THE SEMI-WEEKLY IMBIBE IRA L. DARE, Publisher TKHMS $1.25 IN ADVANCE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA Surely Coming. Tho prediction (hat tho railroads will ultimately conio to tho electric method of propulsion as a matter ot economy, safety, convenience and no cosnlty Is no longer regarded with tho Hkoptlclsm onco prevalent. Tho ex traordinary extent to which many big rorp-nflonn nro uslug electrical mo live tfowor, especially nt tormlnnls, shown that groat advancement hao boon made. At a meeting of tho Wost orn Hoclaly of KloctrlclnnH in Chicago V. A. Sngnr, a prominent mombor and ngent for an Important company, mndo this Htntoment: "Tho railroads will havo to spend approximately $5,000, 000,000 within n fow years to kcop up with tho Inorenso of tralllc. Uy eloe trlflcatlon nt a cost of f4,000,000,000 thoy would lncronso their capacity to such an oxtont that no now trnckngo would be nooded," This conclusion wan roachod uftor a careful rovlew by Mr. Hagor of what has been dono or is in tlm way of accomplishment by tho Now York Contra!, tho Haltlmoro & Ohio, tho Krlo and other railroad rnmpanlos oast and west, and tho llg urea adduced In tho way of annlysla Boomed to loavo no loubt an to tho economic and othor advantages do rlvod from tho chnngo from steam to electricity. Beauty, n Woman's Dlrthrlght. A vast majority of womon uro fall ing in lovo In tho good old fashion, writes Annn McCluro Sholl in Applo ton's, marrying and rearing families, and soma of them will bo nblo to pro pnro their boyB for collego when tho tlmo comes, on tho Btrength of their own academic degrees. Hut whether collego bred, or bred In that Bwootest of all schools for a girl, her own home, this majority is keeping nllvo tho old traditions of chivalry which aro founded not on an Ancient foudal sys tem, nor on tho ldcnlH of nn aristo cratic society, adoring tho great dame nnd scorning tho peasant woman ns n clod of tho fluid, but on tho instinct ot strength to protect weakness, to wor ship beauty, to yield to tho nwny of mystery; und beauty and mystory nro represented In this world chlofty by womon. Ilnatity Is their birthright, and mystery is a part of their very consti tution, holng, ns they nro, nearor than men to Uio uplrltual sldo of Hfo tho hidden procroatlvo forco which peo ples both heaven and onrth, Public sentiment will emphatically sustain tho declaration of tho presi dent of Uryn Mawr collego that hnzlug is a survival of savagory which ought to 'bo stamped out of mon'a collcgoo, but in women students is u social crlmo without ovon tho excuso of stu pid traditions for Us being, declares the Haltlmoro American. Tho Inher ent brutality of hazing, Un suggestions of forco and roughness nnd its ungen erous nature nro nil directly opposed to tho cultivation ot tho essentially feminine qualities nnd that gentleness which, a. grace nnd charm In all wom en, In essentially so In young onos. Anything prejudicial to Us develop ment 1m out ot place in the higher odu cation of womon. It is tho universal testimony of American street-cnr men thnt a lnrgo portion ot tho womon passengora got off tho car facing backward, and many accidents nro duo to tho practice. No amount ot warning or remonstrance having cured tho hnblt, a car-barn sit porlutcndcnt In Chicago has equipped 40 cars with a new form of door han dlo, so placed thnt It Is dimcult for anyone to alight in tho wrong way who uses tho hnndlo as a support; and all other supports nro removed. Somo of tho women who havo used tho now cam nro said to regard thorn aa very Inconvenient, und to bo Indignant at rtlie loss of u time-honored privilege ffere ar?d in foreign nrs. Edward Punroy-Kccd 0 v .fry Bv 1 Ai f 1 I S M ll WW 0 our "camo over on the f i Shorenlng of the Day. ' It hns long been known, thoorotlcat ly, thnt the tides act as a brake on the rotating earth, nnd tend tolongthen tho ny. The effect, however. Is so slight that it cannot bo measured in nny length of time at man's Isposnl. It may bo estimated wlih tho old of corttln assumptions: und using tho data nvallnblo. Mr. V. D. MaoMlllan has recently mndo tho necessary com putation by tho formulas used by en gineer. He finds for tho lncrcaso of tho length of tho day ono second In 400,000 years. Paint Indicates Danger. A paint Is noon to bo plnced on the market to Indlcnto excessive heat in machine parts. Hod when cool, it be- ' eomes blnck whon hented. Mercuric , Iodide and cnplc ovldo aro two of ttio I ingredients'. It Is dlfllcult for westorn pooplo to umdorstnnd Islam or unravel tho mys torles ot Kb politico. Hut wo can ap proclato tho romantic side ot nn event cclcbratod thin month on thu birthday of tho Turkish sultan; nnmoly, tho opening of tho railroad from Damascus to Medina. Tho rond will ultimately connect tho holy city ot Mecca with Constantinople After spending money, sorrow und humiliation for It, Lady Yarmouth has discarded her tltlo as worthless. Hut somo value will still bo extracted from lier sorry purchaso It It only serves as a warning uxnmplo to other Amorlcau women who boo glamor In a tltlo and slako n life's happiness to win Its amply glitter. Tluniks to Bven Hedlu, Central Asia Js now In tho snnu class thnt Central Africa was after Mr. Stanley had pone tratod It. What will futuro oxplorers do whon they sigh for now dark con tinents to upon on tho map? It looks very much as if thoy might havo to look afar to tho planets. K elevato our chliiH, ex pand our chests nnd don our "camo over on the Mnyllower" o x p r o h s lo n when somo ono niontloun the origin of Thanksgiv ing. Unhesitatingly wo lay clnlm to tho honor of having tho "only original" Thanksgiving day on tho globe. Thou along- comes a long-haired historian with his array of facts und our prldo receives a shock. I'horo Is hardly ft country In tho world which docs not give thanks for ono reason or another, Somo havo bet tor reasons than others, but they nil clnlm to havo Hiilllclont oxcuso for bolng grateful to set aside ono day each year. Thanksgiving day was hold long be fore tho timber for tho Mayflower or tho Anno was planted. It hud itn origin in antluulty whon tho Itomans and Greeks held u fast day In October which thoy dedicated to tho goddess of agriculture nnd followed the day of fasting by one of feasting nnd roynl frolicking, a day on which the chnso and all sorts of rustic sports held sway. Going oven further back Into the remote nges of not our country, alas hut of tho world, wo find tho early Kgyptlnim sotting aside n day for general thanksgiving nnd burning of incense nnd offering sacrifices to their divinity ot the crops, the Goddess Isls. For soven or eight days the .IowIhIi "Feast of Tabernacles" was, centuries ago, held during the Bovouth month, which is November, and after tho completion of Solomou'n temple tho people that year hold a M-day festival which was a tlmo of thanksgiving, and during which time thoy gnvn thnnks for the abundance or their land. Living In booths they decorated their ontlro homes with branches of the palm and of citron trees and then showed that It was for tho yield of tho season as well as for the completion of the tomplo thnt they wore giving thnnks. Coming forward u contury or two wo tlud Thanks giving day being held In Knglnml under the unmo of "Hnrvost Homo." This day was usually early In November und It opened by a church service, which was followed by a day ot gayoty and feasting. Thnnks were given In the churches for tho benefits of the season and then the "masses" flocked to I ho groundB of tho "classes," to which they were all Invited. Hero squire and gentry entertained tho peasantry with freo und easy dances In tho barns, wroBtllng inntelJes and feats ot archery, for which prizes were given. In the evening harvest songs wore sung by the light of (ho moon, over the beer and ale, which flowed freely. A dinner, such ns only the early Kng llsh know how lo prepare, was sorvod to Ihese great crowdH of thanksglverH, and tho Harvest Homo day ended In repletion both of appetite und merrymak ing. Hefore tho Hoforiuatlon u special day waH set apart In Hngland for giving thanks, and uftor the reformation tho custom was continued with added fervor, but after all, It Is-nut from our Hngllsh nn- eestorB. as we might suppose, that we received tho Inspiration for our first Thanksgiving duy. Neither did the Idea originate with tho Pilgrims thenmelves, They merely continued a custom with which thoy hnd become familiar und of which their natures approved, when they were living with their Dutch cousins. To digress Just a little; It has boon claimed by somo Investigators who slopped Just a llttlo short or tho beginning In tracing backward that tho first real Thanksgiving dny or true American meaning was hold by the Pophnm colonists or Monhognn, but ns they wero KplscopnllanB nnd gave thanks every week tu their regular church ritual this must bo blackballed and cust out of our calculation And HOW to return to dm I'IIltIiiiu nml tin, mm. It cannot bo denlod that PrOBldent , toms thoy nbsorbed whllo nrotected in Holland. Tim Diaz lias dono enough hard, work for pious Dutch, before tho Pilgrims flocked to their lill republic lo entitle him to lay off peaceful land, hud set apart October ;t on which to and ttvfco a Ilon-huntluu trip it ha feels c'vo thnnks for their hnrvest, but more especially o 41gl)ol. to1' tlu''r deliverance from Spanish authority. The dny opened In this water-locked land with a grent ringing ot bells and over overy shining doorslll thorc stepped Into tho crisp morning air the house hold's full number. Knch Huns or Gretchcn, clasp ing a sllverbound prayer book, walked sedately to tho various places of worship nnd there, lifting up their sweet Hollnnd voices, harsh, perhaps, In speech, but full and round In sang, sent up mimical pralso for tho freedom of their land and the good things of the earth. Church over, tho ontlro population for tho nonco broko through tholr usual stolfdnosB nnd thcro wns a general scampering of young feet In gnmo or dance and a clattering of oldor tongues In friendly gossip ns neighbor vlBltcd neighbor or a rather wel comed his large flock or grandchildren. Thu great event or this Dutch Thanksgiving day was dinner, nt which was served as central dish u queer Htew ot meat und vegetables which thoy called Spanish hodge-podge. For once In their prac tical lives tho Hollanders beenmo facetious, and over this hodgo-podgo thoy mndo merry and cracked Jokes at tholr old-llnio enemy Spain. Tho general "hnsh-llke" appearance of tho hodgo-podgo was sup posed to represent the condition of the Spanish army when (he Dutch hnd vanquished It. Kven tho children entered Into the fun und kept their" history fresh by gloefully slashing Into a potato or a turnip and chuckling as they swallowed tho mor soIb, "This Is General So and-So ah! Mo ent him sol" Well, the Purllans heartily approved of tho early religious services ot tho morning and their henlthy appetites could not fnll to appreciate the Spnntsh hodgo-podgo, however much thoy may have dis approved of tho sontlmont which flavored It, so thoy entered most heartily Into the Dutch Thanksgiv ing of October II. In 16211 theso Pilgrims hold Oc tober I! ns a day of Thanksgiving In tho New World, und here we hnvo our first truo American Thanks giving day. TIiIh day has passed through mnny vicissitudes since that date. Thoro Is not a festival on tho al manac, llxod or movable, which has had the strug gle for existence that our Novomber holiday has endured. From 102:1 until 10110 Thanksgiving day was hold In Amorlca In various months, some of the PllgrlniB keeping to October !! nnd other colonists holding a different daj by order or the governor, In IG30 tho people of Mnssnchusetts were suffer ing for food und clothing und Gov. WInthrop hired tho good ship Lyon to return to IJngland for sup plies. For ninny dnya tho vessel lay stranded off the Isle of Shoals, but finally put out. Winter came on apace, und nothing was heard of tho Bhlp. Tho colonists wero ncnrly disheartened when, on Feb ruary 22, 1031, tho Lyon was sighted, and the gov ernor ordered that the day bo given over to roast ing and thnuksgtvlng, This Is the first written record or a Thanksgiving dny In Hoston; It enn still be found in tho Colonial Records of Massachu setts. It la nn Interesting fact that this first Hos ton Thanksgiving was held on what Is now ono of our most patriotic holldnys, Washington's birthday. Tho first record of a joint celebration of Thanks giving duy 1b given In the Colonial Records of 1C32. when Gov. WInthrop or Massachusetts bay, asked tho governor or Plymouth colony to Join him in Is suing n proclamation of n public Thanksgiving dny. The invitation was -accepted, nnd in November, 1032, Plymouth colony and Massachusetts Hay colony cele brated Thnnksglvlng day to gether In a manner pretty much tho same as their de scendants of today, in re ligious sorvlce nnd feasting nnd funmnklng. Tho ono notlccablo omission was tho great football game which marks tho day In our generation. From 1032 until 1C77 the Now England records show that 22 dif ferent dates wero set apart by tho various governors ns days for pub lic thnnksglvlng, and thnt with the exception of tho two colonies men tioned no two held tho day on the snmo date. Tho celebrations, how over, wero held In October or No vember. In 10.77, as other denominations had crept Into Plymouth colony, over which the Puritan church had no ruling, the goyernor decided that It would be well to have tho power of fixing public holldayB, "whether for feasting, praying or funmnklng," vested In civic au thority. Accordingly In thnt year the llrst printed Thanksgiving day proclamation wns printed. Thanks giving day proclamation was print ed, setting November 25 as tho festival. Tho law reads: "That it he in tho power of the governor and as sIstantB to command solemn dates of humiliation by fasting, etc., nnd also, thanksgiving aa occasion shall be offered." This shows that tho law callod for only "occasional" Thanksgiving dnya nnd so tho holldny was but feted about hither and yon, from October to November, according to tho pleasure of tho rulers of the colonies nnd there never was any feeling of certainty as to tho boll day. That It was held annually with out break In Plymouth and Massachusetts Hay colony from Its Inception until 1689, with the ex ceptlon of tho year when King Philip's war Inter ruptcd, thoro nro records to show. In this colony tho church and government ultornated In arrang ing tho date of celebration. GEORGIE ON THANKSGIVING Thankcglvln day eomes once a year because the Pilgrim band Was thankful that they had. the sense to leave their native land And come across the sea to find a stern and rock' bound shore Where they would never haft to bow to bosses enny more, Where thieves would not break In and steal and trusts would never try To gobble everything and let the little dealer die We celebrate Than'ksglvln' day because the Pit grims came In search of freedom where they knew that they would find the same, Where men would be as brothers, where the strong would aid the weak, Where llbburty would raise her flag on every crag and peak, Vhere billionaires would never dare to cheat for profits' sake Or break the laws that other men were not at lowed to break. Wc celebrate because the hopes hoped by that Pilgrim band Have all come true, because there's not an evil In our land, Because we have no wealthy rogues to plan and plot and scheme To make the llbburty we claim a vain and empty dream, Because our magnates go to church and teach In Sunday schools, And everywhere from sea to sea the Christian spirit rules. We keep Thanksglvln' day because the man who does his best To be an honest citizen Is honored by the rest; He may not have a share of stock or own a foot of land, But all our wealthy senators are glad to shake his hand And hear his plea and guard his rights with all the Jcllus care They ever give the Interests of any millionaire. We keep the good old day because no idle rich ignore The pressing needs of those where Want Is scratching at the door, Because we have such freedom as the Pilgrims wished to claim, Because we never are oppressed and never splotched with shame, Becauso we've frightened Greed away and raised our standard high And kept the faith for which our sires were not afraid to die. Women to Vote In Slam. Slnm has recently panged a law giv ing woii'n tlm right lo vote in er tain titles. While this may seem nn extraordinary stop for an oriental pto- pie the Siamese woman themselves ox- plain thnt If Ib Hi teaching of Bud dhism. Thry point out that Huddhlsm preaches the eminllty of the sexes and gives equal oducHon , to boys and girls. The Lact Recource. "She Is porfoetly boamltul!" ex claimed the hud, onthnslantlcally. "You must novor say that about nn- othor girl, my dear," replied tho ex perienced matron. "Whon n woman has no featuro which you can critlclso you must always fnl back on tho state ment hat sho would bo charming It sho only hnd n llttlo more stylo." And Net a Thing to Do. A Germnn scientist thinks he has discovered In nn Alpine cave evidence thnt men wero living 100,000 years ngo. It Is u torrlblo thought. Thorn wero no flying mnchlncs, baseball scores, ready letter-writers nor essay ists on New York society. What could the poor things do? Now York World. Tho extraordinary popularity ot fine whlto goods this Bummer makes tho cholco of Starch a matter of great im portance. Dellnnco Starch, being freo from all Injurious chemicals, Is tho only ono which Is safo to uso on flno fabrics. Itn great strength ns a stiffen or makes half tho usual quantity of 8tarch necessary, with tho result of: perfect finish, oqunl to that when tho good3 wero now. Woman Wlna Scholastic Honors. Mrs. Agnes Knox Blnck, wlfo of Prof. C Charloton Black of Boston univer sity, hnn been appointed to the fnculty of tho College of Liberal Arts of tho university as Shaw professor of elocu tion. Mrs. Black succeeds Prof. Mnl vlna M. Bennett, who recently resign ed. Mrs. Black is n Cnumllan nnd well known ns nn elocutionist. Sho vvaa graduated from tho University of Toronto, nfterward faking a courso In Philadelphia. Sho wns at ono tlmo head of tho school of elocution of tho Now England Conservatory of Musla and later connected with tho Emerson Collego of Oratory. Starch, llko everything elso, is be ing constancy improved, tho patent Starches put on tho market 25 years ago aro very different and inferior to thoso of tho present day. In tho lat est discovery Defianco Starch all In jurious chemicals aro omitted, whllo the addition of another lngrcdiont, in vented by us, gives to tho Starch a strength and smoothness novor ap proached by other brands. FOR SALE CHEAP 0ns 35 h-p Marincllo Gasolino Englno One 6 li-p Cushmai Gasolino Englno Ono 11 k-w 110 toll Gonoral Eleclric Co. Gonorator All In Fini Repair Address Lincoln Gas & E. L. Co. LINCOLN, NEB.-Attiotlon C. E Vtrnij Omaha Directory HAVE YOU HAD YOUR "WEDDING BREAKFAST" If not ask your grocer for this brand of Maplo Syrup. FARRELL & CO., OMAHA. a It Factory & Prices Aulnbnuifh'fl rnmnlpt Js vCf wiiui i'uu Willi, MA G. N. AULABAUGH 'ill' Citl.H, 1500 Douglli St., OMAHA. BILLIARD TABLES POOL, TABLES LOWEST PRICED. EASY PAYMENTS. You cannot nfford to experiment with untried goods sold by commission agents. Catalogues free. Tho Brunswick-Balke -Cullender Company (07-B So. tOth St., Dipt. J, OMAHA, NCR. un. Hnllejr ainrli, The nrMTIATn jOkiKSii DENTISTS J 111 U iaua, Nm, n,,t multipart B-nUl oOIca In tho Middle Welt. UkUol RpDlUncKi. Igb grade DentUtrr. Ilekonabl price. RUBBER GOODS by malt at rut prlcei. Bend (or (rot catalotra. MYERS-DILLON DnUQ OO.. OMAHA. HEtJH. MILLARD HOTEL A5SifiH Tk Frnara Street car. Two IolUr a dar and ud. W cater etpeclillr tu nvaie trade. Try ua.