The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 02, 1908, Image 4

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Ladies, we want you to call
and see our new line of China
and Fancy Articles in China.
Beautiful pieces and large stock
The Jeweler.
The Roynl Neighbors are requested
to be present nt a special mooting Mon
day (uternotin Oct. fith at the Odd Fel
lows hall. Important business.
The overage rainfall for October for
thirty-four yearn past has beon 1.07
inches. The driest October was in
1893 with a precipitation of five one
hundredths of an inch, and the wettest
. 4
Will Select Federal Building Site.
Richard Fourchy, of Washington, D.
C, superintendent of construction of
federal buildings, arrived In town last
evening for the purpose of selecting,
or recommending, u site for Norm
IMatte'B federal building. Mr. Fourchy
is today examining the half dozen or , 1897 with tot., of 4 inchea
more sites that have been offered. He j
will make his recommendation Immedi-1. The W. C. T. U. vyi'l meet at the
ately and It Is believed that an nn- Gth SovPral new members will bo en-
nouncomcnt of the site decided upon rolled on our list and our president will
will be mode in the course of two or give a report of the state convention
threo weeks. wnicn win interest every memucr. sne
... . .. , ., ... was eiecieu uBieKiiiu io ine imiiunai con-
Until the selection of the site is an- vnntlo The union feels it, i irreat honor
nounced thero will bo much specula- to bo represented by her.
tion as to the location. , ..
No huntinrr nllowcd on the lands of
the undersigned. All violators of this
notice will be prosecuted to the full ex
tent of the lnw:
A. Coolidgc
II. La"plaugh
.1. A. Shaw
J. V. Lister
Abbie Macombor
Graduate Btnlitl
Office over the McDonald
Stato Dank.
Sam Richards returned yesterday
from a businoss trip to Omaha.
Attornoy .1. G. Bcoler transacted
business In Ogalalla Wednesday.
Congressman KInkald Ib spending to
day In town, coming hero to meet Can
didate Taft.
A score or more Ilershoy and Suther
land people camo down this morning to
see W. II. Taft.
case and china cabi
Mrs. Ed. Ogier, 214
For Salo-Hook
net. Inquire of
South Dcwoy.
Thero will bo
a mooting of the
Altar Society in tho church this evening
after benediction.
Tho enrollment In tho city schools Is
Increasing each day, a score or more
new pupils entering this week.
Wanted Uy an elderly man n place
to do chores; either in restaurant or
privato family; with or without board.
Inquire at this olllco.
Cashier Frank Pielstlckcr, of the
Wallace bank, transacted business in
town the early part of tho week.
Miss Villa Whlttaker has beon In
Omahu for several days getting addi
tional information relative to millinery
Mrs. u. r. noire, who nau been o
guest at the Ilalllgan residenco for a
week, left this morning for her homo
In Nebraska City.
For Sale Hard coal heater. In
quire of Mrs, Anna Church.
l- rank: Johnson, lor many years a
residont of Vroman precinct, but now
living in Custer county, is doing busi
ness in town today.
Mrs. C. W. KnycB, of Council Bluffs,
is spending today in town as tho guest
of Miss Anna Kramph whilo enrouto
homo from a trip to Colorado.
Voto tor tho candidate of your
choice this fall, but insure comfort,
durability and oconomy by purchasing
your stoves of
Woiikman & DnnnvuuiiHY.
Tho Ladies of tho Maccabees, who
leased tho opera houso picture show
last night, wero accorded a largo pat
ronage, about 800 attending during tho
Weather forecast: Increasing cloudi
ncss, probably Hliowcrs late tonight or
tomorrow; wurmor. Maximum tom
poraturo yesterday 79, ono year ago 74;
minimum this morning 55; ono year ago
Airs, E. S. Davis returned yestorday
morning from Denver, whero sho had
been attending the sessions of the
Rcbekah Degree Assembly of tho Odd
Fellows' sovereign grand lodge.
Prof. J . W. Spillman, of Washington,
D. C, chief of tho office of farm man
agement of the agricultural, department,
will speok in North Platte on Saturday,
October 10th. Tho place of holding tho
meeting .will bo announced later.
For Salo Largest size Radiant
Homo double heater; perfect condition;
pipo and stove board complete. Inquire
of F. E. Dullard.
Tho Williams Jubileo Singers, who
appear at tho Koith theatre on Thurs
day evening of next week under the
auspices of the Methodist nid society,
nppeared in this city last yfcar, and
everyone who heard them were well
satisfied. These colored people with
out question form ono of the Ifest
musical organizations traveling today.
Cost you nothing to see our now I'ne
of Rugs. All sizes. Tho Hub Clothing
Miss Maud Dillon was hostess at an
indoor picnic" Tuesday evening, about
thirty-five guests being present. A
royal lunch was served on linen spread
on tho floor around wMch the guests
sat. This resulted in as much merri
ment as would ho created at an out
door picnic. Taffy pulling was one of
the entertaining features of tho even
Charley Tatum, of tho north valloy
"eportB a rather unusual incident which
he says came under his observation the
other day. His story is to tho elfect
that a flock of wild gecsu which drifted
down from Mio CanadaB was attacked
by a small chicken hawk, which cut the
throat of ono ot tho honkers. The
wounded bird fell to tho ground and
was secured by Tatum. Tho hawk es
caped. Sutherland Free Laucc.
Boy's and children's clothing an
entire new line. Clothing that will
givo tho boys good wear.
Tub Hun Clotiiino Dept.
In making a note of tho illness of A.
R. Adumson in Tuesday's issuo tho
omission of a word mado tho item read
contrary to what was written. Mr.
Adamson was oxamincd by Dr. Mc-
Cabo Wednesday, who concluded that
ho was unfitted for work and recom
mended that he bo retired from service
Mr. Adamson has been continuously
employed as a machinist in tho local
shops for twenty-Beven years, and haa
certainly earned a rest from activity.
Taft Visit North Platte.
William Howard Tuft, republican
candidate for president, stopped in
North I'latto about twelve minutes this
morning nnd mado a brief speech from
the rear car of tho train to n crowd of
u thousand men, women and children.
The train was a few minutes late in
reaching this terminal nnd this nec
essarily cut short Mr. Taft's speech.
Mr. Taft as he appeared on tho rear
platform was Introduced by County
Chairman Davis and received a hearty
welcome. By reason of tho atrenuous
ness of the trip and many speeches
made, Mr. Taft was in poor voice, and
his words were only distinguishable by
those near tho car. Ho opened his re
marks by saying that ho was glad to
And so many republicans in Nebraska,
but said thero was no reason why there
should not bo many, especially among
the farmers, for certainly tho prices of
farm commodities during the past
twelvo years wero such as ought to
make every farmer feel friendly to the
republican party.
He then for a fow minutes reviewed
tho laws enacted by tho republican
party for tho benefit of the laboring
man, beginning with the eight hour law
for government employes enacted under
the Grant administration and following
down through tho several republican
administrations, concluding with the
employers' liability act, and the sixteen
hour law relating to the continuous ser
vice of railroad men passed by the last
congress. "
Mr. Taft then briefly reviewed his
decisions ns judge in cases relating to
labor, and to which Mr. Gompers, of tho
federation of labor, takes exceptions
and Is attempting to deliver tho labor
voto to Mr. Bryun. Mr. Taft's expla
nation of his decisions showed plainly
that ho held according to law und that
the decisions were later confirmed by
the higher courts. Ho had not finished
his remarks along this line when the
train began moving out.
A. C. Lane
Frank Ebele
Julia Mcrkle
II. C. Ridingcr
Geo. F. Patterson
P. O.
Chas. II. Stamp, Lessee and Mgr.
OCT. 3d
W. T. Derthick
Presents the Big
Dramatic Sensation
A 9
fv... ti...:ii: a,t:
i lie i in iiuiig mini:
The Indian Ghost
The Burning1 at the
The Realistic Battle
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c.
Seats on Sale at Clinton's
Cold Tire Setting
has come to stay. It has been adopted
by tho United States government, on
account of its practicability. To my
customers and the public in general 1 1
will say that I have ndded tho latest
and most up-to-dto cold tire setter to
mv already splendid equipment. By
men 113 of this powerful machine wo can
set vour four inch tires and under in
from one-third to one-half the time
taken the old way perfectly nnd with
abso utclv no ditmauc to vour wheels.
It is easily propelled by hydrnnllc
tiumns with a capacity of 4.000 pounds 1
to the cubic inch. Come nnd let ua give I
you a practical demonstration. We
guarantee to satisfy you, and a saving
of two-thirds of your time is a thing
that should not bo overlooked in these
busy hustling times.
Van Clkavr,
Brick Shop, West 6th St
For Sale Cheap
Largo size hard coal Jewel Heating
Stove, nlso sheet Steel Stove. Reason
for soiling hivvo no further uso for
them. Jamks Bkiton,
218 W. 4th St.
A Sure Test.
The schoolmaster put to his class the
question: "Two Jars of gas. one con
taining nitrogen and ono carbon dl
oxide, are given, now may the gases
Im discriminated?"
Ono eager little pupil said: "Get a
mail, and let htm tnko a deep breath
of both. When he gets tho carbon dl
oxide he'll die That's tho way to
Ask your neighbor tho reason. The
answor comes, his prices aro right and
satisfaction guaranteed. My lanro and
well assorted stock enables every buyer
to get what he wants. Now is the time
to build. Let mo figure your next re
quiremcnts. My estimates will bo found
tho lowest for tho same superior quality
ot lumber than you will get trom any
ono else in the country.
Satisfaction is my motto.
Barb wire for sale at
Ilcrshey's, corner Fith
land Locust St. Phone 15.
"Is that
London bo
"No," answered
"merely n donnturcd
HIn Status.
ox-New Yorker who like
well a naturalized Ktigllsh
Miss Cayenne
C II. STAMP, Lessee and Manager.
told yon :
won't let
bed!- Sketch
His Only Chance,
fernwiyi Tommy, haven't 1
-on must not talk when I am
Tommy-But, mamma, you
mo stay up after you go to
October 7th. '
That chnir-
Lct me tlx it.
P. M. SoiiF.NSON.
, Quite the thing for this Fall and
Wintcr--nnd they are thoroughly
Damp proof, comfortable and the
most of wear, makes them ideal for
the Fall wear.
Regular Heights
$4.00, $5.00, $5.50
High Cuts
$4, $5, to $7.50
Graham & Company.
Ninth Annual Tour of. the
Beautiful Pastor a 1 Dr a ni a
. -.!.. 11 it.. il.
IMpoclllcH euro ny nriing uirucuv u
sick parts without uiHturuuiB mo rosi u
tuo syutuin.
1 lor r overs.
With the Greatest Hov
prnnos in
the World and a
Distinguished Cast of Players,
No. 10
No. 11 "
No. Ill 11
No. 13
No. li "
No. 15 "
No. 10 "
No. 19.
No; 20
No. 27 "
No. HO "
No. 77
SupproHBGil Periods.
Tho Skin.
Whooping Cough.
Tho Kiiluoyii.
Tho Bladder.
Lit Grippe.
PriceB 25c, 50c, 75c, Ji.oo.
Tn small hoi tlH of DollotH that 1U UlO VChI
pocket. At DrugglHtH or mulled, 25o. each.
xtr Medical Uulilo nmiim lien.
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00.
E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooney, Arthur McNamara.
HUM IB n-iJ H ttftrai' 3LB
Self Feed
Hay Press
The Auto Fedan Self Fetid Hay Press has a
self feeder that ACTUALLY FEEDS, that saves the
price of one man each day it is operated.
The Auto Fedan Hay Press will bale more hay,
do it easier, quicker, with lighter draft and fewer
repairs than any other Hay Press made and with
out any danger of losing a limb or mashing a foot.
Come in and see this wonderful Self Feeding
H&y Press
In Form can be obtained
by wearing
G-D i
Style 322.
Prlco Sl.OO.
This is ono of our most comfort
nhly fitting corsets, at the same time
Imvlnrr the perfect lines necessary
for the new tiht-fitting gowns.
Front nnd side supporters. Mde in
n lare variety of materials nnd
Department Store
Delicious Bread
that confers nu ndded charm to any
meal, is made hy the Enterprise Bakery
and served at your honjo every morning
for hreakfast. It is famous among all
who know what is good to eat. It haa
that delightful flavor which is so sel
dom nttained even among tho host of
bread makers. Givo us u trial order
and you will know how good it is.
Enterprise Bakery.
Mrs. Jennie Armstrong, Prop.
Notice to Hunters.
We will prosecute to tho full extent
of the law all hunters or tresspassers
on our land.
Chas. F. Wilkinson,
nenry wiiKinson,
Olo L. Oleson.
Spencer Edmisten,
Chris Sard.
A. It. Christenson,
James Sadie
F. L. Weinburg,
M. C. Seth.
Frnnk England,
G. W. Edmisten,
Marv Fnkn.
G. G. Rowley,
Young' and Old.
Highest Market Price.
Stiojley's Meat Market.
A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc.
uuis nnsworoji promptly.
Uny Phone 1215, Night Thone 482.
Notice of Sole Under Chattel Mortgage
Notlco Is liomby kIvdii. Hint by vlrtuo of
'Mociitutfi inurlk'iim's, onudntod on thu llilil
day of Aiik'ust. Hhk, and tlu othor tlio Ihth I
tiny iif AuKiixt, It", and Ixitli duly lllod In tlio
ollioo of county i-li'rU- of I.lncuin county,
.x'nruiKa. im inn iin uny m iwuu'iniwr. nw,
ntUsi'OoVlocli a. in., nnd Ixitli oxroutcd by V.
K. Mhkiuimiii to WorWimin & DiTryberry. tlm
ouo tiiMHMiro tho payment of Mm sitm of fiui
nnd thnotlit'r In tlio Mini of HVMM, tlm llrst
duo on tin 11 day of Novt'inlr, and Hio
oilier duo on tlm 1Mb dnv of NiiYimlr. IMS.
nnd lliohnld Workiuatt fc Dorrylwrry foolluir
UUI.UIO mm iiisri'iiro, mio Nam l I'.. .Muirniisou
n&viiiK ri'iuriii'ii um cnnMiiornium ror which
Hitld uiortKuuon mto nlw'ii In a fraudulent
nuiiumr iiuor umiib hip nmc us lonir ns lio
nt'cileil t belli, ami no hull or oilier nroeoeil-
I lies at law bnvliik' leon Instituted to recover
Until debt or any portion thereof, therefore
we win hen u pun oi tuo property described
In said morlunirot.. to:vlt
1 .)ciiMii! stacker: 1 .louklns slil sweep; 1
7 fool MniHlanl inowt r: 1 10 foot II, n. stand
rake; I No. v auto tcrb 1 stone; l ilurl; brown
mure, six jeniNoiu, welKlit lu iiw,, ; whlto
hlml foot, pained 'Tel." at public auction tn
ironi oi inosnnrooi uorhmaii .m iiurryliorry
In the city of North I'latto, Lincoln county,
Nobrnskn. on (lie Jlth day of October. lM. at
Dated this 2i1h ilay of Pcnttiinlier. IMS.
My tliclr Auri J. U. ilrtnl.BM,
Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do the Work
Prof. W. M. Hayes, Au'l, Secty. of Agriculture of the United States says about Stock Foodi
Theie balanced rations are often found by analysis to consist of the tailings of mills, elevators nnd
breweries, mixed with molasses and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of
the largest Stock Food Companies Is said to use fine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up the
weight of his product, instead of buying a superior and expensive balanced ration containing high
fattening qualllies and acting as a tonic, he has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with
ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa hay and other common food stuffs, $5.00 to $25.00 per ton. a hiifh
7 .7? . . . . ' iiiaucr, omc oi wnicn may oe positively dangerous to
the health of his stock,"
Make your own stock foods and remedies by using Skldoo Horso and Cattlo Tablets for
horses, cattle, sheep, swine and fowls; nroncr dose in tablets. Mir In f.,.,1 ,n ti,
cLMtashs.',chopKl,eedb.ran A'0'""? rv once SMoo Condition Tablets or
.imuuu wui.ii, iwuucy, v.uutu vuuicra, v-ainaruc, neavc, 1' ever, i. C bo era. Distcmner PinV
Eye. Colic, White Plague Preventic. or BUMcr Tablets, or Louse Killer, Spavin Kemedv orBarb
ty BLUE BELL MED,CINE C0' CaplUl Stock
Vyv Yon havo tricil rll kinds ft rl'.ls, w ' '.! nt:iutlii top C .nutl.i".
Wf anil ro hw luneh l. it. rtfc v hr . I ., , itTU, , V-inlw tLw'
jW notion U ll or ml. il I , t,i. t Ml i ,,T ' r" V'5 U
juel better tiio ml.-j uiit learn ..-fli rS
fn you, miki ynuV I sir P.- r ami lull i ' - .'Tft., Vi'i. '
I lata tho onllro illcostlvosytum, Oltud iv i . , i v.huo yja. P ! Si Hay,
1 IT A. H. Lewis Medicine Co , - St, Lcsib, lAst
life) miXAmk'ffi