Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. 8UHHCRIPTION I One Year, cash In advance...,., , I.2& Months, cash In advance 66 cu Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Pottofllce as second clan matter. FIUDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. CoNGHEfiBMAN Nokhib, in tho Fourth district, received a plurality of only twenty votes in a total voto of forty- ono thousand. That's getting In by a mighty small margin. in .1: M , 1, , FitiBNDfl of Hrvan nro already lavlnir plans to havo him succeed Hurkott as United States senator, Hut what of Gi,.,ii.,.,t......' 1. , u. -ui u.,n,.i:.,Uu.K- o .... uCl,uU,i " I " . . ' " 7 :: rrnUAtnni n tniihlnrrflfnrin In f Vin annn(i I and does not his success at nn.l 11a . . lila . . L. . . n I I I 1110 iunn 1 entitle him to consideration? ContkaiiY to general expectations, tho socialist voto polled at tho lato election was less than polled in 1001, In Chicago iilono tho falling off in th n.n. ,,nr IQfinn HA. ...... ...... u,uv.,. wuuo -i.vv,. to receive anywhere from 0"0 to two million votos, but tho total will bo less than four hundred thousand. It IB understood that Colonel Dryan and Govcrnor-olcct Shallenbcrgcr will draft the proposed bank guaranty law, and that the Colonel will ongineor its Theso two statesmen believe passaga that n guaranty of one-tenth of ono por cent of the total deposits will be amply suflTciont, based upon tho yearly average of bank failures In tho state. Notwithstanding tho fight that has been mado against Undo Joa Cannon by tho truly good peoplo of tho coun try, It Is probablo that he will bo elec ted speaker of tho noxt congress. In that event tho follow who made nntl-clcction pledges not to support Uncle Joo for speaker will bo botween tno uovw nnu tno ueop sca-u moy voto against mm tnoy win not recoivo much . 111.... t.t I.- tll- I rixoKnion iromnimns spenKor, wnuo ir they voto for him their constituents will cry "traitor." Tin: resignation of Chancollor An drews, of the Stato university, Is to bo regrotted, for under his chancellorship tho school has taken its placo at tho fore front of tho groat educational ln 111 ll stitutions oi tno country, to Bccuro n oucccssor to Air. Andrews will bo no easy task. W. J. Bryan has been sug gestcd, but it is not likely that ho wouiu tor a moment consiuor such a proposition, even though he wero of fered n enlary double tho amount Chun, collor Andrews lias rocoived. Tim Lincoln Journal Bays thero haB been no concealment so far no tho Bur llugton railway officials aro concorned ah to tho interest and the part they played In tho defeat of Railway Com misilonur Williams. And tho snmo may bo said of tho Union Pacific. Horo In North Platto tho railroad Interests miulo an oji'in fight on election day against both Williams and Sholdon. Now that the railrondi huvu hunted tho rod flag in the faco of tho farmers and stock men of Nebraska, will the latter tako up the challenge and demand stronger railroad legislation and control than now exists under tho railroad commission law? Govkhnor Sukldon has not as yet taken any definite action regarding calling an extra session of tho leglsla turo. Twenty dayB notice aro required to call nn extraordinary session and im mediate action would bo nocossary to got tho members togothor by Dec. 1, Ho is considering tho mutter and will not act until he has had roplloa to his recent lottors to members as to what they bnlleve Is necessary. Consider able opposition has developed sinco the first notlco of tho possibility of an ex tra tension was mcntior.od and thero now appears to bo doubt as to whether tho matter will bo pursuod. Governor Sheldon Bays It is his deilro to act only in nccordanco with tho wishes of tho majority and that his future decision will dupond entirely on tho nature of tho replies rocoived from his circular eent to tho mombors of tho legislature. Mr. Taft's Business Policy. Coincident with tho reported reaump tion of activity in many industrial lines and with tho sentencing of Charles W. Morso of Now York to flf- teen yoars in prison for violation of the national blinking lawa, comes tho BH'tiittcunt words ot Mr. nut, in a spocch at n banquet of tho Cincinnati commercial ciuu. Auurcsslnghla mends and neighbors Mr. Taft said: i i V i i i Every bnBinoss man Who JS obeying tho law may go ahead with all the en- nor In his possession; every enterprise which is within tho Statutes may pro- coed without fear of interference from tho nununistrstlon when acting legally; but all Intoresta within tho jurisdiction . Of the federtti govomment may expect a rigid eniorcoment or the laws against Tfau country uooda just tho ow.Jtor. 60c and $1.00. Trial hot tlo freo anco offered by Mr. Taf t. Thero are doubtlesa promoters and reckless financiers who have hoped that the vfg- & orous policy of tho Roosevelt ndmlnfs- tration In dealing with offenders againBt tho anti-trust and other laws regulative of commercial and Indus- trial operations might beimodifled un dcr tho next administration. Mr. Taf t serves notice that there shall bo no cessation of the administration war- fare against vtolaters of tho laws, while at (ho snme tlmo offering every encouragement and protection to cn- terprlscs operated legally. It might appear superfluous to rcassuro tho business men who aro acting within the laws, wore it not for tho fact that heedless reports and rumors havo been circuiutcu wnicn navo umucn 10 gon- orally dlstrub the business mind. The country has been suffering from a caso of """"I?"" ,wh!ch M,r' Tn,ft'fl Btnt- 'iinn win ku mi luwiuun i.uuiiK. Mr. Titfr'n ntnlnniniit. Ik (lint. Imturnun I - the people and tno corporations there . . . . I ahnll lm nntinrn rlnnllnrr. A nv imnrnn. I ..... I slon that, as Mr. Koosovclt'H successor, Mr. Taft would bo less strenuous, if not Indifferent, to the continuance of the uooscvclt policies has heen ulssi- patcd. Tho people can ask no more limn iur. init nun iriumivuu mm uic i .. ..." . corporations snouiti not expect more, Only tho speculative manipulator of Htocks and the jobber In Industrial and commercial enterprises will be able to find fault with Mr. Taft'o program. Important problems must be solved in tho mattor of dealing with railroads and other corporations engaged in in terstate commerco attain), but no honest corporation need fear the new administration, just as dishonest cor porations need oxpect no favor. Omaha Bee. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS. October 29, 1008. Doard met pursuant to adjournment, present full board and county clerk. Tho county surveyor is heroby in structed to prepare blanks of surveyor's record of tho surveys of the lots and blocks in thn dKTnront town, nntl thnlr dditlons, in Lincoln county, Neb. Thofollowinrr claims wero allowed: - " ' Orson II. Covllle, haying roads In D8t No. 2, $250.00. I. L. Miltonborgor, sheriff's salary, $100.00. C, A. Lowe)!, doputy sheriff's Balary, $59.00. E. II. Springer, county commissioner, $41.00. A. O. Koclcon, county commissioner, $35.00 S. C. Wills, county commissioner, $40.00. Clarenco Crawley, road work Dist. 11, $900. Ray C. Longford, sower tax jail, $233.00. November Oth, 1008, Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, present full board and county clerk. Board spent tho day auditing claims against county and investigated road matters. Adjourned until tomorrow. November 10th, 1908. Board met samo as yesterday pres unt full board and county clerk. Tho following claims wore allowed Harding & Sponcer, lumber, road dis trict 25, $85.00. E. O. Polzoll, road work, District 24, 3.00. F. C. Plolstickcr, road work, Dist. 25, $3.00. C. A. Parton, road work, 'Dist. 25, $5,50. Goo. W. Parkor, road work, Dist 25, 30.00 Morgan Warner,-road work, Dist 22, G1.50 F. F. Zimmerman, road work, Dist C5, 8.75 O..L. Watklns, road work, Dist 55, 8. GO A. A. Llonborgor, road work, Dist 55, 5.00 J. W. Fowler, road work, Dist 55, con E, C. HoHtettor, brldgo work, 44. SO J. M. Wilson, services, 131,50 L. E. Roach, aorvicos, 200.00 J. B. Elliott, making tax list, 710.12 Ray C. Langford, county treasurer, you aro hereby directed to cancol the tax on tho following land: East half northwest quartor 15-0-33, lota one to flvo and north half northwest 11-12-28 for tho reason that samo is govern ment land; lots ono to four soction 10' 13-29 for tho reason that samo Is school land, from taxation for 1907. P. E. Knapp, road work Dist on 01.60 P. G. Moyer, platting records, 20.00 Adjourned until tomorrow. Seven Years of Proof. "f tinun lmil nnvnn vnnra nf imnf tlmt I Dr. King's Now Discovory is tho best medicino to tako for coughs and colds and for ovory diseased condition of ",,u," V r' ",0-UBU coiiuiuon oi throat, Chest or lunge," Bays W. V. Henry, Panama, Mo, Tho world hae had thlrty-elght years of proof thatDr. King's New Discovery is tho best rem cly for coughs and colds la grippe, asthma, hay fevor, bronchitis, homo rrhago of tho lungs, and the early stages . tl , , , of consumption. Its timely USO always prevonta tho development of pneumonia A Piano at a Nominal Price. Chicaeo's larzest music house Lvon Hcnly. announces a Kebuildlnrr Clear- ln(f Sale of Pianos. Nearly one thous- and splendid Instruments arc offered without reserve until all are sold. In this stock aro fine new Mehlln. Hard- man, iVCrs & Pond, Smith & Nixon and other noted nlanoa formerly owned bv the Thompson Music Co., and tho big v. a. Thearle Piano Co. All these con- corns wero bought out for spot cash by Lyon & Mealy and the public may now share tho ndvantagc. In this salo are al so a number of Stolnway and Weber pianos. In upright pianos neat instru ments at $100, $120, $140, $150, $1G5, $190, $200 and upwards. This Is an un- precodented opportunity that will not occur strain. Any piano not proving ntlrelv satisfactory may bo returned nt their oxpenso. Address Lyon & Healy 10 Adam" "troet CMca- Distance is no odbiucic, lor in proportion to tno - ..!.... ... 1 1 ...IUk l aro Inalanlfleant. Any bunkor will as n n - .. r tt. Il.tlt... t Lyon & Healy, and their record of 45 yoars for honorablo dealing. Write to- day go as to avoid disappointment. Just Exactly Right. ir ... . nM'i,. m if i,. .., " Ju uuil l. iiw.m,,,, w,, . ,, jruui business to keep out or nil tho trouble you can and you enn and will keep out of liver and bowel troublo If you toko Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep bllllouRnc8s, malaria and inunuico out of your system. 25c, at Stone's drug ntoro. Barb wire for sale at Hershey's, corner Fitli and Locust St. Phone 15. On the Watch for tho highest quality and best and most stynsn narness that is mado wo always arc, and that is what wo secure for our stock. Wo havo everything in up-to-daio designs in both light and heavy horncss and horse goods of all kinds and at fair prices. A. F. FINK. My 4-X FJouris Uncle Sam's Pride and mino also. Why not yours? It's tho perfect flour: a scientific nroduct of tho most approved milling methods. KcmemDer every grocer In town handles It, and overy sack is guaranteed. Wear that satisfaction smile that comes from the use of the first sack of my flour. "Satisfaction ' is my motto. C. F. IDDINGS. & I FEELING BAD? Btomwh nut of ordor, Umr almreUh, Bowel nil cloeced up, and you liava Uikt U-Bone.tlred-out-flliiel Tako nn NR Tablet To-night. Yon will begin to feol better nt onc. Their action la different from other l.lier and Btomaclt medlclnea no Itrlplng, no alckeulug or weakening aenaatloua. They make you (eel good. BETTER THAN PILLS FOR LIVER ILLS. "Nature'a nemedy" (NR Tablele) la the Tery beat pre aerlptlon for aour Stomach, Sick Ueadacho, Loaa of App. ttte, Sallow Completion, Oonatlpatlon, Liver Complaint, Bkln DUcMfn, Chill. Malaria, lilllonaneia, Dropty, rim. plea ml Itheumatliin. All of ttieto dlieaio are earned by etopuuena and consequent deeay and fomentation In aom or Ml of the dlgeitlr organ). Ql tea Bei. tela Everywhere. 'dtuiei'fhii, nrlm? McDONELL & GRACES, Don't Spend $3.50 When Prot. W. M. Hayos, An't, Stcty, of Agriculture of the United state says about stock Foodi !"TU,,e, b'n d1r,,'.n, of," 0l"' J by aualytU to conit of the uuin of mUi$, elevator and breweries. mUedvllhmoUMei and alt, to mako the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of Ihelarttit Slock Food Compiniee It said to ue fin eawduit, finely tround, to cheaply bTin up the Jf?h,1 ?' Wproducl, Initead at buying a superior and expimlv balanced ration containing bltb onTr? 2 nn ounh Prcentte of refuee, and non-nutrltloui matter, tome of which may be poiitlvely danieroui lo .Krotock food, and rem.dle. by .! Skldoo Horse and Cattle Tablets for horsei, cattle, sheep, swine and fowin proper dote in ubieti. Mtxlnfeedorait. Theycontain llMwmdditne r hL'h try nce SK,di?.KC?"dlt?,n. Tab,et?,,; SKIdOO Worm, Money, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hoi" Cholera, D (temper, l'ink Eye, Colic, White Plains Preventic. or Illl.lerTableli. or Loute Killer, Spavin Kemedy. or Barb "",tn ' oy i nt uLut FOlt SiVLE UY JOHNSON'S 0AS1I ItAOlCET ST011E. W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER ' A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Day Phone 120, Night Phone 482. DR. C. D. STANARD, DENTIST. Office 505i Dewey. Hinman Block. unicu hours: H:.JU to iz:uu m, 1:30 to G:00 p. m. A THANKSGIVING DRIVE in a fine now carriago will give you just the right appotito for Turkey. Your old carriago has seen so much sorvice you must bo getting ashamed of it. Wo'll supply a new one that will at the same time be handsome, comfortablo and safe. Don't ask tho price. You might think it too low for a good carriage. A. M. Lock. Just what it will buy. In groceries it isworth About $1.10 .at. LAMB'S CASH STORE, NORTH SIDE. Republicans are not better pleased over the result of the election than are our patrons over The Quality of our Meats Givo us a trial order and let us convinco you North Platte Meat Market J. L. STINGLEY, Prop. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing and Setting-. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. M. Sorenson. Shop North of P. O. flrriKiJCaltwH li ll NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Fifty Cents Will do the Work ullu Mtuiumu co., capital stock What Is a Dollar Worth? a PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. S. TWINEM Homeopathic Physiciun anu burgeon. Office! McDonald Bank HulHinp. Phone 183. A. J. Ames, SI. I). Mario Ames, .1. D- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians and Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: OfTico 273. Residence 273 nEO. B. DENT, J Physician and Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. Phonos I Office 130 I hones Rcsidenco 115 D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 on'' 8, McDonald Stato Bank Building, Phono 148. WILCOX & IIALLIGAN, Attorneys-at-Law. Office over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 rp C. PATTERSON, X. Attorney-at-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sta. ONE MILLION Snwkers to be Made Happy by Using the Matchless Cigar Lighter Price 50 Cts. (Special Rates to Dealers.) This lighter works in biggest wind, land or sea, needs no liquid of any kind nor caps, it ueaier cannot lurnlsh wo can. Matchless Cigar Lighter Mfg. Co.. 16 John Street, New York. CONTEST NOTICE. Doportmi-nt of tho Interior, United States Land OOlco. North l'latto, Nebraska. . . . , ct. 23. 1KB. Asulllclont contest aflldavlt havlncboen filed In this oIHco by Oliver A. Itldonour. of Wallace, Neb., contestant, against homestead entry No. 21M0. mado June Hth. IM,for the southwest duartor of soction U, township 11. roiiKu 0j. oy i.owroy jirucxmar contcstco. In which It Is nlleged that said Lowroy IlruckmarhaMneverestabllshed a rest . cor resided upon said land slnco tliuunto 111 said entry and has wholly ab ndoned said lan. for more thanslx months lust nast. Tlmt. imlma not Improved or cultivated said land and saiu lanu is entirely without improvements of any kind or character. That all of said detects exists to this date Said parties aro hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation alio o'clock a. m. on Dec. 23. 11KW before- tho Heulster and Receiver at tho United States Land Oflleo In North I'latte. Nebraska. Tho said contestant having. In a proper aflldavlt. tiled Oct, 23. IMS. sot forth facta which show that after duo dlllgenco personal service of this notice can not Ikj mauo, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notlco uo given uy duo ana proper publication, o27-t! .i E. Evans. Hceister. Sheriff s Sale. Hy vlrtuo of an order of salo Issued from tho district court of Lincoln County. No- orasKa. upon a uecreo or foreclosure- ren' dcred In said court wherein llimrr Wnlln math, Is plalntlir and Hannah Hansen. I'etor Hansen, John Hultgren, Laura Hultgren and Arthur llultirrcn wero defendants, aud to mo directed, I will on tho 23tu day of Nov , 11)08. at ono o'clock p. m., at t ho cast front door of tho court house In North I'lnttn I.ltifnln fli nntv Nebraska, sell at public auction to the highest omuer Tor casn. to satisfy said Uecreo. inter est and costs, tho following dcscrllcd nmn- orty, to-wlt: Tho northhoast quarter (no5)of section nlghtecn (IS), township twolvo (12) run" uiiriy-iwo w-i, in Lincoln county, Ne braska. Dated North Platto, Nebraska, October ami. ivur. o!t-f I. L. Mrr.TONirrmQKit, Sheriff, INTUEDISTHIOT COUUT Olf LINCOLN OOUNTV. NEUUASICA. In tho mattor ot tho appll-' cation ot Honry lllom. Guardian of tho estato of Namlo Ilangtson and Joseph Id. Ilangtson, minors, to sell Ward's real estate, Order to show causa wliv LI cense should not issue for salo of ward's real es On reading and flllnir thn nntltfnn lnl,. tato vorllled of Henry lllom. iruardlan nf f lm no. tnte of Namlo Ilangtson. and .losoph L. Ilangtson. miners, for llconso to sell tho fol lowing deicrtlN'd real estate, to-wlt; Lots ft. 7. and 8 and east half nf sniitliwnat quarter (EH of SWUIof soellou 81, township is. north of range 28 west of tho Oth p. m. in i.uiuoui uouniy, nvii., lor tno purtosoi rais ing funds for the edueulliin nnrl innlntonanxa hi .laniie nangison. minor, anu Mr tho pur pose of tl n payment of tho Indebtedness of said minors which Is a lion upon said real es tate ana tor tno purpo&o or preventing said estate-from iH'lng wasted, and It appearing from said petition that said real cstnto con sists of a farm located in Lincoln county. Ne braska, and that the Income therefrom Is IllSUlllC ent to nay thn Interest. gago Indebtedness upon said land and to also sii iiHri anu euucaiosaiu minors: It Is therefore ordered that tho noxt of kin of ald minors and all iwrsons Interested In saiu real estate appear iMiforo mo at, eham- iwrs in inn court nousu in tho city of North I'latte In Lincoln Countr. N'nhrHuL'n. on ,t.,. 7th day of December, ll08, at U o'clock a. m. to how cause, If any there be, why llconso biiuuiii nui nu grantea to saia llenry lllom, guardian, to sell said real estato for tho pur- iruni a uotjvijsui. lurtll. Aim it is further ordered that a copy of tins oruor bo personally served upon all of mo persons interested in saiu real estato at least 11 days before the date sot for hearing aim innv nam uuncu oe served upon saiu iiiinurs, mm niso uixin Anna aiario Pmitu and Jiihn A . bmll.h, noxtof kin, and upon Magnus Yiianuer, tho iMirsonal guardian of said minors, ana that this order bo published for i ill nui ti:.i.inu tvullKB 111 IIIU AOTlll I'latlO 1 rlliiine. a nowspaiuir published and printed III salt! COUIlt V Of I.lneoln. N'ulir.vL n .i'i)a-7.Sa ,at chamlHirs in said Lincoln County, lui.iiu iibjui nuvemuer, iwts- Tf f ni,TtfKa Jiulvoof nuirlct Comtor Lincoln County, 1.1 v. wi uorvni (IIW NOTICE OV KEPEUEE BALE, Notice Is hereby given that at ono o'clock in i no iiiiernonn on naiurtlay, iiiu isth (lay of wi-vi-u imr. ii-"-, av me uusi iroui uoor or the cuurthouso In Ihn elivnr Nnnli Pi.n.i v... braska. 1 will mil at iniiiiin niioiinn to the highest, and lust bidder tho northern! quarter of sei'llon I, In township S north, of ... b ui un, ii in, in i.incoin county. .ii.ipi.jjii, ijiiu Hum is maun ny virtue of an vjiiui ui iiiu iiisinut eouri or Lincoln, ninntr. Nubraska. In j caso wherein Mary Colin Is plalntltrand Mary E Siegoman and Albert Megemau are defendant, brought to partl tloinhe above debCrllM'd laud, and ualtl salo Is mvih vuiauaiib iu nniti iinier. 1, Ii, MllnMyitMiHrx AufViW, LEGAL NOTICE. J rK' v. Miriln. defendant: lotl aro hereby notified that on tho 18th day of October. 1608. John C. Dewey, plaintiff, filed his petition In tho district of Lincoln county. Nebraska, against Nathaniel E. Martin, as defendant, to quiet title In tho plaintiff In the Northeast quarter (NE W) of Section Fourteen (if), Townsnip iiino iw; n.nnn Thlrf r-fnnr 131) wpstof the f th Princi pal Meridian In Lincoln county. Nebraska: that during tho month of December. 1S. one Nicholas Bcullcn. who was then ownorof said premises, with his wife Mary Scullcn. made, executed and delivered to one Nathaniel E. Martin a mortgage upon said premises to se cure an indebtedness or siw.w, mai saiu mortgage was recorued in me county ciem a nni nf r.lnr-nln rnuntv. Nebraska. In Hook e of Mortgages at Pago 130; that said mort gage has long since occn paiu, nui iiirouau mlstako or neglect still remains of record and unsatisfied and casts a cloud upon the title of said premises: that said mortgage became duo on tho 6th day of December. 1891, and moro than ten years have elapsed slnco It be came duo and If unpaid Is barred by the stat utes of limitation. Tim nlaintlff Is tho owner and In possession of ald premises and tho object and prayor of said petition Is to havo said mortgage can colled and discharged from tho records of tho county clerk's onico ot wncoin county, Nebraska, and thatsald title to said premises bo quieted In tho plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as equity may require. Vou aro required to answer said petition on or bwforo tho 7th day of December. IWb. Dated this iwih day or October, iwm. JOHNO. DEWEY. Plaintiff. o20l Hy L. E. Itoach. his Attorney. Probate Notice lo Creditors. In the" county court of Lincoln county. Ne braska. In tho mattor of the estato of Edward L. Kaln, deceased. Notice Is herebr given, that tho creditors of the said doceascd will meet the administra trix of said estate, before mo, County Judgo f of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tho 16th day of November, anu on tno inn uay or .May, 11)09, atti o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur pose of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and quo year for tho administratrix to settle satd estato from tho 10th day of October. 1906. This notlco wilt be published in tno noun l'latto Tribuno ror four weeks successively orlor to tho 16th dar of November, iflOa. witness my band and seal of said court this 10th day of October, A, I). 1908. w. u. KUDKli, o2(M County Judgo. Serial No. W01. If. E. 19106. notlco for Publication. Department of tho Interior, Land Ofllce at North Platte. Neb. September 21st, 1908. Notlco Is hereby irlven that Carl W. KlrDmw. of North Platto. Nebraska, who on Deremlwir 9th. 190, mado homestead entry No. 19106, ror tho northwest quarter (NWJi), Sec tion 8. TownshlD IS north. linnim 2V west Sixth Principal Meridian, has 11 led notlco of intention to maxo tinai flvo year proof to establish claim to thn l&nrl nhnvn described, before tho Itcglster and Ho- -celver at North Platto. Nob., on tho 20th day of November. 1908. . Claimant names as witnesses! P. O. Peter son. A. Hudolpb. T. J. Comlm and W. A. Stearns, all of North Platte, Nebraska. 822-6 J. E. EVANS. Heglster. PUOnATE NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS. In tho County Court of Lincoln Cnnntv. Nn- braska, In tho matter of tho estate nf William IT. Welty. deceased. Notlco Is hereby given. That tho creditors of tbo satd deceased will meet tho adminis trator of satd estato. before mo. County Judgo of Lincoln County. Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tho 1st uay oi Lioccmoor. iww, anu on tne 1st clay or June, 1009, at 9 o'clock a. m each day. for the purposo of presenting their claims for exami nation, adjustment and allowance Six months aro allowed for creditors to present their claims and' ono year for the Adminis trator to settle said estate, from the 31st day of October 1D0S. This notlco will be published In tho North Platto Tribuno eight publica tions successively prior to tho 1st day ot uecempcr. lmw. Witness my hand and Seal of said court thla 81st day of Octolicr. A. D. 1908. w. o. EMiEn. County Judge. NOTICE OF SALE. Notlco is hereby irlven that at 1 o'clock nn Saturday, tho Sth day of December. 1908. at tbo east frontdoor of the court house in tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, I will sell at public auction to tho highest and best bid der, tho northwest quartor ot section 26, township 1ft, north of rango33, west of tho 6th r, .ti. in Lincoln uounty. Nunraska. tho terras of satd salo to bo ono half cash and tho balance In three enual annual nuvinentu with Interest from tho datoot salo at six per cent per annum upon each of the deferred pay ments, said salo is made by virtuo of an order of tho district court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, in a caso wherein Weilfv T. Wil cox Is plaintiff and Jcsxio Dlkeman. Almeda iv iiiKcman, uimuncy i;. Dlkeman, Lucllo L. Dlkeman and Ilcnjamln A. Dlkeman, execu tor and trusteo aro defendants, brought to partition tho above described land and said salo Is held pursuant to said order. wov, s-a JiDTi.En HuTiiANAN, Referee. Serial No78T II. E. 21.183. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior. U. S. Land Ofilco at North Platte. Nob., November 6. 19US. Notlco is horoby given that John W. Chlld- orston. of Trron Neb., who on Dec. 18. 1905, mado Homestead Entry No. 21585, for west halt section 27, southeast quarter southeast quur- iur necuun nortneast, quarter, nortliliair northwest quarter, northeast quartor south east quarter section 83. township 18 north, rango 31 west, slxtn principal meridian, hag tiled notlco or his Intention to mako anal 11 vo year proof, to establish claim to the land of tho District Court at Tryon. Nebraska, on tho 23d day of December, 1908. uiaimant names as witnesses! William Kaho, Fred Ponham. Robert McPharland, William Scott, all nt Trron. Nobrasko. n6-6 j. E. Evans. Register. Serial No. 0582. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION r. . (Isolated Tract). Applicable to Nebraska only (34 Stat., 1224). Public Salo. DEPARTMENT OV TUB INTRIIIOIt. United States Land Ofllce. North Platto. Nebraska November 4, 1908. Notlco Is horoby glvon that, as directed by imv vwuiwiraiuiibi Ui bllUUUIlurui liUJJU WJIICO, under provUlonH of tho act of March S, 11)07. (31 Htat . 12J). wo will offor at public sale, to tho hlithost bidder, at 10 O'clock a. m on til n 23(1 riflV nf nnrnhni- inn nnvt ofllco. the following tracts of land, towlt: West half southeast quarter, section 17, town ship 10 north,, range 3U, west Oth principal lueriuan. described lands aro advised to Illo their claims or objections on or before the tlmo MiaiKimivu lui diii ... , J r. EVANS, Jteglster. n6-fl W. II. O. WoonnuitsT. Bccolvor. , SHERIFF'S SALE. tho district court of Lincoln county, Nebras- utMuuiirviiiMii lurramiim renuereq in said court whoroln Olrard Trust Company, mm. .;. iJiaiuiiii mm .101111 Bioecuer, u. v. auleten, Mrs. I). W, Stapleton. his wife, flr namo unknown and John Doe are ilefemlintN. and to me dlrctni 1 nin nn ,i. 2tl. d Of NOV. 1908. it 1 o'clock n m" at the oast front door of tho court house In ..w. v.. . M..,vfii uuiiL, iiuurasica, son nt. TMllillf. niiitl.ifi l... l.ll.n... ..1.1.1..' . ' cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs.thofollowlngdescrll)ed property, to-wlt: .1 . A ri . 1 . section Tiurty threo 33, township Nino 191,. North of range Thirty-four lai . West of HP M-ln Lincoln County. Nebraska. naieu atisortn riatle, Neb., Oct. 26. 1908. . L U MlLTONIIEItOEII. "?7-! Shorfff, PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. bra'ika0 "lty Uourt of Llnco'n county, No- In th'e niattei of t he estato of Frodorlck A Landers, deceased. Notice Is hereby glvon. that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said estate, before i mo. County Judgo of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county court rj)om In said county, on tho 1st day of !.utI,.fr; W)ftf anrt on ,no ,8tl'ay of June UKXi, at 8 o'clock p. m. each day, for tho pur pose of presenting thelrclalms for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months oro allowed for creditors to present the r cla ms ami ono year for the Administrator to settle said estato. from tho 4th day of Aug xlsU,??;, .T,"?,.n.otlt;o Hl" PUblUhwl In tffo North Platto Tribuno. for eight publications 1WW y l'rlor t0 th0 lst d4y of Oecomlwr P' ?w court, -.v unj vi vtiuuvr, ui i imn. W. O. ELDER. kH)