The Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L.BARU.Editor and Publisher sunponiPTioN uatksi One. Year, cash In advance I1.C& Month, cash In advance 64 ct Entorod at North I'latto. Nebraska, Poitofllce as second class matter. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1908. FOR THE NEW COURT HOUSE. Article No. 3. To tho Voters unci Taxpayer of Lin coln County: Your comtnittoo further answering the question, Do we need a new court house? desire to say in addition to what was said in nrticlo 2: That the present building was built in 1K7G, JM years ago; that tho founda tion!) of the building was native ntono taken out of the hills south of town; that n dozen years or moro ago, thin foundation gave out badly through tho action of the weather and the alkali in the ground and it becatno necessary to have it cemented over. Tho brick in tho building is soft nativo brick. A few years ago it was found that the safe in tho treasurer's ofllco was caus ing the floor tosettlo,ar.d it became ncc ocuary, in order to keep tho safo from falling through tho floor, to tako up tl.o flooring and temporarily nut sup ports under the safo. It was found ut tl ut time that tho Rills and joiBts sup porting tho floors in tho lower Htory were badly decayed. At tho same time an examination1 made of tho roof disclosed tho fact that tho roof boards were decaying, bo that they would not proporly hold tho shingles. Tho opponents of tho now court houso proposition, whilo admitting tho inade quacy of tho building and its very un safe condition, so far aa affording pro tection from destruction by tiro to tho valuable records of tho county, say that the remedy is to add to tho present building. If that remedy is to bo adopted it is very evidont that tho building would need now foundations, now sills and joists on tho lower floor nnd a new roof, and then if tho build i:g was to bo incrcasod in size to pro porly transact tho business of tho county and afTord ofllco rooms for the county ofllcers, it would havo to have in addition containing vaults of four or five times the capacity of tho present vaults, and at least equal tho office room of tho present building. This would probably cost $20,000.00 to $2T,000.00 and when wo got through wo would only havo a makeshift and would havo that much moro money in this old flro trap, which wo would somo day havo to throw away to mako room for n decent building. Douglas county has boon wrestling with tho samo problem for tho past ton years. Many of our roadors no doubt Irnvo seen tho really fine court houso on Farnam St., in Omaha, that was built n short timo ago, much lator than our court houso, at a cost of $250,000.00. For tho past ten years it hnB boon in adequate and tho county has had to rent ofllco spaco olsowhero, and after discussing variouB plans for enlarging this building, tho tax payers of Doug las county rojected all of the proposed additions and by a largo majority voted n million dollars for a new court houso nnd this rcnllv flno bulldinor will ha iln. stroyed. In tho end this will prove of tho greatest economy nnd instead of having tho old building with unsightly natch work of additions there will hn n flno symmetrical building, ndequato to uio nui'iiH oi mo pumic oumnoss and a building that ovory citlzon and tax tmvnr nf the eonntv will Vin nrnn.l nt Douglas county is no moro ablo to build a million dollar court iionnn limn Lincoln county Is to build a $100,000.00 court houso. For Lincoln county to refuse to build n new court houso and Instead to trv and mako such additions to tho old ono nu would houso our county oflkors, would be llko a farmor who had lived in tho old sod houso until his bank no.. count had become plethoric, his bins und cribs full and plenty of fat cattlo and hogs In the pons and until his ramlly was too largo for tho old soddy. Would ho start In under those clrcnm. stnncen to build an addition to tho old noddy or would ho not do as so many of our well to do farmors havo dono build a nlco now frame buildlntr. The old court houso was in keeping with tho sod house era, but is sadly out of place in a livo progressive and prosperous community. In our next nrticlo wo will discuss tho cost of tho now court houao to tho liultvtilunl tax payer. COUUT IIOUSK COMMITTEE, About the Court House. lhtrty-two years ago Lincoln county built tho court houso. In it woro built two firo-proof vaults to prcsorvo tho public records. Tho court houso cost fully forty thousand dollars and is in a good state of preservation today. Tho COUIltv clerk IniH nnn nt tlin vnnlrn Tim main "business of tho county clork is to cony ueecis, mortgages and othor vnl imnio documents and to prcsorvo them When the instrument la copied, tho original is returned to tho owner, Whon tho county clerk takes tho ofllco iio knows what is expected of him. Ho oxamlncs tno premises to sco if suit able provision is mado to preservo tho records and if so O. K., but if ho finds there is no provision, or inadenunto ft rovUIon, mado to prcsorvo tho records t is his bounded duty to inform tiinsn who elected him of tho fact. If ho did not ho is unworthy to hold tho ofllco, for tho people believe tho public records aro safo. Tho League bollevos tho present county clerk is honest and UB cnnable nn nnv mim Unit nvnr hold tho ofllco, and If there was any danger to tno puonc records no would warn tho public. So tho timid, who wero frightoned by tho proclamation of tho court liouso committco, may Bleep peucoiiiiiy, lor tnoy navo tno original instruments unu tno conies uro unto. Hut tho clork is sadly in need of nn other room to do clerical work In, and as soon as tho county ndopts tho Initin tlvo and referendum law tho need will be Buppllcd. In the next wo will comment on tho county treasurer und clork of tho dis trict court. Municipal Own?5iisiip, League, James Belton, Secy. Looks on Wilcox as Leader. Editor Tribune:-It is certainly en couraging to sec ono of North I'latte's most prominent citizens take up the fight against tho proposed new $100, 000 court house. In times past that littlo ring in North Platte got every thing it wanted from thn court houso janitor to the district judge, but in so vital a matter as this new court house they will have to reckon with tho rura' population. It is very fortunate for tho common people, the people from thejrural precincts, that th-y huvesuch nn ablo leador as w. T. Wilcox. Howaud MlLLIIIC. Will FiRrsht-of-Way Claim. In a letter to Prison Itich, nttornoy for tho Union Pnciflc, Chas. Wooster, of Silver Creek, who was threatened with a suit by the U. P. unless he quit using tho right-of-way claimed by the company, says in part: "Instead of suing me you began an action against William M. Cunningham, of North Platte, in which you claim a right-of-way of J00 feet from Council niufrs, la., to Ogdon, Utah. I shall help him and nsk every land owner along your road to help him, and fight the case, if necessary, through tho su premo court of the United .States, nnd then somo. I do lif t intend that you shall get any more jug-handled deci sions if I can help it. Dickens News. A lanro nmount of hay is beinir nut up in .this vicinity this fall. Una K tin tip Is spending a Tew days in lolyoku, Colo. J. M. Fristo shinned a car each of cattlo and hogs to tho Denver market Monday. Airs. H. li. ualtlicr Is visiting rela tives in this vicinity, having arrived from Cambridge a few days ago. Uorn to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Latimer Sundny, August 2.'d, a girl and Wed nesday, August 2(!th, to Mr. and Mrs. Merrill 1'rlsto a boy. All concerned are do'ng nicely aro tho reports. Mr, nnd Mrs. ureon, of Cromwell, ndinnn, havo been snondinir several days viBiting with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hire. Six quarters of land north of town sold lnat week to a party in Iowa for $G,C()0. How is that for sand hills? Quito a number from thin vie in tv will take in tho stnte fair nt Lincoln this week. W. A. Chnmnerlain shipped a enrof horses to Pilger, Neb., Friday. Mr. Slater arrived from Wilcox. Nebr., Friday and will begin ntonce to imnrovo the land ho bought some time ago about four miles north of town. A. ! lUgeralu came up from Mar engo Thursdayand left for Hot Springs, S. D., whore ho goos to bo treated. Mr. Fitzgerald has been bothored con siderable of lato with rheumatism in lus right nrm. Mrs. I. Solbv. nnd children who hnve been visiting at the Ilroach homo for several days, returned to Elwood Fri day. Mr. Egly. of Sutton, is hero visitlnir his brother Jako and family for ti fow days. Mrs. Glldea arrived from New York Friday and will occunv tho houso Mr. Glldea purchased somo timu ngo south oi town. Mr. nnd Mrs. Movers, of Germnn- town, tro visiting at tho Charles Meyers lome lor n lew (lavs. S. K. Ilrown. of Farnam. was trans acting nusiness Here rriuiiy. Messrs. It. D. Kenc vnnd.L C. Rondv and wives departed Saturday to tako in tno Btnto latr. Tho month of September, which makes its entrnnco today, is uHiinllv n dry and warm month. Tho records of tno local weather bureau show tho nv oraco tomneraturo to bo slxtv-two do grccB, unu on certain days 1" two years -1881 and lF95-tho mercury crnwled up to 101 degrees Tho average (Into of tho firBt killing frost is Sept. 28th, nmi tno earnest dato on which such frost has over occured was Sent. 10th Tho nverago rainfall for tho month Ib one and ono-hnlf inches. Omnlm greeting i riuny py turning out a crowd inm iiiieu mo immense arena both nltornoonnnd ovoning. It was the sllvor iiniilvrnrniirv nf Mm Willi Colonel Cody starting out from Omnlm wuii uio nrsi snow in ihh;, ami tho equipment of horses, Indians and cow boys wero assembled to a largo extent .t..l.l 1 I.. 1LT it HI il UK ii i. neru uimimi i'latto. Miles Horry, advance agont for Murk's "Uncfo Tom's CnbinCo.. Riient Saturday in town makinir nrrnnirpmenta for that time-tried attraction. This show 18 ownod by Chnrlov llovor o. a forinnr North I'latto resident nnd a brother of John and Ad IJoyerlo and Mrs. C. M. JNowion. GOOD NEWS. Many North Platte Readers Hav Heard it and Profited Thereby. "Good nowa travels fast." and tho thousands of had back sulferers in North Platte aro glad to loam that prompt relief is within their reach Many a lame, weak and noliinir hunk I bad no more, thanks to Doail'H Kidney Pills. Our citizens aro telli nir.tho uootl nowa of their experience witli tho Old ijunKer Kemedy. Hero is nn oxntnpl worm rriunng; Mrs. (J. -.I. Howon, living on west SIxUi at., North IMstto, Neb., says "During tint past six yim-s 1 have mif fored terrible agonies from backache. rheumatism and a badly disturbed con Atti t i f i . . . union oi my Kidneys. At times my muscles and joints would iiMn mo dreadfully and a constant dull aching through my back and loins caused mo untold sulieriiig and annoyance. Any Huiiueii movement or u mission wotili bring on sharp shooting pains that rail linen irom mv Kidney a to all parts my body. I was greatly disturbed by lumduches nnd to nriso quickly from a Bitting position would bring on dizzy spoils. A tew months ago n friend tol mo of tho good results she had l tamed from similar symptoms by the uso or Doan'H Kidney Pills. I followec her advice nnd procured a box at A. F Streitz'B Drug Store. In a short time 1 began to feel bettor, the headaches and othor symptoms soon disappeared ami i was eventually restored to my former good health." For Sale by all Doalors. Prico fifty cents. rosicr-Miiuurit uo., ntuialo New York. Solo Agents for the Unite States. , , Kememhpr tho rmme Dnurt'a and tako ho Other. New Styles G-D J&& v- CORSETS Stylo No. 325 Is nn extremely Btyllsh model designed for tho aver age figure. Uuflt of medium height, long, sloping hips; front nnd sido supporters. Sizes 18 to .'SO, Prico $2.50 Wilcox Department Store MY LUMBER ALWAYS ON THE MOVE. AhI vnnr nnltrhlinr flin rnnunn TUn m j u.a Mifaawvr v 1 VIIUVIII A lib answer comes, his prices aro right and satisfaction crtinrnntppfl. Mv lunm nnd well assorted stock cnnblcs ovory buyer to get what ho wants. Now is tho time to build. Let mo figure your next re- miirompntu Mv nutimnrnn will hn fniinl ...... - . . . . , . . . . . wu Tt 1.. u UU .VUIIU tno lowest for the snmo superior quality of lumber than you will got from any ono else in mo country. bans j nction is my motto. C. F. 1DDINGS. RED POLLED BULLS FOR SKLE i mirr" is II ' i- in . r Being through with my herd bull I offer him for sale; four years old and a choice indi vidual. Also some fine young" bulls ready for service for sale. One-half mile south of court house. P. E. Payne, Wood Turning and Furniture Repairs, Cabinet Work, Screen Frames, Saw Filing and Setting. All kinds of Job Work done on short notice at prices to suit. Terms Cash. P. M. Sorenson Shop North of P. O. Your New Suit Bhould bo made to order, and wo aro in position to mako it and guarantee n perfect fit. New samples of spring and summer goods just received. Come in and let. us show you. No uso sending out of town for your npparo). F. J. BROEKEP ')owey St. Merclitint Tailor Notice to Hunters ami Olher All lU'rAiinn nrn vvnmwwl iirrnlnot lm- .... - - - - ..... iihHIII.V UUIIb- inir or tresnriissinir on Mm I undersigned in Hall precinct. Violators win no prosecuted 10 tno iuii extent of mo law, Oscar Stiles. C. P. Campbell, Fred Malone, W. U. Ruth, M. E. Stiles. A. Guthcrloss, Wfn. ASnhh, PROFESSIONAL CARDS r S. TWINEM, v Homeopathic Physician nnd Surgeon. Ofllcei McDonald Bank MulHIng. Phono 183. A. .1. Ames, M. I). Mario Ames. .!. I), f vOCTOKS AMES & AMES. i) Physicians nnd Surgeons. Ofllco: Over Stone Drug Co. Phones: Office 273, Residence 273 HEO. B. DENT, U Physician and Surgeon. Ofllco: Over McDonnld Bank. Phonos I Ofllco 130 i nonos Kcsi(enco 115 D R. L. C. DROST. Osteopathic Physician, Rooms 7 an'l 8, McDonald State Bank Building, Phono M8. UILCOX & IIALLIGAN, i Attorneys-at-Lnw. Office over Schatz Clothing Store. Phono 48 Ml C. PATTERSON, Attorney-at-Law, Office: Cor. Front & Dewey Sts. W. R. MALONE Y, UNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER A full lino of Caskets, Robes, etc. Calls answered promptly. Day Phono 12G, Night Phono 482. To the Publi We can furnish1 you with chopped feed and shelled corn at the lowest market orices. Will deliver in town free in 500 pound lots. The Star Barn. Extension Road No. 83 To all whom it may concern: By an order of the countv commis sioners July ICth, 1908, they being of tho oninion that tho nubile i?ood re quires tho establishment of n public 'oau as follows: Commencing at tho north east corner of section 32, township 14, range 33, luiiuiiiK muiicu iiurui un auction unu ue tween sections 28 and 29, township 14 range 33, for n distance of ono-half mile anu connecting with tho public road thereat, hereby open and declare tho Bame to bo a oublic hiehwav. All claimB for damages must bo filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon on the 20th day of October, 1908, or sucn roau win no established without roferqnco thereto. Dntcd North Platte, Neb., August 11th, 1908. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. ROAD NO. .UK To whom it may concern: By nn order of tho county commis sioners July 15th, 1908. they being of iuu.upiiuoii mac puonc goou requires tho establishment of a public road aB ioiiows; Commencing nt tho nnnthunnf pnrnnr of section 30, T. 14, R. 33, running tnenco north on section lino between sections 25, T. 14, R. 3-1, and 30, T. 14, R. 33, 32.53 chains to a point 1GC feet norm 01 center lino 01 u. V. K. It. main track measured at right angles, herobv nnnn nnd ilnMnrn (hn nnmn tn l a public highway. All claims for dam- ago must no liled in tho county clerk's office on or beforo noon on tho 20th day 01 uciooer. tuus, or such road will be cBuiuiiBnou wiinout reterenco thereto. unted at North Platte, Nebr., Aug. 11th, 1908. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk. Road No. 316. To llll whom It Innu inninpn The commissioner appointed' for tho Ijurposu 10 locate n puunc roau com mnnpinir nf tlm aAiitfmnuf . ........ r n uwuuivuD. wuici kil ruc tion nmo 9 nnd tho southwest corner of uopttrtn 10 tniun l in ... ning north on Boction lino between sections 9 nnd 10 about 120 rods, thence in n northwesterly direction, striking t fill mill rtnt nnnttnn llhn tm 4 1. Bouthenst qunrter and tho northeast quartor of section 9(ubout 50 roda west of section lino between sections 9 and iu, incncoin a northwesterly direction thence in a northwesterly direction on ..viv HMVtiuu lUtlU UUl.ll It HiriKUi head of pocket from Well canon on .... 1. . . n n nuiiiiwusi ijuuriur oi section v, town U rnnrri !0 tita Iwitnrr ftm i..y:i...l, tho. proposed road, has reported in favor voiuuiiMiiiiuiii, oi Hiiui roau and nu claims lor damngu must bo filed in tho county clerks office on or boforo nnnn nn thn n.ltti ilmr rr rintnl.n innc or such road will bo established without reference thereto. Dnted Nortli I'latto Nebr., August io iiiuo. f. It. r.LLIOTT, County Clerk. NOTICM? OK SIVrn.KMKNT. TlieSlatjuif NiiliraakB, l.lncoln Counlr, n. n 111 tlm Count v (Iimm. In Uio .Mutter or tlui Kstiito or .lolin A. HaiiKlHon, DiH'i'UM'tl. 'i... ...... ii. . . in iiiuunimin, nuirs, irrauun nntl olliunt liilomslid In tlio OhtMti or.lnlmA. llanalMin. 'UUo notion, that lU'iin-lllom lias illod In tliuooiinty court u ti'iwrt or lilx tlolniM as aiimlii strator or said ustatu and it Is nrdnrt'd thai tho same stand for lioarlim' iho Itlili day or mitoiiilH-r A. l.. im. Itororo the court at tlio hour of 2 d. in., at wldoli timo any iKirsnn lutoro.stcd may apiiear and except to and COIltOHt tho snnin. Anil imlli'n nf fhld ..., eoedlnc Is ordered Ldvenlii the Nortli I'latto 1 rllmiie. a hoiul-weekly nevspnior. fortl bue- l.ltuwlv'l. llll Itl li.n . I..... ... k?..... 1.1 IlUk) W Itnevi my hand and tlio seal of tho coun ty court at Nortli I'latto this 21th day of iV"tA. I)., lift. Wi Ct Khimf, " PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, Tha following propoied amendment to the conitltutlon of tha State or No Lraikn, nt hereinlter set forth in full, 1 ufcinitted to the electors of the State of XTebraika. to he voted upon at the ifn ral election to he held Taeidaj, Novem ber 3rd, A. D. 1908. A JOINT nh'SOLL'TION to amend Sec tlonn two U). four (4), five (o). six (U), Hiul thlrtean (13) bf Article mix (6) of the t'oiidtltutlon of the State of Nu hraska, rrlatlnK to Judicial l'owerir. Be It Xloiolvld By the Leiflslature of the Stnte of Nehraikat Sfl'-tlon 1 Amendment proposed. That Boetion two (2) of Article six (C) of the Constitution of the Htntc of Nehrankabe amended to read as follows: Section 2. (Supreme court; Judges: Jurisdiction.) The Supreme Court shall uoiiKlst of neven (7) JudgeH. nnd a ma jority of all elected and (tunilfled Judges shall be necessary to constitute a quorum or pronounce a decision. Tho Supreme Court nliall hnve Jurisdiction In nil cases relutliiK to the revonue, civil cuses In wlilch tlio state la a party, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such uppcllate Jurisdiction as may be provided by law. Section 2. (Amendment proposed.) That Section four (4) of Article six (6) of tho Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska, be amended to read as follows: Section 4. (Supreme court, Judges, election, tonn, residence.) The JudRea of thn Supreme Court ahnlt be elected by tho electors of the stnto nt large; and their term of office except as hereinafter Srovlded shall ho six years. And said uprcmo Court Judges shall during their term of office, reside nt the place where the court Is holden. Section 3. (Amendment proposed.) That Section five (B) of Article (ii) of the Constitution of the Stnte of Nebraska be amended to rend an follows: Section C. (Supreme .court. Judges, eloctlon, tonn; chief Justice.) That at the general election to be held In the stnte of Nebraska In the year 1000. nnd each six year thereafter, thero shall be elected three (3) ludccs of tho Suiireme Court, who shall hold their offlco for tho period or six years; that at the general election to be held In tho stnte of Ne braska In tho year 1011. and e.u-U six years thereafter, there shall be elected three (3) Judges of the Supreme Court, who shall hold their office for tho perl d of six years; and nt tho general election to bo held in the state or Nebraska in tho veur 1913 and each six yearn thero- nfter. there shnll bo elected n Chler Jus tice of the Supremo Court, who shnll hold Ills office for tho period of six yenrs. Provided that the membor of tho .Su premo Court whose term of office ex pires In Jnnuury 1914, shnll be Chief Justice of the Supremo Court during that time until the expiration of his term of office. And provided further, that upon tho ndoptlon of the-e amendments by the electors nf the Stnte, the dovernor shall. Immediately upon Issuing his pmclnmutlon declaring said nmendmcntu ndopted, appoint four (4) Judges of thf Supreme Court, two (2) of whom shnll be appointed to hold said offleo unMl their successors shnll bo elected nt. tlio genernl olectlon in l'JOO, nntl navo qunn-fli-il: nnd tho other two (2) shall hold their nfflco until their successors sha. I be elected nt the genernl election neui in 1911, and havo qualified, Korttnn 4. (Amendment Dronoted.) That Section six (0) of Article tlx (C) nf tho Constitution of the state of Nebraska, bo nmended to rend ns rollows: Nilnn r. (Chief tustloe.l The Chief Justice shnll serve as such during al) the term ror which lie was oiocicu no snnu preside at nil terms of the SiiprMto Court, nnd In his nbsenco tho Judges present shnll select ono, of their number to preside temporarily. Section S. (Amendment proposed.) "Stint Section thirteen (13) of Articloslx (fi) of the Constitution of Ncbrnskn be nmended to read ns follows: Kortlnn 13. (Judires. salaries.) That Judges of tho Supreme Court shnll each receive a sniary oi n .m i. i of tho Dlstrlet Court l." a snlarv or J3,uoo per annum, payaoio quarterly. Approved April S. 1907. I, Geo. C. Junkln, Secretary of State, of the State of Nehrn-la. do her-h" certify that the forecolng proposed nmondment to tho Constitution oi tho Stnto nf Nebraska Is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled nnd en grossed hill, as passed by tho Thirtieth session of the legislature of tho Stnto of Nebraska, ns appenrs from snld original bill on file In this office, nnd that said proposed nmendment Is submitted to tho qualified voters of the state of Nebrnskn for their ndoptlon or rejection at tho general olectlon to be held on Tuesday tho 3rd day of November, A. D. 190S In testimony whereof. T hnve hereunto net my hnnd nnd affiled the Great Seal of tlio Stato nf Nebraska. Done nt Lin coln, this ICth dnv of Jnlv In h' voir of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred nnd Klght nnd of the indoo-i - tho United Stntes the Ore Hundred and Thirty-third, and of this State the Forty second. GKO. C. JUNKIN. (SISAL.) Secretary of State. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT, The following proposed amendment to tho couVbitutlou of the St it a of Ne braska, b.3 hereinafter out forth In full, Is submitted to the electors of the State at Nebracka, to bo vottd upon at the gen eral election to bo hold Tuesday, Novem ber 3rd, A. D. 1901). A JOINT IUJSOLUTION to propose nn Amendment to Section 9, Article S of the Constitution of the Stato of Ne braska; Be It Resolved and Enacted By tho Lejin lslaturo of the Stato of Kobravka: Section 1. (Amendment.) Th'it ut tlm gcnurnl election for stute and legislative utflccis to bo held on tlio j ui : ccedlng tho first Mrnday In NovMiibr-r, l'JOS, tho following provision be piopo-ed and submitted to tho electors ol the stato as un nmendment. to Section tl, Article K of the constitution of tho Stnto of Nebraska: Section 0. (Educational rnnds, invest ment.) All funds bulonglng to tho xtutu for cducutlonal purposes, tlio lnterost and Income whereof only aro to bo used, Bhall be deemed trust funds held by the state, and thu stato shall supply all losses thereof that may In uny manner accrue, so that the same shall remain forever Inviolate und undiminished, nail shall not be I tn est nil or loaned except on 1'nlted States or state securities, oi reg istered county bonds of thN slate u registered school district bonds of this stnte. and such other sucuiltU-s as Mie legislature may from time to time direct. And such funds with the Interest a-i" in come thereof are hereby solemnly pledg.-d for tho purposes for which they nre granted und set apart, und shall not be transferred to uny other fund for other uses. Section 2. (Ballots; Adoption.) That at Mild election In the year 100S. on thu ballot of each elector voting thereat then- shall bo printed or written the words- "For proposed aim-ndmi'iit to 1 1 1 -Constitution with reference to tholnv't incut of the permanent si hool fund." mi l "Against said proposed amendment to the constitution with reference to llic In vestment of the permanent school lu'il' And If n majority of all votois m . mil election shall be for such amendment tho hiiino shall bo deemed to he ndopttd. Approved April f. 1907. I, Gen. C. J il n l( I ii. Secretary of Stite, of the State of Nebraska, do hereby cer tify that tho foregoing proposed amend ment to tho Constitution of the Stale of Nebni.Ha Is a title and correct envy of tho original enrolled nnd engrossed bill, as pusHfd by tho Thirtieth session of tho IcgUlnturo of tho Stato of Nebraska, us iippi-ui fiom said original bill on tile In this office, and that said propositi amendment Is submitted to tlto iiunllflfl voters of the State of Nebrn'ka for their ndoptlon or rejection at the eb'C tlon to he held on Tuesday, tho 3rd day of November. A. D. 190S. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band und affixed tho Great Sal of the StHte of Nebraska. Done at Lin coln, this 15th day of July. In til. war of our Lord One Thousand Nln Hun dred and hlght, and of the I tide j f deu-e of the rnltod States the One li nulred and Thlrtyithlrd, and of this Stute the tin) -svi'uuu. 0, 1'HOIIATK NOTICE In tho county court, Lincoln county. No- In tho matter of the estate of Henry A. Iier. decoded. N()TicR To any person Interested In said estate.! Whereas, on tlio 7th day of August. A. I). WW. Mary A lwier. Harry A Ixwlor. Ilesslo F. Gregg, Edwin It. I.ler and Joe M. Lo.lur. petitioners, presented their petition to said court alleging among other things, that said Henry A. Lozlor died In Cuyahoga county, stato o( Ohio, leaving a last will and testa ment, which has Itoon duly admitted to pro bato In tho Probate Court of said Cuyahoga county: and further alleging that at tho tltno of Ills death said Henry A. LoJlor was tho owner of land la tho county of Lincoln, and stato of Nebraska. And said petitioners at tlio same i tltno filed with their said petition a duly authenti cated copy of such will and thn probate thereof, as provided by law In tho caso of rorelgn will and praying that such will and tho probate thereof may bo allowed, tiled and recorded as tho last will and testntrcnt of said Henry A. Lozlor.deeoased. Now.thcreforo You aro hereby untitled that I have designated and appointed Saturday, tho Mh day of Hoptember. A. I). w. at tho hour of V o'clock a. m. of said day, at my ofllco In tho city of North I'latto. In said Lincoln county, as tlio tltno and placo for hearing said petition when and whoro you can appearand show cause, ir any thero bo. why tlio prayer or said petitioners should not Is) granted and said will and tho probate thercor wi authenticated should not Iks al lowed and recorded as tho last will or Henry A. Lozlor. deceased. This notice to be published In tho North I'latto Tribune, a semi-weekly newspaper, for 3 successive weeks prior to September Cth. IWW. Witness my hand and tho seal of said court this 7th day of August, WM. all-3 w, C. IJi.deh. County Judge. NOTICK. V, O, Lathrop, first or real name unknown defendant! Will tako notice that on thn lltli day of August. lOOH. Wesley T. Wilcox, plalntlir herein, filed his petition in tho District Court of Lincoln county. Nebraska, against said defendant, tho object and prayer of which aro to remove the cloud on tho tltlo to tho east M of tho borthwest '4 and tho oast H of the fcoiithwest ' or section -I, township (, north, of range-.', west of tho tlth 1'. .M. In Lincoln county. Nebraska, caused by a cer tain mortgage, executed by Klmer K, Itceso, to ono Low K. Harrow, which mortgage was recorded In Hook V. at page 109 of tho Mort gago KccordsofiLIncolu County.Xebraska.and which mortgagu was assigned by said Low R Harrow to tlio defendant. F. C. Lathtop.whlcli assignment Is recorded In Hook 0 at pagu SOS, or tho Mortgage Kecords of Lincoln county, Nebraska; which mortga?n Iwamo due, by Its terms, on tho 1st day of April, 1B1U, and which mortgage Is barred by tlio Statute of Limitations, l'lnlntltr asks that his tltlo to said land bo quieted In him as against said mortgage. You oro required to answer said pdtltlon, oh or boforo tho 28th day of September. 1W8. Dated Aug. 1". 11KM. T. Wilcox. I'laltitlir. I'UOHATR NOTICK. In the Countj-Court of Lincoln county, No braska. August 10th 1108. In thu matter of thu estate of I-ou Hllmann, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said estate boforo thn County Judge of Lin coln County, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tlio 4th day of Soptom lKir, lows and on thofith day of March, iwni, at M o'clock a. in. each day, for tho purposo or presenting their claims for examination, ad justment and allowance. Six mouths aro al lowed for. creditors to present their claims and ono year for tho Administrator to settle said estatp from tho 21th day of May. WW. This notice to Ihj published for four consecu tlvo weeks In the Nortli I'latto Tribune prior to Sent. 4th, WW. ail-4 W. O. Eldeii, County Judge. TO THE ANHKUSEU-HUSCH HUEWINd Company, non-resident owners of Illock Four (4) In l'culston's Addition: Tho owners of tho property Aon tho north sldoorhast 11" street Iwtwcen Dewey and l'lno streets, aro heroby notified that tho Mayor and Council or tho City of North I'latto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, passed and approved an ordinance on tho 3d day of Oc tober, 1003, ordering a sidewalk adjoining their said promisor!, to bo constructed as to lino and grade and, of permanent material as provided In thu giintral ordinances or said city, regulating thctconstructton of sldo walks In said city, passed and approved on the 21st day of Juno. WW. Unless said walk Is constructed by you along the south sldo of Illock 4 In Tcnlston's Addition owned by you. In accordance with said ordinances on or boforo the 1st day of Poptombor. llKtf, tha samo will be constructed by said city and tho costs assessed upon tho said lots owned by you adjoining which tho samo shall be constructed. Ciias. V. Tbmi'Lc. aU-51 City Clerk. NOTICE. To Kato Connolly, Nolllo Stevens nco Nel lie Connelly, Ocorgo Connolly, John Con nolly, Jennie Connelly and Acnes Connelly, defendants: Will tako notice that on tho Bth day of Au gust, Wtf. Emma I'ulver, plaintiff herein, filed her petition In thu district court of Lincoln County. Nobraska. against said defendants, impleaded with others, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by tho defendant. 'K'ato Connolly, to the plalntlir. upon tho southeast quarter of section 21, township 13, north, rango yo, west or the Uth p. in., to secure the payment or a certain promissory note, dated Juno 21th. 1002, for thustim of SA75.80. duo on or byforo three years afterdate with Interest at eight por cent from dato until maturity of said note, and Interest at ten percent after maturity. That thero Is now duo uisin said note and mortgagu tho Hum of $hs0.2, together with Interest. IMalntlir prays foradbcreo thatdo rondauts lie required to pay tho somo or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy tlio amount found duo; and for general equltablu rellof. You aro required to answur said iietltlon on or boforo tho 21st day of September. 100H. imieu August Dill, 1U0, all-1 Emma 1'ulvku. l'lalntlff. Sorlal No, 0182. H. E. 10234 NOTICE VOll I'UHLICATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at North I'latto, Nob., . , , August 4. 100. Notice Is hereby given that Casper 1', Slvlts. of North I'latto, Nob., who on .March 1, 1002, made Homestead Entry No. lui'il, for north hair southeast quarter and north half southwest quartor. section 14, township Vi NiY "I"0.,, :w w- ,lth Principal Meridian, has filed notice or Intention to mako final live year proor to establish claim to tho, land alwvo described, Inborn Iteglster and Receiver at North I'latto. Nyl. ,'in tlio 24thdayor September. 10UH. Claimant names as witnesses: Itupert Sehwalgcr. or North I'latto. Neb.. Peter C Peio.-...; ..r Myrtle. Neb.. Elvln It. Mvlts, or North Platte. Nob., and Hubert II . Cassen.of NcublU. Nebraska. 7 " J E. Evanh. Iteglster. Serial No. 0202. ii r umr, NOTICE I'OU PUHLIOATION. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob. , August 10th. IH08. Notice is liorehy given that Katliorlnn Sorenson, formerly Katherlno Peterson, of Denmark. Nebraska, who, on Septembor 21st, llU, mado homestead entry No, 1073.1. for soutln-ast iiuarter Section HI. Towiihhln 11 N Itango 2H v.. tlth Principal Meridian. IV llleii notice of Intention to make Pinal llvo.yotir proor. to establish claim to the land abovo duscrll jed. before tho register and receiver, at o'lollor. h""' 'N,1'ra',,ki' " thn Uth day of Claimant names as witnesses!' I. ,M. Alxir wm,,1,Vi"a," '' ''Wilson and Jacob Itosen iHirg. all of Maxwell, Nebraska, and Nils Nolsen. of Denmark. Nebraska. all-fl J. E. EvANH, Hegtstor. OKDEU OF HEAI'INO ON PETITION Foil APPOlNTMENT.()F AIIINISTItATOK Thu State of Nebraska I . Lincoln County I " n the County Court. August 10th, 1008. A.,?.at,!,P1!s,.tt,!ecead,."0 f "r,,"cr,ck rH.r.;?,U",r.;u.,(1 atlne t.1,p wtltlon or Molllo hi .Vfi".' ,rai'","f t'".' administration of said estate may bo granted tolleo, E. French as Administrator. ' Ordered. thatSeptemlio 2d, lOUc", at 0 o'clock a. m.. Is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said tiialter may appear at a county court to bo held In and for said county, ami show cause why the HJVuro,f noii'lonerthould not Imi granted. Tills notice to lw published threi successive W.,&.1",y",'u,r"' 1 ' 'I'rlbuno prior lo W t C. Ei.nuu. County Jliligo. nll-3t