The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 03, 1908, Image 7

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riioto lj Uoffctt Htudto.Cbluio.
Seth Low, mayor of Greater New York for the two-year term beginning
January 1, 1902, has a national reputation as an educator, being president of
Columbia University. He was mayor of Brooklyn from 1881 to 1885. Mr. Low
was a delegate to the Hague Peace conference In 1S99; he Is 58 years of age.
$2,500,000 IN GOLD.
Novel Machine Perfected by Which
It Is Hoped to Recover Vast
, Sum Known to Be In
Ocean's Depths.
London. To the mouth of the Rlvor
Colno, off Brlghtllngsea nn extraor
dinary mnchlno lias been towed nnd
anchored. It Is to bo UBcd In a final
attempt to recover tho J2,G00,000 treas
ure of gold, In coins and bars, which
Is said to havo gone down in H. M.
S. Lutlno In 1797 near tho Island of
Terschelllng, off tho coast of Holland.
A portion of tho treasure has been
rocovered, but any ordinary dredging
plant 1b now useless, as the vessel
has sunk Into tho Band. The now
dovlco Is a great Btcol tube, nearly
100 feet in length and wide enough
to allow a man to walk erect down
Its center. At one end is a metal
chamber provided with windows and
doors nnd at tho other a medley of
giant hooks and othor tackle.
Tho apparatus has Just been com
pleted, nftor years of work by Forrest
& Co., shipbuilders, in their Wyven
Loo yard.
"One end of tho tube," explnlned n
member of tho firm, "Will bo clamped
to tho sldo of a steamship or barge.
Tho othor end, by means of water-ballast
tanks, will bo sunk until it
touches tho bottom. Then, by means
of compressed air, all tho water will
bo forced from the tube and also from
Oklahoman Went 2,000 Miles to Wed,
"Sight Unseen."
Hobart Okla. Traveling 2,000 miles
to marry a girl whom ho had never
seen, but whom ho had courted
through tho mnlls, is tho experience
of Don M. Southern, a rural mall car
rier out of Mount Park, n small vlllngo
south of Hobart.
Flvo years ago Southern moved to
Mount Park from Dallas. Ho was 21
then, an honest and hard-working boy,
but unpolished and scarcely ablo to
road or write his own namo. His ml
mlrablo qualities attracted tho atten
tion of Grant Mltcholl, tho only at
torney In tho village. Mitchell took
an interest in tho lad from Texas, and
many tedious hours wore spent by
tho barrister In Instilling into the
mind of his protego tho principles of
Southern read In a Chicago matri
monial paper an offer to Insert an nd.
for a wlfo for any man who would
send them two dollars. Southern sent
in a money order for tho amount, and
a week later tho paper found its way
into tho homo of William Dutcher, a
retired contractor in Hnlcttsvllle, N.
Y. Bpsslo, young and pretty nnd the
favorlto daughter, read tho ad. of tho
loncBomo Oklahoma youth. Bessie
took n dare and wrote her first lettor.
This was tho beginning.
Tho parents gave tho consent to tho
marrlago of their daughter providing
tho prospective groom proved all that
they had heard of him. Would South
ern como cast? Certainly.
Southern started cast, arriving at
tho quaint old New York town a few
days lator. Ho mot tho approval of
tho parontnl eyo and tho mull-order
girl wub married to tho mail-order
Southern roturned to Oklahoma with
his brldo, who, although but 1G and
unused to tho customs of tho world, Is
happy and content to spend tho re
mainder of her years in Oklahoma
with her mail-order husband.
tho chamber at tho bottom of It, which
will ho Hush upon tho bed of tho sea.
"Divers will walk down a Btairwny
In tho center of tho tubo until they
reach the submerged chamber. Hero
they will don their diving costumes,
and opening a series of wator-tight
doors will step straight out Into the
wntor. Engineers will bo stationed in
tho chamber, and following tho Instruc
tions of the divers, who will communi
cate with them by means of portablo
telephones, they will opornto tho me
chanism of two powerful suction
pumps or dredgers which nro fitted to
tho sfdes of tho tubo.
"Theso dredgers, it is hoped, will
suck away tho sand around tho sides
of tho heavy chnmbor until it gradual
ly sinks by its own weight right down
on to tho deck of tho wrecked ship.
"Then tho dlvors, making their way
from tho chamber to tho deck of tho
ship and thenco to tho hold, will bo
able to transfer tho treasure from tho
ship to tho chamber by easy stages."
"In connection with tho attempted
salvage," an olllclal nt Lloyd's ex
plained, "an arrangement exists whero
by tho salvers, if they do bring up
tho sunken treasure, will recclvo an
adequate roward for their arduous
"Unliko many tales of trcasuro upon
tho sea bed, there is no doubt at all
that tho gold coins and Ingots aro in
tho hold of tho Lutlne. Hcfora tho
ship sailed upon her Ill-fated voyago
n list was compiled of tho bullion sho
contained. Tho work' of salvage, how
over, promises to bo a tremendous
Long Street Railroad Tunnel.
A tunnel more than a mile in length,
said to bo tho longest in exlBtonco for
use by a municipal electric railroad,
hns been opened for operation by tho
Genoa street railroad. It connects
Genoa with tho adjucent largo com
muno of Rlvarolo, which previously
was ronched by circling tho mountain,
tho distance being now shortened 1 1-3
miles, and tho trip Is mndo in 15
minutes' less tlmo. Construction be
gan Juno 1, 1905.
From Underwood & Underwood, N.Y.
Filipino girls picking edible plants In a branch of the Paslg river near Manila.
Returned Soldier Tells of Shooting
Combination of Bird and Beast
Unlike Anything He Had
Ever Seen.
Los AnBoles, Cal. "I think tho hard
est thing to kill In tho Philippines ia
a Hying fox or frutt-catlng bat. Thoso
frult-cntlug bats como Hying over by
tho thousands from tho Island of Das
salau to tho Island of Mindanao Just
at sunsot, nnd fly back between four
and flvo in tho morning.
"I went out hunting with two ship
mates about two miles outsldo of Zam
boanga ono day, nnd nbout thrco
o'clock in tho nftomoon tho natives
took us to some rice pnddles, whero,
about flvo o'clock, tho doves and rlco
hens woro flying around so thick wo
sat In ono plnco and kept on shooting
till our sholls woro very near all!
gone," says a roturned soldier from
tho Philippines.
"Just as wo wore going to start
back to tho ship a Moro told ono of,
tho Filipinos nbout somo big birds
which roosted nt night In tho trees
closo by. As near as wo could make
out It was some kind (if n wild tur
key, so wo concluded to try to got
"Whllo wo woro sitting there wait
ing pntlently for turkeyB the Moro
enmo running up and pointed Into ono
of tho big trees, nnd what did wo seo
hut n big fruit-eating bat Balling
around the tree. My two partners
woro disgusted over tho funny turkcy3
and wanted to start bnck, but I want
ed to get a bat and seo what it looked
"After wasting a box of shells 1
finally succeeded In breaking ono'a
wing. When he camo down ho started
to screech, or rather I don't know
wbnt kind of a nolao you would call
It, till we couldn't hear. I hit him on
tho hend with tho gun barrel about
four times, and It didn't seem to
fenzo him. Ono of tho Moros said ho
wanted him for 'chow eat,' bo I blew
tho bat's bend off and gnvo it to him.
"Theso bats aro about tho bIzo of iv
half-grown cat In body, and this ono's
wings spread from tip to tip about
thrco foot. They havo n head Just
like a fox, and their bodies aro cov
ered with Hno fur, something llko a
muskrnt'B, but not ns thick. They
havo two hind logs with heavy claws
on them for hnnglng on trees, and
they nlso havo a hook on each Joint of
their wings, bo they can hang olthor
"I examined this bat nnd found out
it had no stomach. I wanted to And
what they lived on, but nil I could
find wub water of tho fruit I think
all thoy oat Is fruit growing wild in
tho mountains. '
"Their wings aro llko flno rubber,
and you can fill them full of holes and
It won't fenzo them. If you hit them
bad in tho body thoy will sail oft and
drop bo far away that you won't bo
ablo to find them.
"Tho only way to got thorn Is to
break a wing, or go whero thoy hang
in tho trees in tho daytime and kill
them with clubs. I never saw them
hanging In tho trees In tho day time,
but soldiers told mo thoy saw (no in In
tho mountains hanging on trees so
thick that tho branches wcro about
to break under their weight.
"Tho fur bearers out thoro don't
amount to much. Tho only thing I
saw that might bo of any ubo was a
mountain cat and thoso flying foxes.
Tho dcor hides havo only got coarso
hair on them, nnd they haven't got a
nice polt llko tho dcor in tho Btates."
Mrs. Gramercy What do wo need
for dinner?
Bridget Sure, mum, Oi tripped over
tho rug nn' wo need a now set of
dishes. Puck. '
Table Luxury.
"How was tho tablo nt your summer
"Splendid! Never had such canned
goods In my life!" Life.
Gamo Youngster Preferred Drastic
Action In Punishment.
"Youngsters nro pretty philosoph
ical," obsorved Wallaco Knight, nnd
then ho wont ahead to sot forth tho
point of vlow of a small daughter nt
his house.
Tho child was sent to bed early
tho othor ovcnlng as punishment for
somo act contrary to rulos and regula
tions. After sho had been tucked in bed
for somo tlmo and was supposedly
nslcop, tho youngster called her fa
thor and told him sho wished ho would
go abend nnd spank her and havo it
over with, instond of Bonding her aft
to bod that way. 'This lying in bed
novcr'a going to mak mo nny hotter,"
Bho said, "and n good spanking would
Besides it makes mo so mad I can't
sleep nnd bo what's tho uso of It?"
Clovoland Plain Dealer.
Awful Case of Scabies Body a Mass
of Sores from Scratching Her
Tortures Ylold to Cutlcura.
"A young woman camo to our city
;tnlsslon in a most awful condition physi
cally, Our doctor examined her nnd
told us that sho had scabies (tho itch),
incipient paresis, rhoumattstn. etc.,
brought on from exposure Her poor
body was a masa of sores from scratch
ing aud sho was not ablo to retain solid
food. Wo worked hard over her for so von
weeks but wo could seo littlo improve
ment Ono dny I bought a cako of
Cutlcura Soap and a bottlo of Cutl
cura Itcsolvont nnd wo bathed our
patlont well and gavo her a full dose
of tho Resolvent Sho slept bettor that
night nnd tho noxt day I got a box of
Cutlcura Ointment. In flvo wcokB this
young womnn wa9 ablo to look for a
posltlon.and she-Is now strong and woll.
Laura Jano Bates, SC Fifth Ave., Now
York, N, Y., Mar. 11, 1907."
Tho Workman Hey, what's that?
Tho Kid I soz, any tlmo you gits
tired I'll tnko do Job for two cento a
hour. Philadelphia Ledgor.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as Uicjr cannot roacli the dl
rased portion ot tho cur. There Is only one way to
ruro deatnem. and that Is by constitutional rrincdlnk
llcafnraa Is caused by an Inflamed condition oi tho
mucous lining ot tho Eustachian Tube. When this
lube la Inflamed you have a rumbllna sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed. Deaf
ness U tho result, and unless the Inflammation can bo
taken out and this tube restored to Ita normal condi
tion, hearing will bo destroyed forever; nlno case
out oi ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothlug
but an Inflamed condition ot the mucous surfaces.
We will Klve Ono llundml Dollars for any case ot
iei mess (causeu oy catarru) mat cannot no curru
t'jr Hall's Catarrh Cure, rlend for circulars, free.
I-. J. CHUNKY & CO.. Toledo, O.
Bold by Drurclsts. 75c.
Takjj Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Only Six Miles Away.
Craggs You look warm. Why don't
you go wjioro it's cooler? I know a
ploco only six miles from hero whero
tho thormomotor drops way below
Snaggs What aro you giving mo?
Whoro fs this place?
"Straight up. Tako a balloon."
Crazy with the Heat.
"Can you toll mo what steam Is?"
asked tho examiner.
"Why, ouro, sir," ropllod Patrick,
confidently. "Steam is why or It's
wathor thot's gono crazy wld tho
heat" Everybody's Magazine.
W. Zm Douplas mnbes and sells more
men's 93.00 and ft 3. 60 aliota than any
other manufacturer In thti world, be
cause (hey hold tholr shape, fit bettor,
and wear longer than 0117 other make.
Aha ti it All Priest, for Every Member ef the) .
family, Utn, Govi, Women, Mluet i Children
U.DU i 4.00 u 18.00 OUI I fe gtiMJ sssjwt
t tull.4 at say prlct. W. L. DoijUi ta.lO aes
jraji Calor ICuUttt Vtul JTa.fu.lwTi.
. ..v. . u. hw ,a turn w u is.
BT-'l'aUo No fluhrtltiilo. VV. L. Douiln
i is
name ana
Drlee Is stamped on bottom. Bold
sTcrywbere. ttlioss jtiallnd from factory to any
pr s, kiv wviii.. ..B.niuKuv ire.
W.U D0UQLAS. Ill Spirk SI., Uracttea. Hats.
Color- more poads brlohtsr and latter colors thin tn
GJUBirneatmUioulrlBplniwart. Wrl
Tho Bride's Look.
A girl about to bo married worries
to much sho begins to look llko an
old married woman. In addition to
worrying nbout her clothes and coax
ing her folks to givo her a now outfit,
sho sits up too late with her young
man, and tho result Is an anxious,
careworn look a week boforo tho
wedding that cannot bo told from tho
look on tho faco of a woman who has
boon married a year or two. Look at
tho next girl you meet who Is Boon to
bo marriod, and you will romark that
Bho has "agod rapidly." Atchison
With a smooth iron nnd Defiance
Stnrch, you enn launder your shirt
waist Just ns woll nt homo as tho
steam laundry can; It will havo tho
proper stiffness nnd finish, thoro will
bo less wear nnd tear of tho goods,
nnd It will bo a positlvo plenauro to
uso a Starch that docs not otick to tho
Jap Immigrants for Brazil.
Brazil has received its first batch ot
Japanese Immigrants 781 under tho
arrangement concluded about nine
months ago between tho Japaneso nnd
Brazilian governments. Within two
days nil wcro at work on tho coirue
plantations. Other shiploads will ar
rive regularly.
Important to Mothorn.
Kxnmlno cnrofully ovory bottlo or
CASTOHI A a snfo and nuro remedy for
Infants and chlldron, aud seo that It
Signature ofSfe
In Uso For Over HO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
Tho Search for Wisdom.
In seoklng wisdom, thou nrt wise;
In itnnglulng that thou hast found it,
thou nrt a fool. Confucius.
& buy Fun & Hides. Write for cntaloir 103
N. W. Hide k Fur Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
Tho drend of ridicule Is apt to stran
gle originality at Its birth.
Lewis' Single Kinder cigar richest, most
witlxfyliiR smoho nn the market. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria. 111.
A man Isn't nccessnrlly a flshorman
uBt becauso ho 1b u liar.
Allrn'a Font-Kriso, n l'mrilnr
rorswnllvn.awrntliiiriiot, (llyealnttnnt relief. The
urlMlnal )nmder fur tlio feet. Sic at all Druggists.
It is only tho mistakes of othor peo
ple that nro funny.
in Horses
Much of the chronic lameness in horsc3 is due to neglect.
Sec that your horse is not allowed to go lame. Keep Sloan'3
Liniment on hand and apply at the first signs of stiffness.
It's wonderfully penetrating goes right to the spot relieves
the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the musclca
clastic and pliant.
Sloan's Liniment
will kill a spavin, curb or splint, reduce wind puffo and swol
len joints, and is n sure and speedy remedy for fistula, sweency,
founder and thrush. Price, 50c. and $1.00.
Jpr. Earl S. Sloan, - - Boston, Mass.
Slonn'e bonk on honor), cattle, tlieep nnd poultry sent f ro.
I Chirt Rncnmc ftnllare
I Defiance Starch
I I l-l i 9. at Chloroform. Ether or other
miarantaa. No money to be
TO-DAY lor Pros Book on Racial Diseases with Testimonials.
DR. E. R. TARRY, 224 Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.
ether dm. OnolOoDtckaoe colors all fibtrt. Thf
tnwiflMrceeosiiei-HOWivUje, uicacaanoMuvjaior. MONROE lifXUO OO., Qulney, lllfnalm.
acts fentljMet prompt-
ly ontke bowels, cleansesi
ile system ejectuallty,
assists one n overcoming
habitual constipation
nevmonentlv. To etfts
honoJicial effects bu
the Oonuxne.
Mniiiifm-TurfHi Intl
1 1--""- .v
Positively cured by
theso Little Tills.
They also retime Die
trcMfrom Djeiila, In
dication titHo Hearty
Kntlnr:. A perfect rem
tdr (or DUitneaa, Nau
sen, Drowsiness, nnd
Taste tti tho Mouth, Cunt
ed Tongue, Pain In tho
Thty regulate tho Ilowcla. Purely Vegetable.
Gonulno Must Dear
FacSimllo Signature.
Ti ohlmntperde-
J6&Cl6tS -'"nato buy
anything adver
tised in iti columns should iniift upon
having what they aik (or, refuting all
lubflitutes ot imitations.
lVns 1-1,7 flood par, Write Ucd Crow
Want A JOD-l OueniUlatipeclaU-Co..Onlcat-o.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 43, 1903.
and Cuffs
never crack nor be
come brittle. Thev
last twice as long as
those laundered with other
starches and give tho wear
er much better satisfaction.
If you want your husband,
brother or son to look
dressy, to feel comfortable
and to bo thoroughly happy
laundry. It ia solrl by all
good grocers at toe a pack
age 16 ounces. Interior
starches sell at the same
price per package but con
tain only 12 ounces. Mote
tho difference. Ask your
Insist on getting it and you will never
use any other brand.
Company, Omaha, Neh.
All Heclal Diseases treated upon a potltWej
nam till curen
A mild treatment, witnout tna use
general aneasthetles. Examination FREE. Writs
drain cold waler bolter than any other d;t. Yeiicandro