4 Semi - Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. aonsomi'TioN batksi Odo Year, cash In advance.... 11.26 Months, cash In advance 65 cU Entered at North Platte, Nobraska, Fostofflce at second class matter. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1908. The Big Show ii Ready. Everything is in readiness for tho biff Elks' minstrel show next Thursday evening at tho Keith, thanks to tho ef ficiency of Director Nunn, and the readiness with which the participants took hold of the work. That tho show will eclipso anything ever given in North Platte is vouched for by those who witnessed tho rt hcarsal an evening or two ago; its wonderful originality appealing to all, There nro six end men, supported by a chorus of twelve, and these eighteen have been selected aa representative tnlont of tho city, and in the selection no mistakes havo been made, for tho harmony rendered in the productions is simply exquisite, Tho songa to bo ren dered are all now; none of them hnvo been heard in North Platto before. Along with this plcasureablo music will be the jokes of tho end men, of which thcro are a multitude and they all have n local application. Tho second part of tho program will bo especially pleasing, consisting of "Tho Poetry of Motion" by a number of boys. A dozen girls will tell about the "Iloglo-Ogio Man," Dr. Qulgley. tho monoloqulat, will do a stunt, and Muster Dowoy Nunn, the watch charm comodlan, will nmuso the nudlonco as it hits never before been amused. LOCAL MENTION. Mrs. John Murray loaves tonight for Lincoln where sho will visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Paul Bartlntt for a fow days. Mr. nnd Mrs. Keith Nevillo, who were married at Charles Town, W. Va., Oc tober 21st, arrived in town Sunday. Tho Presbyterian Aid will meet with Mrs. V. V. Hoagland Friday afternoon, Nov. Gth. Those having aprons or fancy work please bring. Tho now furnishings for tho Carson & Landgraf barber shop wero placed in position yesterday and make an attrac tive showing. Tho prices for shaves nnd hair cuts will remain the same. Ladies' skirts from $1.08 to $20.00. Wilcox Depaiitment Stoiie. Among tho city teachers who will leave tomorrow for Lincoln to attend tho sessions of tho state teachers' as Rociation are Miss Laura Murray, Maudo Mollyncau, Gertrude Dakor, Thea Han sen, Jean Sullivan, Mudo Wilson, Koto Gilmnn, Prof. Gurllsch will also attend, Supt. Tout leaves for Lincoln tonight. Word has reached town that E. W. Wright, of Maxwell, assaulted his wife and children, while intoxicated, last Friday, and was promptly arrested. At a hearing hold yostorday beforo a jus tice of tho peaco, he was given tho opportunity of choosing botween a fine of $100 and thirty days in jail, or leaving tho country, and it is said ho chooso tho latter. Peninsular stoves and ranges, the best constructed linos mado, at Wilcox Department Stoke. The laying of tho corner stone of the new Presbyterian church noxt Thurs day afternoon at four o'clock is an event in which our people should tako just priilo and honor with their presence. This edifice will bo a credit to North Platte, for it will bo one of tho finest in the west part of tho state, and in providing for its eroction the congrega- tain is entitled to commendation from The Promotion of Jefferi. ThoOeden Standard published tho following: Superintendent Whitney returned last night from a trip of Inspection over the Union Pacific road to Raw lins and is at his dosk wading through a pllo of correspondence. In reply to questions from a reporter rogarding rumors of promotions and changes on his division. Superintendent Whit ney said: "You may announce that W. M. Jef fcrs has been anpointcd assistant su perintendent of the Utah division of tho Union Pacific, and will havo his hendvuartera at Green River. The new appointment is efTcctivo Nov. 1, and is in the naturo of a promotion for tho new assistant superintendent. Mr. Jotters is a product of tho Union Pacific railroad system and methods. Ho entered the employ of tho company sixteen years ago as a messenger boy at North Platte. He became a clever telegraph operator, was advanced to n train dispatcher, then made a chief dispatcher, promoted again to the po sition of trainmastor, and now finally reaches the important position of as sistant superintendent. Ho is a bright clever, cnergotic and progressive votinc man nnd has n fino future. I r r havo known him personally for sever al vears and havo every confidonco in his discretion and good judgment in railroad matters that will now occu- nv his attention. His rapid advanco and promotion during tho last few years illustrates tho broad-gaugo pol- lev of tho Harriman management in rewarding employes who have demon strated ubllity in tho service. Prac tical knowledge, Industry, onergy and Intelligence always wins-and withou t those, 'influenco' doesn't cut any con- aiderablo Influenco with those at tho head of tho system. "H. E. Richards, formerly of tho Kansas division of tho Union Pacific, has been promoted to tho position of trainmaster of tho Utah division and havo his hcadquortora nt Raw lins. Ho is nn exceptionally good man and his promotion is also the roward of merit." Ladles' Coats each at Wilcox from $5.00 to $40.00 Department stoke. CAN'T DENY IT. If This Had Happened in San Fran cisco Instead of North Platte More Than One Reader Might Doubt It. Tho average man is n doubtor. This is not surprising tho publio havo been humbugged so frequently they nro Bkeptlcal. Proof like tho following will stand investigation. It can , not be disputed. J. P. Sccarco, living on Ninth St., North Platto Neb., says: "I do not hcnltnto to tell of tho benefit that Doan's Kidnoy Pills havo afforded for me. About six months ago I was suffering night and day from tho most turriblo pains through my back nnd kidneys. Thope pains would nlwuys be moro sovoro when I attempted to stoop over or straighten from a sitting po sition. Tho kidnoy secretions woro annoying by tholr froquont action, and doctor's modlcine or tho remedies I tried gave mo no relief. A friond hear ing of my suffering, adviBed me to give Doan'B Kidney Pills a trial as ho had boon cured of tho same complaint by their uso. I Immediately procured a box at A. F; Streltz's Drug Storo and began using them. Tho rolief I felt from tho first was very great, and In a fow weeks my back was strong and well and my kidnoys wore restored to their normal and natural condition. Doan's Kidney Pills cured mo thourghly and I nm glad tn recommend them,". For Salo by all Doalors. Prlco 50 all citizens. Your prosonco at tho New York, Solo Agents for tne United . in t.- ...!. I Hint-fin. corncr-stunc inyii.K win uo oviuonco 10 ----. nnn'n-iinf1 T- m li Wit 3 W S 3, Jollar Worth? Just what it will buy. In groceries it is worth About $1.10 PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. S. TWINEM Homeopathic Physician nnd surgeon. Office! McDonald Bank Hullding. Phono 183. A. J. Amos, M. D. Marie Amos, t. D- DOCTORS AMES & AMES. Physicians and Surgeons. Office: Over Stono Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 .at. GEO. B. DENT, Physician and Surgeon. Office: Over McDonald Bank. ) Office 130 Phones (Residence 115 LAMB'S CASH STORE, .NORTH SIDE. D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 and 8, McDonald State Bank Building, Phono.148. XTRAGOO CLOTHES FOR IIOVS Ederheimer, Stein tc Co., Makers the H' ERE' S boys' over- m 4 coat tor winch most parents have indicated a prefer ence. It's the newest style; a mighty sensi ble coat; best protec tion from the cold. You'll find the ones we are idling have tho Xtrn gooD label ( only store in town representing this make'. It's standard everywhere. If you fall to get it you'll probably have occasion to wish you had. We've a good assortment of this stylo In tho best patterns for ages 7 to 16. Other styles if you prefer. Weingand & McDonald WILCOX & HALLIGAN, Attornoys-at-Law. Office over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 rp C. PATTERSON, Attorney-at-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. OBDHOPHEAniXa ON f KTITIOKFOR ProinTMKNT nr AuinniiitiAiun UK AUHIItlSi.'UA.TXllJL. Stats of Nebraska, t, County or Lincoln, I . In the County Court October (5th. 1908. in the matter or tno estate or wuuam ii. Welty, deceased. , 'n reading and filing the petition of Cath erine M. Miller and Henry D. Weltr. praying that tho administration of satd estate mar bo granted to John E. Erans as administra tor. . . . Uruorco. xnat uciouersist, iwo, aiu oxiock a. m., Is assigned for bearing sam petition Tfhcn all persons Interested in said mattpr may appear at a County court to do noiu in and for said County, and show cause wny the nrarer of petitioner should not be srantcd. This notice to bo published for three successive weeks In tho North Platte Trlbuno prlor'to Octobor 3lst 1803. w. u. f. LI) mi od-7t County Judge. NOTICE. N'otlco Is hereby siren that atone o'clock on Monday, tho vth day of Nor. ito, at tne East front door of tho courthouse initio cltr of North Platte, I will sell at .public' auction to tho inmost anu nest muuer tno south half and northwest Quarter of section ss.townshtp U, In rango 31, in Lincoln, County, nenrasKa. . . .... Terms of said salo are to boone-tnlra (Hi cash, balanco one-half M) In one year and one-half Of) In two years from date of salo with Interest at six por cent per annum. Hald salo Is made by virtue of an order of tho District Court of Lincoln county, Neb., In a caso wherein Albert O. Uorhart Is plaintiff and Junnto A. Karlos, Arthur L. (Jerliart. John II. Qorhart and Watson 8. tiorhart arc dofondants, broucht to partition, saiu saio the above described land and hold pursuant to said order. LtSTxu Walker. Roferco. Is Going to a Reception or bridge party? Why not havo a coupo from this livery stable take nnd return you. The cost will no trilling, and you'll have tho pleasure of arriving in stylo and without the slightest disar rangement of your dress and hair. Do the thing right next time. Order tho carriage from hero as if you owned it. A. M. Lock. W. R. MALONEY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Caskets, Robes, otc. Calls answered promptly. Day Phone 126, Night Phone 482. MY LUMBER ALWAYS ON THE MOVE. Ask your neighbor tho reason. The answer comes, his prices nro right and satisfaction guaranteed. Mv larrro and well assorted stock enables every buyer to get what ho wants. Now is tno time to build. Let mo figure vour noxt re quirements, my estimates win uolouny tno lowest for tho snmo superior duality of lumber than you will got from and ono else in tho country. bntisiactton is my motto. C. F. 1DDINGS. My 4-X Flouris Uncle Sam's Pride and mino also. Why not yours? It's tho perfect flour; a scientific product of tho most approved milling methods. Remembor every grocer in town handles it, nnd every sack is guaranteed. Wenr that satisfaction smilo thut comes from tho uso of tho first sack of my flour. baiisiaction is my motto. C. F. IDDINGS. the members of the congregation that you appreciate their efforts, and will tend to arouso greater enthusiam with in them. tako no other. Myrtle News. C A. Gambrel was transacting busi ness in North Platte Friday and Satur day. C. T. Campbell also spent Satur day in that town. There will be preaching at Douglas Bdhopl house Sunday evening, Nov. 8th, by Brother Jos. Warbrobe. Little Ruth Neal has boen on the sick list, but la reported to be better. The Presbyterian ladies' aid aocioty will give one of their famous suppers at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. James Hudson the evening of Nov. 0th. Everybody is invited to come out and have a jolly time. D, McNicol sold six head of calves to Wra. Ross last week. . Owing to the rain no Bchool was in tension at Myrtle, Monday. C. T. Campbell of Dlst. 63 had an attendance of four pupils, while Mrs. Moore who made tho trip to and from her school in Logan county had an attendance of one pupil. There was a dance at the Schultz residence Friday night. Best the world Afforas "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Ducklen'a Arnica Salve; and it has never failed to cure any sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which it waa ap- Cllod. It has saved us many a doctor HI," bays A. F. Hardy, of East Wll ton, Maine. 2Gc. at S taw's drug store, ONE MILLION Smokers to be Made Happy by Using the Matchless Cigar Lighter Price 50 Cts. (Special Rates to Dealors.) This lighter works in biggest wind, land or bob, needs no liquid of any kind nor caps. If dealer cannot furnish wo can. Matchless Cigar Lighter Mfg. Co., 16 John Street, New York. NOTICE OK PAI.K. Kfllfr! Ik lirliv irlvmi tl.at mt I r.'lrulr n (3... ......li... k... A. 1. .1... a. i - . tho east frontdoor of tho court bouse in the city of North Platw. Nebraska. I will soli at public auctlou to tho highest and boat bid der, the nortbwoat quarter of section SO. township IS. north of rango 93, west of tho 8th 1, SI. In Lincoln County. Nebraska, tho On the Watch for tho highest quality nnd best and most stylish harness that Is mauo wo always are, nnd that is what we securn for our stock. Wo havo everything in up-to-date designs in both light and heavy horncss and horso goods of all kinds and at fair prices. A. F. FINK. Delicious Bread that confers nn ndded charm to any meal, Is mado by tho Entorpriso Bakery und served at your homo every morning for breakfast. It is famous among all who know what is good to eat. It has that delightful flavor which is so sel dom attained even among tho best of bread makers. Givo us a trial order and you will know how good it is. Enterprise Bakery. Probate Notice to Creditors. In tbo count? court of Lincoln rnnntr. Niv urasKa. In tbo matter of tho cstato of Edward L. Kain. deceased. Isotlco Is hereby irlren. that thn creditors or tno saiu acccasca win meet tne administra trix of said estate, beforo mo. County Judira of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at the county court room in said county, on tiioietnday or November. iWo. and on tho 17th day of May, iwv. atu o ciock a. tn. eacn uar. ror tno Dur doso of presenting tholr claims for oxamlna tion, adjustment and allowance, six months are allowed for creditors .to Drcsent tholr claims and ono year for tho administratrix to scttlo said pstato from tho lVth day or uotober, iws. This notlco win bo published In tho North I'latto Trlbuno for four weoks successively rjrlor to tbo 10th day of Novombor. 1903. witness my nana and seal or said court this lvtn day of October. A. I), lvoa. w. u. KUUISlt, o20-l County Judjo ORDER OP 1IKARINQ ON PROBATE OF FOREIGN WILL. Tho State of Nobraska. I . Lincoln County, I D" Tn tbo County Court. October 20th. 1906. In tho matter of tho pstato of Amos II. Adams, deceased. On roadlnir and flllnir the notltlon nt CI. M. Harden. Dravlnir that tho Instrument, fllad on tho zutu day or October, iuom. and our- porting to bo a duly authenticated copy of tho last will and tostment of the said lfv ceased, may bo proved, approved, probated. allowed and recorded as tho last will ana testament of thn said Amos II Adams, deceased. Ordered. That November luth. ivu. at 8 o clock a. in., is assigned for hearing said petition, wuon an persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be lmld In and for satd county, and show cause why tho Dravor of tho Detltlonor should not on granted. This order to bo nubiishod six consecutive publications In tho North Platto Trlbuno prior to November luth. n. o20-s W. C. Er.UEit. County Judge, CONTEST NOTICE. Department of tho Interior, United States Land OQlco. North Platto. Nobraska. Oct. 23. 1U08, A sufllclent contest affidavit havlnir boon (lied In this ofllco by Ollvor A. Rldenour. of Wallace. Neb., contestant, against homestoad entry No. 21U50, mado Juno 14th, 1000, for the bouthwest quarter of section 14, township II, rango S3, by Lowroy nruckmar contestoo. In which it Is alleged that said Lowroy Ilruckmarhasnoverestabllshed a resldonceor residua unon said land since tho date of his said entry and has wholly abandoned said land for moro than six months last past. That ho lias not Improved or cultivated said land and said land Is entirely without Improvements of any kind or character. That all of said defects exists to this dato. Said parties aro horoby notified to appear, respond and offer ovldonco touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Dec. 33. 108 before the Reglstor and Receiver at the United States Laud Olilco in North l'latte. Nobraska, Tho said contestant having. In a Droner aflldavlt, lllrd Oct. 23. 100S, sot forth facts which show that after duodlllircnca nersonal horvlcu of this notlco can not bo made, it Is hereby ordered and directed that such notlco lhj givun by uuo anu proper publication. O27o .i. k. Evans, itcristcr. LEOAT. NOTICE. To Nathaniel E. Martin, defendant: You aro horoby notified that on tho 18th day of October, 1V08. John O. Dowoy, plaintiff, filed his petition In tho district of Lincoln county. Nebraska, against Nathaniel E. Martin, as dofondant, to qulot tltlo In tho plaintiff In tno Northeast quarter inn hi or paction Kourtoen (14), Township Nino (0) North. Rango Thirty-four (SI) west of tho Oth Princi pal Meridian In Lincoln county, Nebraska! that aurmr tno month or December, ism, one Nicholas Hcullen. who was then owner of said premises, with his wife Mary Hcullen. made, oxecutod and delivered to ono Nathaniel E, Martin a mortgage upoi said premises to se cure an Indebtedness of $400.00, that said mortg ago was recorded In tho county clerk's ofllco of Lincoln county. Nobraska, In Hook S of Mortgages at Pago 130; that said mort- gago has long slnco boen paid, but through mlstako or neglect still remains of record and unsatisfied and casts a cloud upon tho tltia of satd premises; that satd mortgage became duo on tho 6th day of Dcccmbor. 18U1, and moro than ten years havo elansod slnco it bo- camo duo and If unpaid Is barrod by tho stat utes or limitation. Tho plaintiff is the ownor and In possession of catd premises and tho object and prayor of said petition is to havo said mortgago can celled and discharged from tho records of tho county clone's onico or Lincoln county. Nebraska, anu tnatsaia utio to saia premises bo quieted in tho plaintiff, and for such other and further relief as equity may require. You are rcuuiroa to answer saia notltlon on or bnforo tho 7th day of December, 1B0B, Dated this lth day of October, 1W8. JOHN C. DEWEY. Plaintiff. . o20l Ily L. E. Roach, his Attornoy. ORDER OF HEARING FOR APPOINTi , MUNT UF AIJiUirilSTltATULA. Stato of Nobraska. Lincoln County, ss In tho county court October lvth, 1TO8, In tho matterof tho ostato of Albert Drown. deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Ida Nclr Drown, praying that tho administra tion of said estate may bo granted to her as administratrix, Ordered. That November Dtli. 1008. at- 9 o'clock a. m., is assigned for hoarlng said potltlon, when all persons interested in said matter may appear at a county court to be hold In and for said county, and show causa why tho prayer of potltioner should not bo granted. This notlco to bo published for six success! vo publications In tho North Platto Trlbuno prior to November vtn, iwh. W. U. ULIJUU, o20-3 County Judge. Serial No. 0401. II. E, 19100. Notlee for Publication. Department of tho Interior, Land Ofllco at North Platto. Neb. September 21st. 1908. Notice is hereby el ven th at CarlW. llcQ rew. of North Platte. Nobraska. who on Docember Sth, 1001, mado homestead entry No. 10106, ror tho northwest quarter (nwk), ac tion 8. Township IS north, Rango 20 west Sixth Principal Meridian, has Died notlco of Intention to make final uvo yoar proof to" establish claim to tho land above described, boforo tho Register and Re ceiver at North Platto, Nob., on tho 20th day of Novombor. loos. Claimant names as witnesses: i. u. retor tion. A. Rudolph, T. J. Combs and W. A. Stearns, all of North Platto, Nebraska. BZi-o J. u. xsvand, Register. ROAD NO. 313. To all whom it may concern. The commissioner appointed tor the purpose pf locating a public road com mencing at tho southeast corner of the northeast quarter of section 36, town 9, range 29, thence running on half sec tion line east about 76 rods, thonce running in a northeasterly coutm 10 rods, thence running in a satasiitff ly course 50 rods, thence runniar ft M rods thence running northeast 16 roda, thsnct running east en nail section una 180 rods and connecting with laid out road thoreat, has reported in favor of the establishment of said road, and all claims for damage must be filed in the county clerk's office on or beforo noon on tho 16th day of Decomber. 1908, or such road will bo established without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Neb., October 13, 1908. County Clerk. Mrs. Jennie JVrmsfronrj. Prop. Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, T Jos. F, Fillion Authorized DRAIN LAYER Would like to figurq with you to connect your house with city sewer system. Also Plumbing Work, Tin Roofing nnd Spouting. hone 180. tortus of said salo to ba ono half cash and tho iiaianco in tnrnu ttouai annual payments with Interest from the dato of sale at six percent per annum upon each of the deferred pay inonti, said sale Is mado by virtuo -of an order of the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, in a caso wherein Wesley T, Wll rox U plalnlltr and JuMe Dlkeinan, Aimoda i';. uiMeman, uuauncy k. uiKetuau. j.uclle i Dlkvuian and Ueojauibi A. Dlkotnau, execu tor and truitttu aro dufundants. brought tn sarLltlon tho aboru described land and said sale Is hold pursuant to said wder,, Ct, M-K f P O port n UlTTLVn UWUMttH BcIwrW. huiiii w . w Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing" and Setting-. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. M. Sorenson. Notice No hunting allowed on tho lands of the undersigned. All violators of this notico will bo prosecuted to the full ex tent oi tno law: A, C. Lnno Frank Ebolo Julia Merklo II. C. Hidimrer Geo. P, Patterson P. O, qulk7 A. Coolidge II. Lampliiugh J. A. Shaw J. P. Lister Abbio Mucombor Sheriff's Sale. Ry virtue of an order of sale issued from tho district court of Lincoln County, No braska, upon a decree of foreclosure ren dered In said court whoroln Henry Walto- math, Is plaintiff and Hannah Hansen, Potor Hanson, John Uultgren, Laura liuitgren anu Arthur Hultsren wero defendants, and to mo directed, I will on tho 28th day of Nov., lws. at ono o'clock p. m.. at tho east front door of tho court nousa in North riatto Lincoln ucuntr. Nebraska, sou at puhiic auction to tne Highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Inter est and costs, tho following descrlbod nron- erty, to-wlt: Tho northhoast quarter (noM)or section eighteen (18), township twelve (12) rango thirty-two r-u), in Lincoln county, No- lirnHkl. Dated North Platto. Nobraska. Octobor 0th, IDW. . . O.l-O 1. Ll. flUUTVnDEUUEII, Diionu. BnEHIliT'S BALE. Ily virtuo of an order of sale issued from tlie district court of Lincoln county. Nobras ka, upon a decree of foreclosure ronderod In said court wherein G Irani Trust Company, trustee, Is plaintiff and John Stoecker, D, W. rUaploten, Mrs. I). W. Staplctou. his wife. tlrst name unknown and John Doo aro defendants, and to mo directed, I will on the :3th day of Nov . iwti. at i ociock p.m. . n ..na fMtnt ilfui. nf lliuflnll.t tirtllu. In U b Hill MB, Hlllivuinil l. uvuu.w IU Mu .. I BGkblUll V, A U Till , AVH1I ttoriu risui', Liiicuiu cuumy, mjurm, suit i iin rnrmlnsttnn of thi nrnnnnrwl rnnri at uubiio auction to tho highest bidder for ?no lorrninauon or. tne proposeu rpaa, cash, to satisfy said decree, lntorest and has reportftrj in laYOr OI costs,thofollowlngde.scrlbed property, to-wlt: Southeast duartor (HF. Ml of section Thlrty- threo IS3, township Nino 191,. North of range Thirty-four ISl). West of 8 P. M. In Lincoln County. Nobraska. Dated at North Platto, Neb., Oct. 20, 1008. I. L. Mii.TONiirnOEH. o'-T-S Sheriff. Notice to Hunters. Wo will prosecute to tho full extent of tho law all hunters or tresspassers on our land. Chas. P. Wilkinson, Henry Wilkinson, Olo L. Oleson, Spencer Edmistcn, Chris Sard. A. It. Christenson, James Sadie P. L. Welnburg, M. C. Seth. Frank England, G. W. Edmisten, Mary rakn. G. G. Rowley, For Rent A five room house with barn. Two blocks from high school, Imiufre n Bnt ft irtrttrtl ROAD NO. 316. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner annotated for the purposo of locating: a public road com mencing at tho southeast corner of sec tion 9 and the southwest corner of sec tion 10, Town 9, Rango 29, running north on section lino between sections 9 and 10 about 120 rods, thonco in a north westerly direction striking tho quarter section lino between tho southeast quar ter and tho northeast quarter of sec tion 9 about 50 rods west of section line between sections 9 and 10, thence in a northwesterly direction about 20 rods around.head of pocket, thence in a north easterly direction on present traveled road until it strikes the present granted road coming out of head of pocket from Well caynon, on northoast quarter of section 9. Town 9, Rango 29, this being the termination or the proposed road, has reported in favor of tho establish ment of said road, and all claims for damage must bo filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon on the 15th day of December, or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Oct. 13, 1908. P. R. Elliott, County Clerk. School Land Auction. The following described lands in Lin- coin County will bo offered for lease at public auction at the county treas urer's office in North Platte, Satduray, XNovemoer, is, iwa at iu:uu a. m. Terms of leasing and appraised value may be had on application to the coun ty treasurer or to the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings at Lincoln. All 36-16-28 S-2 36-16-30. , J; & EATQ& . Comaissiwer PuWte