The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 27, 1908, Image 7

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What Is Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to hte Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
The Union Pacific yardmnstor's
ofllces at Valparaiso wcro burned.
A. A. Wilcox died In Oregon and his
remains were shipped to Nebraska for
burlel at Storllng.
Four thousand out of tho 125,000
registered for Tripp county lands will
get ICO acres each.
Of Into tho weather has been Ideal
for corn husking and much of tho crop
iins ueon gathered.
Mrs. Davidson, formerly of Falls
City, has nssumcd tho management
or tho Central hotel at Humboldt.
uanici Freeman of Gago county,
Nebraska's first homesteader, has
boon seriously 111, but Is now convnles
A man nomcd Hlnklo pleaded guilty
to bootlegging at tho old settlers' pic
nic In Nomaha county and paid fine
and costs amounting to $119.
Four horses belonging to ,J. Banks
disappeared from tho stock yards at
Arlington. No trnco of them has been
found and It is believed they were
Hoy Hickman, aged twonty-Bovon
yonrs, wns accidentally shot and died
t from tho offocts of tho wound an hour
later. Ho was hunting when tho ac
cident occured.
A "freak" Bweot potato grown In
Sol Hcrshoy's garden In "West Beatrice
is about a foot long and consists of
three small potntoos grown about
each other as if woven by hand.
Tho Burlington road has appealed
from tho district court of Ootoo county
In tho mutter of a Judgment for $114
In favor of KIchard Clovo ifor tho loss
o fcattlo shipped to Chicago.
Tho now Y. M. C. A. building at
Columbus 1b now nbout comploted, at
tho cost of nearly $40,000. A secre
tary has been appointed, and the doors
will soon open for business.
F. F. Prochnskn of Butler county
will bo doprived of tho guardianship
and euro of his four minor children
bocauco ho has bocomo unfit thro.ugh
strong drink.
A. II. Porter, residing about flvo
miles? southeast of Elk Creek, had a
span of bay horses stolen from bis
bam. Tho thfef nlBO took an old set
of harness and a spring wagon.
Floyil Harris, tho ojdest son of tho
Journal editor at Fails City, whlio
feeding tho press, accidentally bad
his band caught in tho form and bad
ly crushed two fingers.
Farmors should all havo telephones,
"Wrlto to us and learn how to get tho
best service for the least monoy. Ne
braska Telephono Company, 18th and
Douglas streets, Omaha, "Use tho
A movo has been mndo In Toknmah
to establish a poultry slaughtering and
dressing house. Stovo Chatt nnd
Frank Houston nro Interested parties.
New uniforms havo been Issued to
company C. N. N. G., at Beatrice.
Tho county of Buffalo refuses to
abido by tho decision of tho district
court which hold that tho county must
pay $370, tho cost of a guaranty bond
for County Treasuror Gilbert n.
The third burglary in two months
occured recently In Oxford when No
bel Bros.' s(oro was ontored through
i rear window In tho collar. Cash
and trado checks to tho amount of
about ton dollars wcro taken.
A. L. Richardson, a young man, was
drowned while hunting near Minden.
At Fremont several Italians engaged
In a light, durlsg which ono mnn was
killed nnd nnothcr so badly Injured
that it is thought ho will dlo.
Speaker Cannon of tho houso of re
presentatives has Just sold $19,000
worth of his Nebraska farm lands and
Is offering for salo still othor property
ho owns in eastern Nebraska. Tho
farm Mr. Cannon has Just sold con
tains 700 acros and sold for $70 nn
acre. Tho markot prlco for lands of
tho snmo class In tho vicinity Is $7G
to $80.
Tho second disastrous pralrlo flro 'n
tho vicinity of Dickens this fall swopt
ovor a strip two miles east of there
from ono to thrco miles wide and
about flvo miles long, destroying
several tons of hay, besides tho burn
ing off of tho range. The flro was
started by sparks from a passing train
on tho Burlington.
In overhauling tho St. Benedict
church at Nebraska City workmon
took down tho big cross thereon and
oponed tho largo gold ball on tho top
of tho samo and In It wns1 a history of
tho church, tolling what It cost, who
contributed tho funds, tho contractors,
what thoy wore paid and how tho
church was first Btartod.
WGiUo handling a revolver tho other
day, John Johnson, employed on tho
Henry Otto farm northeast of Plckroll,
was shot through the hand. It Is
thought no serious results will follow.
Ono of tho ovonts that Is being
looked forward to by school children
of York county, In which a Surprising
ly large numbor of boys nnd girls havo
entered Is tho corn contost to bo held
noxt month, in which mnny.'valunblo
prlzos are offered In cooking contosts
nnd for production of best ten oars or
corn, tho largost yield and prizes ror
different varietlos of ororu ralsud by
the boys,
minator of nature fa
kers, enemy of preda
tory wealth, world
famed huntsman, con
queror of San Juan hill
and present occupant
of tho whlto exccutlvo
mansion in Washing
ton, has added u now
tltlo to his lonir rnln.
It Is that Of B.ivior Of the Snlnin Itnnfinvnlt.
ti Evormnnn, which In cosmopolitan lingo Im
plies Golden Trout. Ho hns saved the Roose
velt Golden Trout, a product of tho west, from
exinctlon. This rare llsh Is known ns tho
most toothsomo morsol which tho finny realm
holds forth ns tho trophy of tho rod and reel.
Tho IlOOSOVelt Golden Trout In fli n f'ntnnar
and showiest species of trout? In tho United
amies ana u promises of tho United Stutcs
fish commission nro to bo believed, thlw
cles will bo nnglcd for In hundreds or streams
in tho country within n few yonrs.
Somo tlmo ago President Roosovelt Rtlrred
tho llsh commission Into action when ho told
its members that tho Roosovelt Golden Trout
was threatened with extinction.
ThO tall minds Of thnt nildist linilv nf nnnn
SOt nbOUt to find OUt Whnt thn Ilnnunvnlf nni.i.
en Trout was, A pondorous probo doveloped
ii. vuh u iihii una mat tnoro wns only ono
placo In' tho United States, where It wns to
bo found In Volcano creek nn tlin nlntinu nf
Mount Whitney, Cal.
Several of tho fish were canturod nilvo nn,i
put in groat tnnks in Bozoman, Mont., and
Leadvlllo. CoL to hatch (l?tTH. Tallin Hinv it
as prescribed by tho fish cultural stations.
j ust tno other day word camo from thoso
stntlons that a sufficient qnnntlty of eggs had
been secured to stock streams I n U'lllpli trnnf
nro to bo found, In ovcry part of tho United
States. Upwards of n million eggs wore propa
gated and soon these will bo planted through-
uui mo uniioa atntos.
Henco In n few venrs tlin ni-nnni.iinv wnnir
Walton, who passes his summors nngllng for
trout nnd cntching old shoos, tin cans nnd tho
like, will occasionally bo rownrdod by fooling
tho nlbblo of tho famoil nnnnnvim,inn
Trout nt his hook. If tho llsh nibbles strong
onough tho llshorman
cunning at his command, for tho finny cronturo
ia unu oi uio louguost cuBtomors to land.
This rnro fish was nrmmnrlniniv nnmnii m,
Roosevelt Golden Trout. It derive.! M
becauso of tho chlof executive's strenuous nnd
successful efforts to save It frnm nvtinnti,,,.
As Ktnted nbovo, tho only placo where it Is to
bo found to-day Is In Volcano creek, tho turbu
lent waters of which provo a particular attrac
tion for tho species and which mako it dlfll
cult for tho anglor to land tho fish, becauso of
tho latter'n proponslty for winding tho hunts
man's lino nround ii rock and sawing It In two
Tho streah, which is hard to llnd, Is situated
half-way up Mount Whltnoy nnd la 1C miles
in longth. It tnkos a guldo of somo Intolligonco
to land his patron on its banks nnd in u spot
whoro tho Goldon Trout is to'bo found In any
Only recent
ly Prosidon t
R o o b o v o 1 1
lenrncd thnt tho Golden Trout
which has beon nlvon
nnmo wns In dnngor of exter
mination, because It was such
n toothsomo bite, and tho pres
ident nt once took stops
which resulted Inmensurcs of
preservntion by tho burcnu
of fisheries. President Roose
velt hns many friends In Cali
fornia nnd it was nbout two
yenrs ago that his ncqunlnt
nnces there, knowing his in
terest In enmo. nnnonloii
him to save this flnnv nio:i
ture, tho most bonutlful und
delicious member of tho llsh
trlbo. Presidential proclama
tion mndo Mount Whltnoy n
govornmcnt forest reservo,
which saved It from tho In
roads of flshennon. At that
tlmo Volcano creek was far
removed from human hnbltn
tlon and declared to bo nlniost
inaccessible to nil but
knowing ones.
Despite this fnct tho friends
of thoso versed In tho forest
lore visited Volcnno creek nnd
nlded in doplotlng tho stock
of Rooscvolt Golden Trout,
until tho huo nnd cry wns
raised by Cnllfornlnns.
Tho president's rcsponso
to tho plea in behalf of tho
llsh which was subsequently
named aftor tho chief executive brought tho
mntter to tho attention of tho United Stntcs
llsh commission with tho result thnt soon wo
may drop a hook nnd lino Into nlmost nny
stream of tho country and pull up a Roosovelt
Golden irout, tho nncestors of which years
bofore thought thomsolvea to bo marooned
forever In Volcano creek.
It was not nn easy Job for tho fish commis
sion to gnther mnny of tho Roosovelt Goldon
Trout, for tho llsh possess that wariness
which Is common among tho mombors of
tho finny world In mountain iitreams. Ilowovor,
n highly dovolopod Idea In tho way of n trap,
well baltod, drew a sufficient numbor of tho
trout into its inner recesses. Tho first stop
of tho work having been taken tho rest waii
ensy. Tho fish woro transported to Bozoman
and Leadvlllo, where they woro allowed to
propaguto until great numbers of eggs were In
tho hnnds or tho fish commission.
Tho Roosovolt Goldon Trout Is ossontlnliy
n trout, but Instead of tho conventional gray
nnd whlto of tho nvi rago trout In fresh streams
nnd lakes, Its sides nro streaked with u bounti
ful golden .tint, which imparts a color to tho
surrounding wntor and makes tho llsh vlslblo
to tho fisherman's oyo from n dlstnnco of scvor
nl rods In clear wntor.
A mombor of tho United sinto nii M,mmt.
- "vwMI4llJ
BIOH in BPOnKIIlK Of t lO OffortH In nnvn
raro species from extermination spoko ns
"At first it was almost Impossible to gnther
nny of theso fish In order to Install thorn In
tho culturnl stntloiiB nt Lendvlllo, Col,, and
Bozoman, Mont., but finally wo delegated
sovernl guides of tho Mount Whltnoy region
to go out nnd uso their utmost energies to
wurds cnpturlng tho fish. Upon tho promlso
or substantial sums thoy did this nnd wo woro
nhle to secure soveral bountiful specimens.
"Those wo Immodlotoly hustled awny In
largo Innks Jn order thnt tho llsh might not
dlo nnd thoy wore then placed In Inrgor tanks
with water containing chemical preparations
nnd allowed to propagate Soon our offorts
began to dorivo fruit and now wo havo prob
ably tho fincBt outlay of eggs which wo over
secured In an effort of this kind. Wo muy bo
pardoned for tho especlnl prldo which wo tnko
In this work bocuuso It has boon accomplished
with bucccsb. I may suy thnt tho rosldonts
or California who wcro tho first to mako nppli
cation for tho snvlng of this species nro grati
fied at (ho means tnkon and thoy havo In many
Instances personally thanked President Rooso
velt for his efforts In pushing tho crusade."
Ruth Tato Brady of Oklahoma Is tho richest
girl In tho far west. She Is 12 yours old and
hns In her own right nn Incomo or $400 a day,
Her mothor wus n hair-blood Chorokoo Indlun.
Miss Brndy received 300 acres or public land
on tho ullotraont, nnd on this trnct oil wolls
hnvo boon doveloped producing dully 2,000 bar
rels of oil,
Traffic In Wlno Proves Dig Industry
on Dark Continent.
To glvo an idea of tho comparative
und tho potential values or tho kaflli
trndo in tho districts or Inhumbano,
Gaza nnd Lourcnco Murquoz. MuJ. Bald
win, tho British ropresontativo at the
port of Louronco Mnrquuz, Instances
tho consumption or wlno.
Ho calculates that last year tho total
disbursements ror wine by tho natives
n tho districts in question nmountod
to a most $2,500,000. Tho selling prlco
or tho othor lmportu ror tho knlllr
market during 1905 in, at a nio.Iernto
estimate, $i,7f,0,000, nnd tho nmouiJt
received in native taxba was, for ap
proximately tho snmo period, $735,000
In hut taxoB nnd about .$2:15,000 n Jm,
migration fees. Tho total disburse
I.,r0niMl1,"""t' "wctoro, to more than
u.uuv.uuu a yonr.
There lire no nccurato stntlstics or tho nntlvo
population, but It Is rensonnblo to suppose thnt
It Is Increasing nnd to Inror thnt tho nn
mini sum uvnllablo for tho purchnso or cloth
cutlery, clothing, foreign foodstuffs and othor
articles of tho knfllr trndo will not diminish.
It must, howovor, bo remembered that tho nn.
nunl oxodus nnd return of natives to nnd from
tho Trnnovanl Is hnvlng considerable effect ur
on their taatos generally and a steady
decrenso In tho demand for beads, blankets
nnd othor articles manufactured solely for that
market may bo expected; on tho other hand,
howovor, MnJ. Baldwin thinks a corresponding
ncrenso may bo looked ror in tho demand ror
improved substitutes for theso nrtlcles, espo
clally In tho wny of rondy-mndo clothing, jor
soys, caps, hoots nnd cheap finery generally.
Retributive Justice.
A caso or retributive Justlco, ns far as It
goes, Is reported from Paris. An nttondant
at tho Andrnl hospltnl, whero physiological
nveBtlgatlons nro being made, discovered
that a dozon rabbits had been stolon from their
hutches. Tho loss or tho rabbits themselves
was not it source or troublo to tho authorities,
but tho rnct that thoy had boon Inoculated
with various germs has had a disturbing ofrect.
It Is known that tho rabbits had all been In
oculated, nnd sovornl of thorn woro tuberculous
or typhoid subjocto. Tho police lost no tlmo In
warning tho thieves of tho dangerous nature of
their "swag," but nono woro roturnod,