The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 01, 1908, Image 1

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NO. 89
The Lutheran aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. M.
Tho Presbyterian aid society will
meet with Mrs. M. P. White, 602 weBt
Fifth street, Thursday afternoon.
Call up over tho phono and tell your
wife to come and cat supper with you
Thursday evening at tho Masonic hall.
Tho wedding bans of Louis Hutchins
and Katherino Hartman were published
at tho Catholic church Sunday morn
ing. Messrs. Dean, Guynan. Hupfer, and
Gutherlcss left yesterday for a hunt in
tho North Platto valloy in tho vicinity
of Lo Moyne.
LoanB aggregating nearly seven
thousand dollars were approved by tho
directors of tho building and loatf as
sociation Saturday evening.
Wo handle all kinds of Milwaukee
Sausages, tho best manufactured.
Como and see what we have.
Tkami, The Grocer.
Rev. Williams, of Lexington, is ex
pected hero Sunday to fill tho pulpit nt
tho Prsbytorian church at both tho
morning and evening services.
At tho meating of tho state dental
board at Lincoln last week Dr. II. G.
Brock, of this city, was re-elected
secretary for a term of threo years.
Booths will bo found in connection
with tho supper at Masonic hall Thurs
day night. You can buy fancy and
other articles to suit your taste.
Judge Grimes requests us to say that
those who desiro to tako out naturaliza
tion papers should be present in court
on December 7th Monday of next
August Carlson, who for fifteen
years has lived in Cottonwood precinct,
will sell his personal property Decem
ber 15th and shortly thereafter will
movo to California to reside.
Tho bill of faro for tho supper Thurs
day night by tho Baptist Aid is:
Chicken pie, mashed potatoes and
gravy, baked beans, cabbago salad,
pickles, bread and butter, apple sauce,
coffee and cake, all for 25 cents.
Madamo Sylvester, tho palmist and
clairvoyant, will remain in town the re
mainder of this week. Her success has
been phcnominal, hundreds of people
having called to learn their future, and
to consult her in regard to their private
and business affairs.
District court will convone next Mon
day, but nfter remaining in session for
a day will adjourn until somo time in
January in order to give Judgo Grimes
an opportunity to close up court busi
ness in Scotts Bluff county, where ho
is holding court this woek.
Rev. Seibert, Rev. Cressler, E. T.
Tramp and C. 0. Weingand went to
Paxton Saturday evening to attend the
farewell reception tendered Rev.
Powell. They made the trip in Tramp's
automobile, and being delayed by a
punctured tire did not reach homo un
til four o'clock Sunday morning.
Local merchants havo received und
are now displaying their Christmas
goods, and they will try to impress up
on the purchasing public the advantage
of making early purchases. There is a
decided advantage in buying early, for
thon tho choice of tho stock
can bo had, whilo if tho buying
is left to tho last few days, tho stocks
are depleted and tho chance of finding
what you want Is not so great,
Those indebted desiring to settle will
find us at the old stand for the next
30 days. Harrington & Tobin.
While hunting in Jeffrey canyon last
week, Lem Bailey and Will Hawley
came across a deposit of buffalo bones
along tho edge of theennyon but buried
many feet below tho surface of tho
cround. Tho bono deposit was several
feet deep and was evidently tho re
mains of a herd of buffaloes that had
been killed by skin hunters or perished
in a storm, and later the constant wash
ing and drifting of tho sand had covered
them to tho depth of many feet,
Wo don t overdraw it wnen we any
we havo tho finest and biggest lino of
Queensware and Decorated China in
town, nnd tho prices aro lower than
over before. Come In nnd inspect our
stock. You will bo pleased.
Tiiamp, tho Grocer.
Edward Meyers, for many years
resident of Cottonwood precinct, died
Friday night, nnd was buried Sunday,
the funeral being hold in tho church of
tho Later Day Saints near Ft McPhor
Bon cemetery and tho services con
ducted by W. J. Crusen of this city,
The deceased was born in Dauphin
county, Pa., January 11th, 1831, and
leaves a wifo and ono sister. He served
ten years in tho regular army nnd two
years in the volunteer service,
Personal Mention.
Jas. A. Ranmo returned Friday night
from a visit in Lincoln and Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mccombcr re
turned Sunday morning from a brief
visit in Omaha.
Gcorgo E. French has been in Omaha
for a couple of days, leaving for that
city Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Yates, of
Sutherland, woro the guests of friends
in town Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goozeo leave
this week for California, whero they
will remain for two or threo months.
Mrs, J. P. McGovern and son Claire
returned to Denver yesterday after vis
iting North Platto friends for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Lem Graves, of Shelton,
havo been guests of Mr8. Graves' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mooncy for
several days.
Mrs. Fred Elliott, Jr., and children,
who had been visiting relatives in town
for ten days, returned to their homo in
Omaha Sunday.
Miss Anna Elliott, of Boulder, Colo.r
who had been visiting in Ohio, is the
guest of her undo Fred Elliott while
enrouto homo.
Misses Kate and Orilln Gllman, Anna
Ericsson and Laura Murray returned
Sunday evening from a threo days' vis
it at the Hendy ranch near Maxwell.
Brotemarklc Will Accept
President Weingand, of the Y. M. C.
A., is in receipt of a telegram from 0.
M. Brotomarklo, of Cumberland, Md.,
stating that ho will accept tho secre
taryship of tho local association nnd
that he will come just as Boon as ho
can arrango matters. This is good
news for tho friends of tho association,
as Mr. Brotemarkle is highly recom
mended ns an association worker.
Mr. Weingand is also in receipt of n
letter from Secretary McDill in which
ho states that an order has been placed
for a billiard tablo, pool table, six mis
sion rockors, threo mission game tables
one leather lounge and twenty-six
yards of rubber matting. The tables
and furniture will add greatly to tho
attractiveness and enjoyment of the
Somo opposition has dovelopcd
against placing the billiard and pool
tables in the rooms. This we consider
a very contracted, view. Young men
who play billiards and pool will certain
ly havo hotter environments while play
ing tho games at tho Y. M. C. A. than
at tho othor billiard hulls of tho city,
and ns to tho gameB themselves, cer
tainly there is nothing more corrupt
ing than in a gamo of dominoes and
New Union Pacific Feeder.
A charter was granted Saturday tp
the Dakota. Kansas & Gulf Railroad.
whicl will build a lino connecting the
western terminus of the Union Pacific
at Beloit, Kas., with tho Union Pacific
at Kearney, Neb., a distance of 110
miles. Tho directors aro mostly Now
York men nnd tho company is backed
by tho Union Pacific. Tho capital is
$3,000,000. The contract for building
tho road has been lot to tho Interirrban
Construction company of Now York
and construction will begin within a
R. of L. E. Will Erect Building.
A Cleveland dispatch says: Grand
Chief Warren F. Stone, of tho Broth
erhood of Locomotive Engineers an
nounced today that tho plans for tho
brotherhood hendquarters hero havo
been completed. A twelve-story Btruc
turo will bo erected in tho downtown
district and work, ho snld, would begin
next March. It is oxpected that it will
bo completed in ono yenr. Tho build
ing will cost $1,000,000.
Tho vauuovlllo stunt at the opera
house picturo show this week is a team
of very clover musicians.
For Rent My 8 room house on west
Third street. Address Paul Goss, 333
No. 29th St., Lincoln, or seo J. R.
The boys' band will bo given a bene
fit at tho opera house picturo show next
Friday ovening. This is nn organiza
tion that should be encouraged, and
you can help nlong tho good cause by
patronizing tho showjnoxt Friday even
A special train which passed east
Saturday forenoon had on board
notablo body of Chineso envoys enrouto
to Washington. Ono of tho party was
Tang Shou Yi, a leading spirit in tho
affairs of tho Chineso empire. The
Riiomnl train consisted ot seven cars
and there wore 150 functionaries and
servants in tho party.
For Sale
Thirty-three head of high grade Hor
ford yearlings. Apply to or address a
S, Gregg, North Platte, Neb.
Republican "Love Feast."
Fifty or moro republicans of tho city
and county held a ratification meeting
and lovo feast nt tho Odd Fellows' hall
Saturday evening. Invitations hud
been sent to each member of tho coun
ty central committee, but a majority of
them for one reason or another wore
forced to send regrets. Thoro were,
however, quito n number of tho com
mittee present, nnd thoso wlthxtho
county officers nnd other republicans
of tho city constituted a gathering thnt
proved very plensant.
Tho hall had been prettily decorated
with palms and ferns by Florist Pass,
andcommingling with tho plants were
tho national colors. Pictures of Presi
dent-elect Tnft woro also tlisplnyed.
During tho assembling of tho guests
nnd throughout tho evening music wns
rendered by tho Stamp orchestra of six
For tho occasion n formal program
had been prepared, and introductory to
tho exercises, chairman Davis read u
number of letters from prominent re
publicans, including state officers,
Senator Brown, Congressmen Norris
and Kinkaid, Represontntivo Bushee,
Senator Raymond nnd others, each ex
pressing regret at Inability to bo pres
ent, but thanking tho republicans of
Lincoln county for tho good work they
had dono in tho past campaign.
In their turn, Chairmnn Davis intro
duced tho following speakers who made
short addresses on the subjects ns-
igned them:
"Our Flag," Hon. J. S. Honglnnd;
Our Party," Hon. W. T. Wilcox;
'Our Judiciary," Hon. II. M. Grimes;
'Our County," Hon. J. E. Evans; "Our
Past, Present nnd Future," Hon. W.
C. Elder.
Tho various subject wero well han
dled nnd tho speakers enthusiastically
Following tho addresses, tho party
repaired to the dining room nnd sur
rounded tables spread with a bountiful
lunch prepared by Caterer Weil, tho
menu including cold turkey, ham, sarn
togachips, celery, pickles, whito and
rye bread, cake and coffee nnd cigars.
The tables woro prettily decorated with
ferns, carnntionB nnd chrysanthemums.
The lovofcast was not only a pleasant
social gathering, but it aroused addi
tional enthusiasm for republican princi
ples nnd for tho party, and thoso pres
ent felt that it was good to have been
Authorized to Call Pastor.
At tho congrogutionnl meeting hold
nt tho Presbyterian church last week
the board of sessions wns authorized to
extend a call to n pastor. Wo under
stand that several ministers havo an
nounced a desiro to come hero and ns
sumo tho pastorate. Ono of theso re
sides in Iowa, another in Minnesotn.
The session will tako somo timo in
making inquiry as to tho sevcrnl candi
dates and then extend nn invitation to
tho ono they Belect.
Draws Three Years' Sentence.
Charles Hunter, charged with for
gery, pleaded guilty uororo Juugo
Grimes Saturday and wns sentenced to
threo years in the ponitentinry. Hunter
was arrested on tho charge of forging
, fivo dollnr check on a Fifth street
loardincr house keeper, and also draw
ing another fivo dollar check, endorsing
it and crivinc it to anothor man who
purchased goods at Tramp's grocery
and received somo chnngo.
Hunter was also wanted at Sidnoy
nnd Larnmio on forgery charges.
A Touching Story.
A simple, every day heart touching
story of tho sort that concerns roal
people and deals with real situations
and tho realities of life instead of the
impossibilities, is tho kind the play
wright has woven into an interesting
rural drama in "Tho Farmer's Dnugh
Tho play tells tho story of a beauti
f ul girl of tho clover laden hills of Now
England, and is a rural play of unusual
morit, in fuct, it is said to bo tho suc
cessor of "Tho Old Homestead and
"Way Down East". No play of this
typo in years has attracted such wide
spread attention ns "Tho Farmer's
Daujrhter ", which will bo seen nt tho
Keith Theatre on Thursday ovening
Decomber 3d.
Harrington & Tobin have
an office in the Keith Theatre
All desiring to sell Hay and
Grain will find us there
Room 5, Telephone 250.
Barb wire for sale a
Uershey's, corner Fitli
and Locust St. Phone 15
Recalls Duke Alexis Hunt.
Tho Sunday Omaha Beo contained a
lengthy account of tho buffalo hunt
taken in this section of the country in
1873 by Grand Duko Aloxis, of Russia,
and in which Colonel Cody figured ns a
guide. Tho older residents of North
Platto will remember this buffalo hunt.
From tho nrticlo tho following excerpt
a taken.
From Omnha n special train took tho
hunters to North Platte, whoro thoy
mounted for the first dny ride, n fifty
mile walk, trot und gallop, to Cnmu
Aloxis, which General Palmer hnd es
tablished for tho occasion on Red Wil
low creek. Tho camp outfit consisted
of two hospital tents, in which tho
meals wero served; ten wall tents, nnd
a tent for soldiers and servants. There
was d stock of 10,000 rations each cf
flour, sugar and coffee, to say nothing
of tho delicacies and thn wino, and
1,000 pounds of tobacco to glvo to tho
Tho. grand duko wnB intorostcd in tho
Indians almost ns much ns ho was in
buffalos, bo General Sheridan hnd a
tribo of Brules, under command of
Spotted Tail, moved bodily to Camp
Alexis, so thnt tho guest might Rtudy
them nt his leisure. There woro fifty
warriors and all their squnws and child
ren in this tribo.
On Iho first night of camp General
Custer, sent out scouts to look for buf
falo. Tho report of n herd within throe
miles was brought buck beforo mid
night, and the duko turned in with ns
much joyful nnticipation of tho morn
ing ns n small boy has on the night be
foro Christmas. He was up when tlio
cavalry buglo sounded roveillo, und
found Genernl Custer down on tho
picket line, personally inspecting tho
horso that was to bo ridden by a Rus
sian guest. Beforo breakfast was over
tho early morning scouts came in with
tho report that tho main herd was be
tween Red Willow and Medicine creeks
about fifteen miles frm camp, and the
order to mount wns given. Baforo tho
start was made, however, General Cus
ter announced tho following .rules for
tho chaso: The first attack to bo made
by Aloxis, accompanied by Custer,
Buffalo Bill and two Brulo Indinns; tho
mulii rMrty to romnln in tho back
ground until tho grand duko had made
his first "kill," after which tho hunt
wns to open to all. An experienced
buffalo hunter was assigned to ride be
side each monlbcr of tho grand duke's
suite, and to instruct him in tho game
of getting alongside nnd killing a buf
General Custer was instructor to Al
oxis, and on tho way out tho latter
asked thousands of questions and prac
ticed shooting nt many imnginury buff
alo. His hunting costumo.consistcd of
henvy gray cloth trimmed with green,
with buttons bearing tho imperial coat
of arms of Russia, und an Australian
His first experience was with an im
mense herd thnt covered several square
miles. The hunters approached against
tho wind, und halted in a shallow ra
vine, within throe-quarters of a miloof
tho nearest bison, acting as sentinol.
The ruvino afforded concealment for
another half mile, and then it wns an
open rush.
Tho grnnd duko, Custer nnd Cody, nil
spurring their horses to tho utmost,
dnshed but of tho ruvino and went full
tilt for the herd. Alexis had selected n
big bull for his victim, and so well had
he been coachod beforo tho hunt, that
tho animal was soon seen to stumble,
rise, stumblo again, and fall tho first
buffalo, probubly, over killed by a
titled marksman.
Then thu frco-for-nll chaso began,
and there was n wild rush of counts nnd
cowboys, troopers nnd Indians after
tho stampeded herd. Alexis stoppod
long enough to cut off tho tnll of his
firBt victim ns a trophy, nnd then joined
tho rest.
Luncheon wns served in tho field nnd
several Indian warriorB armed with
bows and arrows hung nbout begging
for tho leed scraps thnt woro loft.
Alexis wanted to know whv the Indinns
carried their nnciont weapons and wns
told that thoy preferred them to their
firearms for Killing uuffnlo. As tho
grand duke- sooined skeptical, General
(Justor secretly sont out two Brulo
bucks with orders to find n buffalo, run
it into camp, and thoro kill it in tho
presence or tho Russians with nn arrow.
Within an hour the Indians, whooninir
and yelling, rode bnck chasing a buffalo
cow. Inspitoofhor efforts to escape
sue wow guinea straight mm tho cump,
whore Two Lance, ono of tho bucks.
swiftly circled to her loft nnd with how
full drawn drove his nrrow into tho
body behind tho shoulder. Tho animal
fell, niorced throuirh tho hnnrt. nml nn
delighted was tho grnnd duko with this
exhibition of Bkill that ho gavo ha
archer a $20 gold pieco and thon paid ns
much more, for Two Lance's bow nnd
quiver of arrows, which ho took to Rus
sla a souvenirs of tho plains.
'Uipro was a great dinner in camp
mat mgnt una inu stories oi former
hunts lost nothing from tho champagne
wmcn noipeu in ino iciiing.
Ladies' Wino Colored
Felt Slippers
Ladies' Black Felt, Fur Trimmed
Ladies' Black Kid Jullottes.
Fur Trimmed..!
Ladies' Brown and Tan Felt Julicttes . p rre 1
Fur Trimmed $i.0 f
Ladies' Pink and Light Bluo Folt Juliettos, C"l 1C
White Fur Trimmed.... Z.ZD
Infants' Red, Brown nnd Green Folt Juliottes, -jrv
Fur Trimmed OUC
Children's Red Felt Fur Trimmod Juliottes nr
Sizes 6 to 8 VUC
Children's Rod Folt Fur Trimmed Juliottes CI AA 81 to 11 4l.UU
Misses' Red Folt Fur Trimmed Juliottes Qi t c
Sizes 12 to 2 $1.1.0
' . SMALL, . .
521 Dewey Street.
Ed Anderson offers for your approval his
Best Rural Drama,
"The Farmer's Daughter,"
"Fragrant as a field of clover", as good as the best
and better than the rest.
Companion play to "Way Down East" ''Shore
Acres" and "Old Homestead."
ST The Big- Farm Scene,
J J The Village in Winter,
J i i 'le ' Church Scene,
. JJU The Beautiful Snow Scene,
Prices 75c, 50c and 25c.
Do You Want Building & Loan Money
Yes, wo can got you nil tho monoy
you want right away In tho Nebraska
Central Building & Loan Association of
Call and seo us. Temple Renl Estato
& Insurance Agency, 1 und 2 McDonald
At the Experimental Sub-Station.
Somo choice Duroc-Jorsoy Boars at
$15 each.
Twenty-fivo hoad of ycnrling steorB
and hcifors; nearly nil of theso aro
Ahordoen-Ancus erodes.
Bromo griiBS seed of tho crop of 1008
nt 10 cents per pound.
Khorson oats tor socu nt ou cents por
Thoro is no moro winter whent for
salo. W. P. SnydrK Supt.
Estray Notice.
t'aken up, seven calves, two heifors
and fivo steers, fivo and one-hnlf miles
east of (Iershey, ten und ono quarter
miles west ot North Hutte. rattles
ownhur snmo can havo them hv nrov
ing property, paying cost of notico and
their Keeping. jjallas wills.
The comforts of a hot water
bottle? Come in and let us
explain their many uses. We
order direct from the factory
insuring you new goods and
at lowest price.
Two-quart Hot
Water Bottle
Schiller & Co.,
Family Druggists.
First door north of First Nnt'l Bank
Do You Know
Felt Bed
room Slippers
For Ladies and
Children . . .
t4 Iff
Stamp, Lessee andMgr
Seats on sale at Clinton's
Tho ladies of North Platto and vici
nity aro fast learning that thoy can be
woll dressed and that their clothing
will have that Btyltsh look If bought
from our Ready to Wonr Department.
Thoy aro finding that this class of goods
bought from us cost no moro than if
bought elsowhcro, whilo wo givo them
far hotter values in workmanship nnd
stylo nnd all thoso littlo touchos that
every woman realizes make her appear
better dressed than hor neighbor.
Tho timo to buy winter suits and
clonks Is In tho fall when you can got
soma ueneiit from wearing them, uur
lino in still complcto.
Wilcox Department Store
If Taken Soon.
An eight ncro lot adjoining tho town
of Sutherland and about forty rods
from tho town school. Four room
housa and now barn on land. Four acros
in 20-yoar-old locust grovo, would cut
$500 worth of posts; 2J acros in alfalfa;
four acres fenced with hog tight wlro,
nnd other improvements. Will tnko
Also 14 acros adjoining this, all in
alfalfa and under main ditch, at $C0 per
Also CO acros of pasturn, to go with
cither of the above, at $7.00 per aero.
Address Box 21, Sutherland, Neb.
. For Sale.
Fino Imported Perchoron nnd Shiro
StnllionB for salo, or to trade for othor
stock. All young and suro brocdrfl.
Address Will G. Galaway, McCool, Neb,