The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 25, 1908, Image 8

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    The Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. BAKU.EdTtor and Publisher
One Year, cash In advance 11.25
Months, CMb In advance 64 eta
Entered t North Platte, Nebraska. Fostofflce
as second class matter.
On Thursday of next week ono hun
dred thousand Idle men will bo put to
work in the mills nnd factorial through
out the country. This can bo taken ns a
sign of renewed prosperity and that the
country is rapidly assuming the condi
tion that existed before tho financial
flurry of Inst fall. When the mills and
factories arc running full time business
everywhere is good.
Thk statements of the state banks of
Nebraska show that on August 30th
the deposits wore $2,845,000 greater
than on May 14th, certainly a nice in
crease in four nnd one-half months.
This increase is In stato banks alone;
the increase in tho deposits in tho na
tional banks of tho state wbb probably
greater. Following ten years of un
paraleled prosperity, under republican
administrations, nearly ovorybody has
a bank deposit, nnd tho fact that they
liavo been able to got ahead is a pretty
good reason why thoy should vote to
continue in power tho party which has
so largely contributed to thoir pros
perity. Tin: republican state platform adopt
ed at Lincoln this week ondorscs tho
national administration and tho Roose
velt policies; commends tho record of
Nebraska's delegation in congress;
pledges a continuanco of tho present
stnto policy of regulations of railroads
and tho people's rule, and tho economic
management which has reduced the
stato debt from two million dollars to
less than a quarter of a million; com
mands tho state board of publio lands
nnd buildings in roscinding tho order
taking a per cent of the pension monies
of tho members of tho soldiors' homo,
ank pledges a continuanco of the pres
ent policy; endorses the proposed
amendments to tho constitution; and
favors amendments to tho primary law
ns will make it moro ollkient in insur
ing popular control of all nominations.
Bclton on Educational Needs
"Switched to tho Waterworks" was
the heading you gavo to our article
Tho reason of tho "switch" was wo
wore n littlo tired of tho subject and
wo thought tho public might bo and we
did not wish to presume too much on
your generosity, for you certainly have
been very generous to us by publishing
our sido of the proposition and all tho
propositions that havo been beforo it.
It is "videnco that you know how to
conduct a first class nowspaper and wo
will always feel gratoful to you for
your kindness and besides wo consider
tho proposition dead and buried. Wo
switched to an issuo which all aro in
terested and would now like to advocato
the most vital subject that is poBsiblo
to bring beforo intelligent people, tho
"Education of tho Children".
Tlioro is complaint in tho Third wnrd
of lack of accommodation, ono school
room has Boventy pupils. They sit
around on steps, Btovos and anything
that will hold up a child and tho way
thoy aro coming in it will bo nocossary to
Htretch ropes across tho room to hang
them on. This Btato of affairs ought
not to bo and It would not if tho people
would take an interest In tho schools.
However, ignorance on tho people's
jmrt is tho main causo of tho trouble
J'ho first step should bo for doWnrnn
from each ward to moot and discuss
every nnaso or tho school problem. In
tho Third ward thoro Bhould bo an
ciitht room school house nnd It I mn,t
likely it should bo built of reinforced
biuoi concroto anu it should bo heated
by steam. Owinir to the railroad
trucks the Third ward is somowhat
isoiaicu anu Bnouiu do treated different
ly from tho schools south of tho track,
The Firtit nnd Snrnml wnniii At
tending their limits both east and west
mi unii, uiu location oi mo schools aro
aoout rignt and it might be woll to
build tho same sizo school as tho ono in
Third ward, hut Uin nchnnl
Vlrnt wind him nnlv n Imlf U
should have n wholo block; this might
uo uuviuiuu uy ouying u uiock a littlo
further east and build on it and sell tho
present location. Whatever ia dono
now ought to havo tho futuro in viow.
To built! three ward school houses bucIi
as wo ought to havo will cost nbout
lhu high school houso is a misfit all
the way through. It is wrongly located
i iiu ciiimreii nnvo
tn hrontK
cloiuia or dust which blow into
rooms as it is on tho street that tho
wagons an pass going m and out
town. Howovor, wo are at the stag
in tho town's progross whero wo Bhoul
flociiln for Hut hunt- liitnrnufa nt tu
Bchools regnrdlesB of tho present cost. As
returns mo present uoaru or education
it is equal if notsuporior to nny board
..... I i i n i- - ,
wu iiuvu uvur nun. it is composeu o
business men who must attend to thlo
own business day times, consequently
havo only ovoninga to attend to school
matters. fhoy havo no timo to visit
tho Bchools nnd must bo icrnorant of th
wants and conditions of tho Bchools
llioy do not servo becnuse thoy w
to but because snmebodv must. T
of the members tried to resign lately
out wore not normittcu. mis smo o:
ulFnirs might bo improved upon bv elect
ing women to tho board, they would
visit tho schools and ascertain thoir
condition and wants. They could havo
tho hoard meetings in tho afternoon
ihoy naturally tnko moro interest
41... ...1 41-.. .1 I- Al .
uiu i.'uui;iiii(jii unu morula oi ma
dren then men do. nnd it Ir morn
likolv it would lm for tlin Inrnrnnrit
the schools. School teaching is almost
exclusively by women. In all tho wart
schools of Omaha not ono man touches
and if thoy aro tho best teachers
certainly should bo tho best directors of
the teachers.
It Is evident the people must take a
hand in tho school business nnd help
the board of education. And tho way
to do so would be to present a petition
to tho board praying it to cnll nn elec
tion to voto on the proposition of ac-
eptlng tho Initiative anu iicicrenaum
law which tho board vould gladly do
and if accented you could take nction
toward building school houses. Men
and women can both sign the petition
and vote on the bonds.
Municipal Ownkusiiip lkaoub,
Jamks Uki.ton. Sec'y.
Myrtle New.
Elmer nnd Fred Nelson and Mr. and
Mrs. Fredrickson, of Nuckols county,
visited relatives nnd nttended tho Ivcr-
Bon-IInnscn wedding.
Mrs. Anna E. Moore began a term of
school in Logan county Sept. 7th.
Chas. (tumbrel was a North Platte
visitor Friday."
Tho A. HurnB place has been sold to
Enrnest IHslcr, of Huntley, Nob. Con-
ideration $1000.
Abo'it one hundred invited guests
spent Friday evening nt the home of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Peterson, nnd while there
wished Mr. nnd Mrs. Hansen a life full
of sunshine and happiness. Mr. Han
sen is the son of Mrs. Peterson, who
was married to Miss Ida Iverson on
the 9th of September.
A number of young peoplo attended
thedanco at Mrs. Stearns, Wednesday.
Miss Mary Nelson camo out from
North Plntto nnd attended the Iverson-
Hnnseu wedding.
Puckarue Island.
Mrs. Kate Horn nnd Brother Floyd
went to Loxington Thursday morning.
Fred Burns, of Farnnm, is helping
his uncle, Duko Trembly this week hay
ing on tho Dnlton place.
Sam Wallace, of Crcston, Iowa.,
dropped in nnd surprised his sister Mrs.
Nelson Trembly Sunday. Not having
mot for sixteen years it was very
much of a suprisc.
Mrs. Bert Houser, of Box Elder, de
parted for Lexington Wednesday
morning to visit Mrs. Henry Gnnscr
nd other relatives.
Claronco Drako met with a very
sorious accident Frlduy evening while
his pnrents were nt North Platte. Ho
got on n wild horse aiyl went nftcr the
cows in tho pasture and his horse
stumbled, throwing him under its feet
and stepping on him, dislocating his
shoulder and brenking tho shoulder
bono. Dr. Kcnnon wns summoned
nnd put it in place nnd ho is getting
along nicely nt this writing.
Thoro will bo a dnnco nt G. C.
Drako'a on tho Dietrich placo on Octo
bor 3d.
la Chorus Cried, Give Vm Ncnbro'a
This word of late has been In ovory-
ono'a mouth, nnd many nro wondering1
what tho word nlgnlflcB, though no ono
has yot boon found, who will deny that
NEWIirtO'8 HBRPICIDI3 does tho woric.
voll, for tho Information of thousands of
peoplo who Ilko to know all about n good
thins, wo would say that IIERPICIDE
means, a destroyer or killer of "Ilorpos,"
Now "Ilorpos" la tho family namo of a
dlscnso causod by various vogotablo par
asites. A similar mlcrobo cuubcb dan
druff, Itching scalp, nnd falling '.:Ur: this
la tho microbe that NEWimO'S IIEItPI
CIDQ promptly doatroya; nftor which tho
hair grows. Sold by loading druggists.
Bend wo. in stnmps for samplo to Tho
llerplcldo Co., Detroit, Mich.
I'wn sizes 50 enntn find H.liO.
McDonoll & Graves, Special Agents.
Notice to Sellers of Cream.
Trnmp. tho irrocor. is buvinir cronm
and paying top price with immediate
returns of ciihIi.
David Coi.b Creamery, Co.,
Omaha, Neb.
FOR SKLE through with my herd
bull 1 otter him for sale; four
years old and a choice indi
vidual. Also some line young
bulls ready for service for sale.
One-half mile south of court
P. E. Payne,
Jos. F, Pillion
Would like to figure with
you to connect your house
with city sewer system.
Also Plumbing Work,
Tin Roofing mul
'Phono 180,
Women Love the Smoke
of a Forest King cigar. It ia so fra
grant and delicate that much ns they
may dislike tho smell of ordi
nary tobacco, they enjoy tho odor from
a Forest King cignr. Try ono today
after dinner. You can enjoy it in full
confidence that you'll not be asked to
stop, or even to get out of the best
room in the house.
Pickles and
Buy your Spices at the Drug
Store and get first pick.
Jamaica Ginger
Black and white Mustard Seed
Dill Seed
Celery Seed
Pure Gum Jar Rings
Sealing Wax
Everything new and fresh.
Stone Drug Co.
What Is a
Just what it will buy.
In groceries it is worth
About $1.10
Ladies Who Drive
appreciate nothing so much
as a smart turnout. Our car
riages, single and double,
with bodies resting on springs
that leave no trace of iar. or
consciousness of movement to
the occupants, and running
noiselessly on wheels of pneu
matic tires, give riding the
acme ot pleasantness.
A. M. Lock.
Wood Turning and
Furniture Repairs,
Cabinet Work, Screen
Frames, Saw Filing and
Setting. All kinds of Job
Work done on short
notice at prices to suit.
Terms Cash.
P. M. Sorenson.
Shop North of 1 O.
Notice to Hunters.
Wo will proseculo to tho full extent
of the law all hunters or tresspassers
nn our lunn.
Chas. P. Wilkinson, P. L. Weinburg
Henry Wilkinson, M. C. Soth,
Olo L. Oloson, Prank Knglnnd
Spencer Kdmlstcn, G. W. Edmisten
Chris Sard, Mary Pnka,
A. R. Christensen, G. G. Kowloy,
James Satllo.
ar Worth?
In Form can be obtained
by wearing
Slylo 322. Price $1.00.
This is ono of our most comfort
ably fitting corsets, nt thu same time
having the perfect linos necessary
for the new tight-fitting gowns.
Pront nnd side supporters. Mdo in
a largo variety of materials nnd
Department Store
Pulling In Harness
light or heavy, ia mnde easy for horses
if you use ours. Can give you any
style, nny kind for carriage, buggy or
cart, and guarnntco satisfaction. Ev
erything in harness and horse goods nt
surprisingly low prices. Fine custom
work n specialty. Repairing neatly
nnd promptly done also at small cost.
Workmanship and material warranted.
Money's worth here.
A. F. Fink.
Young and Old.
Highest Market Price.
Stint's Meat Market.
Notice to Hunters and Others.
All persons nro wnrned ncainst hunt
ing or tresprnssing on tho lands of the
undersigned in Hnll precinct. Violntors
will bo prosecuted to the full extent of
tho inw.
Oscar Stiles, C. P. Campbell,
A. Gutherless, Prod Mulone,
Cooper, W. II. Ruth,
Wm. Ackermnn, M. E. Stiles.
ItOAD NO. 308.
To nil whom it may concern:
Tho commissioner appointed for the
purpose of locating a public road as
Commencing at tho west end of 12th
street. City of North Platte, Nebraska,
extending thence in a northwesterly
direction to tho northwest corner of
section iW-M-30, thenco west along the
south sido of tho cemetery to the west
sine oi cemetery, at tins point jogging
north across tho section lino on section
U'J-M-30 making section line of section
2!)-U-l!0 tho south side of said road,
said proposed road to folio at section
line in westerly direction to tho North
I'latto Land & Water Company's canal.
thenco west nlong tho north Bide of
right-or-wny of canal m a westerly
and nortnwosteriy direction to tiio pub
lic, road No. 21. terminating thereat.
said road to be (G feet wide, lias re
ported in favor of tho location of said
road and all objections thereto or
claims for damago must be filed in the
county clerk's olllce on or beforo noon
on tho 20th dav of November. 1!)0S. or
such road will be established without
reference thereto.
Dated North Platte, Nebraska, Sept
17, 1908. P. it. Elliott,
County Clerk.
In I lm County Court of Lincoln county. N
In I In1 matter ot tlio ONtato of Amilu
Nottro N lii'ruliy trlven. Hint llio eri'dltors
Ll.til ..ll III .1...
nun. in-. I'u-ti-ii w in iiirt'v urn .Miiiiiiiisi rai
of Haiti I'Mtitu. Wifnro mo, ( 'Dimly .Imliru
Lincoln roiinty. Nuliruska, nt tlio com
iiMi.t iinini in mini illume, nil Ill IT till! U9.V III
n..tilllf llHkli n..l .... .1... IT. I. ,1... t I.-!!
"'. inn. u ii i in' iiiij iii .iiiru,
Mi, at n o'clock a. in. onoli day, for tlio imr-
in.iu ui in uni'iiiuiu iiinrriiiiiiii lur I'Minil!
t I. ll, ml IiilI .ml all. CI. .......
mini i .ijiiniiiii-iH HUH illlifliuill I'. i IIIUIHIIM
nro ttlloMt'il for creditors to procnt tliolr
wiuium unu unu i iiur iur 1. 1 it .tiiiiiiiiiHirmnv I(
k.ittln until ilIiiIii Il.u Kill. .1.... ... I
r. r...... -i mi v. iii. iii nro .vm 111.,, ill .llfc--
I1HW H'1.1.. ..... I Ill l.ll I....I ... . .
i. 11 i.. 1,1 H"tn:i' lil Iii (iiiiiiimiihi 111 W1U
North I'latto Trlliuno. a leiral lU'Wopaiuir, for
four wuuU siuicoirtlvoly nrlor to tlu 17th day
of Octolitir. limw.
'luit my hnnd and Mial of said court,
this Slit duy of Siii'tuiubor. A. 1). Uhw.
n. O.
-- Countr Judco.
Th following propoicd iunndmBt t
tli 8 oonitltatlon of th stuto of ZT-
braika, htrelnatter ct forth la full, ii
BUDinutea to tn eiectori of tn stat or
NebrnVa. to lis Toted upon nt th h
ernl eloctton to h held Tueidar. Norm-
bur 3rd, A. D. 1908.
tlon two (2), four (4), five ts), alx (S),
and thirteen (13) of Article alx (6) of
the Conitltutlon of the Htate of Ne
braalia. relatlnc to Judicial Powerff.
Bo it RaolTd By the Xioglslatur of th
Stat oi itanraakai
Section 1. Amendment vropoaed. That
Section two (2) of Article alx (C) of th
Constitution of the State of Nebraska b
amended to read as follows:
Section 2. (Sncremo court: indresi
Jurisdiction.) The Supreme Court shall
consul or seven UJ juuues: anu a ma
jority of all elected and qualified Judges
shall be necessary to constitute a quorum
or pronounce a decision. The Supreme
Court shall hav Jurisdiction In all case
relating to the revtnue, civil caics In
which the state Is a party, mandamus,
quo warranto, habeas cornus, and such
appellate Jurisdiction as may be provided
by law.
Section 2. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section four (4) of ArtloTe six () of the
Constitution of th State of Nebraska, be
amended to rau as roiiows:
Section 4. (Suprem oourt. Judires.
eleotlon, tra, residence.) The Judges of
ins Huprem court snail De elected uy
the electors of th atat at larse: and
their term of offic except as hereinafter
provided snail d six years. Ana saiu
Supreme Court Judires shall during their
term of office, reside at the plac whero
the court In holden.
Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section flv (C) of Article (G) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended to read as follows!
Section &. (Bnprcin .oourt. Judges,
eleotlon, term; chief Justice.) That at
the general election to be held tn the
atato of Nebraska In the year 1909, and
ench six years' thereafter, there shall be
elected three (3) Judges of the Supremo
Court, who shall hold their office for the
period of six years; that at the general
election to be held In th ntato of Ne
braska In the year 1911. and acU six
years thereafter, there shall be elected
three (3) Judges of the Supreme Court,
who Khali hold their office for the period
of six years; and at the general election
to Do noid in tne state or iNCDr.isKa in
tho yenr 1913 and ea"h six years there
after, thero shall be elected a Chief Jus
tice of the Sutircm Court, who shall
hold his office for the period of six years.
Provided tnat tne memocr or tne au
nrnmn Court whose term of office ex
pires In January 1914, shall be Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court during that
time until tho expiration of his term of
office. And provided further, that upon
tno adoption or inrse amendments oy
the electors of the State, the Governor
shall. Immediately upon Issuing hU
nrnclnmatlon declaring said amondmontn
adopted, appoint four (4) Judges of th
Supreme Court, two (2) of whom shall
ne appointed, to noin saia onice unn
their successors shall be elected at tho
general election In 1909, and have quali
fied: and the other two (2) shall hold
their office until their successors sliull lc
elected at the genernl election neia in
1(111, and havo qualified.
Section 4. (Amendment proposed.) That
Section six (6) of Article six (C) of the
Constitution of the state of Nebraska, be
amended to read as follows:
Section C. (ChUf Jnstlo.) The Chief
Justlco shall serve ns such durlnirall the
term for which he was elected lie shall
Preside nt nil terms of the Simrr no
ourt, and In Ills absence the Judfen
present shnll nelect one of their number
to preside temporarily.
Section C. (Amendment proposed.) Tihnt
Section thirteen (13) of Artlclo six (0) of
the Constitution of Nebraska be amended
to read as follows:
Section 13. (Judges, salaries.) That
Judges of the Supremo Court shall ench
receive a salnry of $ I 601. 't u . .
of tho District Court iln'
n snlnrv of 13,000 per annum, payable
Approved April 8. 1907.
I, Coo. C. Junkln. Secretary of State,
of tho State of Nehrnkn. do hereby
certify that the foregoing proponed
amendment to the Conitltutlon n tho
Stato of Nebraska Is a true and correct
copy of the original enrolled- nnd en
grossed bill, as passed by tho Thirtieth
session of the legislature of the Stnto of
Nebraska, as appears from sold original
bill on fllo In this office, and Unit said
proposed amendment Is submitted to Un
nunllfled voters of the stato of Nebraska
for their adoption or rejection nt the
genernl election to he held on Tuesday
the 3rd day of November. A. D. 1!0S
In testimony whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand nnd nfflxed the Great Soul
of the State of Nebraika. Done ri Lin
coln, this 15th dnv of July In th vnr
or our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred
nnd KlKlit. nnd of the Ind-'i-"'.i n of
the United States the Ore Hundred and
Tlilrtv-thlrd, and of this Stn he Korty
second. OHO. C. JUNKIN.
(SEAL) Secretary of State.
The following proposed amendment to
the constitution of the State of Mo.
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full, is
submitted to th electors of the State f
Nobrnulca. to b voted upon at tho gen
eral election to u noid Tuesday, novem
ber 3rd, A. D. 1900.
A JOINT RESOLUTION to nroposo an
Amendment to Section 9, Article 8 of
thu Constitution of the Stutu of Ko
Bo it Kesolved and Enacted By the egls
lslatur of ths Stats of Nebraska:
Section 1. (Amendment.) Tint nt the
general election for state and legislative
officers to oe neid uu urn iur uuj u
ceedlng tho first Alcnday In November.
1908, the following provision he piopo.srd
and submitted to the debtors ot tne
state as an amendment to Section u,
Article li of the constitution of thu Stat
of Nebraska:
Section 9. (educational runds, Invest
ment.) All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes, tho interest
and Income whereof only are to be used,
shall be deemed trust funds held by thu
stato, and tho state shall supply all
Iohhish thereof that may In any manner
accrue, so that the same shall remuln
forover inviolate and undiminished, and
shnll not be Invested or loanod excrpt. on
Unltod States or stnte securities, oi leg.
Istered county bonds of till" stnte or
registered school district bonds of this
state, and such other securities .is the
legislature may from time to time direct.
And such funds with the lnter"t nod In
come thereof are hereby solemnly pledged
for the purposes for which they nra
granted and set apart, and shnll not u
transferred to nny othor fund for other
Suction 2. (Ballots; Adoption.) Tlmt
nt siild election In the year 190S. on th
barfut of each elector voting thereut
there shall be printed or written tlw
words: "for proposed uinendiiit'iit to the
Constitution with reference to the invest
ment of the permanent school fund." nnd
"Against said proposed amendment tu
tho constitution with reference to the In
vestment of tho permanent school fund."
And If a majority of all voters nl snld
election shall he for such amendment th
sumo shall bo deemed to be adopted.
Approved April 5, 1907.
I, Geo. C Junkln. Secretary of ritnte.
of tho State of Nebraska, do hereby cer
tify tlint the foregoing proposed amend
ment to the Constitution of tho Stnto of
Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of
the original enrolled and engrossed bill,
as nnysed by the Thirtieth session of the
legislature of the State of Nebraska, as
appenrs from said original bill on fllo In
this office, and that said proposed
amendment Is submitted to tho minllflel
voters of tho State of Nebrakn for their
adoption or rejection nt the general elec
tion to be held on Tuenday. tho 3rd day
of November, A. D. 1908.
In testimony whoreof I have hereunto
set my hnnd nnd nfflxed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska. Hone nt Lin
coln, this )5th tiny of July. In the year
of our Lord Ono Thousand Nln" Hun
dred and Klght, and of the lndepu)ence
of the 1'nlted -Stutes tho One Hundred
and Thirty-third, and of this Statu the
Forty-second. . .
(mad m&fras
V, Homeopathic Physicmn
and Surgeon.
I Office! McDonald Bank Huildmp.
I Phone 183.
A. J. Ames. M. I). Mario Ames. .1. !)
Physicians and Surgeons.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, Residence 273
Physician and Surgeon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
vhnnna 1 Office 130
Phon08 Residence 115
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 an'l 8, McDonnld
Stato Bank Building,
Phono 148.
Office over Schatz Clothing
Store. Phone 48
Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts.
Your New Suit
should bo mado to order, and
wo aro in position to make it
and guarantee a perfect fit.
New samples of spring and
summer goods just received.
Come in and let us show you.
No use sending out of town
for your npparel.
lewoy St.
Merchant Tailor
Serial No. 0202. . R. 19733.
Department of tlio Intorlor.
U. 8. Land Otllco at North I'latto. Nob.
August 10th. 11)04
Notice Is hereby given that Kathorlno
Sorenson, formerly Kathurlno Peterson, of
nenmark. Nebraska, who. on Soptotnhor 21st,
1003, mado homestead entry No. 10735. for
southeast ouartor Sections!. Township 11 N.,
Kango 28 W tlth Principal Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to mnko Final llvo year
proof, to establish plnm to tho land abovo
described, boforo tho register and recolvor. at
North I'latto. Nobraska. on tho I'th day of
October, 1WW.
Claimant names as witnesses: I. M. Abor
crombie. Hans I). Jurccnson and Jacob Itosen
liorc. all of .Maxwell. Nobraska, and Nols
Nelson, of Donnmrk, Nobraska.
all-6 J. E. Evans. Register.
Probate Notice to Creditors.
In tho county court of Lincoln county, Ne
braska. In tho matter of thoostato of Albortlna
Samelson, deceased.
Notlco Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of tho said deceased will meet tho administra
tor of said estate, before me, County Judco
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, at thu county
court room In said county, on tho 3d day of
October. 1UW, and on tho sd day of April
1U09, atO o'clock a m. each day. for tho pur
pose of presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
nro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho administrator
to settle said estate, from tho Uth day
July. HKW Ti,ls notlco will bo published
In tho North I'latto Tribune, for eight
successive publications prior to tho !)d day
of October. UKW. ay
Witness my band and seal of said court this
8th day of September, A, I). UKW.
H- County Judgo.
Tho Denver Hay it drain Company, cor
IHiratlon, defendant:
Wllltako notlco that on tho 27th day of Au
gust 190H, tho County Judgo of Lincoln Coun
ty. Nobraska. Issued an order ot attachment
for the sum of iri.oo, in an action pending
iMiforo him. wherein Wilbur K, Stafford is
plaintiff and tho Denver Hay fc Grain Com
pany Is defendant, and that property of
tho defendant, consisting of monoysln tho
sumofflKJOO. has been attached under said
order and that tho Union Pacific Railroad
Company, a corporation, has been garnlsheed
In said cause, and that moneys of said de
fondant In the sum of J'.W.oO. now In tho po
scsslon of the Union I'aclilc Railroad Com
pany havo been garnlsheed, Said cause has
fieen continued to tho 10th day of October,
llRM, atnlno o'clock a, m. at which tlmo said
causo will comu up for trial.
Dated August 31st, 1908.
WiMiicn V STAJTOnt), Plaintiff.
Ily Wilcox & Halllgan. Ills Attys.
To Eleanor A, Klssloburgli. ICIssleburgli.
first and real namo unknown, husband of
Eleanor A. Klssloburgli, Eleanor A. ICessel
baugh, Deborah Powers, Homo for Old
Ladles of Troy, N. Y., John Doe, real and full
namo unknown, and the Northwest Quarter
(NWM)of Section Twenty-six CM). Township
Nino (0) North, Rango Thlrtyono (31)i west of
the Bth Principal Meridian, Lincoln County,
Nebraska and the unknown owners of said
Vow nnd each of you aro horoby notified
that on tho 1st day of September. llH, Martin
L McCultougf . as plaintiff, (lied his petition
In thu dlM Met i wm . uf Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against you as defendants therein;
tho object and prnyur of which Is to foreclose
tlio tax sale cortlllcato and Hen for taxes In
tho manner as provided by law on tho North
west Quarter (N WW) of Section SB. Township
li North, Range HI west of the tlth Principal
Meridian, Lincoln County Nebraska; the said
tax lien being for tho years IWi to IIW7 Inclu
sive, together wlth'lnterest and costs as by
law provided, together also an attorney's fun
of ten tier cent of tho amount of said lien, and
thero Is now duo plaintiff upon said tax lion
upon the above described real estate tho sum
of Korty-nlno ($U'.)0 Dollars of which sum
with Interest as provided by law, attorney's
fees and costs, tho plaintiff prays for a do
crew of foreclosure nnd sale of said promises
and satisfaction of the amount found dun on
on said land, and that you and each of you
and your assigns Ihi barred of euulty of re
demption. You arorciiulrcd to answer said
neMtlon on or lieforo the Wth day of Octolier,
Dated at North Platte, Nebraska this 12th
dayof Septumlior. I WW. l"
. , Mautin L. McOi!i.i.ounii, Plaintiff,
s-15-lwks L. E. Roach. His Attorney.
Serial No. 0101, ji. k, wioti.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
Land Olllcu at North Platte. Neb.
, , September 21st. won.
Notlco Isheroby given that Carl W.McO row.
.?. N(jri,l' 1 lntl.0' 'l'"raska. who on Decern!.;
Uth. 1101. mado homestead entry No. lUIW.
f(.,r M10 northwest quarter (NW'H), Sec
tion 8. Township 15 north. Range 2U west
Sixth Principal Meridian, has illtd notlco of
Intention to make tin al five year proof
Ui establish claim to tbe land alwvo
described, Iwforo tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte. Neb., on tho 2Jth
dayof November. IlKW.
Claimant names os witnesses: P, C. Peter
son, A. Rudolph, T. J, Combs and W A
Stearns, all of Norlb I'latto. Nebraska.
S3 J- E. Etf ANSI Register.