The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1908, Image 9

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    Of Real Service
Signatures of more
really great men
are made with the
Ideal Fountain Pen
than hy any other
It is good enough
for you.
Dixon, The Jeweler
? Over First National Hank, g
i Phono 148
The county commissioners will con
vene in session next Monday.
Attorney ITnlligan transacted legal
husiness in Ogala'la yesterday.
Miss Flo Stomp returned yesterday
from n week's visit in Denver.
Miss Mary Tight left yesterday for
n visit with friends in Columbus and
Mrs. Eva Baldwin arrived in town
Wednesday evening and txpects to
remain for a month or two.
Major ni'ri Mrs. A M. Dill have been
spending this week in Omuhu us thf
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Park,
The concrete foundation for the Pres
byterian church will be completed this
week and brick laying will Login Mon
day. W. T. Green, the plumber, went to
Gothenburg Wednesday to place heat
ing plants in the Kelly and Nosworthy
II. Garlick, of Cincinnati, Ohio, is
the guest of his daughter Mrs. C. F.
Chnnmnn and will romaina few days.
He is enroute to Texas and California.
E. S. Davis, who had been attending
the sovereign grand lodge of the Odd
Fellows at Denver, nnd also visiting a
brother at Ft Morgan, returned home
last night.
The Rae stock company closed its
engagement Wednesday evening and
lett for the oust yesterday morning.
The company played to fair sized audi
ences each of the three evenings.
Supt. II. L. Anderson spent Wednes
day in town. Ho made the trip over
the Wyoming division on u motor car
which gave him a better chance to note
the condition of the road-bed.
Mrs. It. A. McMurray, a former
North Platte resident, has been visiting
friends in town this week while en
route from Colorado to Omaha. Mrs.
McMurray will probably spend tho
winter in Indiana.
Although the weather of the past six
weeks has been unusually dry. a farmer
tells us that he notices an occasional
field of fall wheat that looks first-rate.
The acreage of this grain is, however,
not large in this county.
Tho advanco agent for "The Vol
unteer Organist" which will bo pre
sented at the Keith theatre next Wed
nesday evening, was in town yesterday.
The company makes but two stops in
tho state, at Fremont and North
Rugs and Carpets
in Axminsters, Wilton, Velvets, Body
Brussels and Tapestry. Sizes 7x8-10 to
HMixKI-G. Carpets in all wool and union.
The largest lino west of Omaha at
The Huu Clothing Dept.
Important Railroad Report.
The report is current in Cheyenne
that tho Union Pacific will push for
ward with all possible speed tho con
struction of tho North Platte valley
branch through to Medicine Bow.
Tho Cheyenne Tribune, in speaking
of the matter says! Kilpntrick Bros. &
Collins, tho grading contractors, havo
been ordered to at onco concentrate
several hundred men and n largo num
ber of teams at Oshkosh, Neb.
The men and teams now employed
on the Athol-Borio cut-ofT will, in a
short time, be transferred to Oshksoh.
It is throught that the graders will
complete their work on the cut-off
within two weeks.
If this report is true, it meanB tho
greatest boost for North Platto the
town has ever received: for in tho event
of the construction of the line North
Platto becomes tho gateway to tho
entire North Platto valley; will become
tho grontst division terminal on tho
Union Pacific outside of Omaha; tho
local shops will be trebled in size nnd
the yard system be grently enlarged.
A confi'mation of tho report will bo
engcrly awnitedby the people of North
W. E. Shuman went to Oshkosh this
morning to nupenr as counsel in a law
The most up-to-dato Clothing nnd
Overcoats at the value-received prico
at The Hub Clothing Dept.
Thos. Burney, who purchased tho
Mrs. Picard prop?rty on enst Fifth
street, will havo repairs made thereto
nnd will then occupy the premises as a
Mrs. Frank Rork, who had been
spending the summer in Missouri, 're
turned to town yesterday. Mr. Hork
went to Missouri nnd accompanied her
Miss Kate Clark returned last night
from a five weeks' visit with friends in
Sheridan, Wyo. She reports a very
enjoyable time; in fact says she never
had a more pleasant time socially.
Tho Episcopal guild will hold its
annual fair and supper at Masonic hall
November 19th, this date having been
selected at the meeting of the guild
yesterday afternoon.
Corn Cribbing at Hcrshey's.
L. P. Krong, landlord of tho Hershey
hotel, Cashier Abbott of tho Hershey
bank and the dyed-in-the-wood demo
cratic champion Joe Tridle, arc among
those who came to town to hear
Candidate Tuft.
W. J. Derthiek has spared no expense
to make the production of "Bunco
In Aiizona" one of the most realistic
and elaborate on the stage. The
locality of the play affords ample
opportunity for stage picturesqueness,
and the scenic artist has not left a point
unturned to give full scope to his art.
The company has been selected with
special care, each member being
especially adapted to tho particular
character that he portrays. At the
Koith theatre tomorrow ovoning.
Endorsed by Clergy.
W. H. Gray, Esq., Dear Sir:-Per-mit
me to acknowledge the pleasure I
experienced in attending tho perfor
mance of "Tho Volunteer Organist."
The play was doubly interesting to me,
inusmuch as I spent two years of my
ministry under tho shadow of old Mt.
Mansfield. Geo. H. Sisson, pastor First
Methodist Protestant church, Muncie,
Notice to Sellers of Cream.
Tramp, tho grocer, is buying cream
and paying top prico with immediate
returns of cash.
David Cole Creamery, Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
The only baking- powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of. Tartar, the
officially approved ingredient for
a wholesome, high-class powder
There Is srcnlcr deception In the sale of baking powders than ever before.
Closely observe the label and be certain of setting lioyal.
and Tomorrow Night
"Viking's Daugeter"
"Female Politicians"
"Unlucky Artist"
"Poor Puss"
"Two Blue Eyes"
"Take Me Back to Dream
Admission 10 cents.
Transfers of Lincoln County Land.
Among tho deeds filed recently in tho
county clerk's office wero following:
Frank Michael to Margaret Michael,
section 3-15-30, $12,800.
John Burke to S. J. Koch, southwest
quarter section 2-13-33, $1,300.
Johann Braun to Lewis Braun
section 23-10-29, $5,000,
H. E. Votaw to Fred Pierson south
cast quartor section 35-13-34, $2,000.
E. G. Person to Gustaf Sylvan east
half northeast quarter section 13-12-2G,
$3,000, subject to $1,000 mortgage.
Chas. Sandin to Gustaf Sylvan north-
cast quarter section 1-12-2(5, $5,500,
subject to $2,000 mortgage.
Catharine Bowman to L. W. Bowman,
southwest quarter 9-1C-32, $1,000.
''The Volunteer Organist "
Patrons of the Keith Thentre havo a
bonnftdo treat in store for them Wednes
day, Oct. 7th, on which date the Idyll
Americ nn Pastoral Play "Tho Volun
teer Organist" will be seen.
It is a pastoral play of an extremely
impressive sort, portraying true to
nature scenes nnd characters found in
tho most picturesque of Vermont's
rural section.
The scenic and electrical effects are
correct to that atmosphero, whilo tho
cast includes many capable and dis
tinguished players. The play has, as
one of its central characters, a young
minister, and tho story told is one
which appeals to tho heart, raising that
gulp to tho throat, tho next moment to
bo dashed away by real puro scintillating
Taft is Confident.
' 'I now feel confident I am going to
be elected president of the United
States. The spirit in which the people
in the states through which I have
traveled have received me and tho in
terest they have shown in tho republican
cause haB been most gratifying and
convinced me thero is no doubt of the
attitude of tho western states.
With all doubt of the west removed
tho result of tho election appears to be
The abovo statement was authorized
by Judge Taft upon his arrivnl in
Omaha after two-days' campaign
through the eastern section of Nebras
ka, following a trip to the northwest.
Omaha News.
For Sale Vacant lot on west Fourth
street, either corner or inside. Inquire
of A. Lddell.
Saturday, Oct 3d
Bargains at Senate & Clabaugh's
Will be Continued Saturday
All our Men's Fine Shirts, worth AA
$1 to 3.00, on sale at 7 C
Men's, Women's and Children's i Q
Rubbers, on sale at . .frOC
Men's Women's and Children's ftffc,
Overshoes, on sale at
200 Pairs Men's 70 . M AO
Work Shoes OC Jl.VO
Kingsbury $3.00 Hats, (J 4 iO
now M.40
King Hats, worth $2.50 OOr'
now 7 C
Chicago Leader Hats, (in
now 0C
Men's and Boys' Overcoats at
These Goods Absolutely Perfect and Great Bargains.
Come early Saturday and avoid the rush.
North Platte, Nebraska.
The sale of tickets for the Williams
Jubilee Singers next Thursday evening
indicate n big audience; and the com
pany will well deserve such, for it is a
splendid organization of colored vocalists.
For Man and Beast
our lap robes nnd blankets givogrcnter
warmth, give better wear, look neater
and give more genuino satisfaction to
tho user than any yet put on tho mar
ket. You cannot do better than to
make a selection from our elegant stock
A. F,. Fink.
Pickles and
China Painters.
We havo a full lino of Whlto Saxony
China, alBo llavilaud, for decorating.
Clinton, Tho .Towolor.
Buy your Spices at the Drug
Store and get first pick.
Jamaica Ginger
Cloves ,
Black and white Mustard Seed
Dill Seed
Celery Seed
Pure Gum Jar Rings
Sealing Wax
Everything new and fresh.
Stone Drug Co.
Fall Styles 1908
Must Have Luxuriant nnd 01oa7 Hair,
No Mutter What Color.
Tho finest contour of a fomalo face, tho
eweotcst smllo of a femalo mouth, loses
Bomothlng If tho head is crowned with
scant hair. Scant and falling hair. It Is I
now known, Is caused by a paraslto that j
burrows Into tho scalp to tho root of tho
hair, where It saps tho vitality. Tho lit-
tie white scales tho gorm throws up in
burrowing aro called dandruff. To euro
dandruff permanently, then, and to stop
falling hair, that germ must bo killed.
Newbro's Herplcldo, nn entirely now re
sult of the chemical laboratory, dostroy.i
tho dandruff gorm, and, of courso, stops
the falling hair, and prevents baldness.
Bold by loading druggists. Bond 10c. In
stamps for samplo to Tho Herplcldo Co.,
Dtroit. Mich. 1
Two hIzos 50 cents and Jl.uu.
McDonell & Graves, Spccinl Agents,
Probate Notice to Creditor!.
In tho county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. In tlio matter of tho estate of Albortlna
Samelson, deceased.
Notice in hereby kItcii, that the creditor
of tho Hald deceased will incut the administra
tor of said estate, before tno, County .ludao
of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on the 3d day of
October. IWtf, and on tho ad day of Anrll
WW, at 9 o'clock a tn. each day. for the imr
posoof presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Hlx month
am allowed for creditors to present their
claims and one year for tho administrator
to settlo said estate, from tho Uth day
.luly, im. This notice will bo published
In tho North l'latto Tribune, for elKht
successive publications prior to tho !)d day
of October. 1WM.
Witness my band and seal of said court tlili
8th day of September, A, I). IWw.
8-t , County iTuUgT).
J. Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Office: McDonald Hank HuiHing.
Phono 18tf.
A. J. Ames, M. I). Marie Ames, I . !)
iJ Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 27U. Residence 27!1
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Hank.
Phones lOmcel30
1 Hones J U(.8idellC0 116
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 an'l 8, McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phono M8.
Office over Schutz Clothing
Store. Phono .18
Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
' My 4-X Flour is
Uncle Sam's Pride
and mine also. Why not yours? It'
tho perfect flour; n scientific product
of tho most approved milling methods.
Rcmembor overy grocer in town handles
it, nnd every sack is guaranteed. Wear
that satisfaction smilo that comes from
tho uso of tho first sack of my flour.
"Satisfaction" is my motto.
Notice to Hunters and Others.
All persons nrn warned ntrainst hunt
intr or trosprassinir on tho lands of tho
undersigned in Hnll precinct. Violators
will ho prosecuted to tho full extent of
tno law.
Oscar Stiles,
A. Gutherless,
Wm, Aekurmun,
C. P. Campboll,
Fred Malono,
W. H. Ruth,
M. L). Stilus.
lit .
Ladles' Suit No. 345 Mado from
food quality Choveron Striped Worsted,
acket sntin lined, trimmed with
strnpped cuffs nnd celluloid rim satin
buttons, two small pockets with flap
and button, trimming on each side,
collar edged with white silk cord Skirt,
very wido, two box plaits down front,
trimmed with bands of same material.
Price $25.00.
Wilcox Department Store
Your New Suit
should bo made to order, and
wo aro in position to mako it
and gunranteo a perfect fit.
New samples of spring and
summor goods just received.
Come in nnd let ub show you.
No uso sending out of town
for your apparel.
lowoy St.
Merchant Taller