The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 27, 1908, Image 5

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l Is .-
Assures you of the very largest variety to choose from and the choice of our
stock to present your friends with.
Our Holiday Stock
Is in a large measure now on display and we invite you to call and see the many
varied things we are showing suitable for Christmas Gifts.
Goods Selected Now we will Lay Aside Until Christmas.
Many are now selecting their gifts. We hope to have the pleasure of showing you
1 dixon i m 1
Graduate Dcnlisl
Ofllco over the McDonnld
State Dank.
Judgo Austin left last night for a vis
it in Donver.
The Union Pacific began unloading
storage coal this morning.
Chris Paulsen went to Omaha last
night where ho will have un operation
There will bo an exceptionally good
program at tho opera house tonight
for tho benefit of the A. 0. U. W.
Tho regular services will bo .held
Sunday at the Lutheran church, to
which the public are cordially invited.
Over three miles of cement sidewalks
were laid in North Platte during tho
past peason. This represents an ex
penditure of about ten thousand dollars.
County Treasurer Langford is get
ting ready to mail to each delinquent
personal tax payer a statement shoe
ing tho amount due. These taxes bo
como delinquent next Tuesday.
The Lutheran ladies will servo sup
por and offer for sale a variety of
aprons and fancy articles at the Ma
sonic hall Thursday, Decembor 10th.
Weather forecast: Fair and warmer
tonight and Saturday. Highest tem
peruturo yesterday 45; one year ago G5.
Lowest temperature this morning 18;
ono year ago 21.
Miss Arta Kocken, who is teaching
nt Sheriden, Wyo., arrived home this
weeft for a short visit, the schools hav
ing closed for two weeks on account
of tho prevalence of small-pox.
Lem Baily and Will Hawloy returned
yesterday from a successful quail hunt
in JefTery precinct, having gone there
Sunday, This writer acknowledges
with thanks tho gift of a half dozen
of the birds.
Irv Armstrong returned this morning
from a weeks' visit at Grand Island.
Chris Tagader loft this morning for u
week's visit with his daughter, Mrs.
Cunningham, at Scnecn, Neb.
Quito a number of young people of
this city attended a dance nt Sutherland
last night, returning on train No. G this
Tho Temple Craft danco was not very
largely attended, but those present ex
press themselves as having had a very
enjoyable evoning.
For Rent My 8 room house on west
Third street. Address Paul Goss, 333
No. 29th St., Lincoln, or sco J. R.
Ritner. 1
Chairman Davis, of the republican
county central committee received from
President-elect Wm. Taft this morning
an autograph photograph of that gen
tleman. The picture is presented to
the republican county central commit
tee City Engineer Welch is preparing a
statement giving a summary of tho
number of cross walks and approaches
constructed, the amount of street work
done and other improvements made
during the year. This summary is pre
pared in order to lot tho people know
where at least a part of the city money
is expended.
Wo don't overdraw it when we say
we have tho finest and biggest line of
Queonswaro and Decorated China in
town, and the prices are lower than
over before. Come in and inspect our
stock. You will bo pleased.
Tkamp, tho Grocer.
Nothing now in the murder case has
como to light sinco last week. Sheriff
Beal is endeavoring to get hold of the
stolen property now being hold in Den
ver by tho parties whom Mrs. Gciger
sold it to. This property will be used
in a case prosecuting Mrs. Gciger for
grand larceny. Smith is nt largo and
no trace of him has been secured so fur.
Mrs. Gciger spends her time in jail do
ing fancy work. Ogalalla News.
Made from healthful
grape cream of tartar
Will make twice as much good
bread, biscuit and cake,pound for
pound,as the lowpricedimitations
made from alum and alum phos
phates,' and will make the food
appetizing and healthful.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
is not only economical but makes
the food more wholesome.
Readers having items for this column will
please call phono 31)3.
Miss Mnud Dillon will cntcrtnin
the young ladies' bridgo club next Mon
day evening.
After tho Temple Crnft dance Thurs
day evening Mrs. Douglas entertained
a dozen guests nt a midnight lunch.
Tho members of tho Five Hundred
Club were pleasantly entertained
Tuesday evening by Mrs. Ray Lang
ford and Mrs. Harry Dixon nt tho homo
of tho former.
Tho Indoor Picnic Club met with Miss
Laura Murray Tuesday evening. In
stead of tho customary lunch, a sump
tuos turkey dinner wns served but in
true picnic fashion. Tho remninder of
tho evening wns devoted to cards.
Tho Stags comprising eight of North,
Platte's popular young men held their
annual banquet at the American rcstau-1
rant last evening. At nine they sat,
down to a bountitul Thanksgiving feast
which kept them occupied for tho re
mainder of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hoagland enter
tained sixteen quests at n prettily ap
pointed dinner Thursdny. Tho table
decorntions wcro chrysanthemums and
carnations nnd tho place cards and
favors were suggestive of Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mecomber are
visitors in Omaha, having left for that
city last night.
George Erhard spent Thanksgiving
day in town visiting his fnmily who
are spending the winter nt Mrs. W. F.
Cody's home.
10 acres to 1000 acres and one town
lot in Lakeview, Oregon $200, payable
$10 per month. See Spurrier Bros.
Madame Murio Sylvester, queen of
palmistry and clnirvoyancy, has decided
to remain another week in order that
those turned away have an opportunity
of consulting her.
The Next Best Thing When You Can't
Get Guaranty of Bank Deposits.
Invest your money in ono of tho many
good investment policies of the Now
York Life.
Temple Real Estate & Insurance:
Agency, Agents
At the Experimental Sub-Station.
Some choice Duroc-Jcrsey Boars at
$15 each.
Twenty-fivo head of yearling steers
and heifers; nearly all of theso are
Aberdeen-Angus grades.
Bromo grass seed of tho crop of 1908
nt 10 cents nor nound.
Kherson oats for seed nt GO cents per
There is no moro winter wheat for
snlo. W. P. Snydeii, Supt.
For Sale
Thirty-three head of high grade Har
ford yearlings. Apply to or address A.
S. Gregg, North Platte, Neb.
Estray Notice.
Taken up, seven calves, two heifers
and five steers, five and one-half miles
east of Hershoy, ten and one quarter
miles west of North Plntto. Parties
owning same can hnve them by prov
ing proporty, paying cost of notice and
their keeping. uallas wills.
Harb wire for sale at
Ifershcy's, corner Pith
and Locust St. Pli one 15.
For Sale.
1 new Holland Feed Grinder for
power, 1 double set Driving Harness.
Inquiro of Dickey Bros,.
Notice to Boys and Others.
All persons are warned against skat
ing on the Union Pacific ico lake or
tresspassing on tho company grounds.
Violators will be dealt with according toj
law. Byordor of tho Union Pacific
Carpenters and Laborers Wanted.
J. T. Murphy, foreman of tho Union
Pacific bridgo nnd building department,
desires to employ forty carpenters nnd
laborers between now and December
15th to work on tho new ico house.
Cnrpentors nro offered $2.85 to $3.00
nnd laborers $2.00 per day of ten hours.
If there nro nny local carpenters or
labors who want work they should apply
at once. If local men cannot bo secured,
others will be shipped in.
Having received our third car of fur
niture sinco putting in tho Hne.J wo nro
now nblo to suit the most critical oyc.
W have nil styles of tho dlircront lines
of furniture, nnd will bo pleased to lmvo
you give us n coll.
Yours for tho furniture business,
Real Estate Transfers.
Alio Blake to Fred Blake northeast
quarter section 31-13-33, $2,400.
Oscar Bennies to Fred Pierson 32i
ncresin lot 3 nnd northeast of tho
southwest quarter 30-14-33, $1,C92.00.
S.F. Bcnttyto F. W. Hockbarth
undivided hnlf interest in southwest
qunrter section 12-13-33, $1,0G0.
W. C. Roscnfelt to Hugh Ralston
oast hnlf and southwest quarter section
30-11-32, $4,500
Edward Johnson to Gust Hclborg
enst half southwest nnd west half
southeast section 15-14-2G, $1,500.
A. R. Whitmor to F. P. Hoy north
west quarter suction 5-10-20, $1,000.
.lohnBrnttto George Mnng lot 8,
block 107, city, $050.00
Mme. Mnrio Sylvester, tho world
wonder, tho world's acknowledged queen
of plamlBtry and clalrvoyancy reads
your life from crndlo to grave without
asking you one question. Gives names
nnd locates stolen articles. Locates
diseases of tho body, etc. Reunites
tho sepnrated and brings about speedy
mnrriages. You should not fail to test
this gifted lady's wonderful powers.
Mrs. Abraham s rooming house, over
511 Dewoy, street room No. 5. Hours
9.3U n. m. to 1U p. m. Heading GO cts.
Bargains in City Property.
Beautifully located eight room cot
tage, strictly modern, shndo, nnd only
two blocks from postofiice, $3000. , .
Ono ot tho finest residences on D'cwov
street, just complete, two lots, $3,G00.
Six room cottago with corner lot.
1'ivo room cottage, $1,800.
Good four room houso with barn and
two lots; snap at $1,100.
Tho beautiful Crvdorman homo on
WestGth St., partly furnished. $5000.
u. u. tiioelecke.
If Taken Soon.
An eight ncro lot adjoining tho town
of Sutherland nnd about forty rods
from tho town school. Four room
hpusoand now barn on huid. Four acres
in 20-yoar-old locust grove, would cut
$500 worth of posts; 24 acres in nlfnlfa;
four acres fenced with hog tight wiro,
nnd other improvements. Will tnko
Also 14 acres adjoining this, all in
alfalfa and under muin ditch, at $00 per
Also 50 acres of nasturn. to tro with
either of the ubovo, at $7.00 per acre.
Address uox zi, sutneriand, Nob.
This model is a stylish crea
tion built along1 the line of the
latest "Parisian Hip Corsets."
It has a high bust and is long
over the hips. Especially ad
apted for tall figures, either
stout or' slim. Gives the long
waist effect. A beautiful cor
set of this style will be shown
on display for by calling on
Miss Harriet Beyerle,
Rooms ovor McCabo's Drug Storo.
Fyes tested. Glasses fitted.
All calls answered promptly
day or night.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital ...
Surplus Fund
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $220,000.00
(Not considering quick nBsets nnd cash resources)
E. F. Secbcrgcr, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamara.
A. 0. U. W. Benefit
At Opera House Picture Show
New Songs, Fine Pictures, f
Two Vaudeville Acts i
And a Very Laughable Farce ;
Admission I5c and 10c
KEITH THEATRE--C. H. Stamp, Lesoee and'Mgi
Ed Anderson offers for your approval his
Best Rural Drama.
"The Farmer's Daughter," a
"Fragrant as a field of clover", as good as the best
and better than the rest.
Companion play to "Way Down East" "Shore
Acres" and "Old Homestead."
PlfllTl The Big Farm Scene,
tillage in Winter,
111 J I J Tne Giurch Scene,
UJUJU The Beautiful Snow Scene.
Prices 75c, 50c and 25c. Seats on sale at Clinton's
Crystal Theatre!
!rilay an
"A Good Hearted Foreman will Care for
His Children."
"The Opposition Party."
"The Blacksmith's Strike."
Hopper and HopperBlanche and Garry
will appear in a very laughable Dutch
sketch entitled "Fritz and Lena" an up
roar of laughter from start to finish.
New songs and new jokes.
Songs by Jas. Shaffer:.
"When the Orioles Come Again," and
"When Vacation Days are Over."
Admission: Adults 15c, Children 5c.