Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. -1 nnnsnntPTinN rates 1 Ono Year, cnh In advance . months, casii in aaranco odcw Entered at North riatto. Nnbraika.Postofllco danHAnriit IMMII fl 1 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1908. lt m.. i i tl.. jUI- ...!, lilt, lown lUKiBiuimu uno . , r, . !. lfll ni.i.. tea uovcrnor uumminK" uimuu omiuu ... . rt . At 1 senator to succceu ino into ounuiur u- lison. Governor Lumrnlngs was ono or the original roformors along Roosevelt- ian lines and tho pcoplo of Iowa arc to bo congratulated upon having such a representative in the senate One Now York preacher has become fxniinprntafl ovor tho nnnonranco of Mrr wi,w hn In hi. rnntrrPtra. , ,, , , . t e it Hon, and last Sunday declared from his pulpit that women wearing sucn nugo decorations and shutting oh" tho viow from others committed a kind of theft "a theft not tolerated in tho theatre and a theft which Christian considera tion ought to render impossible in tho sanctuary." Many women in the con gregation, whether they deemed the larceny of view too potty for com plaint or not, promptly pulled off their hats, and it is expected in that church hereafter no hats will bo worn. State capital information is to tho odect that democratic mombors of tho coming legislature nro getting face to faco with a pledge that thoy will seek tho fwlvfrn of W. .L Brvnn in mnklntr ... . ..I i , , . ni. tho laws that will bo needed to fit tho democratic platform. Going n stop far- thcr this really means that Bryan is not minded to trust tho democratic members to do tho work that will re bound to tho glory of Bryan, nnd to bo Buro that tho work'is properly dono 1b willing to do it himself. This courso will roliovo tho members of much worry nnd anxiety nnd loss of sleep ns well as of a lioavy burdon of responsibility. Kcnrnoy Hub. A New Union. It is not unfair to supposo that the now labor union group formed nt tho meeting of tho federation of labor in Denver lias political significance. Tho now group is to includo vnrious unions of rallwaj cmployos, presumably nil of thorn. This looks like a culmination of tho recent steady work Of organizing tho railroad emyloyos into a political group to net for tho railroads in politics. Tho success of this mothod was demon strated in Nebraska lately, when tho railroads wero nblo by means of their employes to dofeat a railroad commit)- sionor who was not to their liking. rrttf t t 11 a. a . a 1 i nm joining oi moor unions witn their employes for political onds is bocoming a habit with pooslbllities of far reach- intr results on nolMcnUllfrnmnntit. Yn. tor day wo wore reminded of such tt Lut i ih rr , ... V it ' ni , , sir ko of Cleveland street car employes wnicn was fought Inst spring nt tho instigation, it is ueiiovcu, of tho prl- vato stroot car interoBts of tho city. mi i ino union ioBt us striKo, but wns an important factor in securing tho re turn of tho system to tho privato com pany by tho recent dofent of tho fran chise held in trust for tho city. V k J il i i it is oxuccica innc tno unions cm- ... 11- Al. L-L 1 . . Pioycu uv tno Btcoi trust will bo on hand to oppose tho tariff reductions on stcol which Mr. Cnrnecio suvs can bo olTocted without hurting oithor tho stool comnanv or its emnlovos. Tim long dreamed union of labor and capi tal suams near a sort oi realization, toougn not just in thu form hoped for. Lincoln journal. Puckarue Island. A light skift of snow foil Tuosday, " w.iwf, ..uviouujr, onough of It to mnko corn picking un- iileasant. A. T. Gover and wifo. of Suthorland. woro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duko Trembly ovor Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Bockus' aunt of Douel coun ty has been visiting her tho pnst weok. j. vv. rromuiy unu wilo woro visit- ora in GothonburR tho latter part of 1UHL WCOK. Tho danco at Frank Uochus' Satur day night was well uttonded and all ro port a fine timo. Wlllio Trembly was very much sur prised tho other morning when ho went to look at his Bkunk trup to find a large coyoto in ono oi mem, which no Killed with his rlllo C. O. Hutchinson's now house is nenr- Incr commotion. Tho bridgo mon havo been working pretty steady on tho bridgo south ot Maxwell putting in new piling, which was much needed. Jaa. N. Trombly has bills out for a saio on uccemoer lird. Ho will remove his family to Syracuse Immediately af ter tho salo. The noiehbors and friends of W. R. Houser of Box Elder havo docided that on tho 30th day of November thoy will donato him a (lav's work huskinor corn. Rort had his foot badly crushed n short timo ago and is unable to put his foot on the floor. Thcro will bo n danco nt John Hoh- rcn's Dec 4th. All aro invited nnd u good timo Is expected ns John under stands how to mako you feel at homo, Tho seats for tho school house in Dis trict 110 have arrived and wero put in last Monday morning. The now enso of maps, globo. dictionary and stand, that wero nurchascd with tho nrocoeds of tho basket social given by Mrs. Liv ingston havo arrived and the school is ready to go to work in carnost. Thoso articles aro Romothlng this school has IfflysteryofaLostRing Copyrignt, lws, vy Ainonwn ciation.j t, mfllrt nP,i,,nt 0f this story was given ino for a fact rriln loss of Honhlo Brock's cnunKO- mcnt ring was a mjmurj. i muu week after Clnrenco Howes had given to hcr 8U0 Wcnt to bed ono night with It on her linger, nnd when sho WOKO UP in U10 iuurmiiK un Buuu. . .i,,i ,i aununn. XUO M.'UUIIIK ' nulvuTO uuu ., . . - nnnp. Illlf H, U"i ..I'm., - n .. . . Tim was no evldonco of bunrlnry except thnt tho sash of a window In Sophlo's room, which had been closed when she wont to bed, was found In tho morning raised. The persons In tho house besides tho servants were Sophlo's father, mother, a younger brother, aged ten, and her cousin, Winifred Loomls, about her own age. Sophlo nnd Winifred wero , t,crHona Hinet)lnir on tho floor fr0m which tho ring had disappeared. Winifred was an orphan nnd had been tnknn in fop clmrltv. Hho wnn Htudv- ing to become a tenchcr. Thcro was no posslblo explanation of tho ring's loss except Winifred had takon it oft hcr cousin's linger whllo tho latter slept But this did not account for tho open window. Besides, Winifred was regarded by all who know bor an an upright, conscientious girl. As to tho theory of tho theft by n servant, lt was impossible, for tho doors lending from both Sophie's and Winifred's room wero locked nnd bolt ed, though tho two rooms communicat ed nnd tho door between thorn wns open. When Sophlo told her lover of hcr loss she intimated sho believed that for somo unknown rensou Winifred hnd coveted tho ring und had yielded to a tompt(ltlon t0 ko lt of bcr nngcr Wnu0 suo Bopt. Howes romonstratcd against throwing suspicion upon any o without proof, especially Winifred, whom nil loved nnd respected. Indeed, so earnestly did ho enter upon Wlnl frcd's defenso thnt Sophlo took his ac tion for a clow. It suddenly appeared to her that sho had n rival in Wini fred that her rival could not enduro to sco hcr wenrlug n ring on hcr finger which hnd been given hcr by tho man pho (Winifred) loved, and this wns her motive for stealing lt Whnt wo fear wo nro upt to bring to pass. Howes was a manly fellow, and tho moment suspicion, which ho considered unjust, was thrown upon Winifred ho beenmo interested in her nnd In tho solution of tho mystery by which oho Buffered, no questioned Winifred closoly upon overy detail, and ono day Sophlo camo upon tho two unawares whllo engaged in an animated conversation. Sophie's glnnco at tho couplo caused both to blush. Sho passed on without n word, nnd the rosult of tho encounter was a now complication. Sophlo wns now suro of her explanation of tho mystery nud was doubly suro that Winifred had captured hcr lover. Of all social conditions the most ex- asperating is ono Is ono Involving things known and not spolcon. IIowcs know Uint 110 was suspected of being ou terms with Winifred thnt wero not ac cfPtablo to his fiancee. Winifred know this nnd thnt Bho wns suspected of ""Tine stolen tho ring. Sophlo know tlint both U)0 otU(jrB wcro ftWliro ot theso things, nnd yot all this knowl edgo wns Ignored between tho trio, On the surfneo IIowos and Sophlo wero lovers; under tho surface Howes and Winifred wero fast being drawn to gcthor by an lrreslstlblo powor, sym pathy In ono, gratitude In tho other. Howch received n brlof noto from Sophlo brenklng her engagement with out giving nny reason. It drow color to his ehook nnd a flash to his cyo. Ho replied, accepting tho nltuntlon with out comment. Winifred remnlncd a member of tho Brock household. Why shouldn't she? No ono had openly nc cuscd hcr. No ono trcnted her nny dif ferently thnn boforo tho mystery. Nev ertheless Bho lived a wretched llfo, counting tho days till she should bo equipped to earn nor own living, I VM1U lllllb HIIU IIWUKU rfUUMUlliy 11UU1 Bleep. Tho full moon was shining Into Ono night Bho nwoko BUddonly from tho room, nnd by Its light sho saw hcr cousin In her room standing before n mirror combing hcr hair. Winifred nsked hcr what In tho world nho wns doing thnt for. Thero was no reply, nnd In another moment Sophlo passed Into her own room. Tliero sho threw up n window and leaned over tho sill, looking out. Winifred, realising that sho had to deal with u sleepwalker nnd not daring to lenvo her nt tho win dow, led hor to her bed. Sophlo lay down without awakening, and Wlnl nvu wtucncu uesiiio nor. Whllo Winifred Iny awako bIio thought, Tho loss of tho ring must bo In somo wny connected with this som- nnmlmllsm. Might not hcr 'cousin havo dropped tho ring in tlio room or out tho window? Tho next morning she rcvcnlcd whnt sho had seen. Sophie, regarding tho story ns mado up to ex onerate Winifred, received lt with si lent scorn. Winifred Benrched her cous in's room when Sophlo wns absent nnd found nothing. Howes searched tho grounds, nlso without success. This WiiH In midsummer. Ono day In October tho gnrdencr wns pullliu; up Bomo withered vegotnblo stalks In the kitchen gnrden In tho rear yard and found tho missing ring. It recnlled to him that one night whllo stnndlng at his door ho had seen Bomo ono throw ROiucthlng from n window of Sophie's room. Sophlo had thrown tho ring from her window whllo asleep. Tho explanation came too late to ef fect a reconciliation between Sophlo Drock nnd Clnrenco Howes. Heiuar- rled Winifred Loomls. LOUISE O. KAimnLL. Poor Air and Poor Living. When Jim Brldgcr, the ono time fa mous scout of tho plains, grew old he thought he would like to retire from the somewhat arduous life of a plnlns man and scttlo down to tho caso oi "the cast," which to him meant Mis souri. So ho used his best endeavot to find n competent man to 1111 his place and went back to Missouri. A year or two passed, and ono day Captain Russell, tho commandant of tho post which Brldgcr had left, was surprised to boo tho old scout heave In sight. When ho camo in tho cap tain asked: "Well, Brldgcr, what brings you bach here?" "Captain," said Brldgcr, "I want to go back to scouting ugnln." "Indeed? Why, I thought you had settled down In tho cast for tho rest of your llfcl" "Well, enp'n, 111 tell you how It Is. I went back to old Missouri, nnd if you'll bollovo It they'vo got a railroad station within ten mllo o' the old place yes, Blr, a railroad station! Ami, what's more, they'vo got n ranch now In every four mile. I tell you what, enp'n, tho air ain't puro down thore no morel" "Is that posslblo? But I thought T0Ua m0 tho good things to cat they have down there. You Hko good things to ent, I remember." "Good things to cati Why, enp'n, I didn't have n br'lled beaver tall tho wholo tlmo I was there!" The First Cookbook. To tho Romnns belong tho honor of hnvlng produced tho first Europcnn cookery book, anT. though tho author ship Is unccrtnln,Tt Is generally attrib uted to Cacllus Aplcus, who lived un der Trajan, 114 A. D. Hero nro two recipes from this nnclcnt collection "Klrst, for a sauce to bo eaten with boiled fowl, put tho following lngrcdl onts into n mortar: Aniseed, dried mint nnd Inzer root. Cover them with vino gar, add dates and pour In llqunmcn (n distilled liquor mado from largo fish which wero salted and allowed to turn putrid In tho sun), oil nnd n small quantity of mustard seeds. Itcduco all to n proper thickness with sweet wlno wnrmcd, and then pour this snmo over your chicken, which should previously bo boiled In aniseed wnter." Tho Hocond rcclpo shows tho snmo queer mlxturo of Ingredients: "Tnko a .wheelbarrow of, roso leaves and pound In n mortar; add to it brains of two pigs nnd two thrushes boiled and mixed with the chopped up yoko of egg, oil, vlncgnr, pepper and wlno. Mix and pour theso together nnd Btcw them steadily nnd Blowly till the per- fumo Is developed." Chambers' Jour nal. Which Foot Walks Faster? You may think this a very silly qucs tlon to nsk, but lt Isn't. It Is n simple, domonstrnblo fnct, which you can provo to your own satisfaction in a very fow minutes. If you will take a pavomont that Is clear, bo that there will bo no Interference, nnd walk brisk ly In tho center, you will flud that bo foro you hiivo gono fifty ynrds you havo voorcd very much to ono side. You must not mnko any effort, of course, to keep in the contcr, but if you will think of something and endeavor to walk nnturnlly you cannot keep a direct lino. Tho explanation of this lies in tho propensity of one foot to walk faster than tho other, or ono leg takes a longer strldo than tho other, causing ono to walk td ono sldo. You can try an experiment in this wny by placing two sticks nbout eight feot apart, then stand off about sixty feot, blindfold yourself nnd endeavor to walk botweon thorn. You will llnd lt almost linpos Bible. Why Not Be nn Egotist? Thoro Is much mlstnken sentiment ns to tho sin of egotism. Tho fact is ego tism is not a sin. Ou tho other hand, lt Is somowhat of a vlrtuo and an In dlspeusablo element in all real prog ress. Somo phases of egotism nro un pleasant to tho beholder nnd unfor- tuuato for tho possessor, but If all of self lovo, or, rathor, tho lovo of other pcop'.o'B admiration nnd good will, wcro to bn.oxtlngulshcd thero would bo llttlo to hold society togother and less to glvo Impetus to tho great enterprises which spring from Individual thought and culminate In personal profit. Lcs- llo's Weekly. The Retort Courteoui. A lady pnsslng through tho negro qunrtcr In Mohllo, Ala., heard an old woman chanting n dlrgellko tunc. "Auntie." sho observed. "Hint Is a mournful Bong you nro singing." "Ynssum," wns tho response, "I knows It's mo'nful, but by Hlngln' dnt song nn' 'tendln' to my own business I BpectB to nit to hcabon." ' Hit Luck. "I linvo liccn cngnccu to nt least a dor.en girls," said n youiiK man. "And always been unlucky in lovo, oh?" Intpilred a lady. "Oh, no rather lucky 1" was tho an swer. "I'vo never married nny of thcinl" An Order Not Obeyed. An exasperated Irish sergeant, drill Ing n Hipim! of recruits, called to them at hist: "Haiti Just como over horo, all of ye and look ,nt yourselves. It's a fln lino yo'ro koepln', Isn't It?" The Resemblance. "I was always Interested In airships nnd flying machines, so I bought a the ater." "Why did you do that?" "A theater has wings and flies." All who hnvo gnrdens know whnt a post the green lly, or aphis, becomes. U Hueiim lo cover roso trees and other W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Day I'hono 120, Night Phono 482. DR. C. D. STANARD, DENTIST. Office G05i Dewey. Hinman Block. Office hours: 8:30 to 12:00 m, 1:30 to C:00 p. m. FOR HIS BIRTHDAY or to B'vo nlm nnv timo to ntlve on hnn(1 when maio menus call, a box of lino cigars are always in order always ap preciated. If tho stamp nnd label on tho box bear tho magic word "Forest King," thero will bono quostion as to tho pleasure afforded tho smoker, for thcro is no better smoke extant than that obtained from the forest king cigar. J.F. SCIIMALZRIED. A THANKSGIVING DRIVE in a fine new carriage willgivo you just tho right appotito for Turkey. Your old enrriago has seen so much service you must bo getting ashamed of it. We'll supply n new ono that will at the Bamo timo bo handsome, comfortable and safe. Don't ask tho price. You might think it too low for a good enrriago. A. M. Lock. Just what it will buy. In groceries it is worth About $1.10 fit . LAMB'S CASH STORE NORTH SIDE. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing- and Setting1. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. M. Sorenson. Shop North of P. O. l'HOIIATE NOTICE TO OKEDITOP.S. In tho County Court of Lincoln countv. Ne braska. In the matter of tho estate of I- rodorlck A- Landers, deceased. Notlco is hereby Klvcn. that tho creditors of said deceased will moot tho Administrator of suld estate, boforo mo, County Judiro of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho countr court room In said county, on tho ist day of iiocoiiiir. iwm. and on tno ist nay or .nine, 1000, at 2 o'clock p. m. each day, for tho pur ikisCi of nrcsoiittuir thelrclatnis for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and one year for the Administrator to scttlo said estate, from tho -ttli day of Auei list. 10OH. This not CO will Ihi liubl shod In the North l'latto Tribune, for clcliL tmlillcatlnim successively prior to tlio 1st day of December, inn. Witness my hand and sval of said omirt. tins iJibtoay or wcioiwr, a. h- um. n3-S County .Indue. OHDEU OK IIEAUIND ON PETITION. Statu of Nebraska, I County ot Lincoln, I In tho County Court Novomlmr IfUh. 1003. In thn mattur of tho cstato of John T. HarNhllold. deceased r n readlmr and llllmr tho petition ot John A. Han-litlold praylne that tho roinilar ad ministration utsald cstato may bo dispensed with. Ordered. That UivcemborH. llw, ot v o'clock a. m is assiBuott ror l.uarimr said petition when an persons inu-roMiMi in said matter may appear at a County Court to )h) hold in and for said t ounty. and Miow causo why tho nraver of petitioner should not Ihi' limited. This notice to Ihj published for six succt'sslvo publications In tho North l'latto Tribune prior to December h. iwh What Is a Mar Worth ? PROFESSIONAL CARDS T S. TWINEM, v , Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Offlcei McDonald Bank HuiMinfr. Phone 183. A. J. Ames, M. I). Mario Ames, -I. I)- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians nnd Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: Oflico 273, Residence 273 GEO. B. DENT, Physicinn nnd Surgeon. Office: Over McDonnld Bank. Phones I Office 130 l hones Kcaidenco 11G D R. L. C. DROST, Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 and 8, McDonnld Stato Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & HALLIGAN, AttorneyB-at-Law. Office over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 Ml C. PATTERSON, x. Attorncy-at-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. ONE MILLION Snwkers to be Made Happy by Using: the Matchless Cigar Lighter Price 50 Cts. (Special Rates to Dealers.) This lighter works inbitrccst wind, land or sea, needs no liquid of nny kind nor caps, it uenier cannot iurnish wo can. Matchless Cigar Lighter Mfg. Co., 16 John Street, New York. CONTEST NOTlOE. Department of tho Intorlor. United States Land Olllco. North l'latto, Nebraska. Oit. 23. 1UM. A sufllc'lont contest afllrlavlt hnvlnir linmi filed In tills oflico by Oliver A. Itidenour. of Wallace. Neb.. contestant, nirnlnst homestead entry No. 210M. mado Juno Ilth. 1000. for tlio southwest quarter ot section 14. township 11, ranco n.i. ny i.owrov liruCKmar contesteo. In which lt Is alleged that said Lowroy Hruckmar has novor established a,or resided upon said land stneo thoi.atn, hi Raid entry and lias wholly ab- ndoncu said ianc for moro man six mourns lust past. That ho lias not Improved or cultivated said land and said land Is entirely without Improvements ot any kind or charactor. That all of said defects exists to this dato. Said partlos aro hereby notllled to aunoar. rcsnond and offor ovldonco touchlm; said allegation at 10 o'ciocic a. in. on Dec. XJ. nm boforo tho Heclstor and Itocolvor at tho United States uauu oinco in north l'latto, Nobraska. tho salu contestant havinir, In a proper aflldavlt, tiled Oct. 23. 1008, sot forth facts which show that after duo dllhrencn personal sorvlco of this notlco can not bo mado, It Is hereby ordorcd and directed that such notlco no Riven oy uuo anu proper publication. o2T-e .1. E. Evans. Itciristor. Sheriff's Sale. lly vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from tho district court of Lincoln County, Ne braska, upon a decrco of forcciosuro ren dered in said court wherein Henri' Waltu- math, Is plaintiff and Hannah Hansen, l'ctor Hanson, John iiuitRrcn, Laura llultercn and Arthur Hulttrren woro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 28th dayof Nov., 1008, at ono o'clock p. in., at tho cast front door ot tho nilffr lif.MQ.t 1,1 Ms,l Pin,,.. T.lnjinln P. nti.t. Nebraska, soil ut public auction to tho highest inuuor ror cash, to satisfy said decree. Inter est and csts. tho following described urnn orty. to-wits Tho nortlihoast quarter (nok)o section olKhtecn (18), township twolvo (1) rango thirty-two (2, In Lincoln county, No- uraska. Dated Mtli. 100J, oV-b North l'latto. Nebraska, October I. L. Mii.TONnEitOEit, Sheriff, IN THE D1STHIOT COUItT OV LINCOLN UOUWTV, IMI-.1IUASKA.. In tho matter ot thosppll-'l cation or itenry mom. Guardian of tho cstato of Namlo ltanirtson and Joseph L. IlaiiKtson, minors, to soil Ward's real estatn. Ordor to show causo why LI censo should not issuo ror salo o Ward's real os tato, Ou roadlnir and flllnir tlio potltlon dulv vorincu or uonry n om. Kiiariuan or tho os tato of Namlu llanetson, and Joseph L llanctson. miners, for llconsa to soil tho fol lowlnc descrllHd real cstato. to-wlt: Iotsn. v. and n and oast half of southwest quarter (EM of HWU) of soctlon 31. township is, nortii ot raiik'o west or iiionin p. tn- in Lincoln County. Nob., for tho nurooso of rals- luc funds tor tho education and maintenance of Namlo llanctson. minor, and for tho mir Ikiso of tho payment of tho Indebtedness Ot said minors which Is a lien upon said real es tate and for tho purpose of provcntlm; said estate from liulnir wasted, and it apDoarlmr from said petition tnat said real cstato con sists ot a farm located In Lincoln county. No nrasKa, ana mat tno income tncrorrom is Insiinlclont to nay tho Interest upon tho mort- sraeo indebtedness uimiii ssld land and to also support and educatosaitl minors: lt Is therefore, ordered that tho next of kin of said minors and all iwrsons Interested in said real cstato apnear ouroro mo at chain Imra In tlio court liousu In tlio u tv or Nurt l'latto In Lincoln County. Nebraska, on the 7th day of Docnmbor. 1IKW, at o'clock a. m, to show cause, If any thero be, why license should not bo irranteq to said uonry mom uuardlan, to soil said roal cstato for tho pur noses a novo set lonn. Ann it is iiirtucr onieren mat a copy or thUnrdor bo nersonallv served unon all of tho lorsons Interested in said roal estato at least II days before tho dato sot for hoarlnir and that saui notice no served upon said minors, and also upon Anna .Mario smitn ana John A. .Smith, noxtot kin. and upon .Mairuus Vltaudor. tho inirsonal truardlan of said minors, and that this order bo published for three, successive weeks In tho North I'latt Trlbuno, a newspaper published and printed In said county or i.uicoui, Nonrask-a. Dated at chambers In said Lincoln County this an iay or wovemiHir, nw, IL JI Oiumkh JudKoof District Court of Lincoln County Nebraska. uiu-a NOTlOE OI-' HEl-'EltEE SALE. Notlco Is hereby irtvon that at ono o'clock In tho afternoon on Saturday, tho 12th day ot ueceirnor, iw. anno east ironi ucxir or tno courthouse 111 tho city of North l'latto. Ne braska. 1 will soil at public auction for cash to tho hlchest and lest blddor thn northeast, quarter of section 4, In township 0 north, ot ram,'o west or em p m. in i.incoin county, Nebraska. Said salo Is mado by vlrtuo of an order of tho district court of Lincoln, comm Nebraska, In a case wherein Mary Colin Is plalnliir and Mary K- ritetreman and Allsirt htcKoman art) defendants, brouirht to parti tion thu alxivodcscrllicd laud, and said salo Is LEO At. NOTlOE. , Tn Nnllmnlnl K. Martin, defendant! You aro hereby notified that on tlio 10th day ot Octolicr, UK)?, John C. Dowov, plaintiff, filed Ills petition in tho (miricioi i.incoin county. Nuiimnka. mraltist Nathantol E. Martin, as defendant, to unlet tltlo In tlio plaintiff In tho Northeast cniartcr inn hi or ccciion Fourteen (i, jowni.nip ixino m worm, Itnnirn Tlilrt v-fnnr (SI) went Of tlio flth Princi pal Meridian In Lincoln county, Nobraskat that during the month ot December, 1880. ono Nicholas Petition, who was then ownorof said premises, with his wlfo Mary Pcullen, mado, executed and delivered to ono Nathaniel E, Martin a morteatfo upon said premises to so curo an Indebtedness of II00.W), that said mortuairo was recorded In tho county clerk's oflico of Lincoln county, Nebraska, In Hook a)t MorU'affcs at 1'aeo 130t that said mort gairo has lonir since liccn paid, but through mlstako or netdect still remains of record and unsatisfied nnd casts a cloud upon tho tltlo otsald premises; that said mortiraco became duo on tho 0th day of December. 1891, and mora than tun years havo elapsed since lt Ik3 ca tno duo and If unpaid Is barred by tho stat utes of limitation. Tho Plaintiff is tho ownor and In possession of "alii premises and tlio object and prayor of said petition Is to havo said mortgaeo can celled and discharged from tho records of thocounty clerk's oinco or Lincoln county, Nebraska, and thatsald tltlo to said promises bo quiet rd In tho platntltT, and for such other and further relief as equity may require. You aro required to answer said petition on or bflforo tho 7th day of Dcccmlxr. 1008. uaicu tins nan (lay or wctnner, nm. JOHN O. DEWEY, Plaintiff. o201 lly L. E. ltoach. his Attorney. Serial No. 0101. n, E. 19100. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, Land Oflico at North l'latto. Nob. . . . September 21st. 1908. Notice Is hornbr irlvnn l.lintnnrl V Mndrau. of North l'latto. Nebraska, who nil Ilncnmlwir 0th, 1W. mado homestead entry No. lVlOiS, ror tho northwest, quarter (NWJi), Soc- tlon V. Townshlll IS nnrlli. I!nm.n 211 noil. Sixth Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mako unal 11 vo year proof to establish claim tn tlm land nlxitrn described, boforo tho Heglstor and Ho colvor at North l'latto, Neb., on tho 20th day of Novombor, 1008. Claimant names aswllnc&os! P. O. rotcr- on. A. Kudoiph, T. J. Combs and W, A. Stearns, all ot North l'latto, Nebraska, s--o J, K, EVANS. Heclstor. . 1'IIOHATE NOTlOE TO OIlEniTOItS. Ill tho Countr Court, nf T.liir-riln nnimiu. M. braska- in tho matter of tho cstato of William II. Welty. deceased. Notlco Is liorobv irtvon. That tlin rrpdllnra- of tho said deceased will moot tho adminis trator of said cstato. boforo mo, County Judco of Lincoln County. Nebraska, at tho uouinj- couri room in said county, on tho 1st dayof pecomlior, 1008, and on the 1st day of Juno, 1900, at 0 o'clock a. m. oacli day, for tho purposo of presenting their claims for exami nation, aujustmcnt and allowance Six mtfnthf aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho Adminis trator to settle sold estate, from tho 31st day of October liws. This notlco will be published in tlio North l'latto Trlbuno olcht publlca- iiuim auctiwiivoiy prior to tno ist uay of December, 1008. Witness mv band and snnl nt unl1 nnnrt tlilu 31st day of October. A. D. 1008. H3-8 W. C. EMiEit, County .Tudeo. , , NOTlOE OK 8ALE. Notlco Is hereby ulven that. nt. 1 nVlnclr nn Saturday, tho litli day of December. 1008, at tho east front door of thn court linimo In tlin city of North l'latto, Nohraska, I will soli at public auction to tho hlehcst and bust bid der, tho northwest quarter of section 2fl. township 15, north of raniro 33, westot tho flth r, M. In Lincoln County. Nebraska, tho forms ot said salo to bo ono half cash and tho uaianco in mrco equal annual payments with Interest from tho dato of salo at six per cent por annum upon each of tho deferred pay ments, said sain Is mnrln liv vlrt.nn fit nn ordor of tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska. Inn caso wherein Wesley T. Wil cox Is plaintiff and JcsMo Dtkcman, Almcda i'.. uiKoman, unauncy i-j, uiKoman, L,ucllo L. Dlkeman and llenlamlli A. Dlkeman. intn-n- tor and trusteo aro defendants, brought to partition tho abovo described land and said salo is held pursuant to said order. NOV, 8-0 UUTLElt 1IUC1IANAN, IlofcrCO. Serial No. TBI, II. E. 21583, NOTICE rOlt PUBLICATION. Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob., . . Novombor 6, 1908. Notlco Is herobr trlvon that John W. Child. orston. of Tryon Nob., who on Dec. 18, 1005. mado Homestead Entrv No. 21585. for west half section 27, southeast quarter southeast quar ter section to. nortneast quarter, norm half northwest quarter, northeast nuarlor south east quartor section 83. township 18 north. ran (to. si west, sixth principal meridian, has 11 led notlco of his Intention to mako final fivo year proof, to establish claim to tho land ot tho District Court at Tryon, Nebraska, on tiiu-vi uay ot uecemoor, iuus. uiaimant names as witnesses; William haho. I-'red i'onham. Ilobort Mcl'hariand, William Scott, all at Tryon. Nebraska. no-o j , i-;. KVAN8. uoglstor. Sorlal No. 0M2. NOTlOE or I'UHLIOATION (Isolated Tractl. Applicablo to Nebraska only (34 Stat., 122i),l ruuuo saio. DEPAUTMENT Of THE INTKIlIOll. United States Land Olllco. North l'latto, Nebraska, Novombor i, 1008. Notlco Is horoby clvon that, as directed by tho Commissioner of tho General Land Olllco, under provisions of tho act ot March , 1007, (31 Stat , 1224). wo will ofTor at public sale, to tho highest blddor, at 10 o'clock a. m., on tho 23d day of Docomber. 1WM. next, at thlH olllco. tho followlmr tracts ot land, towlti Wost half southoast quartor, section 17, town ship 10 north,, raneo 30, west Uth principal merman. Any person clalmlnir advorsoly tho abovo described lands aro advised to lllo their claims or objections on or boforo tho tlmo ucsicnatcu ror saio. J. k kvanh, Hcgister. nd-6 W. 11. O. Woopiiuhst. Kccelvcr. SHEIlirr'S BALE, lly vlrtuo of an order ot salo Issued from tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebras ka, unon a decree of forcciosuro rendered In said court wherein Q lrard Trust Company, trustee, is piaintur anu ,ionn eioecKor, 1). w. aploton, Mrs. D. W. Staploton, his wlfo. Ills' namo unknown and John Doo aro dotondnits, and to mo directed, I will on tho ixiu day of Nov.. 1008. at 1 o'clock p.m. at tno oast rront door or tho court houso In Nortn l'latto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho hlchost bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree, Interest and costs.tho followlnirdescrltied property, to-wlti Southeast quartor IHEJi of section Thlrty thrco 33). township Nino 101,. North of ranifo Thirty-four 131. Westot 0 1'. M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska. Dated at North l'latto. Nob., Oct.2, 1008, I. L. MlI.TONIIElKlKll. OS7-5 Sheriff. IN THE DIHTUIOT COUItT OV THE UNITED STATES. KOIt THE DIHTUIOT Or NEIUtASKA, NOKT1I l'LATTK DIVISION. In tho mat tor of the Estato 1 oi uion uouuiiiu uiuuun, i in iiaiiicrupicy tradinir under tho namo I and as tho solo proprietor Caso No. 3 of tho U. S. Grocery Com-1 pany, . , I Involuntary Ilankrupt. J Potltlon. oudeh ron sale or property. At North l'latto. In said District, on this llth ayot Novomlior, UKW, lioforo Walter V. Uoairlaud, liefercoln Bankruptcy, This cause camo on for hoarlntr Iwforo tlm Reforeouiton tho petition and application of Edward S. Davis, trusteo ot tno bankrupt herein, for an ordor for tho salo of tho bank rupt's proicrty heruln at public auction and upon consideration whereof It Is ordered 1. That tho trusteo sell at once for tho lx-st prlco obtainable all ;of tho perishable prop erly from tho stock of iroods iiolontrluir tosald cstato. 2. It Is furthr ordorcd that tho trusteo expose for Halo at public auction to tlio hleh cst bidder for cash at tho hulldltii; In North l'latto, Nebraska, latuly occupied by tho bankrupt herein with Its stock ot (foods, on Tuesday, tho. Ilrstday of Decemlior, IWw. at 2 a 'clock p. m all ot tho remalnlne assets of said cstato oxcopttnK tho book accounts bo lonclnc to said estato; said salo to be subject toth approval of the court at a hearlnirto bo had before tho Rofereo In said matter Docomber 1st. 1MW. at 4 o'clock p, m. It Is further directed that a copy of this ordor bo mailed to each ot tho creditors and other parties Interested In tho bankrupt's estato heroin at loast ten days prior to tho dato of said sale, and that tlio trusteo adver tise said salo at least ton days prior to tlio dato thereof and trlvo such other notlco as ho may deem advisable W. V HOAOLANI). Kefereo In Bankruptcy, imuiy needed, pluntn like magic, W. U. I'.I.IIKH. nl7-6t County Judso. held pursuant to said oruor. I, L MiLTOMUEiiOEit, llcfcrco,