UUicrlcri Society awl ie Jlorth fl'VVTrvrpV-ti'nTTTjrniT VT?AT NOItTII PLATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 1, 190U. NO.' 68 WATCH FOR THE RED SPECIAL! Eugene to to ;o tti i) to to to to to to v to to a to to to to $ to to to to to to (0 s Socialist Party Candidate for President ....... to Will Speak at the North Platte Depot pj w Friday September 4th at Ten O'clock a. m. The Parker Shows. Tho Fireman's Tournament, which will formally open tomorrow, was in a way opened last night, when the doors of tho Parker snows were thrown open. Following a su cessful week in Sid ney, where tho highest of praises has been bestowed on them, tho Parker shows arrived in North Platte Sunday afternoon. As soon as the shows wero unloaded from the trains tho employes wero given a holiday .until Monday morning, when the work of erecting the manyshowB was begun with' a vim. Ono of the principal and the most im- Eortant facts upon which The "Parker hows base their claim of being tho finest and best carnival organization on the road, is Us seal of cleanliness. The thr?o promises mado by the man agement is that tho shows are good and first class, that there is nothing in any matter or form which would shock the sense of morality of tho most scrupulous and gambling is absoluto absent. Simon FiRhman, chairman of tho committee on arrangements of the carnival, which was held in Sidney last week, in a personal letter to the man agement of tho shows says: "Never in tho history of Sidney has tho people been satisfied and more pleased. Tho Parker Shows boar the distinguishing feature of being pure and wholesome all bearing a seat ol cleanliness. They are all worth tho money and the time re quired to witness their performance. "As chairman of the committee having charge of tho carnival I personally re commend tho shows to any city, should thoy desire a carnival company that lives up to its agreements, and one that carrys nothing but tho best and clean est of shows." The shows have all been placed on Dewey and Front streets. ''Tyrolean Alps' , "Electric Theater" and "Halo's Tours" aro situated at Fifth and Dowey streets. Tho "Pleasure Wheel" in which one i3 carried over fifty feet in tho air. is located on Dewey Btreet between Fifth and Sixth street, "l'ar kcr'8 Jumping Horse, Carry-us-all, the' largest and finest in the country, and its $10,000 military band organ is opDo sito "Pharaoh's Daughter" at Sixth and Dowey streets. "Pharaoh's Daughter," is a beautiful l electrical illusion. Tho famous scrpen . tine and glaBs dances are also given in this, the feature show of the company. "The Natural Museum," is nenr Sixth street. Fivoof tho largestsnnkes in captivity of the Annnconda specie of South America aro exhibited. "How Old Is Ann" and tho "Ocean Wave" is located at Front and Dewey streets. Mr. Guilliaume, secretary of tho tournament, is very optimistic in re card to the tournament and predicts ono of the largest crowds over seen in North Platte this week. PERSONAL MENTION. D. E. Morrill traimactcd business in Ogalalla yesterday, going there on a prospective land deal. Miss Ethel Hartley left Sunday morn ing for a week's visit with friends in Denver. Mrs. A. W. Hughes and daughter re turned Saturday from a visit with rel atives at points in Illinois. John Schatz returned to Salt Lake yesterday night aftur having spent sev eral weeks with relatives and friends in town. ... Rev. Longacro returned tho latter part of last week from a visit in Lin coln and held regular services at tho Methodist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Schatz and daughter are spending this week with relatives in Denver, having left for that city Friday morning. Mrs. E. F. Seobergor and Mrs. Neu man left Sunday for a visit with friends at Sigourney, Iown, expecting to bo absent two or three weeks. Elmer Humphrey, of Horshey, leaves today for Lisco, Cheyenne county, where he will take up a residenco on a GlO-acro farm which ho recently pur chased. Miss Ruth Patterson returned to Om aha Sunday night after visiting in town for several weeks. Tho Omaha schools, in which she is employed as teacher, will open next Monday. Frank Stuart left Sunday for Des- Moines. Iowa, where ho will attend the Highland Park College tho coming year and then complete his course in tho Uoso Institute at Terrc Haute. Miss Grace Duncan has tendered her resignation as n teacher in the city schools and will leave shortly for Los Angeles; where she has secured a posi tion in the schools of that city. Paul Goss. who has been spending several weeks in the enstorn part of tho state, will return tonight and ship his household goods to Lincoln, having secured a positiou as instructor in the state university. Mr. and Mrs. James Minshall and daughter Miss Inez, of Oklahoma, uro iruests at the homo of Mrs. B. I. Hin man. havinir arrived Saturday. Mr. Minshall was a business man of North Platte in tho earlier days, leaving here some sixteen years ago. "Hip. Hip, Hooray!" The above head lino is the title of n musical comedy that comes to tho new Lloyd opera house Friday evening, Soptember 11th, with Rico and Cady as the chief dialect manglers, supported by a strong chorus of pretty girls who can sing and danco to perfection. Rice and Cady nro German comedians of tho front end variety, while Harry Shunk does the colored role. The play satirizes college life. School Shoes Firemen's Tournament. The fifteenth annual tournament of the Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's As sociation will open in this city tomor row, and appended below is the official program. Eleven tcsms representing as manv different towns have entered tho contests, nnd each of them will be accompanied by a liberal number of rooters. In addition to these teams there will bo a largo number of towns representatcd by delegations who will not enter tho contests. It is safe to say that tho tournament will bring to town GOO to 800 visitinir flrcmcm. in ad dition to a largo number of othnr visitors. At tho reception at the opera house Wednesday morning short addresses will bo made by Mayor McCabe, Judge Grimes, Rev, J. F. Solbcrt and others. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2. 9:00 n. m. Reception of Visiting Firemen. 1 p. m. Races. A Class, 250 yards, Hoso race straight away: first, $G0. 00, second, $40.00: For the Children. For Sale. For Sale, lot 4, block 79, good fivo room house, electric lights and tele phone, lawn, shade trees, cement side walks. A nice home. Terms very reaBonahlo, Prico $1,700. Also a very comfortable little homo, close in for $900; only about $300 cash is needed to buy this. It is well worth looking up. O. E. Elder. For Sale or Trade. Section 31, town 12, range 30, located ten miles south and one mile west of North Platte: Write C. T. Austin, Lawwrco,iNeb.- v i ? A nice slate in book form given with each pair. SMALL The Big Shoe Man. 5JvI3ewcy-.t. - third. $20.00. Open, 250 yards, Hook and Ladder trnight away; first $60.00; $10.00, third, $20.00. B Class, 250 yards, Hoso straight away; first, 60.00; second, $10.00, third, $20.00. 250 yards, Firemen's Champion race; first, $15.00; second, $10.00; third, $5.00. THURSDAY, SEIT. 3. 9:00 a. m. Firemen's Parade; Larg est Delegation of Visiting Firemen in parade; first $2o.U0; Beconu, $lo.uu. Rest Uniformed Department nnd Ap paratus; first, $25.00; second, $15.00. 10:H0 a. m. 1UU yaniB. wet nose con test; first, $15.00; second, $10.00; third, $5.00. 1:30 p. m. Races. A Class. 250 vnrds. Hose Race: first, $75.00; second, $40.00; third, $30.00. Open, 250 yards, liooK anu i,aucicr race; first, $75.00; second, $40.00; third, $30.00. 100 vard. Counlintr contest: first. 25.00; second, $20.00; third, $15.00. B ClasB. 250 vards. Hose Race: first $75.00; second, $40.00; third, $30.00. Fill DAY, SEPT. 4. 10:00 a. m. Water Fight, $15.00. 1:30 p. m. Races. A Class. 250 vards, State Champion ship Hoso Race; first, $85.00; second, 50.00; third, $25.00. (State Belt) . Upon, Yfv ynrcis, state unampion ship Hook nnd Laddor; first, $85.00; second, $50.00; third, $25.00. (State belt.) B Class, 250 yards, State Champion ship Hose Race: first, $85.00: second, $50.00; third, $25.00. state Championship L,aauer tiiimning Contest, $20.00. State Championship coupling con test; first, $25.00 second, $15.00. 250 yards, t ree-tor-aii nose uaco open to tho world, straignt away: first, $125.00; Becond, $75.00; third $50.00. New Meat Market Firm. Fred Marti and Carl Brodbeck have formed a partnership, purchased tho fixtures of tho Hahlcr meat market, and will open for business as soon as thoy can socuro tho neces sary stock, which will be in n day or two. Tho now firm arc experienced men, nnd will conduct a tlmroughly up-to-dato market. People You Know. T.C. Patterson left last night for Lincoln to attend tho state fair for a day or two and will then go to Iowa to look up a prospective land saio. Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Garlow, who wero guests of Colonel Cody while the show was nt Sioux City, Omaha and Grand Island, returned homo Sunday morning. W. E. Starr, returned Friday evening from Beatrice, where ho was called by the illness of a brother, who died be fore ho reached therd. Death was due to typhoid fever. Neils Rasmussen went to Grand Is land Saturday, attended tho Wild West Show and then met and returned home with Mrs. Rasmussen and daughter, who had been visiting friends in Iown. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Healoy, Mrs. Anna MacCloud, Mrs. John Murray, Mrs. Tnos. Hcalcy and son nnd Miss Mnrgarct Barker formed a party who went to Grand Island Saturday to see the Wild West Show. Master Cody Boal, who had been a ;uest of his grandfather, Colonel W. l Codv with tho Wild West bIiow, arrived homo Sunday morning. Master Boal, while with the show, mado his appearanco in the arena with tho others and attracted considernhlo at tention. Ho was presented with a very fine riding norse by colonel Cody. Buchanan & Patterson's Bar gain List. A nice four room cottage, barn. buildings, lawn, shade trees and water. Price $1,000.00. Terms $400. cash and balance in monthly payments, less than rent. Japs Buy Midway Restaurant. Harry Lnntz hns sold ho Midway restaurant on Front street to Ben Nn knshima nnd Rich! Ugni, who took pos session at midnight Friday. Ugal has been porter at tho Pacjfic hotel for several years, nnd has also engaged in contracting labor for the caro of sugar beets. Nakashimahas been conducting a restaurant at Lexington for some time. Both speak the English language fluently. Tho new proprietors nnnounco that they will after a time refit tho place with new furnishings and conduct tho plnce in n thoroughly up-to-date manner. out city A cood fivo room cottage, large barn, out buildings, lawn, big shade trees, and citv water, rrlco $1500.00. Term $500.00 cash and bnlancoinsmall month ly payments less than ront. An extra good cottage, six rooms, out buildings, city water, sewer con nections and cement wnlKs, only lour blocks from the court house. $1600.00 Terms $600.00 cash and balance small monthly payments less than rent. A new frame cottage six rooms and outbuildings, cement walks in second ward 8 blocks from court house. Price $1800.00. Terms $600.00 cash and bal ance small monthly payments. A fine cottage of six rooms, good out buildings, plumbing, city water, lawn, nnd shade trees, only threo blocks from the court house in becond ward, rrlco $2100.00. Terms $700.00 cash and bal ance on monthly payments less than rent. Donation to Band. Messrs. Weingand and Bnre, as n committee, asked for free will offerings Saturday for the benefit of tho cornet band nnd received about $100.00. It was gratifying to the committee to find that everybody felt kindly toward the band and gave their offerings freely. Everyono realizes that tho band is an excellent ono and npnrc ciato tho concerts thnt hnvo been given during the summer. Those who wero not whited upon by the commlttco nnd wish to contribute, can hand their do nation to Mr. Weingand. Will Extend Road Twenty Miles. Foreman of construction Johnson, who has charge of tho work on tho North River branch, spent yesterday in town, and to The Tribune man stated that orders had been issued to lay tho track twenty miles west of OshkoMi. This steel will be laid as soon as tho necessary material arrives, and it is daily expected. While orders hnvo not yet been issued to extend the track to Northnort. which is forty-five miles west of Oah kosh, it is considered almost certain that the road will reach that point be fore snow flies. Graders nro placing tho roadbed in shape through to North port, and this is assurance thnt the lino will be constructed to thnt point. Western Outlet for Third Ward A petition is now beintr circulated for signntutes' asking tho cotfuty"c0mmis sioners to open a road from the west end of Twelfth street, in tho Third wnrd, through to tho public road run ning north nnd south at tho west lino of the Cody ranch land. This rond will give the people of the Third ward u much needed outlet to the west. At present they aro compelled to cross the tracks at tho Willow street cross ing and thenco west on tho south sido. borne time ngo an effort wns mado to extend n road west from tho end of Eighth street, but the damage allowed land owners by tho commissioners viewing tho road were greater than tho commissioners considered fair, henco that proposition was dropped. Former North Platter Wounded. James S. Smith, u former North Platto resident, and a step-son of Wil liam Coleman, of this city, was badly wounded at Cheyenno last Friday night whilo attempting to floo from officers who sought his arrest on the charge of burglary. for Homo timo past stores in chov- enne, as well as box cars in tho rail road yards of that city, have been bur glarizcd, nnd finally suspicion fastened on Smith, nnd n search of his premises revealed about three thousand dollnrs worth of merchandise of every descrip tion. When confronted by tho officers Smith tried to escape, and was shot twice, one bullet enterinir his, nrm. tho other lodging in his groin. for three years bmlth had been em ployed by the gns and electric light company as a meter reader, and whilo in the dischnrgu or theso duties ho be came familiar with houses and stores, which ho would later enter nnd plunder. Ranch for Sale. Ono nnd one-half sections. All smooth land good dark soil. Situated about 12 miles S. E. of North Platte, and about 5 miles from the laid out town of Bignell. Fenced and cross fenced. btocked with cuttle, horses and liocrs. Also n full line of farm implements. About 65 acres of growing crops, For further particulars call at residenco on S. E. 1 Sec. 12. T. 12, R. 30 or address Guss Dicncr. North Platte, Neb. Wo will assist any reliable parties I part of the cash payment required : any of tho above properties. With thei opportunities for acauirinir nice home there is no excuso for nv ono to niiv I rent. . . MUCHANAN fit I'ATTEflSQN County Supt. Ebright snys that to thirds of tho rural schools of tho coun ty are scheduled to open next Mondny. A fow of these are still short of teach ers, duo in soino measure to tho non acceptance by teachers after arrange ments satisfactory to them nnd tho board had boon made. The schools are, however, more fully supplied with teachers this year than last, and as a result tho work will open in n more satisfactory condition. Week after next Supt, Ebright will start out on n tour of inspection nnd will aim to visit each school in the county. He will start out Monday morning of each week and return Fndnv ovonintr. giving him it chanco to devote Saturday to ofllco work. Tho land buyers como from tho Middlo States. Through a hundred local agents I am in touch with the buyer. I can sell good land nt fair prices anywhere in Nebraska. Writo mo nhnut vnura. Chnn. T. Knnntt. Mid. die-West Farms and Ranches, Lincoln Nebraska. Card of Thanks. Wo hereby extend to nil our friends nnd neighbors our heartfelt thanks for their kindness in searching for tho body f our little Merle nnd for nil tholr services to us in our sad affliction. ClIAS. I'OKTEUFIEM), ESTELLA PoilTEIlHIEM). Hunters . . Attention! Is ur dog in tin; best of shape for the hunting season? We are agents for Dent's Dog Remedies. They are the only prepara tions prepared by a regular dog specialist who is a regular graduate in both human and veterinary medicine. Schiller & Co., Family Druggists. First dooiJrtrH)f ilr.5t.Nat'l Bank. thus each rich New French Cleaner. II . R. Rccso, of tho North Plnlio Pantntorium, clothes cleaner and pres sor, has bought nFronch drv cleaner and extractor for cleaning clothes, ovnr coats, silk, satin nnd wool skirts, ladies' furs, rugs, fur rugs nnd lap robes nnd in fact anything in tho clothes cleaning line. It is not to bo construed that this French dry elenner nnd ex tractor Is n man or a woman, for it is. not; it is u new machine that ho has' bought which cleans clothes by n dry process, nnd is something new in tho clothes cleaning line. This machine not only cleans clothes thoroughly but does it quickly. It mnkes old clothes now and tho specimens Mr. Reeso will dis play shows what tho machine will do. This devico hns been purchased by Mr. Recso at an expense thnt is not war ranted, but he hopes 4 bo sufficiently compensated by increased business for tho additional' expense. Tho corps of teachers in tho Brady schools tho coming year will bo ns fol lows: J. A. True, principal, Miss Ber tlm BnnkH of North Platto assistant principal and Misses Beth Cunningham, knto Grcenloaf and Lucy Brown in tho grades. School will open noxt Monday. Double LL SG-lnch Shooting, regular prlco 8 cents, now Q conta per yard nt Tun Leadeu. Theatre Picture Show. BENEFIT For Ladies' Auxiliary to the 6. of L. F. & E. Wednesday, Sept. 2d. PROGRAM "Curious Mrs. Curio" "The False Coin" "Fire Fighting, Old and New" "Complicated Duel" ' "The Road to Ruin" Songs "Man v ith the Ladder and the Hose" . "Kitty Karey" Admission Ten Cents to All Thea.tre Picture Show "0 Get Your Boys Ready for School. You will want your boys to look dressy when you send them to school. The Leader just received a large assortment in all sizes and patterns of chil dren's suits, in Knickerbockers or plain pants. A special offer will be given to fix your boys out in a suit,hat or cap, mother's friend waist, a pair of hose and a pair of shoes. Come in and see what great induce ment we have to offer. THE LEADER CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.