SPECIAL Ladies, we want you to call and see our new line of China and Fancy Articles in China. Beautiful pieces and large stock CLINTON, The Jeweler. 9 A DR. BROCK, DENTIST, I? Over First Nnf nnnl Hani. i Miotic 148 8 Special bonoflt for tlio A. 0. U. W. tonight nt tho oporu houso, Tho W. c. T. U. will moot with Mrs. W. C. Ritnor noxt Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Fogg enmo down from Hcrshoy yostorday nnd loft InBt night for n visit with friends nt Athol, Knn. Lot mo figuro on those storm windowB you will need. P. M. Soiiknson. Tho enso of tho stnto against Mungor, chnrged with Ulcgnlly soiling liquor in net for hoaring In tho county court to day, but nt tho timo of closing tho forms tho hearing had not boon finished. Seo tho flno lino of Christmas chinn nt Mucker's book store Tho union Thanksgiving scrvlco nt tho Episcopal church yostorday foro noon was moro largely nttonded thnn customary nt llko sorvlco. Tho sormon wns dollvorcd by Rov. Jno. P. Scibort. nnd hna been complimented. Excollont muBlc wns furnished by tho choir. 9-15 Halo Ties at $1,121 por bundle Ginn & White. Tho pnuclty of tho local columns to day is duo to tho quiotudo which rolgnod yostcrdny and tho positlvo re fusal of pooplo to do anything today that would tond to mako a local Horn. Tho activity of n town and Its puoplo is ulvvayB rofloctod In tho local nowa columns; honco you mny conclude that thoro is nothing doing. Chaflng Dishos, Leather Goods, Hair CombB, Fountain Pons, Cut Glass, Wntchos, Diamonds nnd tho finost lino of jowolry ovor displayed in our city. Call oarly and get tho boat selection. Dixon, Tho Jowolor. Goo. E. ProRser, treasurer of tho re publican county central commlttco has filed with tho county clork n statement of tho rccolpts nnd oxpondituros of tho commlttco during tho Inst enmpaign. Tho rocolpts woro $120, of which $200 was recoived from tho stato committee and tho romaining $220 wns contributed by twenty-six porsons. Tho oxponseB woro $405.30, leaving a bnlunco of $14.70 In tho hands of tho treasurer. The largest Blnglo item of oxpenso watt for carriage hlro nnd helpers on olection day. IIAl'TIST CHtlHCII Sunday will bo nnothnr nctivo dny with us. Our Bchool begins today with ovor Blxty present. Tho morning prdaching hour will bo devoted to tho Bccond eormon In tho sories on Work, with tho sub topic n truo estimate Tho evening mooting will bo ovnngol ifltic. probably followed by tho ordi nance of baptism. Heavy snowstorms prevailed in the Rocky Mountain section Tuesday night. Trains from tho west Wcdnosday were several hours late Mr. Mackin, nt ono timo clerk in tho district foromnn's office, but of lnte living in tho east, spont yesterday In town while enrouto to Denver. Judgo Grimes and W. T. Wilcox returned WcdnoBdny from Lincoln, whoro they nttended tho meeting of tho Btnto bar association. Thnt chnlr-Lot mo fix It. P. M. Sokenson. Work on tho foundation of tho now Ico houso began Wednesday. Fivo cars of lumber have boon recoived and un loaded and nlno other cars aro In sight. Tho Iiaptist ladies nro activo in their preparations for tho supper to bo sorved next Thursday night, December 3, In tho Masonic hall. Tho tickets aro how on alo attwenty-fivo (25) cents a ploce. Tho prosont system of heating in tho dispatchers' ofllco will bo torn out, nnd n now system put in nt n cost of nbout $500. Foromnn Murphy hns received orders to at onco proceed with tho pre- liminnry work. Miss Anna McGovorn, of this city, who has been teaching school in Logan county, was united in marrlago Wed nesday evening to James Woldman, a farmer living in Myrtlo precinct. Tho young pooplo rosldo on n farm In Myr tlo precinct. Manager Miller announces that the two vaudovlllo teams appearing nt tho opera houao this week will consolidate into ono largo net called "Tho Tolo phono," which onds in a competitive danco and is a scream from Btart to finish. For insurance Seo Templo Real Es tato nnd Insuranco Agency. That section of tho ynrd botwoon tho Locust street crossing nnd tho dis patchers' officer and tho depot grounds havoboon saturated with crudo oil nnd covered with n light sprinkling of sand. This, it is bcllovcd, will result in tho Shormnn gravel packing moro firmly and will prevent it from becoming loosened nnd swept by the wind. Dinmonds for Christmas aro a safe investment, ns well ns an always ac coptablo gift. Wo aro offering this season soino oxcoptlonal valuos in flno dinmonds. Lot us show you wo can savo you monoy. uixon, Tho Jowolor. Tho chicken killing dog seems tohavo bocomo Bntisfiod, nt least no Iosbcs of poultry havo been reported for several davs. This canine or cnnlnoa sue cocded In killing ovor 200 chickens in tho yards of dllforent citizens. It probably ouch occurrences ns theso that tompt pooplo to set out poisoned bait for dogs, but unfortunntoly It gen ornlly happens that tho wrong dog gets tho bait. In the Police Court. In viow of having n "glorious" Thanksgiving, several Individuals pro ceeded to "tank up" Wednesday nven- ng and thcro was something doing in police court. Annlo Walton rushed tho can, and becamo overburdened with tho amber fluid. Sho lives on cast Front street, but with can in hand sho wnndcrcd up to Frank Tracy'B residence In tho west end, seated herself in a rocking chair on tho porch and was getting ready to spend tho night in that position when officers wero phoned for and sho was gathered in. This little diversion cost her $5.05. Bert Boyer becamo too convivial and wanted to go a few rounds with any nd nil corners. Ho fell into tho hands of tho polico who waltzed him oil to jail boforo ho had knocked out any ono. "Nino ninety-five," or twenty days In jail," said tho stern judge Chris Kosbau came in from the coun try nnd proceeded to Imbibe Thanks giving "cheer." After ho drank enough for two or thrco men, ho began im personating nn officer of tho law nnd wanted to drag pcoplo to jnil, Ho was having n pretty good timo until a real officer appeared and Chris becamo hum bled. Tho Judgo thought ho had $7.95 worth of fun and ho footed the bill with out saying whothor ho had value received. Lnst evening a stranger In a drunken stupor wns found laying under an ongino tank In tho yards, tho soft Bide of n rail being the pillow for his head. Had tho engine been moved n few feet ho would hayo been minus a head. Fortunately ho was discovered and an oflicorB took him to jail to sober up. If ho has any coin loft ho should reward tho follow who found and rescued him from his perilous position. Notice to The Public. All parties nro wnrnedngnlnst throw ing ashes In tho stroot dltchoa. No objections to depositing them in mlddlo of strcot or in alloys. W. B. Salisuuiiy, Streot Commissioner. Discount on Millinery. Tho stock of millinory at Tho Londor must bo closed out by Dccombor 10th and to movo tho goods nuicklv n (lis count of twenty-fivo por cent Is offered many (losirauio nais or me most nn proved patterns nro offered. Como In and seo them. The Leadkk Milmnkiiy Dept. HOLES IN YOUR SOCKS? Then you are juat the person we have been looking for! A new sock, made by radically different construction, hns been placed on the market. The feature which distinguishes this from ordi nary double toe and heel hosiery is the sew mavm m I JH times the wUK TOE"HEEL . Which means several wear without holes. Wo nro now displaying theso goods nnd invito nil hosiery (lament to como nnd uco tho sock that will lose them their job. They will Biirpilso you by tholr unucual durability. Very good looking, too. A fino lisle hnlf lioso. Beautifully made. Price 25o GRAHAM 8 GO. Lexington 12, North Platte 11. Before a gathering of several hun dred enthusiastic spectators yesterday afternoon, Lexington defeated North Platto In tho closing foot ball game of tho soaBon by a score of twelvo to elovon. Victory enmo to tho visitors n tho finnl four minutes of tho lnst half. Tho first half was as evenly played as ono couicl wisn to Bee, iorwnrd passes and punting being the features. In tho final two minutes of tho half North Platte failed to get a ball punted by Lexington, nnd in so doing allowed tho visitors to obtnin possession of it and mako goal, followed by a goal kick, tho half ending with a score of six to nothing in favor of Lexington. Toward the closo of tho second half' North Platto secured n touch down but failed to kick goal, and n little later supplemented this score by a touch down and a goal kick, secured by a punted bnll by Halligan which Lexing ton failed to catch und wns picked up by Baldwin and carried to goal, This mado a scoro of eleven to six in favor of North Platto, and tho crowd wont wild with enthusiasm. Their joy wns of short durntiort, however, for upon return to play Lexington secured a touch down and goal kick, thus placing tho scoro twelvo to eleven in their favor. With but two minutes remain ng, North Platte by fast work got tho ball to their goal line, but the touch down, it is claimed, occurred ten seconds after tho expiration of time, and tho gamo was given to tho visitors by tho above Bcore. For Buildlnir & Lonn monov. seo Tomplo Real Estato and Inauranco Agoncy. The Farmer's Daughter. "Tho Farmor'a Daughter." n rural comody of moro than usual merit will bo tho attrnctlon at tho Keith Thcatro on Thursday, December 3d. This play tells a pretty story of Now England and carries n deep nnd rovoront moral lesson. It tolls of tho efforts of boautlful young woman to right tho wrong Imposed upon hor by a heartless man, and tho trend of tho story shows tho outcast wandering among tho bleak hills of social ostracism. "Tho Farmer's Daughter" is named as tho successor of "Tho Old Homo stoad" and "Way Down East," and such it is, If popular approval counts for anything. It introduces two ox tromoly clover and funny characters "Hy" nnd "Thankful" aro two farm hands whose lovo affairs run anything but smooth, Hy is bashful whllo Thank ful is over-bold. Thankful's effort t force Hy to propose aro said to glvo riso to somo oxtromoly ludicrous sltua tlons, and givo tho nudionco plenty cause for tho oxerciso of their risibles of YOUR HAT May Ba Stylish One, lint It Makes Trouble. A mrtn vmlnllv tinvo n t.n Mini.- ..It. tylo," but the modern hat for men hna uin lu mianut lull IlaUlhrads aro rrrowlrur moro numor mm nvnrv ilnv. Ilnta mnU .vnnii.nt lirpptllnir nlniwM for llin iinmum.. nn.m which sap tho llfo from tho roots of tho When your hnlr bCRlna to fall out and vnllp spnln ttt full it lln.titciif i I.. auro bIrii that thoao countless conns aro There In hut ono way to ovorcomo tho trouble nnil kill tho Borms-tlint wny la to apply Nowliro'a Ilorplcldo to tlx scnlp-lt will kill tho Korma uml honllhy Sold by liadlnir driiKKlsta. Soml 10c. In Blninps for mimplo to Tuo Ilorplcldo Co., Detroit. Midi. Two Hlsua 60 cents and 11.00. McUbrtcTl & Graves. Spcciul A nts. ss em rr rwmwxm&my ,r .;v, With a Monarch Range in the Kitchen there will be true thanksgiving in the hearts of cook and guest alike. A woman's pleasure in using this perfect range quite equals her pride in serving the family and guests with the. delicious food it prepares. Why not make this a Genuine Thanksgiving in your home? Whatever your cooking arrangements may be, you can improve them and you ought to do it. It's not as though it were an extravagance to buy the "best range possible" as a matter of fact you can't afford to use anything else! The Monarch actually does its work with so little fuel that it soon Pays Back Its Cost in Real Money. The things that the Mail With a Monarch Range in His Kitchen Has tn be Thankful for. Snme Features of the Monarch Range that makes the Woman Who Uses One Truly Thankful. t Pleases His Wife Thoroughly. A woman who uses n Monarch Range is moro thnn merely satisfied. Sho is pleased enthusiastic about it. Sho appreciates that she has a range far superior in overy respect to tho Bo-called "Steel Ranges" thathcr friends arc using. t Cooks His Meals Promptly and Perfectly. No unexpected delny becauso "tho oven wouldn't heat." No spoiled meals thut are usually blamed on tho cook when tho rango is really at fault. Uses so Little Fuel It Pays for Itself. Here's tho important thing. This makes the Monarch the rango for poor nnd rich nliko. It snves its own cost in n short timo nnd continues to save, year after year. It's an investment that yields big returns regularly, long after the principal has been paid back. The Polished Top. Never requires any stovo blackening yet is always In perfect condition clean nnd shiny. Wellsville Steel Body. Always retains its aolcndid finish without the use of stovo blacking or paint. Most lasting material known for rango bodies. The Duplex Draft. A device found on tho Monnrch nlono which does away with sifting ashes nnd keeps tho oven uniformly hented. An Air-Tight Oven. With patent non-warping bottom. Seams can never open up to admit drafts, ashes and dust as in a so-called "Steel Range." Assures Perfect baking which can bo done only in an air-tight oven. Lower Warming Closet. A convenient storage compartment underneath tho oven. With tho door open it heats the kitchen like n base burner and can't interfere at all with the baking oven. SOLD BY JOS. HERSHEY, LOCUST AND FIFTH STS. PHONE 15 Expected Some Cussing. A West Philadelphia husband had Just comfortably seated himself for his after dinner cigar tho other even ing when his good wlfo uroso nnd look tho pnrrot from tho room. This done, Bho picked up n couplo of envelopes nnd approached tho old man, all of which occasioned that gent consider able surprise. "Mnry," said he, "what In the world did you tnko that parrot out of tho room for?" "I was afraid that you might set him n bnd example," answered wlfey. "Whnt do you mean?" demanded the wondering husband. "I mean," answered wlfey, hnndlng fnthcr tho envelope, "that I havo Just recoived my dressmaking and millinery bills." Philadelphia Telegraph. Tho Diving Bell. Tho celebrated philosopher Aristotle speaks of a diving" bell which wns put over tho head of the diver, but thcro Is no proof of tho uso of tho bell in nuclont times. John Jncsnlcr, who lived In the early pnrt of tho sixteenth century, makes tho cnrllest mention of tho prnctlcal uso of tho diving bell in Europe. In nil probability tho first real practical uso of the diving bell wns in tho ntlcmpt nt rescuing tho treasures of tho Spanish nrniada off tho English const, 1500 and on. For Sale. Fino Imnortcd Pcrchoron nnd fihirn Stallions for salo, or to trade for other stock. All young and Buro breedrs. Address Will G. Galaway, McCool, Neb. A Change. "It used to bo tho height of my ambi tion to own n motor car," said tho wor ried looking mnu. "And what Is tho height of your am bition now?'' nskod his friend. "To sell IU"-l'hlladeIphla Inquirer. MARK IT DOWN ns n fnct that tho timo to mokd monoy in property is NOW. Tho man who puts off buying will have to pay some body niso a profit. REAL ESTATE VALUES are constantly increasing. So if nro thinking of buying do it now. havo 8overal parcels which you afford to purchase now. Later on they aro likely to bo boyond your rench. We havo a number of choice resi dence lots In tho West End just listed with us at barerain Drices. Also a few choice residences in samo part of city inai are uesiruuie. Buchanan & Patterson. you Wo can Ample Cnuso. "Whnt on enrth possessed you to be come engnged to Herbert?" a young lady asked her friend. "You don't lovo him an atom!" "I know," wns tho candid reply, "but that horrid Joues girl does I" Poor Angel. "I wonder," snld the sweet young thing, "why a man la always so fright ened when ho proposes?" "Thnt," said tho chronic bachelor, "Is his guardian nugel trying to hold him back." Marked Him. "Aro you awaro who I am?" "Sure! Didn't I Just call you an old Idiot?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. For Sale. Threo quartcr-poctions of land at $7.00 per aero. 2,080 acres nt $12.I0 per aero. KiO acres good farm land. Ono-hnlf soction good farm 'and with 100 acres undor cultivation. For furthor particulars call or wrlto to Room 2, Hinman House, North Platto. Five Hundred Dollars Uuvs tho northeast quarter of section 10, Twp. 11, Rango 111. No terms. Will mail deed to anv bank desired. S. E. Donahue, P. O. l)oxC52, Seattle, WaBh. On the Watch for tho highest quality and best and most stylish harness that is mado wo always nre, nnd that is what wo securo for our stock. Wo havo everything in up-to-date designs in both light and heavy horness and horso goods of all kinds and at fair prices. A. F. FINK. FOR SALE. Good Pure Bred Male Poland China Pigs. . . S.J. Koch, Hershey, Neb McDONELL & GRAVES, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do the.Work Prot.W.M. Hayes, Am'I. Secty. of Apiculture of Die Unlteil States says about Stock Food. 'These balanced rations are often found by analysis to consist of the tailings of nX elevators and breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the compound palatable to the Catui ,H nniPi lhe.eVMCk Z00? ?on,Pl,ni ' IJ f"e "wdust, finely ground, to cheaply brini un the weight of his product, Instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ri,L. i ? .P. . fattening qualities and acting as a tonic, he has vMzb&lotttoibl ordinary grain, finely ground! alfalfa hay 'and otherwrnmoi Wod 's tuff.' M 0S tonl hlih ruVSofni,r& n-n"itious "utter, some of which may be posiUvly'd'aSros1 , Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horn mrf r-tti. tui.. horses, cattle, sheep, swine andfowlsi proper dose in table?, JUrlt ? 0 Xablet!?r no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran. Ask fo Tnd 1 trv once Skid IctLJllf0?" Skidoo Worm. Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, ?leavT Fever llrt ao?B,tn-?Jrab,0tS-i Bye. Colic. White Plague l'revcn.ic. or lllisler Tablets, or U5 KUIcr nav?n H,TP,r' nWS KiS, DDHtaWXf E DLUE BELL MEDICINE cfi'iSKfi FOR SALE BY JOHNSON'S CASH RACKET STORE. .