Btftto ft i , , ; ' ' 'rvviirMrnv-TATmmir vwai NOilTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 18, 190. NO. U NEWS OF TOWN AND COUNTY. fa?- . Tho cqunty commissioners spent Wednesday nt Sutherland viewing roads and bridges. Union Pacific Storekeeper Wellerhas tendered his resignation and will bo ro lieved in a few days. Sam Bowers, who was arrested on tho charge of making a falso affidavit to get on the U. S. pension rolls, se cured tho necessary bond Wednesday and was released from jail. Wanted A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Geo. T. Field. "Tho Missouri Girl" was presented at tho Ktith Wednesday evening to an averaged sized audience. Pari of the play was very good, and other parts were very tiresome. State Game Warden Carter, of Lin coln, has been visiting relatives and friends in town for a few days. Tho change in the governship will probably leave George out in tho cold. Miss Tillio Blankenburg has decided not to accept either of tho govern mental positions offered her, and will remain in town, where her services as stenographer are constantly in demand. George Nunn, who put on the Elks' Minstrels last week, is in Kearney do ing the same stunt. The Koarney Hub says that Fred Garlow, of this city, will take part in the Kearney produc tion. Material for tho new Union Pacific three-section ico houBo has begun to arrive, and Foreman Murphy with a force of thirty-five men will begin con struction work in a few days. This new house will havo a capacity of nine thousand tons. Joe Tridle was down from Suther land Tuesday soliciting funds to assist in paying tho premiums offered for ex hibits at the Sutherland corn show, which opened today and continues to morrow. He received subscriptions amounting to fifty-two dollars. Grace Hayes Lambert, tho heroine in "The Girl and Tho Stampede," is said to bo a very clever actress, and is the possessor of a pleasing voice and personality, This) play will be pre-i sented at Tho Keith Wednesday even ing of next week. "Tho Sunny Side nf Broadway," which is tho bill at tho Keith tomor row evening, is conceded to bo ono of tho most elaborate attractions of its kind on tho stage. It is a musical gay ety in two acts, and tho songs are the newest of tho new. Murray and Mack, the Irish comedians, arc of course a big feature of the show. Attorneys for Trustee Tabor yeatsr day filed n plea of jurisdiction in tho North Platto federal court asking that the case of thn Union Pacific against the Trustee bo dismissed becauso the amount involved is not $2,000. This is the case wherein tho Union Pacific seeks to recover possession of the outer 100 feet of tho right-of-way it claims. Mrs. Ralph Platte, who has figured so prominently in tho daily papers of late in connection with army oflicer Tucker, was formorly Miss Myrtle Fry, who with Miss Watkins, opened a hos pital in the Third ward of this city some eight or nino years ago. At that timo Miss Frye was inclined to bo a littlo too liberal in her social conduct, and this so disgusted Miss Watklna that tho hospital was closed. Since then her career has been somewhat along tho lino of an adventuress. Thero is a pretty romanco connected with "The Girl and the Stampede." Bess Crabtreo, the heroine, is hoiress to an old English legacy, with tho pro viso that she must marry her cousin, Arthur Harrington, on reaching her maturity; otherwise tho fortuno goes to charity. Bess being opposed to tho marriage, a scheming uncle fearing to loso tho fortune by Bess marrying som one else, succeeds in isolating the fam ily on an interior western ranch in Wy oming, where uess meets (Jul Blair, a typical cowboy, who saves her life from a herd of stampeding cattle. A friend ship Bprings up which ripens into love, not to be shaken even when Cal Blair has been accused of cattle rustling, for she, by q clever ruse, deludes tho sheriff posso and assists Cal to make his escape' But being compelled to marry her cou sin to save her father from ruin, the wedding day is set and the ceremony Is about to take place when suddenly Cal Blair appears. On seeing her cow boy sweetheart tho old love sprung up anew, and without a moment's warning she dopes with Blair, pursued by an in furiateu uncle, nngry lather ana a re jected bridegroom to a neighboring ranch, whoroold Squire Wilson, Justice of tho Peace, performs the ceremony. The nlay throughout is very intense and oxefting. with some of the most laughable characters ever produced At the Keith Tuesday ovening. Notom bW iUb. Keith Theatre, Pronounced by all as the Great Play of the Generation. SEE THE c. h. stamp, Manager. A Beautiful Fascinating Irresistible Western Romance. NOVELTY j i 1 he ijiri and 1 he btampede the famous 1 UvblldYi ' MMMMHMWMWWMMWWMWMM MONTANA BY VICTOR E. LAMBERT. , lkj 4 ifj-itm a'nty Sentiment, with Beats and Throbs of Thrilling nOV6RlD6l' 1 1 Til Situations, Bristling with Newness, with Truth and Sound Reason. SOISTG-S G-IRLS MXJSIC pr PRICES: . AUGMENTED BY A SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA. VjUI 1 $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c Twenty-five-.-PEOPLE-.-Twenty-five Band HEADED BY - seats on sale at GRKCE hhyes lhmbert. Street Parade CLINTON'S - jewelry store. A Realistic Atmospheric Scenic Production. N)iwM')iw'w'w'iWiiiiww'WMWiii'iii iKiwwhwm i ' " ' 'iMi)wiwiiiinwr.'wwwww - T"n i iTnynrmntirtLaau-un "jrui.yu.Jiuuu' This is Friday, the 13th. If things don't "hitch" wll today you know tho reason. The stork visited tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Savin Tuesday and deposited a girl, much to the joy of the parents. rho government has asked for a deed to tho Woodhurst lots and it has been sent to Washington. Major Wood hurst had owned the lots for thirty eight years. A letter received by P. J. Gilman Wednesday from his son Alfred, who is nfmissionarv in China, announced tho death of the latter's eldest child, a boy about three years old: Death was duo to somo intestinal poisoning after an illness of about twelvo hours. Henry Yost was tho recipient of a surprise party Monday evening from his children and grand-children on tho oc casion of his seventy. fourth birth an niversary. The guests numbered twen ty-seven and it was certainly a gather ing that all enjoyed. Kinkaid's Plurality. In a letter to Tho Tribune, Congress man Kinkaid writi: With nil the coun ties in this district heard from, it ap pears that I havo a majority of 2,510 over Wcstover) votes, which relative ly considorcd is the best run I havo over made for congress. Please ex press my heartiest thanks to my sup porters for tho good vote givon me. Will Organize Relief Society. St. Patrick's Council No. 1211, Knights of Columbus, will organize a sick and indomnity association, tho membership to be confined to membira of the council, but it is not obligatory upon knights to become members of the association. The by-laws, which have not yet been udopted, provide for a sick or disability benefit of fivo dollars per weok. Applicants for Supreme Judge. Among thoso who havo filod their ap plications for appointment us supremo judge, as provided by tho constitutional amendment adopted at the recent elec tion, arc Judge H. M. Grimes and Judgo J. S. Hoagland, of this city. The power of appointment lies with Governor Sheldon. Thero are about twenty ap plicants for tho four positions., Tho west part of tho state should be recog nized by the selection of ono of the two North Platte applicants. May Open Bank M. Dowling, of Omaha, spent Tuos day in town, his visit hero being to look over the ground and feel the sen timent or our business men in regard to tho opening of a new bank. Mr. Dowling expressed himself as pleased with the town and tho business condi tions, and it is probablo that the insti tution will bo established. If the legis lature passes a bank deposit guarantee law, tho Dowling bank will bo under a state chartr, if tho law is not passed tho institution will probablo be a na national bank. Mr Dowling is interested in a nunv ber of banks in the state, and if ono is opened here it will probably be in charge of hJsson. For Sale. 1 new Holland Feed Grinder for power, 1 doublo set Driving Harness. Inquire f Drakvy Drvsi, Eleven Killed in Wreck. Tho littlo station of Boric, west of Cheyenne, wns tho Bceno Tuesday evening of ono of tho most dis astrous and horrible wrecks that has occurred on tho Union Pacific, six train men and five Japanese laborers losing thoir lives, and three trainmen badly injured and bruised. Among tho latter is Joo Clinton, a former North Platte boy, who was onglneor of tho construction train. Tho collision was duo to a freight, heavily ladened with coal, getting bo yond control of the engino, and tearing down tho track struck the cabooso and engino that was just leaving Borie fpr Cheyenne. The impact was so great as to completely wreck tho engines and almost the entire train and strow tho wreckage for a distance of several hundred yards. To add to tho horrible ness of tho collision, tho wreckage caught firo and somo of tho victims were burned beyond recognition, Tho engineer, fireman, conductor and two brakemen of the runaway train were killed or cremated, and tho Japs were in tho cabooso when it was struck. The train was under control of the engino two stations back, and the engineor slowed down his train. Leav ing that station tho train started to gain speed us it journcd east until Con ductor McCormick noticed tho increased speed and from tho cabooso signaled the twin men to apply the hand brakes. This was done but it had no preceptible effect on tho train which continued to gain speed until it struck tho work train at Borie which is the junction point of tho new Borio cut off from tho main lino. Reliof trains were hastened to tho scene oi the wreck and tho injured were removed as quickly as possible to the Union Pacific hospital at Cheyenne. Foot Ball Tomorrow. A gamo of foot ball will be played to morrow on tho field on tho north side of the track at thrno o'clock between the Kearney Military Academy and tho lecal high school teams. Tho K. M. A. is a strong team. It defeated tho lo cal team on tho Kearney fiold a couplo of weeks ago by a score of five to nothing and tho following week played a nothing to nothing gamo with Grand Island high school team. It is there fore expected that the gamo tomorrow afternoon will be an excellent one, and one that is deserving of a largo atten dance. The North Platth high school foot ball team will take a trip next Wed- nesday, playing tho Kearney hhzh school eleven that afternoon and tha Grand Island hlch school team tho fol- lowinir afternoon. This will bo tho first gamo North Platte has played with Grand Island for eight years ago. Thut long ago somo bad blood was engen dered, and not until this season did tho atmosphere clarify to mako a game possible. Bargain in City Property. Beautifully located eight room cot tage, strictly modern, shade, and only two blocks from postoffice, $3000. Ono ot the finest residences on Dewey street, just complete, two lots, $3,000. Six room cottogo with corner lot, $2,800. Fivo room cottage, $1,800. Good four room house with barn and two lots snap at $1,100. O. tt, TWOMiUUJUJ, ' ABOUT PEOPLE Wm. Coleman was a visitor in Chey- enno yesterday. W. C. Elder transacted business in Koarney yesterday. Frank Moonoy Bpent yesterday with relatives in Loxington. John Willium Rowland returned yes terday from n week's visit with friends at Grand Island. Chns. Johnson, of tho racket store, has been in Omaha for a couplo of days purchasing holiday goods. Miss Cclia Quirk, of Green River, Wyo., is a guest of relatives in town, haVIhg arrived yesterday. E. D. Owens and family, who had been spending tho past year at Delta, Col., returned to town this week. O. E. Elder leaves tomorrow for Medicine precinct where he will devote a few days to hunting quail, which aro said to bo numerous in that section. Alfred Scannell and his friend Mr. Maloney, who wore gueBts nt tho A. B. Hoagland homo for a few days, left yesterday for Los Angeles, where they expect to locate. C. S. Clinton wus called to Choycnno Wednesday evening by tho condition of his brother J. C.Clinton, who was burned and scalded in tho wreck at Borie Tuesday night. Sam Richards returned yesterday from Omaha, whero ho had been trans acting business for a few days. While in that city ho contracted rheumatism and was not able to bo nt his placo of business yesterday. Edward B. Linncn, an inspector from tho interior department nt Washington, spent sovoral days in town this woek checking up tho local land ofilce. At tho conclusion of tho work he compli mented tho local officers upon tho first cluss condition in which ho found the books und records of tho office. Will North Platto bo short of ico next season? This is u question that is being usked, und the inquiry arises from tho fact thut with John Frazior out of busi ness tho capacity of tho remaining house's -though all aro filled will bo insufficient to meet tho demands of the city. O. E. Weil is taking tho safe sido by having erected n house of 200-tons capacity in which ho will store sufficient ice Jor his own needs. That chair Let mo fix it. P. M. SOKENSON. Lincoln parties havo been In town for I 8everal days looking over tho Hnrring. 1 ton & lobfn stock w,tn n v,ow of P"r I chnBlnff. Up to today, howovor, no defi- 1 n't" "vo has been mudo. Thia firm has concluded to dispose of its Interests hero in order to concentrate its bus! ness in Denver. New Line of Business Opens. Wo havo just secured tho agency for tho Now York Lifo Insurance Com pany, tho old relinhlo in this lino. If you nro not carrying llfo insurance, or if you nro carrying somo and wish to increase uio sumo, can und nuvo us ox plain tho mnny good forms of policies mat una company issues. Tkmi'i.k Real, Estate & Insukancb Agency. For Sale. Thirty-thrco head of high grodo Hor- ford yearlings. Apply to or address A. U, Grwgtf, Nvrtli Platto, Nub. Puckarue Island Sam Warnock marketed hogs at Max well last week. Harry Mayfiold and wlfo, of Gothen burg, wcro visiting tho latter's parents Mr. und Mrs. Wm. Roso this week. Farmers in this vicinity havo com menced to crib thoir corn. F. M. Drako and E. Hostetter each est a spring colt recently with dis temper. JohnR ohrcn and wife attended the birthday party of tho latter's sister 'in Morant canyon last Saturday night and report a fine timo. Mrs. C. O. Bockus doparted for her homo at Sabotha, Kansas, Sunday morning accompanied by hor father T. F. Shires, of Kimball, Neb. Tho box social Saturday night given by Mrs. Bertha Livingston on the Is land was well attended and tho pro gram well rendered. For somo un. known causo J. L. Lowis was absent but tho other two members of the board was present to help bid tho boxes and make things interesting along that ino. Tho proceeds amounted to $30.20 which will be used for tho benefit of tho school in Dist. 117. Best the world Affords "For fifteen years I havo watched tho working of Bucklen's Arnica Salvo: and it huB never failed to euro any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was ap plied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East Wil ton, Maine. 25c. nt Stono'a drug store Myrtle News- Raleigh Roynolda was a business vis itor at North Platte this week. Miss Pearl Bakowoll and Irwin GibbB KEITH THEATRE O. II, Stamp. Mgr. Everything New but the Name f AMERICA'S GREAT COMIC OPERA FARCEURS Murray and Mack in the Second edition of their Greatest Success The Sunny Side of Broadway.., Original Sheith-Gown Girl Greatest Song Hits in Musical Comedy Lyrica and Music by Boyle Woolfolk 40 PEOPLE 40 Prices 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 Reserved Seats on Sale at Clinton's. 1 were married Wednesday, Nov. 4th, at high noon tho cormony taking placo nt the homo of tho brido's parents in tho presence of a largo clrclo of rolativos and friends. Pearl Iiub grown to wom anhood in this vicinity and is loved by all who know her for hor lovine and Bwcot disposition. Mr. Gibbs is a prosperous farmer and is noted for his sterling qualities. Congratulations and best wishes nro extended to theso young peoplo by a host of friends. Z. A. Russcl has been hauling ma terial for a new barn. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ncalo, of Ogden, Iowa, arrived for u visit with his brother A. J. Nenlo-nml family." Miss Maudo Thompson spent n few days at homo, roturning Sunday. Miss Lillio Bakowoll, of Lincoln, und Agncs,of North Platto, camo homo to bo present at the wedding of their bIs tor Pearl. Tho supper at Mrs. Ilvdson'a was a success in every way, the ludioH clear ing $21.00. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jensen of North Platto visited E. C. Allison the luttcr part of the week. How is your Digestion. Mrs. Mary Dowling of No. 228 8th Ave, San Francisco; recommends u remedy for stomach troublo. Sho saya: "Gratitudo for tho wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in n enso of ucuto in digestion, prompts this testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is tho best remedy on tho market to-day." This great tonic nnd nlteratlvo medi cine invigorates tho system, nurfieBtho blood ana is cspeciu'ly helpful in ail forms of femalo weakness. 60c. at Stone's drug storo. Saturday Evening, NOV. 14th. EXTRA FEATURE The Wonderful Faceograph Latest Electrical Invention Original New York Production and Beauty Brigade