The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 14, 1908, Image 6

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IRA L. DARE, Publisher
Something of Congress, Political Gos
sip Here and There, and News and
Notes of General Character.
Chairman Muck and Bryan con
ferred evor the- long dlstunco telu
jihono In regard to Bpeclnl rates to
tho notification nt Lincoln which tho
railroads wore unwilling to grant.
I,ntcst rcturnH give Brlstow strong
lend for republican noinlnttoo for
United StatuH senator In Kansas Irl
niarlcB, Goncral II. C. Corhln In an Interview
declares Judge Tail wan not rospon
nlblo for tho ordor dismissing negro
Elmer Dover, It Is claimed, will re
sign as secretary of tho republican na
tional committee.
Vlco Presidential Candidate. Kern
nnyi) tho democratic outlook Is good.
Judgo Taft, tho presidential candi
date, toolt a forty mile overland trip
to a West Virginia horse show.
Brlstow dofeuted Long for the hoiiu
torla'l nomination In Knusns.
Judge Alton II. Parker spoko for tho
Bryan & Kern ticket nt Los Angeles.
V. J. Hryan ngreos to speak at tho
Minnesota statu fair, lie is assured
that John A. Johnson will tako the
Btuinp In his behalf.
Word has been received by Chair
man Mack from William J. Ilryan, In
which tho nominee expresnos plcasuro
nt tho dogreo of progress of tho demo
cratic campaign and tho hollef thnt ho
will bo elected to tho presidency.
Senator Allison's funeral ut Dtibu
quo on Saturday waH largely attended,
distinguished men from all over tho
country being present.
Secretary of State Junkln of No
hraskn holds that domocruts when en
dorsed by tho populist state conven
tion, may go on both ballots.
Judge Taft has consented to mnko a
political speech at the rally of Virginia
Nolghbors of Dr. P. L. Hall congrat
ulated him on election to tho vlco
chulrmanslilp of tho domocrnttc na
tional committee.
Sonator Burkutt of Nebraska has
finished his chnutauquu work, and
henceforth will dovoto his tlmo to
cnmpalgn work.
An Important conference to outllno
n plan of campaign In Now York stnto
was hold by Normi.u 10. Mack, chair
man of tho democratic committee,
with Charles 1 Murpny, loader ot
Tammany hall.
Tho monthly crop report shows tho
condition of wheat and coin below tho
ton-year average.
A rocclvor was appointed for tho us
tato of Harry K. Thnw, who Hied a
petition In bankruptcy at Pittsburg.
Tho preliminary test of Captain
Baldwin's dirigible balloon was a suc
cess. It traveled flvo miles at u rato
of twenty miles an hour and executed
a number of difficult evolutions under
perfect control.
Tho Chicago Croat Western railway
somes to tho aid of tho Omaha grain
market by announcing a cut In niton
which will protect the Omahn Grain
Senator Allison died nt Dnbuquo, his
homo, In his 80t'' year of ago. Ho had
boon unwoll moro or loss for tho past
two yoars, but his last sovoro Illness
was for about two weeks, tho sonator
being unconscious Heveral days beforo
his death. For forty-throo years ho hud
boon In the public servlco, serving
olght years In the lower housu of con
gress and thlrty-llvo years In the
sonato. Ills unexpired term In tho
ronnto will bo filled out by appoint
ment h' (lov. Cummins.
Hnrrlmnn says tho railroad corpora
tions hnvo no choice as between Tuft
and Ilryan.
Congressman J. A, T. Hull snys
Iowa will bo strong for Taft and that
nontlment Is In favor of postponing
tho Bonntorlal tight until after the
Tho Chlcngo Croat Western has filed
tariffs announcing a cut In grain rates
from Omahn to Chicago and St. Pnul.
Moses C. Wetmoio of St. Louts has
been appointed chalrmnu of tho demo,
crntlo committee on 11 nance. Senator
Culberson will bo chairman ot ad
visory committee Instead ot D. P.
Francis who Is In Kuropu.
Loss of life by forest tires In British
Columbia Is placed ut 125. Several
thousands are homeless and great suf
fering exists.
Hull weather reports sent wheat und
corn up 3 rents nnd caused excitement
on tho Chicago Hoard of Trade.
Victor L. Mnson of Now Jorsoy has
been nppoluted nsslstnut secretary of
tho natlonul republican committee He
will hnvo churgo ot tho New York of
flco. Samuel Gompers denied that ho
eald ho could deliver tho labor vote.
Dr. Wilbur Crafts of Washington
advocates tho shutting the gates of
freedom, admitting only u select row
ImmlgrnptH, Including orlentala, the
fitness of foreigners to be dturmlnod
Jby a commltrolou.
Hnrrlmnn, the railroad magnate, do
clnres the country Is going to settle
upon a sounder basis.
Special days arc being nrranned for
agricultural colloges. governors of
states, children and Nebraska nt Iho
National Corn exposition to be held
111 Omaha December 0 to 10.
Hoy Knahenshuo, the neronnut of
Toledo, O., will nttompt to break tho
world's record for a dirigible airship
on September 12, when he will start
from Denver tor Omaha, a dlstnco of
R38 miles.
Sccrctnry of State Junkln of Ne
braska heard the protests of Victor
Itoscwater nnd others to tho uso of
tho namo populist by tho democrats.
Four Columbus (Ohio) men have
offered n finger each for $300 to A. C.
llalloux of Wheeling, W. Va.. who lost
his digits In an Ico cream freezer re
call tly.
It Is unlikoly that Cortelyou will
mako the race for the ropubllean nom
ination for governor of New York.
Dr. Frledorlck K. H. von Lucitnu!,
chief of Emperor William's o-called
civil cabinet, died on the 3d
Said Pasha, tho grand vlr.lcr, anil
tho newly formed ministry have re
signed. The sultan Invited Lomal
Icdlu Kffendl, tho Sheik ul Kslnm and
Klnmll Pasha to form a now cabinet
Tho engagement of tho Karl of Clan
carty to Marry Kills, daughter of n
Yorkshire bnrrlBter, Is publicly un
nounced. Tho earl Iioh been innrrled be
foro. His llrst wlfo, now dend, was
Hello Hilton, :i bautlful music hull
Notwithstanding frequent denials
tho Krupp works apparently hnvo ac
quired tho rights to tho air torpedo,
Invented by Colonel Ungo of tho
Swedish army, under conditions thnt
tho Swedish government Is free to uso
tho device.
Third rank mong tho nnvles of tho
world Is accorded that of Japan by tho
expertH of tho Herman Navy League.
In the August Senllet, which contains
Information on various navut subjects
prepared by specialists, and often de
rived from sources.
Estrada Cabrera, president of Gnat
omnia, has roloased forty-three polit
ical prisoners, according to a dispatch
received at tho state department from
American Minister Ilelmku. Of this
numbor thirty-two wore GuntemnlMits.
six Hondurnns nnd live NlenrngiiaiiH.
Tho new constitution of Turkey was
formally consecrated Sunday, nnd the
sultnn wnlked among his people for
tho first tlmo sluco his ascnuslun In
Congressman Hull of Iown paid a
trlbuto to tho Into Sonator Allison,
whoso loss, ho said, will bo felt by the
whole country as woll ns In Iowa. So
nator Allison ho declared to bo one cf
tho grontest loaders any stnto has ever
produced, a man who did moro In the
Inst forty years to keep together tho
republican party In Iowa than any oth
er man.
Tho govornor of Iowa, In his pro
clamation announcing tho death of
Senator Allison snys: It has bocomo
my sorrowful duty to ofllclnlly an
nounce to tho people ot Iown the
death of Sonntor William H. Allison,
which occured nt his homo In Dubuque
on tho 4th In irt.. During thu brief life
of tho commonwealth, Iowa has given
many dintln 'ushod men to the pub
Ho sorvlco, but no ono of them tins sur
passed In worth or distinction tho man
whoso death wo now mourn. His long
enreer In tho sonato, full of faithful,
patient devotion to duty, nindo him the
most prominent flgitro In legislative
life, and his Inllucnco was deeply felt
In nil tho aftnlrs of government. His
momory will long ho cherished In tho
patriotic hearts of his countrymen.
Sonator Hurkett of Nebraska was
appointed by the vlco president as n
membor of tho committee on behalf of
tho sonato to attend tho funeral of
Sonator Allison. Tho funeral was held
In tho Into senator's homo In Dubuque,
In., on Saturday, August 8.
VIco-Presldont Fairbanks doslgnnted
tho following sonutors to attend Sena
tor Allison's funeral: Dolllvor, Frye,
Cullom, Teller, anlllngor, Ulklns, Nel
son, Hncon, Fornkor, Penrose, Hovor
tdgo, Culberson, Kcnn, McCumber,
Gamble, Simmons, Hcyburn, Long,
Hurkett, Cnrter, La Folletto, Haynor,
Warner, Smith (Michigan), Urown,
Johnson and Paynter.
Mini), Melba has been engnged to
slug In New York nnd Philadelphia In
December next prior to her tour of
Karly returns from tho primaries In
dicate that MUsourl democrats have
noinlnntod W. S. Cowherd for gover
nor nnd tho Kansas republicans W. It.
12. H. Hnrrlmi.ii stopped a fow hours
In Omahn on his trnnscontlnontiil trip.
Ho says all that Is needed to put busi
ness gnck to a normal basis la co-operation
and rationalism,
James Alexander Dowlo, brother of
tho late "Klljnh IIP of 7.1on City fame,
will como to Omaha for n flvo months'
mission. Ho will establish a second
Zlon City In tho Nebraska metropolis.
Govoruor Cummins has announced
Hint ho will bo a candldato for tho
seat vacated by tho doath of Sonator
Senator W. H. Allison of Iowk dlen
at his homo In Dubuque, In,, In his
80th year. His Illness liad boon pro
trncted. Ho was n man long active In
public life, having been eight yenrs In
tho houso nnd thlrty-tlvo years In tho
Mr. Taft says ho Is satisfied to havo
Iho plain title of "Hill."
Richard V. Oulahan is to havo
churgo of nil Iho lltornry work of the
republican nntlouul committee.
Entire City In Mourning and All Busi
ness Suspended In Respect to
the Distinguished Dead.
Dubuque, In. -As he lived, so was
Senator William It. Allison burled Sat
urday In a manner devoid of nil os
tentation. Services were hold at tho
residence of tho dead statesman and,
while not of a private character, tho
limited accommodations of tho homo
permitted only tho presence of tho
distinguished visitors, tho relatives
nnd the most Intimate friends of tho
late senator. The services were sim
ple and consisted of the reading of
the Twenty-third Psalm, the Ilftnonth
chapter of the Kplstlo to tho Corin
thians, and a prayer. Hev. J. T. Her
gen of tho Westminister Presbyterian
church officiated. There was no mu
sic. Tho Interment was private, and
after tho Presbyterlnn committal sorv
lco had bcon rend by Dr. Horgon tho
body of thu senator was lowered Into
Its last resting placo on tho hillside
which overlooks tho Mississippi river.
All Dubuque paid silent trlbuto to
the memory of Senator Allison. Dur
ing the hours of the funeral not n
wheel turned throughout tho city and
ovory business, house closed Its doors.
Flags hung at half mnst from public
buildings and hundreds of homes nnd
business houses were trimmed with
crepe. A most effective fonturo was
thu winding with black and whito of
the trolley poles throughout tho main
thoroughfare of the city.
Tho body of Senator Allison lay In
stnto Friday afternoon mid evening,
and thoUbiiudK of people called to pay
a Ilnal tribute of respect. Tho only
lloral tributes were u blanket of
American beauty roses, complctoly
covering the cusket, an emblem of
tho Loyal Legion and thu national
Tho pall bearers wero all residents
ot tho city and Intimate friends of
the senator. ,
Many distinguished visitors wero In
ntteudnncu nt tho funeral. Hesldes
thu inombers of thu congressional
commit tcu niuuod by Vlco President
Fulrbnnks and Speaker Cannon, there
was a largo delegation from Do.i
Mollies, consisting of Governor Cum
mins und other statu officers, Tho
Dos Moines party brought with It a
beautiful llonil blanket six nnd one
half feet long and three feot wldo.
Tho border wna of white carnations
und In the center, wrought in red,
was tho word "Iowa." In three of
the corners were clustors of lilies of
the valloy, and in tho fourth, fastened
by n ribbon, wero tho dntes "18G3
1908," thoso marking the duration of
his official life In Washington,
Tho grave of Senator Allison Is In
the futility lot In Lin wood comctery.
A modest niurhlo shaft, bearing the
slnglo word "Allison. wns erected on
tho lot twonty yenrs ago. Tho grave
In close to that In which Is burled
tho body of tho luto Speaker David
11. Henderson.
Death Leaves a Void In Senate Not
Easily Filled.
Wnshlngton Tho death of Senator
William lloyd Allison, while not
wholly unexpected, camo at u most
Inopportune time by reason of political
conditions In Iowa. His death will
leave a void In thu Honato that cannot
euslly be filled, for Sonntor Alison oc
cupied a most nil I quo position, not
only In tho senate, but In tho country
us well.
Ah chairman of tho commltteo on
appropriations ho litis dtspouscd moro
millions than any man In tho history
of the nation, und In his treatment ot
the great supply bills of congress ho
ceased to bo a partisan and becamo
the statesman Invoking nil his powers
for the public weal.
Although a man ot fow friendships
ami, In a large sense, a rather reticent
man, William 11. Allison had tho con
fidence of both republicans und demo
crats In the upper branch of tho na
tlonul legislature
Now York. Miner E. Dover of
Ohio has resigned his position ns
secretary of thu republican national
committee, and will becomo the secre
tary of an advisory committee which
Is to work with Georgo H. Sheldon,
trensurer of tho national commltteo,
William Hnyward of Nebraska City,
Neb,, who has been republican chalr
mnu In his statu for the year last past,
has been nppoluted secretnry of tho
national commltteo and will bo given
charge- of the western headquarters at
Chicago, In tho absence of Mr. Hitch
cock. Japan Crowding to Front.
Tlaron, Manchuria Japan Is respon
sible for tho Introduction of the Ameri
can rallfay system luto custom Asln,
hut It Is rapidly taking to Itself the
trndu in railroad equipment and ma
terial was thrown In the beginning to
American maufucturors. Thu reasons
for this aro, first, tho poor quality of
tho materials and tho Inferior work
manship used In tho American pro
duct, nnd second, thu ability of the
Japanoso to dujillcnto tho America1)
rolling stock at lower prlcos, oven de
livering a hotter nrtlclo.
Items of Greater or Lesser Impor
tance Over the State.
Charley Landreth of Oconto, 1C years
old, was thrown from n horse nnd In
stantly killed.
Tho annual Gago County Teachers
Institute will bo held In Heatrlco
August 24 to 28.
A bank has been organized nt
Crookston, a small town west of Val
entine. It Is capitalized at $10,000,
Tho sixteenth nnntinl reunion of tho
Old Settlers' association of Cherry nnd
Keya Paha counties wlH bo hold at
Sparks, Neb.
Tho village board of trustees cf
Bralnord recently levied nn occupa
tion tnx on nearly every lino ot busi
ness In the town.
The people of Cook, Johnson county,
will call a special election to voto
bonds In the sum of $10,000 for a nuw
brick school house.
Wnyno's second nnnunl chautauqua
assembly Ik closed. , Tho session last
ed eight days and was a complete suc
cess. All oxpenseB wero met by ro
celpts. The Cedar county fair will be held
September 1C, 17 and 18. Tho summer
races wero hold July 3 and 4, and the
fall fair will bo devoted mostly to ex
hibits. Tho executive commltteo of the
Cuming County Old Settlers' nsrocln
Hon has fixed upon Thursday, August
27, as tho date for tho annual picnic
nnd reunion.
A stock company to promote a
creamery enterprise hns been organ
ized at Crab Orchard and n sufficient
nmount of stock sold to warrant tho
establishment of n plant.
Georgo Huchll.a woll to do farmer
living a couple of miles west ot Powell,
in Jefferson county, committed suicide
by shooting himself. There was ap
parently no cnuse for tho act.
Stato Superintendent J. McUrlcn
and his family have been visiting
Johnson county relatives. Tho super
intendent snys tho story that has gono
out of tho shortngo of teachers In Ne
braska Is not correct.
Threshing hns commenced In the vi
cinity of Sutherland. Much wheat
will run about forty bushels, and oats
will go as high as sixty bushels to
tho acre. Corn Is considered by tVa
farmers to be "mnde."
Tho real ostato belonging to Andrew
Hlgglns of Nemaha county, who was
killed to mo time ngo In a runaway,
has been divided among tho three
sons nnd ono daughter. There wero
about 900 acres of land.
At tho recent special school elc
tlon In Sutherland, bonds to tho
amount of $2,500 wero voted. This
sum la to go toward Installing a heat
Ing plant In thu school building and
building a two-room addition.
Tho telegraph Instruments have
been taken out ot the station nt Lush
ton without notice. Tho patrons of
tho Burlington routo say thoy will not
submit to what thoy call an outrage.
Tho railroad business of tho place Is
$30,000 a year.
Mrs. Oliver Starkey, who was shot
by her husband near Palmer, Is be
lieved to be on the road to recovery.
Although her sldo was riddled with
blrdshot, sho has shown remarkable re
cuperative powers. It Is feared though
that sho will lose ono of her arms.
While Chnrlos Dendlnger nnd Georgo
Porter were working on tho top of a
scaffold around a hny stacker In Cedar
county, tho mnchlno fell with them.
Portor foil underncnth tho tlmberB
Ho wns badly crushed and it Is thought
ho will riot recover. Tho other mnn
was bady bruised.
At St. Paul Information was tiled
ngalnst Oliver Starkey, charging him
with assault with intent to kill his di
vorced wlfo recently In Gago Valley,
Howard county. Tho complaint was
filed by Miss 15. Scott, a sister of tho
Injured woman. Starkey waived exa
mination and was bound over to tho
noxt November term of tho district
Two mon, Joy Wright and Georgo
Fogls, mombers of tho nntlonal guard,
encamped near AshlMid, woro drowned
In tho Plntto river. Both woro mem
bers of Company C, N. N. G., of Ne
braska City. Tho drowned nro Goorgo
Fogls, aged 21, a farmer living near
Nobraska City, nnd Joy Wright, a
olork In a grain office in that city. Both
wero born ut that placo. Neither could
nen Uhland, a young farmer near
Humboldt, reports a curiosity In tho
shnpu of an eyeless duck, hatched out
a fow weeks since. Tho fowl runs
about with the rcmnlndor of tho brood
and seems able to securo food, even
without eyes. Tho freak showB abso
lutely no signs of eyes, laBhcs or cavi
ties, but is othorwlse a perfectly
formod fowl.
A coyote scnlp swindle has been
brought out In Buffalo county by
Sheriff Snmmons. John Bacon, Janitor
nt court houso, Lloyd Doets, Abo Swln
yor and nine nccmpllces have been ar
rested nnd given preliminary honrlngs
and all except ono havo plendod guilty.
Bneon secured. scalps from tho county
clerk's office and hid them In the
bollor room and Deets and Swlnyor
would get same and resell them at
John IL Dwyer, of McCook, a white
man, married, with wlfo and two chil
dren, wns bound over to tho noxt term
of district court In nnd for Red Wil
low county, chnrged with nn attmopt
it committing rapo on two young Bus
slon glrlu of this city each aged ten
Following Is the mortgage report
for Gago county for tho month of July:
Number of farm mortgages filed, 10;
amount, $30,887; number of farm mort
gages released, C; amount, $1G,600;
number of city mortgages filed, 2G;
nmount, 127,560; number of city mort
gages released, 1C; amount, $8,230,
The State Board of Equalization Has
Agreed on Raises Which May
Increase the Roll.
Tho stnto board of equalization has
agreed upon several sweeping chnnges
In the land assessments returned from
the several counties which will stand
unless representatives from theso
counties como beforo tho board with
good reason why they should not. Tho
proposed raises will mnko a consider
able Increase In tho total assessment
Several counties havo been left na
tlsry wore nnd eight havo been grant
ed reductions, most of them slight.
Tho raises aro all tho way from flvo
to sixty per cent. Tho following stale
ment has been Issued by tho board, In
dicating Its position and giving com
parison of tho average land values ns
returned by tho several counties and It
Is proposed to raise them by tho board.
Following Is tho statement by the
Tho stato hoard of equalization has
found that It Ik necessary to mako u
good many chnnges by counties in or
der to mako a uniform assessment.
This Is true not only In regard to tho
several classes of personal property,
but also as regards tho assessment of
real estate.
It Is tho Judgment of the board that
It will bo necessary to raise tho valuo
of land In thirty-nine counties and to
reduce eight, thus leaving tho assess
ment as far as land Is concerned in
forty-two counties thu same as was
returned by the county assessor. Ow
ing to the Importance of tho real
estato assessment tho board has de
termined to notify tho assessor of tho
counties of tho proposed changes nnd
request them to appear beforo tho
board If they have any objections to
tho changes proposed by tho board.
Final action on tho land assessment
will not ho made until sufficient tlmo
hns been given for tho assessors to
appear beforo the board.
Governor Offers Reward.
Governor Sheldon has issued tho
following proclamation ot reward for
tho npprehenslon of tho murder of
Mrs. Jasper Blowsnnke, killed by Jas
per Blowsuako In Thurston county on
July 18, 1908:
"Wherens, Upon good and sufficient
showing made by tho county coroner
of Thurston county, Nebraska, that on
or nbout the 18th day ot July, A. D
1908, In the county of Thurston, state
of Nobraska, Mrs. Blowsnako was
brutally and feloniously assulted by
Jasper Blowsnake, which resulted In
her death, and
"Wherens, Tho said Jasper Blow
snake Is a fugitive from Justice and Is
secreting himself In some place un
known and
"Whoreas, As a protection to so
ciety, as well as the enforcement of
tho criminal code, and as a means of
leading to tho prompt apprehension
and punishment of such nn act, tho
law provides that upon receipt of such
Information tho governor shall Issue
his proclamation offering a rewnrd
for the arrost of tho person commit
ing such crime. Said reward to bo
payable on a certlflcnto given under
seal of tho court that the person ar
rosted nnd Indicted committed the act
charged In the Indlctmen, now,
"Theroforo, I, Georgo Lnwson Shel
don, governor of the state of Nebras
ka, by virtue ot the authority vested
in mo by law do hereby, by this m;
proclamation, offer n reward of two
hundred ($200.00) dollars for the ap
prehension of tho murderor of snld
Mlrs. Blowsnnke, conditioned ns afore
said, and said reward continuing for
a period of six months from and after
this date, nnd I do especially enjoin
upon till sheriffs, constnblos and peace
officers of this state diligent effort to
bring the murderer to speedy justice."
To Equalize Standard.
Tho presidents of tho two state nor
mal schools held a conference with
tho state examining hoard to determ
Ino on some standard of requirements
for tho private schools which aro al
lowed by the Nobraska law to grant
life professional teacher's certificates.
The board of examiners Is made tho
Inspection body of these prlvato
schools, nnd Just now they nro turn
ing out several hundred graduates at
the close ot tho summor session. Tho
stnto normal schools have a certain
standard of excellence which they re
qulro of graduates. The examining
board is desirous of making tho
maximum of tho private schools as
high as the minimum of tho stntu
schools. This, under tho lnw, Is all
they can do.
Petition for a Tetophone.
J. E. Hart. A. I Clem, J. H. Nobor
gall and A. A. Hawley, all ot York
county, havo petitioned tho railway
commission to make the Northwestern
put a telephone In Its passenger sta
tion at Gresham. A largo proportion
of tho citizens of York county are on
tho lines of the York County Telephono
company, an Independent concorn
which does not pay toll to tho tole
phono trust. The railroad company
has tv trust 'phono In Its place, hut re
fuses to recognize tho Independent
State Board Find This Causes Diffi
culty In Assessment.
Another bunch of assessors appeared'
beforo tho Stato Board of Equalization
to protest against an Increase In tho
value of real estate. The represontr.
tlv from Cherry county made a vigor
ous protest against a 40 per cent boost.
Land in this county is assessed at (l
cents an acre and the board contemp
lates an Increnso to 95 cents. A mem
ber'of tho bonrd did a little figuring
nnd reported that the 40 per cent In
crenso would mean tho payment of
$1.08 In taxes on a section of land
more than Inst year, or 27 cents In
crease on a quarter section.
At this time it Is Impossible to tell'
whnt will be done with tho contemplat
ed Increase In lands In several of the
counties. While there have been pro
tests ngalnst nny Increase over the re
turn of the assessors, some of the pro
tests hnvo been rathor feeble. Ono
protestant admitted that ns a general"'
proposition the Increase was deserved,
but the trouble had been with tho
county board In not properly equal
izing between the various townships.
The schedules this year used by the
assessors have proven superior to the
blanks of last year and previous years,
especially In the forms used tor the
assessment of live stock, horses and'
mules. This year there is space re
served for listing tho ago of tho
nnlmals. Heretofore the llvo stock
was returned by number and valueM
and the board had no way of knowing!
the ago of the animals. This made
equalization between counties prac
tically n guess, as some assessors In
cluded right young nnlmnls while oth
ers did not.
Seven Days Without Rain.
Thu week was warm and dry, wit li
nn excess of sunshine. Clear weath
er prevailed, except on Tuesday and"
on Thursdny, when partly cloudy
weather was quite general.
Tho mean temperature for the week
was between 74 degrees and 78 de
grees, which Is nn average ot about
2 degrees above tho normal. Tho
dally maximum temporal tiro exceoded
90 degrees very generally, except on
Thursdny und Friday, when It wns
to 10 degrees lower. At a few places
the weekly maximum was 100 degrees,
or slightly nbove.
The rainfall wns holow tho normal'
In all parts of the state. Local show
era occured Monday, Tuesday and'
Thursdny, but (ho rainfall was gener
ally less thnn n quarter of an Inch.
Druggists Are Willing.
A delegation of Lincoln druggists
visited Food Commissioner Johnson'
to consider tho proposition of prosecu
tions under tho pure food laws of sales
of headache powders which havo tho
Ingredients not stnmpcd on the pack
age. Under the law an exception wus
made In tho labeling of drugs wherein
goods on hands April 1, 1908, did not
have to bo branded. Hence it comes
about that headache powders nro
usually branded "O. H. April 1, 1908."
More than 200 suits havo been insti
tuted alrendy against dealers regard-)-less
of the brand mark, signifying thnt
they were on hands. It Is the attitude
of tho food commissioner that tho
morchnnt must prove that tho goods
were in his stock before the law went
Into effect. The Lincoln druggists
nsked that prosecutions he held In
nboyunce until tho druggists of tho
stnto could get together and ngreo to
brand all materials, regardless of
whether they wero on hnnds at tho
time tho law wont Into effect or not.
Tho druggists declared that thoy had
no disposition to avoid the law but
had not understood the full Import of
tho commissioner's nttltude. They
havo called a mooting at which local
druggists will formulate a plan pre
paratory to a call for a meeting of
druggists from all over tho state.
Meanwhile prosecutions thnt have
been stnrted will bo continued.
Dirty Bakeries.
Mrs. MacMurphy, Inspector In tlie
pure food department, is getting to
gether a voluminous report on the
condition In the bakeries of Omaha.
In genornl, of tho sixty bakeries, one
third nre found to bo dirty nnd In nerd
of renovntlon beforo patrons can hope
to get sanltnry products from them.
This Is n hotter showing thnn wnB
made In Lincoln, whore of thirteen
bakeries examined eight were found
to bo unclean nnd unsanitary.
Hotels Expecting a Rush.
Tho hotels of Lincoln nro oxpectlng
big crowds In town from now until'
nfter tho state fair. Tho assembly
crowd which is now hero, Is not much
of nn asset for the hotels, except for
tho few meals the campers buy nt tho
lunch counters nnd dining rooms of
tho hotels, but thero are a few who
attend the assembly from city hotels,
preferring them to tho uncertainty of
camp life. Tho big crowd Is expected
during tho stnto fair. Preparations
nre being made to entertain crowds
bigger than evor this year.
Fight on Prison Contract,
The central labor union of this city
Is making a fight on prison made
goods and In this effort nttempted 'o
influonco stato officers whllo tho con
tract for tho prison labor wns under
discussion. At tho Inst meeting of tho
central union, slnco tho contract was
made, resolutions wero passed de
nouncing tho Btnto officers for enter
ing Into this contract without Inviting
representatives of organized labor to
appear beforo tho board. This 1
termed In tho resolutions "an Insult to.
organized Inbor."