The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 03, 1908, Image 4

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Ladies, we want you to call
and see our new line of China
and Fancy Articles in China.
Beautiful pieces and large stock
The Jeweler.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00.
E. F. Seebcrger, C. F. MtjGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
Graduate Dentist
Ofilco over tho McDonald
StaUj Bank.
Two $chatz for tho prlco of ono at
tho Elko' Minstrel Show.
Lot mo figur e on thoso b tor m windows
you will nocd. P. M. SoJsbnson, ,
Tho board of education toflik an ad
journment last ovenlne iiritir this
ovonlnp in order to attend tho high
school cntortaintnont.
For Rent A two-room house at 412
Pino street. Inquiro of Mrs. E.
U. A. Weir han returned from a trip.
to Salt Lake City, where ho trana
acted business connected with tho
Ortljr of Railway Conductoro for
Bovornl days.
Loat-A fur botweon tho Worthly
ranch and tho nor th river bridge.
Finder ploaso rttr rn to Myrtjo My
lander and recoivo x award.
It is understood that covoral Union
Paciflc passenger coi nductors, who havo
been hold out oC ser vice for a number
of month? but not f rmally diochared
will soon bo ro-lnsta .ted to their runs.
Wnntod A sood' girl for gonoral
housework. Good watros. Apply to
'Mrs. N. McCabo, 83 0 west Fifth strcot.
After thiH week still election troubles
will havo cWred ai ay, and people will
then bo in shape to get down to a busi
ness basis. The can ipaign has disrupted
business to quita an extent even in
North Platto.
Don't forget thoso apples on the
track today and tomorrow.
Miss Anna Tanger has accepted a
position in Tramp's grocery store.
Mrs. Kate Daly has returned from a I
visit with relatives at Green River,
Mrs. Wilson Tout and children loft
this mornine for a month's visit with
relatives in York.
For Rent Six room house on south
Chestnut street. Inquiro at 723 West
Sixth street.
Leo Grimes is spending today in town,
coming home to visit his parents and
caBt his first vote for president.
Tho Toddling, Tadpole Tobin Twins
(Leo and Louio). So cute and funny.
At tho Elks' Minstrel Show Nov. 6th.
E. D. Owens writes from Delta, Col.,
to havo his paper "ddressed td" North
Platto and from this wo infer he is to
again become a resident of this city.
The city council is scheduled to meet
in session this oveninc. but whether a
quorum can bo gotten together is doubt
ful, as the aldermen will probably want
to hear the election returns as they aro
E. VonForrcll, a well known evangel
ist, will begin a scries of meetings at
the Christian church next Sunday. Mr.
Von Forrcll was hero last year and con
ducted a very successful meeting.
Services will bo held during next week
at 7:30 p.m.
Tho Mun sons high class vaudovillo
people will present "Tho Race Horso
and tho Girl" at the opera house pic
ture show Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. Tho Munsons are very clever
actors and you will feel satisfied after
seeing them.
Owing to lack of space tho program
of the Elks' Minstrel Show could not
bo published. The programs that havo
been printed for distribution at the
show will mako a souvenir that you
can keep and point to with prido for a
hundred years. As thoro is only one
show liko this in North Platto every
hundred years anyone can appreciate
the wisdom of getting one. Tho funny
stunts havo not all been advertised.
Tho Bobcs in tho Wood by Otto Woil,
Bill-Woodhurst, E. F. Sceborger, John
Halligan and George Field is tho only
nathotic thinrr in tho whole show.
Charley Soyferth'a roly poly, round,
The Land of Opportunity
Is the Rich Valleys of Southen Oregon, which is claimed to be the last 'low
priced tract of desirable lands located in a white man's country, with a charming
climate, left on this continent today. There is now offered for sale a tract of 300,
000 acres of as fine land as can be found in the world, and this magnificient property,
large enough for 11,992 Farms and Homes, is being practically given away to the
11,992 persons who apply for a Farm before they are all sold. In addition to the
Farm, each purchaser is given a business or residence lot in the additions to Lake
view, the county scat and the coming metropolis of Southern Oregon. The farms
range in size from 10 acres to 1,000 acres. One undivided farm and one lot to
gether will be sold for only $200 payable $10 a month, and each purchaser will re
ceive, free of charge, a warranty deed for the lot and a warranty deed for a farm
large enough to employ his time practically the year around, and if well tilled will
make him independent for lifr. There is practically no limit to the variety of crops
that can be raised on this land. The soil is rich and fertile a vertiable mine of
agricultural wealth and the yield and production 1 6f Fruit can hardly be excelled.
It has been said that one good investment beats a lifetime of labor. Here is your
opportunity. Put your monthly savings where you will have something worth while
at the end of the year, Remember that while they last
Payable Ten Dollars a Month
6 Farms of 1,000 acres each $200.
12 Farms of 640 acres each $200.
400 Farms of 160 acres each $200.
One Town Lot with each Farm, Free.
500 Farms of
1,620 Farms of
4,080 Farms of
5,974 Farms of
If you desire further information write to the
80 acres each $200.
40 acres each $200.
20 acres each $200.
10 acres each $200.
105 Massachusetts Building, KANSAS CITY, MO.
Spurrier Bros., Local Agents, North Platte.
Mrs. Blanch Owens and daughter
Millio arn visiting relatives at Calla
f , mintw xmmiiiinnira. who were fut act and Sol Hodos three ball act aro
liiBtwnck. nd- erood. but you will "ruboor" wnon JJr.
ourned until Monday ofnoxtweck.
Wo havo soveral small second hnnd
soft coal heaters for salo.
Weathor forecast: Fair today and to
morrow; moderate tomperaturo. High
esUQjhpornfuro yesterday 68, wo year.
ago 04; lowost this morning ii, one
ybnr hgo' m.
erood. but you will "rubbor'
Drost comes on the stage.
The Prig and Hit Cane.
In tlio numl or of the Tatlor for Oct.
l), 1701), It Is observed that "a cane Is
part of the dress of n prig" (this, by
the va.v. bIiowk the erroneous . notion
prevalent that "prlKBlshness" is a
modern word) "anil always worn upon
a button, for fear he should bo thought
Charley Boguo returned this morning to have an occasion fbr It or be esteem-
from Omaha, whero ho had been trans- cd really nnd not genteelly a cripple."
nHnir hnnlna for novoral davs. Ho in the number of Nov. 18 a rural
says that election bets were being mado squire In town Is sketched who Is the
' tP1ni in.i. n:,,ht odds belnir of- prototype of ono of the pavement nut-
very ireoly last night, odds being 01 1 ral, Bt
fnwiil nn Tuff, nnil on tho Wnt?Or tllUt . . .
forod on Taft and on tho wager that
Bryan will carry Nebraska.
This Is to certify that FitANK HniNEn
installed tho hot water heating plant
and did all tho plumbing in my now
homo and that tho work was first class
and satisfactory In ovory respect. I
commend Mr. Hlbnor to anyono desir
ing work of this character.
"VVm. E. Shuman.
nn unreasonable distance iroro ma
sides, which, with the advantage of a
cane that he brandished In a fereat va
riety of irregular motions, mode it un
safe for any ono to walk within sev
eral yards of him."
And under date of Dec. 5 thcro Is an
amusing sketch of "a lively, fresh col
ored young man" who was among tho
appllcnnts to Isaac BlckeratafPs court
of censorship for llccnso to use "canes,
You take no chances when
you purchase your boy's shoes
here no matter how active
and "hard" on his footwear
he is you'll find that the shoes
offered now in our Fall assort
ment will stand up under the
severest of use and abuse.
Comfort, durability and un
excelled excellence guaranteed
According1 to size, from
Owing to tho high chum dancing, buck perspective glasses, snuffboxes, orange $ 1, 50 to $3.00.
t 1 f Tn Qtnn. tf Vina Imnn I llmrnr wittAra nnrl thn Hkn nrnntnoTltfl I
Do You Wa&lBsiUiing & Loau Money
Yos, wo can got yi )u all tho monoy
you want right awaj in tho Nebraska
Central Building & Loan Association of
Call and see us. Tomplo Real Estato
& Insurance Agency, 1 and 2 McDonald
nolBed around that this is not our Joe
Stono but an imported vaudovillo rt
ist. This is a mistake; tho Joo Stone
of tho Biff Elks Minstrel is Joe Stone
of tho Stone Drug Co. no lives on
west Fourth strcot and is half owner
and father of tho pebblo called Leon.
For Sale
Good Are proof safe.
Largo Acorn hard coal stbve, nearly
Several largo pieces of linoloum, good
and cheap.
Ono pnir wagon scales.
Biutt & Goodman.
For Sale.
Thirty-throe heud of high grado Her
ford yearlings. Apply to or address A.
S. Gregg, North Platte, Neb.
tlower watora and tho llko ornaments
of life." This young man had hlB cane
hanging on his fifth button., and was
"an Oxford scholar who was just en
tered at tho temple."
Humphreys' Veterinary Specifics
for tho curoof dlsonaosof Horses,
ol Cattle. Sheop, Dogs, Poultry.
A. A. For FBVEH8, Milk Fever, Lunt Fever.
The ladles who have used Newbro'i; m).B. For8PHAlIV8, Laraeneu. Rheumatism.
Color Veins Herplclde on Account
Ha Dlattactlreneaa.
Notice to Sellers of Cream.
Tramp, the crocer. is buyimr cream
and paying top price with immediate
returns of cash.
David Cole Creamery, Co.,
Omaha, Nob.
Can We Keep From Having Fires?
We think wo aro careful, and some
times we are, but neverless a fire will
break out once and awhilo when we
least expect it.
X.ou can t prevent lires. but you can
insuro against them so when you havo
ono tho insurance company stands tho
loss, not you.
in order lo accomplish this you must
insure with reliable agents and com
panies. Templo Real Estate & Insur
ance Agency represents the best. 1
nnd 2 McDonald Block.
Two second hand baso burners in
good repair for salo.
Workman & Derryreury.
Good Pure Bred Male
Poland China Pigs. . .
S.J. Koch,Hershey,fteb
Barb wire for sale at
Hershey's, corner Fith
and Locust St. PI on : 15.
We havo lust takan up a now lino of men's hoso which are becom
ing famous throughout tho wholo country because of thoir marvelous
wearing qualities. We havo Investigated this hoslory nnd know it haa
unusual morit, and so wo aro asking each person who has troublo with
holes coming in tho toes of his Bocks, to como nnd buy just ono uair of
hulf-hoso made with tho
m am ar a t as an aw -
This -will cost you Jut 25c.
Thon. after you have given them a thorough, fair
test, If you don't say they are the best wearing nocks
you havo ovor worn, come again, bring tho pulr back
and wo'll refund your money.
If you think you might not llko tho looks of those
now Bocks, como and see. You don't havo to buy
them. Just come and see them first.
Herplclde speak of it In the highest
terms, for Its quick effect in cleansing
the scalp of dandruff and also for Its ex
cellence as a tenoral halr-dresslng. It
makes tho scalp feel fresh and It allays
that Itchlntr which dandruff will cause.
Newbro's Herplclde effectively cures
dandruff, as It destroys the germ that
causes It. The same Korm causes hair to
fall out, and later baldness; In killing It,
Herplclde stops falllnar hair and prevents
baldness. It Is also an ideal hair dress
ing, for It lends an aristocratic charm to
the hair that Is quite distinctive. Bold
by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamp
for sample to Tho Herplcldo Co., De
troit. Mich.
Two xlzos 60 cents nnd 11.00.
McDonell & Graves. Special Agts.
In thu County Court of Lincoln county. No-
lit the mattfr of tho estate of Frederick
A- I.amlitrs, ilcooaspd.
Ndtlco In liuroby elven. that thn creditors of
I unlet iliToabeu wlUmeet tho Administrator
of ttaiu mate iMHnro nn, county .imlKo of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tlio 1st day of
li'ComlHr. HM4. and on tho 1st day of June,
IWJ, at 2 o'clock i. m. each day, for tho imr
lMso of lwsi'iitlnif tholrclalniH for examina
tion, Hdjusttmmt nnd allowance, ,81.x months
aro nllovred for creditors to tre.srnt tliolr
claims and ono year for the Administrator to
settle said cstnto. from tlio 4th day of AuitZ
list, TUN notice will bo published In tlio
North I'lutte Tribune, for elirht unifications
successively prior to tlio 1st day of Decern bur,
Witness my hand and teal of said court,
this Ulsl day of October, A. 1) ivos.
w. u. h. Limn.
Ii3-H County Judiro.
CO. For BOUH Throat. Epizootic, DUtemper.
I). D. For WOIIMB, Boti, Urulx.
15. E. For CO0OII8, Colda, Influenza.
F. F. For COLIC, Bellyache. Diarrhea,
a. G. Frerenta MI8CAIUUAOK.
II. II. For KIDNEY and Bladder dlaordera.
1. 1. For 8KI DISEASES, Mange. Eruptions.
J. II. For BAD CONDITION. Indlgcatlou.
Price, CO Cents per bottle.
Vot. Curo Oil, for Stable or
Field Use, $1.
At druggists, or sont 'prepaid
on receipt of price.
AHOOPnco Book on tho treat
ment and caro of Domestic
Anininls and Stable Chart to
hang up, mailed irco.
nuMnmcTB' uomeo. hedicdte co., comet
WUllam and Ann Strati, New York.
Just Exactly Right.
If you don't nobody will. It is your
business to keep out of nil tho troublo
you can and you can and will keep out
of liver and bowel troublo if you tuko
t- Tr l i . xt t lr mil- f m l
ur ivmit H isuw uua l ins, wiuy kccji j
iillltniidnfiHR. mnlnrln nnd ntinfllpn mil: i
of your systom, 25c, at Stono'o drug J
In tho County Court of Lincoln County, No-
In the matter of tho estato of IVllllam II.
Weltv. ripc.n&ftnir
Notlco Is hereby clven. That tho creditors
of tlio said deceased will meet tlio admlnls
trator of si Id estato. before tno. County
.ludue of Lincoln County. Nebraska, at tho
county court room in sain county, on mo ist
day of Decemtior, HM, and on the 1st day of
Juno, loot), att) o'clock a. m each day, for tln
imrposo or nresetutne their claims tor exanu
uatlou. adjustment and allowance Hlx
month aro allowed for creditors to present
their claims and ono rear for tho Atlmlnl
trator to sottlo vald estate, from the 31st day
of October 11)03. This notion will lx nubllHh"d
in tho North l'latto Tribune oitrnt publica
tions successively prior to tho 1st day of
DeremlxT. lUOfl.
'Witness my hand and eal of said court this
aist Hay of October, A. It. liw.
n3-s W, c. EMKit. County Judce.
Headquarters for
Stove Pipe,
Stove Boards, '
Linoleum Rugs,
Elbows, Coal Hods,
Stove Polish, Etc.
Workman & Derryberry
Bein through with my herd
bull I offer him for sale; four
years old and a choice indi
vidual. Also some fine young
bulls ready for service for sale.
One-half mile south of court
F. E. Payne,
Especially need "Nature's Remedy" (NR TabUulineedlttotaketheRhen.
tnatlim oat of their joints need It to keep their Stomach, Llrer, Kidneys
nnu dowoii in gooa oruori neua i tor ne iironjin ana Tigor it Bires.
let "NATURE'S REMEDY" Be Your Doctor.
Take a tablet now and thont It will keep your srsbm in such good
condition that dlieaics cannot take bold. Erery box la cnarantced to
Biro tatUfactton, or the parehuo prloo refunded.
Better, Than Pills For Liver Ills
GET A 25d. BOX. .--.-,
Best the world Affords
"For fifteen yenra I havo wittclied tho
working of Ducklon's Arnica Salvo;
and it has ncvor failed to cun any sore,
boil, ulcer or burn to which it wus np
ulied. It has saved us many a doctor
.bill," says A. F. Hardy, of East Wil
) Wttt Mtfcnr. Wto. at BtVnv'v tnrg stum.
Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do the.Work
Prol. W. M. Hayes, Ats't. Secty, of Agriculture of the United Stales says about Stock Foodi
"These balanced rations are often found by analysis to consist of the tailings of mills, elevators and
breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of
the largest Stock Food Companies is said to ne fine mvrdutt, finely ground, to cheaply bring up the
weight of bit product, instead of buylaj a mipcrlar and xvmmIv balanced ration containing high
fattening qaalllita and acting as tonic, be has paid a high price for feed containing, along with
ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa bay and other common food stuffs, SS.00 to S2S.0O per ton, a high
percentage of refuse, and non-nutritious matter, some of which may be positively dangerous to
the health of bis stock."
Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horso and Cattlo Tablets for
horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowlsi proper dose in tablets. Mix in feed or salt. They contain
no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran, Ask for and try once Skldoo Condition Tablets or
Skidoo Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera, Cathartic, Heave, Fever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, Pink
Eye, Colic, White Plague Preventic, or Blister Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavin Remedy, or Barh
Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO,, Capital Stock $300,000.00,
Watortown, S, D U.S.A.