
A. M. Lock.
For Rent.
Fivo room houso, modern in every
respect, bath, electric lights, etc. Only
five blocks from tho business part of
tho city. Located in tho south part of
town. Seo us at once, for tho amount
that this placo can bo rented for will
insuro its rent by tho first applicant
Templo Real Estate & Insurance
Agency. Rooms 1 and 2 McDonald
You Can't Get Along Without
good harness. When your harness
breaks you will realize this. It is
better to rcalizo it boforo and got
good harness boforo you buy. Then
you will ' avoid accidents and won't
risk spoiling your horse. Wo sell a
light dependable harness for $16.00.
Every harness we sell Is reliable in ma
terial and make.
Go to tho Masonic hall Thursday night
for supper.
Leo Grimes spont Sunday In town
visiting his parents and friends.
Miss Mary Strahorn will assist in
Rinckor's book store during tho holi
day trade, beginning her duties yester
Miss Kathorino Feathers .and Miss
Fern Tudhopo, who had beon guests at
tho E. G. Weston home, returned to
Ogalalla Sunday.
Chas. Echolborry, who wont to Zanea-
villo, Ohio, last spring, returned to
North Platto yestorday to remain. His
family will como as soon as ho secures
a suitublo houso in which to livo.
W. C. Puttorson returned Sunday
from points In Colorado after an nb
senco of ton days. His mission thoro
wns to look up tho hay market, and to
close contracts.
W. A. Tanner wont to Loxington this
morning whero ho will assume manage
ment of tho Woodsum lumber yard dur
ing tho absence of th proprietor and
his family in California.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hunter and Mrs.
Geo. Crosby nnd children, of Suther
land, aro spending today in town nnd
loavn on tho Los Angeles limited tliis
evening for Southern California where
thoy will spend tho winter.
Having received our third car of fur
niture sinco putting In tho lino,; wo aro
now aoio to suit tno most critical oyo.
Wo havo nil Btylos of tho different linos
of f urnlturo, und will bo pleased to havo
you givo us a call.
Yours for tho furnlturo business,
Tho meetings at tho Christian church
will close Thursday eveninir with u
lecture on "Crimes und Criminals".
This lecture has beon delivered at Y.
M. C. A. gatherings, teachers' insti
tutes, farmers' Institutes and educa
tlonal.nssociations. It is a fittinc closo
to tho meetings thut have had an influ
ence for good on many in North Platto.
Thoro will bo special music. Como nnd
let us closo tho mcotings with good fel
lowship. F. von Fohell.
For Sale.
Just listed ono of tho best nnd chonp-
boat nliulta, hay and cultivated farmH
m tno vulloy. Lot Bratt & Good
The things that the Man With
a Monarch Range in His
Kitchen Hast" be Thankful for.
Some Features of the Monarch
Range that makes the Woman
Who Uses One Truly Thankful.
It Pleases His Wife Thoroughly.
A woman who uses a Monarch Rango Is moro than
merely satisfied. Sho is pleased-enthusiastic about it.
Sho appreciates that sho haB a rnngo far superior in
every respect to tho so-cnllcd "Steel Ranges" that her
frlend3 aro using,
It Cooks His Meals Promptly and Perfectly.
No unexpected delay because "tho oven wouldn't
heat." No Bpoiicd meals that are usually blamed on
tho cook when tho rango is really at fnult.
Uses so Little Fuel It Pays for Itself.
Hero's tho Important thing. This makc3 tho Monarch
tho rungo for poor and rich alike It saves its own cost
in a short time and continues to save, year after year.
It's an investment that yields big returns regularly,
long after the principal has been paid back.
The Polished Top.
Never requires any stovo blackening yet is always in
perfect condition clean and shiny.
Wellsville Steel Body.
Always retains its snlendid finish without tho uso of
stovo blacking or paint. Most lasting material known
for rango bodios.
The Duplex Draft.
A device found on tho Monarch alono which docs away
with sifting ashes und keeps the oven uniformly heated.
An Air-Tight Oven.
With pa tent non-wnrplng bottom. Scams can never open
uALt0 ,nilmit (,r.l.ftB BShos nd dust ub in n so-called
Steel Rango." Aflsurns Perfect baking which can bo
dono only in an air-tight oven.
Lower Warming Closet.
A J i ,
convenient siorago compartment underneath tho
OVen. With tllU llnnr nnon It- iwinfa tl.r. m..
baso burner and can't interfcro at all with tho bakinir
a Monarch Range in the
Kitchen there will be true thanksgiving
in the hearts of cook and guest .alike.
A woman's pleasure in using this perfect
range quite equals her pride in serving
the family and guests with the delicious
food it prepares. Whv not make this
a Genuine Thanksgiving in your home? What ever your cooking
arrangements may be, you can improve them and you ought to do
it. It's not as though it were an extravagance to buy the "best
range possible" as a matter of fact you can't afford to use anything
else! The Monarch actually does its work with so little fuel that it
soon Pays Back Its Cost in Real Money.
man show you this.