SPECIAL Ladies, we want you to call and see our new line of China and Fancy Articles in China. Beautiful pieces and large stock CLINTON, The Jeweler. I DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Denlisl Ofllco over the McDonald Stnto Hank. Miaa Clara Shaw, who had boon visit ing at tlio Shea rcsidenco, loft for the cast this morning. Wo sell Gillotta Snfcty Razors. They have no equal. Shaving mndo pleasant. Dixon, Tho Jowclcr. Miss Hazel McGuirc, of Cheyenne, will arrivo tonight and remain a week ns the guest of Mrs. F. W. RInckor. Misses Edna and Alice Sullivan left Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives in Omaha during the Ak-Sar- Bcn festivities. No order too largo or too small for us to fill. Prompt dolivry. Tkamp, the Grocer. Mrs. F. II. Garlow will entertain a number of young ladies at a kensing ton tomorrow afternoon in favor of her guest, Miss Erhard. M. Keith Neville left last night for Charleston, W. Va. It is generally understood that during his eastern stay Mr. Neville will becomoa bonedict. Tho Monamobllo Oil for salo by Workman & Derryiierry. Chas. G. Ellckor, of Rossvillo, Pa,, a brother of Mrs. John F. Soibert, is a guest ut tho Lutheran parBonago and will roinnln until tho eatly part of next week. Tho Wyoming division of the Union Pacific expects to handlo 1200 cars of sugar boots this season. Shipments from tho Ilershoy district will begin noxt week. Prof. II. M. Steidloy, of Lincoln, and Miss Minna Stookor, arrived from the west today and will participate in tho Sunday bcIiooI convention which con voned in session at tho Christian church this afternoon. County Commissioner Kocken went Sutliorlnnd yestorday and oxamicd tho Sutherland bridge ut tho request of Mr. Cokor, who has charge of the structure. Quito u number of tho caps were found to bo in a decayed condition and will bo replaced . The road bed of tho North River branch botwecn O'Fnlfon and Oehkosh is in fine condition and tho cars rido al most ns smoothly ns on tho main line. Today a weed burner wub sent up tho branch to clean up the weeds along tho track. NOTICE. We wish to state that we carried part of our fire insurance with the Temple Real Estate and Insurance Agency, that a satisfactory settlement was reached and that we received draft in full settlement of the same just two weeks after the fire, nr i .t We recommend this agency to any one wishing prompt service. SCHATZ & CLABAUGH. W. C. Patterson la transacting busi ness in sutnerlunu touay. "Tho Volunteer Organist" will be presented at the Keith theatro on the evening of October 7th. Miss Edith Terry, who had been tho guest of Miss Whittakcr, returned to Omaha yestprdny morning. Miss Genin McGovcrn went to Lex ington yesterday to visit friends and attend the fair und festival. Dr. Sample, of Kearney, is in town todav on business connected with real estate ho owns in this county. While shooting oh" fireworks nt Osh kosh Wednesday evening n Romnn candle exploded in Chnrley Martini's right hand, badly burning tho flesh. See tho Dolamotho real rose hat pins In our show windows. They are the latest fad. Mado from rcnl roses. DixoN, ThoJowcler. Mrs. A. R. Portorfield, of Long Beach, Calif., was the guest of Mrs, Gcorgo B. Dent Wednesday and yes terday whllo enrouto to New York Ctyy. C. F. Porry hns been engaged to clean out the bed of thq Union Pacific Ico lako and strengthen tho embank ments. When his work is completed water will bo turned into tho lako. Wednesday was M. II. Douglas' twenty-fifth anniversary as an engineer, having been promoted from fireman to onginocr Soptcmbor 23, 1883. Ho celebrated the ovent by accompanying, with Mrs. .Douglas, tho excursionists to Oshkosh. Tho movement of stock and general freight in Nobraska is hoavier so far this month than during September of last year, at least such is shown by tho reports filed by tho railroads with tho Btato railway commission, and they nro undoubtedly corroct. Tho electric light company is moving its ofllco and stock to tho south room of tho now theatro building. Tho other business room will be occupied ns a confectionery nnd cigar store by C. II. Stamp, who will put in a stock in about a month. F. F. Overman, section forcmnn on the Denver branch, was held up in tho yards at Julrsburg Monday night by two masked men and robbed of $-150.00 in currency, A reward of $17fi a offered for tho arrest of tho highway men. Wo havo juBt received our fall stock of stoves, consisting of Jewel Haso Burners, Ranges, Cooks nnd Heaters. Also wo have tho well known Retort Oak Stovoa, of which somo aro fitted to burn hard coal, also wo have the orig inal genuine Coles' Hot Blast Stoves, Wo invito tho nublic to como in and ex amine our different line of Btoves. Yours for tho stoves business. Workman & Dburyrkrry. Celebrate Golden Wedding. Forty or more invited guests at tended the fiftieth anniversary of tho marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Stebbins held yesterday nf tern oon at at the homo of their dnughter, Mrs. C. A. Wyman, at the ranchwest of town. Tho guests began arriving at two o'clock, nnd shortly thereafter they wero scnted around tables burdened with good things to eat. Following this excellent meal, Geo. A. Austin, who In his early years lived in Piko county, III., tho section In. which Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins lived nnd were married, made an address in which ho said that many prominent people formerly lived in Pike county; in fact there nre somo people who be lieve that tho next mistress of the white house will be n lady who claims Pike county ns one of her homes re ferring to Mrs. W. J. Bryan. Mr. Austin complimented Mr. and Mrs. Stebbins upon their fifty years of ma rled life, referred to their high stand ing ns citizens and expressed tho wish that they might live to celebrate their diamond wedding. Remarks were also made by Lucien Stebbins and Rev. T. B. Greenlee, tho latter in behalf of tho guests present ing Mr. nnd Mrs. Stebbins with a purse of gold coins. The afternoon was enlivened with music by members of the Wyman fnmily, nnd by Chnrley Ell nnd John Bonner. Do Money You Want Building & Loan NOW. Yes. wo can iret vou ull the money you wnnt r'ght nwny in the Nebrnskn Central Building & Loan Association, of Lincoln. Cnll nnd see us. Temple Renl Estate & Insurance Agency, 1 and 2 McDonald Block. Keith Theatre 0pened The Keith Theatre, North Platte's now play house, was formally opened Wednesday by tho presentation of "Tho Burgomnster." While tho attendance, was not so lurgo as the formal opening of tho theatre deserved, there was a good nttendance nnd tho piny wns well received. Sevcrnl girls with Miss Fern Stamp as chief usher, conducted tho patrons to their sats. Between the nets of the play T. C. Patterson arose and in behalf of North Plntto citizens expressed their grati tude to M. Keith Neville for his enter prise in building for North Plntto such n beautiful play houso. nnd proposed three cheers for Mr. Neville nnd tho Keith Theatre. Mr. Neville was pre sented with a largo boquct of roses by the locnl lodge of Elks. Tho theatro is one of which North Platte may feel proud, and with C. H stamp, as lessee ana manager nil enn feel assured that tho attractions secured will be in kcoping with the beauty and excellent arrangement of tho house. SCHOOL NOTES. Owing to the crowed condition of somo of the rooms in the Central build ing tho Superintendent wns compelled to find some moans of relief. Wednes day morning this took the form of n rearrangement of grades nnd classes in such a manner that no toucher will have more than n reasonable number of pupils. The fifth grnde was strugg ling along with 03 pupils. This condition wus not best and so about 20 of these were transferred to one of the Sixth grade rooms. This necessitated trans ferring some of these pupils nnd others until tho rooms were easily ublu to accommodate the number assigned to each. Deputy State Superintendent E. C. Biahop is spending this week inspect ing the Normul Training Bchools nlong tho main line of the Union Pacific. Ho was in North Platte all dny Wednesday und met tho Normal Training classes. Tho Board will receive a report of hia inspection in n few days. He also nddressed the High School during the assembly nlong interesting nnd appro priate lines. Tho high school will got out n month' ly paper this year ulong lines of in tercst to the friends of the school. It Will be under the management of three members of tho Senior class and will have under-class and fuculty editors. The first edition will be out about Oct. 1. The Senior class met the first of tho week und completed their organization for tho coming yeur by electing the fol lowing officers: President, Roy Loudon; Vice-President, Maud Owens; Sccretnry, racoSholtoh; Treasurer, Paul Arnold. At fire dri'l this morning tho central building was emptied in a little less than two minutes. The fire escape stairs help the high school to get to tho ground in a shorter timo than if they hud to go by tho stuirs. Primers, phonic cards and teachers' manuals for the Ward system of read ing have been received unu aro in use as tho system demnnds. This system not new, having been used in many of the leuding schools of the country for from twelve to fifteen years. And they are still using it. The science in the high school has been reorganized until tho following subjects are being given. Agriculture semester: Physical Geography, 1 semester; Botany, 2 semesters; Zoo logy, 1 semester; Physics, 2 semesters; Chemistry, Z semesters. inis is a strong course und prepares for the technical and industrial colleges and th6-8ciontific courses of all universities. The enrollment in the schools Sept. 23 wa$ as follows: First ward 98, rv. i i i i rtt nil.! l l icn ot'cunu vuru ic, liuru wuru luy, Central pudding 451, Bratt school 17, Bilker school 10, total 887. Number of teachers employed 2G, pupils per teacher 31. China Painting- Miss lSvu M. Liahlwin will arrivo in town nbout October 1st and will givo instructions in china painting nnd other nrt work. Orders for work, or inform ation regarding same, mny be obtained by Mrs. Arthur bulisnury. Do You Want Building it Loan Money NOW. l cs, wo enn got you nil the money you wnnt right away in the WnbrasKa Central Buildin? & Loan Association, of Lincoln. Call nnd see us. Temple Renl Es tnte & Insurance Agency, 1 nnd 2 Mc Donald Block. For Sale! Twenty-one head of shouts, ing nbout fifty pounds quiro of Harry Lumplnugh. weigh each. In :KEITH THEATRE,: Chas. Hendy, Jr., who had been spending n few days nt his fathr's ranch, returned to Denver Inst night. Mrs. Hendy will remain in town n few dayB longor. During his recent trip to Detroit Mr. Hendy, who ia manager of tho Denver branch of tho Ford Auto mobllo Co., had bis sales territory en larged and now hoB that part of No braska west of Hastings, in addition to I Colorado, Wyoming and Utah. C. II. Stamp, Lessee and Manager. 3 Commencing Moil Sept 28 Jhe Raes IN REPERTOIRE WHEN YOU BUY SCHOOL SHOES GET THE BEST. That mentis to buy them here. We give as much attention to the high quality of young folks' Shoes as we do to those for grown tips. Shoes that are solid all through double at toes solid leather counters, out and in soles and in styles that, when fitted as we fit them, do not interfere with growing feet. Girls' Sizes, 8 to 2, $1.25 to $2.25 Boys' Sizes, 9 to 5, $1.50 to $3.00 Graham & Company. Ida Weston Rae And n Strong Supporting Compnny including DORATHEA GRAY FLOSSIE BISHOP RANDOLPH GRAY RAY KUHNS JACK DAHLRAY MAX RAE BABY MADELINE Without Doubt the Strongest Roper tolro Uompany in tho west Opening Bill u LA TISBA" Prices 25c, 35c and 50c Tickets on Salo at Clinton's. ' Can, We Keep From Having Fires? We think we nro curclul, nnd some times. wo are, but noverleas a fire will break out onco anu nwhile when wo leadt expect it. You can t prevent tires, but you can insure utruinst them so when you havo one the insurance company stands tho lo3s. not you. In order to accomplish this you must insuro with reliable agents and com uiinies. Temple Real Estate & Insur- unco Agency represents tho best. 1 and 2 McDonald Block. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus - $120,000.00. DIRECTORS' , E. F. Seeberger, C. F. McGrcw, J. J. Halligan, F. L. Modney, Arthur McNamara. wmm 1 1 1 1 a THE welq: feW ... it Pittsbun mm Perfect" ELECTRICALLY WELDED FENCES are enjoying rjhenomenal success, and are conceded to be far superior, to any other fences on tho market. Thousands of pleased fence users will testify that "Pittsburg Perfect" Electrically Welded Fences Will stand ordinary as well as hard usogo Will not sag in summer's heat nor break in the cold of winter Arc made of the best material for fencing purposes Have stays that will not slip nor can they do moved out of place Will conform to tho most uneven ground and can bo erected over hills and through valleys as well as on level ground Have no slack wires to spoil tho appearance as well as tho efficiency Do not require an expert to erect. . Are now made with stay wires as large as tho line wires Joseph Herstiey, Agent? NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Roscoe Zimtner, of Sidney, is visiting friends In town today. Geo. Suyer, confined in jail at Ogal- alln for attempting to obtain money on a scaly piano deal, made a grand stand play at committing suicide one day this week. He swallowed a disinfectant fluid, but the prompt arrival of a doctor with a stomach pump saved Suyer from Buffering any ill effect. New French Cleaner. H. R. Reese, of tho North Platte Pnntatorium, clothes cleaner nnd pres- ser, has bought aFrench drv cleaner and extractor for cleaning clothes, over coats, silk, satin and wool skirts. Indies furs, rugs, fur rugs unu lap- robes n,nd in fnctnnything m thcclothes cleaning line. It is not to be construed that this rrench dry clenner and ex tractor is a mnn or a woman, for it is not; it is a now machine thut he has bought which cleans clothes by a dry process, and is somothing new in the clothes cleaning line. This machino not only cleans clothes thoroughly but docs it (tuickly. It makes old clothes now nnd the specimens Mr. Reeso will dis- nlav shows what tho machine will do. This device has been purchased by Mr. Kecso at an expense that is not war ranted, but ho hones to bo sufficiently compensated by increased business for tho additional expense. 1 r r-rt-r -jKCii I0CT3RDI 1908. I SAR'BEN UIIIATIA C DAY PARADE SEPT 29 NIGHT PARADE SEPT 30? FIREWORKS OCT I? CORONATION BALL OCT 2? CHILDREN5 BALL OCT 3? t WHITE & LESKEY, by constructive knowledge nnd Bkill, IT, i t . i it... a. e ;i 4. rtii. w ri'gh-grauo resuus prouuee mac never iuii your warn io nu: Jjj Invariably contracts are completed according to specification, ii ThuB rendering by perfect unity each detail in right relation: a JJj Examining their work, you'll find it done with scrupulous enre, tf & because of its enduring nature it does not require repair: Like magic they put up the Wood, Stone, Brick or Concrete, . b txertinc forces in cement bunuing witn wnicn no other can compete: So the firm for choice material always on tho alert, IVceps employed for each uepurtment ot the job a truo expert: Jt Endeavoring to get for yourself a home, store, hotel or flat, You'll profit by calling on tho builders, WHITE & LESKEY, of North Platte, m R. E. LOUDON & SONS Hnve another Cur of those Fine Apples Como and seo them in tho McDonald UricK, coolest piaco in town to rest. Don't Spend $3.50 When Fifty Cents Will do the Work Prof, W. M. Hayos, Aw't, Stcly. ol Agriculture of the. United State ays about Stock Food! "Tlieic balanced ratioui are often found by analytla to comltt of the tailings of mllia, elevators and breweries, mixed with tnolassei and salt, to make the compound palatable to the cattle, and one of the largest Stock Food Companies Is said to use Tine sawdust, finely ground, to cheaply bring up the weight of his product. Instead of buv nt a surer or and expensive balanced ration containing men fattening qualities and acting as a tonic, lie has paid a high price for a feed containing, along with ordinary grain, finely ground alfalfa hay and other common food stuffs, $5.00 to $25.00 per ton, a high percentage ol rctuse, and non-nutritious matter, some ol wnlch may be positively uangcrous o the health of bis stock." Male your own stock food and remedies by using Skldoo Horso and Cattlo Tablets for horses, cattle, sheen, swine and fowls: nroner dote in tablets. Mix in feed or salt. Thev contain no sawdust, ashes, chopped feed or bran, Atk for and try once Skldoo Condition TablotS or bKIUOO worm, luuney, Chicken Cholera, cathartic, lleave, l ever, Hog Cholera, Distemper, rime Hye, Colic, White Hague I'reventic, or llltiter Tablets, or l-ouie Killer, Spavin Kemedy, or liarb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINE CO., Capital Stock $300,000.00, watonown, a, u u, a, a. FOR SALKBY JOHNSON'S CASH RACKET STORE. r'nrimiTiiiT' ten 1 1 r urn WfJB Mjr.e win ii ww McDONELL & GRAVES, NORTH PLATTE, NEB.