ELEPHANT TRAINING. Period of Education Depends upon the Disposition of Animal. In newly-captured clophantfi con formity and ohedlonco develop rapid ly, ami tliclr training In filmplc. For throb "days, or until they oat freely, which they seldom do In loss time, they nro allowed to remain perfectly ciiilol, HOtnollnie with n lame one ho tilde llioni to give them confidence. Where many are doing tamed, each now captive Ih put helweon tlio ntallH of linlMnined ouch i hooii na It tukos to fond. Thin stago holng ovor, tamed onefl are put on either Hide, mill the lioad of Ihu ntuhlo HtnndH In front of llio wild one, holding a lone Ktlck Taken Alone to tho Tank. with i Bharp Iron point. Two men nro, Hiiillonad, one on olther Hide, assisted dy taino ulephanlH, anil each holding aa "ankiiH" (crook) toward tho wild elephant's trunk, while 0110 or two ether mon ruli their hands over IiIb back, hooping up nil tho whllu a sooth liiK and plnlutlvo chant, Interlarded with hiicIi endearing opIthotH an "Ho, m mm," "llo, my father," or "Ho, my mtithor," na may he applicable to ago and box. Then the wild elephant In tnkon to the tunic to bathe In company with tame oiioh with u particular detail of ptocosu, Gradually, nfter a fow wnokH, tho aid of a decoy lu dispensed with, and tho animal la taken alone to tho tank, with Its loga hohhled with n ropo und meir pointing crooltH nt Hh licud and earH. Tlum, Homo become tamo In u few monthu, nnd otherH take lougor, for thu process of tamliiK Ih do pcudont upon the dlHpOHltlon of each Individual elephant. Tho first employment of a newly tamed elephant Ih the trending clay In n brick field, or In drawing a wugon lu double hnrnoss with a tamu compan- Those That Have Tusko. h n. Hut tho work In which tho ills piny of HaKaclty renders tho labor of the elephant of tho hlghoat value, Ih that which Involves the moving of lwuvy mnlorlril. Hcnco, lu dragging or piling Umber, or In transporting stouus for the construction of walls and tho approaches to IuIiIkoh, tho services of thu olophnnt In an un opened country are of tho utmost Im portance. Whon tho roads aro to bo con Ktruotcd along tho fnco of steep do ellvltlcs. und tho snaco Is Bo run. traded that risk Is Incurred, elthor of the working elephant's falling over tho piecipico or of rockB slipping down from above, not only aro tho meas ures to which tho sngacloiiH animal re sorts tho most Judicious and ronsoiin. bio that could bo devised, but. If urcou ly Its keeper lo adopt nuy othor, It manifests a reluctance sulllclont to Mhow thnt It has balanced lu Its mind the comparative advantages of each. An olophnnt niinonrH on nil acrn bIluis to comprehond tho purpoHo nnd onject unit It is expected lo promoto and hence tho animal voluntarily ex o. cutos a variety of dotnlls without any guldunco whnlovor from Us keeper. Heieln Hch tho superiority of tho olo phnnt over tho horso. In moving tim ber and musses of rock Its trunk Is the Instrument on which tho elephant mainly relies, but those that havo tunkH turn tlioin to good account. To get a wolghty Htono out of a hollow, tho elephant will kneel down so nu to apply Hh head to movo tho Htono upward; then, steadying tho Htono with one foot till It can raise Itself, It will apply a fold of Its trunk to shift the Htono In placo nnd fit It accurately In poHltlon. This done, the elephant will ntep nround to view tho stone on elthor side and adjust It with due precision. Tho nnlrnnl appears to gauge Its own task with Its cyo, and to form a Judgment iih to whether tho weight Is proportioned to Its strength. If doubtful of Its power, It hesltntoH, and If urged ugalnst its will, It roars and shows temper. . A SUMMER HOLIDAY. Why the Llttlo Matthewses Forgot Their Troubles. "(let them In the country If you enn, Mrs. AtutthnwH," said tho doctor, as he paused on the doorstep. "Medicine Is precious llttlo good now. and there Ih nothing like fresh air for gctlng rid of whooping cough." The result was that Mrs. Matthows wroto lo n friend, and In a week tho live children and their mother wero off to a farm for six weeks. Oh, the excitement of getting ready and tho questions the children fished, until poor Mth. MntlhowH, tired out with bad nights and the Incessant cough ing, almost lost patience, and begged them to give her a llttlo peace. The farm they were going to was In Virginia, right on the hillside and quite n long drlvo from any railway station. Ho. iih the dogcart could not possibly hold them nil, (lornld and Unld wero to ride with the luggage -In tho big lumbering farm wagon that was to be there as well, mo that when tho rnll way Journey was ovor froHh delights were lu store before they reached the farm. If over there wore five happy children to be seen anywhere they wero to bo found that day In tho Vir ginia woods. Tho seaside had always been lovely, but this seemed better still. For mi hour tho dogcart and tho rnrm cart steadily went uphill, until the hortios stopped of their own acconl nt the top, and what a view met tho children's eyes! Down below, In n hollow tho farm, ami tho bluo of tho sea In the distance, and nothing less than n big windmill quite close by! Six weeks was none too long to ox ploro all tho woods nnd tho downs, but tho fnrmer put tho children up a lovely seesaw, nnd they spent hours and hours lu tho sunshine on this, nnd qulto forgot nil about whooping cough and Its mlHorlos. lu fact, when they wont homo tholr llttlo friends thought whooping cough tho nicest thing pus tilblo, If a vlult to a farm was the end ing up! GOOD LEGAL ADVICE. Young Law Student Followed It to Success. A busy lawyer looked up from his desk ono morning to seo a vigorous1 mlddlo-ngod man standing boforo him "Mr. Carruth, I am going to tnko ex actly five minutes of your tlmo, If I may," said tho visitor. "I want to no knowledge an obligation to you." Ho wont on to say that ho owed his suc cess to tho lawyer. It cumo about In this way: Hu wont to tho courso of lectures do: llvored by tho lawyor at tho law school. At tho ond of tho last lecturd tho lecturer took oft his oyo-glasHOL and said ho wns going to glvo tho members of the class somo unnskod for advlco a dangerous thing to do. "I2ach of you boys," ho Bald, "thinks ho Is going to succoed. Homo of you havo ono rcnaon, somo another, for your fulth. Ono trustH in his fnther's legal reputation to push him along. Another relies on his Inherited wealth or social position. Ono confides In his own high scholarship. Another ex pects that his popularity and his en gaging manners will win him clients. Let mo tell you that you aro all nils. taken. None of theso things secures success in the law. Thoro Is mm courso of conduct which does secure It, although fow of you will believe that enough to practice It. Tho man among you who gets to tho ofllco ton minutes before anybody else lu the morning and stays 20 minutes utter evory ono has gono nt night will suc ceed as a lawyer. Good day, gontlo- men!" "Thnt was your advice, Mr. Car ruth," added tho visitor. "I took It. and It worked well. I Just wanted to tell you so. Good morning, sir!" lleforo tho busy lawyer had tlmo for more than a surprised "T.liunk you!" his visitor was gone. THE BARN IN THE RAIN. Oniy biirii iiml draggled meadow. Uluned jin-on of ltih. i Tint wly an uwful hIihOdw, I'or on nor gray ruco weaves Tim ruin with hIIvit thread, That Heck tlm muddy puddle, 'I'liut rnltlo on tlm shviU AVIieni tlm -ll emtio huddle! Thou uli, tlm Imymow soft And deep and dark mid warm. On Mwout lmy piled nlort Wldlo ovurliiuul tlm atorm Hwerps tlm wet hIiIiikIhh, drips At civr, limlton mualo wild V listen; tho Mini nli.H Yeats buck and Ih u elilld. .Somehow, us at tlm atnrt Wo turn from Life's hot foam. Get In tlm World's wurin heart. Yeu, nmko Hurtli's hoiirt our homo! And llo thoro wurm, eccuro, Yuil. un u child of live, I taut cU'iiimfld, uertiim und puro And glud to ho alive. -James Opptmhelm, In Woiuuu's Home UVriltl'illllllMl ROUND THE CAPITAL Information nnd Gossip Picked Up Hero nnd Thorn In Washington. Virtue That Abides in Clean Linen WASHINGTON. -Tho nntlon'B capi tal Ih Hlnccrc In Its crusade for cleanliness, nnd promises to prove horsolf a worthy example to tho other cities of tho land. Tho activities of Dr. W. 0. Woodward tho past week havo centored In tho effort to roform tho laundry business of tho city. Hvory person who launderH for pay the clothing, sheets, pillow cases, table clothH or similar articles bolonglng to any other porHon will bo required to register with the health officer. "What the health department de sires," Hays Dr. Woodward, "In to bring undor bettor control tho many homen of tho poorer classes In which wnnhlng Ih done for hlro to supple ment tho Hcnnt wngo of tho head of tho household. Too often theso Iioubch nro lu nn uncleanly condition. "And there Is reason to bollovo that In mnny cases, especially In tho sum mer Benson, when hentlng wntor for washing not only diminishes the profit of thu operation, but also adds to the Envoys Notorious UNCIiK SAM Is getting wlso on one point nnd that Is that foreign conn- trios lllco to havo him send millionaires an his representatives to tholr lands thoro to spend American gold lavishly, but nro disposed to bo decidedly nlggnrdly when It comes to their rop rosontntlvos spending money In Amerlcn. 1 Secretary Hoot Is credited with be ing about to turn this Httuntlon to good account. Mr. Hoot resents tho position of tho foreign governments In requiring money qualification of an American ambassador. Of courso what ambassadors and ministers spend horo on private en terprises for their governments can not bo reckoned. Hut. their entertain ments and genernl inodo of living aro an opon pgo. Tho man who draws tho biggest salary In Washington Is Jnmos Hryco, who gots f GO.OOO annual ly and nn additional $10,000 n year for contingent oxpenses. Mr. Hryco tins ono of tho finest mansions which tho capital can boast, completely fur nished, with nn oxtra fund to pay for any necessary repairs or now equip ment. Ho has linen, silver and glass Are Turning from FUOM tho preliminary report of tho commissioner of Internal revenuo It Is apparent thnt the consumption of whisky nnd othor nrdont spirits la on tho decrenso and thnt tho consumption of beer is Increnslng. During tho fis cal year which endod on Juno 30, Inst, $131,780,212 was paid to tho govern ment as revenuo on whisky nnd other spirituous liquors. For tho year previ ous $ll7.r.uO,USl was paid, a loss In revenuo of ?lfi,7G7,0:iS. Thoro wan dls tilled during tho yenr which ended Juno 30. hist, 119.S08.I02 gnllons of dls tilled Hplrlts, a decrenso over tho pre vious year or 11,333.(172 gallons. Hurlng tho past year C8,7l7,GdO bar rols of beer, alo, ote., wero mado, a gain of 201.GG9 ovor tho preceding year. On this beer, ale. etc., tho gov Would Make Work of Mining Safe THIS great number or mlno accidents nnd tho appalling loss of llfo thoro from has prompted the United States government to Invito Great Hrltaln. Oormnny and Helglum to send their lending experts lu such matters to this country to cooperate with tho efforts now being made through tho United Stiitoa geological survey to establish an experimental station nt Pittsburg nnd to Inatigurato tho work thoro of testing explosives used In coal mining. Congress at Its last session impropri ated $150,000 for this purpose, and this sum hns boon turned over to tho survey. U Is said thnt abroad mine ex plosives uro tested, and thoso which aro deemed standnrd for tho purpose ef mining uro labeled "permissible." discomfort of tho household, tho wa ter used Is not properly heated, nnd clothing from various sources Is passed successively through tho same dirty water; ond, moreover, that Iron ing, which, when efficiently done, Is a rensonnbly safe disinfecting process, Is not done In tho manner best adapted to tho accomplishment of that end. "And finally, during rainy days in summer, nnd particularly during In clement weather during the wlntor season, clothing is hung up or spread about within tho living rooms of tho premises, often amid foul odors which effectively permeate It, and occasion ally on promises occupied In part by patients suffering from communlcnblo diseases. "Whllo tho most effective regula tion of tho business of lnunderlng can not bo brought about until somo sys tem of licensing Is established, as is proposed In the pending bill, yet It would seem thnt It may bo possible to facilitate the Inspection of plnces whoro laundering In dono by requiring registration at tho health ofllco. If they be)reglstered then they can be systematically Inspected, nt leant fiom tlmo to tlmo, as lunchrooms nnd othor slnillnr places nro now being Inspect ed, Instend of being visited only occa sionally, In the course of tho routine work of tho department." as "Tightwads" at tho expense of tho Hrltlsh ex chequer, nnd even tho liveries of hlH retainers come from tho public fund. Yet with this vast sum nt their dis posal, few people live moro unpre tentiously than the Hrltlsh ambassa dor and Mrs. Hryce. Their social rec ord during tho last wlntor contained fewer events than nny of the Immedi ate predecessors. Mrs. Hryco gavo about six small nftcrnoon receptions during tho season, whon tea und small confections wero served. There wero two largo evening levoos, when practically tho whole of Washington's olllclal and social world was entertained. About three formal and pretentious bnnquots wero given by tho Hrltlsh nmlmssador during tho wlntor. Hut llttlo moro can be placed to the credit of the French ambassador and Mine. Jussornnd, second on tho list of big salaries. M. Jussornnd gets $42, COO n year, about $10,000 for extra ex penses. Tho dean of tho corpo, the Itnllnn ambassador, Haron Mayor Des Planches, Is almost out or tho social running. In view of the loud lnmcntntlons about what a hard time American dip lomats abroad havo to niako ends meet, It Is said that Secretary 'Hoot and somo legislators who are In his confidence will present the next com plalnnnts with u story of what good managors tho diplomats who llvo In Washington havo proved themselves. Whisky to Beer ernment received as revenue tho sum of 158,747,080, a gain Of $201,569. Tho receipts from all sources of In ternal revenue for tho year aggre gated 1251,005,950, being a decrenso of $17,998,072 from tho receipts for the fiscal year which ended Juno 30, 1907. Tobacco of nil sorts yielded a rove nuo of $49,802,754, a loss of $1,948,315, tho figures of tho year which ended Juno 30, 1907, being $51,81 1.0G9. This yenr cigars contributed a total sum of $20,714,270; llttlo cigars, $515,050. and clgarettos. $1.879,34C, and tobacco of other kinds. Including chewing nnd smoking. $21,SIG,5C3. Oleomnrgarlno pnld rovenuo to tho extent or $951,301, a gain of $Gn,GC3 over tho previous yenr. This ropre sonts 79.107.302 pounds consumed. Henovnted buttor was a eloso second to oleomargarine. 50,210,708 pounds being manufactured, upon which $125, G01 revenuo wub paid. Filled cheese paid $1,271; mixed Hour. $2,3S0. Playing cards wero taxed for $519,810. a loss or $112,901 ror tho preceding yenr. Thoro Is no such condition here, nor has tho geological survey tho right to lmposo It. It may, however, endeuvor to uscertaln tho facts by Investigation, and then set them forth for tho bono fit of mine operators and for tho In formation or statu legislators. Last year 3,200 men Wero killed In tho mines and the yenr before 2.0G1 Tho rate for 190G was 3.34 for ovory thousand men employed, whllo foi 1907 It was still greater. In rour mines nlono nearly 500 men wero killed slnco last December 35C In the dls a tor at Monongnh. W. Vn said to bo tho most appalling, so far as tho loss or llfo Is concerned. In the history of mining; 25 moro In tho disaster at tho Darr mine. In Pennsylvania; 32 In tho Naomi mine, in Pennsylvania, and 01 In thu Yoluudo mlno. In Alabama. Tho exports who will come to thin country nro dipt. Desborough, In spector of explosives under the homo otllco, Great Hrltaln; Horr Melssnor, chief of tho German mine service, nnd Victor Wntteyne, onglneor-ln-t'lilef, ad ministration of mines, Helglum. 15. J. SHERMAN! IS BRILLIANT WOMAN AND IDEAL HOUSEKEEPER. AN Washington Home of Republican Can didate for Vice-Presidency and Wife Is the Center of an In tellectual Coterie. Washington. Years ago Carrlo Hancock was ono of tho belles of Utlca. To-day sho Is tho wlfo of tho Ropubllcan nomlneo for vice-president, Congressman James Schoolcraft Sher man. In Washington sho Is known as a brilliant conversationalist and as tho possessor of a keon Intellect, familiar with all matters of current legislation. Her home, as long as sho maintained ono here, was tho conter of a llttlo coterie of brilliant men nnd women. In Utlca tho Shormans havo nn at tractive homo In Gonesco avenue. Tho house stands In sovornl acres of ground and Mrs. Shonnan has surrourided It with flowers. Sho has her greenhouses, which protect tho flowers In winter, nnd each tlmo that It has been neces sary to loave Utlca she has mado It a point novor to do so until tho Inst flower has been tnkon In and enrod for. Among her Intimate friends Mrs. Sherman hns tho reputation of being an Ideal housokcepor. She puts up her own preserves and superintends tho details of her marketing. Mrs. Sherman waH born In tho town which Is now her homo. She was the daughter or L. II. Habcock, a promi nent lawyor. Sho attended tho Utlca seminary and later became a student at Hnlllol school. Col. 121laklm Sherrlll or the One Hundred nnd Twenty-sixth New York Volunteers, to whom a monument was erected at Gettysburg some yenrs ago, was Mrs. Sherman's maternal grand father. Col. Sherrlll was shot and killed at Gettysburg. MrH. Sherman's mnternal grandmother was Emily El dredge, said to have been a direct de scendant of Pocahontas. H Tart and Sherman win next No vomber tho Shermans will return to 71 JojV Washington nnd tnko a houso for the wlntor. With thorn will como Mrs. Sherman's mother, Mrs. Habcock, who makes hor homo with Representative Sherman, nnd tho two sisters of Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. J. C. Do Long and Mrs. I,. H. Moore, may upend the season here. The family or Representative and Mrs. Sherman Includes thrco sons, one or whom Ib married and has a. charm ing llttlo daughter, Ellen. This llttlo maid Is tho bright particular star of tho Sherman homo nnd tho Idol of her grandparents. Mrs. Sherman has nn uttrnctlvo niece who, If tho Republican ticket Is elected next fall, will spend a great deal of tlmo lu Washington. Tho Sherninns havo been married about 28 years and they have an Ideally happy homo. Among tho women of Washington Mrs. Sherman Is particularly popular. Sho has a charming personality, un nffnblo man ner nud a delightful spirit of hospi tality. Her Invitations aro never de clined, Lnst winter Representative and Mrs. Sherman lived at tho New Wlllard and entertained only in tho most Informal wny. Tholr dinner parties woro limited to only a fow guests because of tho ill health of both Mr. and Mrs. Sherman. In Bohemia. Thomas A. Daly, tho Philadelphia poet, responded, ut a recent shad breakfast, to tho toast, "Hohemla." "Hohotuta Ib a pleasant place," said Mr. Daly, "but a steady Job Is better, on the wholo. A heavy shower drovo me the other day Into a favorlto Hobo mlan resort on Peanut street. Hohe mlnnB surrounded mo, young and old onos. They woro drinking beer. "Ab the waiter hurried to and fro. I noticed that every llttlo whllo ho would pause before a slato and scrawl something on It. I wnlkod over to tho slato and Bnw a great multitude of queer phrases such as: "'Old Shoes, 5c; Hlack Undorwear, 15e; Fringed Pants, 25c; Ono Hlack and Ono Red Sock, 10c.' "I couldn't resist asking tho waiter what nil that moant. '"Well, sir." said he, 'I don't know tho nnniOB of most of these gents; so, whon I give 'om tick, I have to take noto of somo peculiarity of their got no. sir.' " Companlonsnlp Barred. "Rastus," said tho man who gives advice, "ir you want to prosper In this world you must go to bed with tho chickens." "Yasslr," answered Mr. Plnkley, 'Tb wlllln to go to bed wlf 'em. But do folks dat cwns chickens nln suf ficiently trustful." With a smooth Iron nnd Defiance Starch, you can launder your shirt waist just as well at homo as tho steam lnundry can; it will havo tho proper stiffness and finish, thero will bo less wear and tear of tho goods, and It will bo a poBltlvo pleasuro to ubo a Starch that doeB not stick to tho Iron. Habit has moro forco In forming our characters than opinions have. IL Hall. . Smokers appreciate the quality value ol Lcww Single Hinder cinr. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Pcona, 111. Goodness thinks no 111 whero no 111 seems. Milton. Is Pc-ru-na Useful for Catarrh? Should a list of tho Ingredients of Po runa bo submitted to nny mcdlcnl ox pert, of vrhntavor school or nationality, ho would bo obliged to admit without rcsorvo that tho medicinal herbs com posing Poruna aro of two kinds. First, standard and wcll-trlcd catarrh rcmo dlos. Second, well-known and gener ally acknowledged tonto remedies. That in ono or tho other of theso uses they havo stood tho tost of many years' cxpcrlonco by physicians of different schools. Thero can bonodisputoabout this, whatever. Poruna is composed of somo of the most eflknetous and uni versally used herbal remedies for ca tarrhal diseases, and for such conditions of tho human syslom as rcqulro a tonic. Each ono of the principal ingredients of Poruna 1ms a reputation of its own I In tho euro of somo phaso of catarrh or as a tonic medicine. Tho fact is, chronic catarrh is a dls ciso which is very prevalent. Many thousand pcoplo know they havo chronlccatarrh. Thoy havo visited doc tors ovor and ovor again, nnd been told that their caso is ono of chronic catarrh. It may bo of tho noso, throat, lungs, stomach or como other Internal organ. Thero is no doubt as to the nature of tho disease. Tho only troublo is tho remedy. This doctor has tried to euro Uicm. That doctor has tried to pro scribe for them. No othor household remedy so uni versally advertised carries upon tho label tho principal active constltuonts, showing that Poruna invites tho full inspection of tho critics. Dried Beef Unliko tho ordinary dried beef that sold in bulk Libby's Peerless Dried Occf comes in a sealed glass jar in which it is packed tho moment it is sliced into those delicious thin wafers. None of the rich natural flavor or goodness escapes or dries out. It reaches you fresh and with all tho nutri ment retained. Libby's Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great number of high-grade, ready to servo, pure food products that are prepared in Libby's Grcal While Kilchcn. Just try a package of any of these, such as Ox Tongue, Vienna Sausage, Pickles, Olives, etc., and see how delightfully dif ferent they aro from others youhaveeaton. Libby, McNeill Libby, Chicarjo SIGK HEADACHE Positively cured hy theso Llttlo Pills. They nlno relieve DIh- tress from DyhnotiMii.In. llK"Htluii ami Too Hearty I'.miiir. A jHTfect rem edy tor DlzzhiexR, Nau Ben, DrowHlurKH, Jlnd Tiist e t n l lie Muu I li, Coat- oil TontMie, Pnln lu thu Hill ... Tniirtin t ivifi. They regulate tlio llowcls. Purely Veijctabla. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine IViust Bear FaC'Similo Signature JZa Products I Peerless I CARTER'S I itti r I IfJ i wr- r H PILLS. CARTERS WlTTtE REFUSE SUBSTITUTES T -1